Jung, l857. Junl. 1857 Juno. AUCTIONEER, Opposite the Post Ulï¬ce. Yonge Street, N Omnibus~ leaves tho nbnve Hotel every Morning, (Sundays muepxed.) at 7 o'cluck. for Torumo; returning the same evening. Juno. 1357. WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, Richmond Hill. June. {‘57. XTENSIVE Stabling. and obliging Hosllers always in attendance. Choice \Viues and Liquors. Beer. Porter and Vlrious Summer Beverages. Regalia. Principe. anmm. Manilla and other brands of Cigars and Cheroom. J. W. GIBSON, Boot and Shoe 343 Maker; Opposim J. K. Fulcoubridge'a YONGE STREET. (“CUFF-ND !HLL. June. 1557. g.l.w}‘. An Omnibus to and from Toronto, calls at this Howl. daily. Richmond Hill. June. 1857. Richmond Hill. June 10m. 1857 Richmond Hill. Jun. 1857. June. 18-37 THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage, Wavnm 5» Sleijh Thorn Hill, Juno 91h. l85'l No. RICIIMON l) HILL HOTEL, mm 1 I Goods. 6% Pdnts. &c.. 51¢. MPORTER‘ ofns'ilid) nnd E'unoign DryGoud Wine and Syirix Mv-chml ac" «51c. Richmnnd HI". Junn, 1857. gal-“'3', JAMES NEWTON, Tannerus-nl Currier, Richmond Hill, June. 18 7. June. 1867» June. 1857. In \e. 1851 Homes and Buggies kept for hire. [MPORTBR Ind Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches. Flue Jowollary. EloctroJ’hw. ‘mcy Goods. km. &c. No. 80. Yang. Bho‘ Tomato. GM!) WORKer SENT To wtun'r OF THE coum‘n . m: Highest hicé paid m cm for macs and Ruins. JOHN MCDON' A LD, Chemist and Drug stat, MPOT'I'ER uf Hugh-sh Ddlgs, Soaps. Per fumes. Bruanes. «ï¬e. ). ‘69. Yonge Sh'noL (Oppnsite Shiner Sum-l near Green Bush Tuvorn, Tunou'o. . MPORTERS of' and :apor Hunger“. THORNHI‘LL. Dz. JAMES LANGS’I'AFF, Richmond Hill. Graim‘rs, Gildvrs, Ghlziers, 'ORSES and Buggies in readiness at the Shorten: Notice. LFWK 1 H‘. xii ‘ Richmondfli“. Jul? ‘23. 13,51. m;qu SANDERSUN, vmamanv SURGEON, AND \HJFF Secon- (‘ourl. Ofï¬ce. 11 kinds of .Mirrd Paints, Oils, Gluss, and Putty. JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Cloihier, mm mm, woman 3th. Comer of Yougo nnd Centre Etraels. fluï¬inms ï¬ircctum WARD & Mcmusm'n, House, Sign and Omantental 1H3? CHARLES DURRAN'I‘, (Latr M. Trrl'y) Oppmitn the ‘Vh'uo Swan Inn. Next door 10 G. .‘k B. Burnard'a. JOSEPH KELLER. R1 CHM OA'D 111LL‘ Yongo SL, Richmond Hill, Thorn Hill Hotel, 1091) ACCOMMODATION FOR THE WHITE SWAN Inn, and Livery Stables, VICTORY HOTEL, JOHN GRIEVE, J. W. MILLAR, E B. BARNARD, MAKER. R8 of“ British and American Dry Groceries, Wines. Uquors. Oik. Travellers. nY GOODS. And Illusom'c 11(111, Liquor}. Um dwaxe. 63:: P. C ROSE Y. V lï¬lU‘A UUUAL RICHARD NICHOLLS and 'l‘m d Richmond Hi†ROBERT WISEMAN. JOHN SHXELS. JOS_EPH GABY. Proprietor. G merit“. “'i' Ymprietorl Richmond Hi}! g. l ~wy. Yancy. STREET YONG: S arT Proprietor. g. hwy. 7g-ly. UKVXSIO} Proprietor. g. I -wy. 3.1-wy. 1‘. Oï¬co. g.l.wy. Lnl-dm g. l -W)' . g. l -\V‘ g.l.wy. g.1wy. u-l'wy. g. I -wy. IV June, 1857. Jun-1‘2. ISST. N ramming thanks tn Hm Iuh bilants of I Richmond Hill and Vicinity for their past p3tr0nnge. would also inform them that he i< nnw prepared to supply them \'.‘i£h cvory mlicle in ihn lune, on his usual liberal terms. I? The nccossaly Vm‘iclies for Pic Niel, and Suirecs prepared on the shoncst nolico. June ‘20. 1307 Lducuirn. Algo. French. Music. and Orugmentnl Needle “'ork‘ A Vacancy for One Boarder. S U R G E R. Y. Toronto. June, 11‘67. Particular attention given to the regulnï¬on of Childneu’s 'l‘eckh. WWIEG AMI] HEEPIEE FOR 00D Watches. Clocks. Jewehy. Melodeons. Electra Ware, Silver Spoons. and Specta- cles to suit every right. (I? Watch Clubs in Operation. Wax-ranted Clocks from 905. upwvda. 'l‘orume. June. 1857. 1.3, Blink Bannie Collage. Richmond Hill. Juna, l857‘ LAG. Banner and Ornamental Puinter. Elizabeth Street. Toronto.-Over W. Grif- ï¬th’l Grocery Store. 133’ Conn of Arms. Ind Marv description of Hank! Panning. exacukd with dupaxch. and at umonuble chltpl. Jno. 1867. 3.1: y. CLYDE HOTEL, £12: KING sm: T msr, T0 om. W m" Richmond Hill, June. 1857 CHEAP DryGonds and Millinery, {pgâ€"â€" G0 to R. Cafï¬ron’s, une, 185T (36, King Street East, Toronto, C. IV. ‘ 00D Slabling and Auenlive Hostlars I JUllN MILLS. YON'HNUE m give Instructions in the mun] .1 branches of a solid and useful English Consultations Free. and all Work Wan-ranted mlhcuu'nrc. «ch ~'\u.,'J-. Boarding: and Day Schiml FOR YOUNG LADIES. June. 1557. MPORTEZR Acm-r mu Darling & Aitchison’s comma) Bottled Ale Depot, Dealer in Paper Hangings, Decom- tions, &c- MESSRS. J. 81 W. BOYD, Barristers, &c., NO. 7. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS, KING ST.. TORONTO, Toronto. June mm. 1857. Vol. MRS. 66 THE M‘ISSES CAMPBELL, M A CHINE S, R 1011.77.10.75 IIIEL mo. June “3th. 1857‘ Richmond Hill BAKERY, c. E. FERRY, [House Decorator, Painter, ROBERT J. GRIFFl'l‘H, MORPle BROTHERS IF YOU WANT DAVID ATKINSON, Nov 49, King Street, PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER JOHN MURPHY, 4 Doors West. of Bay Street. 55, YORK STREET. RONTO, C. W. WITH 03 W1 T110 UT OFFL‘A'CE TO JL‘A'DS OR FOEs, I SEE Tug YOUR WORLD EXACTLY AS IT G0ES.â€"By7'on. &c., (Sm. 33?; w. c. ADAMS, M. MORRISON. Agent. 82. Yonge Street. Toronto. g l-\'.'_". CHARLES E. PERRY DEJV’TJII. DOCTOR 3.2-wy. Proprietnr. z- 1 -w)‘- 3.3 ~w_\‘ g] -\i'.\' g.3 -wy. gJ-tm ngy gl-wy l-wy Our readers are aware that Mr. Russel, late the Ttmes’ commissioner in the Crimea. is now delivering In Glasgow his lectures on the war. 'l'hu Gasgflw Examiner gives a reme ol' his lectures. Wt: select a pnssagu. dcscriptive 0f the butth of the Alma, which has all the fire and glow of Mr. ltussd‘s bust style. The sketch is carefully prepared, and its perusal is an intellectual treat :â€" MR. RUSSEL'S DESCRIPTION OF THE BATTLE OF THE ALMA. Our men have gained the opposite bank ofthe river. whose waters were fast losing their clearness, for a few moments halted to form ; the air was ï¬lled with a hurling shower of lead and iron as the infantry and guns play- ed on the slope over which our men must advance. Then that splendid infantry. in one great rush, precipitat- ed itselfon the foe ; and lbeheld with feelings which I cannot express the Light Division, beating. bounding, teaming, like a bloody surge up the aseent, and in a storm of ï¬re, bright steel, and whirling smoke, charge to- ward the deadly epaulment from whit-h came roar and flash incessantly. And now the wounde come stagger- ing back from the combatâ€"their eyes wild with ï¬re, their faces blackened with smokeâ€"ï¬erce with pain. A man ofthe 30th was the ï¬rst: he limp- ed along. with his foot dangling from the ankle, supporting himself on his ï¬reluck. ‘- Thank you kindly, sir,†said he, as I gave him a little brandy, the only dropl had left. “Glory be to God. I crippled and wounded some ofthe Russians before they made an example of me, any way.â€-â€"(Laugh- ter.) But the gallant Light Division who had left in that desperate advance upwards of one thousand men in the ï¬eld, were not to win the ï¬nal honors ofthe day. The enemy. seeing that there was n mere handful of men in- side the Work. got his guns in position on the hills above, and shook our scattered troops by his ï¬re. Then calling in his reserve, he pushed down some four or ï¬ve thousand men in splendid order from the left, so as to W110 SHALL JUDGE A MAN. AND RICHMOND HILL ADVERTISER. “7110 shaH judge a man from manners’l Who shall know him by his dues“ Paupers may be ï¬t for princes, Princes ï¬t for something less. Crumpled shirt and dirty jacket May bvclolhe the gnhh-n ore Of the deepest thoughts and feelingsâ€"â€" Satin vests could do more. God, who counts by souls, not dresses. Loves and prospers you and me, While he values thrones the highest But as pebbles in the sea. Trmh and justice are eternal, Born \viih loveliness and light; Secre' wrongs shall nover prosper While there is a sunny right; God, whose worIdâ€"heard voice is singing Boundless love 10 you and me, Sinks oppression with its (rifles, As the pebbles in the sea. Man, upraised above his fellows, 0ft lorgu-ts his fellows then; Matters, rulers, lords, remnnber That yom meanest hinds are men-- Men by labor, men by feeling, Men by thought and men by fame. Claiming equals riéhts l0 sunshine In a man’s ennolihliug name. There are foam embroidered oceans, There are little Weul‘l cl‘dll ril 5, There are feublc inch-high ~:iplings; There are cvd‘u‘s on the hills. God, “ho counts by souls nut >tntinns, Loves and prmpers you anJ me, For to him all vain distinclions Are as pebbles in the sea. Toiling hands alone are builder; Ofa nation’s weallll and fame; Tittlwd laziness is pensioned, Fed and futlened on the same, By the swmt of olher’s foreheads, Living only to rejoice, “'hilst the poor Outraged Freedom Vainly lii'tet'n up its voice. AN OLD POEM. RICHL‘HUED HILL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1857. Were thought to he Freni-h hr a stall ofï¬cer. He called ontVtIease ï¬r mama-the bugles sounded, and on: men ceased ; but in an instant lltt' enemy Were upon them, and poured in tremendous volleys l'rmn llti'll' «h- ploying columns. It was too late to retrieve the mistake. The RitSsians came down with resolution, and thc mder w: sgivcn to our men to retire to reâ€"form.â€"For the Guards were now seen advancingâ€"a wave of iron crested with steelitAHilause.) The} Were just half way up the slope of the hill when the Light Division was 0h- [mcd to retire ; and on the left houndâ€" ed the Highlanders, whose [tonnets I could see tossing merrily asthcy charg» cd I nwards to meet the enemy. The Duke of Cambridge was in the centre. between the two brigades, lead ng his division into action must gallanlly; but suddenly. the broken ï¬les of part of Codringtmi's brigade sullcnly fall- ing back before the columns of Rusâ€" sians, came right in the centre of the brigade oquards. For a moment the regiment of the centre was thrown into cmilusmnâ€"they Were struck hv an iron slwtver from the guns above them. But their ollicers msth to the frontâ€"the} fought around their colorsâ€"the baty talhons of the right and left nevi'r wavered for a moment, but with searching and withering lire plied the dense bltH‘kS ol' Illf-ttlll‘)’, which melt ed hel'Ore it like snow in sunshine. In magniï¬cent older the Brigade ad- vanrerl once more, and the enemy retiied bcl'ore them towards the cpaut- ment. The crisis of their fate was approachingâ€"On the right of the tinards the line regiments of Evans' division were advancing gallantly, driving the enemy belure them, and forcing the centre, in conjunction with the Division of Prime Napoleon, to which. in its hour of need. they lellt siian guns, winch had so long been drawn up on the ridge near the great cpaulment, again Open. but their fire is feverish and uncertain. The enemy sees that his right is falling back. Retreating, flying in broken masses on the left before the victorious French. he beholds his centre waverg tag, all but tore-ed. Right in front of bin. rolls on the Increasing sea 01' bearskins and bonnetsâ€"bwhind it are lormed now for the ï¬ght those red- eoatrd battallions which, unaided, had all but won the victory. On their" llank presses the weight of those gal-l lant regiments ol' UeLacy Evans-t But our enemies are Worthy of ouri steelâ€"they make one effort more to save their right and to form a pointl, d‘ appui for their beaten left and e. ntre.l Their last reserve, a (-orps ol‘ 5000 nt‘l 6000 men, slowly rise from behind thel hill- Divided into three great i‘ltlllll‘tnsi they descend the slope towards the: advancing Guards. Sharp, angular, and solid, they look like great bloelts‘ ol'granite. but suddenly they haltâ€" the roar of guns which Covered his advance is hushedâ€"the heads of the Columns open lire Nearer and nearer come Guards and Highlanders. For an instant they panse. and them-vie- tory flashed forth in that l'carl'ul vol- ley. (Applause) Thatfearful ï¬ght, like a sabre, cleft the enemy and cut its way by bloody lines to their very hearts. Again, as loud. as sharp. as deadIV, gushes forth the stream of death from the Highland lines. (Great cheering.) The granite blocks fly into pieces, emitting as they do some spat k- les Ol' ï¬re-â€"in an instant they are hot seat ered. flying dust. With a loud cheer. the British soldiers, with their bayonets at the charge. like slime tem- pest charged with lightning, driVes them up the hill, past their battery. over the slope, across the hill top. The cavalry and horse artillery gallop up by the ridgeâ€"4m a moment the roar of the canon is heard again as it hurls the globes of iron upon the chem), spreading Over the country in broken irregular masses~their re- treat, however covered by a body (it horse. Then their silenceâ€"a ringing cheer which made one’s heart leapâ€" such pagan to the God of Battles as we may think-,ol'foreVerâ€"then a SOlllnl‘y gun boom:d in the distance. This was victoryâ€"the Battle of Alma is won.â€"(Loud applause.) ulfccluul aid. 01) [he left {d'thu guards. wilh their left shoulder fnrwnrd. .5†Colin Cnmth’s brigade czunc Up, lightâ€" ly, silently, and stcrnly. The Rus’ Though we seem grieved at lhe shortness of life in gen'ural. we are wishing every period uf it at an end. The minor longs to be of age ;-aud then to be :1 mad of business ; then to take up an estate ; to arrive at houorq; :heu to retire.-â€".&ddison. There are recanted, in the histnr} nfntnnltind, runny words with which cvct‘ htlth is :tr'quainted. and in the imminent-8s of which everybody he lieves. Sometimes the whole signiï¬- t'nllttll ot‘ a great event lies. so to say. hidden in them. They give vent to a r-mntnnn and public feeling. and there- lhre they are accvpted by high and tow. with 110 more distrust than the that itself to which they refer. Antiquity has transmitted to sm- ceeding ages many words. both simple and sublime. worthy ofthe deeds of the heroes ofthe time. ln this case, inquiry is of no avail, and we must ac» ccpt all such sayings as truthful tra- .ll' us. All we are able to do is, to examine whether the words attribut- ed to Alexander, Pericles, Cineinnatus or Caesar, are worthy ol'these great “wit; and n we ï¬nd they could have said so. why. they did say so. But, happily or not for the time of the tnnderns, historical criticism is there less difï¬cult; and it is really curious to inquire whether the words whit-It are attributed to high persons, especi- ally to crowned heads, -ere truly uthrrtrd by them. No history abounds more than that of France in historical sayingsâ€"in [no/S. us the Ft‘cnvh say; and in no other country does :1 single word, when appropriate I'- thc circumstances, rm» ducc so muvh sensznion. Yet it so happens, that scarcely any of these Famous mols are authuntic ; and, slrange as h may seem. it is precisely those Ihul :Iry received without quus- mm that are the most faisc. Who has not read in the appalling history of theexcculinn oanuis XVL the beautiful SCIHCDCU nut in the month {the Abbe Edgewmth when the uni fortunate monarch was on the point of receiving the deadly blow of the guillo- tine; "Son nt'St. Luuts. ascend to lleuven !" Have We not all: on hear- ing these pinus and exalted words, been touched to the heart; and dizi one of us even doubt the accurat-y ot' the record? The pnest must him- said so, is the common notion. Not only did all the important historians ul the French Revolution, M. Thiers in- cluded, vouch for the accuracy ot‘thnt >(:ct)e, but, whether in the hut or tit;- palace, in the home 0!" the repuhhr-nn Or of the I'nyahst, ev eryhndy takes the words of the Abbe Edgeworlh for :1 01‘ [Le Place de la Revolution. And yet. in Spite 01' than, publiu declaration. the touching l'urewull is still repealed again and again. For critics. it is nu more an historical, but the rest 01' (hr; nutinn mks it as such, and thumb)- give: cxprcsï¬un mcxcly lo their own fesling. gramch truth. And.ncvm~the|ess. the worthy clergyman declared publicly in writing. more than thirty years agn. [hut the words were amereinventinn . he nuvcr uttervd them on the scaffold It Would be an easy task to demon-- straw that the gl'cillel‘ number of lhc words put in the mouth of Nupohgou Bmmpurle are “willing but pupulnr ï¬ction. But go to lhc farm and the workshop ', 1hcre,the(:ry uflhe s -mr§ â€"" And it‘you are the Pvzit (.‘uparul. you shall not pass"â€"â€"m\d other fumihur disunurscs benvcen lhe mighlv emper- or and his ufl'culionme suldlcrs. an: more readily believed lhun the address at Ihc fun! of the Pyramids or [he :ldicu (M'Funminchlcau. There exist thivk volumes full of apncryphal Napnlcnn anecdotes: in this respect. he is infer- inr In none not even to Frederick lhv Great of Prussia. There is also a word commonly at: tributed to the celebrated General Kleber, who succeeded Bonaparte in Egypt as commander-in-ehiefl and who is said, by nearly all lhe historians. to have flattered the future dictator by eXItluiming: " You are as great as the Wurld.†The H'th is, that [by simple and lleruic Kleber never ulter- ed xhese words yfur he. like his repub- lican colleagues, Desuix and Alexandre umus, t'orészm' and feared lhc ambi- nous hesigns of lhc lalentcd Corsican. General Aluxnndre Dumas a! lens!â€" lhu iulhcr of the illustrious romance- writcrâ€"ulwuys denied lhe slulcmcnt; and it is certain that he. the gallant friend of chbcr. Dcsuix. Augcrcuu. had always kept these words in mind! But. here again, we must declare that this promising sentence was never uttered. The famous Talleyrand, of running mvmnry. had in the evening of that eventful day a rather select party assembled at 'his hotel, and ask- ed the company as a matter ofr‘oursa: “ What did the prince say?" The gene: al anSWer was: " Nothing atall.†" But,†exeiaimed the sly diplomatist, " he must have said something ;†and addressing a “ell-known political writ- er. he continued : "B , you are a wit; go into my closet and make a mat." B went, and came back three limes ; his wil was at fault, and his ideas did not satisfy the company. At last he returned a iomth time, and pronouncad with triumphant emphasis the above mentioned patriotic words ; “ Nothing is changed in France; there is only one Frenchman more." Tal- Ieyrnnd applauded : the Due d’Artois had found his mot; and the next day the pnpers made it known to the world, and, as an old French author says. " in the manner history is written. many yearn ago a few miles from Cambridge ; and having several times omen preaching against drunkenneSS. some of the Cambridge s<1holui‘s(con- science. whirl) is sharper than ten thousand witnesses. being their moni- tor) were very much offended, and thought he “Hide reflections on them. Some little time after, Mr. Uodd was Walking towards Cambridge, and met Stunt) of me gownsmen, who, as soon .‘IS they saw him at a Llhlilntié’. resolv- C(l to make some ridicule of him. As soon as he came up. they accostr-d him with "your servant. Sir!" He re- plied, " your servant gentlemen." ‘l‘liey'nsked him if he had not been preaclringzvcry much against drunken- ness of late? He answered in the zillirmniive. They then told him they had a favour to beg ot'him. and it was that lie tmuld preach a sermon to them ill-iPR’iF. iron: :1 text they sliotrld choose. He argued that it was an imposition, for a man ought to have some consid- wration bcl'ore preaching. They said they would not put up Will] a denial, :illd ins sled upon his preaching im- mediately (in a hollow tree which stood in the roadside) from the word M. Di. L. T. He then began, -‘ Beloved, ilet me crave your alto! tion. I am a little manâ€"come at a short noticeâ€"to ‘Pt'ultcll a short sermonâ€"from a short ltextâ€"Io :1 thin congregationâ€"in an unworthy pulpit. BClUVL’d, my text is Malt. Ieannot divide it into sen- tences. there being none ; nor into words, there being but one; Imust therefore. ofnceessity divide it into ‘letters, which i find in my text to be these fourâ€"~M. A. L. T. BLâ€"is Some folks are silly ennugh to dis- regard ml and ndvive. unless he who gnu-s il l|V€S fully up In his own pre- ce ts. This is just about as smart a! ll vmuld be in a n-nwllar to worn the directions of a ï¬nger-post. unless it drew its one lug nut oflhe ground and ho‘wped after its own ï¬nger. Ihiiig spnken of is Malt. 'I'hc Ihing mcum is the spirit of Malt, which yuu rustics make, M-â€"_\'nur meal, .\â€"-)‘0ur Appzlrcl, Lâ€"-â€"yuur Liberty, and Tâ€"your Trust. " The LHerul is according to the letters. X‘Iâ€"NIHCII, Aâ€"Aic! Lâ€"i.illiu " The 'l‘hcnhigicui is. according to the elfccls it Wurlis, in some, Ailâ€"Murder. in nthcrs, Aâ€"Aduhcry. in ail. 11â€"â€" Lnnsencss ofliliu, and in many, '1‘â€" Treachery. "I shall conclude the subject, ï¬rst. by way ofexhortalion. Mâ€"my Mus- lers, Aâ€"AH ofyou, LPâ€"Lislen,'I'-â€"-'i‘u my Text. Second, by way ofcaulim), Mâ€"my masters. A-â€"AH of you, Lâ€" Lonk for. Tâ€"lhe Truth. Thirl, hy ‘ The pebbles m and make us fnnl racks Hull «\niy n surmount. Mnrul. way of cmnmunivalmg the Truth. uhich is [his :â€"-A drum and is me an- mhvam-c ofmoucsly ; tlu spoilofcivil- ity. the destruction “1' reason; the robber's agent; thc ahrhuusu'a bunc~ fun-101'; his wife's mrrnw ;' his child- ruu’s troubles ; his mum shame. his Ileiuhbnurs stuff; a wuikingswill-bowl; the puzlul‘u nfa beast ;' and the mons- lcr ofa mun !" “ The Moral, i510 teach you rustics good manners ; thereï¬u‘e Mâ€"my mag- M‘s. Awall of you, Lâ€"lcaVe oï¬", râ€"Tippling. “ 'l‘h‘: .‘Ulcgoricnl is, when one thing 5 spoken of. and :molhcr meant. The Mr. Dodd was a minister who live A QUAI‘NT SERMON. IS A|Iegnricad i‘henlugical. (my path weary us sure. mm'e1hnn the quire a hold effort to No. 10. _'The cost of Trinity Church. New York, L: set down :10 $400 000 ; and Grace Church cost about $11-00 000. .,..The~ potato cropin the South of Eng- !and is taid to be greatly infected already by the old disease, the rot. ....The present population of Kansas, as as. certained by the census inst taken, exceeds 70000. No Territory ever before had so rapid a growth. ....Potatoes are selling in Cincinnati at 25 cents a bushel. The Cleveland Herald says that it lfeard on Saturday ofan offer 10 con- n‘act to deliver one thousand bushels at twenty cents, in digging lime. ....Potatoes are fast declining in price. In New York the markets are full of new Pota- toex at sixty cents per bushel. From pr:- sent appearances the yield of potatoes will be extremely large. .-...The earnings of the Great Western Raiiway Company for the week ending 3lst July_~amounted to $33 916, being $4,436 less than the receipts of the corresponding week of18f'26. When Geo. Peabody, the millionaire: was 12 years of age he paid for his lodging and brrakfast at a hotel in Concord, N. H., whm-e he stopped while on his way to Ver- mont, by sawing wood. ....The city of Portland has expended $60,- 000 in providing wllarves for the Great Eastern. It has also consented‘to forego the charge of ’75 cents per bead' upon all passer- ge‘rs arriving in port, 30 far as relates to those ticketed through by the Grand Trunk ) .allway. ....All dogs running at large in New York are lodged for a few days in pound, and then kiHed, ifnot redeemod by the owners. From the 1'7lh of June to the 13th of July, 2,000 have been ah'eady destroyed. ....The iron horse now pursues his way with ouz siop or important deflation from a direct éine from Bangor, Maine, to Jefferson city, Missouri, 3 distance of a ï¬ttie over seven- teen hundred milesâ€"hair as far as from New York to London-4n three days. ----Tbe Cobom‘g Sun savs flmt James B, Fortune. Esq., has been appointed to theâ€" Slirievalty of the united Counties of Na)!- :humbm‘llnd and Durham, mnnt‘ b'y tï¬t resignalion of H. Ruttan, Esq., who tor “it lengthened period of thirty yeats. has ï¬lled this very respoumble ofï¬ce will) credit lo him- sel and very general satisfaction to- the- pub: lic. suzed are being subscribed, and she herself 1an been detected at various places at one and the rame time, while numerous sailing vessels have borne her to a foregin country. Misc Smth is residing with her parents and family at Rowa‘eyn 1n strict‘seclminn, the slate of her mother’s health giving riae in the tamin circle to considerable anxiety. It is not unlikely that she may remove out of the country for_some monthgand that. Mr. Smith will return to Glasgow, where his character and suffering: will insure for him the respect and sympathy of his fellow citizms of all classes. Miss Smith have believe, written to the chaplain (f the Edinburgh prison in mast becoming terms, thanking him for his attention. was £72,‘)67,82l 123 5d., against an expen- diture of £71,756,710 123 )0d. Excess of income over expenditure £311,111’65 7d. - A parliameniary papengiving an account of the public income and expenditure of the United Kingdom for the year ended Junr, 1857. has just been published. The income ----The aborigines of Australia have a no- tion that gfter death they rise again in the natural world, and become white people- They are now very fond, of inloxeating liquorsâ€"so fond, tha' if told they will soon die, they reply, “ Me don’t care, me jump again white man. with plenty of sixppnce for drink.†----The Great Western Railway has com- pleted the erection of a Depot of most liber- al dimensions and style, at the Suspension Bridge, an the Canada side. There are :Wenty-thl‘ee rooms in the depot, each adapted to some special purfose in the econ- nmy of the establishment. Every room is furnished with pure water for \vm‘hing and drinking, brought dawn by asimple hydraulic arrangement from above the Falls. ....VVe learn from a late English paper that Her Majesty’s Government required a ship immediately to carry 400 male convicts from pin-,v‘land to Freemanlle, W'eslern AUStria1ia_ Perhaps a more remarkable set of convicts ismagrauhs rdaï¬ng {0 this young person, sent us for insertion, some original, and others cut out of various jnuxmls, have pnsiiivebr become a nuisance. Teï¬timonizfls, we are as- ...,Tl)c following is the latest intelligence of Miss Madeleine Smith, copied from the Scottish Press, received by the Persia: The never left England at one time. Amongst in: 4-00 will be found Sir John Dean Paul, Hraizan, and Bates, the fraudulent ba‘nkers, mnbson. the. Crystal Palace forger, Red- ath, who committed the great gold robbery m the Great Northern Bailway, and several athers of the same class. Miscellaneous Items.