Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Nov 1978, p. 1

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SC For laundry, bath and rec rooms. Sun Decks. Exp-donned Accountant-Boothe” Bookkeeping Semces & Preparation of [manual statements lor small busmesses. 727-9603; "" GUNAR CONSTRUCTlON CARPENTRY AND CUSTOM Reasonable. Reliable. Puck up & delivery. Your Office or my home. ' Bookkeepm CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 587-5770 m4 Bookkeeping & Accounting Services BARS. REC ROOMS, SAUNAS RUFF 8 TRIM WORK ADDITIONS, GARAGES. COTTAGES COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS CEDAR DECKS 8 FENCING HAND MADE KITCHENS ' UNUSUAL JOBS 0 D.J. DILWORTH E1 ASSOC WOOD WORKING CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Addmons. Renovations 8 Rec. Rooms 83 Rosevnew Ave. Richmond Hill. Ont. Tel 8M4171 REC ROOMS â€"SAUNAS CUSTOM BARS â€"IDDITIONS Luc 84703 KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS Ah‘ Catenaro KEN R. McKEOWN After 5 pm 889-5076 Renovations Additions Carpentry g», «R 10620 VONdE AT oxmpo 884-4030 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANI Registered Bookk Accountants (Chartered) CARPENTER For small busmesses BOOKKEEPER Accounting Services Carpentry ROSENBERG 8 COMPANY SOY Qua/Irv Paint/Hg Wnnen Guam/Nee Auto Rust Repairs Chartered Accountants USE OUR F9 SERVICE DIRECTORY r E \. FOR HOME OR BUSINESS 225-1055 REID 8 BRADLEY 889-3820 at 7756390 10256 Yonqe SI RILhHlUHd HI” 889-5683 K mm'Ih M Pal JSUIHI Ac Bunhkm'pmu lmmmrv I." 889 1377 8831680 884 2092 884-9697 SMITH CARPENTRY 8841634 msultatlons Paint A Car man! TFCIB Will do movmg, ck or what have you!!! 881-5137 Expaiemed nan wi do 0 Painting Er Wallpapen'ng ' Some minor carpentry Tree work. Stump removal by machine, Insuredr Price guarantee PICKUP TRUCK Carhde Landscaping Custom Rotolrllrng ’ Gardens. lawns sodded Garden Manure $50 for 4 yards â€" delivered General clean-up ol backyards basements garages and eavestr0ughs cleaned keep-[‘Hwirh l nasssMAxmé Elgctriflcrians Any |ob. large or small. also Mun s B deurs’ leather coats, rackets hauls custom made” Aheranons repairs, zippers, new Innings, sheepskin, leathers for motorcyclists. ' W“ 757-9539“ ' RP. (Bob) Ross I30 Centte St. W. 884-1788 TREE SERVICE Ray Turner DRYWALL 8 PLASTERING SPECIALIZING IN BRICK & NATURAL ST‘JNE FIREPLACES Reasonable rates hee e landscaping 8 deSIgn servvces I gontractors LEATHER SPECIALIST J. WELBORNE 8 SON Gardening Landscaping PAINTING AND DECORATING. ETC Handyman CALL LESLIE AT 883-4981 Textured - Sprayed Ceilings 8 Walls New 8 O|d Repairs HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS ALTERATIONS :»Handymen 889-0745 Bv Competent Ttadesman Ptices on request or by hour types at .005 Semce «epa rEsnmates ley reasonable No [596 635-7918 ELECTRICIAN DON'T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIMEH Contracting Co‘ I Id CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS BOB ROSS CONTRACTING Richmond Hill General repdus 271-1466 888-1985 887-5031 787-1332 MAN WITH REASONABLE Free Estimates Call Dag Schindler Fvee Estimates 881-7149 883-3033 xtunyonb k wmk cleanups mate‘ chu TH: 15 "E U Mc‘ 0 SINGER I PFAFF 0 WHITEâ€"ELNA 0 NECCHI 0 BROTHER - HUSOVARNA OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE HAYES SEWING MACHINE SERVICF Custom carpentry, cabinetmaker, additions, renowfions, rec rooms VSTALLATION Ev SALES CO Flat roofing & Shingles Upholstery- Emopean Craftsmanship Painter » Resndenttal. Commercual, Industrial Plumber - Electnmans Aluminum. Sldlng. eavestrough & WIHUOWS Many other trades available CANADIAN CONSUMERS SERVICE CLUB 224-0159 or 449-4538 - ALUMINUM 'sufim'd - EAVESTROUGHING - wmnows - uoons LUMBARDI CONTRACTING Ceramic Tiles, Dry wall taping, Textured ceil- ings 8 walls. T-Bar Ceilings. Stuccoing 8 complete renovations. 0 DRYWALL 0 TAPING 0 STUCCOING & Rec Rooms D0uble or triple glass Storm windows - Storm Doors Sliding Doors - Siding Overhang - Awnings Eavestroughing H. BUTT Insuvance Mongages File, Auto and Liability Telephone 727794888 Rear 47 Yonge Stree18 Aurora. Ontario Residential-CommerciaI-Industrial ROOFING 7575A Yonge St_., Thornhill FOR WA TERPHUUF/NG CONCRETE A150 PA 7/05, Elf/MAIst PURE/{£5 LIE. B 1373 126 OXFORD ST. RICHMOND HILL Alcan Building Products North Yon'ge Draln Contractors Ltd. Ml'onled 0mm: Corner Agency Limited DO IT NOW!! CONCRETE WORK ALUMINUM REPLACEMENT“ WINDOWS YORK ALUMINUM Sewing Â¥Machine Gua/Iry Workmansh/p GUARANTEED Reasonable Rates RES‘ B44558 "SERVING YORK { REED“ SINCE 1m” ~3*~ Insurance Em Iibtral ads 889-41 06 8843705 Slaying Machine Repairs FREE ESTIMATFS 832-2238 773-4687 GORDON BAXTER 7734708 REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 'Sldewalks 0Excavat|ng fSeptnc Tanks OTIenchIng 'CUIbS IDraIns (New and Repairs) OR WAYNE 884-5227 222:2682 CALL PAT DRY ANALL PLASTERING Homgfimprovemeng; INSULATION Insulation 889-0707 III: II tfcd 884-2836 Sndxng-Soflut‘Faua Storm wmdows & dams. patio doors awnings patch encIOSures sauna rooms & heaters We supply 5' seamless eavestough Call anvtlme 0 Siding 0 Sofiit 0 Shuners 0 Windows Have your own sauna Io engoy 0! Me Because |t IS plelabucated It can be Installed In a matte: of 2 - 3 hows Suitable atmost anythve Vanous sues Stxucture made of 2" x 6" tongue and groove ceda. or hemlock 0 Alterations 0 Repairs 0 Recreation rooms 0 Patios 0 Windows - Doors Excellent workmanship Specializing in: Aluminum Siding, Eavestroughing, Fascia, Soffits, Shutters, Doors 8 Windows. General Carpentry. Call now for fast dependable service. Free Estimates. CUSTOM ALUMINIZING WINTER 5 SALE 3 PRICES NOW IN EFFECT BEAT THE WINTER BLUES MacPHEE ALUMINUM 'PLASTERING ‘CERAMIC YILE 'DRYWALL TAPlNG OTEXTURED CEILINGS b WALLS CABINET WORK HOME IMPROVEMENTS OFREE ESTIMATES OAII work uatanteed wo J08 r 0 smu " Cd/evenmgs 884-6162 0 Boats FREE ESTIMATES JOHN MacPHEE 884-8506 85 CENTRE ST, E., RICHMOND HILL 0 INTERIOR DESIGN 8 RENOVATIONS 0 CARPENTRY NICK UPTON 887-9355 883-1331 8842180 883-1331 PLASTERER TILE SETTER After 6 pm 383-5432 E.L0. Service OEaves ' Fascia I Awnings 0 Railings 11:45 we Formerly with Mason 8 Risch Speedy Service to your area. | Piano Tuning Stained Glass f | Photography I CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY Lamps an made Rel STAINED GLASS WINDOWS THORNHlLL ROOFING For all occassuo personal home se J. Hoffman MRS‘ KAY OR MRS WAXMAN Karl Bundschuh 884-4832 PAINTING U PAPER HANGING Residenfial- Commercial v Industrial Dene:th sewice TypeWriters Adding Machines Sales 8 Service A/f’s 0ffice Machines Richmond Hill 881-1997 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 Free Estimates; Piano Tuning & Repairs and Paperhanging 635-5117 WALKER CONSTRUCTION 8842882 TYPEWRITER RENTALS SHINGLES WILI HUGH BARR 889-2773 PAINTING DECORATING INVITATIONS Fire Place Service CHIMNEYS Er FIREPLACES ALL WORK GUARANTEE Office Machines BUILT AND REPAIRED Invitations Painting & Paperhanging plofessmnal hmsh guaranteed 751-9022 R.E. Dunn 727-3303 Expert Wukmanshnp 20 years' experience Free Estimates PA|NT|NG Roofing Painters LH. SIMS Typing Id hang pans a 889-8922 Flee Eskimates 633-9017 3N RRR 11 gs, Cust nnslallat EDGE W3 an IE "BIZ Service by qualified -accountant Reasonable rates. The other nominees. Tim Bvrne. Pat Burzillo, Linda SpizzerriLacasse. Paul Patenaude and the other incumbent, Con Thompson. all spent their three-to-five minutes outlining the basics of their campaign literature Assure a trouble free vacation from your home. Our professional house sitters wil: care for your home, pets, pIants as if y0u were there References. Father Francis Robinson. Richmond Hill incumbent, didn‘t attend the all-candidates meeting but no reason was given for his absence. Two residents, Andy Atrens and Joe Tanzos. appeared before Richmond Hill Council Monday to again appeal for the services. Mr. Tanzos said, council was “stalling”. “We have been six or seven times before council with this complaint,“ he said. “It appears this council doesn‘t care about the problem. If you‘re serious. you could find the funds.“ Mr. Atrens said the Ministry of Environment in conjunction with the York Regional Health Unit carried out a water survey and found seven unsatisfactory samples out of the 16 taken. Fewer than 30 people came out to St. Charles Garnier School on Monday night to hear the views of Separate School Board candidates and even one of the nominees didn‘t make it. Save taxes and protect personal assets. IncorpOrate Limited Liability CorpOrations $150.00 plus government fee. Fewer than 30 people hear Catholic board ’3 candidates Annual minutes $25 Plumbing, . Heating, Air Conditioning Plumbing tr Electrical DEAL SERVICES 3839338 1734138 The York Regional Health Unit will be asked to comment on a potential health hazard in some well water at Lake Wilcox, but residents in the Snively - Drynoch area would rather have town water services now. DAYS EVEN / Steam Clean; your carpets today ACCOUNTING AND BOUKEEPING RESTYLING REBUILDING REFINISHING b y craftsmen Accounting and Booking Duality work Call 883-4832 as: 889-782] .N GOING AWAY? Council stalling on water service, residents state 691-4543 EVE: A E @SSTI’EEZUW 9018 VONGE INCORPORATE ‘JOHN GRACE. Pet & Home Care 884-8831 884-5441 Carpet Cleaning Upholsterers Seryices Done in my home. Pick up 8 delivery. Reasonable rates. ' The Separate School Board is one of the few educational systems in Ontario concerned with rising (as opposed to declining) enrolments. In some of its schools, it doesn‘t expect student populations to level off until at least 1982. A question by several of the parents attending the meeting Monday asked why, with the public school system undergoing a decline in students leaving partially empty facilities across the region, couldn't some of It wasn't until the following question period that many of their aims and philosophies were [brought out. Ebt ifihrral Secrejtarial .Sennce stand for QUALITY 881-0455 Evgs. TYPING "however, the final commitment of an installation date has been postponed. awaiting the new cost figures on the outlet channel." That channel is expected to cost in the neighborhood of $325,000. “There are 67 adults and 30 children living in this area which are exposed in some form He said some progress had been made in the past toward acquiring the services. He suggested funds were available through the Neigh- bourhood Improvement Program fund and told council there was more than $656,000 “of unspent monies remaining in the N.I.P. Fund". “This indicates to me that almost half the wells which were tested contained some form of bacteria which could be harmful to humans," Mr. Atrens said‘ ESTIMAYES NO OBLIGATION CAng THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. November 8. 1978 â€" Bâ€"u This year‘s version of Tournaments Inc., is blessed with good goalkeeping in the per- sons of Rob Johnson and Richmond Hill played well short of its capabilities in this contest and if it had not been for the superb job done by goalie Chris Austin one can hardly imagine what the score might have been. Unfortunately, the two- game win streak came to an abrupt hall last Friday night at home as Barrie beat them 4-1. Both games featured strong goaltending, ex- cellent passing by the defensemen and allâ€"out twoâ€"way efforts by every forward. The Richmond Hill Tournaments Incorpo- rated Minor Bantams finished off their first complete week of the 1978-79 schedule 'with two wins and one loss. Following an exhibition slate which resulted in no wins and only one tie the Tournament boys put together back-to-back team efforts and gar- nered 4â€"0 and 8-2 victories over Newmarket and Orillia respectively to open the season. “Portables are only a short-term answer. Look at Garnier â€" we asked for a 12-room addition and the Ministry saw fit to give us enough money for He threw out a few other ideas to meet the challenge of a system bulging at the seams. He said changing school boundaries may be a partial answer but he's against breaking up families by sending children from the same household to different schools. Tournaments Minor Bantams win first two hockey contests “The education we‘re giving our children is founded on solid Christian attitudes â€" spiritually and morally. We combine the importance of a' religious education with a high academic standard and once you take the kids out of that Catholic en- vironment and give them non-Catholic teachers, we’ve lost our purpose," he said Con Thompson took a look at the whole question and in his summary he clearly stated sharing facilities with the York Board of Education would defeat the purpose of running a Catholic School System. Pat Burzillo disagreed, saying the idea of shared facilities between the two school boards is a reasonable one on a short- term basis, at least better than bussing young children long distances. “I believe all of our empty facilities, and in some areas there 'are open spaces, should be used to fight the problem of inclining enrolments â€" even if it means bussing our kids to the vacan- cies," said Mr. Byrnei Paul Patenaude agreed everything should be done to make the best use of what the board now has although he didn’t think the sharing of public facilities was totally unreasonable. the Catholic overflow shayefihreir buildings. Wérd 5 Councillor Bill Cor- coran said if an outbreak does occur “we'll have wished we did the-job‘i “If there's an outbreak and the medical officer of health hasn’t done anything about it, he should be fired,“ Councillor Chateauvert said. “They obviously don't think the problem is that seious." Councillor Andre Chatealivéft wasn't convinced the health hazard was that serious. The recommendation was approved in a recorded vote, 6-3. Councillor John Birchall, who suggested the Health Unit comment on the situation. added that once the information is received. a public meeting be called in the area to review the priorities. to these conditions.” Mr. Alrens said‘ “In the heat of the summer these conditions have become unbearable in some households. Richmond Hill plays Thornhill in a league game tomorrow (Thursday) in the new Richmond Hill arena at 8 pm. They are then in Aurora next Saturday afternoon and then move on to another home and home series with Thor- nhill in Thornhill November 13 and in Rich- mond Hill November 17. In the last exhibition game before the season started the Tournaments team suffered a severe loss when Gord Sherrer broke his arm. Gord is expected to be back in another six weeks or so and his size and speed will be greatly missed. While most other players have moved from position to position in recent games the defense has been anchored by Eric Mabley, Paul Sarazin, Brian Masson, Jim Madden and Chris Steffan, The forward corps is made up of Wayne Cardwell, David Wright, Kelly, Derrick Baker, John Tyndall, Todd Sears, David Floyd. Carmen Mora and Derek Merilees. the aforementioned Austin The final all-candidates meeting for Richmond Hill Separate School trustees is tomorrow (Thursday) at 7:30 pm. at St. Mary Immaculate School on Trayborn Avenue. Mr. Thompson shook his head and didn‘t think current legislation would allow for that. Later. Director of Education John Zupancic said the board could go after the assessment of a business or an industry, as long as it was owned by a Catholic. He said if one of the partners is Catholic and the other is not, then shared assessment is possible. “With many new' in- dustrial and commercial businesses starting up in Richmond Hill, there's no reason why the board can‘t go out and solicit the support of these people, especially since many of them are Catholic- owned," he said. In a discussion about increasing assessment to try and bring the mill rate Catholic ratepayers pay in line with the public supporters‘ mill rate, Pat Burzillo was asked how he’d accomplish this‘ Linda Spizzirri-Lacasse also didn't agree 'with sharing facilities and said more research into the idea must be done to see if it works. ~ to the Honorable Bette Stephenson by five Ontario school boards with increasing enrolments. They feel their needs should not be ignored because of problems and financial restraints being felt by other systems. eight new rooms. The school was overcrowded even before the addition was complete. Obviously, we have to keep after the government for the funding to meet our needs," he said. He claimed the board is preparing a letter as part of a brief to be submitted

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