Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1978, B10

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Bâ€"lo â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. October 25, 1978 505 He|p wanted ‘55 Cars Er Trucks ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks 23“ Campers 8 ‘5" Shared Trailers Accommodation S ECTOR HOUSEKEEPING NEW FORD _ SUPERVISOR ROOM for rent in large house in TRY 0 P ERATOR QUALITY CONTROL IN P W 0. CARS & TRUCKS WINTER STORAGE Ma... 3.... w... 3 or... 3135, Must have thorough kno gh Smct‘on med Cm th I d (H 832 - housekeeping duties and met am- .‘ N pei mon incu ing u ii 168. ~ vxvf‘oare meme '0' a person Who m” accept a Challenge Of our Automotive manufacturing plant requnes an experienced inspector fortheir callyable mam“ INSIDE “Dom 2567 c2w17 You will have excellent alpha skills and at least 3 years Keypunch afternoon shirt Thesuccessful applicantmust be able to read drawings and LOSIIO FOX ‘- “Wience on Keyto 015‘; system be familiar with all pleClSIOn inspection eQUIpment Only those qualified ' WANTED. temaie (13.25) to share We offer an excellent starting salary plus a full range 01 company need apply ’ N A one bedroom apanmem W'II‘ Same benefits. APPLY IN PERSON T0 PERSONNEL DEPT. I 32W éheooarq Ave E Available immediately 883-4829 Own transportation is required. N0 AGENCIES PLEASE If you feel you have the above qualifications and would like to explore this opportunity further please call- after 4 30 p m tfclS AUTO BODY Add Excel Metalcraft 881-4406 a. roar... PERSON '74 FORD 100 197399900 D. Blogg 2 to 3 years WALTERS 1976 ELAN I GRANNY'S TAR-[S AUTOMOTIVE 88426811 8G8OOZ:0;1gon73 2‘“ Snowmobiles "7 Room with Board ROOM and board Bail area. Comfortable room for lady Call after 6 884-4762 Pickup truck. standard $2350 WWI and board in Thornhill S T BOATmTJCTanicaA rITap'aTsE Suitable for busmess girl 889-2918. REQUIRE FULL I MorTTtoaTrTiTtnilprliTnIT i - a.m. - .m. 74 PINT YAMAHA 350 C R 0TH E R S :mmcimm 889 2092 figmgmmash 40000 M Running 2“ ‘ SNOW MOEIICES Pets V OUT or PROVINCE OVERNIGHT rm once A WEEK. “m” Asis$500 O ' '°" , ALE & SE Vl E . I [BERPTERP'LLAR PART TIME 727-3012 883â€"3763.... Net/Jena R'S'IUSPETTER DEAL R - \ wee so 5 os e is ere Z'H'T'T:T'Tâ€"l~'v‘in*"”‘::" A To Mr' Jerry CUShmg IvTOFauSIZUS. I280.0900 1974 ASTRE 46000 miles Body Ill 7A2U7326R6Al 43m 6 k [d A“ h t R g t d 883-5321 REGISTERED FEMALE DOBER MAN Thursday October 26th only between noon and 4:00 pm. Required. Light industrial office and plant. 2 hours _ . 1977 CAMARO LT V8 ps Do 4 speed iaii'ifi ‘â€" 12 FOOT al m n be t th 71 h 24 Industry approx'matew per day- 00nd" transmission AM-FM radio. power Datsu n 7 motor BesT OIIIE‘Im 8934095 7 p 110115 neEOIiabIe- AppIY by wlndDWS. buckets and console, LYB AU R 0 phone: 1976 VOLARE, 4 door. small 8 auto. ps pb radio. outSide mirror. 20,000 Mature ICSDODSlbIe indiViduals needed to do weekend reliet in agency group mlles. LIJ 336 Rm 1974 Olds 98 loaded With good shape Motor needs work 24 - optlonsv HPU 375 Asking $500 00 727 6423 after 6 5 & SUpphes pm BODY of '67 Chevelle With or Without rear end Best offer 7736873 2 Persons 4 w I ' m 3% years old. 3200 Show quality. Caesars.“R “Widest” 837-5737 TO WORK ON THOROUGHBRED 898 4267 Sale > M O N homes located around Newmarket and Sutton area. This IS a live-in posmon. â€"â€"_â€"E Yamaha “1 Farms TOT sale Experience w“ teenagers c;sc.i:ial Contxtl‘arolyn Diamond or Mary-Jane 1975 CHEV “PRICE V8 éumi 95- End um 250cc U rent E . t “we, pt). air con. power seat. radio. 4 door XperlenCe an asse .l & Chm , S . hardtop JER 247. 45,000 miles powe, steenng and makes a” sun BUilt for dirt Hung and III“ Farm 1’ I Ten 8 erVICes Work from your own home K roof. new radials. AM/FM'casSette, Chmbm' HOOkeI header and new Ca“ . I phoning for major Toronto CB” headhgm mpew Rebu‘lt racing clutch. knobbies, Must sell Of York Reglon' 85 Eag 8 Street west department stores, Full or AVAILABLE "ansm'ssmn Evgs’ $275 or be“ we" FOR RENT . parttime. Good commission. ______._ _ 727-5346 STRIAL MANUFACTURING Newma’ket- 895 2318 Good staff irom $3 60 oo Door 440 6 525-4110 Toronto “ne to $3.10 per how I Excellent ri;nzn7inag23c2ndition ‘As is, or 1974 AUSTIN. $100. or best offer 774 for parts - Good for parts. 727-5346. Czwle 791 F . . . . 50 MOTORCYCLE 3"" Semce EN G I N DEAD or crippled f7arm animals. b assistants Long body. V-8. automatic. alaclgjgili‘LIITirTioreimENyvPegtifigifii P 'th spec'f’c t | design expertise. Should have Local usiness re uires spare Ime â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 0 vi e. n. Icence o. pg)"sz tube Ialnd ovillire forming exposure. Principal . q 0 $1 200 Ambassador FleePIck-uo duties, design tooling and follow through, review operations for expanSI0n pfOQram- Income $80 ' ' Requued to we”. "om office m 2 800' $3201ng Many new Pam “WW-m â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" and recommend changes. For interview please contact mommy Training provided. $2 0‘” es 0 9' Thornhill. Telephone interviewmg. 1 Ev S h g 74 DATSU N CHARLOTTE PENROSE Reaction.Serrated“- ’74 GMC VAN 881-0509 _ “J 8210 416-936-2100 727-4883 884-9592 Eves. ‘6 883-5641 Good hourly rate. WHITE "Item" for '69 228' Gama“) Standard, radio. snow tires on TIITTS. , . 7 busmess from home 15 hours per 1970 DUSTER. Stand“, Slant 5 C2w16 S week. Unlimited income. Ap- ' 53“ Lost it Found LOST MALE IRISH SETTER Vicinity of Maple Grove and Yonge St, Oak Ridges Missing since October 17 Call 895-9838 EXPERIENCED MATURE JANITOR for company. Woodbine-Steeles area. ‘ m Capable of handling scrubbing machines 495'1380' DELTA 88 BILINCUAL Girl-Boy Friday. Dicta 900“ 6°"d'1'on- 395‘ 0”" 773' Certified. typing. general correspondence, 5873' , to run small wholesale - retail Reqmred by GRADUATE MECHANICAL pomtments and resume to Box 108. radio. AS '8‘ 3350' 727.63” Telex, filing and general office duties Sharon. Ontario. LOG IVO “Wartime ENGINEER â€"-â€" oft-lEiloos‘it'T-AAA .RTIABEAEIIA.T. â€"â€" b0x.A-1shape. - 884-133 1 5A:i§.::ettimie one; 72 MAVERICK 88.53â€"57.910 773 5869 R EWAR D With aUtomotiveexperience to take chargeof a i _ I 3850’ Ohio plant engineering, quality control and tool room 383-4832 Gem“ ASHE ‘ 884-8202 “’9 Musical Instruction FOUND' Money and dental card. 75 GREMLIN x production. For interview please contact CHARLOTTE PENROSE 416-936-2100 CLERK TYPIST Car necessary Thornhill location For interview call HARDWARE STORE manager and clerks experienced. Please deliver all replies to: THE BANNER Box 1744 5 Yonge St. S. AURORA EARN MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS NOW Good Part-time job Choose your own hours 727-3866 1972 DODGE ‘4 ton van. 884-7729. 1972 FORD CAPRI Standard. A-l condition, 1968 FORD PICKUP With camper top. excellent condition Evgs. 73 Datsun 610 Good condition Extra rims with snow tires. $1,000. 6 cylinder standard AM/FM radio. Radials. 47000 miles. Asking $1.600. 883-3672 Evgs. 1975 DATSUN 8210 hatchback. good condition Best offer Days. 895- 2442 after 6 pm 936-2962 1975 DATSUN. 40000 miles. $2600 certified Rick. 884-9261 extension 53, 1976 F100 PICKUP With cap. $4,000 certified 25000 miles 884- LOST Calico feline. black medium length fur with orange patches. white chest and paws. Does summersaults. Answers to name “Tuffy”. Lost in area of 20 Clarke Ave, Thornhill on Sat. Oct. let. Reward offered. Please call 499-0880 Ext. 278. Ask for T. Ackerman between 8:30 am and 5 pm. or 889-7537 after 6 pm. m Private instruction in all types of mUSIC. Instrument Discounts, Cosmo MUSIC Company 884-52 72 CAMS 7°” Tutoring LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION French or German Beginners or Advanced Individuals or Groups DIAGNOSIS R. TREATMENT 881-7975 "W 2? Prospect Street â€"â€"â€" Newmarket FRENCH LESSONS 9261. ext 53. RICI'I. Required for small Office in north PERSONS With to delve _ _ , catalogues and pick up orders part or 620 Personals Metro. OccaSional local driving. 889-7201 RAMSEY REC. ENGINEERING full time. Can earn 500 to 7.00 per 888-1032 “°"" Mamgemem p05“'°”5 3'” Nova Scotia In Bradford. 775-5312. open-3956532 1973 FORD Van, low mileage, .__ 'â€"â€".â€" certified Very good condition FULL and pait time kitchen and $3 000 727.8235 " dining help. Must be mature and ‘ 1976 VOLARE. Contact The Bank of ll.D. CONFIDENTIAL sr A r. M tgiiioor 10 1 Indusny ' urora benefits 10r The "8'11 W80”- 384‘ As is. best offer. 884-6781 after 6. .-=- nesday 7 9 pm No appomtment group lessonsgfor Ehrldrenf ‘ y 9248. REQUIRES A FULLY EXPERIENCED GENERAL MACHINIST EXCELERT REMUNERATION AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS a variety of office duties. APPLY IN PERSON on TELEPHONE _ _ _ _ _ This rapidly expanding company is acceSSible by bus. 32 600 or best offer necessary 49 1111 Can be Eertrlieo EARN WHILE YOU LEARN 884-3143 In this challenging trainee position. Duties will entail keypunch and computer operation plus 73 V.W. » _ C2 7 D R I V E R 412 WAGON I k1 PEgTEcIEtmEQuTTiTTTnE (Rele- WI Uncertified $1.000 & Condilential. Wednesday 7-9 pm. 1 6 I 8 Thursdays 4-6 103R50hYong§ B C “a” h M R_ K LAYCOC K $150 D ELI V E R Y 5 71 W venue m m0" TI'IOITITITII -l$8 Degrchgirir _ TopSl do It '_ 884â€"1133 _ after hours Are being offered byatfigagongggfa;ngwmg company S h I I b > 774 I Noappomtmentnecessary“C23 ~ â€"â€"â€"*â€"â€"â€" who are looking for a person who enioys typing and C 00 suppy “"1855 'e‘ I M condition. Radio and 40 pom vvxiT UNTIL B I N D E A P P R E I general office work. Excellent7benetits. AcceSSIble by bus. channel CB Included $2500. $1 5 DO you have a drinking problem7 If fter. Low mlleage'aesw so AA can help Write Box 84, IT'S TOO LATE quires person. over 25, with Richmond HIII of CB“ 487515;?‘11‘ For qualified academic instruction knowled e of Metro and mini w: CARE TUToiiiiiL SERVICE Junior person interested in learning bindery trade in CALL KARYN WINSTONE E W mszzum EVGS. 727-2544 or 2240271 HAIR REMOVAL ”" All areas of the face and body Make Your Own 1976 - progressive printin lant. 7 g 9 EL CAMINO to drive Econoline. Also 1974 PLYMOUTH . 1315 FINCH AVE. W,. SUITE 206 _ ALSO some warehouse duties. daily$1.750. LADIES/MEN d ‘ . JEAN ZWARYCH h - p t With own transponation looking for part time bindery Dee \ 857-1053evemngs j " _ LO ELECTROLYSIS C “CSJTSTTnaicSCIaEEeSsen s Hi i Atria-gm ( h work. Contact Jim Crawford. -â€" ‘55 1974 r100 1. TON. 40 000 miles V 41643934094 49 cars 8 Trunks 33000 termed RIC“ 8849261 Mem of Electro|y5is ASSOCIBIIOI'I of 57" 15 extenSion 53 5'6 8 00 0m. a. American ElectrolYSIS _ Assoaation W. 728 MISCBIIaHBOUS WALLACE- DAVI E IN DU STR 1 ES” " “900Ef'2113’aiiow 420 DENN ISON ST. C E NTReTgRTéHERTET EPAI RS 884 W R 53 LAWS t2"“10.5:iJ'I...JI§'€F.”%§‘L’AOI'AI; “new {was certified 35000 your Bazaars to easily raise funds phone 8816689 MARKHAM 1977 Honda Civic 32113123286DUNNG‘fil‘gpjggls°§I Airporr297-1422 m kilometers $3100 at IFISR For ’hnloggrtlatfggmsrefi‘ 1:)? BUY & SELL CARS 7;”;‘fgg47 STORAGE 4 dooc hardtop. solid reliable, driven a DRAKE INTERNATIONAL company PETROLEUMS Requires a Purchasing Department -â€"â€"-"â€"" S II bI WWW Stocmom SU PERVISOR REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 77 Moi... ggczfgaggf . I t 1' â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€" CIerk'ReCe'Ver FOr its station in Thornhill. Please apply GRAND PR|X "8 "m '0" E“ :nggreazh‘tglyif)?Silgf'l‘lfiifgitifthC:Earhaiclaf‘ in person LO: YOnge $1.. Centre (Hw 7 Last M we Grand PM made PRWATE MAN WITH - Y- - - or it DRUM LESSONS .T'QKUP TRUCK Clerk‘Iecewe' ‘T ‘13DU'CI135‘PQGBDarznwe": an r. 03 se Byexoerienced Drolessional ' ° "ng' Clean'ups or what have you'” 881-5137 889-2092 Excellent salary aoo triage Dene“:- 889-2829 1-640-3340 63532362 P0008 Mt Wells for appointment ‘â€" _‘â€"â€"â€" H VE REQUIRED I oucr CLEANING coupxnv ROCKWELL 1966 CHEVELLE 1978 LINCOLN M GVOUDSFEBaGnEmL OLIOIndmduals mx ‘ Reqwes I C PRIVATE looking to raise extialunds atChiisl- ‘24 SmaeICIon Roda TCEL' 9' 6 “WC it‘d-uh Who want more than ust a l n I I ~ - Town rouoe made: 6000 miles Practicaland or Theory Mike [nag may do 50 mm W Dual Gm Concoro Ontario L4H ‘5: Ms: have 117 hours In” ne'gng i M F Like new Best offer Both IsnsCOeotglaggflltlon Newsfi 800 Asmgsnsoo 598031 No commitment requued See Phone 1 C2w16 3391:0329 Thornhill Farmers Market (keele-Sleelesi appointment, 18 years and over [ Call 773-4066 i3 to 7 p mi 88M Associates 889-7210 884-3705 881-5107 889-0980 881-6689 CM 16 I

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