B-10 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. July 19, 1978 Required for medium sized construction company. Experience in “one-Rite" system desireable. Good Salary. OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE PLEASANT AMBITIOUS Fulltime positions. Attractive salaries. Excellent employee benefits. Pleasant working conditions. Experience preferred. Apply to: Full time employment until end of October 0 MIDNIGHT SHORT ORDER COOK 0 AM SHORT ORDER COOK HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA NECESSARY AND THREE YEARS SECRETARIAL AND OFFICE SKILLS ESSENTIAL. Phone 727-9431 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PERSONS Call between 7 am and 9 am Mr. D. Hoskins Required for 1 ton truck. Must be over 20 with good driving record. Apply in person to: VOYAGEUR RESTAURANT CORE RENTALS LTD., ' BODY SHOP PAINTER 0 BODY SHOP PREPARER SUMMIT GOLF CLUB Please apply in person to: Hillcrest Mall Personnel Department Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 5:00 pm FOR THE RICHMOND HILL STORE 371/2 hour work week Benefits included Profit sharing Retirement Plan Discount Card Group Life Insurance Aurora Firm requires a conscientious experienced junior buyer. QUALIFICATIONS: Bookkeeper/ Secretary Requires EXPERIENCED COMMISSION STEMâ€"TO P E Kinnear Pontiac Buick (1975) Ltd. 234 Newkirk Rd. (at rear) Richmond Hill Between 7 am. & 12 noon Personnel Dept. 95 Cousins Drive Aurora Ontario "Expeï¬enced" Apply to Service Manager Sears Hwy. 400, Maple 884-5234 884-4481 884-0447 DRIVER 832-1555 PURCHASING Requires Requires 0R APPLY FOR KEEN 02w 3 Large furniture manufacturer requires bilingual (French) person to supervise accounts reCerabIe. Requires an experienced and versatile office employee with the following attributes: Good typist with prior exposure to figures. Pleasant personality. Thorough in the performance of their duties. Ability to accept a challenge. Wishes to workand grow with the company. An excellent opportunity for the right person. We require additional interviewers to assist our Promotional Services Department A car is necessary. Our present interviewers are earning more than $6 per hour. KEELE & HIGHWAY 7 AREA Please call Nadine Bottos Liberty Furniture Industries Ltd. PLEASE CALL JO-ANNE BERLINGUETTE AT Fulltime help required for midnight to 8 am. shift. 4 nights per week and 6 am. to 2 pm. Shift, Monday through Friday at Country Style Donuts, Woodbine Ave., just south of No. 7. 495-1155 Robert Hunt Corporation 250 Bowes Road CONCORD COUNTRY STYLE DONUTS COUNTER ATTENDANTS GROLIER ENTERPRISES ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 10 people required with car for evening calls in Willowdale. Thornhill. Richmond Hill, Aurora, Newmarket, etc. Salary or commission - your choice. Car required. No experience necessary 14o DONCASTER AVE., ‘ THORNHILL DONCASTER MEDICAL "INTERVI EWERS OFFICE CLEANERS 727-1619 883-1980 NEED MONEY? FULL TIME ONLY APPLY IN PERSON Applications available at: 226-9332. FILTER QUEEN. OFFICE CLERK 425-1924 Ext. 44 To arrange for an interview 669-2420 For interview call 8 am. to 5 pm. EXPERIENCED PART TIME Do you like to sell fine things? We have openings for parttime sales people im- mediately. Earn extra money selling in a beautiful store surrounded by fine things. _' Senior Bookkeeper, payroll. pa'yables, receivables. etc. (Weston) 0 Wanted: Senior Dicta Typists, Typists, Bookkeepers fer temporary assignments. "88’4’3678T‘Ph0ne Now 884-6970 For special wheel chair runs. Will train the right applicants. Reliable and de- pendable people required. The Ministry of Natural Resources, Central Region in Richmond Hill invites applications from both men and women for the following position: General Accounflng ckrk (Cbrk 3 General $196.00- Him mrw%Mfm Mwmw %MMepmw$mg prepanng and kewng data "no an IBM 3741 remote data entry station, and performing other related clerical duties. QUALIFICATIONS Grade 12 or equivalent combination of education and experience, and about 3 years of satisfactory related experience. It will be necessary to organize and complete work assignments within firm prescribed time limits. to understand and explain clerical procedures, and deal tact- fully with other employees and the public served. Applications or resumes should be submitted to the follow- ing address no later than July 28, 1978: Ministry of Natural Resources. Director, Central Region, 10670 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4G 3C9. For crane manufacturer. Ability to read blueprints helpful. Excellent company wages and benefits. 505 Help Wanted Ontario KODIAK CRANE 374 OHIO ROAD RICHMOND HILL... CALL COLLECT SIMCOE COACH LINES 416-476-5530 Apply in Person Peoples Jewellers Hillcrest Mall Richmond Hill SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS PARTTIME TELLER PARTTI ME SALES 889-5486 Expeï¬enced y Ontario 10 Public Service SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS OFFICE ASSISTANCE LTD. 10084 Yonge Street For Shift Work Mature persons preferred WELDERS ARC Expeï¬enced 889-1942 HUUHPB APPLY - Earn extra money - Win prizes - Full training - Earn extra money - Win prizes - Full training Accurate, experienced typist required im- mediately. Must be good natured and a self-starter to handle interesting and varied work-load. Salary based on ex- perience. CALLING ALL KIDS! AGES 10 T0 16 CARRIERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 301 Markham Rd., Richmond Hill SALES POSITION Immediate opemng {or an emenenced oevsonable tashlon onented sales person CALLING ALL KIDS! AGES 10 TO 16 CARRIERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY ’"‘BA|\I|\|[II DICTA SECRETARY THORNHILL Ely: Zl‘ihtral HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE? The Village Shop-Hillcrest Mall 884-2400 Fairview Mall 491-5890 I will give you an hour or more of my time to try to help you decide. FLORENCE BISHOP FITTER-WELDER LS & M WELDING CALL ME ANYTIME MRS. CAMPONI 889-7908 FULL 0R PART TIME Pleasieigall to arrange an irLterview Call Mrs. Staples 727-4221 889-7958 Call Mr. Beland 884-0981 Opportunities in our Richmond Hill and Thornhill offices. Must have U-69 ...and done nothing about it 30 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU BETTER Z4tfn 884-1813 889-8778 With experience up to Trial Balance Requited for small ofllce In Richmond Hill. 883-1776 BY SELLING YOUR COUNTRY'S NATIONAL LOTTERY TICKET TO FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS AND CO- WDRKERS. FOR FULL INFORMATION, CALL EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS Urgently required tor immediate temporary and permanent jobs. Ex- cellent pay rate. Area or your choice. Don't delay - call today. Experienced. on permanent parttime basis, required by nursery in Rich mond Hill. to handle complete set of books to trial balance. Mr. Noveck FULL time semce station attendant. Experienced. matuve. neat apt pearance. Apply Texaco, 7161 Yonge Street. Thomhlll. 0 TYPISTS 0 SECRETARIES 0 DICTAS Student Summer jobs avaIIab|e_in Candy Sales. Transportation provided. Commission. 221-1149 HALFWAY HOUSE 887-5150 Please apply In person to ML Terty Shea. Sewlce Managet. TULLY & TULLY DISTRIBUTING, R R 1 KING CITY, ONTARIO. WAITRESS/ WAITER Summer Jobs ‘78 BOOKKEEPER PERSONNEL SERVICES LIMITED 2175 Sheppard Ave., E Suite 201 Willowdale EARN EXTRA $ YOUNG PERSON FOR PAlNTING CELLAR WALLS 727-4557 BOOKKEEPER. PERSON FR|DAY With experience FULL TlME 7 T0 4 Monday thru Friday 497-8200 TIRE INSTALLER Canadian Tire State 275 Yonge St. 5. Aurora STUDENTS 833-6011 486-6165 "C 51