The hard to believe, fully-fledged computer by Commodore. Full ASCII keyboard, 9 inch CRT and a tape cassette, all-in-one. lightweight unit. 14K ROM and 8K RAM. expandable to 32K. Delivery from stock or 30 days. Portable, affordable and un- believable For Home and Olfice. $1,200. Ask for Ben and receive with 2001 purchase, lree graphic games, blackjack and osero. 181 Yonge St. Newmarket World renowned Yamaha pianos & organs. Special prices. Special service. Bank financing. 895-9861 898-2406 DISHWASHER, Wesiinghouse $75. Kenmore upright vacuum cleaner with attachments, S75. lce»cream maker, manual. never used, 815, 4 It, black \Iight plus future. 315 883-3505 Evgs BED Chesterfield (2). with end table, 3100. Box swing and mattress. as new, night table and tall boy, $150, or best offer. 884-8704. WINDOW air conditioners, (2), 2 chairs, ï¬replace. 889-8679 evgs 2 window UI’MS‘ bargain mice. F Call GARAGE sale. 113 Lucas Street. ‘ Richmond Hill. June 30 and July lst‘ Furniture. dushes. bucycles‘ collectables, toys‘ GARAGE doors, pan of 8 ft. steel doors. $25. 889-3246. 2 BICYCLES, HI-rise, 3 speed. 884 2769. Bales, in the field. $1.25 per bale C. MASHINTER AIR-CONDITIONER, 9.500 BTU‘s apaltment model. $185. 883-4417 AIR CONDITIONER. 8000 8105‘ Lady Kenmove partable washing machine. 884-3675. PIANOS & ORGANS PET 2001 AIR CONDITIONERS HAY FOR SALE 6 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE BUS. 884-4165 RES. 833-6092 Evgs. 884-3057 The last day for nominations is Friday July 14, 1978. All entries must be at the Liberal office before closing at 5 pm. that day. NOMINATIONS. To become eligible for an award, a property has to be nominated for judging. The nominations can be made by any person or company. The nominations can be made with the use of the entry form printed below. Forms will also be available at the Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Richmond Hill offices as well as the Town Library. CLOSING DATE FOR NOMINATIONS. SRE EAR ROTI ABN EVIrr. BELC JUDGING. All judging will take place as nominations are received. As a guide judges will rate the following areas on a point basis: Having received the official sanction of the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill, The Liberal and the Chamber of Commerce are pleased to present this Awards Program to the citizens of Richmond Hill. The program is designed to encourage and recognize the efforts of the people of Richmond Hill to improve and maintain a high standard of appearance of local properties. It is open to individual residents, commercial establishments, industry and institutions. 883-5353 Good condition 884-2549 @1112 mineral 3rd Annual Rose Awards Originality of landscape design in relation to building. Cleanliness of building, flower beds, etc. Maintenance of trees, shrubs, flowerbeds in relatiOn to pests and diseases. General appearance and color of lawn. Use of color in flowers and shrubs in relation to building (at time of judging). Contribution of property to beautification of the neighbourhood. at 5, good condition‘ Plus other items TFC 46 The Liberal newspaper, with the co-operation of the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce, announces a Beautification Awards Program for Richmond Hill property owners DISHWASHER, Admual portable. Good condition. $70 0! best offer. 8845106. ANHQUE Roll Top Desk, 35" deep, 49" high. 60" Wlde, 28 small drawers in top, 8 drawers in base $1.300 6402956. ‘EAKWOOD. Rosewood furnitura bedroom 8 piece, dinmgroom. 9 piece, livingroom. All new. Reasonable 247-4377. W,“ Commercml 2 extra heads $125 or bestoffer 884-2607 Sat. July lst. 10 a m. Multifamily. Antiques. furniture, household goods. toys. books. lawn tractor with plough, lots of pink. 80 Keele St. South. at King Sideroad. King City. Matantz 2252‘ 2 RC8 speakers. Taya TurntabIe. stand. Two months old $900. 884-8408 REFRIGERATOR. used condition. Best offet Cat seat, 35. Twin sirol|ei. Swivel upholstered chair, Exercise bike, $12 Wheelchaii All in good condition. SWIMMING Pool. round, 18' Complete with filter and accessories Some fencmg. New liner. Evgs, 884 4720. Will lease and Install to: home ownets, lamin size aluminum swimming pools with patio Chmce of styles. meeting all fencing legulations on a one, two, or three yeai venlal basis with option to own. Try below you buy! Ca" collect anytime 1-416-663-9508 SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT 305 2 girls, one 3 speed. $10 and $35 rTEAKWOOD‘ Sleeleï¬ Ave SEWING MACHINE BABY STROLLER, $15 WINE MAKING HIM! CLAUSEN LTD. 1 0! every kind Reasonable GARAGE SALE Articles in! Sale FURNITURE 887-5684 BICYCLES STEREO 884-8408 SALEâ€"T, EQUIPMENT 773-5763 791-2355 881-0000 Hampton Bvamalea Dnncas‘ew FUR g00d running 8842397, Steele: Ave va ch 50 TFC 29 E151! $20 $10 $10 POOL heater â€" Raypack gas; V2 price $250. Used 5hmes889-1522. V 7 AIR-CONDITIONER, 10.000 BTU's‘ Kenmore Bought last summer. 889 8596 Evgs‘ BERN, Matha lane. Suddenly, at Sunnybroolr Medrcal Centre, on Tuesday. June 20, 1978. Martha Lenner, in her 90th year, beloved wrle of the late Frank Berk, dear mother of Margery (Mrs. A, Rowland) of Holland Landing, grandmother of Elrzabeth. Private crematron service was conducted by the B E. Ring Funeral Home. Thornhill. CONTENTS â€" 1.000 bunk bed sets, 3119. complete. Cash and Carry. Harry. 488-7911. Toronto. c4w45 DAVIES, Edith B. Suddenly. at Toronto, on Friday, June 23rd. 1978, Edith Daily. dear sister of Lydia, George. Dora, Edna, Robert. Howard, Lorne, Bruce and the late Albert and Gordon. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill Servrce was held on Tuesday, 1:30 pm. Cremation. FLOOD. John Edward Qunetly at York Central Hospital. on Wednesday, June 21. 1978, in his 82nd year, beloved of his wife, Elizabeth and his children. John. Leonard, (deceased), Bob, Mary. Fred. Elizabeth. Joan and Linda. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. RlCthnd Hill, Funeral servrce was held in St. John’s Anglican Church Jellerson. on Saturday, 1030 am. lnterment Adloining Cemetery. A district Legion service was held at the Church. BICYCLES, one boys and one girls Excellent condition. 881-7642. ANTIQUE old. Exce 2956, MRS. Lillian Ducharme and Mr. Bert Abel announce the engagement of the" daughter, Johanne to Kenneth Stewart. both of Richmond Hill, GERRARD Helntzman Plano. small upnght, giand‘ Excellent condition 81,000 6402956 JACKSON, Gordon Edward At York Central Hospital, on Monday, June 26, 1978. husband of the late Edna May Shearer. dear father of Vernon, 01 Mrssrssauga and Pauline (Mrs. M. Oke). ol chhmond Hill, brother of Norman, Doris. Madeline and the late tha and Edna, also survwed by» nrne grandchildren and one great grandchild. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St. chhmond Hill Servrce Wednesday ll am. lnterment Rwerside Cemetery COGAR, Ester In hospital on Saturday, June 17. 1978. Wife ol Douglas Cogar. Dear mother of Kathy, Larry and Raymond. Rested at The Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service was held on Monday afternoon. Cremation. “5 Engagement 555 Deaths and brass bed. Very :onditiOn. $350. 640- c2w51 KIRKPATRICK, Michael Steven James At home, in Ihornhlll, on Monday. June 19. 1978, Michael Kirkpatrick, In his 13m year, loved son of Doreen M, Northrop and David Michael Kirk- patrick. grandson of Bertha and the late Ralph Northrop and Wanda and John Kirkpatrick. Friends were received at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge St, Thornhill. Funeral services were held in Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Thornhill, Thursday at 2 pm. Interment Highland Memory Gardens. If desired, donations may be made to the Leukemia Research Fund. VAKE, Florence lflctoria At York Central Hospital. on Friday. June 23rd. 1978. wile ol the late Bruce Yake and Richard Brock. dear mother of Dick, lrene. Mabel. George. Mary. Fred. Olive, Harry. Lavina and the late Doris. Sister of Ethel, Beatrice. Ivy and Doris: Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Rich~ mond Hill. Service was held on Monday 1:30 pm. Interment Rich- mond Hill Cemetery. SIMPSON, Bruce Napier Suddenly, In Newloundland, on Frlday, June 23, 1978. Bruce Naprer Srmpson Jr.. dearly beloved husband at Audrey Grllres. dear father of Ian, Peter. Barbara, and Naprer lll(NIck), Beloved son of Napier and Florence. dear brother of Joyce (Mrs. John Weeks) and Douglas. Much loved by hrs nieces and nephews A prrvate tarnrly servrce was conducted by the B E. Ring Funeral Home, lhornhill. In St. Peter's Church. Maple Lake, Hahburton. Interment in adjorning churchyard cemetery. A memorial service Will be held In Holy Tnnlty Anglican Brooke Street. lhornhill, on Tuesday. July 4. 1978. at 8 pm. Flowers gratelully declined. If desired, donations may be made to St. Peter's Church. Maple Lake, R.R. No. ]. Haliburton, Ontario. JULY 4th. Sunday. 10-5 pm Antique Show and Sale, 106 Centre St. East (off Yonge), Richmond Hill. 20 Dealers‘ Bargains Galore! For bivthday parties. Brownie Groups‘ Boy Scouts. Church groups, etc. Leonard - ‘Morley, MFand W‘s: Patnck M0rley of Richmond Hill, are happy to announce (he marnage of their daughter. Suzanne Carol, to John Graham Leonard son of ML and Mrs, Graham Leonard, of Richmond HIII, on Saturday, June 24. 1978. HORSE DRAWN WAGON RIDES At “Just-a-Farm†“‘5 Coming Events ‘5“ Marriage ‘55 Deaths 473-2732 Three top winners in the four categories will receive major prizes, while 28 others will win certificates. White Rose Award Third Prize â€" A total of 40 awards will be presented for those properties which achieve the highest rat- ings as scored by the judging committee. First prize â€" Red Rose Award Second prize â€" IFC 50 40 AWARDS. festivities are in full swing all over the country. and people of all ages are getting into the game. The property 01 the late Jean MacPherson, 1040 Finch Ave, Pick- ering, 1 mile west oi Liverpool Rd, Empire sofa. Ballon back chairs. Parlour table, carved walnut dining room table, pedestle table, 2 brass beds. a number of antique clocks, antique organ, Gramaphone. large amount of dishes including Cranberry. JoyalDoulton, Wedgwood. Carnival glass, a number of cups and saucers, Gone With The Wind lamp, wash basin set Hundreds of other items to be sold. Terms cash. No reserve Earl Gauslin and Norm Faulkner. Auctioneers, Antique pool table, Brunswick 5’ x 10‘ slate top, walnut construction, Pin Ball machine. Williams Four Star, all keys, mint condition, All furniture and appliances. Rosewood Executive Ofï¬ce suite, coloured T.V.'s. hand-made rugs. solid copper and brass items. paintings and prints. fixtures. Rell German bedroom suite. 7 pieces. white, Singer console Zig Zag sewmg machine, stereos. Lots of uselul household items and collectables. 5330452 N0 RESERVES CASH OR CHEOUE WITH ID. ACCEPTED ALL SALES FINAL. GOODS MUST BE REMOVED BY FOLLOWING DAY. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MISHAPS EVERYONE WELCOME. RAIN OR SHINE For further details contact Roy Wald. Auctioneer Fantastic 9 piece mahogany Chippendale diningroom suite in mint condition, 2 carved 9 piece walnut diningroom sets, bedroom sets include 6 piece walnut poster bedroom suite, 4 piece set in Art Deco style. and 6 piece mahogany set, outstanding 5 piece inlaid walnut parlour table set, mahogany china cabinet. spinet and knee hole desks, mahogany collee and lamp table set with abll and claw feet, 5 piece oak kitchenette set, single and double poster beds. walnut and solid cedar chest, chests of drawers and vanities, Jenny Lind spool beds, oak and walnut hall tables. ornate corner chair. oak sideboards, tea wagon, oval empire tables, walnut servers. fireside chairs. mahogany games tables, rockers. Windsor and Bentwood chairs, plant stands, sewing cabinets. loot stools, etc, Collectibles - Mantle and conkoo clocks, sterling srlver, brass and pewter pieces, hand painted china, tea sets and dresser sets. Depression and Pressed glass, photo albums. brass and china lamps, cracker iars, crocks and much more. Open for inspection from l2 Sunday. Everything to be sold without reserve bld, ABOUT 2 KMS NORTH OF STEELES AND SOUTH OF HWY. 78 LOOKING PROPERTY ON YOUR STREET? NOMINATE IT TODAY WITH THE ENTRY FORM ON RIGHT YORK FARMERS MARKET 7509 YONGE 31., THORNHILL Hillcrest celebrated Canada Week SUNDAY, JULY 2 AT 12 NOON. PREVIEW FROM 10 AM SUNDAY, JULY 2nd, 1 PM. Yellow Rose Award IS THERE AN ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE SAT. JULY lst 10:30 AM. AT 135 THORNRIDGE DR., WEST OFF YONGE ST COMPLETE CONTENTS OF HOUSE IN THORNHILL ANTIQUES AUCTION SALE PUBLIC AUCTION 309 Auctions Hillcresl Mall in Rich- mond Hill played host to some of the Richmond Hill celebrations. Monday afternoon. COSGROVE â€" The family of the late Beth Cosgrove (nee Dutlin) wish to express their sincere thanks and apprecratron to our friends and neighbours for their flowers, cards, donations and messages of un- derstanding in the recent loss of a beloved mother and grandmother, Ron, Joan, and Gary and their family. LEN and Nell Dion of Oak Ridges wishlo thank their many ltiends and neighbours for their lovely flowers, gifts, cards and best wishes on the occasnon of their Golden Wedding Anniversary‘ EspeCIaIIy their family and those speCIal friends who did so much to make the occasion such a pleasant and happy day. 55" Catds of Thanks The festivities got NOMINATION FORM : THE LIBERAL 1978 ROSE AWARDS : 'MAIL OR TAKE THIS ENTRY FORM BEFORE JULY 14, 1978 THE “BERAL I PO. BOX 390 10395 YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. LAC 4Y6 The Awards Program committee is chaired by Ingrid Wharton, Members of the committee are Bob Saunders, President of the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce; Albert Card of the Horticul- tural Society; Stuart Casement and Dino Salvatori; and Ron Wallace, Editor of The Liberal. AWARDS PRESENTATION THE COMMITTEE Names of all winners will be published in The Liberal near the end of August. Street address and no I herewith nominate the property listed below for The Liberal 1977 Rose Award- IDI :Acc DmMT N :Am Vl Phone number... Nominated by Name Address I understand that the Awards Program is open only to properties within the Town of Richmond Hill. Name of property owner (if known). Phone" started when the Villatones, a choral group from the Villa Hospital in Thornhill, performed several Canadian folk songs. They sang traditional songs and invited the audience in the Market Court to sing along; and sing they did. complete with plenty of hand- clapping and toe-tapping. The interns are doing their residency training The McConaghy i’bblic School choir entered the Over the course of a year ten interns from the University of Toronto School of Medicine will be doing some of their training at York Central. YCH to get interns for ï¬rst time In the Estate of HAROLD SANDERS, late of the Town ol Richmond Hill, in the Regional Municipality of York, Retired Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of HAROLD SANDERS, late of the Town at Richmond Hill, who died on or about the 15th day of Novem- ber. 1970, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before July 25, 1978. alter which date the Estate Will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill, this 2nd day of lune, 1978. HAROLD SIEWART and DONALD G. PLAXTON, Executors, by their solicitors, Extra hands are joining the staff at York Central Hospital in Richmond Hill. All clarms against the estate of MABEL MARY SCHELKE, late of Elmwood Manor, 9915 Yonge Street. chhmond Hill, Ontario. Widow, de- ceased, who died on or about Octo her 20th. 1977, must be filed with the undersigned personal represen- ltative on or before July 5th. 1978; thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims the filed. Dated June 5th, 1978. t, ' NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED 21 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONT. EXECUTOR BY WILLIAM H.C. BAILEY 33 VICTORIA STREET, AURORA. ONTARIO, LAG 3H3 THEIR SOLICITORS HEREIN. PLAXTON AND MANN. P.0. BOX 36, 10350 Yonge Sheet. Richmond Hill, Ontario L4G 4X9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS 610 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Legal Notices c3w5l c3w 50 Market Court to the strains of our newest Canadian song, ‘Canada‘. These students en- tertained the audience to several folk songs, both English and French, and they too. inspired the audience to clap along with them. Some students from McConaghy school performed folk dances with a Canadian flair. at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto, and will be here to train for about a month each in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Depart- ment. They are not going to be called out in the middle of the night to attend emergencies. They will be at York Central Hospital working directly under the The following meetings of Civic interest have been scheduled during the next two weeks: (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Tuesday July 4, â€" Planning Committee meeting, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers. Wednesday July 5, â€" By-Laws, Procedures, David Schiller. Mayor THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 28. 1978 â€" B-5 BUY HERE PEOPLE SELL HERE Ion-an 0! my map-w El]: il‘ihtrul Civic Corner Em ifibrrul They will not be working on their own, but always with their spon- sor. The celebrations ended with the McConaghy students leading everyone in ‘Oh Canada.‘ guidance and respon- sibility of a staff doctor. of Richmond Hill said a few words about Canada Week. Canada's youngest best-selling author, Gordon Korman of Thornhiil was on hand for the festivities. He read some of his book ‘Il Happened at MacDonald Hall' to the audience. This is the first time York Central Hospital has had interns on their staff, and if the program is a success, more will come here for training. 7 Monday July 10, â€" Regular Council Meeting, 7:45 pm. Council Chambef‘s Fire and Personnel, 7:30 p.m., Committee Room Thursday July 6, â€" Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting, 7:30 pm. Council Chambers.