Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 21 Jul 1857, p. 2

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" Thsl gate misnamed‘ through which before When Sidney. Russell. Ra!iogh,(‘ranui<-r. Moore ":L or the little church of St' Peter ad Vincula, where lies Anne Boleyn, with many other noble sullerors ; or the Beauchztmp Tower. with its singularly interesting records ofsome who were imprisoned there, cut in the stone walls. This latter will be seen on the left side of the open space beside the keep, or what used to be called “'thc Green beside the Chapel within the Tower,” and is now the oflic-ers’ muss- I'otnn. To view this. permission must be ohtainetl. but this will not be found difiicull. Many ofthe incsreiptions are full of interest. none more so to us than the simple word " Jane ” which if not writtt-n bv the unfortunate Lrulr “trivial fond rccordé ;" but he is in error in puinting out the date to t u inscription signed “ William Tyrrcll.” as "1241le earlier inscription here." It is 154Lâ€"Builder. June Greyhursclf, probably was [fly her husband. Guilford. The present mess-master is apt and obliging in des- (‘rihing themost important nf thcse How To (5001: RHUBARB.â€"â€"lf is a common error in (making Rhubarb to peel it. This should never be done. as the skin (:mnaius the aroma of the plant.:md is not at all fibrous. hm mnks as readily. and hccumus pulp_v. W'c have derived this inthrmutiun from :1 French cook of note. experience and skill. The same cnnk tells us that us- pnrugus should be cut into picvesalmul tln-cc quarters ofan im-h lung before cauking. It shnuld be boiivd- with :1 Dim: piece of salt pnrk and-survud' up in the same manna as peas. Amvn IN HIS Ceriumâ€"AI intervals we learn from our exchanges that in- ducem, if not unl‘celing. llaslv lms l)L'CH umnil'csled in the burial of flu- dead. A rcnmrkahle case in point has lately om-umd in Hamlllon Co , lllllu_ whcremm \Vut Hellman. a wvnlthy mun, was lllliull violently ill on film nwruiug ufthc l5 ult. , and (“91], :m- morning ufthe l5 ult. , and died. an- pat-catty. ull thu afternoon of tho d:._\ . The Very nuxt morning the body was, colfincd and jnltvd in a mnrkut wagon In a church where a funeral svrnmn was preached. Th). choir was almnt singin}._r thv last hymn. when th<~_\- \wrv inturruptetl hy lnud saunds‘ and kit-553 gning on inside [her-offin. Great min- stcrnatinn [\rcvailed among the van- grvuation. and a stampede was mmlc fur the dcmr. 'l‘hu clergyman Vnanm down from his pulpit ordvrvd the (‘fiffin to be npumni which was speedly dunk». when it was Found that the snppnsvd dvceasud was not nnl_\‘ ahve aml kink- ing, but was strugglingr mant'nlh- tn fruc hhnsvll'l} um hisâ€"m himâ€"«myster- inus (:-)v)fiI.-eu|w|1t. The hhmd was flowing "I'Ut‘h from hi- month and nose. but in a very few minutes he was ah'u: to speak.â€"â€"1’Ilut. THE Towun or LONI)ON.â€"EV'er)' inchofthe Tower wall is tied to a storyâ€"is an evidence in history. If its Roman connexion be fabulous. here. at all events, a Saxon stronghold, aml here isa Norman castle. At Sight of these architecturally muchâ€"abused walls, what names and I'eColectiuns arise! This palace. prison. and for- tress. “ the very germ of London. " as Charles Knight calls it, is, in truth. the early history of England, written on stone, and interspersed. may we say, with many " cuts on wood.” Visitors should not forget Traitors” Gateâ€" “Iqtiit'e Vgrant [says the writer,] that it cannot now show such glori- ous names as it did in past yearsâ€" but is it solitary in this respect'l Might Edinburgh not retaliate and ask, where are the suocessors in Lon‘ don to Johnson and'his fellows”! But, permit me to say, Edinburgh has not fallen so low as you represent. When you say the only really flourishing institution in Edinburgh at present is the Parliament House, you forget. to mention one other, the Royal Acade- my of Painting, which has come into existan‘ce since the beginning of the centuryâ€"And when you say that in the place of professorth has a Univer- sity Extension Association, you lorget that the number of students was never greater, that the chairs are now filled by such men as Simpson, Syme, Greg- ory, Balfor. Blackie. and Aytoun?â€"and that Hamilton, Wilson, Ballingall, .and Forbes have only within a year or two disappered from the scene. We are also to remember that great Scotch-5 men now~in London and elsewhere would, fifty years ago, have been re- sident in Edinburgh, and, that instead of being charged with ceasing to pro- duce. she would have boasted of such men as Murchison, Lyell, Carlyle and' others, who, owing to centralization and other causes, haVe left her a wid- er field. One word mote : I think an' Institution like the Philosophical, with‘ courses of lectures by Ruskin, Moir. Ballantyne, Kingsley and Thackeray. can scarcely be called a refuge for the , week and destitute, and that when you the attempt to establish such in-, institutes would have failed in the days 3 of Wilson and Lockhart. you may not be aware that Professor VVil- son was President of the Philoso- hical Institution from its estab-i lishment till his death, and that he l inaugurated it with one of-Jiis finest orations.” A correspondent writing to the Atheneeum, from Bury St. Equnds, on the recent attack on Modern Edin- burgh, takes up the cudgles in defence of our city :â€"- . EDINBURGH AS IT WAS AND IS. igmuulon,near 'I‘uxlbrd, occupied by the Rev. Mr. Youughusbund, the Vicar, has been discovered [hr skelelnn Ufa poweii'ully made mun, :ix lee: high, laid only .ix inches be- neath (he: surface. Upon an extuuinaliuu oi the remains by Mr. “'ard. it appeared that the 1mm had been murdered, for [bone was a hole in lhe right hand side ofihv skull, oiithe size of hilliâ€"u-(ZI'OWH, one arm broken The :kcitlon W215 :‘ouml laid on the back, with one arm under the body and the Oliwr Innnvmmxcc iN VVORSHIP.â€"Thc Zion‘s 11cm!!! ha~ the. following severe but perhaps too jltal remarks upon the popular irreverence durngr disine \\‘0I'3ltlp: It is a simple laet, that "I no country on earth is there so little reverence during public worship as in some portions of America. “e are becoming n0- toriou: for it‘. \Ve latr-ly witnessed an in- slance which to us bt'rlnt’d, considcring the mature 0t lllt‘ :UleICl, exceedineg oll'cnsire. At the opt-ring cl" one of the anniver~aries of a religious ilmOCillllOH, in Boston, we happenâ€" ed to enter the (lo-tr during the first prayer. The aged minister slanilingqpon the plaléol‘m vith his eyes closed. appeared to be absorbed in the occupation. but the Ollt-er, holh clergynu-n and the peoyle, were in all posiâ€" tions. A few respectl'ully standing; some few diswspcci'ully standingâ€"gazing about the house ; a few rerercnily bowed down; a few sitting with faces respectlnlly covered, lhe major-hf sitting with every appearance of unconcern‘and not a few greeting and fol- lowing. with the eye. the corners, who during prayer-time were pressing into varant heals. Now there was no appearance of ret‘erence in Snell a congregation as a whole. And yet. from a few occasional and accidental glimp- ses. we linow there are many congregation: in our c-mntry who thus betray generally. what in almost all other parts ot the world wouIJ he considered a want of cultivation and refinerian if not; an actual irreverence in the hour of God. DISCovmn’ or A HUMAN SKELETON IN A CLERGYMAN'S KITCHEN.â€"-Uuder the brick floor of a kitchen in the Vicarage of 'l‘he :kelcton was touml laid on the back, with one arm under the body and the other at tho ~id-- : and It i5 supposed to have been laid therc for 30 yams or more. The vi- caruge wan t'oruucly a Farmhouse. and was cnm‘vntrd into the parsonage-[wuss about twenty ymrs ago by it» present pro- in‘tcLOt‘. whn has been thu oecupEer of it ever ~ince. It in rulher xinEulur that the sermnts who-lin With the' Rev. gmllrlnen haw 01!?" told him limit the house was haunted hut, otrutuw he took little heed (if their remarks. About 30 years ago a ‘luilin {rum 'rtmmlot. was misaud in a mystrrinus matu- :xcl'r‘tltll. no inteiiig'vuce was gleaned on‘ thr :uhjgct, although‘mruc men were taken in’ln qu~tum§y on auspivion of having murderrd {fith 'g'l‘wn hf lhosr men are now dead. 'E‘ln'a‘rriimng mu‘n’h-t't hmne for Tnxtbrd _ftir and was in: ‘ ’ again. and the sketetnn found :Ipll‘ ‘ ie, that of a man of hts V bébmws “are intmrvd in the vln‘nrchvurd ;.a; . ‘-J£gmuntou.â€"fiIanc/wster E;z:mn.imr.- ' ’dimt'lbtml Various rumours were afloat in town yesterday. that the seat (il'G-evâ€" ernnmnt was fixed at Kingston ; and other parties would have it, that Que- bee was the fortunate place. \Ve have to rel-cat what We said before on the snl-jcct.â€"-â€"name|y, that the question t'annnt, in the very nature of things, he der'idud formally months to cmne. Mr. Luhouehere has just now his hamls lull in Parliament. and with the Hudson's Bay 'l'et'riluries Committee ; but it' he even had ample time to in- vestigate the pretensions of all the rival Ctlltrs, it would take him several nmuths before he could trade through all their reports, to say nothing ol‘ all he Would have lookinto on his own account, in order that his decision: or THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT. “’oMEN DUCI‘URS.â€"\Vc have refeit‘ed a pamphlet enlitlud the " Eighth Annual Announcmnent of the Female Medical LYolâ€" legn'ot' Punnsylvunip,” Which is lecnted in Philadelpliia., From this we. learn that the :college is prosperous and thriving, and the number 'ot‘ students on the increase. ,0!" these latter we find a list, coveiing two pages nl'the report, and looting up two hundred names or there-abouts. It sounds odd to read of Doctors Anne, and Lydia, and Hannah, and Mary, and so on; but we (lure say they understand their bthiness,nnd would make the scol’l‘rrs laugh on thc wrong side ,ot‘thetr mouths if they had than in a dissect- ing room. Among the faculty we notice an M. D., and a l’ruléswr of Physiologynvhose name is Ann: and a Professor of Anatomy with the deliciously romantic name of Jim. tneline --\'\'ho wouldn‘t study physio to hear lectures from a person with such a beautiful name? To be Strinus, we are glad lhis in- slilntion,lilte others of the same kind, is pruspvrous ; there is plenty of romn lor usu- l‘uluess‘ lbr WDDIUH skilled in medicine. \Vc have that young Women who don‘t want to many will think Well of ’ht’ subject. The fees at the College are only $175 lor the whole course.” IVcw York H'm'aid. The Reeve, statetl that it would be the object of the Council to administer justice to both Sections, and thought it better to have it disposed of at once, as delays would probably involve them in more difliculty, and he was perfectly satisfied that the other mem- bers of the Council would have no objection to assist him. In justice to Mr. Gibson, we think it right to state, that it was shown that several of the aggrieved parties had not apprised lnm’ of the liabilities on their respective properties; and that it was evident, through- out, that he had acted lo the best. of his knowledge in eVery instance. The Court then rose, and after a short adjournment, the Council resumed, when the conaidera'ion of the following resolution, passed .it a previous meeting, was taken up. " That the Municipal Council of the Township of Markham, at'its next sitting, on the'Ql‘st inst, make the following disposi- tion of School Section N0._>9,_0l this Town- ship,â€"â€"thul’. the rear hall'ol Lo! No. 11 in the 6th Conce-Ssion, he added to behool Section No. 14,:1nd the rear ballot Lot No. 9, in thefitneomeéfionfand'the fl'ont hull of Ln N0. 9‘, in’l“the 6th Concesaion, be added to School‘ Section No. 8, and the remainder of said School Section No. 9, be added to School Section No. 10 of this Township.” Mr. \Vil‘siam Eckardt tth said that School Section No. 9 was opposed to the union, unless Section No. 10 would first discharge the debt incurred upon said Sec- tion. Councilman Button, said that the present question had caused a great deal of un- necessary expense upon the Township, in consequence of the Council meeting so often, expressly for this reason, during the last The consideration of these cases gave rise to much altercation between the parties named, and the Assessor, which the Reeve had much difiiculty in restraining. After considerable discthsion on the various items, wlnch the aggrieved parties alleged, had been over-assessed, the Court finally agreed to the following adjustment:â€"-Mr. Miller’s as- sessment, reduced from £2000 to £500; Mr. Joseph l‘ipher’s to remain as valued by the Assessor; “iliiam Spufibrd’S personal propmty ame: from Assessment, and his real estate to remajn at the Assessor’s val- ‘uatl‘ofl'f’l’hos’. Bu’Uel’s persona! prolierty tax ire’duéedifroni to £50, his real estate to remain as assessed; Christopher Leigh- man’s real estate to be redueed, from £200 to £100; Richard Sylvester’s taxable in- come reduced from £1000 to £200, and his personal property to £100; Joseph Pipher’s assessment was, after some wrangling, al- lowed to remain according to the Assessor’s returns; John Pipher assessed for 85 instead of 95 acresâ€"Mr. Joseph Pipher who ap- peared on behalf of his son, stated that the personal property was assessed for £250, Whighhe considered too high, but his objec- tion was not concurred in. by_the Court, and the Assessor’s valuatioxirrwas sustained ; My. VVhite’s assessment redhead, from £600 to £200. Mr. J. (hbson, Assessox, then took his seat at the board, and the Reeve read the names of the various parties who desired to appeal, viz: Mt'sws. George Miller, John and Joseph Pipher, \Vlllia:n Spafl‘ord, Rich- ard Sylvester, Thomas Bruel, Christopher Leighman, and 11a W hile. Councnlman Bowman thvn moved that the ordinary business of the Council be post- poned, and the Court of Revision be formed forthwith. The motion was svconded by Councilman l‘ingle, and carried. On taking'the eliair, the Reeve suggested that as the time for the Revision of the As- sessment Rolls had expired; and as there ware several persuns present who had inli- mated their intention to appeal from the de- cision of Mr. Gibson, Assessor for the East half of the Township. the Council should at once resoli'e itself into a Court of Revi- sion, after which the usual business could be transacted. ‘~ 7 On Tuesday last a meeting of the Muni- cipal Council of the Township of Markham, was held, pursuant to adjournment, at Size’s Uotel,in the Village of Unionville. Present, Messrs. Reason, (Rech) Button, Burr, Bowman‘and Pingle. A Cardâ€"â€" IVard (3- WIcCausland. 350 Reward â€"â€"ZHoney lost. :20 Re-ward- «Commissilms lost. Caution-«Andrew Clubine. Buggiesfilr Sale at Nzkhull‘s Hotel. James Hall-- Baot and Shoe Maker. Extensive Sale of Property-“J‘Langst l VERDICT. I We, Duncan Macplzerson, Foreman, VVil- liam Benning, Benjamin Cole, Thomas An- drews, Michael White, Oliver Ruhnallee, John Joni-s, junior, \Vllliam Hull, Henry Wilson, Francis Doyle, Charles Alum, Gus- tavus Temple, and Charles Rogers, Jurors, iempanelled to investigate and ascertain the Lcauses of the death of James McLaren 1Christina Alexandrina Robb, an unknown female child about 4y€ars ol‘age, an un- known wmnan aged about 4-0, Louis Dubuia, of Sorel, Margaret Macpheraon, wife of ‘John Macbeth, Jessie Spence, Simon lIall, ‘Edwaid Christian and one hundred and forty lothers. or thereabout, and the circumstances Which led to such death, beg to represent :~â€" 2d. That the steamboat “ Montreal,” be- fore mentioned, was not equipped in the man- ner required by the law 16 Vic. Cap. 167. Sec. 1, and had not on board, as a boat at- tached to, and belonging to her for passen- gers, a life boat made ofmt-tal, fire proof, and in all respects a 200d, substantial, safe sea- boflt, Capable of sustaining inside and outside fifty persons, with life lines attached to the gunwale at suitable distances, well furnished with oars, nor any life-preservers of suitable material or floatsâ€"well adapted for preservâ€" ing life, for each and every paSsenger on board, in any convenient or accessible place in the before-mentioned steamer“ Montreal,” on ’be day on which she was destroyed by fire} a41d,thattheielbre the owner, of thv. a mile above the River Caprouge, either in panic or in necessity. forced to leap into the river, after the vessel had got aground upon a ledge of rock and were thereby drowned. lst. That these persons having been pas- sengers on board of the steamer called the “ Montreal,” then plying between the ports OfQuebec and Montreal, on the 26th day of June last, as a paswnger vessel were, to save themselves from deatthyjflf'e, in conSequence of the conflagration of [LEI-"steamer shortly after sl-e left the pom of Quabec, and then. II] a part of the Puver St. Lawrence about l The jury empanelled to investigate, the circumstances attendmg the destruction of the steamer Illontrealby fire on 26th, of June last, concluded theii labors on the 17th inst. The evidence adduced fully proved the correctness of the report already publi~h ed by us. We here subjoin the Coroner‘s charge, and the verdict. THE conomm‘s CHARGE. Mr. Coroner Panet then addressed the Jury to the following el’fect. Gentlemen :â€"-- As you haVe paid very great attention to the evidence, it is quite unneceSsary for me to recapitulate it, or make along charge. One fact must have have struck you, and that is, that the Captain did not do his duty. under the trying circumstances in which he was placed, towards his passengers; and that, in going on board of the steamer which he com- mended, they dill not meet with that security which all passengers expect, and are certain- ly entitled to. There were neither boats. nor life pro-servers. nor the other necessary means required by law on board, for the safety of passengers, in the event of accidhnt to a steamer. The “ Montreal” was in charge ofa captain who continued to keep her on her course after she was dangerously on fire, passing places proper for safely landing his passengers: and when these pasâ€" sengers became excited, he gave himself [in trouble whatever in attempting to quell the excitement. He appeared to be nowhere at all; and, indeed, there seemed to be no om: on board eXercising control. The pilot, iii- stead of remaining at his post abandoned it. The boat apparently went aground by its own impetus, and without Tguidance ;â€"â€"anrl there is, In iny‘opihion, Gentlemen,--â€"but it is for you to decideâ€"~evidence enough to enable you to bring in a verdict of man slaughter against the owner, and the captain; and that without imputing to them a wilful intention to do wrong or t9; have committed that crime 0t which they undoubtedly are guilty. The Jury thn (at half past three o‘clm-k) retired, and, having consulted together, at half past 6 o’clock, came into Court and ren- dered tlw following Councilman Bowman presented a petition from John Lane, one of the trustees of School Section No. l, praying (he Council to appropriate the sum of £7 [05 to aid the library of said school, which was granted. The Council then adjnurncd, and the next meeting was appointed to take place on the third Saturday in August ne‘xt. [ore we ward at their next meeting. On motion of Councilman Button, second- ed by Councilman Pingle, an appropriation of £25 was voted to be Pxpended on the side line, between Lots N05. 5 8L 6, in the 91h Concession; said sum to be disbursed under the supervision of Messrs. James Traun, Samuel Reesur, and William John- son. THE BURNING OF THE “MONâ€" TREAL?’ The Clerk of the Council, was finally di- rected to Write to the Local Superintendenlv {or the report of 1855, and lay the same be- fore the board at their next meeting. thfeeyem‘md hupgd brought to a close. it would be'speedi‘iy‘ Tot/1e Editor 0f the Gazette. SIR,â€"â€"Having observed that the New- market New Era has degenerated from the correspondence of the human species, and widely thrown its columns open for the pub- lication of lhe opinions of the brute creation, I have acted upon the, motto of“ patience is a virtue,” and exercised it to the utmost of my bearing upon your reply, to that of the loul mouthed monster Ajuzjn its issue of 10th July. lam, indeed, proud to think lhat you have looked upon that communication with disdain, or that it has entirely eacapedfyour observation. The heading is the most amusingâ€"Richmond Hill-«the Gazette-u its future. Now, whether this Aju:z(ass) is the ori- ginal, or one of the desciendants of the cele- brated Grecian warrior, or of the renown- ed Elephant “ we read about” of the same name which so nohly fought the battles of Alexander the Great, I am not positive- ly able to decide; but this I will assure you that since the Ajax of which history speaks of being involved into utter darkness (the same as its correspondent appears now to be) the name has sunk into oblivion, and never once been applied, but to animals of the brute creation. It seems to presume that the future of the Gazette is entirely in its hands. With this idea it would lain mount the celebrated charger Vindicator, and feed him upon the prospectus. long before your paper comes from the press. Iam afraid that it and its imaginary horse are new growing hungry, as it would seem to weep and complain bitterly of the withdrawal of your prospectus from publication. It would seem to speak of general elections. Now, Sir, what has Ajaz(ass) to do with such things seeing he is void of language? . With- ()1) th- renditiov of the verdict,ithe Cor- oner inmwilintely issued his warrant foij [he apprehension ol the partieé igitesented byflhc Jury, wilh the exception oftakzluin Kuoolph, who was already in custody-a” The male, uouis Robu-ge was arieste'tl shortly after- ward», and cmnmillvd to geol. The Ju )7 than adjourned, to meet again this morning, (0 sign the record oququisilion. We un-lerslaiml that :1 Bill of indictment against the parties implicated m the late culustroyhe will be lat-l before the Grand Jury ol the Court of Queen’s Bench now in session. 4th. The Jury strongly’fiecqmmend [hat it may hereafter be qughj'mpg’rzgtive 'on the owners of all sleamboatSéâ€"lhihzlii’ie ithe éhcase- ments of boilers constructed of iron, instead of wood. as at present; and that the law re- garding the inspeclion of boilers, machinery, furnace-rooms and hulls, he rigidly enforced, and the enactments of the law, relative to boats and lile pi‘eservers, on board of evvry passenger and ferry-steamer, be strictly car- ried out. 5th.â€"aThe Jury censure in the strongest terms the conduct ‘of John Wilson. senior, the controlling agent ofthe “ Montreal,” for refusing to allow his boats to be inspected by otliceis whOse duty it was, satisfied that his refusal to do so has in a great measure, con- tributed to the disaster, which has resulted in the 'oss ol‘no fewer than two hundred and titty-three lives. And the Jury, now summing up the whole, conclude upon their oaths, and now say . that John Charles Rudolph, Jean Baptiste Dorval and Louis Roberge, before mention ed, in manner and by the means aforesaid. feloniously, wilfully and unlawfully did kill and slay, against the peace of our Lady the Queen, her Crown and dignity, the persons here-in-beforc mentioned. Duncan Macpherson, Foreman, William 3enniug. Benjamin Cole, Thomas Andrews, Michael White, Oliver Rubnallee, John clones Jr., \Villiuni Hull, 11. W. Wilson Francis Doyle, Charles Alain, Gustavus i‘emple, C. Roger. l 3d. That a dangerous fire having: broken out on the 26th day of June, 1857 on board of the steamer “ Montreal," she being then filled with immigrants and other passengers, to the number of nearly four hundred souls, before the said steamer “ Montreal” had passed several places where she might safely and prudently run ashore, as regards the pre- servation of the lives of the passengers and that no exertion was made, worthy of the name, nor any extraordnmry anxiety mani- fested fur the safety of the paSSengers by John Charles Rudolph the master, Jean Baptiste Dorval, the first pilot, and Louis Rnberge,the mate, of the before mentioned steamer “ Montreal,” after- the destruotion ofthe vessel was inevitable, and the passw- gors had been seized with panic, they,each and all of them, are'chfihéeable'wrth the crime of manslaughter. ' We wish io be diatiuclly understood that we will not hold ourselves responsmle for me opinions of our Correspondents. Also, all Communications uddreswd to {his office for Publzcuuon. must be accompanied by the real nmne ofihe writer. alâ€" though it need no! in every who be inserted. ing of the 26th of June last, are chargeable with the crime ormanaluughter. V‘esscLJohn \Vilson Jtinior, or the younger, and employed on board of the vessel, and John Charles Rudolph, the master of the beâ€" fore mentioned steamer ‘~ Montreal,” at the time of her destruction by fire, on the even- CODINIUNICATION. I Advicés from Tcheran report, that iMr. Murray the British Minister had demanded that a regiment of the In- dian army should accompany him on his entry into Tcheran, which de Hand the Russian Government had refused Ho submit 10. The London discount market had experienced further ease, and the bank of England was growing stronger by the influx of gold. Some bills had been done outside the bank a158 per cent per annum; but on the Stock Exchange there was considerable de- mand. The Paris Bourse continued greatly depressed. The Bank of France was gaining specie; cunsols, 923 a 92}. Richardson, Spence &- Co.’s circu- lar :â€"The weather since Friday has been stormy, but to-day has assumed a more settled appearance. So far the reports of the growing crops are very favourable. The quantity of wheat and flour being more than was antici- pated. it had a depressing efl'ect on the trade. To-day's markets were mod- erately attended. The most business done in all descriptions of wheat was slow and inferior ; red declined at 23 per bushel on the prices of Friday. There are no later advices from India. The London Times publishes a letter from an army officer. dated La- pore, May 14, in which is stated that the 25 native infantry at Folozepore. having refused to lay down 1heir arms, were cut to pieces. "‘ The 300 'b‘epoye who cut away from here yesterday, have been we“ pugished by the Punjabers. There had ails}: been rumors ofInsur- reclion in vuriuus puns ot‘Spain, but at last advices the country was quielin despite of all the efforts of the Gov- eminent. The work of shipping the Atlantic Teicgliaph gable progresses. Speaking about general elections pvrhaps it would :u'crpt of a government :iluation. Say the word and as Van Amburgh and Co. are on their way J shah i-xert my inn-Mince, Dear Sinâ€""Since wriling the above] have discovered the name of the writer of Ajax, which 1 shall make know: to yuu at ourncn tote-w Lyle. But whist I’ll le’l you 0' a plot, Tho’ diuna yL.u be speaking o’t, I'll nail the selfâ€"concvitcd sot NEW YORK, July 20. The steamship Vandm'bzlt from Havre and Suullmmplm. on the UH)" and the dtlmnic from Liverpool, :1ch same date, arrived at this purl yester-I day. We have u dt‘tililed account of: the Insurxcuuuu in lluiv. l ’lhe {{cpublir-an candidates Cavaig- nae, Oliver, and Dunnon, were elected in Paris on the 5th and 6th inst. out shew-ch, knowledge-is of but liltlv Value, and without knowledge, speech llik' but liltle weight, and there is but one exception to the rule that Jackasses are dumb. When the Lord Opened the moth of the Ass on which Balaam rode, and by this wonderous instru- lncnlulily saved the infatuated and guilty man from impending dc:lruction,â€"--as thi- xlumb Ass speaking with man‘s voice forbade the madness of the prophet. This,howe\'er, was a miracle, an extraordinary interposntion of the powur ol' God,who made lmn’s mouth, and who, for the accomplishment ofhis own ARRIVAL OF THE “VANDEIL BlL'l‘” AND "A'I‘LAN 210." The account ul'lhc a’ttempted Insur- rection in Italy against the King of Naples and the pope, has not been, (it Is said) with a View to efl'cct a new form ofguvernmenl, but to get :id of the llailiau Buurbons and expel theAus- lrians from Italy. As dead’s a herrin, Naist time we mcel 1".1 wad a grot He gets his farin. MW r4.» 3.: 4-6â€"1â€" Yuurs, &.c., ALBYN. pcr 196 pounds. Beef quiet stead}- l’urk scarcely enquired for; bacon con. Iinues neglected, and small qunmilius offered at auction 10-day “ere wilh~ out a bid. Larnl has been quiet ; pricc‘s rather lower, 67s a 6d being the num- inal value. Tallow steady. Collou â€"The advices pcl' Canada have rath- er strengthened the market. and to- PRIMITIVE METHODIST CONFERENCE.â€" Theâ€"thil'ly eighth conference ofthe Primitive Methodists Connexion was held last week at Cambridge. The following are the connex- ional statistics this year :â€"Number of sta- tions, 336; members. 110.683; travelling preachers,598. decrease 2; local preachers, 10,205, increase 109 ; class leaders, 6919, increase 34; connexional chaples, 2010. in- crease 55 , rented rooms. &c., 3171, increase 103;Sabbath schools, 1692, increaSt’. 41; Sabbath scholars, 139.486, increase 5619 ; Sabbath teachers, 25,403, increase [006; deaths for the year, 14-75,decrease 110 _: em- igragtion. 350. increase 4-2. Net increase of members (exclusive of the United States of Ametica),2124a. day thré isa pleasant busineSS; sales of 10-day, 5.000 a 8,000 bales, with slightly higher rates. Advices have been received from the Cape of Good Hope, dated at Cape Town on 6th May. The frontier papers which come down to the 30th of April, convey no news of mo- ment from British Kal’lraria. The war cry had subsided, and beyond the ordinary cattle stealing by the Kaffirs, there was little to record. The want of laborers was severely felt at. Port Elizabeth. The total value of exports for the quarters from Algna Bay was £164,800. This is an increase on lhe cor- responding period for 1855, of £21870 bir GeOrge Grey, the Governor, was indis. posed in Cape Town. The British mail steamer“ Clarendon,” from England for In- dia, had been pronounced unseaworthy. A pair of horses were oli'ened for sale in Cincinnali, last week, for $370, but the pdlchaser thinking the amount too large, ofi‘ered sixteen cenls a pnuud. The horses were lakento an adjoining lmyscale, and weighed 2350 pounds, making their vaiue $376. chnrsnen oUT on His SKIN.â€"â€"A young man went out hunting [or deer in the woods near Lanark C. W., recently, and as rtmexperiment, he clothed himself in a deer skin, and took a stand were those animals were known to pass quite often. While thus intent upon securing some game, another hunter came near makingr game of him : for happening to see what he supposed to be a fine deer through the thicket, the new-comer took de- liberate aim at it and fired. Fortunately he missed the counterfeit deer but it succeeded in “ frightening him out of his skin.” There are now at Grosse Isle upwards of 1,000 newlyoarrived B‘itsh Settlers for Western Canada. Nearly 200 young wo- men from Conmell and Waturfiu'd are ex. pected daily. A Inns! judicious step had bevn taken by the Chief Emigration Agent at Quebec, recommending " newiy-arl'ived lini- grant: to proceed to the Cuuntry Districis ralth- Lhan the [urge towns." How IS IT lâ€"Flaming advertiseuwnts ap- peared not long since, in ceriian newspapers in this section of the Pronnce, announcing, that the Zimmerman Bank was prepared to pay par for its notes. at the c inn'or of the Bank ; tlwn, how is it llmt we see by “ Dye‘s Wall street Jiroka-r ” that Zimmerman Bank Bills are at a discount of 5‘0 per cent. in New ank ! (Jan the Times answer 1â€" Pdesloc/r Scull/181. 15y lhe latest intelligence fmm Kansas we luax'u lhnr a :erlous inaur:ectio had broken out at Lawn-nae, in Kansas 'l'errilnry. 'l'lle cauae ot insmrocnon is not stalled, but it is supposul lo have originaled in an allempt to collect the taxes impuaml by the 'l'ertilurial laws, which the free Nate tvoops had re- solved not to pay. (Jove-nor “'alker, in a (leapalch to President Buchanan says that he' had called out [he United slates troolus to put. ll. down. An ox, belonging to Otis Doolittle, of Hinsdule, N. H. is now on exhibition in Springfield, which is said to be the largest framed oxin the world, and weighs, though far from MA 200 pounds, measuring 6 {cl-l 7 inches in height, at the shoulders, girls 10 feet, and is 13 feetinlcngth, from stem tu stern. Emigration from Ireland to Canada and the Unlletl élales continues on a large scale. AL the lutcbl dulrs. thousand were preparing to leave the old country. (he oftlle yupers says : ‘* 'l'nc accounts reprt wnl the emigratinn a; atlll incnvmiug, especially nom ll'w aoulll- Prn countries of Kerry. Cnrk. Limerick. and 'l'ipperury.â€"â€"o‘mall fmmers and laborers, lor America an Australia. form the bulk of the enfigrunla’ and [his i~‘ [he more remarkable, as wugt's are now much higher llmn in Ihrmer years, and all branches ofugricullure are in a state of unusqu presperity.” At the meeting of the Synod of the VVes~ tern Diocese, held last week at Lr‘ndon, C. \V., for the election of a Bishop, Dr. Cronyn obtainPd a majority both of the Clerical and by votes ovtrr his opponent, Dr Betlnune,the number of votes for Dr. Cronyn being, Clerical 2?, Lay 23, and for Dr. Bethune, Clerical 20, Lay 10, thus giv- ing a gross majority of fifteen in favor of Dr. Cronyn, wnose election cannot fail, from his Wellâ€"known reputation for piety, ability and discretion, to givingr great satisfaction to the members of the Church of England throughout Canada. A man in Essa, name] Robvrt Pearson who had lost his sight for some time past, and become very troublesome in his family undex: a boding fear of appaoaching poverty, ‘L'as last week discowrcd hanging to a bn-d 'yosl quite dead. His family were not in the Louse at the time. > a countryman he saw standing near. by slyly discharging a pistol to his ears. So he crept up to him; fired his pistol ; and a portion of its contents hit the man In the eye and de- stroyed it. Indian cornâ€"a little more gIIqquy, wuh a few sales of mich and yczlnw at 365 :1 36:6d ; wiLh rat hereasmr, 395 6d olfered. Flourâ€"Philadelphia and Baltimore, 315 a 325 ; extra Ohio, 3:23 Gd 3 33:; 6d ; western. 30$ 60 a 31 6d '5 An intoxicated man named Burgefis, in Rochester, on the fourth, thought. lo frighten.

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