ITALY. It is stated that arrangments are either completed, or in contemplation, for a confor- cnce of the Italian Pnlentates, including the Pt pe, the Emperor of Austria, 1hr King of Naples, and the minor princes. The object of this muetingis said 10 be to concert mem- ures to relax the reins of govurment in thc Prniusulaâ€"to inprove lhv mlmini-ti'ntion or" the law,and greatly to ameliorate the politi- cal condition of the people, with the ht)th on giving Iht- governments themselves a larger and more arcurv busts. It is l'urthei statc-(l that the Pope “ill piesiole at the cnnlurence. GREAT lll‘tl'l'AlN. Th? Princews Hoyulâ€˜ï¬ Amuity Bill passvd the House of Lords on NI nday, the lblh. The Oaths Bill, by which the Jews will be admitted, not only to l’arlimnent. but ren- dried eligjhle for Iln- ltl;l\\">[ ollicos inthe State, was lion-warden! nmterially in llw lititht‘ of Commons on the 15th; some of the clauses having pass- d by very large majorities. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Kenneth Donia, St Co’s Circular says :~ The Corn Markets are generally Is per quarter dearer since the Persia Ivft. Quo- tations are as follows . Canada Wheat. mixed‘ and \Vhite, 95 6d 1 105 3d; led, 8~ 11d 3 95 7d. Hour, No. l Superï¬ne, 3il~ 6d a 3 6d; Fancy, 34-5 at 34-» 6d; Extra, 6d .1 33s 6d; Fancy. 34-5 :1 34w 6d; Extra, 35s a 35: 9d; D'uur. 27s a 325. Western Caml Flour, Superï¬ne, 32s a 3‘25 6d. Canadian Peas. 38s a 4-05. Indian Corn, mixed, 385 6d; Yellow, 395; White, 395 a 4-0.1. Potash, 43s a 4-55 ; Pearls, 4-25. LONDON MONEY gunmanâ€"An acliw demand for money has been prPVniling both out oldoors and On the Stock Exchange, and rate-.5 have maniti-su-d a tendem-y m inc-‘vnw. We learn from the Patriot that Sir Aiex- under Banm-rman, the new Governor of vafoundland, arrived at St. John’s on lbc 8th inst.., from Halifax,and was received with the usual honors. The ï¬shery has commenced auspiciously Cod and Salmon were plenty in the market, the latter selling at Sd and 9d per lb. The «tune paper also says :â€" VVages are higher and labor scarcer this luminer than they have been for many years. Unfortunately. this does not arise from an increase in trade. or from an increase of any other operations, but chiefly. we think, from the departure from among uszofa large number of the “ bone and sincw†of the Colony. Hence those left behind ï¬nd ready employ- ment at liberal wages. We cannot regard this state ofaflairs as at all prospelousflor the ephemeral advantage gained now by individ- uals, will be reaped, we fear, next year, in a corresponding decline in the general revenue. COTTON.~â€"'l‘he, mmket cmiu'nues quiet. '11ch has been only a moderate demand, and prices are steady at Friday's rates. Capt. Pierce. of the Dean Richmmzd is building another ve55el for the European trade, at Cleveland. She is to load with grain at Chicago about the ï¬rst of July. Her dimensions and capacity will be as larg’P as the \Nellaud Canal will allow, and her model and rig an Improvement upon any thing here- tofore ï¬tted out. Her cargo on her voyage Inomeward is already secured by parties in Cleveland. HAY CAPS.--â€"The New York Tribune says that some thousands of tons of hay might be saved and much hard work and vcxation prevented, ifall the farmers would provide themsequ with hay caps before commnncing their haying. Now is the time to provido them. and nothing can be mOre simple. All that is wanted is as many pieces of cotton sheeting, two yards square, as you will he likely to have cocks of hay at any one time, liable to be caught in ashower. The corn- ers oftlie cloth should have loops to pin them to the hay by long wooden pins, made of hazle brush or any other smooth sticks, which are preferable to stones or weights on the corners. FRANCE. ‘f'he spilt in the Libual pariy continua. The Paxis Exhibition of mndmn al'liflls opened yesterday. There were above 3,500 pictures. A letter ofa compromising nature \vriHPn by the Pa~ha to the Auuriun Consul Rust- chuck, had be“: SPizcd. BELGIUM. In consequence oi'the conciliatory conduct of the King. the public mind is becoming more tranquil. In consequence of the I'Psolulinns cmm- to at the meeting Ofllle Grand Council, al which thr King braided, It: reject the lax: German pretension, a now, which is said in be couched in vejy I'mn lungunge, has been Sent from Capenhngeu to Berlin and \‘ignnn. SVVI'I ZERLAND. The Municipal Council of Chau de Fonds has resolved ununimuusly lu ofl‘er the Right of Citizenhhip l.u Dr. hem in aanouledg- men! 0] lhc services rendrred by him to the Canton of Neul‘clmtel. The Boston Post has been informed that i the ï¬rst telegraphic dispatch to be transmitted across the Ocean will be lhr- complimonts of Jam-s Buchanan Prmident of the Unitrd ' States. to Queen Victoria : and Ne rc.urn : dispatch will convey her Majesty's re; ly _ QUEBEC, ‘27. The Cunard steamer "‘gNiagzu-ia" nl‘t'ivct on Sunday nl'ternonn at tialt'past one. The ~‘ City of Baltimore†sailed for Ncu' York at the same time as the “ lntiiun ’ '1 be news that the Momma-it ()cezu Steamship Company liud coucludud arming-u mrnts with the Canadian (iOFeJliLUiil lo a weekly line of nlrulltcrs had been Puccivt‘l in Liverpool with great satisfaction. Cotton Supplyâ€"rental huge and mm. ential met-tings ha .1: be?!) held this wvek to consider the necesï¬ily of procuring 3 mm. abundant supply ot'cotron. indizi is wok“. of as the onty pkice where an immvdimu :upply can be obtained. The cullh’ution 0| cottonâ€"importing ot‘CoolEes into tlm West Indies, in also regarded as the sen-(ind means. An associatim; has lwen foumed in Man- chester, and Branch Associmions in Liver» pool and other towns lo promoluincucuwd colton cultivation. ARRIVAL OF THE CANADLAA STEAMD'HIP “ INDIAN.†NEW FUUN DLAND. DENMARK. TI ' RKEY. BEEFâ€"Jrhe supply of beef has much in- creased du ing the weekand prices are now lowerâ€"â€"r.|nging from $8}l a $9 for the general run. A prime allicle Imght com- mand $9.; per 100 lbs, deducting one third for shrinkage. SHEEP plentiful at $4‘ a $7 each. Lambs $2 a $3 ’1 each. CALvss are in deand at $5 a $8 each. HAY comes in more freely. and prices are Jightly loWer, ranging i'rnm $20 a $35 per ton. Straw $12 a $15. “'OOLâ€"~â€"The market for wool has been buoyant and high rates fund. The prinr‘ilval sales for the week havu be: n at 15 3d a 15 6d per lb for washrd. There is, however. indicalinns of a dcclint’, and i! is pmsnhle ls Arnohi. A. A Armstrong, Sarah ()1 iss) Berry, John Bell, George Campde George S. Cnsg‘mve, Barnet cm-‘ry, Miss M. L. EGGS lmvennt berm Very plentiful. and are atill frm-ly lwld at 10d a 15 per dozen :zccord'ng to qu :Iily. POULTRY has been in better supply. ClnickIâ€"ns have sold 21le 6d a 35 6d per pair accordm: to size. 5d will be the outside ï¬gure 'hereaftcr. Sheepskins are worth 55 a 75 Gd each. Beef hides $6 per 100 Ibs.â€"â€"Calfskins 751i per HI. \Voon on the market sells at $5 a $5; per lnad. Davis. J. E. Dallcy, Duggleby Grant, Jesse Johnson, John Lesslie, James Langstuff, Doctor ] Langstaï¬', John (Juninfl Erkardt, James Elliott, Miss Mary Ann Foster, M oses CIxEEQEâ€"m‘Ve quote American cheese at $12 a $14: per IOUlbs. H aï¬ry. B. Hopper, Robert l'lamgmn, Miss Sarah Hnugllnlan, Timothy Han, John Ilanington Miss Margaret KeHy, Mrs. S. R. Morgan, Mrs.C.C. Monkman, Miss Mary Miller, Janws h’lalthowson. Maria Morison, 'l‘hnmas Mieson, Richard Myers, VYillinm Macarlney, Robert McKewon, John C. McCallum, John McPherson, Mrs. Nancy Newton, J. Newton, John LETTERS IN Richmond Hill P. 0. ON m JULY, i857. O’Grady, G. S. O‘Heron, John Spmxc WHEATâ€"J] 1»- supply of Spl'in'J when! in s bz-eu wry small. and prices nu- u-lmngcd, ranging from 6: 5d lo 7.x pm budwl. RARLEYâ€"â€"anhing doing in bailey, and IO salrs on wl-irh to base quotations. ()A'rs are now more ï¬m at 35 6d a 3~ 9d per hushclâ€"~souw )ms 01' infvrir‘r dewlip- tion would be mld at 3x 9.]. Early in I!" wrek we nute :1 sale of 50,000 bushel.» al the lam-r ï¬gure. Patterson 81 Bro. [3]} â€" R Reid, A. F. [Doctor] ShaW, Mrs. Rose Stanton‘ Mrs. Mary Staï¬ord,’l‘. \‘ernny, J. Veiie, John Vanderburgh, Richard Vaughan, Dan “'ebster, Bet-kham \N’ilsnm Thomas \Vright. John. Thompson, Mrs. Isaac \VHEATâ€" Yesterday the market Jnscllled. oprning at 95 Id a 95 3d, :l-Iaiug heurly at the outside liguwof i'hetlelh’rrics lor the day reached 3 )llSIIPIS. IN huvr ptim)» ) to $7 “ImURâ€"an Slllh'l'ï¬nP. tlw general qun urns :m- $6 50 to $5 75 huVr hung!" $7 buL Hun-e are We rx tint)» rmher Hum the rulv. Fancy $1 to $7 65â€"â€"~and I‘Ixtra $8 to $8 730-â€" lamcr ï¬gurv bring an I‘xlrtme quolalim other than fnvmite Inamls. some sum! ABRIDGED FROM THE cox.0N:sT. Toronto, July TORONTO MARKETS. Nichons, Richard Cass Newton, Jeseph (‘2) M W ()’Grady. LieLtenant O’Brien, James Fulconbridge, J. K. anc‘ Richard Langstat’f, Miles Smiltie. G. S. Scott, Ilemy \V. impson, \Viliium Artress, ‘Nilliam chcer. Button Dickson, G. P. (4) day reached 3000 Elliot, Francis M. TEEFY, Bridgfortl. Mr. Bales, George Cou‘ter, John Calhoun, Joseph Kllfeder, Miss Playter, James \V’ifls, John “'oods, John T wng \Villlam I’ustmasicr Than any house in town Call and see $3 50 Clocks, $10 Silver Watches, 338 Gold Albert Chains. CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES At 114 Youge SL. 2 doors :oulll of the Glole Hotel, Toronto. [1? Every description of Goods in the trade made or repaired on the Shormst Notice. gzods‘ BRITISH 6; AMERICAN JEWELLERY STORE. SMALL PROFITS &« QUICK RETURNS. N the Townships of Annabel. Sydenhaxm Bexley and b‘omervillc. Price ï¬om qu dollars an acre and upwards. NE hund- ed valuable Bniiding Lots, in the flourishing Village nfllichmond Hiâ€, will be sold in Och. next. when due notice will be given by the subscriber. Edilod by Nathan Richardson, anchor of the Modern School fox'lhe annu Form. which recent- ly took the ï¬rst l’lizo Medal, and is so highly ro- commoudod by Thalburg. Dreyschock, Jewell. Dr. Mason. Wm. Mason, and olhers. us bsiug superior to all other other lnslruclion Books published. The Mmician’s Guide will be ready this month The engravings of mm; of the most important plates is the cause of ils delay. It is a large quarto ot'56 pages, containing many beautiful engravings. and u descripiive index to the ideas of over GUI) different composers of music. It is an invaluable book fox teachers of music. anmwurs, and allplay- ers and singers. Thece valuahle llnplmm‘nts were invontnd and pale-Mud by ALEXANDER ANDERSON. and me well known as hm‘iug taken llm principal prizns a! the various I'lshihiliuns througlmul Iln- Provinco, dming the last three years: and, what i< still better. they have hon“ thoroughly mslrd by Fnrnwrs in lhis noighhorhoud. by which lht-irsupe- lriulily ovrr all others has been fully prom-d Richmond Hill. June 161h. 1857 for (Ho sale of Desirom of making a rapid introduction of this work, we are induced to GIVE AWAY the ï¬rst edition of ONE THOUSAND COPIES to peoyle interested in music, and we will FRE-PAY 1m: POSTAGE. N. B.â€"Only one copy will be sent to the same address. The work will he sent in the same order [hm the addresses are received. [IT You will certainly gets copy FREE of a†EXPENSES. by sending your name and address. without daisy. to I I'ISI’L'CTFULLY announces (0 the Public gem-rally, that hnving taken the FIRST HUth Mr Harness m the Yongn Sure! Ag ion)- nrni ~\Imw, Two Yours in sncccc:>i.m.'he feels rouï¬dvm that he can give cmire satisfaction in 1:“ branches of his business. \Li’ A large SUM-k of “annexe. “i r... aways on hand and n:ch to order at the loweal passiblo w- mnueruling phz ‘ BHELE ï¬r HARNESS To EDlTons.â€"Russell & Richardon will nend you Twanollars’ worth of their latest Mrsical Publications and \lie Musician’s Guido. postage paid. if you will givelhe Ibove advertisement (in- cluding this offer), one insertion in )1 ur paper. EKI‘ABLISHMENT. One Door South of the “ Gazette" Oflicel MPORTER and Dealer in Dry Goods, Gro- ceries, \‘Vines. Liquors, Hardware, Glass, Earthenware. &c.. &c., &.c. { WHITMAN has to inform the Pnhlir ,gen. rally, that he has been up}.otlllvd Agent June 20, 18.17 ‘William 1!. M Ych, Prize Humvss Jmnngfucturcr, MORPHY BROTHERS FOR 00D “’atcheS. Clocks. Jewelry, Mebdcons, T BIN:er Wars. Silver SpoonS, and Specta- ch's to suit every sigm. I? Watch Clubs in Operation. Warranled Cllwks from 2m. upw‘rds. 'L'orume. June, 1857, 1-3. SALEM ECKARDT’S )ultivniors & Hay Rakes. Toronto, May 26, [857‘ I? Fucmry M Uniouviue. near \Vhiw's MiHs Apply to. G. J. F. PEARCE. Conveyancer, Laud Agent «‘13., Yonge SL Richmond Hill P. 0., 1.0139. lst Con. Vaughan. Richmond Hill, Jnna‘ 1857 ‘HE undersigned no king on Hm above ‘ A principle feels couï¬denl that he can sell Birhmond Hill, June, 261h1357‘ Binhmond “1'â€, July ‘2, 1857 M u_\‘ , June, “957 A Gift of one Thousand Copies. MESSRS. J. 8L W. BOYD, USSELL 8L RICHARDSON have THE MUSICIAN‘S GUIDE; Barsistcrs, xc , N0. 7, WELLINGTON BUILDINGS. KING S'I‘., TORONTO. \HLD LANDS FOR SALE, CREDIT AUCTION SALE. To A in press a work entilled RUSSELL 5L RICHARDSON. All Wnrk Warrantcd. 85'] K. FALCONBRIDGE, Richmond Hill, 30 Per Cent Cheaper SIl'lClli R OBT. WISEM A N Musical Pub ishers. Boston T. C. RICHARDS J. R. ARNOLD Eturists g.3-wy. g-3-w>’ g4-ly. g4-lw. g4“ g4-lf. g‘itf (“ON'I‘INUH to give [lush-w-ï¬uns in me “9118‘ ‘ hrnnchos of a solid and useful Englibh Education. Also. French. Music, and Ornamental Netdle VmG. A Vacanoy for One Boarder. Bfmk Bonnie Cottage. Richmond Hill. June. 1857, g! tm. June 1'2. 1957. Composed hy Gruful'm. Dudsworlh and Friederich. and (hat they are now pn‘pared to atmnd to all calls from any part of the Cuuntry. IVE Acres of Land at Richmond Hill-«two ‘ acres of which is a Nursery. Well stocked with 1hwiving Trees. now ready for the MarkeI. with a House. a New Ban). two Walls of Good “later. and other nescessnry ()nl-Bnfldmgs, being Part of Lot No. 48, FIN Concession, in the Town- ship of Vaughan. and known as Smith’s Nursery. me name of mg former Pr Ipl'ietor. _.ALSOI _ W0 New Built Slnres in the centre of Rich- mond Hill; one occupied by Mr. WiIlinm Meyers, Saddler; the other, being the Printing Office of the Richmond Hill Gazelle. Consultations Free. and a“ work Toronto, June. 1867. HE Mamher: of the Viclm'ia Square Sax-Horn Band [undur the tuition of R. \Visemun.] beg to inform the Pnhiic that. they have recently received some of the most [13’ All Orders left at the Post Ofï¬ce, Victoria Squaw, or at R. Wisemnn'S. Masonic Hall. Richmond “in. will be attended to. Victoria Square. June mm. 1857. g,l. ORTY-FIVE Acresâ€"being the West Part 0! Lot Nu. l. in \he Second C(1I\(‘B<Si0|l of flu- 'l‘own~hip of King. Has a small Log House. is we“ Timborud. forming altogether I: vel'ydesirable Property for a Brick- Maker. All the above Property will be Sold terms. June. 8:11. 1857. GOOD OPPORTUNITY new offer: itcelf to a Medical Man of standing and expel-i. enee. House and Prmnist-s, both pleasant um] convenienl. can be had on reasonable 19mm Apply, if by letter post paid. to the Editor of the Gazette. Richmond Hiâ€. Juno Huh. 18.37. gym,“ SURGE FOR THE (YURI, 0F Coughs, folds. lloarsness, Spitting of Blood, Night Sweats. Asthma, Liver Complaints, and J Wrought Iron. entirely free from sfdo drtmght can be elm’med [0 any height. from a Mower to ; “Paper by a 59.9w in t'rnnt, and cuts whhnnl claiming. in Gram. Wheat. Unts or IXax-Iev. Wilh- om change of knife or gcming. and works ensV for the homes. I The price for a Mower 312:) no . c0“ Q n , ' -‘ ‘ 1 as a Reaper, $140.00. An extra knife “:1? :3 $5 . 00 extia. A“ our Machines are warranted to ba , ~ and of the bust material. “an bum CHEAP Dry Goods and Millinm'ys QC; G0 to R. C((IIII‘OW’S, Popular ï¬IuSic of the Day! Thou-“hill. Yunge Street, June 24th, (657. 66, King Slrecz, East T. Partirnlar attention given hildu-n’s Tcelh. Bum-ding and Day School FOR YOUNG LADIES. CHERRY AND IUNGWORT, Dealer in Paper Hangings, Decora, tions, &c- Toronto, June 181b, 1857. J’Ioutcr and Ia’capcr. To Medical Practitioners. CONSUMPTION. Nuldbylé. 11.11:.11, MES. 85 THE MISSES CAMPBELL, UR MACHINE JOHN MURPHY, House Decorator, Painter, PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER Darling & Aitcln’sun’s commxm) IF YOU W lT DRIVES BULL CARE AWAY! LAND FOR SALE. &c., &c. No. 49, King Street, J U D S O N’ S CHEMICAL EXTRACT 0F 4 Doors West of Bay Street. Apply to â€"â€"A [.80â€" GEORGE DA RIJNG BOUT. Al'l‘CUlSON. 82. Yunge Su-eu. 'l'orontn J . DUNCOMR. substantially butâ€)! of to the regulation 0! Wont!) Richmond Hill g. 1-“. g.2-wy VVarranted g W.“ 1 - wy on 635" g-3-lf. Crockery, Palms, r Olls, Drugs & Medicines, &c., &c., ch. With an nuns al assorlmonl ol' READY-MADE CLOTHING. in every fabric, make. shapev «~I_\'lo and vmiet}. which her oll'ers on lhn abuvo terms. and much less than ever sold before. In con- ï¬ning his business to Shaller lime. he is assured of the necessity of a general ndaptalion lo the new prim-iple. whit-h mnsl snpersode the Long Credit and Lung Prlfl! Sl/slam. in general use in this L'uuuu-y; and cunvincrd that a (“warning pubim will avail themselves of the NEW Svsrmx, whereby they can ell'ecl aauving from 15 to '20 par cunt on the avarage on Goods they usually require. G. A. B. earnestly and respectfully solirils a can. and MI exmninalion. his prices will be Cancun [D To AS Lowrzk, than any in [he Neighborhood.â€"-His mono shall be :â€" G. A HARVARD. Rilxr-mnnd Hill, will conduct husiness solely on CASH 0R SHORT ClKl"Dl'l‘. Six umums wlll be given on all new Accoums, payable promptly on 151. Dumber 15L lst The Bushman at Richmond Hill “'31) in iuum. be carried on by G. A. BARNARD. who will vuucnvt‘r. at all limes. to mci'll llm p monnge >0 liberally extruded lo the late Firm. The Shop has wen l‘u-llamled and much iml-rnvml; mud n new and nice Amomneut of Goods are daily receiving. and when cmnplc-ted. will be 11mm] 3 In ge and “all selected slack, which will be sold much undcr rho Innml pr“ -.-1. Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abatement! ‘Vhich he wi†limit to a†new Ar'couuls SIX MONTHS, payabie promptly on the Is! October. .md Is! April of Pm‘h )emfl He wiH maku inducements to Customers mow tangih‘e than hy nxu-mh-d linw. lny ulfering them Goods from 15 to 20 PER CENT. lower than usually purchased, Idhering sixicllv lo xhc old motto Short Life to the 0/11 Systemâ€"Lung Credit, Long Life to {/23 New Systemâ€"SHORTCREmT, S’UN‘C’SS to the Best Sysflmâ€"TERMS CASH. Dry Goods, Satlaras' Drab Kerseys, Robe Dresses. Cha‘lis Dresses. Sh: Tomnto. June. [857. April in each year DJOINING tho VVoslé-yan Methodist Cha- pel. Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Gvntimnohs’, Ladies' and Childrens’ Boots and Shoas consmutlv on hand. and made to order on the Shortest Notice. Richmond Hill. June 19m. 1857. 2.lw.}‘. l L MPORTERS of Wines, Spirits and Bl'ilisl] Beers, in \‘Vood and Bottle. [If V.\UL1's.~â€"Under the blobs Oflice, King Street We»: 'l'oroulu. Jnne. 1857‘ \, -ILL have conslanlly on hum]. a cumplom and m-refully wlvcled Stork of Genuine Drugs. Mada-hwy. ('hemimk' l’aleul Ml dwinps, l)_\0 Slufl's. YuiuLs, Dry mid Mixed l'ninl. Lamp and Mm-hiowr)‘ Oils, Beat W'h'm: Lend, HI \ius. Szc, Gar/inn and Fir/(a b'IW/s. llufle’s Antiques, and all Ilnir l'repnrnï¬nns. Luhin’s I‘lernms. 21min“ laim|~ u' Purfull Toilm Atlivlos. Snap» Etc. Brushus of nil kmds. An extensive aswrlme Combs. l'ovlem Jae. J [)cpo ilory Richmond Hill Branch Blbl Richmond "3â€. June A Small mammnem of First-class .Ie‘. Query. G. A. BARNARD having (Imennined on doing Richmond HI“ A CASH BUSENESS OR SHORT CREDIT! Richmond Hill. June 30. 1857 |RY GOODS and Millinery. Clothing and Genlimnen’s Outï¬tting Emporium Srlwol Boo/gs, Ntrdiom-r'q, (3T. BOBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe Maker, All msr mm Accounts m the late ï¬rm. not paid by the 15th of July will be put in Suit. R. H. HALL, Chemist and I)ru::;i,-t, SMALL PROFITS AND QUICIC RETURNS! ! Sqld byrRiH. Hull, don Duck Vaults; DR UG- S'H) R E. Sims. GRAND, BROS, Richmond [EH 1 Lace Goods. Twew Fancy Tweeds, Moire Antique, G. A BARNARI) is now receiving a large and WM selected stock of s, Groceries, Wines & Liquors, .:ulies’ 6L Childrens’ Boots & Shoes, Hardware, orlmenl of Fancy G ‘ollenm naias. I‘m xc. ac'KYNDER We. CHARLESWORTH 3; ) Gold VVuIHu ‘oire Antique, Shawls. F1 L“. Head Dresses, Veneliz :ys, Straw Goods. Bath Cords. FluunCud Dress». Muslin Dresses. Shepherd Plaid. &c.. King Strpct East, Toronto. Markham Eennnmis! please copy till forbid Ribbons, Tweuds. Grmd ~, l‘mtkvl Knives. Poplins. LQCW g. l -wy gl-pf [11 In 0 r\' AVE stood the test for years. and those who have used them testify to their :uperior ex- cellence over all competing Machines. Broad Cloth s. Satinels, Parasols, Renders them a Favorite in lucaliï¬es where Lhex have been introduced. dunnv-uuoned Valuable I’mpert)‘. being the End hull' of Lot No. 33, in (he 61h COIH'essloll' 'l'uwudup of \Vnn‘cuuxcu. 10 acres cleared, with a guod Living Stream. ALSO, Lot N0. 1'2. 2nd Cunwssinn. conhining 200 "arm, Township of Adelaide, South of [he Egreâ€" muul Rnnd, Orders should be Forwarded Inmwdim‘e/y, As 0V9r thrve-ï¬vurths of the number w« intend to make are already engaged. Riclmmnd Hill, June 4-H), 1857. RENEW MW EAW m They are perfectly reliable and safe in the hands of the 7. nerpene'ncz’d , No Mechanical Sk-ill being required to keep U! m in order. They are made- from the best of materizds, and in a Mrqu and substantial manner. June. IHSI Patterson’s Reapers. Fancy Doeskins. Venetian Cloths. Bath Cords. Fm further particulars. apply to the Proprietor .A.\7 D FOR SALE. June. 1857. DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT mu Dal-ling & Aitchison‘s COMBINED ROB’I‘. MARSH 1111de Hill. Junolllh.1857. g.| IF. SUBSCRIBER nï¬â€˜ 111A CHINES, ,R I (71101 ON?) 1111 I) The Simplicity of their Constv‘luction, ROB ER'l‘ J. (i RIFFITH, ,\(‘. Ell; Banner and Ornamenm Painter mh SU'PBI, Toronto.â€"Ovor W. Grit' r\' Stale. PATTERSON 8c BROS Arms. and every description of . rxocuted with despalch, and at &c.. H osier)‘. Ban-ego Dresses. Sat'ms, G loves. ‘s For Saki 1h» un- Properl)‘. being: the (he (31h Concession, Bonnets. Doeskins. Manlillas 2» 1 W." glwy g4‘lf l-tf. kind Thn prices at which these and other types arc 50M at tho (‘nnnda Type Foundry. will by found an Icusl in) per ccuL loss than they could be put-- rhnsml previous to its establishment. It i- lherehn-e hoped that the Printer! of Cunn- dn will show their appreciation of the advantages it holds out. by bestowing upnn it a fair share of their patronage. in return for which the proprieton piedge themselves to leave no means untried to givu ample satisfaction. Printers! mark the reduction in the price of type siuco this Foundry was opened : and bent- in mind that a greater reduction depends upon your- snlros. Our motto tieâ€"supply the trade wilh type of Mich quanlilios and at such prices as will pre< vent the necessity of patronising foreign manu- Facturers. The followinglifl of a few ofthe principal arti- c!es reqnircd by printers. will give an idea of the great advantugas of the Canaï¬ia Typo Foundryâ€"â€" ’ ‘HE Proprit‘mrs of this Estnhlishmenl bug to I inform the PH“ ers of Canada. \hal they huh mm- mmInï¬uillll’Fd and ready for delivery. | lam. qmmnu' of Small l‘icn. Long aner. Bo'urgemm and lin‘ViH‘. of Scotch "ace. Which they will gua- rantee cannot be surpassed [)3 any Foundry “Pun [his continent for durability and appearance. They have also on hand a choice asaomnem of vane“. St. Therese Street. Montreal. May 18 h. 1857. g3 N. B.â€"~I’nblishers of newspapers givinginsartion in {his ndvertisinom for 2 momhn. will he allowed lheir bills upm purchasing ï¬ve times their amount of our manufacture. Editors win confer a favor b) directing attention 32 thenannol’l‘nca- Nonpauiol - Minion - - - Rrevier- - - Bo“: gvuise I'llll Long Primer Small l’icn- I’u‘u - - - IIIIIII 2s 6d per lb. 2., M u 23 1d ‘- )3 10d “ ls 8d " 19 7d " 15 6d " (I? All "(her Bunk Fonts in proportion. Lawsâ€"6 lo Pica and lhicker. ls per 1b.: 7 lo Pica, 153d; dtoï¬Pirca lsï¬d. mom IN rPturning thank“ lo the Inh bitanls of Richmond Hill and Vicinity for their past. patronage, would also mt'orm them that he: is now praparad to Sllgzpl)’ them will) every “link, in the line. on his usual lilmrul terms. If? The necessary Varieties for Pic Nics, and Soirees prepared on the shorlas! no:ice. IIOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT, THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. By the aid of a mim'onvnde. Wb see millinnso lilllv (1'11 mugs on ll)? surface of our bodies.â€" Thmugh [hoe lhi> Uillllnrnl, when rubbed on UN ~~kin. ls carried lo an} organ or inward pznt. [)L Bv Lho aid of a [animus-rode. we. see millinns of lilllé (1pc mugs on Ihe surface of our bodies..â€" Through (hose (his Uiulmcnl. when rubbed on the skin, 15 carried to flu} organ or inward prnt. Div amps of [he Kidne)s, (“so ders of the Livâ€, affec- tions of the heart; inflammation of the Lungs, Asthnms, Coughs nnd (Juzds, are by this moans efl'vcmully Cured. livery house-wife knows that snh passvs freer (hmth bnne or meat uf any (hickuuss. This Int-sling ()immeutfm‘ more lendi- IJ- penetralr‘s through all) bone or Hes‘hy part of the living l-ody, r'uuiug .hu most dangerous inward complaints, mul cannot be reached by other means. These and other similar (Ii-Ilflk‘xlntg complain run In: afl'eumnfly Curt'd If the Uimnwm be u. (tubhed over «ht' I'm‘ “vied. mad by nlhoru' follow Hg Iha prinwd (“rm-nuns around each put HRYSIPELAS. SALT RHYUM AND SCOR- BU'I‘IIT HUMORS. No remedy has ever dmm so much for the cure of diseases of [he skin. \vlmuvur I'm-m they may assume. 35 mi; ()im.m~m. Nocase of Salt Rheum, Scurvy. Sou-u Head _ Scmfula or Eresupolas, can on! “Withsmnd its influence. The inventor has travelled over many Hm: nf the globe. visiting the principal hosrilulm d1sp9u:ing this Oinllnem, giving advme :1le 'n“ applivm'mn. and has \hm been the means of lesloring countless numbers to health. sour: LEGS. sour. nnmsu‘s. WOUNDS AND ULC‘l-lRS Ball; the Ointmcnt (nu! Pills should be 1077] in the following CIIS('.\‘.' “Alumna; h‘uruc. Chade Mud-n (‘hNMui 1. Vi:- 1ul‘w, Gout. anlmgn, Murvuriul Emv [i .ns, 6 Some of the must M-ientiric surgeons now rely solclv on the “so of (his wmule»ful Oanlmeul. when having to cope wilh the worsx cases of scum. wounds. ulcers, glandular suellings and lumo: . Professor H olloway hnS. by command of the A lied Governmeme. dispatched In the hospimls of [ho East large shipments of [hi3 Oinlmenl, lo he [Nd nndw the dirt-clion of the Medical Slafl'. in the worst cases of wuunds. 1; will cure any ulcer. glandular su't-llmg. svï¬nom or ccniraclion of the juinls. even of 71%" years’ standing. ’I) lh N. H.â€"l)n~M-.Iions fnr {he guidance of patient! in ever diam-dear are afï¬xed lo ouch pol. Richmond Hill. June. 1857 A Marvellous Remedy FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE ! Richmond Hill BAKERY, C. E. P E R RY, I" II Ornamental Type. Sold by R. H. Hall. â€"â€"ru1bn.o:â€" i01- vise ‘rimer ’icu- IIIIIII II‘III - 25 - 23 - 23 is - ls - ls l 1 u z i HLESZLVI) FIS'I'ULAS‘ llhouu xu H: oleL r rivilizrd would, hi pow. at ‘25 cents. l SI tam-h. is a conzidernbla saving by taking THUS. J. GURNIN & Col PRICES wm/s 0f 0// kinds nilnr di-Ilrowinr: complaints. Hi If [ha Uinmwnl be well :nYm‘m-d. mid by nlhoru'iso CHARLES E. PERRY T. J. G. & Co‘ 6d or M p “11). Id In M ea In gl-wy