Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Dec 1978, B6

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mmmmmmmfi S mmmm W A 3-6 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. December g Richmond Hill North §Skating badges achieved by Decorating the classroom Christmas tree is more fun if you make the decorations yourself. Students in Grade 4 and 5 at Jefferson Public School enjoy this task. Pictured left to right are Chris Bowyer, 9 of EMMMM} By MILLIE STEWART 773-4424 May I take this opportunity to wish all the people in Oak Ridges “and Lake Wilcox the merriest of Christmases and all the best for 1979. SKATING CLUB Bond Lake Skating Club members had test day for badges last week and many youngsters were successful in achieving new badges. Elizabeth Marighetto. Raymond Cook and Terri Clark. KMM Novice l badges were awarded to Kelli Cartwright. Michael Kerteston, Lorelei Barry. Margaret Barry, Christine -__.D. Ann Douse and Carla Mulcahey. Elementary badges went to Gordon Fraser. Denise Bub. Mark Dilworth. Glen Farrell. Virginia Douse, Donna Carter. Daniella Burzillo, Christine Beadle, Pamela Campbell and Aubrey Glazer. The following youngsters were successful in passing El the Basic badge: Margaret Ziffo. Susan Mohl. Barbara and me congregation at St. Paul‘s United in Oak Ridges are invited to a coffee and carol evening at 8 pm. on December 21. O n S u n d a y . December 24 at the 10:30 am. service, the children in the Sunday School classes will perform a Christmas pageant entitled ‘The Little Drummer Boy'. LIBRARY The Charles Connor Library would like everyone in the community to be aware that a copy machine now occupies the place of honor at the library, and for the nominal fee of 10 cents. you can make copies of those valuable papers and other items of im~ A’mmmmmmmmmmmn Elementary badges went to Gordon Fraser, Denise Bub. Mark Dilworth. Glen Farrell. Virginia Douse. Donna Carter. Daniella Burzillo. Christine Beadle, Pamela Campbell and Aubrey Glazer. Cambbell and John Bly. Those receiving beginners badges are: Lesley Glazer. Brandy Leary‘ Cindy Tilsey. Angela Barry, Allison 'I‘, h o r n , T a m m y VanDyk, Tanya Ash, Jimmy Iafano, Nadia Rilly and Marc Mahler. Slroking badges were awarded to Tracey Booth, Helena VanBommel. Carl Cartwright, Beverly Bly. Dana Fisher, Hank DeJong. Sandra DeJong. Mathew Mucciacto, Renee Cowan; Daniella Cowan. Robin Craig, Ann Douse and Carla Mulcahey. R. J. CRAIGIE MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR Bond Lake club members 10216 Yonge St. Ridunond Hil All the members of the congregation of St. Paul‘s United in Oak Ridges are invited to a coffee and carol evening at 8 pm. on December 21. Maureen Stewart achieved the Dance 1 badge. Lynette LaRivierre and Heather Houghton passewhe Novice 11‘ badge; ' Speed and Jump badges; were won by Jo-Anne Agostini. Elizabeth Murphy and Tina O'Meara. * Badges for Figures were awarded to Sandra Fraser, Kathy Murphy, Rosanna Farrell and Michelle Smith. DINNER SUCCESS Bond Lake Skating Club was able to achieve success with a (‘hristmas dinner and dance due to several pepple. ' The club executive would like to say thanks to The House of Wayne. all the parents who contributed food for the dinner. Connie Bestard and Allen Bestard Jr.. Lisa Nolan and Jo-Anne Agostini. ST. PAL‘L‘S May your homes and hearts [)9 fillmi with peace and vonlenlnwnl. Thanks for your loyalt) and support 10956 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL ‘A mile north of Elgin Mills Road 8845931 y o ‘ o zrzsfmas KL I'(’(’{II 198 ricllmona' 1973 xwwwwwuwwwwwwuwwwwmwwwuwwmwwwwmwugamma!“wmwmwwwmmmwuwwwwwwwmmuwwfi hazy/us There will be a candlelight service at 7:30 pm. Christmas Eve at the church. ST.JOHN‘S Members of the congregation are invited to gather at St. John’s Anglican (‘hurch tonight (December 20) at 8 pm. to decorate the church and put up the tree. On Christmas Eve there will be a service at 10:30 am. It will be a service 01 lessons and carols and at this time, the tree will be blessed, as will the crib. S e r v i c e s o n Christmas Eve will be at 11:15 am. and again at 7 pm. At 11p.m. that same night, there will be a candlelight service. On Christmas Day the service of Holy (‘ommunion will be at 10:30 am. the Gamble Sideroad; Darlene Leuschner. 10, of Leslie Street and Robert Gee. 10 of 18th Avenue. (Liberal Photo by Bruce Hogg). BRETHREN IN CHRIST interiors «mmfimflm HOLIDAY HOURS Wufififififififi 7:30 pm. Advent Masses each evening at St. Mary‘s or on Saturday. December 23 at Our Lady of the Annunciation School from 3 to 4:30 pm. M a s s e s f o r Christmas will be held at midnight of December 24 and at 9:30am. on Christmas Day. a good opportunity 101‘ the children to laugh at some of the all-time great cartoon characters. This show is scheduled to appear at the CNE Coliseum from December 28 to 31. HOLIDAY FILMS The staff at the Richvale Library has This program is free and all children from 4 to 14 are welcome For further inâ€" formation. please call the library at 889-2847. T h e R i c h v a l e Library will close at noon on Saturday. December 23 and will reopen on Wednesday, December 27 at 1 pm. The Elders and Stewards of Carrville United Church will combine business and pleasure at a meeting and social evening to be held Thursday. December 21. beginning at 8 pm. The event will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Read of Clairvillev make me evening a s u c c e s s f r o m everyone’s viewpoint. GIANT TREE This is the last chance to place a gift under the giant Christmas Tree in the K Mart Court at Hillcrest Mall. This tree is put there by the Salvation Army and all gifts under the For your Christmas reading, if you can find the time, some of these might appeal: ‘War and Remembrance’ by H. Work; ‘Prelude To Terror‘ by H Maclnnes: ‘Wild Frontier' by Pierre Berton: ‘Bronfman Dynasty' by Peter Newman and there are many more. mwmwmwwmmyxe gmwflmmmmfimmwfi I ? LOCAL it} INDEPENDENT gt; PHARMACIES it There will be, no change in hours for the New Year‘s holiday. ('ATHOLIC CHRISTMAS 0 a k R i d g e s ‘ residents wishing to make a Christmas confession are asked to do so after one of the 7:30 pm. Advent Masses each evening at St. Mary's or on Saturday. December 23 at Our Lady of the Annunciation School from 3 to 4:30 pm portance to you without 'having to go out of the community. Wm. C. Lazenby BScth., Hugh A. Wight th8.. Mrs. Martha J. Bailkowski BScth. The hours for the Christmas holiday at the library are: the library will close Saturday. December 23 at noon and will reopen Wednesday, December 27 at 1 0m. bWMW¢H&h (@974 Saturday, December 23rd Sunday, December 24th Christmas Day, December 25th Boxing Day, December 26th Sunday, December 31st 9 am. to 6 pm. 11 am. to 5 pm. Closed 11 am. to 5 pm. 11 am. to 5 pm. BEVERLEY ACREs PHARMACY ONLY Monday, January 1st 11 am. - 5 pm. ALLENCOURT PHARMACY, KENZIE PHARMACY ALLENCOURT PHARMACY 417 MARKHAM ROAD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 8844461 BEVERLEY ACRES PHARMACY 10610 BAYVIEVV AVENUE, RICHM . 2866 Gar Elphinsxone thB., George Yankougg‘cth‘lLEF ONT 884â€" KENZIE PHARMACY 10254 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 884â€"4403 Ed Jelski BScth., Mrs. Helen S. Grad Bscth With sincere appreciation for your patronage SEAS ON ’8 GREETINGS 1ft ’3‘} R ' ANNOUNCEgg The show will be a feature in the Market Court. and this will be a good opportunity for the children to laugh at some of the allâ€"time great cartoon characters. This show is scheduled to appear at the CNE Coliseum from December 28 to 31. Cartoon characters star at Hillcrest Daffy Duck and Wile E. Coyote will star in The Bugs Bunny Show for three per» formances today (December 20) at Hillcrest Mall. Richmond Hill South The young people. who are making an intensive study of pioneer days. especially of the area now known as Richmond Hill, bombarded their guest with questions. The pupils presented Mary with a red rose symbolic of the Town of Richmond Hill. ()ne of the young guests. Nancy Naylor, granddaughter of members, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins, was the excited winner of a ham in the lucky draw. Lloyd Hawks won the turkey. LIBERAL HISTORIAN Liberal Historian‘ Mary Dawson, has had a busy year speaking to school children in Richmond Hill about the history of their com- munity. She was able to tell them much about the early history of Richmond Hill and particularly of the area in which their school is located. Many of the youngsters wanted to know what it was like going to school in the ‘olden days‘ and what the children were to school and so much more that the question period had to be continued after recess. Past President Robert Ross was the recipient of a certificate of service recognizing his con- tributions to the society during his term in the chair and for his time and effort in arranging trips for the members. Two Grade 6 classes at St. Charles Garnier School on Castle Rock Drive welcomed Mary recently as a guest speaker. Mrs. George Barker was presented with a rose bowl donated by the Royal Bank for her out- standing entries, in the flower shows throughout the past year. (‘arols by the Renshaw family, baffling entertainment by Magician Paul Don of Thornhill and a visit from Santa Claus were highlights of the annual Christmas party of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society December 9. 1\ l A R Y WA TTS 889-5787 Caro/s, magic and San ta at Horticultural party rrfis HAPPENINQJNKTHE HILL selected several films for a special program to be held there next Thursday. December 28 from 10:30 am. to noon. Films on the program include Star Wars, parts 1 and 2; International Velvet; Tit for Tat; The Lost World and The Sky‘s the Limit. Richmond Hill Central ST. MARY lMMACULATE Advent Mass will be celebrated each evening this week at 7:30 and confessions will be heard following the Masses. Friday, December 22, the Mass will be at 7 pm. so that everyone will be able to go to confession. The schedule for Oak Ridges is December 24 Midnight Mass and a 9:30 am. Mass on Christmas Day. GINGERBREAD HOUSES Guides from the 14th Richmond Hill Guide Company each have a delicious treat to take home to their families for Christmas. Eight Priests will be on hand to hear confessions that evening. Confessions in Italian will be heard Saturday, December 23 from 1:30 to 8 pm. at St. Charles School on Castle Rock Drive. Residents of Oak Ridges will have confession hours at Our Lady of the Annunciation School on December 23 from 3 to 4:30 pm SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS The Bayview Secondary School Concert Band will present ‘Sounds of Christmas’. a program of Christmas songs and carol singing tonight, December 20 at 8 pm. at St. Mary Immaculate Church. Admission is $2 for adults and 50 cents for children, students and senior citizens. A1 a recent meeting, each girl made a Gingerbread house under the instruction of Linda Gelfland of Thornhill. her daughter Phyllise and a friend. Sharon. Christmas Masses at St. Mary’s will be celebrated December 24 at 9 pm., 10:30 pm. and midnight and on Christmas Day at 9 a.m., 10:30 am. and 12:15 pm. At St. Charles School there will be a Midnight Mass on December 24 and a 10:30 am. Mass on Christmas Day. 94 mums:wmwmuwmwwmuwwwwuwuwu! g 884-1812 The young people of the Richvale Bible Chapel, Oak Avenue, will lead the special service on Christmas Eve. The service will begin at 6:30 pm. and the program will feature music of the season and lessons. BOARD SOCIAL The Elders and Stewards of Carrville United Church will combine business and pleasure at a meeting and social evening to be held Thursday, D e c e m b e r 2 1 . beginning at 8 pm. MUSICAL SERVICE FL 0 WERS WIRED ANYWHERE GIANTTREE This is the last chance to place a gift under the giant Christmas Tree in the K Mart Court at SUPPER ANDSOCIAL Santa Claus was a surprise visitor at the pot luck supper held last week at the Carrville United Church. The ladies con- tributed the delicious food for the meal and Santa brought gifts for all the children to make the evening a s u c C e s s f r o m everyone’s viewpoint. Christmas Day there will be a 10 am. family worship service with Holy Communion. OUR LADY QUEEN OF THE WORLD Confessions will be heard on December 23 from 4 to 5 p.m., and on December 24 at 2 pm, and from 8 to 9 pm. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN Christmas services at St. Paul’s will be as follows: December 24 worship at 11 am. and a Christmas Eve Candlelight service at 7 pm. for the family. Masses will be celebrated on December 24 at 9 a.m.. 10:30 am. and noon and at 7 pm. there will be a Candlelight ceremony for the tiny lots, where they will sing hymns and visit the crib; At 11:30 pm. there will be hymns with the Parish choir and the Mass at Midnight will be Concelebrated (three Priests participating). Masses on Christmas Day will be at 9 a.m., 10:30 am. and noon. UNITED CHURCHES St. Matthew‘s United Church will have a service at 11 am. on December 24. At 7 pm. that night, there will be a family Christmas Eve service and at 11 pm; the service will be a Candlelighting Christmas Eve Communion Service. Members of Richmond Hill United Church will be entertained at the 11 am. service on December 24 by children from the Kindergarten and Pre-school classes as they present a Christmas Tableau. The Sacrament of Baptism will be held at this service. At 11 pm. parishioners are en- couraged to join with St. Matthew’s United for the Christmas Eve ser- vice. ST. MARY‘S ANGLICAN Christmas Eve services at St Mary‘s will be at 7:30 and 11 pm. tree will go to needy boys and girls. A To place a gift all you need to do is wrap it and label it with the age and sex of the child. NEW BOOKS Many new books including several - on the best sellers list have been arriving at the Richvale Library.

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