Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Aug 1978, B11

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TYPING done in my home. Selectnc typewnler. Also bIaci white, colom copying machine. 6872. VVe stHI have openings for our rnorning class commencing in September. We are located in the Chafles Hownt Pubhc Schom, Peamon Ave, ThornhiH, and operate on Tuesdays.VVednesdays & Thursdays. For further infonnafion, please contact. MRS. JAN BARTON 889-2186 IRAINING Keep you! In spate time you CO an In 5 months' New Ialk Show» Plogra Commercuals In slant placement semce FOR RECORDED MESSAGE ON HOW YOU QUAUFY PHONE ANYTIME - 9212420 NAT|0NAL INSTITUTE OF BROADCASTING O - TV UNCER IIO RN AD A CLEANER. 23 years expenence. WI" clean oHIces, large or small, 884- 5480 alter 5 p rn c3w7 Including typing, mvoucung photocopying, Pickup and deIIvel 884-9859 SPREADER TRUCK - Contract #78-T-43 â€"Truck equipped with saltspreaderandsnowplow required to be operated at GO Transit Stations between Pickering and Oshawa. NORTH YORK - Contract #78-T-44 â€"For snow and Ice control at GO TranSIt York Region Bus Terminal near the junction of Yonge Street and Finch Avenue in the Borough of North York. . NEWMARKET - Contract #78-T-45 -For snow and ice control at GO Transnt Terminal located at thejunction oinghway Sand 1 1 . Town 01 Newmarket. RICHMOND HILL/LANGSTAFF - Contract w78-T- 46 â€"For snow and we control at GO Transnt parking lots -1) near junction of Markham Road and Newkirk Street‘ Town of Richmond Hill; 2) Langstaff Road 1 km east of Highway 11. Bid forms. specmcations and information may be obtained fromtheofficeoftheTorontoAreaTransnt Operating Authority‘ 3625 Dutferin Street, Downsview. Ontario Submissrons should be physrcally received at the Authority Secretary's office at the above address not later than 100 p m E D S T , Thursday September 7th. 1978 BIDS WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED ON THE ABOVE DATE IF WHAT YOU WANT FROM EDUCATION IS A CAREER... Because providing the best career training and attempting to find you a position on the iob market in just 7-12 months is our main objective! Diploma courses ofiered In 'Executive Secretarial OMedicaI, Legal, Drcta Secretarial OAccounting OOffice Management CFashion Merchandising 'Clerical Then join the Employables at Shaw Colleges! Enqumes for additional IHfOflTlathfl and cocu ments to be directed to Mr Ken YID'ChUCk at 630 2635 mom AREA TRANS" OPERAHIG AUWORHY L09 78 5‘“ Career Training SNOW CLEARING TENDERS INVITED glam/lion RICHVALE CO-OP NURSERY SCHOOL 5“ Employment Wanted sTcnmmL SERVICES 2 COLLEGES |N ME Euaou vow: ouLo Now.’ L|M\TED vpuuvuee, $091.3; FALL TeRM. LocATeD m It uh“; CHILDQEN 3*!) YEARS OF AGE MORNING- or AFTERNOON Sega/om REGISTRATION FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 4 8 5 243E 481-6477 Md? ZHJ 712Nursery School Mos. MUNSEV, MONTsssom Diplornga aveurs nupsenv SCHOOL eiperieice "£22 leavr “C |BM and 88¢ “:40 WOMAN to babysit 2 small children, my home, 4 days weekly. light housekeeping. hve m I! prefened. Reierences. 8846412. HOUSEKEEPING help requued by professnonal couple wuth two teen aged children. Two days per week. References requured. Wages negonable. CLEANING ladyrequlred. one day per week. Call after 5 pm. 8833963. OLDER woman for housekeeping posmon. hve In. $250. month. Free room and boavd. 884-2948, 10 do cleaning and assist young mother with toddle: and Infant. Start Oct; 2 "H May 1. 1979. Lwe‘in or out Must have references. Bayview & John am, Salaty negonable‘ LIve In Monday to Friday‘ 2 boys‘ in school half days. country home wtlh pool and horses. Call aftel 5pm 640-5272. BABYSITTER. Tuesdays m my home‘ 8 am. to 530 pm. Call evgs. 889 5229. Offers a developmental learning 'pro gram for your preschooler, 3 to 5 year olds- 2, 3 and 5 day programs. Fall registration open, 9 am. to 1 pm. daily‘ For children ages 2 to 4 years Beginning September. Well equtpped play atea, lenced In yard Lunches prepaled, organized routine to sun chlldren 883-5585 HOUSEKEEPER requued. 9 m 4 pm. Monday to Fnday‘ Reterences required, Call after 5 pm. 8896898. HOUSEKEEPER-NANNY WILL babysit In my home. any age Elgln Mulls and Bluegrass, 8843514. c2w6 889-5748 El]: Eihn'ul 5““ Domestic Help Wanted PR|VATE DAYCARE SUNNY DAYS NURSERY SCHOOL ACT|VE NANNY HOUSEKEEPER 8848090 883-3013 7” Daycare 889-9826 until Sept. 5th czwoz CIW Requur'ed, rsieptember, for 7 month old, Weekdays 884-1589 For 2 boys‘ 2% and 15 months. Must have own transportation. Mature person preferred Housekeeper. live-In or live-out. 2 chlldxen. 3 and 4. References. Thornhlll. 889-46l6, Mornings 0! aftere. BABYSITTER lor my home. 2 children, 8 to 1 pm. daily. starting Sept‘ 884-6021, Daycare tor 7 year old gm. From 3:30 to 5:15 pm. Trayborn-Lucas Street area. Call after 5:30. PERSON requued to give 9 year old boy lunch. neal McKiHOp School. starting September 5th 884-6306 after 5. Is wanted to look aner 7 month old baby. 3days per week In my house In Aurala. BABYSITTER needed for 1 year old Tuesday and Thursday, Baywew John. 8814845. BABYSITTER requIEd two hours pe! day. Monday to Fuday. Call after 5 pm. 883-3963. Sat. August 19. 10 a rn til 3 p m., 89 Camlle Rd. (next to Hlllcresl Mall-Sears) Abov .4900 DUFFERIN ST 7“ Daycare Wanted Call 727-4443 evgs Bed Chesterfields $168. to $598 AN EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER 305 WANTED FOR SEPT. 5 CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE CHURCH ST. AREA REFERENCES ARE REQUIRED BABYSITTER 0 High ”R" value 0 Does not settle 0 Non Flammable CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields BABYSITTER Injected as a foam, it fills every nook and cranny in your walls with a barrier against cold and drafts in the winter - heat in the summer Articles for Sale BLOWN MATERIAL FOR A'lTlCS AS WELL AS FOR HOME & INDUSTRY Fully licensed - Trained - Experienced Member Better Business Bureau 297-4974 NOTE Full information is available on the governments home insulation grant program 4 LARGESHOWROOM vONGt 51 9 MN NOTHING ELSE CAN INSULATE YOUR WALLS (Brick, Aluminum, etc.)AND HOME AS WELL AS RAPCO FOAM TOTAL INSULATION SERVICES (TORONTO) 220 CREDITSTONE nu, couconn, ONTARIO LOJ 100 (416) 669-4290 EVENINGS 883-4766 NANNY PART TIME :AS‘H ANO‘CARRY' ulvtm ARRANGH 884-51 14 YOU'LL BE SORRY IF YOU MISS THE SUMMER PRICES ENDING SEPT. 9TH!! SAVE 30 T0 50% on fuel YARD SALE 667â€"1170 a Non Toxic 0 Cuts air conditioning costs 0 Non Expanding ‘ UP to 92% sound 0 Pest repellent absorhtion FILTER Queen vacuum Wlth power nozzlev Exce‘lent condition. 773- 5779 or 895-2231. DRYER. Al condmon. baby changing table, electric heater, toys. All In good condmon. 881-7440. CHESTERFIELD and chau. platfovm rocket. excellent condition. 3175. Girl's 23" bmycle. $25. 884-6786, COFFEE and end tables. Pearl ring. necklace and pierced eamngs. Youth bed. Apply Basement Apt. 18 Arnold St., Richmond HIII, BEDROOM s‘ulte, girl's. canopy bed. dresser. desk. corner desk, mattress. 2 bedspread sets. whlle, $300, Steam cabinet Maxume. hardly used. cost $400 Sell $150 Vlblaml, large model. $100. Puvchased lrom Canadian Slendenzmg Equupmenl 00. 889-3543. 181 Yonge St. Newmarket World renowned Yamaha pianos & organs Specnal DTICES. SpeCIal serVIce Bank fmancmg. Well known brand. only 1 of each snze left Reduced pnces. TWO mattresses scales‘ wune equipment. fertilize! spreader, mInI bike. lawnmowers. Downhill skus. 3 wood dOOIS. bleCle. plus miscellaneous Items. ELAC MIRA CORD DRYER, used. $50. portable washer like new. $75. smve. llke new. $175 881-2587, Leadmg smmmlng pool manu- facturer must dlspose ol bland new 1978 models. Fully wananted complete mlh pumpj'motm. llltel, lencmg. walkway and decks Sug~ gested tetall pnce $2350 Avail- able al DIE‘SEBSOH specual ol $13222 Call now lor Bally Installation. Long teun lunancmg available Call collect anytime KITCHEN set. 48" round table, 4 Ieathel tub chairs on casters, 2 kitchen light fixtures. 889-1007 [YPEWRIIERS addels‘ caICUlamIs sales ' servnce lentals Newmalket Busmess Machines 497 hmothy St. Newmarket‘ 895162] w. an AIR CONDITIONER 8.000 BTU Chrysle! 5120 8841235 STOVE 30 PIANOS & ORGANS SWIMMING POOLS WATER BEDS 625 Turntable $75 Ruck 895-9861 898-2406 mbREL EAR ROT ABN rr..VIrr_ BELC 889-4080 851-3694 STOVE REFRIGERATOR DRYER FREEZER 884-4882 New Kirby. $350 141 16-663-9508 VACUUM CLEANER New Condition HYBRID 325. 8842808 305 Articles For Sale CZW? Swlmmrng pools for lease for home owners. optron to buy. Complete with walkway. deck and fencing. Small deposrt required. No monthly payments till 1979 Leading swimming pool manulacluvel must vacate premises. will sacrifice all 1978 cool models 30% ~ 40% » 50% off, most snzes In stock. pnced from 31.322 00 Immediate delivery and one day Installation No monthly payments till 1979 WI” lease and Install lor hom owners. lamlly sue aluminum swummlng pools mth patio, Chance of styles. meetmg all tencmg legulatuons on a one. two. or three yea! rental baSIs wuth option to own. Try before you buy! Ca“ collect anytime, 1-416-663-9508 SWIMMING POOLS T0 RENT BEAUTIFUL old antiques â€" pme harvest table. brass chandelier. pine doc: 7273893. 887-5067 Sat. Aug. 19th. 9 to 5 p.rn.‘ 25 Donalbaln Cres (off Baythorn)‘ Thornhlll 2 aluminum storm dOOIS. Zvamty smks household ntems” etc Sat. August 19. 10 am to 4 pm 43 Reaman St. Richmond Hill 884-0608. {Hwy ’TEAKwoon‘ GARAGE SALE It's time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess. Steele: 44am! 1-800-268-1944 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. 1-800-268-1944 RICHMOND HILL 8846351 OAK RIDGES 773-4050 THURNHILL 889-0701 GARAGE SALE TRY BEFORE YOU BUY CALL TOLL FREE lihslf-Iulsmnmlfl‘ Shower stall. bikes, etc Ave FURNITURE CALL TOLL FREE @fmeWg'ngp SALE 791-2355 881-0000 Brampton Bramalea Doneasw Steele§ Ave :V’Wy 7 E151! [‘7 If D F. IL m. T s W % FULL SIZE Ford, Mercury Meteor 1969-76 Datsun-Toyota Dodge Plymouth 197376 510-1200 Series 197074 Corolla Corona 1200, 1600 EXTRA SAVINGS CASH BONUS COUPONSâ€"USE YOUR CANADIAN TIRE CARD Chev- Ponnac 1971 76 DRUMS FRONT & REAR Come in today for a NO-CHARGE SUSPENSION CHECK-UP “/Motomaster Shocks are GUARANTEED AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR Ride-O-Matics are 1" bore stan- dard shocks with slightly firmer action than original equipment. They provide positive dampening action for increased control. The Ride-O-Matic and Heavy-Duty Shock Absorber guarantee remains in effect as long as the original purchaser owns the car on which they are installed. Plus labor charges carry a/90-dayguarantee. BRAKE RELINE “V 09 , installedej I’m-2' ‘ 509 112-»; installed (Ota 59 . (WON ' 8 Installed i > g g. b Ride-O-Matic THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. August 16. 1978 â€" Bâ€"ll Heavy-Duty Shocks firm up sus- pension for instant response and controlled ride. Large 13/15" pisâ€" ton: independent replenishing valves; ‘«2" micro-finished rods. SAMPLE CAR LISTINGS BELOW 44 installed

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