So is nearly all of Markham north of Six- teenth Avenue and three sections of Vaughan. one on both sides of Dufferin Street north of the Langstaff Road, another between Maple and the town‘s northern boun- dary. and a third between the Humber River and the town's western boundary. The staff is recom~ mending that regional council adopt the agricultural policy for the The policy. as drafted, pmvides that within the agricultural priority ar- eas. the dominated land use shall be farming, Non~agricultural uses within both agricultural priority areas are to be located in villages and hamlets. In the last 0 SWI‘. 1971, farm pro uctsfrom York sold for a total of about $36 million. The total investment in far- ming in York is estimated at $700 million‘ All the farmland left in Richmond Hill between Bayview Avenue and Highway 404 and north of Sixteenth Avenue is in- cluded in the agriculture one zone. “York shares with Simcoe County the largest single marsh for the production of vegetables in Canada, the Holland Marsh,†states the report. The are represents “at least 0 per cent of the vegetable producing acreage in Ontario.“ The regional planners have split the region’s farmland into agriculture one and agriculture two zones. and all nine of the region’s municipalities have some agricultural land in these zones. Only in the agriculture two zone is even rural residential development (housing on one or two acre lots) to be permitted. - The new transnbrtation conveners for Maple are Mrs. Sue McLeod, telephone 832-2302 and Mrs. Valerie Johnson, 832-2653. If you have any problems concerning transportation or could possibly be a volunteer driver, please call Sue or Valerie. . . . Almost half of this rural land is rated class 1, the highest soil capability. Approxim- atély 57 per cén_t of 400,000 acres was in tive farm use in 1976 Shortly after that, in May of 1969 he came to York Central as Administrator and he remained ever since in the same job. only the title has been changed to Executive Director. The regional planning department is advocating policies that would protect the rest of York‘s agricultural industry. "Of the region‘s 400,000 rural acres, 280,000 acres are rated to have a high agricultural capability To be eligible for the Fellowship, several qualifications and specifications must be met. One must first be a nominee in the College for several years. Mr. Hepburn was just such a nominee for five years before he was accepted as a member of the college in 1968. About 54,000 acres was taken out of agricultural production in York Region between 1961 and 1976, according to a regional planning document to be con- sidered by council this Thursday. After 11 years of ser- vice, Mrs. Muriel Rose is retiring as transportation convener for the Canadian Cancer Society in Maple. Policies would protect farmland Administratorstf the 90 recipients, only five were Canadian. Earlier this fall. he was invited to Anaheim, California. to be one of 90 recipients of a Fellowship in the American College York Central Hospital's Executive Director, James C Hepburn ranks high on the list of hospital administrators, accor- ding to the American College of Hospital Administrators. Retires Hospital’s Hepburn achieves high honor Agggggfllgeï¬hings done the ac- purpose of putting it before the public for discussion. JIM HEPBURN One of the most im- portant pre-requisites for acceptance as a Fellow is the efficiency of the hospital the applicant administers. York Central Hospital has never failed to be accredited, and that means that it ranks among the best run hospitals in the country. This was important for Mr. Hepburn when he was hoping for his Fellowship, because the efficiency of the hospital naturally reflects on the person at the top; Other requirements for Notice is hereby given that a Poll will be held on Monday, November 13th, 1978, for the election of candidates to the following offices: Regional CounciIIOr (Three to be elected by general vote over the whole of the Town.) Councillor (One to be elected in each of the Wards 1 to 5 inclusive.) Member of York County Board of Education (Five to be elected by Public School Electors) as follows: AREA 1 (Wards 1,2 8 7) - 2 members AREA 2 (Wards 3 8 6) -1 member AREA 3 (Wards 4 8 5) - 2 members York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board (five to be elected by general vote of the Separate School Electors over the whole of the Town.) ELECTION DAY - MONDAY NOVEMBER 13TH, 1978 POLLS OPEN - 11:00 AM. to 8:00 PM. PLEASE VOTE EARLY! ADVANCE POLL WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4th. 1978 9:00 AM. to 8:00 PM. for the purpose of receiving votes of electors who expect to be unable to vote on polling day in the polling subdivision for which wheir names appear on the Polling Lists; or who are entitled to vote under a certificate issued by the Clerk; or who become entitled to vote by applying to a Deputy Returning Officer and establishing his or her identity to the satisfaction of the Deputy Returning Officer. The last day an appointment of Voting Proxy may be certified by the Clerk is Monday, November 13th, 1978 at the hour of 5:00 PM. Gary F. Roseblade, Town Clerk and Returning Officer MUNICIPAL OFFICE -8911 Woodbine Avenue, Buttonville MARKHAM ARENA - Wellington Street East. Markham THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE - Bayview Avenue. nhiII APPOINTMENT OF VOTING PROXY A. a A person who at any time during the period from September 5th to October 27th, 1978 was: ill a resident in the Town of Markham, or, if a nonâ€"resident, the owner or tenant of land in the Town or the spouse of such an owner or tenant; (2) a Canadian citizen or other British subject; and (3) has attained the age of eighteen years or will attain the age of eighteen years on or before November 13th, 1978. B. A person whose name was omitted from the List of Electors who was otherwise qualified except that he or she was not a Canadian citizen or other British subject during the period of September 5th to October 27th, 1978, if such person applies IN PERSON to the Clerk for a Certificate to Vote and produces for inspection a certificate of naturalization or other conclusive evidence of citizenship. Any qualified person whose name has been omitted from the List of Electors may apply directly to the Deputy Returning Officer at the polling subdivision in which he or she is entitled to vote, to have their name entered on the Polling List by taking a declaration IN THE PRESCRIBED FORM and otherwise establishes his or her identity to the satisfaction of the Deputy Heturning Officer. Any qualified person whose name has been omitted from the List of Electors may obtain a Certificate to Vote by applying IN PERSON to the Clerk, 8911 Woodbine Avenue, Buttonville, between 8:30 am. and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Persons applying are required by law to take an oath that they possess the qualifcations to be so entered. TOWN OF MARKHAM MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOTICE OF POLL AND ADVANCE POLL .ï¬UALIFJCADDNJQBEDN LISIMOEVELECIQRS. my 0, TOWN OF'MARKHAM MUNICIPAL he“? ELECTIONS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1978 CERTIFICATE TO VOTE ADVANCE POLL LOCATIONS the Fellowship included the writing of an eight- hour examination con- sisting of 299 pages of writing. The final requirement for each person hoping for a Fellowship in the American College of Hospital Administrators That, and a one-hour oral examination taken in French are what Mr. Hepburn figures clinched the Fellowship for him. an.10,11,12 :3": Westbury Hotel Ladies Flee TURUNTU BUSINESS UPPURTUNITIES EXPfl Mjnl I Illll IN GENERAL ADMISSION $3.00 WITH THIS AD $2.00 Free Prestige Promotions 255-4684 (Behind Maple Leaf Gardens) Fri. & Sat. Noon ï¬ll 9 p.m Sunday Noon till 5 pm. is that they must be nominated by at least three other Fellows. Before coming to Rich- mond Hill, Jim Hepburn and his family lived in Napanee, where he was the Administrator of the Lennox and Addington General Hospital during its construction stages and after it opened. The Hepbui‘ns, Jim, his wife, Carol. and their two children live in 475 Yonge St. at Carlton Gary F. Rgseblade wan Clerk and Returning Officer Jim attributes his success at York Central Hospital to his efficient Markham. Aside from dad being involved in hospital work. Carol is an active hospital auxiliary member as well. MONDAY, NOV. 13 8:30 PM. CLASSICOMM LIVE ELECTION NIGHT RESULTS COMPLETE UP TO THE MINUTE POLL RETURNS FOR MARKHAM RICHMOND HILL WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE VAUGHAN As. little as s436a mqnth carrles a new condominium apartment home at Yonge North 0A project by the Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited and Baif Deve|opments cable Two bedroom apartment homes from $49,215 Three bedroom apartment homes from $58,760 Consider the advantages ol‘Yonge North. Spacious two and three bedroom homes. An exclusive recreation centre. Nearby parks.golfcourses and ski areas. An ultra-modem 105 store shopping centre just 5 minutes away. Schools and churches. Bus service to the Finch subway station (just 15 minutes away) or the Richmond Hill GO station (10 minutes away). W With Cadillac Fairview‘s ï¬nancial assistance program, you can carry your Yonge North condominium home for less than you‘re probably paying in rem â€" as little as He says he believes that behind every good executive there are two women. “His wife who tells him what to do. and his secretary who makes sure that he does it." right hand. Madelaine Cole, his secretary. *including principal, interest, taxes and maintenance Yonge Norlh The country life condominium 40 Baif Boulevard Richmond Hill R0 was your vote Sponsored by the Committee to elect GOrd Rowe, Richmond Hill Regional Councillor sagice E Hines! Mal GORO ROWE KNOWS THIS COMMUNITY, ITS PEOPLE AND ITS NEEDS C PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP O AFFORDABLE HOUSING 0 COMPATIBLE INDUSTRIAL GROWTH 0 PROTECTION OF OUR PARKLANDS 0 DEVELOPMENT OF WATER Er SEWAGE FACILITIES "MORE EMPLOYMENT FOR LOCAL PEOPLE 0 ADEQUATE ASSISTANCE FOR OUR NEEDY GORD ROWE is a dedicated individual who is vitally interested in the civic affairs which affect the people of this Municipality and Region. He is for: S436 fora 2 bedroom home There‘s a wide choice of suite lay- outs with features such as extra bath and washroom. family-sized kitchen. walk- in closets. individual suite temperature control for both heating and air-con- ditioning. inâ€"suite laundry rooms and storage areas and much. much more. For Regional Counci/lor See our furnished mod- els.We‘re open from 12 noon to 8 RM. weekdays; 10AM. to 6 P. M. weekends. lflhese times aren‘t convenient, call us at 88l-64l4 and we‘ll set up an appointment. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. November 8. 1978