Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 21 Jul 1857, p. 3

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Comprising Coats Vests Pants Hats . . . . d q” dun. of.everv mm and descriptio: 55?; carnal]? qualluy and manufacture, all of which he as ~ ‘ a: C28”. ow as an) house In Upper Canada} Richmond Hill, July 23, 1857. 7:4 Of xhe best quality and workfnanship. gnd almost exclusively of Home Mumgfuctun. Also. a large uock of Ready-Made Clothing ! OULD respectfully intimate to his Friends and the Public, that he has constantly on hand a large and varied assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemens’ OTICE is hereby given by the Undersigned. that he will not be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by GEORGE CLUBINE. from the 9th day of January. l857: in consequence of dissolution of Partnership from that date. in consequenco of his leaving home in an unlawful "y' ANDREW CLUBINE. July. 1857. 7g-3t ETWEEN Richmond Hill and Aurora, on SATURDAY. lBth Juiy. a roll of Bills. onclosud in a part of a Newspaper. and tied with a white string. Whoever will return the above to Eliza- brth Cutting. 31d Conces~ion King. L0199. or to W. Trudgeou. Gama Office. Richmond Hill. will receive'the reward of $50. Yonge Street. July 20. 1857. 7g-3t fuss? $41; a $6 each. Lambs 25 a $3 each. ' CALVES in better supply, at $5 a $7. HAY-«Old hay comes in sparingly, and is in demand at $20 a $25. New is in fair supply at $16 a $22 per ton. STRAW $11 per ton. VVOOL-"Tlle wool marth is again buoyant and Is 6d a 15 8d per lb for washed is freely paid; for unwasi. .d 10d per lb. Sheepskins shorn, ls 3d a Is 6d each. Beef hides $6 per 100lbs. Calf skins 7.5 per lb. BIRTH. On Thursday morning, 16th inst., the wife of Mr. “William Dove, ofa daughter. BE EFu-The hot \wather continuvs to af- fect the consumption of beef. The market is deprPssed, and prices lower. The range for a good article is now from $7 a $8 per 100 lbs-"sinking one-third for shrinkage. CHEESE is in good supply,al $10 a $125 per 100 lbs. EGGS svll freely at Isa 154d. The sup- ply is still very small. PUT-rim haw not been brought in so freely and prices are again higher, ranging from ls 3d a Is 5dper I». On Tursday, 15 6d was realized in a ."ew instances. Tub, of No. 1 quality, is also not plentiful, and prices are firm M Is a Is 1d per lb. OATS are quiet, with suits of farmers' loads at 35 9d per budiel. By wholesale, 3: 5d is about the rulling~ ma: k Ior imported. CouN hr'id firmly, at 4-9 3d a 65 per bush. Pins are worth 4‘ 6d a 55 per bush. I POTATOES have sgld during this week at all prices between (is 3d a 105 per bush. ac- cording to quantity and quality. For a good variety, 7s (id is realizhd without dil- ficuity. SPRING \VHE.\T.â€"â€"i: in light supply, and finds ready sale at (is 6d a 75 per bU3IWI. Prices are still nominal, and the following quotations must be regarded iii that light. Superfine $6 ‘25 a $6 50; fancy $7 ;‘ extra $7 50 a $7 75 per bbl. The amount ofl‘er- ing is Very small. and until after harvest no incrvnse may be exp‘ected. * FLOURâ€"The flour market remains in active,wilh a feeling of depression more evident than at the date of our last review. There is at present an active inquiry for good samples of wheat, and there is more animation displayed by buyers to secure it. WHEATâ€"The price of wheat has been unsettled, but‘cluses at about the same figure as on this day week. The demand, as well as the suuply, has been irregular. and puich have varied accordingly. The range of prices was wide, extending from 75 to 83 9d â€"lhe greater part being bought between 83 3d and 8s 6d per bushel. Boots & Sheen of~ evgry description! In produce during the 7 Week, (here has bepn but a small business done. The sup- plies, Owing to the busy seasmi with farmera. hare been but small, and as there is an evvr active drmand for all the products of the soil, prices are fully maintained, and for some arlicles an advance is established. ABRIDGED FROM THE coLONIST. Toronto, July ,‘23. i The commercial intelligvnce receivi-d tron. England since our last inue, still indicates “.1 declining tendency in (he bi‘cadstuffs murkeh of the United Kingdom, owing to favorable Weather, and the promise of large crops. st'cv‘slmc IF ’l'IiULiâ€"Jl he follofiiug paragraph l3 going the rounds: -“' l‘hr Troy, N. Y. ladics have introduced anew feature at there fairs, which makes them (lruw like Sfl‘afll engines. All the mast bewilcbing gills vcar placn d5 labelled “ kise: one shilling each 3” and in some cases Mame dmlers p0sse55exham-dinury beeuly.a,~ lllgh us 25 crnls is nblnim-d. (zrntlt-meu who are found of galheuin-ar nu. kiml ul frui' “mulling from trees,” go in for i' according tn the Wright ol~ tlwre pw‘srs‘ ; and (mo 01 the newspapers slates Illa: one rosy-lipped bright-eye gal renliz: d $02 in one ev- lung. One gentlemen aclulely purchased $11 won ll. Ol'lhi; honey in One evening.” JAMES HALL, Boot and Shoe Maker, RICHMOND HILL. $50 REWARD ! DIONEY LOST! TORO NOTICE. {ONTO M AR ARKE'I‘S. per bush. hush. week at bush. ac- stnlncrzâ€"Messrs. G. Hutchinson. Jos. Chap- man. N. Saris. ScoT'râ€"Messrs. C. Collins, Thomas Burnham. W. Moor. S. Burchard. ESSAâ€"Messrs. James Armson. Daniel Will- oughby. Tmrumsmnâ€"Revd. F. Rattigan. Jesse Mills. Councillor. Messrs. T. McLeod, James Harp- ' er. Isaac Stone. M. Bemd. Jesse Roe. Geo Walls. J. Bell, W. Parker, J. ‘Velch. W. Hig- day. J.H. Courtney. Sampson Steel. Alexander Austin. Aryanâ€"Messrs. P. Keough, T. Shaw, P. Mc- n u I II! . . . . . HE Undersigned begs leave to inform the Public that he holds himself in readiness at his Old Establishment. which has been con- tinued for the last Six Years. in [big City (No. 162. Yonge Street. and directly opposite the “ Briuannnia House.” Toronto.) to Renovate, Clean and Repair All Descriptions of Clothing, In a proper and satisfaclory manner, by ere-dieting Paints. Oil. Tar. 6m. 61L. and resxoring Color! to their original appearance. so as to give Gently men's wearing apparel xhe full appearance of new. From 31 )03m’ experience in the business and prompt attention to all orders with which he may be favored. combined with an earnest desire to please his customers. he hopes to merit a share of public pnuona e. 2 WILLIAM RICHARDSON. Toronto, June 5th. 1857. Lu, MPORTERS of Wines. Spirits and British Beers. in Wood and Bottle. [1? ana,â€"Under the Club. Office. King Suepl West Toronto. Jnne. 1857. Cube. J. W. Wallace. :7" " fl' “ "w lNNlSl-‘lLâ€"Nlotsl's. Sanuel Cain. T. Wray. S'I‘REETSVILlJEâ€"Mr. Wm. G. Harris. ETunIcoKn-â€"hlr. W. Wallace, Councillor. We beg further to announce that we have made several improvements in our l’umps this Spring. by the abbilion of YONG}: STREETâ€"Messrs. Charles Thompson. Gemgo Bo :11, James l’ennick. John Montgom- or_\', C. Sht-ppard. REACHâ€"Messrs John Truax. James Truax. Amos Bunker, James Doble. WROUGHT IRON HANDLES AND EXTRA PATENT VALVES. All PUMPS manufactuled by us are warranted for one year. We also manufacture [0 order. For Wells one hundred feet deep and less, and warrant them for three years. All orders to be addressed to the undersigned. stating depth of ‘ well. at Newmarket. Newmarkel. Juno 2. 1857. GKonmuâ€"Messrs. C. T. Corbut. Jas. Elves. John Fairborn. Kineâ€"Messrs. John Rogers‘ Eli Lloyd, C. Ste- vens. \Villiam While...J. Hilburn. WEST Gerumnmiyâ€"Mossrs. Simon Fraser, “7. Wallace, John McKouky, Hiram Lounl, G. W Palmer; E451Gunnummnvâ€"Messrs. Judah Donn. John V. V’ilson, Jghn [1. Wilson, Jacob Luudy, Reuhe-I Lundy. John Nuchols, John Purd}. Brooks Howard. John Pegg.Calvin \Veddle. D‘ Terry. PlcmanNcâ€"Messrs. Juldon Post. ‘ N. \‘Veudrufi‘. NORTH GWILLIMBUliYâ€"ME‘SFS. D‘ John I’roswr'. Thumb- \Villium Stephen Mann. W. Mann, J. Trawss. Wu, the Undexsigm’d‘ having in use the Pumps manufnuu-ed by J. Jnnws & CAL. can cheerl‘ulh- recommend them as the Deal. Pumps we have had In |I§ 'I'hirrllyâ€"These Pumps are so simple that al- most any man can repair them. and by means or the nut on [he rud. the Bucket is secured in such a manner lh'ut il cannnt get loose; and as the jciuls are all filed true and light, there Is no jar- ringin [he wurking of the: pumps. Lasllyâ€"Thave Pumps are neatly turned and painled. Imking it an ornament as we” as a most useful articlv. Bflow will ba found a l‘cw of the hundneds of reference: we might give from the various 'I‘mnnships in which the pumps have béen inlloduced. “'Hrrcncucuâ€"John Nath. M.D.. James Hack- ell. MAL. Max'er Donald Sutheriand. Jos. Cawthra. M. W. Bogart, '1'. Nixon. Robert ~ Brodie. Semm/Zyâ€"Bv the use of [he PATENT CYLINDER. which is lurned perfectly smooth and true on the inside. the box wears longer and works easier than in the ordinary bored pumps. Patented by John Dennis. These Pumpw are much lvellor than the ordinary Wood Pump. fur the following reasons: Firstlyâ€"The VValeI' is murh [\aller, as tlmre i~ not quar'er as much wood in the well, and all free lrmn sap. ln oxder In do away with such henvy limbur as is used in the cutnmon wood pump. they add a mllh em number of ilon bands; Illl~< lll' krs the pump stronger and so much lighten. that two men c n lako one out of a well sixty feet deep. in filleml minutes. GENTLEMEN! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. ‘HE Subscriber-shave pleasure in infmm ing- the Inhabitants of \Vlnitclmrch and surrounding '1‘0wn.~hipx, that they are mauuiac- uning the best I umps now made in Canada. PATENT IRON LIFTING PUMPSI! DST. NINETEEA COMMISSIONS F( R OFFICER? -â€"-Whu(-vnr will bring Ilm x: nm to Lit-UL Col. 1 Gun. 'l‘momu: nr to Mnjor an- lumen, Richmond “I”, Yang!) Strum, shall n c1 iw the nlmvn rev. n-d. July #7. 1557. 72-3! I? Call ahd Examine. Richmond Hill, July ‘23, 1857 Bilin {L Stephnnsoin. L'nionville PATENT GobD' WORKMEN SENT TO ANY PART or THE COUNTRY. fill kinds Qf' Jllirrd Paints, 0113, Glass, and Fully. London Dock Vaults. Graham-s, Gildors, aniers, and .apt'r Hangers. 20 Dollars Reward! July 23. 1857‘ ND for Sale at Nicholls’ Hotel, seVPral NEW Bl GCIES, from the firm 01 \HRD & McC.1USMN§), House. Sign and Ornamental GRAND, BROS., H 0 R N H I E; L. Just A rrivcd, JOSIAH JAMES John Madill. ‘ Jus. Rmé William, G VVjHonghhy, gJ-wy. g5-lf. 7g-lf Boot. and Shoe. Maker, DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist Cha- pel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. A choice selection of chtlemens’. Ladies’ and Childrens' Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. our! made to order on tho Shortest Nou’ce. Richmond Hill. J uno 12th. 1857. g.lw.y. N additinn to the above combined en- tertuinment the Manager; takes pleasure in announcing an engagement with The Champion Bareback Equestrian Qf the [Varldl Also. in addition to the extensile collection of Animals, a Cafl'ra Lioness with five whelps. born in Van Amburg & Co’s Menagerie Buildings, in the City of Cincinnati, on the lSth of March. 1857. and which are esteemed one of the greatest curiosities in the Animal Kingdom to be seen free of extra charge. 0n SATURDAY, the 18th inst, A lot of BAREGES. BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS, at from 20 to 30 per cent below their real value. >J. VFALCONBRIDGE. n. . A ..... - Thornhill, July 6. 1857. Richmond Hill. Jul; ‘167183'; favor of JAMES McBRlDE, and in 'p3;;4;;}.;£ of WILLIAM COOK. sew, for the sum of £31 55. Said Note was due on the 27th of Ann. last. when it was presented for payment and panly 'iqgidé‘aé- ‘ 'This Notice is tn inform any person finding the Note in question. that payment has been stopped. and to request the finder to return it 10 the under- signed, for which a suitable reward will be given. WILLIAM COOK, Sum. Richmond Hill, July 10, 1857. N or about the lst of MAY last, the subscriber lost 3 NOTE of HAND against JOHN $HIEL:D_S and JOSEPH BALDWIN. drawn in Herman Ludwig’s Cornet Band July 16. 1857. WONDIRFUL AND INTRFJ'ID Exercises in the Gaga: of Lions, Tigers. &c By PROF. LANGW'ORTIli. Wl|l be made on entering 'l‘oiwi. For minuu tie-eruption Sen Handbillu Piclqriall. to Two Performances each day! A MAuqmFIQENT PROCESSION MRS. E W. PERRY. MR. E. W. PERRY. THE NICOLO FAMILY. (four in MIME“) T. WYETH, FRANK CARPENTER, MASTERS ALPHONSE. SEBASTIAN AND ALMA. Togelhor with HADDl-LN, NORTON. WHEELER, LEWIS, HAWLEY. u. J! .1] R Kit/1M. \HE SUBSCRIBER will ofl‘9r for Sale DRY LUMBER! AN ENTIRE NEW CIRCUS! TWfl GREAT PERFflRMIMI} BEES L 01’!) 'I'( ) I KM Will Exhibit at RICHJUOJVD HILL. nullitfglfgaday, July 29, 1857. Saturday. flugust lst. OffDoors open at One and Steven P. M \dnmsion 50 cents; Cluldren 25 cents. Of ailher hemisphnre. in the Gymnnns. Pantomimim TIPPO SAVE. THE ONLY PAIR or ROYAL BENGAL TIGERS The great fpffqrrping Elephant! Embracing specimens of nll lllut in Rnre and Interesting . in lhu Animal Would. Thursday, July 30M. ‘\ 'E WIMJY I.“ [(1‘) '1', Friday, Ju lg 3151. TEEFY has a small quantity of TWO . INCH PLANK for sale. Will discouer the final! of Ain during the day. The Menagerie I. under the parsonnl supervision of THE RENOVVNED VAN AMBURGH. TRAINED BY MONSIEUR NICOLO- The Largest Show in the World UVER 250 MEN AND HORSES ONE CONSOLIDATED EXHIBITION UNDEI ONE " ’NT, you ONE PRICE OF ADMISSION! N _THE STAR TROUPE! Menagerie and {Sircus DROVE of TRICK PONIES! ‘. EATON STONE, From Aslley'u Amphuhculre. London In America. the Ingest ever captured llive‘ rmlp fiIrainth Bloch fiorsw! ROBERT SIVER, VAN AAUSULUH A;- (IU’D‘ NOTE LOST. Imported from England and Arabia A CARD. G. BERRY, Manager. phnre. in the following Equulrianl, Pantomiminl Ind Dramalim: Highly Educated; COMPRISING g.1w.y, g5-2in [3in] Verncy, J. Velie, John Vanderburgh, Richard Vaughan, Dan Webster, Beckham Wilson, Thomas Wright. John. Thompson, Mrs. Isaaici Twigg William O’Grady, G. S. O’Heron, John Shaw, Mrs. Rose Smittie, G. S. Stanton, Mrs. Mary Scott_ Henry W. Stafford/1‘. Simpson, William [2] Reid, A. F. [Doctorl Johnson, John Lesslie, James . Langstafl', Doctor I Langstafi, John (Junior) Newton, J. Newton, John Patterson & Bro. [31 Foster, Mases Ham-y, B. Hopper, Robert Hamgton, Miss Sarah Houghalan, Timothy Han, John Hanington Miss Margaret Kelly, Mrs. S. R. Grant, Jesse Morgan, Mrs.C.C. Mionkman, Miss Mary Miller, James Mafihewson, Maria Morison, Thomas Misson, Richard Myers, William Macartney, Robert McKewon, John C. McCallum, John McPherson, Mrs. Nancy Eckardt, James Elliott, Miss Mary Ann Davis, J. E. Dalley, Duggleby Campbell, ( ieorge S. Cosgrove, Barnct Curry, Miss M. L. Berry, John Bell, George N the Townships of Amabel. Sydenham, Bexley and Somerville. Price from two dollars an acre and upwards. AWLv 1°.- _ LETTERS IN Richmond Hill P. ON lst JULY, 1857. Arnold, A. A Armstrong, Sarah (Miss) Toronto. July 10. 1857. MPORTERS and dealers in Italian and American Marble, also manufacturers of Monuments, Cenotaphs. Tomb and Grave Stones, Ornamenlal enclosure: for Grave plots. (fie. Order: through our Agents will receive prompt attention. maomo “CITY” MARBLE woaxs, City Toronto. July 4.1557. ‘ OTICE is hereby given the! an Examination Meeting of the Board of Public Instruction, for the County of York. witl he held on Manda) and ’l‘nemlny. the l7th &,181h of August next, 319.541., at the (‘ourt House in the (itrof To. [onto ,- at Richmond Hill on the some (lave and Hour; and at Newnmrket. on the same (la\:'fl and hour. for the examination of Common .School 'l'eachers. whose Certificates will expire on the 301i) Sept. lb57: and also for all who intend becoming Tent-hers during the ensuing \‘ear. By virtue ol 3 resolution ofthe Board. unanimously adopted. to the effect that in order to raise the standard 0" Common School Education; ali Teachers now holding first-class Certificates. are required to present themselves for re-exami- nation. at the time above stun d; and all '1‘ ach- ers preseuling themselves for examination are required to produce Certificates of moral charac- ter from their respective ministers. also Certifi- cates from the Trustees of the School in which they were last engaged. OF COMMON SCHOOL TEACHERS, FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK ANNUAL EXAMINATION prepared by them. and fur which lhev solicil n rial in conlpmi~onwuh 0th kimLm the mmkm. l'eclingmmfidem Ihnl the ro~ull will um be to lhs-ir disadvantage. either as rrgards quulny or price. 'l'or'oulo. June 96. 1857. 05.31“ White Lead and Colors prepared by them. and Mr Conveyancer. Land Agent &c.. Yonge St. Richmond Hill P. 0.. Lot 39. 15! Con. Vaughan. Richmond Hill. dime. 261111857. g4-1y. a" of which they ofl'er lo mmkal rams. White Lead and Colors in 03] L. B. &» C0,. would nl<b call Dwdors and Painters to llxe PU {l5 DRUGS, DYE-STUFF; CHEMICALS, bUUerES. SHOES, PISRFUA‘IL‘RY, FANCY SQAPS. VARNLSUJL‘S, L’A'I‘L‘N'I‘ MEDICINES, PAIN'I‘s SURGICAL INS'J‘RUMENTS, OILS DRUG('HSI‘>." (ILASSWAR'E. D. CARLOS YALE are now forward. and consial Jack of Spring lmpurtations. LYMA'N. BROTHERS 6; CO No. 4. St. L'm'reuce Buildings: I OULD respectfuin imiumle tu lh¢ ‘ and lhu public that their no. 138 YONGE MRI-2721‘. nun qumzn STREET. WILD LANDS FOR SALE, D. C. & W. YALE, SPRING D. DAVIS, AGENT. Nicholls, Richard Cass Newton, Joseph (2) I M POR’I‘ATION S O’Grady, LieLtenant O’Brien, James G. J. F. PEARCE. JOHN JENNINGS. Falconbridge, J. K. ané, Ric-hard pLangstafl', Miles (2) rrgards quality or price. g5-3m Degeer, Button Dickson, G. P. (A Artress, William M. TEEFY, Postmaster. the trade at [he luwe~| Elliot, Francis Coulter, John Calhoun, Joseph Bridgford, Mr. Bales, George Kllfeder, Miss Playter, James Wills. John W'oods, John of a well assorted Wu. YALE the attention 0 Chairman ARE, & and Putty Lheit friend g5 tf. (4) A small assortment of Domitory Richmond Hill anch Bile Society, Richmond Hill. June. 1857‘ Genuine drugs, . Medicines. Chemicalc, Paton! Medicines, Dye Stufi's. l’uiuls, Dry and Mixed I'uim, Lump and Machinery Oil!. Best. While Lead, in tins. 61c. Satlarafi Drab K erseyu. Robe Dresses. Challis Dresses. Sh1 Toronto. June. [857. Huilo’s Antiques. and all llnir Preparalions. Lubin's l-Ixxracts. and all kinds of Perfumery Toilet Articles. Soaps, &c. Brushes of all kinds. principle. wmcn must supersede the Long 4'rerlzl (mil Long Prnfiz Syslzm. in géneral we in this Country; and convinced that a discerning public will avail lhmmnlves of the NEW Svsrku. whereb} they can effect asnving from 15 to 20 per mm! on the average on Goods they usually require. G. A. B. eamestly and respectfully solicij‘s a call, and on examination. his price: will be concun- ED 'ro AS LOWER, than any in the Neighborlmod.â€"-His "1010 shall be :â€" Small Profits and Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abatement! Richmond Hill. June 30, 1857. 3411' G. A BARNARD. Rihcmond Hill. will conduct hnsiunss solely on CASH 0R SHORT CREDIT. Six months will be given on all new Accounts, payable promplly on Isl. October 61. lsl April in each year. Dry Gooés, Which he will limit to all new Arcoums SIX MONTHS. pay’ahie promptly on the lat October and Is! April of each war. He will make inducements to Customers more langib‘e than hV extended time. by ofi‘erilig them Goods from 15 lo 2‘) PER CENT. lower than usually purchased. adhering strictly to the old motto The Business at Richmond “ill will in fmura lie curried on by G. A. BARNARD. who “ill onnenvor. at all limv‘s, to merit the patronngu ~o lilvomllv extended to the late Firm. 'l'he Shop has been re-painted and much improved; and a new and nice Assortment of Goods aru dail’)‘ receiving, and when completed, will be found a large and well selected stock, which will be sold much under the usual prices. G. A. BARNARD having determined on doing 7 NE Business llithvrtn carried on by GEORHE &. BENJAMIN BARNARD a! RICHIWOIVD IJILL,11r.dur 1!.e st)“: of G. 8'. B. BARNARD, was dissolvpd on the 201/; June. by lunimziuu and mmqu ('onsum: and they beg to remm their sincere thanks to their uumexuus Customers and Friend. [or their pas! suppml. Pmsewion will-be (firm) on llvq 1:: (A: 0: he x'vquiv'orl : 0I19-lhll'd in one Year; and Wuml Lands will‘bu made kunwn on llm: If? The. Title will he made clvnr nnxl: xnd Mortgages taken for two lnslalmmus. A plan may ho seen at the. Gazette Olli First-class J m. allery, Gold Watches. 6a.. 6.1: School Boo/cs, Stationery, é‘c. DISSOLUTION 0F PARTNERSHIP 'I‘hirly Ac One Amivnlzural [mpléme‘ll Factory Fnur dwnHing Howey (Sun. with Ga 0 9 File Shop. Wilh Form-,srég l‘wolve Acre-s of Timber! Short Life to the Old Systemâ€"LdrE‘Credit, Long Life to the New Systemâ€"SHORT CREDIT, Success In the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. ‘RY All PAST mm Accounts to the late firm. not paid by the 15:1: Richmond Hill. June 30. [$57. A CASH BUSINESS OR SHORT CREDIT! JOH N LAN GbTAFF. R. H. HALL, Chemist. and Drnggist, July. 1857 Garden and Field Seeds. ILL have constantly on hand. a completes and carefully selected Stock of N’ MONDAY RICHMM‘ND 1111717! DRUG STORE. Crockery, SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS! ' GOODS and Millinery. Clothing and Gentleman’s Outfitting Emporium. Silks. Ribbons. Broad Cloths. Satins, Lace Goods. Twoeds. Satinels. Gloves. MONDAY, 3rd (‘0‘;th :ul ()\ Ii o‘clvck 1‘ r“ by Auction, on Mill Strvm. { i hmnnd HiIL NIACHINE A N I) Richmond Hill ds, Groceries, Ladies’ 6L Childrens’ Boots & Shoes es of the above wil[ be put up in Half-Acre Lots. making Sixty Lots. on whi< of $10 will he requi'dd down. m will-be TV“! on “‘9 L5: 0‘: 00815;“ a! which date one-third of the Purchase - “up. .k'»..l I- ,,,, IV I u . I - _ Lace Goods, Two‘ Fancy Tweeds, Moire Antique, A, BARNARD is now receiving a large and wall selected stock of SIXTY 49353: EN LOTS, [oire Antique, Shawls. F: 5!. Head Dresses, Vonexi: ,yu. Sfraw Goods. Bath Cords, Flounéod Dresses. Muslin Dressed. Shepherd Plaid. &-c.. King Street East, Toronto. Timber! PM Quality of Pine and Hardwood! Markham Ecnnnmist please copy till forbid \viIh Gum‘en Gluctlv 0mm. Richmond Hill. and at the Auctioneer’a, Toronto‘ W. B. CREW, rM1-;-’:‘-. ’raprielhr WM 1 ‘HIW' Popli ns, . wil‘n extensive anr Power and Land attached. Inch-ding 11 Superior nJ-I AH Fl)” OWS : .. . ulv-quv uunnay um i onv-"IVhird in two Years: jigm, of the Home: and duy rf sale. (Hi fuclury Paints, l’er.~n')s \‘is rim: Turn-no and plnring thamsolvu ulldur Dr Carma-W: care will not be charged ir caso o" nn‘m‘m-«rll' vrcatlm-nt. MI mmmnnicm’nu- m Dr'. C. run»! he pupm'll. Turonlo. Mn) L’QIId. l857. l-lf of hP nfl'lir‘trd which will be disposed of to guch applicants as may wwh In nhlnin MOD‘T H! PORTANT INFORMATION Free of (‘hm'gm' ITNIVERSALLY known [hrtnghout Canada <1 and the United Slate; for his grealskill and >lll'(‘,8>.\ in Restoring Lost Sight and "caring- and removing nll disensos of the Eye and Ear (‘nernll\'. lmgs leave most respectfully to m“ at- wminn to the I'ncl that he has forwarded to rho Edisor of this paper a few dozen copies of the third rdiliou of hi< OCULIST 8:. AURIST, OPERATOR ON THE EYE AND E F l L E FACTORY ! The Work mmhins nearly 20” flages. and ha“ a "fin nnml-er ul'Ouuraxiuns and ("non reported.â€" '-vlv-L=,RH‘ runes. Jun. worthy the careful perusal . A J s, OHS, &c., 630., &c. I CLOTHING. in every fabric. make. shape. a. and much less than ever sold before. In con- lhe necessity of ggenerfl adaptation to the new Dr. CADWIQLL, Fancy Doeukins. Venexiau Cloths, Balh Cords, u! the date of first payment above mentioned' Treatise on the Eye and Ear 3 Parasols, making Sixty Lots. on which a dvposi‘ M., precisely, the Underigned will Wines 6L Liquors, Hardware, of Julywill be put in Suit OF TORONTO 810.. Hosiery. Baregp Dreams. Andimwcr. Bonnets. Doeskins. Manlillas Money win l-lf, Thomhi". Yong. Strool‘ June 24m. 1857. The price for a Mower. $190.00: complolod as a Reaper. $140.00. An extra knife will b. $5.00 extra. All our Machines are rammed to be well bu and of the but lntlerinl. GOOD OPPORTUNITY new ofi'ers itself A to a Medical Man of standing and experi- eneh. House and Premisen. both pleasant and convenient. can be had on reasonable terms. UR MACHINE is snbstnnu'ally built of Wrought Iron. emiron free from side draught, can be elevated to any height. from a Mowor io n Reaper by a screw in front. and cuts wuhout clogging. in Gran. Wheat. flats or Barlev. with- out chnugo of knife or gearing. and works easy for the horses. June. 8th. l857. Richmond Hill. Juno 15rh. 1857 IVE Acres of Land at Richmond Hillâ€"two acres of which is a Nursery. well stocked with lhriving Trees. now ready for the Markel. with a House. a New Barn. lwo Wellsof Good Water. and other necessary Out-Buildmgs. being Part of Lot No. 43. Firm. Concession. in the Town. ship of Vaughan. and known as Smith’s Nursery. the name of the former Pr *priel‘or. â€"ALSO.- W0 New Built Stores in the centre of Rich- mond Hill; one occupied by Mr. William Myers. Saddler; the other. being the Printing Office of the Richmond Hill Gazette. Allthe' above Property will be Sold on termn. ‘ G [25:13. If by later post paid. to of a” ORTY-FIVE Acresâ€"being the Weak Part of Lot No. I. in the Second Concession of the Township of King. Has a small Log Home. in well Timbered, forming altogether a very desirable Property {or I Brick-Maker. Richmond Hill, k June 4th, 1857‘ As over three-fourths of die, number we intend to make are already engaged. PATTERSON 8:, BROS. NE hund- ed valuable Building Lots, in the flourishing Village’ofRichmond Hill, will be sold in on. next, when due notice will be given by the subscriber. They pro Than any house in town. Call and see $3 50 Clocks. $10 Silver Watches, $8 Gold Albert nL~:_A Chains. CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES II? Every description of Goods in made or repaired on the Shortest Notice. HAVE stood the test for years, and. those who have used them testify to their superior ex- cellence over all competing Machines. goods- At 114 Yonge SL, 2 doors south of the Globe Hotel , Toronto. Renders them a Favorite in localities when they have been introduced. J. R. ARNOLD Richmond Hill. June thh. 1857. 24‘ BRITISH & AMERICAN JEWELLE_R_Y STORE. SMALL PROFITS 86 QUICK RETURNS. These valuable Implements were invented and patented by ALEXANDER ANDERSON. and me well known as having taken the principal prime at the Various Exhibitions throughout the Province. during the last three years; and. what is still better. they have been thoroughly tested by Farmers in this neighborhood. by which theirsupo- triority over all others has been fully proved. III? Factory at Unionville, near White’s Mills. 1 Prize Harness Manufacturer, ESPECTFULLY announce: to the Public , gonornlly. that having taken the FIRST PRSZE fnr Harness a! the Yonge Street Agricul- urn] Show. Two Years in succccssion. he feels oonfident that he can give entire satisfaction in all branches of his business. (I? A large Stock of Harness, 5w“ always on ha 'd and made to order at the 90w”! possible M- muneraling prizes. SALEM ECKARDT’S Cultivatorsdcllayltakcs. for {h} tab or They are pefl'ectly reliable and safe the hands of the inexperienced , ‘v ‘1' SADDLE 8t HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. One Door South of the “ Gazelle " afiee. OE? All Work Warranted. W'illiam H. Myers, jnower and Reaper. RICHMOND HILL 0&1) R E M IUMgJQ To Medical Practitioners. Orders should be Forwarded ” Irrfmgdiat‘ely, Patterson’s Reapers; Toronto. May 26. 1857. No Mechanical Skill being required to keep them in order. hey are made from the best of materials, and in a. strong and substantial manner. Richmond Hill. June, 1857. Richmond Hill, July 2. 1857‘ IHE undersigned working on the above _principle feels confident that he can sell Darling 8.: Aitchisonr’; COMBINED * WISEMAN beg. to inform the Public ggenerally. that he has been appointed Agent 0L- “I. J CREDIT AvcmN SALE. T he Simplicity of their Construction, To Agriculturists ! LAND FOR SALE. 30 Per Cent Cheaper Apply to ROBT. WISE MAN. â€"ALSO_ GEORGE DARLING. ROBT. AI'I‘CHISO.‘L T. C. RICHARDS. J. DUNCUMB‘ Richmond Hill g. l -tf. g.2-w_v. the trade g4-ly. g4lf g4-tf. g4“

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