IRICHMOND HILL HOTEL, June. 1857. Regalia. Principe. Havana. Maui": and other hands of Cigars and Cheroou. June. 1357- Toronto. Juno IQIh. 1857 EXTENSIVE Stabllng. and obliging Hosllers always in auondanca. Choice Wines and Liquors. Boer. Portur and VIrious Summer Beverages. Richmond Hm. June. 1851. Thom Hill. June 9th, 1857 An Omnibus lo and from Toronto. calls a! this Hotel. dnily. Richmond Hill. June. 1857‘ Opposite the PM! Ofï¬ce. Yongo Street. N Omnibm leaves the ab we Howl every Morning, (Sundays excepted.) at 7 o'clock. for Toronto; returning the same evening Horus Ind Buggies kept for hire. Richmond "in, June. 1 57 Juno. 1857‘ AUCTIONEER, June.1857 . JAMES NEWTON, g cm†Ta n ne r a n d Cu r r i or, Dry Goods and Millinery, ELGIN MILLS, RICHMOND HILL x G0 to R. Cat/Iran’s, V ‘HE Highest Pnce paid in Cash for Hides and Skins. ‘n-n- IQK‘I a Inn: 82. Yonge Street. Toronto Juno 1?. 1957. g l-\\'_\'. VJune. 1857 June. 1957 Saddle and Harness Maker, Non door to G. 61 B. Barnmd‘s, L WPORTER and Dealer in Gold Ind Silver L Witches. Fine Jowcllory, Electra-Pluto. 'my Goods. duh. ï¬le. No. 80. Yong. Strut. Toronto. TRUNK MANUFAETMER, K 'oppmim J. K. l-‘alvonbridgn's, YONHE STREET. RICH)“ ND HILL. June. 11457. y.l.\\'\‘. Richmnnd Hill. June, 12th. 1557 Oppwile the White Swan Inn. Richmond Hill. June lOlh. 1857. g.‘ Carriage, W'a;;nn & Sleigh Juno. 18:31 Ll Chemist and Drugzist, MPOT'I‘ER of English Drugs. Soaps. Per- fumes. Brunhes. 64c. No. 169. Yongo Slreet. (Opposite Shnlor Street. near Green Bum Tavern, Touomo. _ RTcilTn:n& um. June. l837‘ MI’ORTERS of Hrili~h and Arm-rim." Dr} Goods. Gocon'ea, Wines, liquors. Ollx Paints. dun. $10. B Richmond Hill. June. 1857. U Richmond Hill. June. 1857. June. 1857‘ Richmond Hill. June. 18 7‘ June. 1857‘ Bottled Ale Depot, 65. YORK STREET. TORON TO, C. W. 00D b‘mbliug and Alleulige Homers 3L Inn, and Livery Stables. You}: Sruu‘r 'ORSES and Buggies in renninesa at the Shortcut Notice. ~ILERK Third DIVISION COURT. Ofï¬ce. (Late M. Teefy) MPORTER of B"iti~h and chigu Dry Good Wine and Spirit. Merchant. kc" «Sic, WM. H. NYE. S, SADDLE, HARNESS Ono Door South ol‘ lho G? DR. JAMES LANGS'I‘A FF, Richmond Hill 2:7"131: HENRY SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, AND WILLIAM HARRISON, JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothier. Corner of Yongn nnd Centre Streets. AILIFF Second and Tllid DIVISION Court. Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hxil. 13mins†Eirecta r12. CHARLES DURRA NT, THOMAS SEDMAN, CLYDE HOTEL, KING STFIE T EAST, T0 ONTO. RICHMOND H ILL. THE WHITE SWAN JOSEPH KELLER, J. W. MILLAR, Thorn Hill Hotel, 7000 ACCOMMODATION roa VICTORY HOTEL, Yong: 81.. Richmond [1111 JOHN MCDONALD, JOHN GRIEVE, J. W. GIBSON, Boot and Shoe a Maker; Truellors. MAKER, & B. BARNARH, Ami Masonic Hall, RY GOODS. G oceries. Wine»; ’ Liquors. Hurdwara. &c. P. CROSB Y, M. MORRISON. Agent. gI-wy. RICHARD NICHOLAS AND R0 BE RT WISE'VIAN, Proprietor. JOHN SHIELS. JOHN MILLS. 10$â€; GABY. Proprietor. azeuo 033mm YONG): S'ran'r Proprietor. g. l-wy. Richmond Hill Proprietor g.l - \vy. Proyrielor. g. l -\vy, {1-day gJ. wry. g.I-w_\‘. g. l . wy. gJ-wy g. 1 -w_\‘. gJ-dm 33.] -W)' . g. lwy. zJ-w; g l-wy, g 1-\\‘}' g.1 wy. FOR ‘ 00D \Vatchos. Clocks. Jewelry. Melodrama, T 3vaer Ware. SIIVOI' Spoons. and Specta- cle-s lo ouil eveny .«ight. Wmch‘ Club- in Operation. erranted 1 delmantioned Valuable Prognoriy. being 1m Ens! half of Lot No. 33. in the 6th Conceminn. Township ol‘ Wurrcnnncu. 10 acre. cleared. with a good Living Stream. “so, Lot No. 1‘2. 2nd Concussion. containing 200 acres. Township of Adelaide. South of iha Egruv inonl Road. For further particulars. apply to the Proprietm, “LAG, Banner and Ornamental Painter. Elizabeth Street, Toronto.â€"0ver W. Grif- ï¬th’s Grocery Store. [ET Coat: of Arms. and every description of Herald Painting. exoculed with donpnlch. Ind u. xenon-bio charges. Jun. 1857. ngy. RUB'I'. MARSH Richmond Hill. Juno 11m. 1857. gJ LAND FU R SALE. Particular attention given to the regulation of Children’s Teeth. Consultations Free. and all Work Warrantod Toronto. June. IP67. I-wy. SURGERY. Educ-um. Also. French. Mnsir, and Ornamental Needla A Vncwry for One Boarder. Blink Bonnie Collage. Richmond Hili,J|me. 1857. June ‘2". 16.17 U The Iloce<sm‘_\' Vurieuim for Pic Nics. and Soirees prepared on [he shmtest notice. IN returning lhnnks to the Inh bitants of Rirhnmnd Hill and Vicinin for Iheir past palrmmga, would also IDFOX'IR them that he is now prupm-Nl lo sunplv than: will! every arlicla in tho linn. on lm usunl liberal 1mm». June. 1857 66, King Street, East, Toronto, C. W. MflWIRIS ANY! MPIM} "HE SUBSCRIBER oï¬'ers For Sale the un MPORTER and Dealer in Dry Gonds. Gro- ceriu. Winn, Liquors, Hardware. Glass. [C.-m|mnvnro, Aim. &c.. &c. Richmond Hill. June. 1857 rpm-Iv lrom 20.x upwmds. Torome. June. 1857. Boarding and Day School F 011’. YOUNG LADIES. Dealer in Paper Hangings, Decor-a, tions, &c. Toronto. June l8lh. [>57. ()NTINUE to give Instructions in the tuna] branchel of a solid and useful Englhh June MESSRS. J. 81 W. BOYD, ROBERT J. GRIFFITH, DAVID ATKINSON, AGEN‘I‘FUR Dan-1:11; & Aitchison’s COMBINED Barsisters, &c., NO. 7. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS. KING S'l‘., TOROATO. MRS. 86 THE MISSES CAMPBELL, MORPH Y BROTHERS House Decorator, Paintrr, Vol. 1. MACHINES, RICHJHOJVI) If]! I Richmond Hill BAKERY, C. E. PERRY, IF YOU W J. K. FALCONBIRDGE, Richmond Hill, &c., &c. No 49, King Street) PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER JOHN MURPHY, 4 Doors West of Bay Street. WYTH OR WIT/[0 UT OFFENCE TO FRIENDS OR FOES, I SKETCH Y0 UR WORLD EXACTL Y AS IT GOESâ€"Byron. CHARLES E. PERRY W. C. ADAMS, DOCTOR g.2-w_\‘. 1:.Iâ€"tm g.3-w_v ngy El‘w." W V On the third day from Lngnnsport, we reached VValson’s smtlemcm on the little River. having left VV-abnsh on themorning of that day. It was well on into the evening when we As good fortune would have it.I found a party of six men, bound on the vet“). route 1 was going. and I wanted one day for the snkeoftheir company. At length we set out, with three pack- horses to carry our baggage, and I soon found that I had lost nothing by waiting, for my companions were agreeable and entertaining. They were going on to St. Joseph's where they had land already located, and where they had mills upon the river, intending to get out lumber during the remainder of the season. la the Summer of 1832 I was en- gaged with ayoung man named Lyman Kemp. in locating land lots along the Wabash, in Indiana. [had gone out partlv for my health, with one who had ever been a friend to me, and who had purchased a great deal of Govern- ment Land. At Logansnort he was taken Sl('k. and after watching with him a wuek, in hopes that he would soon recover. I found that he had a settled fever, and as the physicians said he would not probably be able to move on under a month, I determined to push on alone. So I obtained a good nurse anJ having seen that my old friend would have everythin: necessary to his comfort which money could procure. 1 left him. And stricken parents, lowly beat, Mourning the loved and lost, For those who left the home ï¬reside A tear for those who sadly grieve Their bright dreams faded, fled, Whose every Impe, which sweetened life, No human pawn can save! Red flumeï¬ in miascs upward r0",â€" Beneath, the gleaming want; No help was near in that fearful hour, To haflile Death‘s relentless power. That vessel bore high was. anJ hrm'e, Noble and true 0! hurtâ€"â€" Dilatron and maid,â€"â€"manhnml :mJ youth Called ‘uddenly to part, And fair you 1g children, ’nth the waves In each other"; arms found earh' grave: In each other"; arms found early graves. What glowing hopes are dimmud and dead What throbbing hearts boat high, As the lhther-Lmd was left behind Fast slrewming up on high ?~â€"- Deep’niug Lu sable gloom « night The smoke wreaths cloud (In: sky. List the wild *hl‘i’!ks!â€"'ll§ the cry of ï¬re, \\'rung fr )m l'ulud lips in :illglllah dire ! In vain, In vain for aid Ihev cuâ€,â€" No storm-wmd tossed the curling waves, The breeZe was husth to rest- l‘he broad dark rivvr nnisvlesm nOW, Nor huaved its mighty bienst; ‘Zut onward sped in stillness profound, ‘ave only a rippling 'ulluby sound. A vessel proudly strers hrl‘ course On that swut‘ting-gliding stream, Freighted with forms, whose hearts throbbcd warm \Vith many a sweet witd dream, Ofnew-Iounil homes. and 119m waiting- frIPn-lc, Painted in th'S which bright fancy lenls. But look! what means that lurid light. Is buried with the dead! l‘hose cherished ones, who under the deep in silence are resting in dreamless sleep. Hamilton, Juny 2.1857. And the wild ocean crossed. The heather-bloom scents the sighing gale Which wafts o’er Scotia the funeral wail! To seek anollu-r sky! Many a face bilxer grief now clouds, L‘ellmg of biers and water shrouds. LINES ON THE BURNING OF THE " MONTREAL.†AND RICHMOND HILL ADVERTISER. A RIVER ADVENTURE. BY NELLIE “’ILDWOOD. .3 {MIN 13mm]. lllCiiNIOXD HILL, FRIDAY, JULY 17, £857. iihingz ’nth the dark I told the man I would set out on mv return as soon as possible. me 31;: some breakfast and then rusumed his journey, being bound as far as the P01- awummie border. “ The Dnctor says he must die," said the messenger, “ and the poor fellow now only asks for life long enough to see \‘ou." Isetllcd up my bill and fan went for my horse. But a bitter disappoint. men! awaited me. I found the nni- nnl’s foot swoolcn very badly. and it pained him so that he could hardly step on it. Had the road been good, I " Poor Lyman." Imurmurcd to my- selfâ€"" 80 youngâ€"so hnpct'ul.â€"wuh so many ï¬'icnds and I'cI-lliVL'S in his far 011' homeâ€"and taken down to die in a strange land.†lhud just eaten my breakfast and had gone out to the front door, when a horseman came dashing up to the place, himst-lfand horse all covered with mud. It had been raining all night. The ï¬rst the new comer did was to in- quire for me. I answered at once to my name, and he then informed me that Lyman Kemp could not live, and he wished to see me as soon as possi- ble. After the tub full of whiskey and water, which the host had provided was all drank. the crowd began to dis- perse. and shnrlly ulterwutds I went up to bed again, and this time I slept uninterrupted until morning. “The very last man in the world you would takefor Gus Karl. Hc’s small, not a bit over ï¬ve feet sixâ€"with light curly hair, a smooth while face, and not very stout. 'But. Lord love ye, he’s quick as lighlcning. and hi8 eye’s gut ï¬re in it. He dressos in all sorts of shapes. but generally like a common hunter. Oh, he’s 'lhe vcry devil, ldo believe." “ \Vull." he resumed, “the infernal villiun was here only this afternoon, and murdered and robbed a man just up the t‘lVCl‘. We've been out after him, but he’s gin us the slip. We tracked him as far as the upper creek. and there he came out on the bank, ï¬red at us and killed one of our horses, and then drove oï¬'imo the woods, We set the dogs on his track but they lost him. “Yes.†the landlord growled. "But'" he added, with a knowing shake of the head, “ he can’t run clcm‘ much longer. The country is in arms, and he’ll either leave these huntings or be dropped.†" What sort ot'a man is he I†I ask- “ And you havecome back bootless,†I said.. (‘Inlhtrs and \wnt dmx‘n. “ \Vlml is It 1" I asked nfthc land- lord, who slum] in the entry wa). “ Ahâ€"_â€"dun'l )nu know. stranger 7" (He has! rclurmu]. " You‘ve huurd n! ouslus Km}, millalps'!" \Vno. in lhu K. csl at the time had no! hum'd of In 11â€"5314: m ist I‘ecklus.<. during. and l'TlUldL'Hrub I‘Ulll‘cl' that rvcr cursed a (:(mnlry. Ihrld the host that I had hcurd of him ohm-u. full in great drops and thickly too. And mm‘u still I had tube thankful for, for my horse begun to show a Inmvncss in on > «4' his hind lugs. and when I leaped from the s.xd:lle I found that his hag pained him much, as I could tcli From the manner in which he lifted it from the gl'numl. I ordered the host- ler to hutht: it with cold water. and Ihvn went into the house, where we tbund a good suhstnntial supper, and comfortable quartersâ€"that is for that set-tion and that time. About ten o’clock, just after I had retired, and ju~t as] was falling inn» 3, drnwsc. l “as: slurâ€: d by Hm simuls of men :md the, Inn'kmgni'dogs. direct- ly undcr (hu window. As the noise ('onmmml, I urusu and mm“ on m\' reached the little log built svttlement, and we were ofthu shelterâ€"fur ere we gm under it, the rain cm] full in great drops and Ittlc log built inn of Ihr‘ nd we were glad enough â€"fur ere we had Fairly the rain cnmmonced [0 lm Imps “ I should like it." I mid him. frank- ly. "I've been wanting C()ll')ll:lll.\.l. “ So have i,†added the humcrY " And l'vc been wanting some button mndc nfconvcyancc lhzm these “on out lugs through the deep ihrusi." " Cnmv nn." lsnid, and as I simlu he jumped imo the (tumor. fllhi having (Icpositcd his rifle in the how. he look up one of the paddles and luhl me he was ready when I was. So we push- ed ofT, and were soon clcal' of the whirlpool. For an hour we convmsvd frcvly. The stranger told me his name was “That‘s fortunate. I wish to go there myself," the stranger resumed-â€" “ What say you to my talking ynm second puddle. and keel ing you com. [IJIIIV 7" “ Down the river to Logansport,†I replied. Ihad been in this position some ten minutes whenl was slm‘tlcd by hear- ing a fooli'all close by me. and on look‘ ing up I 811W a [nun at the side of my boat. He was a young looking person â€"not over twu-und-thirIyâ€"and seem- ed to be a hunter. He wore a wolf» skin shirt. leggings of red leathcr. and a cap of bear skin. " Which way ye bound. stranger .7" he asked in a pleasing tone. It was shortly after noon, and I had just eaten my dinner of bread and cold meat when I came to an abrupt bend to the right, and a little further on] (-ame to a basin, where the current formed a perfect whirlpool. I did not notice it until my canoe got in it, and found myself going round' instead of ahead. I plied my wooden paddle with all my power, and soon sucreed- ed in shooting out from the rotary cur- rent. but in doing so I ran mysell’upun the low sandy shore. The effort had fatigued me not a little and as I found myself thus suddenly m00red,I resolv- ed to rest a few minutes. I louan thchoat to he :1 Well linshion‘ ed dug-out, large: enough to bear four men with case, and I at once paid tln. owner his price. ten dullnl‘s, and then had my luggage brought (lth). I gave directions about the treatment of my horse and then put off. The cur- rent was very rapidâ€"say four or ï¬ve miles an hourâ€"hut not at all turbulent, and I soon made up my mind that it was far better than riding on horse- back. The banks of the river were thickly covered with large trees, and I saw quantities of game, and more than once I was tempted to ï¬re the contents of my pistols at some of the boldest of the varmints, butI had no time'to waste, so I kept on. Only one thing seemed wanting. and that was a companion ; but I was destined to ï¬nd one soon enough. lo dcspund, “ mm ye manage a ctunuc l “ Yes, very Well." I told him. " Then that's ynur best way. Th1 curr-cm is very s! rung this morning. am uilhuut a stroke nflhe paddle ’tw‘pul. lulu: _\'c ulnng as fast as a Imrse (:(Iuhi wade lhrnugh the mud. You shalt have one of my canoes fur just wlml it Is worlh, and ya can sc.| it at Loguns- porl for us muuh.†I ('nught ul ihe prnpnsition inslanll}. for I saw it was a grmd one. “ If ye dnr'nt shonlthc rapids" add ed the landlord. " _\'c cancnslly shnulu pr the canoe and tuntit round. Tis’u. shnuld have been tempted to try him, but I knew that in some places the mud would he deep. I Went to the hnst and asked him if he could lend or sell me a horse. He could doneither, his only spare hnrse hml been shot the night before by the \anash rnbhcr. There was not :1 horse in the plum: to he 0h- tnined for any amount at mnney. l returned to the stuhle :tnd letl my harm: out, but he Crtuld not even Walk with any degree of tube. l (:nnld not use him. I was in despair. “ Look'v." saial mine host, as I began to dcspund, “ (‘nnycmmmgca1:2“ch ar. §agttt£j During thu rest nflhc afternoon m.- cnnvcrscd smm‘, but not so freely n< hcl‘m'c. I enuld see that the villaiu's (‘3'!‘5 were not so frankly bent on nw as he spnkc, and then seemed inclinml Thus he opvned the affair tn me, and I was fool enough to be equally (rank. [admitted that I had some money and lnld him my business, and by a must quiet and unassuming course of remark he drew from me the fact that I had money enough to purchase forty full iuts. “Oh, you'll meet him, never fear said my cmnpanion. Adams. and his father lived in Colum- bus. He was out now on a mere hunt- ing and prospecting expedition with some fricnds who had gone on to L0- gnnspnrt by horse, and having got se- [unrated from them in the night, had lost his hmsc in the bargain. He said he had a great sum ofmoney about his person. and that was the reason why [)0 disliked to travel in the bush. " Aye," I added with a smile, “that is good for me, for every hour is valu- able. 1 would not miss ofmecling m) fricnd for warlds. nnr was ht: tall. His hair was ofn light fluwn hue and hung in long Purl.»- nlmut his neck. His features wore regular and handsome. and his cum- ,,l::xinn Var) light. But the color of his I'm-e was not what one would call l‘air. It was a cold bloodless color lire pale marble. And, for the ï¬rst time, :no.l now looked particularly at thu eyes. They were grey in color, and had the brilliancy ofglaring ice. Their light was intense. but cold and glitter- ing like snakes. Then I thought ofhis age, and set him down for not over thirty. They were in the breast pocket at my coat, which pockets had been madt- on purpose for them, and 1 could reach them at any instant. Another hmu passed away and by that timcI be~ (tame assured that the robber would make no attempt upon me till al‘tt-i nightfall. He said that it would lu- convenient that we were both togeth- er, for we could run all night as one could steer the canoe while the other slept. Finally the conversation lagged. and I began to give my companion a closer «:rutiny. I sat in lhc stern ofthc 2::- I100, and he was about midships and (Eu-Eng me. He was not a large mun. I at length managed to overcome all my outward emotions, and then I l)(.‘- gan to watt-h my companion more sharply and closely ; my pistols were both handy, and I knew they were in order. for I had examined them both In the forenoon when I had thought 0! ï¬ring at some game. Suddenly a sharp, cold shudder ran through my frame, and my heart bout with a wild thrill. As sure as fate, I knew it, there could be no doubt, I had taken into my canoe, and into my con- ï¬dence, Gustus Karl, the Wabash rob- ber. For a few moments I feared my emotions would betray me. Ilooked carefully over his person again, and I knew I was not mistaken. I could look back now, and see how cunningly he had led me on to aconfession ofmy circumstancesâ€"how he had me tell my afl‘airs. and reveal the state of my ï¬nances. What a fool I had been, but ’twas too late to think of the past. I had enough to do to look out for what was evidently to come. No. 6. \‘x'wuk :md faint I sank back, but n smld. n tipping of the canoe brought um tn my senses, andeem aft and m -k the paddle. As soon as the boat's lwnd was once more right, Iturncd my vyvs Upon the form in the bottom of to nmid my direct glances. '1 1. mm l xm-ul: on his part were not in: In ml. lvul lhey were insuuctiw, w I agreed to his proposal. He to< a m} Scat at the stern, and l moved fun! - or forward, and having removed 1h; plrmk on which my suspicious compaxr ion had been sitting, I spread my clan}: in the bottom of the canoe, and then liming placed my valise for a pillow. I lay down. As soon as possible I drew out one of my pistols. and beneath ll :2 cover of a cough I cooked it. Then ; moved my body so that my right arm would be at liberty, and grasping my weapon ï¬rmly, with my ï¬nger on th- gnu rd. I drew up my mantle, slouuhcd my hat, and thou settled down for m)‘ The t'iHnEn was by my side, and he ‘mcusurcd ah: dtsmncc from his hand to \n._v heart with his eye. In his left lhand hc ht Id at thtck handkerchief alt wadded up. That was to stop my mouth with. Every nerve in my body was now strung, and my heart stood still as death. 0! course, my snoring, ceased, and at that instant the hug..- knife was raised above my bosom Quick as thought I brnughl my pistn} tip. the muzzle was “ithiu ll tum ofthe robbcr‘s heart. h;- uth‘l‘ud u quirk cryâ€"- lsuw the blade quitm in thu mnnuhght, but it came not ut-nn m“. l puilcd the ttiggt‘r and tnv Itsl I'v-tr “as passed. I hut! thuug‘ht that tht: \nuetu-n mtg“! miss fire. "mt it di-t um. Then: was t, H'lm‘]; report. and me I sprang up m1! luck-d, I heard :I ï¬erce )‘cll, and m Ihl- sums muan the rubber fvh {m- “an‘s, his Iwnd smk'ng my knm‘ as i! 0 “'D \leC Fortunately for me the moon was up. and though the forest trees threw :; shadow upon me, yet the beam fell fui. 1pm] Karl, and I could see his every movement. We were well into Wa- bash. having entered it aboul 1w» o‘dm-k. "You will call me at midnight.†I said (h‘nwsily. " Yus,†he returned. “Good night." “ Good nightâ€"and pleasant dreama. I‘ll have you further on your way than you think on: )‘nu wake up again." For half an hour he steered the ca- um) Very well, and Seemed to take but little notice of me, but at the end of that time, I could see thathe became more uneasy. I commenced to snou- wiih [1 long regular drawn breath, and ()n the insiant the villain started an Starts the hunter when he hears the tread of game in the woods. " l’urhnps so," lhoughtl to myself. as l lowered my head, and pretended to scllle myself to sleep. ahc foul wrclrh approached meâ€"oh ! his sle would not have wakem.-d a houndâ€"and his long knife was half raised. 1 mle hear his breathing llthy, and humid hear the grating 05 his teeth as in: ncrvcd himself for the >l mkv. "I think these were the very wordr‘ At any rate they were their drift. Ar he thus spoke he noiselessly drew in the paddle and then rose to his feet. I saw him reach up over his left shou‘t der, and when he brought it back it held a large bowie knife in it. lcoult: see the blade gleam in the pale moon. light. and I saw Karl run his thumb along the edge and then feel the point. My heart beat foari‘ullyï¬nd my breath: ing was hard. It was with the utmm: exertion that I could continue my snnr~ ing. but I managed to do it without in- terruption. Slowlv and noiselessly “Oho, my dear sheepâ€"you lint»- drcamcd that Gus Kan was your cam-4 panion. But lxu'll d4) you a good turn. Ifyour friend is (lead you shall follow“ him, and I shall {aka your traps to paf‘ your travelling expanses to heaven." But hark! Aha! there was beforr one lingering fear that I might Ihom the wrong man. But. it was gone now, As the fellow stopped the motion ( I the paddle, I distinctly heard him mu'r terâ€" (ll 0W (Concludrd on 4th page.)