Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 7 Aug 1857, p. 2

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W'ith perseveranCe, then, there is everyl hope of success. The adventurous voyagers have a duty to perform to mankind; let it be done Well; let them show to the world what private enterprise is capable of achiev- ing. In England it has already done much ; . We need no UOVei-nment aid in the construc- tion of our railways ‘, we build monsteri steamers. blitlge mighty rivers, tutuml moun- tains, and stretch the electric wires across the broad Atlantic. without the aid of State . ‘y it lies, then, With Captain M’Clintock to add another link to the chain, and to praclaim to the civilized World that when Government“ resources were withheld. a urivate lady, aid- I, ed by a few devoted friends, took up the task. and 'conduvted it to a glorious termination. We shall hail with unl‘eigned satisfaction the ti st announceuwnt of the uFox‘s" sale arrival at its place of destination, and eXUlt with joy when we learn that the. last memorials of the Arctic voyager-s ~' harm-ward bound,” and that tl~is noble enterprise has been crowned with succesS. Sometime since it was stated in the Engâ€" lish papers, that It clerk of the South York- shire Railway and [liver Don Coal Comâ€" pany, England. who carry on busineas in King \Villlam Street. London. had plunder- ed his employers of about £900 and fled. The unalimllcr 0. air. John épittle, an in- spector in the detective police departmen' of that city. was obtained. and diligent search made for the fugitive. who, it was ascertained had left. London the 19d) May, and taken passaare u: the “ Canadian" screw steamer, wlnch sailed from Liverpool for anbec on the subwquenl day. The ofilrer precured I passage by the steamet, " Juan,” which left Southampton on the 10th June. After a nun: long pangs of 19 dusk urind‘ ARREST OF A RAILROAD DEv ' FAULTER. YesLady Franklin’s expedition has sailed : in a law days hence it will reach the ice, where the hardships of an Arctic voyage commence. To Captain M’Clintock and his gallant crvw we sincerely wish God speed! There mu~t be relics in existence which will aflord a satisfactory clue to the fate of the lost Sir John Franklin and his companions ; the remains of such an expedition as that which he commanded cannot yet be utterly obliterated. Besides, the “ Fox,” sails unâ€" der Spel'i'lily favorable auspices. Captain M’Clintock will doubtless be e abled to profit by the experience of all the previous Searching expeditions; they have extended over a wide expnnSe of ground; he has now but a comparatively small space to explore; that done, the work will be thoroughly ac- complished, eiery mile of those icebound regions will have been minutely examined. ' Lady Franlrlin and her new were there, blessing the expedition; and as the brave ship weighed anchor and stood out to sea, the lady cheers of the assrmbled thousands unmistakably testified iliat the noble etlnrts that lady had madeâ€"though timidly deserted by a Gâ€"owriimeiit in wnose service her hus- band and his followers had embarkedâ€"to in Vestigate and clear up the haze still hanging aroma the fate of the Arctic Expedition, wore fully appreciated. And amid those cheers which rent the air when the “ Fox" sheared away towards the icy North, there was many a prayer that “ the forlorn hope” night, by the blessing of Prowdi-nce, reach it! destination in safety, accomplish the wish» ed for object, and return freighted With all that humanin can now expectâ€"the bones ol the intrepid navigators. The most distant} surmise that any of the band can be still alivi- has long since faded away; the “ Fox” new nails to search for their remains. The sturdy Highlander reverently dotled his home! as the ilittle vessel gradually became less, and looking heavenwarils, whilst tears trickled down his manly cheek, blessed that noble lady who had staked her all in the enterprise and trusted, fondly trusted, that her womanly devotion might meet with due reward. Last Wednesday, at a very early hour, th City of Aberdeen was the scene of bustle and eXcitement. The inhabitants Wele hurrying hither and thither. their countenances hear- ing the impress ofa mixture of anxiety and hope. A great‘eVent was a handâ€"mot thn arrival of Royalty, in Search of Highland Seclusion-â€"not the visit of a French Prince on a scientific exploration-film the return of the brave Highlanders from a Kassian cam paign, but an oventofl‘ar greater significance and of trnnsci-ndent importance to‘ tho causv ofhumnnityâ€"Lady Franklin’s screw stcamer, the“ Fox,” was appointed that morning to ~slul for the Arctic Seas, in search of the re- mains of the longâ€"lost navigator and his in- trepid band. The spectators crowded the dodts to catch a glimpse of that gallant cap- tuiii and daring crew who had undertaken the Mm 10133.2 D’Agiilia'r to proceed instantly with his troop of Hausa Artillery to Woolwich, for embark- ltion for India. So promptly was this order executed that within 12 hours after the message was received the whole tree}; was off for London. The 10th and 11th Hus‘sars are expected to arrive in camp next week On dit also that either Life Guards or the Blues are to take their turn at Aldershott $000. It seems surprising that these gallant regiments have not been there before. as they require the discipline ofcamp, we should think, as much as other cavalry regiments In the service. Probably, however, it has been felt necessary to give priority to the cavalry Which ue maintained to do real duty. PM the Glasgow Telegraph, July 11 SAILING OF THE LADY FRANK- LlN’S EXPEDITION. The Time: in describing the review of {he keeps in camp at Aldeuhott by Her Majesty on_l_61hAJuly, says; _ BEINFORCEMENTS FOR THE EAST INDIAN ARMY. A horse belonging in Thnmas Oueilet was lain-d to the height cithirly feet from thv ground and then after ihe ascending force had been exhausted fell covered wiIh muu. leaving: deep impression on the spot which he suuck. Three cmvs were similarly mind, and were covered with mud when they fell. Two um um: liftch from in front The house of VVillizlm Grenier at the dis- tance ofa few act-er from the Church was twiated, broken, the chimney beaten down, and the roof carried ofl'intnthe air. A barn belonging to the same person was beaten down. and the fragments scattered about. The roof was torn mi the house of Jesvph Boulungerâ€"situated in a hollow-~2md then dznhrd to atoms. The barn and the stable 0! Elizeur Boulanger Were destroyed, and one of the timbers was thrown thirty l‘evt in lengtlr,and cam-«ed acre» a ten acre field. M. Prouix, Parish Priest of St Elizear, in the County of Beanee, writes lo the Journal a very lively dvscription of a wa. terspout, which burst near the village- Cburch on the 18th July. He says it made its appearance about half-past [en o’- clock on lhv morning of (hill day, at first in the form of a cloud of [he bluckesl kind which was formed in an instant aL the height of about [Orly-tire degrees above the Church. This rloud.appeand to [)9 about an acre and a half in extent, judged by the eye, and was pressed against by other masses of grayish clouds which rolled in all din-c- tions a.out ils flanks with a sinister noigse like the distant murmur cf the sea in a tem- pest. bhortly the cloud seemed to be torn in two, and a large column was seen to de- scend from the opening Io lhe earth like an avalanche precipilaled ll‘OlIl a mountain top. Dialended above and sucking in the cloud, this culumu,llke an immense serpent. twi~lcd itself about uilh l‘rightzul rapidiiy.aiid bal- ancing ilsolf in the “‘a'tei‘ like the tail of a paper kite, ru~hcd to the earth wiih 'a his- sing nniw like the rscape (if sikam. 1! ploughed up the ground, swept ererylhing within reach, and planks, polvs, nnd ruins of buildings mounted intn the air like the rub- bish thrown out of a volcano. W. Bungry, Amherstburg. S. Browning, Montreal. '1'. C. Rawlmgs. Brmtlbrd. E. H. McCauHey. D. Moss. W. H. Hardy, Toronto. Henry Grouse. Simcoe. J. A. Fisher, Toronto. Grand Tylerâ€"John Morrison, Hamilton. Grand Pursuivant, H. B. Bostwiuk, To- ronto. Grand Director of Ceremonies, S. B. Campbell, Toronto. Assist. Grand do. Henry Grist, Hamilton. Grand Sword bearer, C. 1’». Wilkes, Brantford. Grand Organist, T. W. Thomas, Hamil- tdn. Asst. Grand do. W. H. Fowler, Mom.- real. The following are the Officers of the Grand Lodge, nominated by the Grand Master: Grand Sen. Dcaconfii. Honwood, Brantford. “ Jun. “ Jas. W'alker, Grimsby. Grand Superintendent of Works, F. J. Ras‘trick. Hami‘xtou. â€"Mll1er, (in-11nd Registrar. ‘ T. B. Harris, Grand 5ecretary . Col. W. M. Wilson,of Simcoe Grand Master. Rev. J. b‘colt, of Durham, Dep. Gland Master. J. E. Smith, of Toronlo, Senior Grand Warden Ross, of Brock- ville,Junior Grand Warden. Elisha Gustm. of Stanstvad. Dist. D. G. Master. J. 11. Isaacson, Mpntreal do do J. Wilson, of London do do G. McGill of Halnilmn do do --â€"â€"-Simpson of Cén‘tral 'do do Kivas 'J‘ulfy, of'l‘orunto do do Rev. 7J7. 'l'remayne, (Errand ChaplaFn. The following are the Grand Oflicers elect- ed for Ihe current year: I“ detective” whether'W'm Wuldnn was not his real name. he answered in the alfinnalivu. and the authority under which his capture was made Was shan him. Afterwards he gave every informitinn; stated where the property was. and answered the necessary questions with candour. He was detained in the Chief’s nfiice for the night. and )estcr- day morning Wu: taken to Barrie in charge of Mr. Spittle and ML. William Courtney of the Toronto Police. The object in going there was to get cashed a hill far about £400 on the Branch Bank of Upper Canada, \\ hicli was found in the prisoner’: possession. Some valuable articles were also'given up by him. such as guns. pictures, and a large stock of ‘t-lothes, &c. Altogether about £500 in cash. articles ol'the value ofahout £100 have been found. The prisoner is a young man, about 24 years of age, of respectable ap- pearance, slightly built, and about 5 feet 7 inches in height. He returned from Barrie last night, and still, through the courtsey of Mr. Sherwood, is accommodated in his nlfice until other arrangements are efl'ected. It is stated that other charges are pending against him in England. He will be taken thence hy the next steamer Which leavvs Quebec on the 15th instant.-â€"Tm'0nt0 Globe. in New York, and at once stat-ted tor Quebec. He had previousty Iearned the disaster that befel the “Canadian,” on her passage up the St. Lawrence. When the ofiicer rent h d the place where the " Canadian” grouiuh d he disc0vered that the accused had enteml his name on the ship’s back: as Genrgi Howell. Further interrogotnrie: put hin into the possession of the fact that the ac cued had left. for Toronto. Upon recvi. of this news Mr. Spittle came on to this city where he arrived on Wednesday last, and immediately put himselfinto communication with the Chiefof Police. With that gentle- man's assistance, Mr: Hnweil was traced to the RossitiHonse. The warrant whirh Mr. Spiltle bore for the arrest or the prisoner, issued by the Lord Mayor of Lomlon, wa< countersigned by .Alderman Crooks-of this city. and the accused was art-emed in the oficc ofthe hotel; upon being asked by th» A WATERSPOUT IN LOWER CANADA. GRA ND STEWARDS. MASONIC. The London, C. “1., Free Press, gins the particulars ol a melancholy loss of life by the careless use of fire arms. Mr. VVIIIiam Mooreheud, township of Adelaide, had in his hand a rifle, which Wi'l'II off quite accidental- ly. His sister Dinah Moorehead was near, and the ball struck and killed her. The bnll entered the unfortunate lady’s right side, passed through the chest, and lodged under the Skin on the left side, killing her almOSl instantly. The unhappy young lady Wns only 22 years of age, and rt-speclably connected. The father of the young lady died only three months since. Dr. Mom'e of this city, held an inquest on her remains on b‘nlurday, when a verdict in accordance with the {acts was returned. A CHAPTER or Munnms.â€"~A St. Pe- tersburg letter to the Czar, from Cracow, gives this extramdinmy story: "A tragicaldrama has just taken place here. The agent oft‘ouut tchâ€"Mho lmd been in the bank to receive asum of “5000 silver roubles, lost the package of notes on his way home. '1 be money was picked up by a clerk, who insxead ol'giringthe property to the owner, followed him to his house and inquired the name of the person who lire-d there. The finder of the money‘ then return- ed home, hesitating in hls own lllllld h0w h.â€" fihould act. When he arrived ther a violent quarrel took place between him and his wile, the latter wishing to keep the money. The clerk, however, on the following mor lit-gt Went to the house of the Count to deliver the sum, but the latter would not receive it. saying that his agrnt had committed suicide in the night in consequence ol'the loss.â€"Over come with remorse, the clerk returned home where he tound that during his absence his. wife lad hanged hersrll'from vexation at not having kept the money. He immediately cut down the body and hanged himself with the same rope. Death in the tea-pot is an event whirh according to the London Times, may be looked for on a wholesale male, as soon in the war with the Chinese shall assume a se- rious aspect. It is well known the Chines- have no scruples about resorting to poison as in legitimate mode of warfare. It wull,there- fore, be Well to he foreWnrnP'd and {Ort‘al'mUd in time. The Timuinsinuates that the Chi- ‘nese may poison every box or chest of ten, preserved ginger, sweelmftats. chew chow marmalade. or anything else that is elportrd from China for the the of foreigners, and they add that they honestly believe that the des- truction ofhumnn life in England and Am- erica from the uke of poisoned tea will be the mast. fearful calamity that has visited the two countries in this century. It will kill mere people in England than were killed in the Crimea. It will destroy more life in the United States than our wars, the. yellow fever or cholera. But we suppose that notwith- standing this warning, the lowers of the cup, that “cheers but not inebriates,” will con- tinue to drink the tea, and think there is no danger. A HINT FOR THE Dwoncs BILLâ€"At lunch, in farmer times it was the custom. when a married couple applied for a divorce or. account ofincmnpatihility of temper, fer the magistrates to shut up lhf pair for a fort- night in an isolated tower on the lake. Not 'mly were they condvmeud to a common roam, but were supplied with only one bed. one chair, on: knife and one fork, so that their We have our troubll's; and, some times. we have our collisimis and our outrages, in Canada; but Heaven be praised. our history is free of such blots as these. “’hencver a prisoner enters our courts. he is safe, no matter what his ciime, or what may be the excitement against him. And it is a singular and creditable fact. that our newest settle- ments are even better than our oldest ones in this respect.â€"â€"Colonisz. “ The greatest excitement! prevaiis. The court was Idjourm d sine the. and business ofnlmost PV- ery kind su~|rendtid. Where ts this spi it of law- les< vio!once to end? It is becoming more and more Iroqut-nt. Uttly recrtltlly we heard at a sim- ilar. if not a more fearful exhibition of the same spirit in Jackson count}. in HIIB State; and tfleft :0 its own course where will ll end 7" agreed to a change of venue wilhoul ques- tion. Bm this was, howaver. not the wm-st of it. A western paper adds the following: " Nor did Iho vagaries of the mob end here. for like the tiger, its rapacil)‘ was only kind ed by blood. Incredible as it may appearâ€"Inn it :55th- 8mm med by vera: ions wimcssesâ€" he Prosecuting Allomo} wns arraigned before Judge Lynch for having incurred lht‘il displeuure in the proseculuon of the case. thinking that ho was “0' over zealous for a convncliun. 'l‘ 0 question was then put whether or not he. (no. ~h uld hang on the Same tree. The vote stood two to one for hanging . but Shay were linally induced to defer it iill the next av. A man by the name- of Thomas, who was accu~cd of a murder under Circumstances of great allocin at Jackson, in Iowa, was re- cently brought up (or trial there; but tearing the excitement against him would prevent his ge'ting a fair hearing. he moved for a change of venue‘ which was immediately granted by the court. But Judge Lynch and his “ higher law” executinners, immedi- ately seiZI-d the prisoner; and setting the Shurifl'and the Court at. defiance, took him out and strangled him by piece meal in a manner too shocking to relate. The man arerred his innocence to the last; and in all probability was innocent, since the court ,\.'0e than one hundted acres of fencing were torn up, together Wllil the pickeu. dised to the cloud=,and al'ter acme time scut- ered over the: neighbouring fields and V rods; 3 good number falling straight wPre lurird so deep in the ground that they cuuid not be pulled out by one man Fields at grain were destroyed as il‘a heavy barrow hud passed and repussed several times. Three sugar bushes were beaten down, and the tree: Vere broken and interlaced like a field ofgrain which had been braten down by hail. A maple tree of canmderable din- tnvter Wu" plucked up aml carried a di-‘lance ul‘ five acres. An "enormous cherry treé'wa} hurled through the air in the same InannHI'. The Priest adds that. hl' witnessed these ramng of the tempest with his OWn oyes.and that (In“ facts stated by him can be attrsled by hundreds 0|~ other persons.â€"C‘olonist. ofthe demohshed Imu5e of Wifliam“ljreniel" m a prodigious hvlgln, and Wet: c'arrivd fu- rious‘y over the neighbouring field» into the woods where Hwy were smashed to atoms. LYNCH. LAW IN IOWA. The Usuzfl montth meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan, was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday 11 o’<:lu(:k.a.m. A number-of applicalions wue presented from the Trustees of the various School Sections undermun- lioned, praying the Council to levy luxus on the inhabitants of their rc- speclive localities. to meet lhe expen- ses oflhe current year, viz : From the Rev. J. Dick. on behalf ol~ the ti'Ustees of Union School, No. 4. Vaughan and Markham, situated on Richmond Hill, praying for authority to raise by way of assessment. the sum of £25; and intimating that the trustees had made application to the Markham Council for authority to as- sess the inhabitants of that Township for a similar amount. ‘ The Clerk was instructed to inform the trustees of the ab_ ve named School, that the Council could not authorize an assess- ment which did not embrace all the inhabitants of the Section, and as the School-house was situated in the Township of Vaughan, it was within the province of the Council to levy a tax for the whole amount. on the in- habitants of both Townships. After the reading of the minutes 9!" the previnus meeting, the Estimates for the current year were laid on the table. A conversation took place between the Reeve and the Clerk, as to the correctness of the return of arrcarages due by proprietors of non-resident lands‘ during which it appeared that the 10 per cent. authorized by the Statute of 1853 tube added to nil such arrearages, had not been included in the returns, which caused a de- ficiency of about £40 cy. The Clerk was instructed to remedy the defect. APPLICATIONS FROM SCHOOL SECTIONS. The Work was done by one who thorough- ly knew the premises; but as yet we: have not heard of any one on whom suspicion has rested.â€"â€"Colam'st. Since recriving the above intelligence we learn that Mr. Cumming, the bank agent. Mr. Joseph Kerby and Mr. McGufl‘ey the Northern Railway contractor have been ar- rested on Slhpicion; and rumors are afloat that six or sevon other; are ilnplicaled,nll of whom are moving in respectable Society.â€" Eo. GAZETTE. 190th Bihings’ (mm. RICHMOND HILL, AUG. 7,1857 PRESENTâ€"Messrs. Gamble (Reeve) Bridgeford and Howland. flbsentâ€" Messrs. Pearce and Somervillc. The oflice of the U. C. Bank, in the we»! wing of the Parliament building's, Was enter- ed on 'l'huradaynight and'rbbbe’d ol‘some £4}- 000 0r £5,000 winch had been locked up -n the sale as usual, by Mr. Cummings, the clel'k_lll t‘llal'gr. about 3.0,cl0ckVtu the after- noon. EOIne lacse change was left ; and a lbundle of bank hills, which had been droltped [in the. haste ol departure, was found outside Ithe Window yesterday morning; but a wry clean sweep had been made, Wlll] sufficient ‘drxlerity not to leave a clue to the robber or lrotnbers. The fact of the t'ohbety having been committed was not knmtn until about .9 o‘clock yesterday, when the Servant who cleans out the otfice found it and the salt: both 0pm. The attention of the house- keeper was then directed to it, and on ex- amination ht: lountl the bundle of hills, and a pane of glam cut. in the ut-per sash of the window, apparently with a diamond, sufficient- ly large to admit one or two fingers to turn the catch. It would seem that the window was then raised and the safe opened with a false keysâ€"Ihe look of the door had not been tried. n )r did 'ho lock of the safe ex- hibit any marks of violence. From the trustees of School Sec- tion, No. 5, praying for similat‘pmvcr. to raise the sum of £25. Granted. From trustees of School Section, NO- 8, for the sum of £60. Granted. From trustees of thool Section. N0. 12, for the sum of £100. Granted. Fr0m trustees of School Section, NO- 13. for the sum of £43. Granted. From trustees of School Section, No. 15. for £50. Gnunted. From- trustees of Schonl Section, No. 18, for £65. Grantc'd. rcnml'orl ‘G'é'p'ended en}iiély'_‘6|i"mhtual conn-'; plans-AIRS: I , alter the expiration of the forlmgm, they prrsmled m lhelr resolution. the 'ribunul ordered a serious examination 0“ the case, and, if possibie, the divUrce. Bl“ in general the quarl'EIs‘olue, pair did not Wait for the end of lbe trial to which they “er subjected lo become reconcdcd. and to “- quest to he released. ROBBERY UF £4,000 09. £5,000 NON‘REBIDENT LAND TAX. Vaughan Council. After a short discussion on the feas- ibility of the project, and the neces- sary steps to be taken to raise the re- quired amount. it. “HIS finally agreed that the Reeve should endeavor to ob- tain the sum of £200 from the Com- mercial Bulk. to be advanced in the manner above specified. A by-law to the above efl‘vrct was then framed and read by the Reeve a first time, and ordered for a second reading at next meeting of the Council. PAYMENTS FOR noun-wont On motion of Councillor Bridgcfm'd, Seconded by Councillor Howl-and, it was We learn from the Barrie Herald that [he Steamer J. C. Morrison was destroyed by fire whilst lyingal her wharl on VVednesJ day morning la~t. The fire was first discov- ered issuing from above her boiler and spread With such rapidity that Capt. Bell and the men Who were blerping on board had but just time to e>rnpe with their lives. The origin of the fire is not yet known. Resolvedâ€"That the Treasurer he aulhoriZed to pay to the parties named, the sums opposite their names re- spectively. vizzâ€"VVurd No. 2, Jnhn Rumble. £4; Gideon Heslop, £5; and John Grady. £10 105. Ward No. 3, Jnhn Maynard. £7 [05, and Thomas Henderson, £20; out of the appropriation for the repairsuf the public highways of the Township for the current year. A petition ivas also presvtited from the trustees of School Section, N0. 14. on behalf ofthe inhabitants of said Section playing to be assessed for the sum 0f£300, for the erection of a new Brick School Hnuse on the site of the present one, which had become so much delupiduted as to be wholly un- fit for use. 'lhe petition likewise prayed the Council to advance the above-named amount, in sums propor- tionate to the progress of the Work. 43 it was the intention nf the parties interested to proceed with the erec- tion immediately. Resolvedâ€"That for lhe fumre the day of meeting be changed from the first Mnnday in each month, to the first Tuesday of the same, in order to meet the convenicnee of some mem- bers of lhe Council. F rdm truiit‘éés’ Brsaféar 33313:): No. 17. for £225. Granted. From trustees of Union School Section. No. 21. Vaughan and Mark- ham. for £60. Granted. From the trustees of Library Sec- tion, A.B.C.. Vaughan and Markham. praying for authority to raise the sum of£l5 to aid in increasing the useful- ness ul'suid Library. Gmnted. ERECTION OF A NEW SCHOOL HOUSE. Al lhc suggestion of the Reeve it was As Mr. McGannon of Scarboro was pass- ing up Yonge street yestuday lorenoon, the hummer ot~ his Waggon came out and the horsvs ran MT, coming in contnct With a wag- gon belonging to Mr. Carlton of York town- ship brvaking the tongue and upset-in; the Waggon and enclosing beneath the box Mr. and Mrs. Carlton and two children, where they remained until Mr. James Lymburner Of this Town came to their assistance, and extricated than from their perilous position. None of the parties were injured. On Monday last the property ofJ. Lang- stafi'. Esq, adjoining this Village, was brought to the hammer, according to previous at.- nouncement, and, notwithstanding the present stringency of the money market. realized the tolerable fair sum of 81-,480,â€"exclusive ofa large portion ofthe advertised prOporty which had been previously sold for the sum 0! £650. Thirty-five lots varying from half an son: to five acres each, were knocked down at an average price of £32 per acreâ€"twenty-four of which were sold lor cash. The Rirhmond Hill monthly fair was held on Wednesday last, and was as we anticipat. ed well supplied with Stock olallkindsnhcre was upwards of 50.head of cattle on the ground many ofwhlch were bought by Butchâ€" ers from Tcronlo and Yang: street. Messrs. Nightengale and VVertacntt made the princi- pal purcbases in the beef line. Sheep and Lambs were purchased principally by the Butchers of our own town, Messrs. Cool: and Dove. Some ofthose Sheep and Lambs alter bring slaughtered made a very fine ap- pearance» on the shambles. Butchers and oaher intending purchasers would do well to attend those fairs and may always rely on making Agood Selretinn. BURNING OF '11le Nl‘EAMER J. C. B'lOKKI-BON. The Council then adjourned. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. N A RKU W ESC APE- MUN'l HLY FAIR. ImmfiV’r-O‘sfia; ARR'Aicmimié. Periodicals so printed, published,and mall- ed when specially ducted to Religlon and llo gu-ndal Education, 10 Agriculture, or lTemperancr, or to any branch ol Science, will pass flee from any one post oflice to 1 another within the Province. We omilted in our last issue to notice the new arrangement aifi-cling transiem and remaded papers and peri dicals. Our sub- scribers will pleasv bear in mind that the lol- lowing rxtract lrom the Law oflnst Session, was to be inforced on andufter [he first inst.. so that in future it will be necessary to pur~ chase postage stain-Is from the post mas- lers, to be used when they wish to re- mail their newspapers,&c. If posted with- out the halfâ€"penny stamp, the paper: will be sent to the ‘- dead letter ofiice.” . Newspa‘ ers printed and published in Can- adu, and mailed direct from the office ofpub- “cation, will pass free of Canadian postage. Transit-m: and re-mailed papers and peri» odicals, will pass by pou'il'pre-paid by post- age stampâ€"one hall-penny on each new» paper, and on each periodical one half-penny. if not exceeding three oz. in weight, and 2d if over three oz. We have juat received from Russell and Richardson, Boston, a specimen oftheir musi- cal publications, and We have no hesitation in saying that in point of comvosition they can. not be excrlled. The Muiician’s Guide We have no doubt will be very useful to Teachers and others. By looking over the catalogue there is not the leaxt dilficulty in d scoveling the compowr’s name, the key and the price. It will saw purchasers from Ordering such Music as they do not want and drsm-ibes fully to them that whiclI they do want. ‘ Postage stamps of the value of one half- penny each, will he sold to the public at all principal pnsr oflices, (including all money order offices)wilh a discount of 5 per cent upon purchases ofnot less than lwvnty stamps, and will be available in pre-payment of newspapers and periodicals, and of drop or town letters. We have read an account of'lhe “ School examination.” in tlw columns ofthe St. Cut/I'- erinrs Constilutional, and rejoice to find that our highly estrrmud l'rienu Mr. McClel- land,wlm is the head muslerfis eminentlv suc- cessful in nis exertions to promote education, â€"and why not lâ€"we know that m- has his soul in the work, as the Constztutwnal would impressiVely express it. Mr. Mc- Clelland is favourably known in this town, hiving resided amongst us for about three years, during which time he presided over our behool, and proved himself to be all that the most anxious parent could desire. We would recommend the good prople of N. Kiis to do «lint they icon. to make our old friend as comfortable and coMonted as a man of hli merit is entlled \0, or they may have cause to do as we have done ever since he left usâ€"rrg‘rer the less. Coroner, on the body ofa man named John Aitkins. It appeared by the post mortem examination made by Drs. Phillhrick and Bethune. that a portion of the skull of the deceased was broken in, and from further evidence that sometime in June the de- ceased and others had been drinking and playing at cards at the house of Hugh Con- nelly, end that occasionally there had been some wrangling, and during the night or early the next morning the deceased with Rirhard Morrow the younger left together. It was also proved by one of the party, that when on his way home he heard a noise as if two or mere persons Were fighting, but he could not see them. Shortly afterwards on reach- ing the derling of Jake Davis, a colored man. he louad Aikens there badly beaten and unable to speak; but a short time afterwards he walked home with his wife. who had been sent for. A lew days alter Dr. Parsons was sent for, and attended, but eventually Dr. Phillbrick Was called in and performed the operation of trepanning. The deceased lingered on until last week, wheu,during one ol the heavy thunder storms he got into a very exciteahle state and expired. As the deceased was a Catholic and Morrow an Orangeman it was rumored that there had been religious difl'erences between them and perhaps foul play, but the unanimous opinion of the jurymen, sixteen in number, was to the contrary,aniong whom were several Catholics as well as Orangemen. The verdict of the jury was in accordance With the facts, that no doubt death was caused by the fracture on the skull, but how inflicted there was no evidence to show. An Inquest was hvld on the 3rd inst, in the township of York, by W. B. Cxew, 1i:q., A lady went into a store In New York cily recentlvto pmchase a shawl. Just as she was handing the clerk two fifty dollar bills. she received u blow in her face Iron: a wvll dres~ed person. who exclaimed, “I forbade you buying a shawl," and snatching the money from her hand, he evaporated. The lady fainted. and on recovering the merchant expressed surprise that. her husband should have acted so ungontlemanly; but his surprise was greatly increased when the lady informed It was found that the deceased was of a very quarrelsome turn. and usually went by the name of Lord Raglan. -Communicated him Illa! it was not her husband, Ind "48‘ she had nrver sun, _him__b.-xorc. .71 be bold lbw-1‘, however made gcud hos ewape. . Tm: Cometâ€"At the sitting of ‘ the French Academy nf-Sciqoces, on the 6th. M .Verric-r confit med the details already gin n at the appearancr ufthe new comet. It was noticed at the Paris Observatory on the night of the 23rd ot‘June, by M. Dian but had b1 en detected by a Berlin astronomer on the 22nd. Its pmitlon is in the constel- lution Perseus. From observations made by M. Yvon Villareau. the Otbtl of the new ct-lestiul vi~itant has been cah-uhttcd. It appears to be appnouctnng the earth so rapi- 'y that it will soon present a fine objrct to the naked eye. At. present it is heheved that it is not Charles the Fitth‘s cuuwt. of which then: has been so much talk, and des- tined to cmm- into collusion with the earth on the 13th of last month. ' The New Herald thinks that it would be disastrous to the cause ofcivilizmion, to have the British defeated in India. Our contrm-V porary argues that in many respects such a defeat would prove irjurious to the United btutes, and adds, that were proper means taken, the active sympathy ot' the latter country could be Secured in favor of Great Britain. The proper means alluded to by the [Jerald are, that “ England should cede the entire control ol‘ this continent and its dependencies to the Unllt’ti mules." And it this Wt-I‘e done, all the English would gain in return, according to the Iferald. Would be the prn'tlrege of enlisting snldiens in the United males. The British Will not require and] aid, and the Herald can scarcely be serious in ofliering II. It the United States can keep the Mormons and Indians in proper order. to say nothing of l’lug-Uglies. Dead Rabbits, and other internal enemies, will be quite as much as they can do for game time. â€"Col( The New York Herald says that tn the aflrrnoon oflhe ‘22nd u.t., one of the most deslluclive hull 5.0m]: ever witnessed passed near lied Hook. on the Hudson. The slorm wok u north-easterly direclion. about two males wide a:.d ten long. leaving ulier dvso- luuon as it passed along. “7le crops ale entirely destv'nyed, com is levelled lo the earlh.and many ol‘ the l‘armvrs are plucking up lllrll corn and plunling blll‘kwlxral. Crops of 02115. bmlc‘y. &c.. are also deslloyed. The cuulc Sufl‘wed severely ; wlmle [locks uf turkeys were killed; not a pane of glns rv- mains whrre that part; wa: most up!)st to ‘lhe lury of the storm. The hail was very large, some. atones being the size of a hen‘s egg. :everal hailslonés wfere picde up two days after the storm, and Incasurvd from two to three inches in circumference. The damage is immense, and falls severely upon some of the inrmcrs. If potatos escape the rot this year the crop will be unusually large. aml prices. threfore, must below. Before the year is out, wé should not be surprised to we potato: srlling at hulfa dollar per bus hel. nr ewn loas- In Cinrinnatilnst week, potatovs were selling for 60cts. perbushel. :‘ugur is also likcly to be- soon chenprr. The speculation in sugar is over, and prices are beginning to have a downward tendém‘y. Flour is also liki-ly 500nm be much cheaper than at piesent. 'l‘hons‘ands ohm-rel: of flrur hare aheavly been i-onlra. tvd for dpliw-ry at important points at frnm $4.50 per hbl. and upwards, and thr Buflain Commercial ol‘lusi Wednes~ day says that a pent-ct avalanche of mm was expected at the port. no less than 630.- 000 bushvl being than on Ilm way to Bullialo from Chicago aloneâ€"the largest ant-"tint PVCI' known at our time. Such statemems indicate an abundant supply ol‘ food for the coming year â€"Col(mist. To the Editor of the Gazette. SIR,â€"ln looking over the Markham Economist, of the ‘let instant, I saw an ar- ticle headed, “Blazes among his Friends.” I perused it to the end, and was astonished to find that the writer had signed himself, “ Your Own Comet.” I was not aware that the Economist kept a travelling Comet in his establishment; more especia ly, one capable of telling such falsehoods. I will now give you the text :â€"“ You should have been here on Monday last to witness the Celebration) of the glorious Twelfth, ever memorable to the immortal King William.” Yes, Mr. Comet, it is ever memorable to every lover of civil and religious liberty in the British Empire. The Battle of the Boyne gained for Protestants an open Bible, that the wicked and tyranical James the II. would have kept sealed; but,that restitution hurled a tyrant from the throne, and gave to Britain a Protestant Monarch of glorious memory. Look into history and open your eyes, Mr. Comet; massacre after massacre followed in Ireland ; how many were piked at VVexl‘ord bridge, Scolobo‘Auo barn, Lord Edward Fitzgerald's rebellion? 'J‘he noted Daniel U’Connell did all he could to overthrow that Constitution, that is ever dear to everv protestant. Now, sir. I was in Stouflville on the l3th ofJuly, 1857, and of the maSSes that were there, there was not a loud or angry word; and as to the fight which you say took place, there is not one word of truth in the whole statement. There has been a great many false calcula- tions of the whereabouts the Comet would strike, and it was little thought that it would strike Stoufi'ville on the 13th. However, the concussion was very light; the Cornet was no doubt a little hurt when Blazes was hurling his pawerful arguments at his oppo- nents, and calling the attention of the audi- We wish to he diainelly underuood that we will not hold ourselves TBSPOIISIUlB for the opinions of our Correspondents. Also, all Communicanons addressed to thisoffice for l’ublicabon. must be accompanied by the real name ot'lhe \vriier. al~ though ll need not in every case be inserted. CODIL‘IUNICA'I‘IONS.

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