You talk about rules and regulations, could you please tell me why RHMBA has different rules for different people? So ybu see, Mr. Hunt, the coach did not refuse to comply with the rules. I was told to ask the parents and let RHMBA know, I did this and the answer from both parents and boys was 'no‘. Both Mrs. Ferrando and Mrs. Hunt admitted that I said that the splitting of the team was a decision that was up to the boys‘ parents, as they had signed them up and it was up to them. Your novel mentioned the lead character was given concessions, but in real life he was not; it was ‘split or out‘, in the presence of the RHMBA executive, The Liberal, North Star, and Mr. Duffy. liked your novel in the last issue of The Liberal, but I think you should have gone with truth rather than fiction, or did you have a ghost writer? Letters It is more important for a player to be with friends than win awards uy Sportsmanship â€" I’ve coached for many years and never once met with anything like this. I have worked with gentlemen in Richmond Hill before. and I mean gentlemen such as Mr. Fox, Mr. Morland and the Phillips and others who I feel are true sportsmen, with one aim, the boys and girls of Richmond Hill. She said no splitting of the team and.the coach could pick from the last two choices. Four pit- chers was the choice. 3: Pitch four pitchers in seven innings. Why was ’this not done for the squirts? I asked if it could. at a meeting in Oak Ridges, told Mr. Duffy, Mr. Friedbert, and The Liberal that she got a call from the Oak Ridges coach of the Peewee team that she had three choices to keep the boys playing in the RHMBA. 1. Split the team. 2. Play for no chance of championships or trophies. I would be very upset my son were under coach who didn‘t care he won or not. When I see a boy who has never played organized ball before. get to first on his first hit, and I see the grin on his sweaty little face â€" you bet I go on an ego trip. Yes sir, I really do. If you take a boy and teach him that his at- titude should be “I don’t to the parents and the boys to try to the best of my ability to teach the right and, yes, with a win attitude â€" a “yes you can†attitude. And when that boy is competing with boys on the same level, he knows, win or lose, that if he has done his best, it‘s all right, and that is my ego trip. "W‘ï¬â€˜ey“made ‘a' statement you could count on it, and you knew where you stood at all times, but this bunch changes their minds faster than the weather. As for my coaching style}. I feel it is my duty I did not sign the boys up and I did not know who I had until I was phoned with names and numbers. and met most of them for As for not being in formed properly, you said yourself that it was a time of turmoil, RHMBA changing schedules and Oak Ridges trying to get boys signed up. She was very nice on the ball field and never once did we have any trouble, but in a meeting, she seemed afraid to answer any of my questions, yet I still ad- mire her for taking on such a big job. So, Mr. Hunt. as a “concerned parent" you should think about it. I never had any trouble with my convener Mrs. Hunt; she told meshe had never been in ball before and knew nothingabbut it. I was very impresséd that she would take on such a job without any kn_o_wledge of ball. 7 ’c‘ar "r" I‘"wonder'rifmt'tï¬swthefirsttime' at Bur first would carry over to his practice. schooling, and be his Maybe. Mr. Hunt, it attitude in life. would be a good idea to Because I know I will learn from them, just asI have from my other boys through the years, and, Mr. Hunt. I truly feel sorry for you, and I pray that someday you will find out what my boys feel; that being with your friends is far more im- portant than any championship or a cold, gOId trophy‘ Al Bestard ()ak Ridges & District And, finally, my boys will be playing ball every week all summer long and we will get into some tournaments and at the end of a year of fund, we will have our day together, and in that year, I hope I can teach the boys something that will stay with them all through their years in ball. Maybe, Mr. Hunt, it would be a good idea to have such important information on the registrationforms. Minor Ball Assn. Squirt team coach Education reporter is praised On behalf of the “Parents of Royal Orchard†(Public School, Thornhill), I would like to thank your paper for the fine coverage of our school events of the past few months, particularly of our brief to the York On May 3, 1978, an explosion occurred in a section of the Tran- scanada Pipeline on the Humber Valley about a quarter of a mile north of Kleinburg. "l‘ne explosion was of such intensity that it blew Oak Ridges boys signed as a team not individuals He will miss Rev.Shonen My mind was running wild again, and it ran back to a copy of the Richmond Hill Liberal to an article written by none other than a Gale Ferrando â€" Liberal May 10. 1978. As a parishioner of Richmond Hill United Church. I was saddened by the news of the in- tended departure of our minister, the Reverend Robert Shorten, Letters JULY 1 1mm 9.00 AM. STARTS NEXT TUESDAY SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE OUR ANNUAL STORE-WIDE Seek explosion answers Flaming objects were hurled for an equal Flames roared hun- dreds of feet in the air and the resultant wind caused windows to rattle half a mile distant. open doors on the main stlfet of the village. QUOTE: “the boy, Phil Lusk and his friends would like to register with RHMBA but as a team and not individually, the boys want to stay together for various reasons. one of which is Your education reporter Mr. Steve Pearstein writes con- cisely and well, highlighting our con- cerns We were very pleased with his articles. We appreciate having a newspaper that cares about its community. Judith A. Flow Past President 8 Blue Spruce Lane Thornhill County Board of Education, regarding the extension of French in the elementary schools, Thanks YOUNG CANADA It was approximately 30 minutes before the gas in that section of the pipe was turned off and the distance. causing several major fires in the forested valley, many of which were not brought under control for several hours. transportation. As a team they could hold practices in their own area and would only have to travel to Bradstock Park once a week for a regulation game. At the meeting on Sunday, Phil was assured everything would be done to make suitable arrangements." Unquote. Thank you very much for writing that article. So our imaginations are not so wild in Oak Ridges and a local paper did not use cheap sensationalism when they printed words, used by yourself in an article written by you. Half truths, Mrs. Ferrando, indeed. Finally a way has come to show we have contended all along. We were signed in Richmond Hill as TEAMS from Oak Ridges, not individuals. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. July 5. I978 â€" A-5 Connie Bestard. “A very concerned Oak Ridges parent". CHILDREN’S SHOPS We should like to have the assurance of the proper authorities that such an inquiry is con- templated and that this association will be notified so that we may have a representative in attendance. It is important in our view that officers of the pipeline company be subjected to cross examination before a public hearing to ensure that the answers are full and unequivocal. 3. What specific steps is Transcanada Pipelines taking to ensure that a similar explosion. with potentially tragic results. does not take place again? 'These and questions cry out asked. A public inquiry would certainly have followed. 1. What Was the cause of the explosion? flames brought under control. Had this explosion occurred a short distance to the west. houses would have been destroyed and in all liklihood deaths would have resulted. To date there has been no public inquiry nor has the public been formed of the following: 2. Why did it take so long to bring the flames under control? R. E. McAfee President. Kleinburg & Area Ratepayers Assn. other to be