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Wednesday, July 5. 1978 g"||IIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlllllllIllllllllllmlllllllIIIIIlIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|II||llllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllIIIIIlIllllllIIIIIIllIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllIllI|llIII"IlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI|IlllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllll|llllllIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIllllllllllIllllIIIlIIlllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllIIIII|IIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllE Quality desrgn and constructron. three bedrooms and den wrth loll bed, frmshed basement wrlh sauna. recreatron roam thermopane wrndows. cathedral ceulrngs and Scandrnavran hxtures. superbly land- scaped wrth rock garden and gas barbecue. 2 balconres Overlookan conservation area, 12 mules from Toronto City Hall. For Inspection call Terry Kannagh 350%600 Torontor ' Location is especially vital when buying a house for maximum resale value. Statistics say that you will be reselling your home long before the final mortgage payment is in the mail. Therefore, take a long, hard look, not only at the pre- sent, but the future prospects for the Any Realtor will tell you that the three most important fac- tors concerning the value of a house are: "Location, Location, and Location.†Unfor- tunately, most home buyers ignore this im- portant advice. Elegant Home in Thornhill (183 Baythom Drive) THE IMPORTANCE OF LOCATION Auction July 14, 1978 at Chambers of Master G.W. Dunn. 145 Queen Street West, Toronto at 12 noon. 0 E112 COURT AUCTION SALE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS: GILLEN ASSOCIATES LTD. REALTOR (416) 925-5111 Deposit and downpayment protection. Protection against structural defects for 5 years. “1299.1. @1211 fleabnm @Ktates The Man Realtm H.S. SADLER FRI. R.P.A. ONTARIO LAND ECONOMIST HUDAC NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM EMERALD ISLE REAL ESTATE LID. ’iL‘inraI Classiï¬eds 834-1105 - 1105 79,900 Take 400 North to Hwy. 88, east on 88 to Bradford, north on Hwy. 11 to Britannia Rd.. Follow signs to Glen Meadow Estates. Sat. & Sun. 12 noon to 4:30 pm. Thoroughbred Homes ~.' 9 from ‘Estate community and im- Select a locatiOn where raw land and house values have an increasing price trend. Especially check into the zoning laws for any unfavorable change which could cause a depreciation in the value of the neighbor- hood and the resale price of your home in the future. e I a I p a v If there 'is anything we can do to help you in the field of real estate, please phone or drop in at EMERALD ISLE REAL ESTATE LTD. 102128 Yonge St. RichmOnd Hill. Phone: 8842377. We're here to help! Warranty transferable. Open House Anist '3 Concept 0 back 3le and two storey models I ï¬nished In altraclive bnck and Icodlr sldlng ocolonial trim clnslallod intercom system Odoublo glass sliders and screens on Ill windows two car garage o private driveway Located on a private cul de sac in Bradford, only 25 minues from Toronto. C2- 0] COUNTRY drm, 3 bedroom farm north 0! city‘ Lots of parkmg. Children and pets welcome. Move today at $275. Metra Home 488‘ 5240 FEE 3 stovey, 5 bedroom, finished baseL ment. bat, walkout to garden. 3 washrooms. deck patio. luds play- house. double garage. new bioad- Ioom in living room 8- dining. No pets. References and first and last months rent required. $650 monthly. Available August lst Call Deieli Hobbinsi PEARSON AVE. $2,600 down Builders non-repayable grant Sold thru T.Bray REA Realtor Ltd. RICHMOND HILL CENTRAL 3 bedrooms, living room and dining room, walkâ€"out basement, central air,- attached garage. $83,900. Frank Arciero, 884â€"9111. Res. 884-8517. TREED BUILDING LOTS FROM 349.900. 100‘ x 115‘; two *2 acre lots; 60‘ x114’. Call Brian Bradley, 883-9111. Res. 883â€"1590. Featuring $78,500 Home 881â€"0079 Bus. 222-7818 ‘6‘ lnloflov .masonry ï¬replace Obroadloom or hardwood floors Ihroughout Olumnure hnished kitchen cabln- wnh sliding glass walkâ€"on} 0 3 or 4 bedrooms - roughed In central vacuum els - double stainless sleel sink o mogl haye main floor family room Houses to Rem Trade-ins considered 1W0 bedroom house In Lake Wilcox area 3325 month plus $150 damage deposut Available August lst. 773A 4051 THORNHILL luxury 3 bedroom. 4 appliances. 2 baths. yard for kids and pets. Look $375 Metra Home 488-5240 Fee. SEVERAL homes Ruchmond Hull area Call 4884386. NEWMARKET lame 3 bedroom, bmadloom. garage. 2 baths and male. “00 Metra Horne 4886240. Fee. 44 Levendale Rd. Richmond Hill Britannia ‘°‘ Real Estate BRADFORD Drive Hwy. 400 north to tum off at Hwy 88. Dnve 4 mi. east. Tum nghl at Collins, left at Maplegrove Ave. to Sales Office c3w52 MODELS OPEN WEEKENDS 11 6 PM, CLOSED FRIDAYS DAN-V127 PM CALL COLLECT 1.7757522! The Canhusian 78,500 Mason One bedtoom apartment In college Sell contained. 4 piece bath, lake from Iota Available July 151 to 15m. 2 bedroom apts‘ for July 8 August Rent Includes. indge. stove. hydro‘ etc. Neat Richmond HEIng Centre Call Supt. 884-2475 SUflLET. 3 bedroom. 2 storey condominium Town House Available August 151. 8815841A Evgs. THREE Inplex CLEAN turmshed apartment. Rich mond Heights alea. 884-1200. Cuca 1870 or duphca‘ed replicas of your deSIgn 519-922-2836 ADULT BLDG. LOG HOUSES 172 Artist's Concept bedroom apartmenl‘ m 884-9000 RICE LAKE 884-2122 Apartments To Rent Evgs "C 3‘ FURNISHED loom, close sponatlon. gentleman only 7564. FURNISHED ROOM, shale bathroom and kitchen Private entrance. No parking. Gentleman pveterred. Close to trzmsportatmnv 88L7398. ROOM to vent. Central Richmond HI". G0 bus at comev. 8841000. TWO bedroom. in lri-Plex. Adults only. Available immediately. $275 monthly. 884â€"8783 MARKHAM RD. 1 bedtoom. clean. quiet. Steps to GO slatnon and shopping Reasonable. 883-5678. 884-1024. M0 bedroom apartment. available August 15!. Adults onIy. 884-7472. YONGE NORTH. large 2 bedroom with bills paid. Parking Included. Last months negotiable 8240‘ Metra Home 488-5240, Fee. ONE bedroom apartment. Modem lutchen. Busmess people pretened. 884-0931, FURNISHED room, pnvate enhance. Patking. Close to transportation BUSIHCSS person only. 889-3270 FLAT m basement, pamally hur mshed‘ Palkmg. Available Im‘ meduately. 881-6193 €ng 0! weekends anytime‘ FURNISHED room In Rxchmond HI". Appliances. All you eve: need to: $35 a week. Metra Home 488-5240. Fee. 37274233 ‘96 Yonge St. 5. Aurora AURORA ‘7‘ Rooms For Rent PREFERRED AREA An immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow featuring a walkout from the master bedroom to a raised deck overlooking. a private well treed back yard with an above ground pool. Big rec room with a gas fireplace. Double paved drive and a garage ON QUIET PALMER AVE. ASKING $79,900 FOR THE DISCRIMINATE BUYER An original log home located on exclusive Banbury Court in Aurora. Only 12 other better homes on the cul-deâ€"sac. ASKING $91,000. Richmond Heights Centre. RICHMOND HILL 883-4922 RICHMOND HILL $64,900.00 "â€" 70 xT07'LO'f ’ Detached solid built capeâ€"cod. 3 kingsize bedrooms, large country style kitchen Separate living-dining rooms. Beamed ceilings. den, full basement. Lots of privacy. CALL KEITH HOOD 883-4922. $53,900.00 â€" $3.000 DOWN RICHMOND HILL Solid brick 3 bedroom sparkler. 24 livingâ€" dining combination. Hostess kitchen, panelled family room. Broadloom. paved drive all on a golf green lot. CALL LU DOBSON - DAVE HODGES. 883-4922. RICHMOND HILL $64,900 â€" $4,000 DOWN Detached solid brick bungalow. 3 twin size bedrooms. Hollywood kitchen, L-shaped living-dining room. Panelled rec. room. Broadloom, 2 baths. Close to GO bus and train. CALL KEITH HOOD 883-4922. RICHMOND HILL WEST $8.000 DOWN 10 PERCENT I FINANCING Beautiful solid brick 2 storey, 3 kingsize bedrooms. Family size kitchen, separate living and dining rooms Log burning fireplace, air conditioned. attached garage. Priced to sell at $84,900.00. CALL LU DOBSON - DAVE HODGES. 883â€"4922 172 FOR FAST PERSONALIZED SERVICE CALL 883-4922 Apartments To Rent W.R. CASE REALTY LTD.. 96 YONGE ST. S.. AURORA 727-4288 8898654 TH) 49 tvan 884 0f wnte Village By The Grange. 53 McCaul St. Townto, MST 2W9 K new shopping "Neighbour By The Glange. 113 indiwdual Kiosks and a Farmer's Market operated small San Francisco Downtown Toronto's village All in the city's most exciting Call today for free brochure VILLAGE BY THE GRANGE ‘29 Factory-Industrial Space hood INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR RENT Umque Retail Opportunity For creative entrepreneurs In downtown Toronto Style shops. restaurants 889-0728 OI 889-7151 ‘3‘ Business Opportunities 598-1414 TORONTO 889-8654 IFC 3‘ DO you have a dunking ptoblen‘? If so AA can help, Wnte Box 844 Ruchmond Hlll 01 call 487-5591 IIM and Cindy would like to congratulate Tom and Ann‘Mane on the†engagement. P.S. Whele would you like the white picket lence? Have unwanted hail permanently re- moved ttom lace. body and legs Free consultation Get nd at unwanted hau, Pam! and body ha" Iemoved safely, perma- nently and economically Eyebmws shaped. Comphmentary consultatnon. Audrey Graham C.E. 883-1803. 884- 3269 "C 38 Plegnancy Testing, Caunsellmg Ftee & Confidential‘ Wednesday 7 9 pm. 8: Ihulsdays 4 - 6 pm. 10350 Yonge Street at Cresby Avenue. thhmond HI“ (Lower Level) BIRTH CONTROL Wednesday 7 < 9 pm & Thursdays 4 - 6 p m No appomlmenl necessary 10350 Yonge Street at Crosby Avenue Richmond HI" (lawer level) Wasting you! hard earned money on temporary beauty ands! Have your slun analyzed and treated by a trained esthetman In the pnvacy of your own home. Flee 5km anaIySIs wnh no obligation Call for an appomtmenl. 889-4861 Red Brick Chip All areas'of the lace and body Mem, of ElectrolySIs Assocmlon of Ont. & American Electrolysis Association nu. Dolomite Chip Beach Pebbles Patio Stones V.D. Confidential Diagnosis & Treatment ELIZABETH KINZETT ELECTROLYSIS Rockery Stone 884-2321 & 884-6082 Crushed Stone PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL JEAN ZWARYCH ELECTROLYSIS 881-3421 PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL No appomtmenl necessary Eutopean Skin Cale Clinics National Trust has money to lend for renovations. debt consolidation, or any other worthwhile purpose. 0 No penalties for prepayment 0 No hidden costs 0 Competitive rates and terms 0 Up to 20 year amortization When you need a loan. talk to National Trust. ' Ybucanbankonus. 7“ Gardening &Supp|ies Northtown Shopping Centre 5385 YONGE ST. 224â€"0300 “0 Personals Teenager's Ages 10 to 19 years 82% Lr. Lessons 884-1133 884-1133 LEARN TO SEW THIS SUMMER STOP HOMEOWNER LOANS GORMLEY GARDEN SUPPLIES ONLY Retail - Wholesale "2 Dressmaking ‘“ Mmtgages SINGER HILLCREST MALL 8840770 887-5124 "CS $2495 3 BEDROOM house to sham with smgle mother a: wovkmg girl, in central Richmond Hull‘ 884-9534. to: qualiï¬ed academic instruction. Days 225-4177 Evenings 1212544 «6634577 15"“ Cambndge tutoring Wars qualiï¬ed teachers for all sublects‘ In the “m 881-8280 RESPONSIBLE wothmg female to share 3 bedroom house. Matkham and Yonge area 8834757. by qualmed teachers available in English and Mathematics for Grades 3 to 9 Richmond NIH and Thornhill “' 8234:5735 881-0411 ROOM available |n large house In Maple‘ shale With 3 othels. $135 monthly Including utilities, 832- 2567 c2w5] E.0RTL|EB & SON LANDSCAPING Railroad Ties(new & used) Picked up In held Don Mulls- Bethesda Sldemad MAINTENANCE REPOII CARD BLUES? I" "E CAI! WWII“. SEIVIES NEEDED TH|S SUMMER? Professional Tutoring Accommodation &Supp|ies 108 Mushroom Composte SOD FOR SALE "5° Shared 888-1947 Gardening TUTOR 889-4712 ANYTIME Plantmg‘ Sodding swaying Tutoring Manure "C 51 Loam Sand c2w52 Etc “C 45 “C 51 M