T . tion. The Griflintown rioters set ï¬re to a saw; seilltfs house for the supply of 10,000 .__. mill near the Wellington bridge, and when; Africans to Guadalope and Martinique. the Orangemen (many of whom are also line-l men) I'P'ifllt'ed with their engines to subdue the flunes they were alluckI'II with stirks, stones and pistols. and two of their number were killed. Great excitt meat prevails, and it is fi-ared that more trouble Will follow. ' COMMUNICATION. WM “’6 wish to be disi' cilv niidez-iood that wr- will ’ notbold'ourselyfe our Correspondents. . addressed to thisofl‘icr- for I’ttlllicnlloll. must be accompanied by the real nuaio «it‘iliew ‘. al- though it need not in every case be Ill‘iel'll'd. ' . u . " TO THE EDITOR OF THE “ GAZLI 1‘15. PROt.0GUt-‘..~-Ile that either Opposes or ï¬nds fault with the flCl’lO/S of the wicked, is sure to receive the character , of being a de/amer, from such cor- ruptionisls to soczefy. My DEAR Sm,â€"-â€"The erudite scrap, lheadcd “ Richmond Hill, Markham Side,†which I had pointed out to me. sheet. . in a neighboring unclean mis-named a newspaper; Iliavc no hesitation in afï¬rming, is really a worthy and faithful picture of the pai‘tyifrom which it proceeds. The fanciful dialect is mean in execution. and intricate in meaning to every one but the noodles themselves ; however, it cannot disgrace the soiled rag. The document hasundoubtedly been prepar- ed by men unaccustomed to speak the -truth, and possessed ofa dull knowledge of their own vernacular tongue, to their disgrace, to which the supine I'lditoi has unwittingly assisted by allowing its insertion. I have no objection to Messrs. Straightshanks & Co., or any of the party whatever. writing to your pa- per on any subject, or on any occa~ sion they may think ï¬t ; but I have a great objection and repugnance' to such writing being made the vehicle for promulgating falsehoods, substi- tuting ï¬ction for facts, and rumors for realities. I can discern tn every line the dirtv handthat has concocted the atriicions document, and nothing but unblusliing impudeuce‘could have suggested tlic'inscrtion of such a par- agraph. Lastly, the Editor is sacriï¬cing every claim to public belief, by pub- lishing such an outrageous insult upon common sense. There is not the least tincture of either honor or self- rt-spet-t, in the guardian ’of a Journal that would allow such an unworthy advertisement to disgrace its columns. to gram? the malicious spirit of his boliow-li :artcd political (friends) ac- quainTances. for sordid‘ gain. The Epilogue. like the other portion of the letter, is redolent with idiotic expres- sions, ‘and with its odour around and about its locality, I’ll leave for the bird of the foul nest. With every respect for your dear selfand truth, ' Iremain JUSTITIA. Yonge Street, July 13, 1857. NEWS BY " THE ANGLO SAXON.†A collision took place on Sunday on the Kent Railroadâ€"~11 persons killed and 30 injuredâ€"at Kei'by station, ten miles front Liverpool. " A great many people have been in- jured by an accident to an excursion train. The Mayo election inquiry is still proceeding, and attracts much atten- Evidence has fully borne out the charge of violent interference by the Priests. It is expected that the Archbishop of Juam will be put under examination in the House ofCommons on Monday. ~ 'Mr Smith replied to enquiries of Mr Disraeli. relative to India, stating that by the middle of the present mouth ten thousand men would have been sent to India, and that the Court of Directors had applied for 4,000 more. He had no doubt that next .mail.w0uld announce the mutiny sup- pressed. _ The House of Commons ts engaged in discussing the motion of Mr. Berkley for the adoption of vote by ballot. The resolution was not carried. Majority against bringing in a bill on the subject. 66. At Dublin, the police are busy sift- .ing evidence against Spollen, for the murder oer. Little, the Midland Rail- wav Cashier. Evidence of Spollen’s faii'iily against him is very strong. The news from Hindostan excites intense interest. The Titties thinks that Persian, and perhaps Russian in- fluence may have been at work. and that intrigues of native Princes, re- cently deprived of sovereignty, may have contributed to the fermentation, and advocates a more thorough organ- ization of our Eastern empire. Revenue returns show a deï¬ciency of the quarter of £20,324 compared with siime time last year. There is an increase in customs and property tax, but a decrease in other items. The net increase of the year is £1,- 827,042. FRANCE. The .flduertiser's Paris correspondent Writes. the Minister of Marine has telegraphed to Brest and 'l‘oulon for 15 transports, to he prepared with all speed for the conveyance of men and material to China. It is said that the French Govern- ment have contracted with :1 Mar- esponsiblo for the opinion. oi" Also. all Communications to be tried for conspiracy to assasstnatr {the Emperor. l Violent storms last week occasioned some UIIU‘ISIIICSS reSpccting the grow- ing crops. Some injury has beei done by had. The weather has, how- ever, again become beautifully ï¬ne. It is belimwl that this year’s crop of corn and wine will be far above a fab at'm‘ugc. to Hungary. the Emperor will grant very considerable concessions to that CUUIIlI‘V. Lombard) is in consternation about si'k Worm disniisc, which is (1"Sll‘t)_\’~ in;r the richest and most plentiful crop in that province. , TORUN 10 MARKET“. ABRIDGED i‘ncM THE coLoNisT. Toronto, July 16. t, In produce the business of the week has bet-I unusually liioitttl. owing to the small supplic from farmnrv. who ate too busily engaged in hay .iqu operations to atrnud the market. “lith [lit exception of wbmt. full pr.ces have been realized for everything offered, \VHI.A1‘â€"Ye>lti'diiy the market was much dc~ P"C‘~‘~etl. with light (1 liver cs, amounting to about 500 bushels. Thu range of prices extended from 8s 9d to it's lld per bn~hel. Ft.ouaâ€"â€".j'sti 25 a :56 St) for superï¬ne: $7 a $7 ‘25 forfaiicy'. and $7 .30 and $8 for extra. SPRING Willey-r is in light supply. and ï¬nds ready sale at Gs 6d and 7.- per bushel. A lot of Very fine simple brought Ts 2d in the early part of the week. Bumpyâ€"Nothing doing in barley on which to base quotations. Iluy’ers would give 5s per bushel. RYEâ€"A fine lot of rye was bought as 5s per bushel. The market is unsettled, and this price is not a true indii-atiou of the value of the grain. ()ATS are quiet, with sales of farmeis’ loads at 3s (id per bushel. By wholesale, 3s lid is about the ruling maik for impotteil. CORN held ï¬rmly at 4s 9d a 55 per bushel. PEAS are wontli 4s 6d a 5s per bushel. POTATOES have sold dating the week at all prices. between 4s 6d a 75 6d per bushel. accord- ing to quantity and quality. For a good variety. 73 is realized without difï¬culty. Burn-2R has not been brought in so freely, and prices are again higher, ranging from 11d a 15 Id perlb. On Saturday, 1s 2d was realized in a few instances. Tub, of No. 1 quality. is also not plentiful, and prices are ï¬rm at 103d a Is per lb. CHEESE is in good supply. at $10 a $12; per 100 lbs. . Ecos sell freely at 11d a Is. The supply has been small. BEEFâ€"The hot weather materially affects the consumption of beef. and as the supply has in- creased, tlie market is depressed, and prices lower. The range for a good article is now from $7 a$8 per 100 lbsâ€"sinking one third for shrinkage. HAYâ€"01d hay comes in sparingly, and is in de- mand at $30. New is in fair supply at 16 a 20 dollars per ton. Straw 11 dollars per ton. _PATENT PUMPS! HE Subscribers have pleasure in inform- ing the Inhabitants of VVhitcbureh and surrounding Townships, that they are manufac- turing the best I’umps now made in Canada, Patented by John Dennis. These Pumps are much better than the ordinary \Vood Pump. for the following reasons : Firstlyâ€"Tho Water is much better, as there is not quarter as much wood in the well, and all free from sap. In order to do away with such heavy timber as is used in the common wood pump. they add a stifliteiit number of iron bands; iliis makes the pump stronger and so much lighter. that two men can take one out of it well sixty feet deep. in ï¬fteen minutes. Sawmill â€"â€"By the use of the PATENT CYLINI) ‘R. which is turned peifectlv smooth and true oti the inside. the box wears Inngor and works easier than in the ordinary bored pumps. 'I‘hirdlyâ€"These Pumps are so simple that al- most any man can repair them. and by means or the nut on the red, the Bucket is secured in such a manner that it cannot get loose; and as the joints are all ï¬tted true and tight. there is no jar- ring iii the working of the pumps. Lastlyâ€"These Pumps are neatly turned and pa inted, making it an ornament as well as a most useful article. Below will be found a few of the hundreds of references we might give from the various Tow nships in which the pumps have been introduced. We. the Undetsigned. having in use the Pumps manufactured by J. James 6:. Co.. can cheerfully recommend them as the best Pumps we have had in use :â€" WutTcuuchâ€"John Nash. M.D.. James Hack- ' ett, M.D.. Messrs. Donald Sutherland. Jos. gawthra, M. W. Bogart, 'l‘. Nixon. Robeit rodie. KINGâ€"Messrs. John Rogers, Eli Lloyd, C. Ste- vens, William “lhito, J. Hilborii. WEST quaamnunvâ€"Messrs. Simon Fraser, \V. Wallace, John McKonky. Hiram Lount, G. Pahuen EAST thi.t.ininunvâ€"Messrs. Judah Donn. John V. Vlilson, John H. Wilson. Jacob Luudv. Reuben Lundy. John Nichols, John Purdi'. Brooks Howard. Joliu Pegg. Calvin Waddle. D. Terry. Ptcxtmmoâ€"Messrs. Jurdon Post, John Mndill. N. Weodruï¬'. NORTH wai.LimBuaYâ€"Messrs. D. Willoughby. John Prosser. Thomas Williams. Jas. Ruse, Stephen Mann, W. Mann, J. William, G. Traviss. GeonciNAâ€"Messrs. C. T. Corbut. Jas. Elves. John Fan-born. YONG: STREETâ€"Messrs. Chartes Thompson, George Bond, James I'eunick. John Montgom- ory, C. Sheppard. REACHâ€"Messrs John Truax. Jame! Truax, Amos Bunker, James Doble. anntncizâ€"Messrs. G. Hutchinson. Jos. Chap- man. N. Sarls. SCOTTâ€"RIBBSI‘S. C. Collins. Thomas Burnhain. W. Moor, S. Burchaid. Essaâ€"Messrs. James Armson, Daniel Will- ougliby. TECUMSETHâ€"Revd. F. Rattigan. Jesse Mills. Councillor. Messrs. T. McLeod. James Harp- er.1saac Stone. M. Beaid. Jesse Roe. Geo Walls. J. Dell. NV. Parker, J. VVelch, VV.‘Hig- day. J.H. Courtney, Sampson Steel. Alexander Austin. ' Arianaâ€"Messrs. P. Keough, T. Shaw. P. Mc- Cabe, J. W. Wallace. Issisi'tLâ€"Messrs. Samuel Cain. T. Wray. STREETSI’ILLEâ€"DII‘. Wm. G. Harris. ETonicoKnâ€"Mr. “’. Wallace. Councillor. We beg further to announce that we have made several improvements in our I’uuips this Spring, by the ebbiiion of WROUGHT IRON HANDLES AND EXTRA PATENT VALVES. All PUMPS inanufactn ed by us are warranted for one year. We also manufacture to order, PATENT IRON LIFTING PUMPS†For Wells one hundred feet deep and less, and warrant them for three years. All orders to be moressed to the undersigned. stating depth of well. at Newiuarknt. JOSIAH JAMES & Co. g5-tf. Nut'tiiarltet. June 2, 1857. Three Italians. arrested in Paris, are It is stated that on his second visi‘. MN AntiUiiOll t\: tZU’o‘ Menagerie and 3110118 4-? 0.\lE CONSOLIDATED EXHIBITION UNDER ONE TENT, yon. ONE PRICE OF ADMISSION! The Largest Show in the World UVER 230 MEN AND HORSES “T111 Exhibit at RICIIJIIOJVD HILL, Wednesday, July 29, 1857. LOYDTU "’N', Thursday, July 30m. V'E lVJlIfll.’ KL" 1 Friday. July 31$t. .MflRKHflJlI. Saturday. .flugust lst. UfrDoors open at One and Seven P. M. \dnissiou 50 cents; Children 25 cents. G. BERRY, Manager. *3} 7‘ â€so or- pqrsfla‘t - A b that Manse ~ Embracing specimens of all that is Rare and in the Animal \Voald. The great Performing Eliphanl! TIPPO SAIB. THE ONLY PAIR OF ROYAL B ENGAL TIGERS In America. the largest ever captured olive. Interesting . FANCY soars, The MetiagErie is under the porsounl supervision of THE RENUVVNED VAN AMBURGH. -llll itiiiii Ntmly Erniiirb Bloch florets! Imported from England and Arabia; A DROVE of TRICK PONIESI Highly Educated; THE STAR TROUPE! 01' either hemi!pht‘re, in the following Equestrian» (-ymnasts, Pantomimisu and Dramatists: MRS. E W. PERRY. MR. E. W. PERRY. THE NICOLO FAMILY, (four in number) T. WYETH, FRANK CARPENTER; MASTERS ALPHONSE, SEBASTIAN AND ALMA- Together with HADDEN, NORTON. WHEELER, LI'Z‘VIS, HAWLEY, 654:. Two Performances each day! \VONDEIIFUL AND IN’I’III‘I'ID Exercises iii the [bye of Lions, Tigers, Iic By PROF. LANG W'ORTI‘I‘. iii iiiii ihtiiiii tits, From Aatley's Amphitheatre. London, TRAINED BY MONSIEUR NICOLO. â€".-*â€"â€" Herman Ludwig’s Cornet Band Will discourse the ï¬nest of Air: during the day. A MAGNIFICEX" I’ROCESSION \Vill be made on entering ’I‘uwn. For minute dercnpiiou See "Blldbllll Finer-tale, he A CARD. N addition to the above combined en- tertainment the Manager takes pleasure in announcing an engagement with Mr. EATON STONE, The Champion Bareback Equestrian qfths IV orld I Also. in addition to the extensive collection of Animals, 3 Caï¬'ra Lioness with ï¬ve whelps. borti in Van Amburg & Co’s Menagerie Buildhrgs. in the City of Cincinnati, oti the lSth of March, 1857. and which are esteemed one of the greatest curiosities in the Animal Kingdom to be seen free of extra charge. Jilly 16. 1857. THE SUBSCRIBER will offer for Sale On SATURDAY,the ISOiinsL, A lot of BAREGES. BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS, at from 20 to 30 per cent below their real value. J. K FALCONBRIDGE. Richmond Hill. July 16.1857. DRY LUMBER! TEEFY hasn small quantity of TWO A . INCH PLANK for sale. Richmond Hill. July 10. 1857. NOTE LOST. N or about the lst of MA! last. the subscriber lost a NOTE of HAND against JOHN SHIELDS and JOSEPH BALDWIN. drawn in favor of JAMES MCBRIDE, and in possession of WILLIAM Coon. sen., for the sum of £31 59. Said Note was due on the 27th of APRIL last, when it was presented for payment and partly liquidated. ' This Notice is to inform any person ï¬nding the Note in question. that payment has been stopped. and to request the ï¬nder to return it to the under- signed. for which a suitable reward will be given. \VILLIAM COOK. Sun-n. 'I'horuhill. July 6. 1857. g.5-3t g5-Qin fl» 4“ BOBERT SIVER, Boot. and Shoe Maker, /- DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist chl'l A pol. Yonga Street, Richmond Hill. l A choice selection of Gcntlemens’. Ludios‘ and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on tho Shortest Notice. I Richmond Ilill. .‘uua Nth. 1857. g,1vr.y'. Spring Impurtations. LYMAN, BROTHEizs .3; (10., No. 4. St. Lawrence Building“. I \N/ OULD respectfully intimate lu litDiI' fitena and the public that their SPRING IMPOR'I‘A'I‘T'JNS are now forward, and consist of a well msoiirt stock of PURE DR UGS, CHEMICALS, SPICES, DYEJ’I'I‘ITFFS, 131". L7 "Illiii. Pl‘llt r I: .\i 121’. I. VARNISIII‘JF. PATENT ME DICINICS, i’.ll\'l‘-‘. SURGICAL INS'I‘IIUMEN‘IR, OIL.“ DRUGGISTS’ GLASS\\'.-\I'.I§. &-.. all of which they offer to the tiadi- :it il 0 lows“l market rates. L. B. & Co.. would also call the mlculiolt o Dealers and I’aiuteis to the White Lead and Colors in Oil and Film" prepared by them, and for Whlt'll the when : trial in comparison with other kind-.iu the a. :1 livt. feeling conï¬dent that the re~uli will not be to liit'i‘ disadvantage. either as regards qualiti o. pin-e. Toronto. June 26. 1857. ' g5~31n ANNUAL EXAMINATION 0F COMMON SCIIOOL 'I'EIIIIITEES. FOR THE COUNTY 01“ YORK. OTICE is herebygiven that :‘n Evaininatiou Meeting of the Board of l'ublir‘ Instruction, for the County of York, will be bold Oll Monday and Tuesday. the 17m & trtih of August next. at II, A.M., ill the (’(vitrt House in the ' ity'of T0- routo: at Richmond Ilill on the some days and hour,- and at Newmflt‘ltet. on the same day’s and hour, for the exaniina ion of (‘oiiiinon School 'I‘cat-hers, whose Ceititiratos will expire on the 30th Sept 1b57 : and also for all who intend becoming Temheis (luring the ensuing year. In vittue of a tesobition ot'ilie Board, unantinomly adopted. to tho effort that in cider to raise the standard 0" Common School Education; all Teachers now holding ï¬rst-class Certiï¬cates. are required to pi'esont themselves for re-exami- nation. at the timn above stat. d; and all T ach- ers presenting themselves for examination are required to pioduce Ceititicates of moral charac- ter t'ioin their l'C-‘IH‘CIIVO ministers, also Certiï¬- cates from the Trustees of the School in which they were last engaged. JOHN JENNINGS. Chairman. City Toronto. g5 July 4.1m. TORONTO "CITY" MARBLE WORKS, No. 138 YONGE STREET. .«mn QUEEN STREET. D. C. & W. YALE, MPORTILRS and dealers in Italian and American Marble, also manufacturers of Monuments, Cenotaphs, Tomb and Grave Stones. Ornamental enclosures for Grave plots, the. Order». through our Agents will receive prompt attention. D. CARLOS YALE. Wu. YALE. D. DAVIS. AGENT. Toronto. July 10, 1857. WILD LANDS FOR SALE, N the Townships of Amabel. Sydenbam, Bexley and Somerville. Price from two dollars an acre and upwards. Apply to. G. J. F. PEARCE, Conveyancor. Land Agent &.c., Yonge St. Richmond Hill P. 0., Lot 39. lst Con. Vaughan. Richmond Hill. June. 26th 1857. LETTERS IN Richmond Hill P. 0. ON lst JULY, 1857. A. Arnold, A. Artress, William Armstrong, Sarah (Miss) B. g5 If. g4-1y. Bridgford, Mr. Berry, John Bales, George Bell, George C Campbell, George S. Cosgrove, Barnet Curry, Miss M. L. Coulter, John Calhoun, Joseph D. Degcer. Buttr n Dickson, G. P. (4‘) E. Eckardt, James Elliott, Miss Mary Ann 1* . Falconbridge, J. K. G. H. Davis, J. E. Dolley, Duggleby Elliot, Francis Foster, MOses Grant, Jesse Haffey, B. Hopper, Robert IIaington, Miss Sarah Hoaglialan, Timothy Hart, John IIanington Miss Margmet J. K. Kelly, Mrs. S. R. L Johnson, John Kilfeder, Miss Lesslie, James Love, Richard Langstaff, Doetor Langstaff, Miles (‘2) Langstall, John (Junior) M Monkman, Miss Mary Matthewson. Maria Misson, Richard Macartney, Robert McCallum, John Morgan, Mrs.C.C. Miller, James Mortson, Thomas Myers, \Villiani McKewon, John C. McPherson, Mrs. Nancy N Nicholls, Richard Cass Newton, Joseph (‘2) Newton, J. Newton, John OlGi'ady. LieLtenant O’Brien, James P Patterson & Bro. [3] R Reid, A. F. [Doctor] S ' Smittie, G. S. Scott Henry W. Simpson, \Villiain ['2] '1‘ Thompson, Mrs. Isaac V O’Grady, G. S. O‘IIeion, John Playter, James Shaw, Mrs. Rose Stanton, Mrs. Mary Stafford, T. Twigg \Villiain Velie, .Tolin Verncy, J. . V nghatl, Dan Vandei'burgh, Richard IV W'ills. John “'oods, John \Vebster, Beckbam \Vilson. Thomas “Wight. John. [an] M. TE EFY, Postmaster, RICHMOND HILL @?PREMEUM{Q Ca STM§%V . "has. liltlil it . ESTA BLISHMENT. )ne L‘oor South of the “ Gazette " 03100.: ‘WI llinni H. Myer-5,, I’rize Harness .llaiiuliiclurer, i i)ESl‘I:IC'ILFUl.LY announus to the I'ublicl :! geiiti'allj'. that haying taken the FIRST 1 117.1; fur Harness at the Tango Street A“ ir-ul-l ital Show, Two Years in MICLCCarl'iII. he ti-elhi l):ilidt'lll that he can Lriw- vntire antistactii-ii in .ll branches of his 1)ll:ill(‘S>‘. 01:? All lVork Wat‘ranted. c133 11:1†A large Stock of Harness, .‘L‘c.. always on Hand and made to order at the lowest po:sible io- tnunoratiug prizes. Richmond Ilill. July ‘2. 1857. gdll' To Agriculturists I I) WISEMAN begs to inform the Pllliilt' l 1, gen rally. that he has been appointed Agenti for the sale of SALEM ECKARDT'S l Cultivator-eds: Hay Balms.1 These Valuable Imploinenta were invented and patented by ALEXANDER ANDERSON. and, are well known as having taken the principal priZt-s at the various Exhibitions throughout 111i" Province. duiing the last three yarns: and, what is still better. they have been thoroughly tested by l Fariiiersin this neighborhood. In which theirsupc- triurity over all uthers has been fully proved [IT Factory at Unionvillo. near White’s Mill; ROBT. WISEMAN. Richmond Hill. June. 1857. gdtf BRITISH dz. AMERICAN JEWELLEEY STORE, SMALL PROFITS 86 QUICK RETURNS. THE undersigned working on the abowi‘ principle feels conï¬dent that he can sell goods i 30 Per Cent Cheaper Than any'ltohse in town. Call and see $3 50, Clocks, $10 Silver Watches, $8 Gold Alben Chains. CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVE6~ At 114 Yonge St.. 2 doors south of the Globt, Hotel . Toronto. at c. RICHARDS. i I? Every description of Goods in the trad!- EDltéSOLU'I‘lON 0r PARTNE m "111: Business hitherto carried on by GEORGE 3L BENJAMIN BAR-NARI) :it RICHMOND IIILL,uoder the style of G. 8‘. B. BARNARD, was dissolved u..- Lilli/i June. by limitation and mutual consent: and they bug to return molt Iiucere thanks to hi it numuonu Customers and Friends for their past support. .‘O.’ The Business at Richmond Hill will in future be carried on by G. A. BARNARD. who Vii-ll rnneavnr, in all times, to merit the patronage so liberally extended to the late Firm. The Shop has been reâ€"paitttcd and much improved; and a new and nice Assovtment of Goods are daily receiving, and when cuiiiploted, will be found a large and well selected stock, which will be sold much under the usual prices. G. A. BARNARD having determined on doing A CASH BUSINESS OR SHORT CREDIT! “'hich he will limit to all new Accounts SIX MONTHS, and lst April of each year. He will make inducements extruded time. by offering them Good: from 15 to 20 PER adhering strictly to the old motto SRIALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS! I All PAST nut: Accounts. to the late ï¬rm. not. paid by the 15th of July will be put in Suit. Richmond Hill. June 30. 1857. ‘ paynbie promptly on the lst October to Customers more tangible than by CENT. lower than usually purchased. Short Life to the Old Systemâ€"Long Credit, Long Life to the New Systemâ€"SHORT CREDIT, Success to the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. G. A BARNARD. Rihcmond Hill. will conduct business solely on CASH OR SHORT CI’. l-‘DI'I‘. Six months will be given on all new Accounts. payable promptly on lst. October «K; lst \piil in each year. G. A BARN ARD is now receiving a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines 6!. Liquors, Ladies’ & Childrens’ Boots 6; Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Drugs & Medicines, &c., &c., (Sec. With an nous al assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. in every fabric. make, shape, style and \ilIICI.\, which he offers onthe above terms. and much less than ever sold before. In con- lii’iiog his business to shelter time. he is assured of the necessity of a general adaptation to the new l'l’lttt'lplt", \\'1I1(11 must supersede the Long Credit and Long Proï¬t System. in general use in this < ountiy ; and couvmccd that a discerning public will avail themselves of the NEW SYS'rnMLWhereby they can etl'eet a :aving from 15 to 20 per cent on the average on Goods they usually require. U. A. B. earnestly†and respectfully solicits a call, and on examination. his prices will be concept). to to AS mwm, than any in the Neighborhoodâ€"His motto shall be :â€" Siiiall Profits and Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abatement! Richmond Hill, June 30. 1857. gd'tt' Markham Economist please copy till forbid. ONIHdS made or repaired on the Shortest Notice. Toronto, May 26. 1857. g4-ly. CREDIT AUCTION SALE. NE hund~ ed â€lime Building Lots. in the flourishing Village ofRichinnnd IIill will be sold in Oct.. next. when due notice will bt- ' given by the subscriber. .1. ll. ARNOLD Richmond Hill, June 16th, 1857. g4-tf. Patterson’s Reapers. AVE stood the test. for years. and those who have used them testify to their superior ex- cellence over all competing Machines. The Simplicity of their Construction, 1 Renders them a Favorite in localities where they i have been introduced. 7 They are peifectly reliable and‘ safe in the hands of the . inexperienced , No Mechanical Skill being required to keep th in in older. They are made from the best of materials, and in a strong and substantial manner. Orders should be Forwarded . Int m edz‘ately, As over three-fourths of the number we intend to make are already engaged. PATTERSON 8L BROSI Richmond Hill, June 4th, 1857. LAND FOR SALE. FORTYâ€"FIVE Acresâ€"being the West Part 0' g.1 Lot No. I, in the Second Concession of lltt' . Township of King. Has a small Log House. is well '1‘imbered. forming altogether a very desirable Property for a Buck-Maker. -â€"-ALSO-â€" 4IVE Acres of Land at Richmond IIillâ€"â€"two notes of which is a Nursery, well stocked with thriving Trees. now ready for the Market, with a House, a New Boat. two \Vells of Good Water. and other necessary Out-Buildings. being Part of Lot No. ~18, First Concession, in the Town- ship of Vaughan. and known as Smith’s Nursery. the name of the former I’r rpi'ietoi'. â€"ALSO. â€" V ‘WO New Built Stores in the centre of Rich- inond Hill; one occupied by Mr. William Myers. Saddler; the other, being the Printing Oï¬'ice of the Richmond Hill Gazette. All the above Property will be Sold on easy terms. Apply to J. DUNCUMB. Richmond Hill. June. 8th. 1857. g l-tf. To Medical Pract ition crs. GOOD OPPORTUNITY new offers itself . _ to a Medical Man of standing; and experi- ence. House and Premises. both pleasant and convenient, can he had oti reasonable terms. Apply, if by letter post paid, to the Editor of the Gazette Richmond Hill. June 1511‘. 1‘57- Darling; 5; Aitchison‘s count 131) Illozrer and Reaper. MACHINE in substantially built of ‘ UR () W'i'ougbt I-ou. entirely free front std“ draught, r2... be cit‘VuIt‘tl to any height. front a Mower to a Reaper by a st-it-w in front. and out..- without clogging. in Grits», Wheat. Hats or llailov, with- out change of knife or getting, and works easy for the horses. Tho price for a Mower. $5121.00: completed as a Rain er. $140.00. An extiu knife will be $5 . ()0 extra. All our Machine-z are warranted to bu \tell built and of no but man-rial. GEORGE DARLING. “0111‘. AI'I'IHIISU‘N. Thorubill. Yong» Sheet. June 24ih. 1857. gilwy'. g.3-tf. IMPORTATIONS! SPRING lSNOIlVLHOdWI ARLEWO King Street East, Toronto. I \iRI’ GOODS and Millinery, Clothing and Gentleman's Outï¬tting Emporium. sitkc, Ribbons, Broad Cloths. Salim. Lace Goods. Tweeds, Sutinets, Gloves. Fancy Tweeds, Poplins. Parasols. Doeakins. Moire Antique. Shawls. Fancy Doeskina. Mantillas. Samara», Head Dresses. Venetian Cloths. Bonnets. Drab Kerseys. Straw Goods. Bath Cords, Hosiery, Robe Dresses. Fluuncod Dresses, Muslin Dresses. Buege Dresses, Challis Dresses. Shepherd Plaid. &c.. 656.. Toronto, June. 1857. I-tf. J U D S O N’ S CHEMICAL EXTRACT 0F 0 . Dr. CADWELL, OF TORONTO, OCULIST & AURIST, OPERATOR ON THE EYE ANDJ EAR! [TNIVERSALLY known throughout Canada J and the United States for his great skill and Restoring Lost Sight and Hearing and ieinoving all Diseases of the Eye and Ear generally. begs leave most respectfully to call at- tention to the fact that he has forwarded to the Editor of this paper a few dozen copies of the thiid edition ofhis Treatise on the Eye andâ€"Ear! which will be (1151703611 of to such applicants as may wish to obtain MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION Free of Charge! The work cont-tins nearly 200 pages, and ban a large uuo her of Op‘ératious and Cases reportedâ€" ' Lettrtlet-fereiicas, &c.. worthy the careful perusal oftlie aï¬lictod. , -_ gt; CHERRY AND IUNGWORT, , Coughs, COIti8:H110:ISIl:;S, Spitting of Blood, Night Sweats, Asthma, Liver Complaints, and CONSUMPTION. SoklbyIR.ll.'hlL London Dock Vaults. GRAND, BROS, MPORTERS of Wines, Spirits and Britishv Bears, in \Vood and Bottle. [13° V.\UL1'5.â€"Ilndor the Globe Ofï¬ce. Street West Totonto. King June, 18.37. gJ-wy. Richmond 1111] DRUG STORE. ll. H. HALL, Chemist and Druggist, ILL have constantly on hand. a complete and ci-refully'relectod Stock (Oil . | ‘ . "u- Dro s, Modmioes,‘ , icmica s, L“ nuPlait-tit DIEGICIIIPS, Ute Stutfa. Paints, I)|\’ttl|(1.\IlXPd l'iiint. ' Lamp and .‘l'tt‘lltnf’ry Oils, Bea White Lead, in tins. Sic, Garden and Fir/rt Seeds. iIuilo‘s Antiques, and all â€air I'rvporationa. Lubiii‘s I’Xir-tctk. and all kinds ol I’ertumery. Tmlt't Ailil'lcl, Sllflpb, 61c. III‘lbllt‘.‘ of all ltitld>. I’er one visiting Toronto and placing themselves “lldt‘i I)“. ('rittu'cll‘s care. will not he charged in case at uiisuccerslul tieatiueut. Ail caniinunicatious to Dr. C. mu..t bepropuid. Toronto. May 22nd,1857. I-tf GENTLEMEN! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. 11E Undersignrd begs lrnve to inform the Public Ih'll he holds himself in readiness at hi.- ()ld Establishment. which has been con~ tiiiucd for the last Six Years. in this City (No. 16-2, Yonge Street. and directly opposite the “ Biittannaia House." Toronto,) to \,, â€page. .movmmni of Fancy Good<. Renovate, Clean and Ii‘rpair .O‘HM‘ [tolln'll’l "1...“, Pocket Knives, _ . . ( so. ac. do. All Descriptions of Clothing, “ 'â€"'"" In a proper and sati~faclony manner. by Medium. \ small asz-oiinieni of Paints. Oil. Tar, No. 4-0. and restoring (aims to ' ‘ their OI’IL'IIIRI appearance. so as to give Gentle. Fl's‘l'CI/"5 J“" â€IN-‘3 .1 man's wanting apparel the full appearance of new. (ioltl Watches." &c.. ' 536. From 31 years' experience in the business n4 . prompt attention to all nidors with which ho II. V. be favored, combined with an earnest t’a'ia plan e his coauthors, he hopes to merit as; r lpubl.c patronage. l \\ll.l.l.\Mllll‘ll‘sblli Toronto, Juno Tab, 18.". n'rhool Hint/fl“, Sf’lffomqui O'C- ; ln-siiy-iioiv Richmond Hill Ilrancli Bibi: Society, Richmond Hill. Jlllll‘, lHnT. lll'l'r‘