Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 26 Jun 1857, p. 3

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pretty strung and thril'ty growth; nutltt', however. wry pour ; on the whole dues not promise the average retu n of that wry pro- ductive section. Toronto to llatnilioii and Land in, and in the neighborhoods of Paris and Branti'ortl. the amp is very promising. ()u light lands the Wet Wealllrt' has been le» injurious than on llto~e of a tenacious chai- aeter; and‘in some of the sections when: such Ian ls predominate, the return may per- ltapa he ratherabm‘c an average. llainillo: to Niagara, and adjacent parts. the crop don not look well, and will piobahly he he- low the average. In the neighhmhood ol Cohan g we hear of the larva of lllr wllcal fly luring been seen in tiny great quantities. and the crap there may. llctllaps, sutl'er in conseth ‘nce; “e are in hopes, however, that the. early period at which it llas made its appearance, that is. before the grain was in car, may have some intluence in limiting its destructive ctlects. Norlhwartls from tln~ city. on the line of the Northern road, wheat is rather rank and luxuriant in appearance ; in some places. apparently, too much so. and is beginningr to appear in head. Some 01‘ the lumen dread rust in consequence of the rank growth. \Ve hare not much inlmmu- tion from parts of the country olf the main lines of travel, and we cannot glean much from our Toronto exchangi-s- but on the ’ whole we are induced to believe. that. the {-r (w alzuug) uracd to proceed .1! once mu In the vuuulr} in munch at work, inslumi of spending lhrir lime and rrsmhcca lounging about lhr mwu. concerned. It wnl not be so injuiiuus as has been anticipated. The hzry rrnp hm great- ly br-nrtilted by the .Ilmu-Junre of In listtlrv. and everywhere l0ck< Wel‘; so Ih.rt w:- hzm- it good prospect of a butler supply 0' that important artich- th.xn tlnrlng.‘ llu: pasl Ieason, and consequently a more li'uo-I'n] quantity and better (pnlity. at a cheaper rate, ol the other important artirles u“ brof and mutton. \Ve hair, on \"Jrioth occ.. lions, dwelt upon the iinp rlance both t their own ultimate intrrrsts. :rnrl the general interests of the country, of our humus turning their attention: more to the produr- tion of must to supply our own markets, in stead of devoting thrmselvcs alums! exclu- sively to the production of wheat. An abundant crop of hay. so as to lighten the exprnse of fattening cattle, or keeping them iluood condition orer winter, will tend to promote this desirable improvement. but it is also necessary that the farmers should learn from year to year, to sow an increas- ing breadth of crops. It is lot yet too en- tirely late to sow turnips this srason,if the (round is in proper condition. Hay harvest. which usually commenCes in some districts, at, or very shortly alter, the present date. will probably not begin anywhere this year till nrarly a fortnight hence, and in sonn- districts not till the middle of July. Then w'll there lu- :nn almndnnre of employmcnl at good wages feral hand.- cnpuhlc of farm work, and -r.-wly arrivvd emigrants cunno: crnpmay yet be nearly an an-rage. Spring crops are anywhere backwmd, owing to Inlr sowing. Uats, generally speaking, however, promise we”, (or H)» Crop :- [oh-ra- My wet season is ralhcr adrunlagrum than otherwise. an'lv-v “ill nrobnhlv sufl‘ oKllerwise. Barlv-y “ill probably sull'er; il is a grain [hat reqmre: a genial, and only a moderately moist atmosphere from the be- ginning 0! its growth, in Ul‘drl’ In yield u full rcluan. Un Indian corn tllc neasun has lmd I very mjm'iou: rll‘ecl. and unle» lhu m-alh- :r shnuld nunccflnrlh be extremely favorable, that crop will probably be to some cxlenl a failure. ll is nul. lww‘urnx very extenshely cultivntrd. I! is too early In my much about the ;ol.nlc crui , but I... 9 4mm. hzu lo nu uumuully lute incriu-l of the year, and wen at (In: inn-sent iilllr m: learn Ila! ~ome 1 Mn '1 uruip~ and .vnnu nHu-r root Crops. 0”" “run-:3 have been un ml? to saw Ila-iv hwrd in; to [he er state of the Inn]. There. 31' pears now. lmxvq-ver. to lw aume prospe-ct u [wars now. howl-var, lo In. some prospvct 1'} a c unga- for (he bv’Hm. am] 9‘ a suvccminn 0f wcuHu-I fammbh- m Ihn growth and haul mg of the 1:10,)». \(hut llm Mil-rt 0| the long cautinm-zl ruin may ultimately be We ('annnt yet judge. but w: al'v inclmed In think, that so far as Ilue p: incilnl crop: am conceruenl. it wiil not b-- .w inju‘iuufi as has um»; WEATHER AND Till-L CROPS p .mlmb’ ha" i The prowedings ofl‘nrhamc-nt possess Ii!â€" 1 He more lhan local inlerrst. In the House [of Commons, Lord Palmrrslnn announch that the Frrnvh (lm'rrnmenl had given no ‘0,»l)onunily for ren-omlram-e in regard to Ithe hrng upon a Brilish march-ant vessel. by E: French war svhonner at Bellislc, hut hml I promptly expre‘svd regret at [he unjustifiubh' fovcurrence. and dixlnissed the officers who gordered the sh»)! m be firm]. The oaths bill of Gowrnmvnt, lor the ad- mission of Jew: into Parliament, was lead a second time withnut discussion. although hir ll. Thesiser announced hi‘ intrntiun n'l‘m'w- ing. in committve. tlmt lllL‘ exi-stiug objrctiOit- :tble sentence .lmultl hr inquired into. Sever- al mrmlwm. heatlrd by thv Duke ofNurl'olk, have risn-n in oppoaitiun to the measure, reâ€" solved to support amt-nd-nents to thc bill. in committee, embodying the views of the Catholics. and to mmnorialize Parliament to frame an oath for all classes. irrespective of creeJ lt was fcurctl that this movement wnuld joolurilize the bill, and of lllk‘ Cuth vlic‘ opposed lllc intcrl‘rl'encr. ~~urh an emcrgvncy Sir Charles \'\'ood. in Inm‘ing tlw naval rslimntvs in the B-iliah Parliamr-nl, spuke of lhe possibility of a strugg‘h- on the high seas hctwm-n thv ship: nt'Englaud and thoxe oflhe Unilo-I Sm“. :un’! mid he had given orrh-ri For huih‘hng rrssrl.‘ lhat would he mm] to A mum-rome attended nlreling had been held in Liverpool, lor 'he purpose of helping on Ihc "1"anan to obtain an incruaxed supâ€" ply ofcotton. Speeches made and resolu- tions adeplud. Mq-Ssrs. New-a] &. (30., of Birkeuhcad, haw.- coln,:|rtvd thuir hqu of [he (\llanlic cable. experimcnls, and had deuzonalrulcd in the most satisfactory mam'n-r llqu {ell-graphic communication along lln: whole Irngth ol‘llu- wire was nrrlhct. 7 FRANCE. The elt‘CllOII mum:qu is the all poundâ€" in; (epic. The French political ofllcial in- lluenc: in all share: was luring exerted in favor of llle gmrrnment candid:nlc.-â€"R9- gal-(lung the pmlllon, accounts are quite cou- lrudiulory’. The King of Bavaria had quitte‘l Paris. The pulilical object of his visit had rs-{crcncr. h h supposed,l0 [hr succes£on oflhrcrunn of “route. Thr “Ontrml IIm'u/Il lrarns that a very we'll «XI-rulrd (‘Hllnh‘l‘reif lrn doL Iar bill of tln- Mnnhenl Bank. Toronto. hag heen set nflnnt. The nm- we havr M‘Pll is numbered 19017.:md as 1hr nnte ii litho- graphed. the probability «5 that IE»? :amenum- ber may be found on other spvcimcns. 'l‘hn accounts from thr silk growing din lricu me more cheering. The rrlurn.‘ oflhc Bank 01 France are more favorable. and a I‘cducliou of lhe rah- of discount is Inonrd lor. 11a: vest prmpects an- mou satisfacto-v. SWITZERLAAD. The Fedrrul Aaav'llllily mel on the 91!). The trru'ly of pean- wus I‘rfm‘rrd to a Committee, Hm l-rdrral ('ounci! Inniua r. - calmnequ i:~ :nlil'n ..u 1 mt [hr harvest will be 211311!" mnre abund- ant than has been gathered since the settin- ment of the country.” The whole countxy surrounding Montreal “y: t'm~ ,Hcrald of Monday. presents a glo- rious appu-arancc and bids fair for an ahnmlnnt harvest. Sn far lllc weather could not h'n'n bwn more fnvmnlnle for Furmin: nprl‘hlin s and for b ingillg forward the crnps umlrr It i1 ruumrcd that Sir \V the hero of Kars, is [U be gm'chwrahip of Mull“. ~heel with rho-Hing aCCOUIIiS of “It: conditiom of the crow in all parts of 111: country. The abundant ruins duz'ingllnc last few weeks have been worth miilinnsnf dollars to :1” descriptions of crops. “favorable Weather cmlinuus fmm this Iimv tul‘ probability is ground. 'l‘hr Cunard steamship ‘ Lirerpm‘l at 1 o'clock p. m univrd, (hi. :1. In. iven it as binown i‘ltiuillilili (mini-m H. the Committee oi'flne House of Commons, tint e [1.13. Company nil-mid coulilmr for a ime at lvust, to occupy :uiJ rule all ila irmliug‘ posts as at prcwnl. lor li-ur of lhe dcmo-‘alizalion of the Indiana by whiskey. and competition in lrndr. ARRIVAL OF THIS s’l'l‘IAMSIIIP “PERSIA.” Judge Draw-r, who was acnl by (Le Can. diuLGow-rumeut to wnch ovmljunudiun iI tar-5's, in the rvnewnl of [he lludsun's C' mpany's charter, has, ncmrdiu;~ Io (film‘s slu'cial curmpondml in L0 been kept buck \‘r-r) lulu, and i1 is lean-d that the seed may have hrcn, in some in stances. destroyed in the ground before \‘rgc- latiug, by HIV cnulilvu nus WL‘Lâ€"C'A/HIILIJ/ Tm: CROPS N am: \\'x-25'r.-â€"'l‘hc ('hi- GPEAT BIUTAIN. NEW YORK June 23 \\'r mi be promuu-d lo {lu- ,9 “ Persia . from I. on lhe 13111. fill \Villiams Ia: do During the wauk “‘0 an'o had cnld and gloom} weather. wi|h frrquonl nllhumgh whim]; of long durutum. 'l'nu n cuuub rrcnvod m’ the flowing (hop: in 'h immcdium vicinity“ lhe city me on the whale favorable. A large )‘iuld of [my in nnucipucd. “lulu the Win-n! crop has m.- proned very much of late. From other pmh of the Province them no ruriuu» m-cnnmu. the gun- arnl in:pre~siun. however. hung lhnl u fanr crop of whom. may be expected. 'l'hc Eugli-h ncw: ru-mvrd since our last i~une nhows that. uouvulmnndmg good WIEIILhL‘r for tho Cl’Upi. pricu had mun-d upward. and Whunl had wholly -ocoveu-d the decline 01‘ [he pwviuus wet-k In Now York. U}: to Monday. the tendency Inn been downward. but mince then lhcl‘o hrs houn nu improvement, and the effect . f tho l’u’uu'a new. will be to make it continue. have been ii‘unud. owmg w the uux‘nvombio wea- ther and bad roads. Yenozd-ny. "mums improvrd the market was bun} um llnoughoul the day at 9 3d a 9- 7d per bushel, and 3!: 6d bemg paid free]; for good samples. Pnovxslors's,â€"â€"l'mct'firln.1m!<a5vslinui'r Pork nominal. Lard sh-mly. {Tait-:3 in, r port. chit-fly for Ann-rim, had lu- n mudv udvalwe in‘ priccs. UA‘I'Iâ€"l he stack of imported Oats on hand i» largo and F quite suflicienl for some limo. Largc 10L! can be had at 35 3d nnmllur quunmiou sell at 3: Gd 5 3: a 9d per bushel. LIVE"1\)UI.. June 27. BnI-ons1'urrs.â€"-'l‘hc nurkn-l was gener- ally fun, notwithslanding wry l'uvomahl: wratht‘r for the Caopa.â€" \\ heal Iapidl)‘ le- covered the (ll'cliuc ul' FrHu)‘. and chm-(1w an advance ol~ 3d a 4d pur bushel, Cm“ quin-t at about former qurlaliona. l'XCl'lii Im- wlute, which Messrs. Rid-unison. rpvm-c & (‘0. quote 6‘] a 15 higher. \\ (-slmu (Luna. Hour, 30:; and 31> ($11 5 Oi m, 5|. Lam, and Canadian, 325 n 33:; \Hnuz \\ ('sn‘l'J um] Canadian whcal; 9.» 441 :x 9» H.) ; u (L ‘:~~ 8.: a 95 5d. Cornâ€"-»wi|iteâ€" 4L1: a 4-I~ (5d: yellow, 38: (3d :1 38:. 9d. ('u.n HILL-I 1: min- a]. Tho produce mad» here during the put weeL has been unuaually qulcl. wnh u Aight ani pl}, nc- uvo demand and Mead} prim-l. dou‘ Cunn is also piuuuful. with mom to arrive. h it worth 4‘ 3d :4: (id by the qunnzily. Pr.“ are held a! 5.: n 5.x (id. Farmer’s load- miglu find sale at 4.: 6d a 5:. (Julianâ€"Amwiuau in in bcuor supply, at $11 a $1411” 100 lbs. But! is in boiler supply. but prices are firm. During the week sales have been reported at $85 :19 Furpxium cuule $5). a 10 might now be realich per 100 lbsâ€"duducling unc‘lhird lb» for shrinkage. 101110“ have been impelled freclyduring the week. and I.le supply {or the first limo this senauu is greater Hum Ilw demand. 'l'nuhm'liuua hunt taken place on the wlmrvca at 4: 6d per bushel. For some small lots of prime qualin Gs u 73 611 has been realized. BUTTER continues lo come in very freely. and prices continue l0 rule cumpumuvely low. rmngmg from 10d 3 11d per lb. 'l'ub Buuer ill alao in good supply at 9d a 10. EGG§.â€" [he supply of eggs is not so large. and 11d per dozen Inna bean rcalxzed wilhoul difiicull)‘ â€"xhe prim ranging from that down to lad. “LY cuums in more freely, and prices are lower ringing from 520 dollars a 35 per ton. Snuw l2 dullun a 18. “MLâ€"11w market fur the new clip of wool comiuues buoyam, \\ ilh an unusual number of buy- 0.1. among whom there is a good deal of coxnpoli- lion. Price: have improved during the week-11d uow rula l' our 13 4d a 1:, 6d per pound. Spring when! come- in slowly. and finds sale at G: Ed I 7: per bushel. UAKLDJâ€"Thoro is nothing doing in Barle). Nominal quotations are 6: 3d a 7n. rouxâ€"Mesa pork is plentiful. with a limited demand. IL is 1mm fiuul)‘ at 2.3 dollars I: 26 per haJ H31 Sunni? have been in hetler supplyâ€"several low huviug buen brought from the other side of the lakeâ€"ml“ of which \HM'O made at 5‘ dollars a 6. For Canada ahnop. shoru, 45 dollm- a 5‘ ; Lamb: 2‘ dullara a 3‘ each. SHZKPSKI \a are also luwer. and quoted n1 6» 3d a 7| 6d ouch. BEE! Hum: pound-I. flu in quiet. with light supplies. A qunmily would so“ It 6: per bmlml. June ‘20. l PLRMA. The text of lhe heaty of pale? In Prrsia recognizes the independence 0|. [It-rut and ‘ln: “hula of Afghanislan, and llze lirilHI MPORTER and I)l‘fllof in HIV Goods. Gro- cerier. \Vlheb. Liquors, llurdwaru, Glnfls, Emlhenuure. &c.. &c., 5m. " difference bchw: n (hr-w unplc proVLiIrn is made for If 1' Urniah honor. \VHnATâ€"Tho doln‘uics of w‘ncal from fmmen nveunnenl 15 lo hr. the 31H alur in (:ALISIIKI 7: June, hf)? l‘lle money Inukcl Wu «Iighlly usin-r. MESSRS. J. 8: W. BOYD Bax-sisters, &c , NO. 7. WEIILING'I‘UN BUILDINGS KING 511. 'I'unoxm, J. K. FALCONBRIDGI‘], Richmond Hill, ABRIDGED FROM I‘HE cnmxusr LH'EKPOOL M .‘x :1 Ii li'l‘b' 'l‘Ul'uJN 'l't) per pound depressed at 6 dollars per 'l‘llumlm’. June ,\ u; 1i 1') 115. ZOVPI‘IID ems salial'nclion g.3-wy CHSC 1m: Salmma D'nh Ken-«)1. R-tlxe Drew". Clmllir Drwms. Sly Toromu. June H457. Boot and Shoe Maker, DJUININ } (ho “'wh-ynn Method at Chn- Ar" pal. Yonze Neel. Rirhlnoxul “I”. A chuil'U selection of (lcnllonmm’. I.I:d§e~’ and Children.“ “no”: and She-‘1 couilanilv on hand. and man: Ie mdurnu lhn Fhm'lw-l Auticu. Rnclnm-ud Hull. .lnne l‘th. 18:37. Lanny. 7 ‘1”: Memhnn of [he Vicmriu Squaw Sax-Horn “and [undc-r the; Iniu'un of R. “’ismnnnJ brg In inform the Pnbiic that the) have recenlly receiW'd some of [he mull L‘lVE Acres of Land 21! Richmond Hill-â€"lw.. ' acwsuf “hitth is u Num-ry. Well sLOckrd w.xh Ill iving Trees. now read} Inr the Murkul, will) 11 House. a New Bun. [Wu “'0”: ul' Good VVulvr. and other Ill'l'9.~xil‘_\' ()lll-Iitlnld|l|g>. be,ng l’nrl of Lot No. ~13. Fu‘~1 Coxmumion. in tho 'l'own- Ahip ul' Vaughan. and known a.» Smith’: NIIr>e._\‘, [he Hume of the former l'r -priulur. GOOD OPPORTUNITY new offer; ipeu‘ _ to a Medical MJH of slnnding and nxpm. em-e. Houro and l’rmuincs. bulh plenum. and cunv-‘uiom. can ho hm] on rouxonnble lerms, Wroung Iron. enlilely free from mda dr-ught ' can he chum-u to any hmghl frmn a Muwer {o Iii limp“ h)‘ u ~I'lew in from. and cuts wuhoul‘ cluzgulg. In Gm». Whom. null or Hauler. Willl- 3 out ‘Thullflf‘ ol’ knife or gearing. and Walks can I for [he humus. . The pricr for a Mower. $12k”): complete-d m n Romp". $140.0.I. An extra kuil‘o mu 1“, $5 . 0t) mum. I Cmnpnsud by Grnfulia. Dad-xw )rlh and Frirdarich. and WM (In-y nrt- Inow pn-purml Io attend t0 all c:\1|< from any [ml of the; (‘uunlry. IL? All (min: Inn at xlm Poul (Mk-e. Victoria Square. nr "1 R. \\-.v mnn’r. annir Hull. Richmnud Hi". will he 7| .-d u lu. ’l‘WO New Built Slums in [he mmre of Rich- mond Hill; om: occupied by Mr. William Meyers. Saddler; the 0mm. hum: llm hinting Uflice of the Richmond Hill Gazette. All the ubuvo Property will be Sold on easy {BJ'HIB- June. 8th. 1857‘ Apply. if by lsuer post paid, to the Editor of the Gazctta. Richmond Hill. Juno 15.h. 18.57. g2-wy. Vicmlia Squum “‘ORTYâ€"FIVE Amy'sâ€"Ming Iho VVeSI Purl uf Lot AVO. I. in the Second (‘unrum- n of the 'l'uwmhip of King. [Ins u nxmll Log: Homo, is \n-ll 'l‘imburcd. lormingahngelhur a: VfilykLL'fllabA: Properly tor u Dick-Maker. All our Machine:- are wurrJued lo be well built 11).! u." the bul material. I) Thornhi". Yonga Shoal Juu‘ 24.2.. 18.37. Elmira and [{caper. Pop 111/ (-r 111 mic of 7/ 1.0 D a 1/ ’ ’l‘o Medioal Practitioners. Dealer in Paper Hangings, Decora. tions, &c. UR MACHINE Toronto, Juno ldlh. 1>57 RY Gl‘()l)S and Mill Sill”. House Decorator, Paxintvr, Darling; & Aitchison'm conanw IT DRIVES DULL CARE AWAY! LAND FOR SALE. No 49,’ King Street, PAPER H ANGER, GLAZIER JOHN MURPHY, ROBERT SIVIZR, 4 Doors Went of Bay Slroci Lure Gnmh. '1‘wi Fanu} Twrodu. Maine Auliqm Apply to June Hhh &c., &c. â€"ALSO. â€" â€"â€"-ALSOâ€" (3L0!le DA RLING, ROUT. 'AI'I‘CHISUN. J. DUNCOMB. Shepherd ['luid Iii»: S‘trt'r't East, Toronto. ,ulmnnlially built of "My. Clothing nnd (icmlmnuu'u ()uxfiuing meorium lewm, Blond Clolhl. Sn! TWI~ 1h. Salim-u. \‘k‘l‘du, I'nuliml. Pltrnsnh, 18.77 Auliqnv, Shawls. Funm l) :e3kini. Hand “realms, Vein-nan Ululhs. eraw GOudu, Bath Curd't. lemcrd Uranus. Marlin l)lcxaol, Hun Richmond Hill. g. l ~lf. g.2-wy ['nplinfl. L1, le'. gVS-u‘ s\ c.. Genuinu Drug‘. .Medminu. (Ihcmicnlu, Yuan: M. d.cine-, Dye Smfl'n. Puinb‘ Dry and Hard I'ainl. Lamp nnd Mnrhinory Oils. Ben. White Lead. in tinl. 61c p A Vl'l stood the In! for years, and than, who have n-rd lhmn tum}- m lhrir superior ox- cel'euce over all cumprling Huuhiuvr. llnilu’s Amiqur-s. and all “air l’rrpnmtiom. Lubiu’: hx menu. and all kind: or" Perfumery. 'l'wlm. Arliv-lu. Soapy, &c. Rruahen of all kmdu. .\n extensive "norm-en! of Fancv Guode, ('ombn, l'orlmno-vn‘nir. 'Po‘ckfl Knives. 51c. 52c. &c. Dapo itury Richmond Hill Branch Bibi: Suciety. Richmond [ML June, 18 No Moclmnicnl Skiil bring wquxrod to keep lh In in order. They are made from llll‘ ban of mntexials, and in a strong uud Sllbflalll'flll manner. June. “557 Humid l‘uin leu-nunnh- PI Orders should be Forwarded Immediately, As oye-r thrre-l'nurths of the number we intend to make arr already engaged. Richmond Hill, June 41in, 1857 ‘ LA”. Ila-mar Illd Ornnnu-ulul "Iinlr . Elizabeth Stu-H. 'l‘oroum.--U\'cr \V. Grif- fill.'~ Gulct‘l} Sure. [LT Cums of Arm... and ou- \‘ dune-inli-I'I ol Vl‘flE SUBSCRIBER offer: For Sula the un- dermentloned Valushlu l‘mpmty. Inning the Eu! half of Lot No. 33. in the 61h Coulee-Minn. Township of “'nn'cmuuu. 10 ICfcI clnred. with a good Living Stream. Lot No. 1‘). 2nd acres. Towlmlup of mom “and. Rmdws them a Fuvorhe in lucnlilien when the} have b- on iulxuduced. Richmond Hill. June- lhh. 1357 June, 1857 :\ mun" assortment of riot-ch» Johann-1', Gold \annhol. MRWINI} flffli REEPINE LAND FOR SALE. They are perfc: Hy reliable and safe in the hands of the in a‘pcrimzced , Puttersm’z's Reapers. MPORTERS of Winnl. Spiril- uud BIiIi-l Bron. in \‘Vuod and Bol 11-. 7’ V.mrs,-â€"â€"Undcr (ho 1-1-le Uflhu. Kin: b'ln-el “0-K 'I'owutu. Junr. 185 For lurlher pmliculan. apply In the l'rop‘imln ROBT. MARSH AGENT FOR Darling 5c Aitchison‘s COMBINE!) Gold wnzhhou. M" au- School Baa/cs, Stationery, é‘c. Chemist an d Druzglsts M A (i '11 / Nlfib’, If 1011.71 0.7VD 1111.1) RUB l-IR’] T he Simplicity of their Cm: sn'urt um, ILL lune cnn‘lnnlly nn hand. I cumpletv and crreful'n‘ -clw:u~d Stuck uf Gm‘dm and Field. Spells. London Dock Vaults. DRUG STORE. DAVID A’J‘KINSON, Sold by R. H. Hall, GRAND, BROS., Rivhmond Hill of A'mn. and on- \' dwfl'vi'lliutl m inu. I-nrmcd nixln dupnmh. and u nl’geh. R. H. HALL, PA’1"l‘I£1{50N &. BROS &c.. Also. Cuucusinn. containing 200 Adelaide. South of the. [gun J. GRII’H'I‘II, Burg» Ursa-u, Sulllll. Hath“. (HUVOI "an "all. Dom-kiln. Muuillu z-l-U 2 my 2.1“)- l-tf. ' 1‘2 UndersigII-‘d begs Inn" to inform [ha F ‘uhfir 1h 1 he holds himself in readiness M h old E-hhimnwm. which has been con- xinnml {or [hr Iut Six Years. in this Cily(No. 162, Ynnuu Street. and duocxly opposiLe mu " Urilmnumiu H» use." Toronto.) to 1n n prom-r and I’dnlisfhclory manner. by oredicting l’ ink. Oil. 'l‘nr. 5L0. &c., and restoring Color: to their original nppearanre. no as to give Gentle- man's wearing apparel the full appearance of new. From 3] “tars-“experience in the business and prompt auc-uliun to alI mderl with which he may be favored. combined with an earnest desire to plume his customers. he hopes to merit a share of public puuonuge. WILLIAM RICHARDSON. Toronto, June 5th. 1857. l-tf. Particular attention given to the regulation of Children's Teeth. Jpno 1‘2. 11-57. SURGERY, MORPHY BROTHERS FOR 000 Watchon. Clockl. Jewelry. Melodrona, T Electra Ware. Silver Spoons. and Specta- vlol to suit Ivory light. It? Watch Club- in Operation. \Vnrmnlod Clock! from ‘20:. upwvdl. 'l‘oronre. June. 1857. 1-3. l'nronlo. June. “‘67 A'IO. F‘ench, Music. and Ornamental Needle \Vork. A Vacancy for One Boarder. Blink Bonnie Comma. Richmond Hill. June. 1857. gJ-lm. TONTINUE to give lnntructiom in (he n-unl / branches of a Iolid and useful English L'duruil n. GENTLE MEN! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. U'Ilmin. John, Ambler, “'illium . - , Cunmnglmm, Hugh Goodwell. John Gamble, James Guinan, Jolm Pulmcholm LETTERS 1N Richmond Hill P. O. Dickson, Miss H. (care Mr. Slnhh.) Darling, Gvorge Dunlau James Dance, Richard (care of M. Ted") Foster. Mose: Jordan, Richard iiiclmwnd. O .loche. \\ m. 66, King Strut, East, Toronto: CHEAP Dry Gum‘s and Milllnery, If}: G0 to R. Cathron’s, Kindry, Mrs. Keny, John Harding, VVmem Holland, Miss Mary [,uve, lhl'llill' Lavin, John iuwu Th0}. l‘rench. “' .n 4cm! ‘lntlcvutu, NI. 3m Cumulmions Free. und all Work ‘Vnrnnled. [-lyer, David irwban‘cy, M rs. Bo “'riglu. .Yuhu .nw, A Ifirnm'ate. Clean and Repair Ml Descriptions of Clothing, Coughs, Colds, lioarsness, Spitting of Blood, Night Sweats, Asthma, Liver Complaints, and Bales. Ga-orge Brndgford, I). MRS. 8!; THE MISSES CAMPBELL, CHERRY AND IUNGWORT, CONSUMPTION. Sold by R. H. Hall, IF YOU WANT arding and Day School FOR YOUNG LADIES. ll. W Bin-hard JUDSON’S CHEMICAL EXTRACT or ON 15! JUNE, 1857. '0'. THE CUII 0' 82. Yonga Suoel. Toronlu' g l-wy. H. W W. C. ADAMS, DOCTOR DENTJL l‘unenon. Thomas Sm-wfell. ('lul‘icv M. 'HC I'T'l’ Gormley, J. Gamble, Eurlwmia llh‘ sun, Juuiu.‘ Mcl‘hail, Nancy Biliney, Henry Bxhon, George Curry, J. K. Law1cnce,C. E Lang‘lnlrJ .(Sr) Lawn. “'illinm Lesslic James Krlly. James Knowles, Geo. Houghnlan Ross, John _S. “'nto-rlmusc J. Ol’ '(IsI/mlxlcl‘ Canada Type Foundry. Ruovny to ST. Tuna“ 57.. ll Dxnxn': BUILDINOI. Mann-ML. HE Proprietors of \hi- Eltnhlinhmont hglo infnm. the er.u of Canada. Ihu they hqu now manufactured and read} To} dulivcn'. alum. quantity of Smnll l'icn. Long Primer. Bourgeoln nnd Brovier. ul' Seulch flu-r. which they will gtm- "nice (‘nnnul Le Impulde In) any Fouudly upo. this continent for dnmbilily and nupenrunca. TM; have also on Land :1 choice yuonnmm 0t vqiuul kinds of The price. at Which than and other lypou no sold at the Canada 'l‘ypo Fuundry. will ho hum! at lam-130 per cent lam: than they could be pur~ chund previous lo its establiahment. h in therefore hoped that the Printers of Can:- da will show lhu-ir appreciation of the adv-mug“ it holds out. by liannwing upon it u {air than of their patronage. in return for which the propriolon pledge themselves to leave no mean: untried to gig? Inmple‘ balisfnclion. ' Printers 1 mark the rednclion in tho prico of typo since lhi: Foundry WM opened ; Ind but in mind that a greater roduclion dependu upon your- Ielves. Our mono isâ€"auppl)‘ (he undo wi‘h type of such quanlitiI-s and a! such price! u will pre- vem [he ncceuily of patronising foreign unnu- fucturera. Tho followinglilt of A few oflhe princile urtiâ€" c!oI required by primal-I. will give an idu uf lh. great advantages of the Canada Type Foundry:â€" N ramming mank- to (ha [:27] Liam: 0! Richmond Hill and Vicimzy {or :hcir pm patronage. would also mfo In than: that ho il now prepurod lo supply them wnla tun} "IMO h! the line. on HR usua} lib'rnl lf-Ilr. [Er 'l‘ho noce‘ury Vuriolin 9r" Iii: Sits. .nd Soiree: prepared on the nhonul no in. By tho aid of a micron-ode. \vo rec milliom of little openings on the surface of our bodies.â€" Through these this Ointment. when rubbed on tho skin, is carried to any Organ or inward part. Dil- easau of the Kidneys. diso‘dcn ohho Liver, afl'cc- lions of the heart; lnflnmnmiinn of the Lung-v, Aslhmas. Coughs and Cold‘. are by thin moann effectually cured. Evory housu-wifa knows that salt panes freely through bone or meat of any thickness. This healing Oinunenll’ar inoro roadi- Iy penetrate: through any bone or florhy part of the living body. ruring the mun d-nuerom- inward complaints, that cannot be reached by what means. Both the Ointment and Pill; :Iumld bl usrd in the following cum : Bunionl, Burn~. Chuyqn-d Innd-. (‘ln'hl i- I. ‘ u- !ulu, Gem. Lumlugo. \Iumn‘fl mm"... “In. Rheumnlilm. Bull Rhmm. 801. 1.39:, Soto Hrouu. Skin Disc-nu“. Solo Hud-. 80:. 'l hunt. Kma- ofdl kinds: Bpnmu. Solidi, Sma-llrd Hilltd‘. 51' Jul 1:. Ulco 0.“:- m-rval Soul; w- u’numlx (ff all kinds. a U Sold at m. Mmm'nulunol of Paofumr Hol- low-y. NU Human Inna. Now York. and 2“ Sand. London. ..nd by n|l rupucuhm DrnggH-I Illd Dollar! in Main-inn Ih'oughoul |hn Unite-d Stun. and the rinlih'd' Wutld. m you. M 25 "nu. 6‘2! crux-I. und 1:] an. IL U Th-‘n- u n con-Autumn saving by liking the larger ~i v- . .1. ILâ€"Umrm-m hr Lm [hid-“r. ul‘ pub-Ml in ovony «humus: .r: m on): ,u. No remedy has over don» In much for [he ruro of diso'asc-u of the a-kin. wljplov-‘r fur I rlhr)‘ "my Some u! the man uciemific uxrgoonl now roly nolelv on the mo of thin wonderful Oinlmout. whrn huing to cope with the woulch of nor-I. mounds. ulcorn, glandular uwclling- And (umorl. Profeuor Holloway ban. by command at the A'lied Hovernnncmn. dilpalchrd lo the ho-yixal- of tho Eu: largo uhipmenu of thin (‘IlImIIeI-t. no he und .mdor Illa dirrclion of the Medina; Sufi' in tho won-l can of woundl. I. will run Iuy ult'or. glandular nwollmg. Illfinen- n-r rrnulrxiau a] uh. juinu. ovon of 'II: yem’ standing. “LES AND l‘lS'l‘l-LAE. ERYSIPELAS. SA LT RULUM .\.\'D SCOR~ BUTIU HUMORS. SORL‘ LEGS, SORE BRE.\.~TS. WOUNDS AND ULCERS. Thou nnd other Iinnlu dune-sing mound-ink. run be effectually cured If {30 ()intu-rnl hr well cnhbod over the pun: Ill'orled. and M min-"nu follow-n1 tho plinltd din-cum“ .xuund uuh 1-4. .uuune. as this Uinxnmnl. No rat-e of Sn]! 1“ {wuan Scurvy. SOI’!‘ Hoadn. Scrofuh or Eruipvlnn. can ong wilhtland its iuflucnco. 'lhe Inn-mar hu rnvclfod over many [an- of the «who. Vibilih‘ ho principal hovpimls. dilllfillxillg lln- Oinuncnl. giving advice as to its appliuxmu. nnd haul thu- -orn the means of («toning countienc number: to health. Richmond Hill. June. 1857 HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT, A Marvellous Remedy FOR A MARYLme AGE! THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. Richmond Hill BAKERY, c. E. i713}? H v, Ornamental Type. Sold by R. H.313“. Vâ€"PRICES: oilo ’ri mar ’ics- onvuoc inc-too 777:“??? CHARLES E. PLHRY 21 6d per lb. 21 3d " ‘2- ld “ l. n ll 84 ‘- 15 7d " l; II prqponion.” zl-WY

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