Technically inclined person to be trained in productionfor auto motive manufacturing plant Good wages and benefits. Steady job. Overtime available. Apply in person: 273 Enford Rd., Richmond Hill. 8-10 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesdav. August 16. 1978 ’Full Time for dining Lounge in Private Country Club. Experienced and mature person only need apply. Please send resume in confidence to: Required by Richmond Hill firm. Aptitude for figures an asset. Requiled for potato harvesting starting Sept. 10. 1978. Expenenced tandem twck dtivevs $5. per hourt Expenenced ï¬eld tractot drivers $4.50 per hr. Experienced potato yaders 4 combine $3.50 per hrt Required by small manufacturing company. Steeles and Woodbine area. You do not have to go all the way downtown for good tem- porary office lobs‘ W0rk close to home for 1, 2, 3 or more weeks. A cal w0u|d be helpfulo CTYPISTSODICTASOSTENOS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Between 4 pm. and 5 pm. only CAR CLEAN-UP PERSON To operate one of the Town's Transit Vehicles at the following times during school session and Saturdays only in the summer. This position t be filled comencing Septembeand. 1978. . Week days - 8:00 A. M. - 9:30 AM. 3:00 PM. - 4:30 PM. Saturdays - 9:30 AM. - 5:30 PM. . Successful applicant to be a mature individual in good physical and mental health, possessing a valid Ontario Chauffeurs License (Class "0"). be courteous and well groomed at all times. HOSTESS/HOST Rate of pay - $5.50 per hour Please apply no later than PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 10266 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Experienced on steel railings, stairs and light structural steel. EXPERIENCED ORDER DESK SECRETARY/TYPIST MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES BOX 40 THE LIBERAL, PO. BOX 390 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO DOWNSVI EW/WILLOWDALE FEDERAL FARMS LTD. WELDER FITTER KINNEAR PONTIAC BUICK (1975) LID. Requires RECEPTIONIST TYPIST 775-3345 Must be experienced. Apply: Service Manager 884-4481 727-8721 PART-TIME BUS DRIVER One years office experience required Is Presently Taking Applications for A Call 495-6015 For an appointment call (8.30 t05 p.m.) 889-7323 669-1323 THETOWN OF RICHMOND HILL 636-4594 L4G 4Y6 than August 28, 1978 to: requlres apprenticeg for full time employment, driver's license necessary. Please call NEWMARKET DRILLING COMPANY BETWEEN 8 mm. and 4.30 pm 895-4832 “5 Help Wanted Clwo‘ if“ -1a-von¢ Needed for small company Knowâ€" ledge ol electronics useful but main requisite is ability to learn. Person hired will learn practical electronics and quality control. WILK ENGINEERING LTD.. 256 Denison St. Markham 134 Doncaster Ave†Unit 6. Thornhill For midnight - 8 AM. shift in group home located in Richmond. Wages: $3.20 to $4.25 per hour Please apply by August 21, 1978 to Candidate is to be a High School or University student with a valid Ontario drivers license, (Class "6"). Duties to include: - Washing and refueling of Town vehicles - Answering telephones and redirecting messages to Town personnel - Minor janitorial shop duties - Watch person - Other duties assigned by Mechanical Supervisor. Hours of Work: 8 hour' shifts every week-end. Statutory Holidays will require extra shift. For weekends in group home Located in Richmond Hill To act at various locations throughout Town. Rate of Pay: $3.25 per hour (under review) with 2 guarantee of 20 hours per week during school weeks onlyr We have openings bmh full and part time In our food serwce de. paltment. No expenence necessary. we wil| train. Phone Mr. Groebnet. 2 pm. - 5 pm. TUESDAY T0 FRIDAY To act at various locations about Town when regular guards are absent due to illness etc. Rate of Pay: $20.00 per month plus $3.25 per hour (under review) when on guard duty. The above positions run during the regular school term only. Interested applicants should submit their applications to: THE PERSONNEL OFFICE. 10266 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL. KARBIN SALES INC. needed to help manage new business. part time - lull time, Excellent earnings. WI“ train qualified couple. For first class drmng room lor breakfast and lunch 7 am to 2:30 pm permanent posmon. Also one opening for lounge for afternoons and some evenings. Must be area resrdent with own transportation. Call Mr, McLean 8812121 - Parkway Hotel. Now has openings tot rasmon Show directors and Unit Manager, Call 663~l555. ham 9 to 10 am. 0l5t07 p.m. TWO NIGHT COUNSELLORS To make up bedlooms at Parkway Hotel. Ca|l Mr. Latimer: Phone Pat L 214-417 I Between 2 pm, and 6 pm COMPANY requires ambitious help. pan 0! full time. Car necessary. Can earn $5.00 to 87.00 or more per hout. Choose your own hours. 895- 6532. 33 2c FOUR PART TIME COUNSELLORS HOMEMAKERS Cn-ta'vone GENERAL WAREHOUSE HELP Requiled By ‘0 lent- ASSEMBLY TECHNICIAN Between 2 pm and 6 pm SARAH COVENTRY SERVICE M|NDED SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS WAITRESS/WAITER WEEK-END PERSON 495-1958 294-4971 AMBITIOUS COUPLE 889-4833 Phone Pat HOUSEKEEPER 482-3972 775-3642 881-2121 PARKWAY HOTEL 294-4971 STAND-BY GUARD PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 10266 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Student Summer [obs available In Candy Sales. Transportation provided. Commissmn‘ 221-1149 416-584-2292 COMMUNITY TELEVISION PROGRAMMER Required by CLASSICOMM CABLE 10 884â€"81 11 889-9874 woman to live In farm house near Maple to we lo! elderly lady Cook plain meals for 2 adults. ?or day shift. Permanent position tall Mr‘ Latimer, Parkway Hotel‘ KITCHEN HELPERK Requires one person to work wrth‘ topographical maps Math aptttude preferred. $300 per hour to start. 8:30 to 5 pm. Now to mrd October. CALL MR. TILSTON Required for Ihornhill Subdivision. SaIary plus commission. Call Bi Schickedanz. 225-1118. Simcoe R.E Ltd., Realtori ambmous couple, own home. $800 $1200 a month. 895-8743 Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 775-6773 889-0353 88 1 Resxdencelhornhnl 350 high performance equipment for sale. 727-6226 At discount prices. Karbln Sales Inc. 134 Doncaster Ave†Thomhlll. Unit 6. 482-3972 KING CITY 0FF|CE SHANANHAN FORD NEW HOME LICENSED SALES PERSON ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks CARS & TRUCKS DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT STUDENTS Requires A NEW FORD 3260 Sheppard Ave. E at Warden On Display Now At RAY COFFEY MOTORS 11488 Yonge St, 883-3555 881-2121 Requires CHEVROLET Selection Used Cats Financing . Call Leslie Fox 884-9277 NEW DRUMS 8: DISC ROTORS SUBARU 833-5141 PART TIME R.N. - DAYS AND N.A. cannon usr 33 2c MATURE Various shifts 497-5000 AFTER 6 PM. NC 52 (AWN WC 29. CGWM Prelhnlshed dining and sleeping ensemble; sunk and vamty; coIour co- ordinated walls and ceiling. added Insulation year-round. Phone VAN ACCESSORIES 1977 MUSIANG II Ghia. 10000 miles. still under warranty, loaded. Ziebarted. snow radials included. Cost $6.400. Sell $5,150.00 727- 5961. Air-conditioned. radio, tape deck, electn'c windows Cerhhed‘ Excellent condition Priced to sell. Automatic. radio. 20.000 miles Excellent condition. $3,200.00 V. ton, 350 V8 automatic, power steeting and brakes, new tires. brakes, shocks 8. paint, Certified. $3,995. Air-conditioning, AM FM guad. 6 way seat. many other options. In new car condition. $7,500. 1976 GRAND Iorino. 38,000 miles. 2 door hardtop, Excellent condition‘ $2,700. certified. 898-1260 895-2366 476-3121 Powet S:eering & Brakes. Excellent condition, $3,500. Finished in bronze metallic with matching medici velour interior & white elligrain cabriolet roof. Fully loaded inc. power seats, windows. locks, antenna. power trunk, tilt a telescopic steering cruise control, AM/FM stereo, 8 track. Automatic level control, dual remote mirrors. Light sentinel, Package automatic air conditioning, uniroyal tires 31,000 miles. 35.79500 certified. Excellent condition throughout. Au condmomng, AM-FM ladlo, electric aerial. turbo flute mags, rust proofed. Eumpean steel belted radials, metallic blue, black In‘ lerior‘ 74 CADILLAC ELDORADO Low mileage. 5.x Cyllnder, standard Deluxe wagon, 47.000 miles. radials. all power. air shocks. exceptional condition. Bought Van. must selle Certified‘ Best often 1975-2802 DATSUN 2 plus 2 318 engine, compIetely customized Must be seen. $4,500. 0r best offer 51.000‘ mules Excellent condition Bestoffer, 884-2960 2-door powe! steering & blakes‘ Pioneer AM/FM Cassette player. 45.000 ongmal mules, LadyAdnven. $2.000 certified. 881-5575 1974 128 FIAT. A well maintained‘ 65,000 miles, Zlebarted. $1300 price flexmle. Phone 939-7162 1973 FORD Tonno wagon, certified Good condition Best offet. 727 8778. V6, 2600. 4 speed {tansmlssmn 38,000 miles. Certified. $2.150. After5 4 épeéd. 50.000 miles. AM/FM cassette Tnaxe speakers. Many new parts. 727-6905 m5, 1976 Ford Elite Zaoor. power steenng, power brakes 73 BUICK CENTURY MINI CONDITION -S§.195.00 1974 Grand Torino 476-2345 or 222-2059 883-1308 74 Dodge Van 852-3580 1976 CHEV VAN 73 MAZDA 808 640-1238, 76 Cadi|lac Sedan De Ville 76 OLDS ROYALE 74 FIAT SPIDER 884-4049 1976 Toyota 76 DODGE DART SPORT 883-1852 1973 CAPRI 4 DOOR HARDTOP 1973 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 76 DODGE PICKUP EXECUTIVE DR|VEN 884-2163 CALL AFTER 5 PM GOOD CONDITION $1,000 OR B£ST OFFER 773-4063 895-8058 773-5119 727-6569 889-3059 30,000 miles 727-3722 after hrs After 4 after 6 after 6 DON 32 2t: Ch 07 [3d, distributor. new carburator. Certlfied‘ 23,000 miles‘ 727-4129 1972 CUTLASS. Rebum motor, new 2 deer brakes certify. Good condition, Uncertified. Asking $275. 727-1185. 1972 DODGE Colt. 48,000 mi'C' Gas hea‘er. ladio, snow tires‘ Motor needs repair 0r replaced. Asking $200. In excellent condition. Certified Phone between 6 and 7 883-4372 or 884-1606" 250 6 cyl. Automatic, 68000 miles. Mechanically very good. Body needs work. Uncertufied $300.00 or best °"°" 939-2045 1971 DODGE Duster. as is, best offer. 8953498. Power steenng 8. brakes. 307 engine‘ top shape, best offer. 252-3559. storage $2,000 9406. 1972 PLYMOUTH Fury power steering, pewer brakes, radio. two door hardtop, 1974 Chev. Senes 10. Heavy duty half‘ton. 727-6435. 1970 ACADIAN CEIII'IBd‘ excellent condition Call between 6 & 7 pm 7276892 ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks 1972 Cutlass Supreme 1972 M68 A-l shape. Summer Metallic Gleen, A-l condition, 2 door, 429 engine‘ certiï¬ed, x1,595. 884-5510 Good condition. A real bargain No reasonable offer refused. Call 72 Pontiac LeMans super sport. 2 door hardtop coupe. mag wheels. wide ovals, ps, pb, radio, stick shift. don't miss this one, see it today. 400 cubic V8 engine. 74 Barracuda sport coupe. 350 V8 stick shift, ps. pb, key stone mags wide oval tires. see and drive this, you‘ll want to own it. 74 Plymouth Road Runner. Cromies and wrde oval tires, 318 V8, auto, radio, ps. pb, come and see and compare. 74 Satellite Sebring. 2 door hardtop V8 autos white walls. air conditioned. a super car. 72 VOLKSWAGEN DOLLAR SAVERS CERTIFIED CARS 72 Renault 4 door auto. radio 73 Datsun 510, 4 door. excellent condition 73 Volvo, loaded with goodies 74 Frat. 2 door coach, 45000 miles. original 74 Datsun 710, sports coupe, as new condition 74 Datsun. 2 door. vrnyl roof, real sporty job 74 Datsun 4 door show room condition 75 Datsun B 210. 4 door auto 75 Toyota Corolla 2 door. 1 owner, super condition Rebmlt transmussmn and many new parts. As IS. 884-5351 1968 CHEV Biscayne. Good running condition. as Is 8150. 727-6119 between 5 and 7 pm. 1972 MAVERICK COACH 69 AMBASSADOR '71 STANDARD PINTO HATCHBACK 889-5986 340. 31,200, Dr Best often 1972 DODGE DEMON 881-4409 884-6960 72 DATSUN 72 DATSUN 881-2646 ANTHONY'S FOR MAZDA No. 11 Hwy. Bradfotd 4 miles north of Newmartet 775-3391 hard top powet s‘eenng and Console bucket seats‘ Will No. 11 Hwy. Bradford ¢ miles north 01 Newmaflm 884-6126 72 MALIBU 889-1401 939-7767 $350., uncertified 70. TrB|RD, 884-1686 775-3391 SUPER BEETLE ANTHONY’S FOR MAZDA 70 FORD Good lor Parts CUSTOM 500 69 OLDS As is. $100 MUSCLE CARS $130. DELTA 88 510 best offer, 895 aftel 6 pm Evgs. Evgs. Evgs. 1 WEEK FREE CAMPING WITH EVERY IRAILER PURCHASE. CLEAR OUT OF '78 MODELS 24 ft. Indian‘ Fully equipped completely self-contained. FAMILY CAR 74 CHEVELLE MALIBU CLASSIC 4 door sedan. 6 CYIIHUEL auto. [15, pl). radio. white walls. green enamel ï¬nish wuth green velour Interim. 36,300 onglnal mules. Previous owner's name on (equest. ANIHONY'S FOR MAZDA No. 11 Hwy. Bradiold 4 miles north at Newmmel 775-339l VW Dune Buggy. $50. 727-8375 ’7l- 15’ Cnalionene M '75-15' Empire, 'oilet '76-15‘9’ Fleerwino, Ioile! ’70- 17' Rambler ’7l-l7’CivaIion , . '72-20' Frohc, eaumoed ’76-20' Taurus. equipped '70-21’ Traveliner, eood. '75-235 Prowler, awning ‘74-23' Sumner, awning V '76-24V2‘ Prowier, awning '70-10'n' Camomale. ‘74-23' Scamoer, awning $4,695 '76-24'z‘2' Prowler, awning, V $5,995 'TD-IOW Camomale. truck camper . ,. ,. . n 995 ’70-0no Haw. vent lrlr ....... . {soc '77-Galaxv a Slarcra", hd'o. $3,195 WW. '9 “'9'- M 16' Travelalre 18' Flyte 17' Prowler 22‘ Prowler 17' Apalache 1-773-5288 384â€"7774 WANTED â€"adu|t country home for 4 year old German Shepherd. dark registered male. Excellent com- panion watch dog. 294-1623. DEALERS FOR HOL|DAY 8. IAURUS TRAVEL TRAILERS AND PALAMINO & LIONEL HARD TOP CAMPERS Oak Ridges (hesxde OPP) BEST BUYS AVAILABLE NOW ON '78 MODELS 1973 SUZUKI G.T. 500. Low mileage Ted Boyd 895-4517 days. Black and white leopard, Six years. Private|y owned and "mad. Must sell. 473-2734 889-8485 a 1977 Honda 360 (very low mileage) for 40 H.P. motor with boat and traileL ALASKAN MALAMUTE PUPPIES at Stouffwlle stock yards. approx 100 horses. For Information call Complete tack shop on locatmn Sleeï¬s'iiiz‘éx'ce-llénfcorndition‘ $1.650 Champion stock, shots, dewormed CORONATION CAMPING CENTRE Sales - Service - Storage USED CLEARANCE “0 Motorcycles for Sale 3090"“, NW, Agni"; Pigeon Luke KING CITY TRAILERS KM Rd CAMPGROUNDS AT Pid‘v’i’Lin HORSE AUCTION 2ҠSnowmobiles 23D WE BUY USEU SKIROULE & ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES Bethesda Sales and Serwce Larry Van Dyke 147M. 7M mom-Lunar: 74 WINEBAGO ‘70 CAPRI HARDTOP CAMPER. APALOOSA REGISTERED 895-2763 SHAMROCK WINDSOR JAYCO BEACHCOMBER CARGO Baker’s Rd. 773“ 2 mi. W, of Hwy. 11 WlLL TRADE 1-640-4198 351 "Mil" Mon. Aug. 21:1,6 p.m 710L104 Y Days 884-7768 Evgs. 889-6176 884-0608 Campers 8 Trailers 727-3914 ï¬EG'd. C.K.C 350 Pets MARE Livestock 1969 1975 1974 1977 1974 Em Eihmzl 881-6663 888-1166 $1,895 $3,095 $7.995 $1.195 $7.550 £3,195 54,395 $1800 3450 3450 5400 3100 CZI 6 IF“ a 1977 Honda 360 (very low mileage) for 40 H.P. motor with boat and trailer, 14‘ Deep V Fibreglass boat. 115 H.P. MetCury with power trim. Twin gas tanks. SKI bar, speedometer and tack. Cover and trailer. $3.400 BOAT ttailers for rent. All‘ sizesA Reasonable. Brice's Boats. 363- 1954. 1478-4175. tic-47 MERCURY OUTBOARD CLEARANCE 4 H.P. TO 75 H.P. EXAMPLE: 4 H.P. $399. 41/2 H.P. $429. ‘BOATS FROM 8’ T0 22' DEAD 0! crippled fatm animals, picked up prompfly. 705-439-2421. Call anytime. Ed Peconi a. Son, Woodville, Ont Licence No. 32‘066. free Pickâ€"up a: 29 Soil, sand 8. gravel supplies, Dellvered in Iatge & small quantities m2 TREE walk and stump removal by machine. Insured‘ Price guaranteed, 787-1332. ~ mac Red Brick Chip FURNITURE and appliances wanted; also lawn mower, rotary. gas. 832' 1708. CAM Dolomite Chip Patio Stones Beach Pebbles Crushed Stone ON ALL MATTERS OF LIFE, HEALTH, BUSINESS, MARRIAGE, LOVE. Rookery Stone KNAPPETT’S LANDSCAPING & GARDEN SUPPLIES LAN DSCAP|NG RETAINING WALLS PATIOS, SODDING EXCAVATING & GRADING AS A RESULT OF OUR ASSOC|AT|ON WITH THE CATCHACOMA LANDING WE NO LONGER REQUIRE OUR LANDING PROPERTY ON HWY. NO.507. 35 MILES NORTH OF Approx. 2 acres, 342 ft. of shoreline. Three bed- room modern bungalow with full basement and drilled well PLUS three bedroom cottage with large living room, stone fireplace and 4â€"piece bath PLUS woodshed PLUS garage PLUS very large boathouse. PETERBOROUGH 311 Bayview & 18th Ave., Richmond Hill WILL TRADE 881-7002 BLACK MAX Call for tree estimates 175 HP OUTBOARD 51° Personals 727-3914 Articles wanted 2‘" Cottages Trailers and accessories all at huge savings Mercury Oil $24.95 1977, Best offet 884-1072 895-7047 3 Laidlaw, W. of Markham Rd]an Open 9 am to 11 pm 294-3650 884-3089 JOHN’S MARINELAND MRS. ZORA READER AND ADVISOR CARDS- PALMS Ask for Gary or leave name and number GORMLEY GARDEN SUPPLIES 7“ Gardening &Supp|ies “PAY HER A VISIT TODAY" “oats & Supplies Phone 635-1299 For more information, phone 1â€"705-657-8432 Sandy beach, beautiful view 556A Sheppard Ave. West Corner of Bathurst Retail - Wholesale 887-5124 FOR SALE Pregnancy Testrng, Counselling. Free & Conï¬dential. Wednesday 7 - 9 pm. & Thursdays 4 - 6 pm, 10350I Yonge Street at Crosby Avenue Richmond Hill (Lower Level) 'AII ateas of the face and body. BIRTH CONTROL Mem. of Electrolysis Association of Ont. a. Ametican Electrosysts Association ..... DO you have a dnnkmg pmble .~ so M can help. Write Box . Richmond HIII at call 487-5591 Grey Cockatlel White-tipped wnngs. yellow iace. ovange dot each cheek. Responds to wolf whustle. very tnendly. P|ease call' 884-3915 0! 889-6889 REWARDi 0n Don Mills between No. 7 and Gormley Sideroad. medium golden short haired female. mixed. Family pet. Reward‘ 493-5265 PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL FOUND - Glasses, preseription. 883 5762‘ lelted Inability comoratuons $150. Plus gavemment fee Annual minutes 325. 884-5441 SAUBLE BEACH, l_. 2 and 3 bedroom housekeeping cottages Wnte: R, Wicksey, Route 2. Hepworth, c4w6 LEARN to fly. Inuoductory flight 35. Townto Airways Ltd, Buttonville AerOft 297-1422, 17632 Railroad Ties (new & used) JEAN ZWARYCH ELECTROLYSIS 881-3421 No appomtment»necessary."c n 630 7" Miscellaneous 52" Personals INCORPORATE LOST - DOG 2‘“ Cottages 884-1133 Mushroom Composte Lost 8 Found WT Manure C2I~6 Loam Sand TFCSI Etc 11: u 06W!