Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 10 Jul 1857, p. 2

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greatly ch c‘ieil. while the stock is large ll is calm Ned that on I'nv hit instant, Ihue In in hire banded \Vnrelmums of the U . S. quenneut no less llmu $20.000,000 worth of suur uml m Mam-u am] it is quite pru- bable m: holdea's. lml'oze ihrough with it will bfl camlielled to sulnmt to an Marnie declini- 0! 20,.“ «at, squl ma 0! LA)! 3+,000,000~ The E urgilsh papers numue that the high mat ul‘sumr has diminished the con- nu.n,ntinn one~mml in that cnuulry. In (lu- Unined :étuh s the ronsumption has also bren greatty ch ck'ed. while the stock is large II is estumm.) that on f'nv lat instant, lhu'e In in me bunded “'nrelmuios of the U . S. halting. or any otbe neanor. AFFECTIAG lNanmT.â€"â€"1,)uring the de- lh‘ucuive 300d wluch Visited hhacn, N. Y. (So the night ufJuuv. 17th, sweeping away bunidméa anti drowning several persons, a wmnun named Hawley the wife of a brewer. lnmgneur the. riwr xlc, 'lu'ard above lhr l'OZliill5 of the wutersln-r Inzhhand's mim- in tune: of agony and grmf. bidding her ial‘r- Well. bhc lonkl-d {mm the window. but iniense gluom m--l her eye. Thu lung Ilig‘lil wore awzuy‘und when mmniug cams» ahe hmu‘d rim he wilhothcrs hm] climbed into a true near theme: I: for aul'oly; the piung- in: \orrrnt had uprooh-d tlw tree. hurled i1 agains' an island in Inul slleam. andaH [ho- hunmu bt-ings clinging lo lhe tn-e Escaped to the island. echpt .\lr ll:\w!cy_ who wm swept down the steam. “is Infehws bndv was found in the \um-n’m, and brought home to his Sut‘l'lhv atl‘iukm) M c. PRICES or arucx.â€" Becvully Messrs. Tuil- raali sold at, Hyde Park Corner, whole strings of hunters at high prices. One for :ur'ieus, analber for 34-0 guheaS. a third for 270 guineus. the next for 260 guincas.â€"-250 guineasâ€"~2-§-0 gunieis, and {w on. And thée: recolle’c-‘C’a't‘ifie' end of a season. On Friday, 'Mr. \Velhert-ii. 02' Itmlly, got 500 gunman; for one bull. 400 guineus 1m unmhu', 4-00 guinuas fora lhind. a: \I 150 guinea» {or lhc next of the same htrd ;whnle Kim previnu; day. at Dudxlmg- In”, Mr. Slrufiord madv 200 guinens fm hm: énw. and 150 for unnthrr mm 60 gum-us for her (ulf 0| not quite u day old! '1 hv c \mpexilinn for 31! these was chiefly confined to En‘rbsh meetiers. Gnmn Cna an; FAC'I‘URY.â€"-The Loulev: Couril‘r lciis of a gigantic cheese dairy in Opcrzlliuu in Truman county. OhiO. The pmprietor does not keup all the COWS frum which his cheese is made. but "onlracts with all the farmers wiIhiu 8 01‘10 miles 10 fur- nish the curd from theircows at prices which nel thvm a larger amount than if may mannfaciured it mm cheese them- Selves. He ammaliy p;1_\'s about 4! rents a pound fur it. He keeps SN 01‘ ugh! teams emplwyed in collecting; the curd :‘mm the nmght'vuring farmers some two hundred in nunlber. Two rooms are omupied for curing the cheese capable of holding 350 tons of cheese. In these moms the services of three men are conslantly required. When ready for sale the charm: is principally put up in lin boxes for the (inhihrnin'u' and Austrian markuts. Abnut 200 tons ol'uheesu have bcen manut’ucturcd he p.nst season. he dish is. lllul it will not serve for mare than Iwu persons. A lhird al- most inva i‘dbl} comes lmdly off. 11 should m»! be furgntlun that a lltlle gold-dustsprmklud over them while cooking. lmprm'trs lhu flavour. ed by the druwnm-rmnn (‘ul‘lultt.Attur remaining for some; time in lbl> cunullltfll. gettin raise the (-m'cr (01 the {mum} and yuu WIJIv begin "ln'hcat thc Indy sung. Keep up thufircs. mad )nu will snon teII by the panting and yuffing of the gentleman that he is bu- ‘c‘nming IUffiClg‘ntly heated. . The) 'snould now be taken up, and [Jar’cd [It It quiet (turner until he rompany Elm- pcrses. "Then a great dual of hissing ma) b: heard. wl.i h pnmis the dish bunny ranked. In sum- Cuties thf'dlé'b is ()t'el'dune. and quite Sputlz‘d. by tom mum}.r a fin: ; but, in most instanCt‘S. the above proceedings witi be pqrfecfl)‘ rucrcss HI, and nnw be I'Cpt'nlfld fur It/me time bcfhre'tht: film] result is al- tuitwd. However, the greatest cure must be taken “hilt.- stmn’nerxng. It’crythmg at an acid nature should te avoidt-d. {or the dish u I” Sumctinws I‘ll Snlll‘l l' I'SU” () 0: gram {nun of that il will not serve for rca auxile nus-la tucli are the arguments adduced by our \Vesteau ticiglibuuiaam milituting afuilmi the lurie Czunul will: all its liintlt‘nncesund other mil erl‘euli ins. In \iew of these vviis. whzch we l'cur “'lll always hr: incidu-nt to the (W! ruute, that by the fit. Lawrence i.~ rapidly cnming into public favor in the \th, and [MP great uuiuntuges that it hold.» nut are :uily ri-«-0;_;nized And. as an evidence nt' ilk viizerlwiw of our own ineichams in drawâ€" in; liberally Him" the “yes! I‘m luug‘u supp it»; on gnu" “a meter to the record l‘l\‘\\’l|:‘Il-t oi the imam-ls lrvigliled at Chicago fu ( n- n.l|.ll:ltl ports. with Itn: tbllmJlL‘d nil-w lukr't {ruin the (,imnms’ returns. As \u‘ have the Eastern mxrl‘ets at our door to stillily our large wareli using facilities, this [rude is ile5tiiii-d to incrrase and flau ish. “X: can only lumetha' tine result as lo prnfit \H” jumi‘y en'aroed and continuous opvrutions in Ill" lulurr. A Penusylvunm judgv has decidvd that a hotel is a tavern, and a landlord is u‘bliged to take anybody lhal comes along am] asks for acconlmudzllions, howeversusplcious may be his appearance, and the landlond has no right to turn anybody away whether he could pay for lodgings or not. HIS honour sail] um was clearly the object‘of the hm Buffalo co:np‘-ains ol mercantinuud blockade. vBaaels hawle wen detained onislde or In-r harbor by Ike 1. c In]. the lSlh- ol 1\Juy;and now, lu make matters wersv, the. Line Lvanul l: as good as clam-d. to tar, at leuzl. it has been a blanx. owmg to the constant SucCca- siun oi breaks anJ stnpgagcs, rendu'mg It bath unsalr auJ Imzurdoua m Fink prolwrly over a route “here to risk tx’anahipmcua you .mve to add less of time, which betumz-s al" the more serious in tht- excited and ~Venu- iulivc slate ol markets auch as now val’s l‘he canal sevmeu lo us to haul bean wrexch- edly conatnuc'edand we do not wonder at {he delay and jeopardy parties who imrlrun- iz: it have to deal with. l It has been known to very few persons in this city, for some time that a discover o: grral wealth has been m de in the euiterlm‘ of Kentucky, on the line of the L uiwille land Nashville Railroad. by a poo: family who I‘ormrl) lived in this city. The (lt:C'|\'- rry was made by a young man, while plowing lin the field about six months since. As he ‘was plowing leisurely along, the earth sud drnly gave “ay under feet and he was precipitaleil inlo an'ii'nvnense cm'ern. Mus-l» injured by the fall the young; man in costing about for some means wliercwilh to get out. discovered numbers of iron subs and strong bows. Which upon lni‘iasri;;nion. were found to contain gold and silver coin. jewelry and other valuables to a lilblllOllb aunnunt. The plantation upon which a.l this treasurnwas faund, dens nol belonar tn tln- fortunate discoveries, who only lease the pro- perty. and from motives of secuiity lhev have kept the secret of their good fortune to themselves. An eminent gentlrmnu ol this city is about infers-sting himself to secure the fortunate family in the ownership of these great treasures. the result of whose labors, in connection with other purtirnlnls. we Wlll give in a few daysâ€"Louis. Del/1,. it ia this especially that raises the inl‘igm. [ion of lhv West-em shippers. W'erks aull weeks elapse before me grain which leavm Chicago has reached its desliualion at New York; i I the meanlhne ils COIIdlUOchspI cial ly in the cane of com, becomes malt-file clunged for the worse by healing,and to adll lo lhc dlsappomlmvul and chugrmfil llw ex- porter, a >udden lull iu-ih'e 'n‘ml kcl Virfllkul)‘ lees plus; the season is far advancing, u new haunt al hand, and hls early ain’t”; uhilnnrnls Which looked :0 prumisins hexulnu u sulhce uI Imus instead ol~ pmhl for ua .l 0. that Nle, rapid and ‘emly cvnn‘nunLculimn which Lhc lmie Canal nevercouhl or wzil sup] l)’. Home llw L‘lnilll‘dllc cry hmn [hr \\ ml, " Lvl us have u surely wu'lhcr and widrr chunan lo the Alhlnlic than [he (ribbed uu‘l cnnfinrd acqonnnndalimu furnish. ml by lhe Ll'i'c Canal. A310 lhm roule il only dubdixl‘fllllia all who llusl lo iI-â€"â€"2m(l runm both [he produce cmney d (i\'kl‘ it and lhc chances of the shippera’ prulila.” "l‘he world is n-oving nn.and Canada is }|0\V ‘0 well I’l'Pl‘esl‘lllCd at the \\Ve.~t and the muguilude of ils operations is be‘iug 50 generally recognisru. [11.11 all we» cm] do mwa‘d‘ inel'I-uaing its Yncifitir‘s by thu- enâ€" largemvnl of our canals shoull br_ lime. and that spr-e‘dil)’. VViIl'thnE‘o-Wf'charge ul~ our public work: lake the hint, and set on I'm! the enlargement uf Klu- Welland (21ml wiih- out further dclay 1â€" Altmtr'eul Transcript There is a monomaninc named Brnuzlmn. in Motngmnmy county Mm, who has Inn-‘4 undora sholvmg rock, on Ihv bank of lhv Loulre river,l'or the past three years, n“ 0: which time he has spent in digging In lln solid rock skazching foi- a treamre which he miss his uncle. and some olhm' men who New minels,buried then» more than a hunr‘wd ycznx {£20. His only garlnrnts are ol‘leailxr, and his ouiy tool.» an axe and a tin pail. , A lady in ht. l‘aul. Ninm-snta. a rm. mth sil co, Wa$ awnkvned hy a 5: [mm of pain in her Rnehemd, and on purlin; he, hand lo her head. it came in mnmcr m1! a large rm ! As a mnner'of cnuue. ~13. jumped up qu‘ickly. and on pmcuring .1 mm nlnscnverud that the rat had knawed a Iml‘ through the skin in Mr lorvlwad. Sun-Hm ensued. and fears far her safe recovery an entertained. .umy uulmhwumg ayuung iady m 21 yeals committed suicidr in Hartford, at hu luut‘s, Miss Boardman, wheIe she hu 1; her -w1['4}'0m~a'raflwr in“flfé"§fi‘ffit."35l2: 13:} me of tlm-e orphan daughters, was It’ul'hm nd dyipeptic 'from we chat: application 1' lud]. -.‘ A contrucl wag rri-rntly_|n;1de_'fit'h .11.. ‘T? Cowlrs, an eaflvrn Q'reckee: to movie.» 1h cargo of-Iht- [ane lrr J. H7 ‘Bmél‘s Whirh ‘unk in Luke Onla:in lass fuh, all 0.. hmm'u b‘ ing '0“. Mr COWIPS repm‘ls Hm! hr hnf ecnvercâ€"d part thc t‘argn whill consiser 0f H‘ u: and park. and a large quanmy (1 com-er. 'lfhe ponk is L sported :Wecl, and L101} me third-wet ROBBER’S CAVEâ€"DISCOVERY OF GREAT WEALTH. THE ST. LAWRENCE ROUTE. llorace Greely'gl' the ,Tiibguednfi .que‘ W- .. ~,-~: _ . . - A 3rd, volunteers this pictule of men and nioxalizâ€" __ . h â€" "-b'txtven murders have been Pt’rpetl‘ntt‘d an 'l'l):\ cu} since the lat of April, about nuii..h nun Mnyur',_\';\'60d lit-gun I0 develop- .ua lil'ttgthflJIM’ 0t violent Ienistanre to the l,t\v~. and llw Wllhlr: {truly ol "gt 05-stllr'r's bnde‘ _ulx-Il-II:Ct'.JJ).:th luézil litlrriil‘rtni'e Willi lll-‘ll ‘ tlr‘xolnlfng tmflie. 'J hurt: havi- bran ut Ipnst tnicc \lel‘t’ll utteuiptaul mu: Clt’i. braille. vio- lent nvuu'ts unil ruin llUlt‘ lights witlmut pie \‘Ptlt‘tll. ten tlmnsnml lumlvm-d :md hape l.» 'tutcuat {unith swarm the streets all lights; two. tlntnsuml ‘citiiidtt-n, untle-i‘ th. wit». nl‘ivedlera. train tln- ages ol‘ iv” to 51x town. pvnclrute ewry public building. stow .ind nlihe in the City. to lit-:4, anal, any I1 r burglars, and nn that own account prnc let." Inm- \fi‘rs u lnch i-nnnol ht,- untnvdm t't’§;'tcl- .I'Ulv linking; five. 'lousumlgmat and small :atnltlnrs pact UilCn the ctedulnus and lllr nintuntetl. standing all tiny at tln' (‘lnol‘st'l their tlt'llS on Dri.ndw;iy, as Hell kin w.: in ’ in ISDllâ€"flfld frnfesxinu ns‘ tlw Mayor lnniw l‘; tun tln‘mmnd lazy, drunken. thin-Vin; slmrl Inn‘s. w'i'lvbnis illers. laughsan rnmlin niif‘lltcl' mm: 3 lnllnge on the rinsvd (-nrnvxs nl‘tlnr streets. making tlny dieguqino“ night ltldt'flfil‘, i‘.\\tl ti-nvel dangerous tn'nli \Nlm can hu- suspected ol‘ lit-vine; ie~pm-tnl>ility o )nnnet ;llmusnnds of emigrant snin‘llws ninch aut'tiont-ms, lottery ill-tilt‘re. pulley lmclu-rs, piilqmclwts. hail thi. \es. buiglzns, \vhnrllruls nren sneaks pimps, and vam‘ ’7‘ ea. practice lhvir’ kn l\'t‘ll£:‘\ :u urn-nit Elllil with as little f- ur of Plll‘ilslllllt‘l‘lt as thnug'h thty Wrre engaged in the most vi tunini and legitimate vii human pursuits. 'l‘he swell-mob of London. flying fruit: the t-‘y‘s m the teal police. dhtl the unpnilumlflv Mom of San Frnnrisrn. expulrintetl by ltu let anrl the hemp of the Vici'nmze Comm tll‘l‘! {a 9 received here with Open Ht‘tns paradr our she-ts undi r not only the tolei'ntion but the protection and personal frientl~hip of the police, curly our primaty elections andfi ll high places in our nmninutin: committees. 0n evrty hnnrl we have vice _ and crime, and Sgtlvndnr.» crime, vicé,'rili1i iian he'ggrnry. Here in the most la shmnahle findmurg. is the Cmckl‘nrd‘s nl' New Ymk; there between th-J palatial lesi- dunres of a millionaire andn divine. is the maison, do juie of a Woman whose dress is tiw most lMlnint, whoxe oq-einuge is the must cmtlygvlmse nppearancv is the mmt stunting ol‘uny of the gay lmtte:llies, Virtuous or vii-i- one. whnse bianuty and Wealth add glint-r tn the open, m-samxhine tn the prmnvmide. \Vithin a: bmv-shnt of these palaces. is [he nlher side nfthe wm'l-J ; l'ur hrm-ntle, rags; for diamond: dnit ; for Johannis'br-rger. whis. ket'; far millionaires, beggars; for (livines. thVllS; for Aspasias, drain; thll hint! and there some poor, starving wrvtrh, painfully enacting the -" Song of the Shirt," llt‘l‘ hp- reiged virtue glimmering in the misery of thix‘ tnnglhle hell, like the fahled jeWel in a (lung hill. And over all. We have a set of men called rulvrs, wrangling; like hungryv dogs for the public purse; lying and cln'ating for ail- lvanmr-ment; plotting to overthrow all law, lthwt they may rob the people; and in their | influence upon our vast criminal population. recklesslv flaring their incendiary torches in our‘moral powdeij-hnuse. are Arrcorrpsluondent of the Tornnto Daily C :louiut. wfi'ing from ‘he Township of King, .g'ue~ the {olibwing'éingu‘ar atoll» meat :â€"â€" “ Haring vacated inmrm Jim, on Salm- day List, from Mr. Uihis,a I‘Ubivt-Clubzt' 1mmâ€" er living on the: Rhine», in tln: Sail L'CHCBSHUI) ofKin;,1hut 2: {Hanson by Ike numr of John anlwaoa. who has been for some time paat staying with a colored mm: by the name of lhomas Rolgn, lot No. 14‘. in lhc 6th mn- ces~ion had qudruly disappeared. under cir- cumstancca um led the newabon‘s-lo briicve that he had wandgl‘erl'ingnflhe bush and got fost.’or m'fldie a}de with himseli'. the next Inmnmg. buadaiy,â€"l. In r‘mnpnny wuih Mr. \1||i.~,(:.1||ed upon Nolan (01mm the facts. [it sluied to us lint Hmst'hvuuil lmd hwu mi~sing two Wrt'ks [30m yvsierdw evomng; [hat he had lwo wvuks helurr thnl gnnv unto me Woods and staid [no day»; *nd nus niuhl. STRANGE CONDUCT 01“ A LUNA- .\L’.\V xumn UAULLLLUL XL’LU. My cenaurable {ox-inflowmg Hawfiwod '1 1C. to go ul. Ial‘ge,! done, Lml he w hum being Ten Scare-wa had lhe intvnse ‘eX‘fi'kiml’llt in- ciJenl to the whoiu “lo dralrnclion of human life 21! [he Dejnrdins bihlge. and by the e).- ploaion of the propciler inhmnmn in 'l'oronlo hzn'bour been palliully_;.ub:uqed..lhun the Pub- l.c mind is again llislu.hed by We harrowing .dclails ol‘ anolhrr t'eiifiblie-cu'lusllnlihk: in the burning ol the olenmcr Blunt/val, wln rgby n0 lewer than 2.30 lives llau'cibrcn sucnlicud to lhc rcchlcssiwn or iflt‘ili‘ilclly (Hi them: in charge. Wilhin 8 [him pencil three [lanl appalling,culu‘milica' lune oc‘curnd- in" llm l'IUVmcc, yrl up lo the Itl'(':t‘nl lunr, no dr- ciaiw means have b! 1:“ udln'pic‘d by our lulu» to protect the [Wax and pl'f‘ptily ol (Hurlich tom) a try the dlhuail'ouh t‘XEIlUbiOU of Hit Lonaun-ud l'cny-hnut npprsilu Monlieul an: ACL Was pun-d ln proud» for [he inslwcliuu of steam. is, 10" [he mindlin and chin’uulcr 0; [heir haulers, and :ur the cuns‘L.uclion 01‘ th. heals 30“le prcnc‘nl dungcla fillm lhui; furnaces 0r [heir machinery, bill as )et nu slaps have been taken by lhu guvmnmcnt 'n. carry out its provniom, unil Ihe I'CSU'I i: tlu frziri'ul destruction ol' human [H.801] hoard lh. Illa/uracil. 'l'iuly, lhe “ pawns that be’ are highly culpable, but it is 10 be hoped tlm [My Will now awake liuin ihlciijleihargy an that we him: heuru‘ the his: 'ul" such u..pur rcllcleil ciilaniitifi. In udlhlion lo the pan senaei-S by llw'jghjl, [lew/i'euz‘w many 0| th. 'éfifierers'nn-hourd llie._"ll-lali.ci_ hurl . wen rmdcnts‘ of Quebec. '1 hc45ad duly o munching for; recognizing. nn'l inierring [in (head has occufled the Coroner? and Jury ah wcckfimd [he Word is not yet cumplete. '1 hi kindnf’ss and attention ol'milny of the. CiIin-m Ul- LQuebec and Montreal to (hone uflhe pusâ€" sengers who wu'c rum urd is tlrserving ')l' ah pmiae, but We regret 1‘6 alulefimt acenvs 0. line most thd hearted and wanton brutality wvre frequequ Wi‘nt‘shcd, dwing the rev covay of the bodic~, soon after the disaster, committed by a claxSs of low acoumlrcts who lefeSL these chips, and wlnse eunJucl lhl‘ moved them capable' of penvctuuling tlve darkest crimes; Many of the dead were *’ riprwd" '95 ilieir clétmgmwrr 'fioékers quid; wiflmn mercilessly {pl-‘93:?“ Lbnckimo thc \filtl‘r,"afili‘.ll1}ié amt 9;;th of these liendsinJhman for;an Veill‘lfgfilllyhe‘x'uzl [hat 1 - "' The [mm 1‘10er Inn a lunar from 0““wmom‘e’ Klimt», bringing intcilignncc n a “)0” df‘“'“iâ€"'||\'e lnrnado m 11qu loculil) 09. 3h" lglll- The town was allan cum plE‘elY destroyeds. Mr. 0. c. Brown. wvl :lndglln-mahly Lnofivgn 'to mmym our cilizen‘. \Vflslone 0" the [i"lIbT-iival uli élers. A new .lelll-‘llf: nearlv carnliléled. was utterly d9- nwlNIH‘l, audee hum“ he was living in “'3‘ pal'fi-Illl’ (lestroyed, Othf cilizvns sulfa-red ‘hnilar lwsws. Save‘tlm pullafi-e mul wiclfiug wlllélll The wine town sllllrl‘ed a year 38:0. at [Eur hands of the Borrkâ€"r Rulfians. nolhing could preseul a mow vivid slatr of win than {he HPpearunce "I the place alller [he tmnmln had swept over it Mr. BIOWII swim 10 hr‘ alPCulldll." unfortunate. hm his enrrgy rises .nbm‘e eH’I'y obstur-le, llnvinv: lriumgalwd aver llle Border Humans" we haw no «lnub! he will spt‘e‘dly set a' nut rmtnring null r and reviving“ prmpvrity. which ‘thG terribie'atoun has For the infirm! «lidu‘uhed. Torollgo City M-n'blu Woulxs.-â€"D. C. & ‘V. Y Spring Impm[axiomâ€"Lyman. Buothms &, Co Ur: Lumberâ€"EL T954"? 01'? We direct Atteminu to the miverlixe» men! of Mr. AA Barnard, whit-h will ht‘ found in unnt'rwr column. Mr. Barnard has made extenfive al'rangmnvnls for the pro‘c- cution of his business. and WP, are assured Huxl- 1h? puHc wiH find it to their advan- tage lo givv him a call. stripped" gf‘iheir clémhfggfiwj‘r“fioékprs riflrf‘dfl ,_ . -T9tul missing}; .'_. 7.4. . .. . ._ . 200 wd..tln:n mercllmsly thrown pack into thc Thedntal-numbervpfn bodi-sffiundup to A, ..--~- ‘ _ ‘ M 71 .K. A '. .‘ . m.tvr,"amidlfiié flea _ amt 9;;th -ol. thesej \\'edn§sda)" last, 935 24-4. Tue Corongri 1ie‘ndsinl’ruman fonjque Vearngsllyagua that! Jury_,_hay¢ not as ychQmPIeIed their labors 5y] 5' 4 ‘ lTxe efforts of the Qlllh'OI‘illrs to infest. ahd [MI MN pmb‘nfiry do so, before our- nvxl is- bting, to? jdasice these ic'uzorétsltns~ riliiayts sue, when we will agnfn refer. to' tfie sub'jébf Nola Lo.~tâ€"\Vil!iam Cuok‘ 5B“. PM"! Run>ps~Jo ha11-51nlfiTECb‘T'“ "“"” Noticé to Nocmru'ul X'edesmam‘ Annual Examinau5n of Common Suhuols Teach ers. 01'? “‘e learn Hunt the Loyal Orange Lodges hr the Méiklmm district wifl cele- brate lhé‘ Annivarmry of'elhe Battle at this b'oyne in the Villfx/ge of Stoufixiileion Monâ€" day the l3lh instant. in crmquurncc of the 12th fullm; on SUInd,ny4;)I~0ce>s1..xn {on-mad at 1‘2 o’élock, noun. \Vé llndw'sllllld th' great preparaliuna are being dee for [he reacplion o! VlbilOl‘a. 0:? A very serious iiot occurred in the ciiy of New Ymk, 0n lbe 4th imtunt, be- tween two bands of rowdies, styimi ruspvcâ€" tively the " Bowery Boys ” and lile h Dead Rubbils"clubs. The finile was commch- cd by line litter, and tin fic'hL continuid neur- ly {Orly-right hours, (iu;l1lg which ubuut lwulve individuals lest thug; iivcs,und u}:- wurds of cue hundred otiu-nxfiih’y‘e wounded, many of lhrm it is feared méeihy. TI-IE LATE b'l'L‘AAJBUAT DISAS- RICHMOND HILL, JULY 10. 18.37 King, J um 30 ark iiihimga’ {Eugrita , knowing, as me.)' must dhafV: was enlirely dkstllult‘, 8} st I ed’to ‘hifl’easdlf’ ' 30. 1857. '1 1;. Li. & W. Yule Ut'l”; JEIS V “112mm p. Haunted). ( h.i~\u-UJ ‘Russ; Ma: Hull} ; 1 ('uidr'l‘: J“ (‘mlmnne Mulgmel, may be succeSsaul, not only that the playa- ty of Uw_.decuasetl may Le wcm'ered but for the Sake of Ihr- fair fame of the province. on which a blight has been ‘cast by conduct uhich would haw disgracrd [he inhabilants ul' (he must barbarou§ nation. The particulars of the "(hinter- giwn in uur List number were fmwmdcd to Toronto soon after the occmreg‘ce' and rmbrnced a petty accurate hsl of 'lhe sumrcrs. bu! in ordr‘l“ tnzit uufiredders may know as prev/neâ€" Iy as posuhle 1th narpes 0! the pas’srngem hy Hi» John Mackenzie}, \Vt‘ publish thv Mow- ing list, as rmmnuuicaled to Lhe Qut-bec papers by Mr. Buchanan Chief Emigrant Agent :â€" PAssx-m emu SAILIZD n n " JoHs Mcsznz” yan 1H». (Lune. lth Muy‘ ISL7. Robb and dull and Margaret; W Mu gurel hi< wife: Hunter mother. :0" Andrew (1‘! hum, Waller ; \A m Glas m”. sons Daniel. Edn'ald‘ daughzaas Ehza June and Mt! llll)ie. vaid Mum and | ».m~ WHIIMIL David. Jame» :. Ann and Bexsv: James Gh M LIST OF PAsSl-hGEliS PLK JOHN MAIKENZIE WHO L|~l of puxxengevr per “ Jl'hll M wme not on board the» “ Montreal.’ Quebec :â€"M£_‘s.~ra gopelaud {and Hull}; Ads“: \’Vi|scl1; luau Spence: Mm}- (‘utdmn Jm Mnlcuhnsuu ; Donald McAuhur, and <‘ml;@nne hie daughlel; Jame: Munnoll. m,d Mulgnwl, Ehznllmh and June! Manna“. WiLII llwn‘ mother Ma‘g-u‘el Munuoll; Audiow Mc- Buuxh. Mazgnrcl lns wife. and mu John; Andlaw Adams and Ins sirlm‘ Murguxcc; and Robert Run allâ€"Tonal souls. 3230. LN of pu~>engeu~ pez- “ Juhn M: Kmme." who wme not on [word lha “ Montreal." nol having left szlnec :â€"Mes.~m Copeland and Smart. cal in }):\~.~9H;_’CTSZ John Cu'hrr and his fmmly. B m ‘umLez. stcex'age puss“)ng : am] one Rowan. Cabin Dussenge's. . n " saved. .... Renr‘ined in Quebec.. . . .. . Saved hy " Nupoleun” . . . . . “Vent by l'ail.... .... ... .. Steel-age {ansengens hon) " Julm A a Muykrnzne” Died on puesugo lu Quubec. . . . .. \la .nd MIMI“. 7 11) all ; Ehzabelh ~Iuld; Cohn Robe; E Ramsay; I J Wilson and lumily. in n'l' 6â€" 'I Li.~l 0f11u~>ehgers [Iez' “ John Mt MON’I REAL. “'il inm Rvdger‘ Mmthn his mother, nnd Thoma» hi.\ son ; James Uzlmour. his \vH'u, sun Junn-s. and daughter Mzuguml. nu smother. in all 5: AI d‘cw CAL-e; VVHImnI Hulliday and wire; John “when : John Hunter and Margaret his with: Gemgo Mame“, L‘Iizbelh his wnfe. and :inughtens.Ju>su. Margaret mm Elizabeth ; Gourge (-‘razluu. Janet his wife. daughter Agnes and “other, in ull four; Wm. Young and hls family; Juhu [hillfllfl‘l Lims. Failurmhrr: Jno Thump- uu; Hugh Ulqnhm'l; MM) Calder: Andrew lhuhnm. Ma'gu'el his “he, ~mu “'ulier and vun'mjn all 5: John Refid, [uh/x:th l\;s wife. and huhnm. ngu'el his “He, ~mu VVulier and unityin all 5: John Refid, [akin-th [us with, and laughter Janet; Donaid Juhnswna. wnl‘e and ‘ mi; Blmgn'etfl'uyui‘qr Jounrat' Mcl’hev and «when '\V-C«‘Y}|n and 201' Hist'mni '; W Cowan SI'IJMAGP. RII Dune: Jilllel and i) Cumiv, Ag he‘s. ARIN l'e‘llila ull. LIX {"81 and W.l\‘l‘ BY GRAND THL‘NK MAILRUAD T0 Mano in all fnur; “7m. Youfig an llglus: Lims. Failu'calln-r: ugh Ulqnharl; MM} Calf? . Ma'g’u'el his “HP, sou | all 5: John Refid, [akin-th Janet; Donaid Johns“! ‘vlmga-etfi'uniey Jgnwt- 1 Bersy: James G lm ml d .ughter Martha 4 qullmr. and I hmnn a and Man}, and 50" Jéhn; Lubeth his wife. duuulners l’usx 1m uld a W hch BECAPI'I ULATION. Inge Clan-I'de: George, Julln. {um-It, Ann, Chlhtl'llle, and ‘; W (,‘owel; W DINILO; ie~ his Wile. suns \K illiam and (-1: Maugarel and Agnes; A J Mary McGee; Alt-x Know; 5 hia w.fe, nnd daughlevs Bcila v' Black: John Hunter. and : John Meikle, Nathan. Mmy In David. and daughter Jemia: Ma-gm'et hlS wue. and um sslord ; Juhu “when; Mawac Uuugnll and (laughter Julnaa â€"\'V H llal'l‘ G Copeland. m 'I‘woerlle. J met his “ix'e. Je-s‘e M. and Lonnosu' Dr Jhrvrlinaâ€"Tuiul 10. ‘ (h: Ja> Mchen, MM} I» , Donald and John, dnt}gl .RSâ€" David Gilchn isl. Mar- 11 and daughters Inning). G hnuu Julfms and John hrl~liau. Maw AI \V'Hlflm L'uxune; l‘et luau Spence: Mn Donald McAuhur, m zabelh -Gib:un Ill and Thomas N. _v Ann ; .luhn Mc- -,liz‘-be-lh his wilp. nd John, daughtms WPR Mu ‘1. tars Mme M mr al' 69 58 Ann his Agnes ‘dgnr. drew 3:28 330 136 ()n “e WM) [0 be di :inclly underuoud that we WI“ not huld oumelve~ lespnusnde (or the upxmom of ONLCoJu-spnndmus Aiso, all Cmmnumrmmus addlmwd to [his ofliur fur l’hb|.cul.ofi. [HUM Re a. con-paxm-d by the red umw U! m. \vriiw. Ll- nguuglx harmed not in cver)‘ rn~e ’be jusaxlcd. T0 Tm: nfiiTou OF THE "GAZETTE." DEAR NILâ€"You really must g'ué a cor- ner .in your interesting paper to the follow- ing remarks on a gmwins evil, especially in {Lia‘pllce and mighhurho'ld. allhoua'h other [owl]: and tillage» have thetr share 01' wan- ton hands. \\ hat 1 allude.- to is the impro- per 'und perverted faculty whirh some folks‘ old and young, have of pulling down whole or picc'uctl, every poster. blll or card witlnu their reach. It such supml‘ruous wolk was left undonv, how much the better. If the ptrsnns “ler cnSa-ted dclacmg suvh proper- persons whrn cnSa-ted (la-lacing suvl) proper- ty would only give a moment‘s l‘cllt‘cllun to his unprofitable act, and the serious injury he is rloing to others, he woulxl stay his hands. lhe \ZCSI of printing the larin " pesters” is no trilhn-ar affair; then the expense of travel ling agknis. and pasting thrm up, and circu- lating‘lhein thoroushly in every tavern and other public place of resort, saying nothing of the labor, and perhaps the expense, of having, the bill drawn up for the printer. No sooner are bills nested np,lhnn some un- thinking, boy or evil-disposed mun (For women never (lo such Inenn work) cominrnces to ulel‘uce thun. I have rl'peulrdly Seen such ill-unturt-d disposcd l'olks draw hdmlbills from the wooden Walls and throw them to the gmnnd ; and place 'their {Out firmly upon thr-m as it they had‘n fear that the bill would arise again ilselfand seek out its once elevated position. Ask them why they did so, they have no explanation: to olTer, being in most instances p‘ei'l'eptly ignorant of the bill and the putty to whom it belongvd. Hang a 'lulchGiâ€"rculur or card, of any drscrlptiull or nnportnnce, up in a tavern and it is fifty chances to one if remains there perfect tor -W€[ti)'-lqtll' hours: for some loafer will soon require .r'corner of it to light h.s dirty but i'mhionablc piperâ€"4e“: long annthvrromljutor or bar-room chicken steps in and requires his mouth be-dnuhing' cigar lit, all goes ‘-cf0utl.s dropped tatnvsx‘ upon the grounJ" it was quite nnprnpilions for our meeting; and many “ho Would have attended Were kept away. But about noon thc ruin ceased and the crowds wrre seen to come from their respective quarters and congregate in groups to interchange the usual snlutalion and dis cux‘s the lupus-OHM day. About one o’clook the Marshdts for the day. .1. M. “Rupert, Esq. and John Line LCqu were both on thn spot, who soon arranged the Sons m marching order, heudcd by the Butlonrille Brass Band. who with well tuned instruments struck up the livva air of “ The Teetotalcrs are com- T0 the Editor 0/ the Gazette. DEAR Engâ€"On '1 huhduy, the 18£h,0f June, the New Moon Division, No 266, Son: of ’l‘cmperance, hcld lln-ir aixlh annual Sohee in a bcuumm mgple grow, on the property of Henry Line, Esq. Allhrughthe weather for smnc days previous had been wetand un- pleasant, ami won on 1119 same morning lln- l‘EMPER'ANCJ‘i DEMONS’i'RATION AND 501R 3‘55 AT RUPERT- ViLLlj. CHARTA. Richmond Hi”, .Tulv 7, 1857. DLIE‘AUJANU: MAN ULILLS. AlUNlCA'l‘IONS Your: tnfly, beloved .Quevn, me Band phymg the. National Anlhrm. the audience- were again formed into Order by the 'LU'au‘sh-alss'I {Ne re. turned |o the place ol‘starling, the Ina-an time the Band playing “liwly and sweet :nmic, to hearts gladdened by the fe~tivilies at 1hr day, the cmnpuny separated each to their respectivp homes. Well pleased nilh the proceedings of [be duy. Artur a brief refcrvuce to the scrinl state 01' Ind-and ~some ten years back, lhe Banner Lf Ulster then drawiva tlw poailiou and lumped: 09' the coume in 18:37 : \Vc hear much of the dillicully of procur~ in; hands at out-dour labor, and those whose vocation It is to gtumhlc, werv elnquvnt in describing the great scarcity of workpeuple; but who that wcnllvcls the melancht‘ly stdle ol'thmgsin lrelaml ten yeurs ago Will not sing‘ol' le‘tyysevvn ‘l ()n thv Isl” of January, 18-1-9, there ‘Vt‘le 69.0 000 pziuimrs in all the u.uon worklmusvs and on [re books ofoutdonr relief. On the salnt‘ date of the present y'ear Irvland's pnupvr population was only about, 65.000 or say one paupPl‘ to every hundred 01th - population. Surely the éaxun as well as tlu- Cult should exult in this, the greatcr inimcle in Inmlern day. that Ireland is lint becoming one 0! lhe least pauperiZed countries in Europe. The vast intlm-nre “'llicl't succes>ful 0r denn-ssive agriculture em-rciws on the financial condition ofauy um Lon is very l'ully illustrated by Ihe relative re- lux'ns 0t~ liish bunks In 1849 and 18.37. We give the figure-a 01' note circuknlion at a“ the Irish bunks as Well as the amount 0." bullion hc-ld‘iu Smanher. 184-9, and (hose ol'the last month’s accr‘unt: N019 circnlrlion. Bullion. 1"49 £3,640.450 £L- 25000 1857 7.l 5U.UUU 2.492.000 1857 promises, mole than any Olln-r yrar for llxe last ‘10, \0 give efiect to the indus- trial pro-perky in Irvland. Large addition- al lxaCls :,l' 50] have been placed under the l‘lOllgl’l and spade. lllHId-Cda 01 acres of land in Ulstvr which had nol been broken up I'm half a century are now sown in grain or plantrd in potatoes. 'l'he eflvut of these vmprm‘ements can hardly be eslimulul at ilwir lull zvalue. Not only have l'hry inch-as- ed Ihe pligoduclive powrr of lee :oil, in many case-s lu‘rly one-thin], and in snnw'instances one lmlfl-llut llm)‘ made land so much mme i'i)§ll)’ cullimhv! :lmt duringlhu reuenl pmh to get in [he mats and polalms them was mme wm'k llnru in a ~inglr “'l-‘l'k than was mmlly performed in a “hole monlll. \\ hile farming oprra’ions were thus yumml on, lhe process ul~ vegcmlinn seeuml '0 use in prol‘oflinn :0 file emrrgemy. and the H‘hll“ huh hem [hat hale. on the. 2nd day of June. the [mtqu landplnntvd eax'ly last man: h m? as Well iorwurd us lhvse nl'llw same g-eriod ol‘laat year and when the finish had hwn lhrve weeks earherl ()ais nevvr ulvptfll’t‘d better, and wheat lands exhibit continued luxuriruusness. Alusrncc 0f those .‘rmu which acted so M‘verely on the potato iands last yvar has done good service to the young plants and if the present splen- nhd wralhen; conlix um (he crop uf pn- “(095 will be ready for mush-1 much earlirr than could have been auiiL-ig‘zned. During the: [our monlhs ruding the 30m of Apnil then- “me im ovted inlo Iht' United King- dnm 9.137 home-J mule, 4.368 calves 1 L- 798 sheep, and 2h7 hogs. This wnuM tell of what !he Duke of Richmond callrd -- ruinous competition." At present, how- ever. the -' Humâ€"d” agriculiunim, are ob- !nining for all (‘rscripfinns of {mm mock near-w 100 per cent. abnvu the qurxtatiuus of 1842. to much for [he state of II)? coun- try, free trade and fon-ign competition. Who would not sing of Fifty-seven ?. The St. Paul Timcs of the 24th, has the follmving acvuunt oi the rrscue and return of Ni» Gmdner, who was borne mm cap- livity by the Indians at bpiril Lake: The young girl, Miss Galdner who was carried away lrom *piril Lake after the mass- acue at that place, and who. m company with \ omer wnmvu has bven for llnee months subjected to all the outings and cmellies of savage life and victims to the brutalinstinvts of their DCIat‘CUIOIS. has final'y been ransomed and brought to this city. 'l‘hlee pram-{u Yaukelnn Indians, Liaâ€"zn-m\-‘a~nu-ni, Un- puIa-lo-chc-ca and Cuslaâ€"mmza, brouéht hcl' down. The Tntlians brought the girl to the Gov- enor YtslPt'day morning to whose room they convened at 10 o’clock, and formally dc- livei-ed Miss Gardner into his care, he re- ceiving her in brhalf ot'the whites. 'l‘hejoy- ful transfer was accompanied With app“)- priate Speechvs on either sideâ€"that ol' the Indians being rendered into English by an inter-prepter. 'l‘he bu: den of their remarks was a desire to cultivate amicable fi-elings among the whites, and to be permitted to remain on their reservationtand cultivate the arts ofpo'ace and civilization. ley recpived the kindest and most frendly treatment lrom GnVI-rnor Meadry. wlm evinc- eda desire to encourage their well-doing, by thanking lhem [or the interest thvy had taken in the ransoming of Miss Gardnvr, and promising toplotect [him in all their good deeds. Miss Gardner is only fifteen years of age and betray> an experience of sum-ring ill becrrning her years. Her law has a cast of sadness and nvlzmclmly aver it and well it might, for she is left in the World worse than an orphanâ€"her father. mother, brother-in- Iaw, sister and relatives having all fallen vic- tims to the Spirit Lake massacre. A sub- scription paper is circulating in her behalf and none who can, will hesitate to give. ' They also receivrâ€"d $1,000 from the Gov- enor in lhp alternoon as a recompense for iheir iime and trouble-4M odd guests cauwd muvh merriment at the Fuller House duquz the day sitting at the table and ealing Tux; uries from a civilized iarder, and managing to finish their meal in safely though they handled knife and lork With a very bungling kind of grace. ‘ _ DYER. Hugertvme. June QOIh, 1857. RESCUE OF 31155 GARDNER. [ISLAND IN 1851. Yours Tru‘y,

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