‘I p mum: the rumor current on Friday afternoon. ' instruments were up to and of which our informant was told by the party was in passpssinn nf the Insurgents. who took Sanderson into custody. For the aka but it was genvmny believed in LO.,_ of our common humanity we may congratulate do" that it had fallen. V ourselves that the report is falseâ€"if it i: so. At The mutiny is> wide-spread and ap- the manic time. this addition to the fearful arnnunl pears ,0 have afl'cchmi [he wimp, afcrinre. With the I'PCU'IIH of which the press daily Be"an awn.“ teema. points with startling signiï¬cance to the frightftilly demoralizing offsets upon socrety ofthc Indiscrlitrirmle licenses rile granted. and (hose nurserl' s and huterdx of vicv rnannrr in which and crimeâ€"low groggnriesâ€"nro legally permittcd 3nd fathered. If our authorities were to grant licenses only with regard to public convenience. not as scoured of, revenue. much would be done to remove the WI. ARRIVAL on THE isntAN. chasrzc. August 10. -‘1 The Canadian marl steamship In- "pips ï¬nd been enummqi m “numflmhle _C01m,,-s,_ . and llepor; many of the Europeans. ’escaped. dian. Jones, commander, arrived in port at 9P. M. on 9th inst.. with ad- vices from London and Liverpool to 29th July. In addition to full cargo she brings 103 cabin passmrgers, and 180 steer- age passengers. . . ENGLAND. HOUSE OF, Commons Monday Evening. Mr. D’lSl'Htfll b ought forward a mo. tion relative to the state of affairs in India“ ,It resulted in an address to the * ’een pledging support to the Gov- . _ Richardson, Spence dz. Co. report » ARRIVAL OF THE CANADA. rtment in the Indiundifl’iculty. Troops are being shipped for India with every despair-h. 7 Baron Rothschild returned to Par- liament for the city of London. No opposition. United States frigates Niagara and Susquehanna sailed for Cork with telegraphic cable. Rumors that Napoleon was assas- ilyatcd prevailed in London on the 261]] causing funds to decline. Later acoounts from Paris do not mention any such outrage. LATESTâ€"INDIA. The America arrived at Trieste on 28th of, July. at‘ 9 A. M. She left Alexandria on the '23rd July. Theilndian mails left Alexandria on the morning of the 23rd, with advices from Calcutta to the 215tJune; Mm dras, 28th June; Ceylon, [st July; Bombay. Ist July ; and Hang Kong, 10th June. The mutiny had continued to spread among the troops oftbe Bengal army- The ex-KingofOudc had been ar- rested. and with hisminiswrs has been imprisoned in Fort W'illiam. The Government has obtained proof of his (:tgltllt‘lly in the cons] iracy. to the 17th of .Iunc General, Barnard had repulsed chet‘fll sortics front Delhi, with heavy losses to the insurgents. He was waiting for rein- t'uac mentsfrom Madras. It is positively stated that Delhi has b on captured. but the intelligence is not conï¬rmcd'from Bombay, and seems premature. An act has been passed by the Leg- islature placing the Indian PreSs under a license system. The Native troops at Cal ‘utta and the brigade at Barrackporc have been quietly disarmed. An uneasy feeling prevails at Mad- ras but the army of that presidency and that ofBombay are both without the slightest sign of disafl'ection. A CHINA. The Chinese fleet has been destroyed inï¬rm severe engagements; the Chi- nese fought their guns with unr-xam- plcd constancy. We have eighty- threc men killed and wounded. Ma- jn Kearny was killed in the last en- g. gément. Jonrmodore Keppel and the Master oftlte Raleigh have been tried for the loss of that vessel, and acquitted. ‘ All is quiet in the North. The prices of tea had advanced both at Too-choo-Foo and at Shanghai. LON DON MARKETS. London money was in active demand and the Bank of England was daily losing specie. Consols have declined, and were quoted at the cl0se on Tues- dav. 90Is a 915 for money ; 90§s for account. The decline was caused by adverse news from India. â€"‘ e. HALIFAX. August 11. The steamship “Canada,†from Liverpool, arrived this PAL Bireudstuffs very quiet; weather favorable ; harvest prespects good. our quiet and steady, wheat an eragc business without quotable moire. Corn quiet; white advanced hi on the week. Richardson Broth- ers uote wheat declined 1d a 2d. A l the vessels composing _the ex- pedition for laying the Atlantic Tele- graph Cable had arrived at Cork. A telegraph despatch from Cyrus W. Field. Esq-.1“ Queenstown, dated alst ult., states that the cable had been joined the previous evening and a message sent through its entire length in less than a second. 'I he shore rope was to be landed and the vessels commence sinking the cable on the 3rd and 4th inst. if the weather prove propitious. . ' The race for the Goodwm Cup cane off on the 30th. There were fourteen entries, including the Ameri- can horses. Pryor and I‘ryoress who came in 5th and 61h respectively. The details of the Indian news tirincher London on the evening of the 3 A letter from Madras, dated June 27th. stated that Delhi had fallen. ' At the latest authentic accounts Ten thousand additional troops hnu' been nrtlul‘trtl It) lliilii]. Great alarm prevailed at Calcutta. where it is barred the mnssulrnzrn pop- ulation had formed the ill-sign of rising and taking possession ol‘lln: city. The inhabitants kept themselves armed. and the hotels and principal places were garrisoncd by sailors belonging to ships in the River. There is some anxiety about the Nisnnas country. as the Is! Regiment ofcavalry had minim-d. and great atro- FUR'I‘Htlifl DETAILS 0F THE ‘VAR l:\' ('HIN‘A On the 27th May 13 jurrlts were de- strnycd. and on the 28m. 27 heavily armed junks wen,- t‘nplut‘t'd. On the 8th of June QHOO British forces captured a fort. and took or destroyed 1‘27 jnulis, mounting over 900 guns, with 9000 men. FRANCE. The trial of the Italian conspirators was to take place onth:~61hor81h inst. Lablachc, the famous Italian singer, is dead. It is stated that the haerst in France surpasses expectation. Is is stand that a ,Q'cnllcmrn of Illinois has a ï¬eld of wheat which t'l'lt'lUSt‘S 3 000 acres in which were livelt‘e reaping machines at work at the same time. The Harbour Commissioners of ll'Iontrvnl have caused six ladders to be plade at four different whart‘es and piers. Fifteen falli- oms ofline are attached to each ladder. so that passers-by can at once cast out the end of the line to any person who may have fall- en into the water. A man named Stephens has been robbed and murdered at Leavenw-rt‘n. His mur- derers have been lynched and their autom- plicrs were, at last accounts, on trial before "oT‘tTï¬ise a't‘é are for samba-44H"?- 7 States Govcrment has, of late. found gr?“ difficulty in procuring sailors to man tbt‘it‘ ships. Tbi- Cltnrlcslon Courier mentions several uriouc facts in relatimi to the administratim‘ fpcnnl law in, Scuth Carolina. It, Say~_ ‘inl a negro killing a negro its less linl‘ile 1r witnl prinisl‘rnrrnt tha‘rr‘h 'white man who ha“ . killed a white man.- ï¬nd that. 'a white man lillllllfl a negro is more liable to puniihrru‘nt than one who has killed a white man. The (Winner ascribes llgfe facts to'mcrcy i0- ward~ tlranegro. discriminating in liismfavor in prcfcrvnï¬v t‘o‘llw \Vbite. Nonsense! if is the commircial valui- of the ncg‘t‘fl. It is vhw'tl for a Snuthern Judge and .11er to ur- (hr the annihilation ofa thousand dollars 0i capital bv stringing up a negro culprit 'Ihnt’s the extent of mercy to the negro. The necks of white murderers are not so val- \ corrcspml'lvltl oftlrc New York HM- n/// at llio dc .Ianciro. writing; on the 'Qï¬'th ,.lunc, <:\\‘\2 «The Government of Brazil baa. lshown a. hostile a disposition tnuav-d \laytll‘v as England, and has concentrated ard ex- crviw'l her pr Wt'l‘ for i's total ~ttnp~c~siun ‘Americ . l and lit] opt an idi as as .0211 ‘(ls com- merce ind a;ricnlllt'nl nt‘t'ai‘ccrncnt are now inseparahly (inllllt'CL d and developed with us, 5 and are producing a crop as if they had been ittiliy'nrttts. Eurnpcan capitalists continue to invest. dwell and manufacture here : internal improvements are on the incl-paw. and lands and water ant-‘r lrcretrfnre ns««lcss. are be- iing‘ brought into successful and prosperous hearing. The United Starr»: stareship “Supply,†will sail for New York in a. few d; ys. FnEE GRANT Lorrs In ICALADAR.â€"â€" \lr. I‘Jb--ncz.:r Perry, the Crown Lands Agent for the s»ttlcrncnts on the Addington load. gives a most encouraging account of the crops of the settlers. Rye six feet four inches high, and 'l'imotby grass four feet and a half. both being the third crop taken all the same ground Without plottghingdhe grain being sown earh successive ycarand harrow- ed in. Oats, Corn, and other grains, alsol Potatoes. Cabbage. &.c., all prorni~e a large return, while back in the Madawaska'l‘errb tory there are lands which have produced ten successive crops of Oats, and their preâ€" sent one could not he surpassed. This is a most encmtraging View of these lands, and may be implicitly relied upon, the slandch I 17011 THE COUNTYOF '\‘,[.0'l‘l(‘E is herelr‘y‘mvcu:tlmtcn Elm“... .'l'c;.chcrs propagated of this litre country to the conâ€" trary notwithstanding. Mr. Pcrry‘s able and energetic endeavors to develops and bring to light the resources of this line country. in an eminent degree bear witness to the. discrimination‘ol' the (iovcrrrmvnt, in Selecting him for the Crown Lands, Agent in thvse new seltletncnts. On every hand we bear the most flattering testimony of Mr. l’erry’s managemwut of the agency,and those who have visited the lands fo ' the pu pose of selecting locations for settlement. speak in the highest terms of the attentions they receive and the obliging dispmitinn of Mr. P. and his assistantsâ€"Commercial Advertiser. a Vigilance Committee. These e-ninrnt supporters oflaw and order. Gov. Vl’a'ker and Judge Lecompte, tried in vain to pacrfy the people. The circumstances of the case are not given. The O.-on0 Sun inforrnes us that the bar- vest in that l0cality promises to be Very abundant. The fathers have generally beâ€" gun to cut their wheat, which promises to be a very far.. yield. “"3 have heard of some fields as likrly to yield from forty to for'y lite bushels per acre. Theic isy ta quantity of grass uncut. Some of the hay has been1 seriously injured by, the rains, but a good quantity has been saved without damage. THE WHEAT CROP IN FOITHERN NEW YORK.â€"â€"In Ontario and Livrngston counties-formerly the wheat region of the entire Gaussee country, the crop for this year is a total failure. A small exception may be granted in favor of the Mediterranean v.1- riety, but there is hardly enough of that to make the exception important; and we may t erelbre as well say that the loss is total,as to hope for any mitigation of the calamity, from the cause referred to. Ofcourse it is the in- sect whatever its name, that has done the mi~- chief, although the rust has subsequently d4:- stroyed the straw in many ï¬elds ; so that the farmer is to realize nothing f0r himselffor his animals, from this important source. The ca- lamity is truly most lamentable. And its worst feature is, its presprctive permenancc. Will the Weevil either leave, or be destroyed? â€"are very important queries to the farmers of VI’Estern New Yorkjust at this time; to say that our glorious region is to have no more of the gold: n harvestswhich have so charmed the eye, and gladtlened the heart hitherto, is to say asad word indeed. But present facts 'c must be gainsayeddrowever our hope may be flattered as to the future. The wheat crop is destroyedâ€"Rochester Union. We have been informed that near the vil- lage of Wellington, in the county of Prince Etlward,t.bere hate been taken almost in- credible numbers of white ï¬sh so favorably known in Canadian and American market» A few days ago one St'I.tP,ata haul, broasht in over forty (lionsandâ€"rnouglt to make 250 barrels: value at least £2575 currency, ifthe curing be done perfectly. This story is not exaggerated, and ,many lesser hauls yet of ng-at magnitude could be mentmned. Swindling, and the crime of misappropriaâ€" ting money seems to become more common every dry. The New York fIrraid of the 11th in taut. states that the barki-cper of the Howard Hotel, in New York, who has bat-n living like a prince tor the last scvrn years. was brought before Justice Vl'elsh. at the, Police Court, on the previous day, on the] charge of embezzling from time to time some $20,000. The accused kept fast company and fast horses, although his salary was only $25 per month. The joint commission appointed by the United States and Great Britain to run or mark the boundary line of the nurth west coast; as settled by the Asbburton Treaty,! has proceeded to the discharge of that duty. The line 01 forty-nine, which was ï¬xed upon, as a compromise, does not extend to the Pa- , J. N. REID, , _ _ , HYSICIAN&SURGEON- ctï¬c, bv which extensron it. would embrace a large part of Vancouver’s Island, but makes a detour southerly through the middle of tl.e channel which separates the continent from Vancouver’s Island, and through the Straits of Fuca in the Paciï¬c Ocean. Corner of Yonge and Centre Streets, ’l‘hornln'll. August 14, 1857. g1 O-tf RUMOHR’S PATENT ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MILL. THE undersigned having purchased R. Losaon’s Patent Mill. is now prepared to manufacture any quantity of them, at his factory. Markham Village; and any person infringing on the above Patent originally invented by Richard Losson, will be prosecuted according to law. ' M. H. RU MOHR. WONDERFUL Escapeâ€"On Friday af- ternoon last, Mr. Doirerty, tinsmith, of George Street, hearing the cries of a boy in distress, went towards a well a short dis- tance off, trom which the cries seemed to proceed; and to his astonishment saw a. little fellow in the water struggling and shouting for aSsistance. He immediately lowered the bucket, Into which the boy got and was Augusm' [857' gm'sm' - ' f . ' . . . dawn up in sa ety The boy had lor some Fire 1 Fire ! 1 Fire I z : reason got in-ide ofthe Well box, and losing his balance, fell in. It is surprising that be was . . . w E sâ€"Tâ€"E R N not dashed to ptecas In Ill“ descent, as the Well is nearly thirty feet from the surface to the INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. water.â€"Leadcr. INCORPORATED FY ACT 0" PARLIAMENT. ‘cart'rar. s'rocx, £100,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. THE MtDcE.â€"-VVe received some heads of wheat yesterday, sent front the farm of R. H. Warren, Esq, Niagara Township, all badly affected by rust. and none of them apparently containing tnore than two or three sound grains of wheat, the rest having been destroyed by the larvae of the wheat fly or m date. The whole sit beads would scar-ct - ly weigh so much as one brad of ordinarily 100d sound wheat. Judging from these gpecimens, we should say that if the whole field were the same. it would not yield more than two or three bushels per acre, and that 01 very poor quality. We hear'that a-good rmny ï¬elds in that quarter are in a similar courtroomâ€"Colonist. The United States Navy, in November, 1856. consisted of 11 ships of the line, 13 frigates, 19 sloops of war, 8 brig-s, l schoon- er, 7 screw 5 earners of the ï¬rst class, 1 r the seer nd class, 2 of the third class, 3 sid . wheel steamers of the first class, 1 ol tle P I N E W 0 0 D: : second class. 5 of the third class. 4 steam' FOR SALE. tenders, 5 store ships, andil permanent re- For term. apply to ML Tflos‘ COOPER calving; vessels. Total, 7:) vessels carryrng' Thomhm. . 2,343iguus. But We are not told how many Thomhm Anywhnj 1357. | Tues. Hawoara. V. Pres. Rice Lewis. George Michie, J. N. Robin ta. Walter Macfsrlane. ll? Head Ofï¬ce, Church Street, Toronto. THIS Couranv Insures all descriptions of Buildings, Illanufactories. Mills, 6Lc.. and Goods and Furniture. in the came, against less or damâ€" age by fire. on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. A. LAW, Y General Agent. glO-Iy .l. C. Gtuiort. Pres. Wm. Henderson. James Leask, Hugh leler. Residence, Richmond Hill, June 13.1857. ONE HUNDRED CORDS 01" gm... ‘ ... 5 p0? COMMON SCHOOL TEACHERS." rYORK v~_ Meeting of the Ichrd of Public Instruction 'or the County of York. will, he held-mi Monda‘ .nd Tuesday. the 17th ‘81. lSth of Aurvust next ,, n, “.51., at the Court House in the thitvot’To rents '. at Richmond Hill on the some drive an! h,.nr; and at Newmnrket: on the same dark- nm’ hour. for the exalttiuw'iun of ,(‘nmiuon ‘Schnn "l',.acl\ars' whose Cirtifrl-ntes will expire on th‘ 30,}, Sept, 1857'. end nl~o f0. »all who intern‘ becoming Teachers during the ensuing mm. m. vim“, at a resolution oftlie ll mid. unnn mourl' Edmund, to the effect that in order to rai~e tltP 51:111tlflld of Common School lidncatinn; al now holdier ï¬rst-class (‘ci' ï¬cntt'S, are required to prewnt themselves for re-emnti nation. at rho lime nhot'e stand: and all T achâ€" mâ€"g pittesniing t‘vr-nrselvcs for examin tion :W‘ “\qnirod to produce ('er'tificate< of tnmnl c arrrCâ€" in from their rc~prcnve rninikter-s. also Ceruï¬ mp... (mm the Trustees of the School in which they were last engaged. JOHN JENNINGS, Chairman. City Toronto. w July 4,1857- g5 La ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe. Maker, DJOIN’IN'G the»; VVeirleyan Methodist CIN- pel. Yonge Sjrect, leirnond Hill. I, A choice selection of Gcntlcnrens’, Ladies’ and ‘ Childrcns' Boots and Shoes constantly on hand, and made to order on the Shortest Notice. Richmond llill. .lnne l‘lth. 1857. g,lw,y, D R Y L U M B E R I TEEFY has a small quantity of TWO llyl. INt'll PLANK for-sale. Richmond Hill. July 10. 1857. gS-Qin London Dock Vaults. GRAND, BROS, MPORTERS of \Vincs, Spirits and British Beers, in “loud and Bottle. Ilj' V.\UL1‘!.â€"-Ullt'l6r the Globe Office, Street West. Toronto. King June. 1857. g.1-wy. OXEN FOR SALE. HE Sub~criber begs to inform the Public. that he has for sale 'I‘WO YOKE OF‘ CH \THAM OXEN, Which will be dispened of very cheap for CASH. JOIIH LANGSTAFF. g8-tf July 99, 1867' $50 REWARD ! DIONEY LOST! ETVVEEN Richmond Hill and Aurora, on I SATURDAY. 18th July. aroll of Bills. enclosed in a part of a Ncwspaper. and tied with a white string. Whoever will return the above to Eliza- beth Cutting. 3rd Concesï¬on King, Lot '29. or to \V. Trurlgcon. Guzr'tteflfl'ice, Richmond Hill, tvrll receive the reward of $.30. longs Street. July 20. 1857. 7g-3t J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker. PPOSITE A. LAW’S, Youge street, Rich- mond Hill. - Ladles’ and Gentlernons' Boots and Shoes. made utter the latest styles. August 6. 1857. LETTERS IN {ichmond Hill P. 0. ON 1st AUGUST 1857. A. 1B. . . .Brassil, James , C. Cosgrove. Bernard Coupland Wm. Cook, Thomas (Registered) D. E. gQ-Gm. Allen, J. N. Broddle, James. ‘ Basingtwait \Nm. ., Doyle, Thomas Edmonds, Joel Elliat, M. A. G. Guinan, John (2) H. Howttt Robert Horncr Jacob Harrison H. 8!. J. Hewison, Robert Harding Hust, Wm. I. L. Little, Wm. _ , Lawrence. John C. ,Langstaï¬, John Lawrence, Rev. G. Iredale, Wm. Law, Miss Harict Lee, Reuben, "Lawrence Mr. G. Mulllrolland, John 1 Mansï¬eld, Otven Mason’s, Free Secretary of Richmond Hill Lodge Miller, M. II. Mills, Wm. Marsh, Alexander McLeod, Miss Jessie McNaughton D. McAntyre, Neil McCallum, John Nix, Thomas Plunket, P. .oruz Quautz, George - '21 Robertson,Jobn Rutledge, Elizabeth (I) Sanderson, H. (-1.) Story, Hannah Simpson, James Stitt, James Stanton, George Sitters, R. (‘2) Smith, Hugh Simpson, Vl'illlam Sturensou,2lo$eph Thompson, Isaac T wigg,‘ \thliam V- W ‘ Vl'ilmot, Peter Wilson, Henry “’alsh Mr. Vandel'rurg,‘Peter~ \Vebster, Beckhatn Vl atson, Martha Wilson, Thomas Wilson, J. _ M. TEEFY, [3m] ‘ ' C11 1' DI’I‘. (‘onnn'vz and convinced that a dncerning publn: they can effect asaving from 15 to '20 per com on the armage on Goods they usually require. Richmond ‘llill, July‘23. 1857. “’i'lington, John Postmaster.,1uly.1857. . V , y, ,_ luau-L U314-1.thdyiEdiAli’lhElï¬ï¬‚lE. ‘HE Business hitherto carried on by G at RICHIUOND IIILL,trn(ler tlzc style of G. & B. BARNARD,was dissolved . . the 'Jtlllr June. by limitation and mutual consent htir numerous Customers and Friends for lltr'ii' rum The Business at Richmond Hill will in future - nncaw‘r. at all timcf. to merit the panonnv-e so lilrernllV cxtended to the late Firm. The Shop has can rc-pnintcd and much inrt‘lruvod‘fnnd a new and nice Assortment of Goods are daily receiving. ad when corrrpleled'. will be found a la-gc and well selected stock. which will be sold much under no usual prICcs. G. A. BARNARD having determined on doing A ’CASH 'BUSINESS OR SHORT _CREDlT I Which he will limit to all new Accounts SIX MONTHS, payabie promptly on the let October Ile will make inducements to Customers more tangible than by ind lst April of each \ear. utmde time. by adoring them Goods from IS to adhering striCll‘ to the old motto S.“ A LL PROFITS A ND All pxsr our. A counts, to the late ï¬rm, not paid by the 15m of Julywill be put in Suit. Richmond Hill. June 30, 1‘57. ‘30: JUST RECEIVED. ' ~â€" Assovvsuaam Port'en'. 2‘ ,BARN ARD Truentan, Hanf‘bury 6:, Co_, 1:: Bottles and drought. P‘m ’“ mes‘ g Fine‘old Wines: Ru~gundyr H‘ennesey & Martell's Pale Brandy. Dekuvper’s Gin. Fine Old Tom. mtqu s. BENJAMIN : and they beg to return their sincere thanks to support. ‘ 1.. carried on by G. A. BARNARD, who “in ALSO, North Shore Herring. the Spring Catch. Table Codï¬sh. Pollock. Red Herring. At the lowest Toronto Cash prices, at G. A. BARNARD‘S. LAND FOR SA LE I HE SUBSCRIBER oï¬â€™srs For Sale the un- dermentioned anuableiProperty. being the East half of Lot No. 33. in the 6th Concesxion. Township of \Vut'rcrtuncu, 10 acres cleared, with a good Living Stream. July 30. 1857. ‘20 PER CENT. lower than usually purchased. QUICK RETURNS ! V S/zort Life to the Old System’Long Credit, Long Life to the New Success to the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. 0.11 EARNAED. Richmond rim, will con April in each year. G. A BARNARD is now receiving a. large and well selected stock of Dry Goods. Groceries. Ladies’ & Childrens’ Boots & Crockery. Paint Drugs dz. Medicines, With a" um" a; aqsonmam of READYJIADE CLOTHING. in every fabric. make. shape. «'H‘le and Vnrlctt. which llt- olIiers on the above terms. and much less than ever sold before. In con- ï¬l'nng his business to shutter time. he is assured of the nu *essitV of a general adaptation to the new principle, which mn-st supersede the Long t‘r'edil (i. A. B. earnequ and respectfully solicits a call, no 1'0 as LOWER, than any in the Neiglrborhuod.â€"-Hrs motto shall be :â€" Smnll Proï¬ts and Quick Returnsâ€"(inc Price and no Abatement! Richmond Hill, June 30, 1857. Markham Economist please copy till forbid. Six months Will be given on all new Accounts, payable promptly on Ist October & lot will avail tlrt‘ltlwit’es of the New SYS’t‘tM, whereb) ALSO, Lot No. 1‘2. 2nd Concession. containing 200 acres, Township of Adelaide. South of the Egre- mont Road. For further particulars. apply to the Proprietor. ROBT. MARSH. Richmond Hill. June 111b, 1857. g 1 System-SHORT CREDIT, duct business solely on CASH OR SIIORT ‘ . . '1 o Agriculturtsts l _â€".â€"_ . . WISEMAN begs to inform the Public ‘Vmes & Liquors. R ,gencrally, that he has been appointed Agent Shoes, Hardware, for the sale of 3: Oils. SALEM ECKARDT’S &c., &c.. 6L0. CultivatorschayRakes. These valuable Implements were invented ard patented by ALEXANDER ANDERSON, and are well known as having taken the principal prian at the various Exl-ibitions throughout the Province. during the last three years: and, what i: still better, they have been thoroughly tested by Farmersin this neighborhood, bt'which theirsupe- triorityover all others has been fully proved. ll? Factory at. Unionville, near White's Mills ROBT. WISEMAN. Richmond Hill, June. 1857. g4tf unit Long Fri-ï¬t Spstzm. in general “‘8 in this and mi examination, his prices will be CONCEED- g4'tf PATENT I’ULVIPS ! HE Subsoribers have pleasure in inform T ing the Inhabitants of Vl'lrilchurch and ~urrounding Towmhipg that they are manufac- turing the best I umps now made in Canada. Patented by John Dennis. These Pumps are much better than the ordinary \Vood Pump, for the following reasons : Firstlyâ€"The Water is much better, as there is not quarter as much wood in the well. and all free from sap. In order to do away with such heavv timber as is u~ed in the common wovtl pump, they add a sufï¬tent number of iron hands; this in Ikt‘s the pttl’np stronger and so much lightvr. , that tvvo men c u take one out of rt well sixty leer deep. in ï¬fteen minutes. Secnnrllyâ€"Bv the use of the Patent Culirldsr, which is turned perfectly smooth ' and true on the inside. the box wears longer and works easier than in the ordinary bored pumps. 'l'ltirrllyâ€"These Pumps are so simple that al- most any man can repair them, and by means 01 the nut bn the rod, the Bucket is secured in such a rnannerth'it it cannot get 10056: and as the joints are all ï¬tted true and tight, there is no jar- ring itr the working of the pumps. Lastlyâ€"These Pumps are neatly turned and painted, making it an ornament as well as a most useinl article. Below will be found a few of the hundreds of references we might give from the various Townships in which the pumps have been introduced. We, the Under-signed. having in use the Pumps manufactured by J. James .5; Co., cart cheerfully recommend them as the best Pumps we have had in use :â€" ' WHITCHURcHâ€"John Nash, M.D., James Hack- ett, hl.t).. Messrs. Donald Sutherland, Jos. Cswtln-a, M. W. Bogart, T. leofl, Robert Brodie. KINGâ€"Messrs. John Rogers. Eli Lloyd, C. Stev vens, William White, J. Hilbert). Wrzsr Gwrm mutiny-Messrs. Simon Fraser. 1V. Wallace, John McKonky, Hiram Lount, G. t’nltner. Eas'r GWtLLIMBURYâ€"i‘iIesst‘s. Judah Dean, John V. V'ilsott. John H. Vl'ilson. Jacob I.und_\‘. Reuben Lundy, John NICllUlS, John Purdy, Brooks Howard. John Pegg.Cslvin Waddle. D. Torry. I Ptcxcrundâ€"Messrs. Jurdon Post, John Madill. N. Woodruff. NORTH GwllLtMnURYâ€"MesSt‘S. D. Willoughby, John Presser, Thomas Williams, Jas. lime. Stephen Mann, “1. Mann. J. William, G. Traviss. Glaucomaâ€"Messrs. C. T. Corbut, Jae. Elves. John Fair-born. YONGE STREETâ€"Messrs. Charles Thompson, Geargo Bond, James I’ennick. John Montgom- my, C. Shopperd.‘ REACHâ€"Wessrs John Truax. Amos Bunker, James Doble. stttrnouâ€"Mcssrs. G. Hutchinson, Jos. Chap man. N. Sarls. Scanâ€"Messrs. C. Collins, Thomas Burnhanr, W. Moor, S. Burchsrd. James At‘msoll. James Truax. Essaâ€"Messrs. Daniel VVill- onghbt‘. TECUMsrfTHâ€"Revd. F. Rattigan. Jesse Mills. Councillor, Messrs T. McLeod, James llarp- er. Isnnc Stone. M. Board. Jesse Roe. Geo _ Walls. J. Boll. W. Parker, J. \Velult, W. Hill" day. J.I~I. Courtney, Sampson Steel, Alexander Austin. , Abram-"Messrs. P. Keough, T. Shaw, P. Mc- Cabe,‘ J. W. Wallace. éNï¬lSFlLâ€"MOKSTS. Samuel Cain, T. VVray. ’t'Rl-IICTsVlLLEâ€"Ml‘. Wm. G. Harris. ETOBICOKEâ€"Ml‘. W. \Vallace. Councillor. We beg further to announce that we have 'made several improvements in our Pumps this Spring, by the abbtlton of WROUGHT IRON HANDLES AND EXTRA PATENT VALVES. All Pours nianufacnt’ed by us are warranted for one year. Vl’e also manufacture to order, PATENT IRON LlFTlNG PUMPS! I For Wells one hundred feet deep and less, and warrant them for three years. All. Ordcr< to be. acuressud to the undersigned. stating depth at CREDIT AUCTION SALE. NE hund ed valuable Building Lots, in the flourishing Village ofRichmond Hill, will be sold in Oct. next. when due notice will be given by the subscriber. J. R. ARNOLD Richmond Hill. June 16111, 1857. g4-tf. JAMES HALL, Boot and Shoe Maker, RICHI‘IOND HILL. VV’OULD rcspecttully intimate to his ’ ‘ Fr-icnils and the Public,that he hits condonilv on hand a large and varied assortment of Ladies’ and Gentlemeus’ Boots & Shoes of every description! Of the best quality and workmanship. and almos >tucl; of Ready-Made Clothing! Comprising Coats. Vests, Pants. Hats and Caps 61c. (kc... of overt size and description; nl~o of excellent quality and rnatrtrfactttre. all of which he will sell as low as any house in Upper Canada. for CASII. Richmond Hlll. July 23. 1857. 7g-tf Spring Importations. LYMAN. BROTHERS 6: CO., No. 4. St. Lawrence Buildings, \ TOULD respectfully intimate to their friends ‘ and the public that their SPRIN G 1M POR’I‘ATIONS are now forward, and consist of a well assorted stock of lPURE DRUGS, DYE-STUFFS, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SPICES, PERFUMERY, FAN CY SOA PS, VARNISHES, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, OILS, DRUGGIS'I‘S’ GLAS>XYARE, &c., all of which they offer to the trade at the lowest market rates. L. B. & C0,, would also call the attention of Dealers and Painters to the White Lead and Colors in Oil and Patty prepared by them, and for which the\ solicil a illfll- In compmimn with other kindsin the market, tecltug confident that the r’extrlt will not be to their disadvantage. crtlrer as regards quality or priC6. 1...... or; [£57, 1‘!\rn“‘n g5-3m IUltUNIU " CITY†MARBLE WORKS, No. 138 YONGL‘ S’tKH‘ZT. .‘I‘IAR QUEEN si'ttEE'r D. C. & W. YALE, IMPOII'I‘LRS and dealers in Italian and American Marble, also rnanuliit'turers ol Monuments, Cenotaphs, Tomb and Grow Stones, Ornamental Cl)L‘lUSUIf‘S for Grave platen \NZC. Order: llnuttglt our Agents “Ill receive prompt attention. I). CARLle YALE. “'nt. YALE. I). DAVIS, AGENT. .1. I3. DEEGI lill, Agent, liit bmond Hill. Toronto. July I“. l837. g5 if. llvlLD LINUS Ftill SALE, N the Townships of Arnaln-l. Sydcnliam Bexley and Somert'ille. Price from in: dollars an acre and upwards. Applr to. G. J. F. PEARCE, Convcyancct‘. Laud Agent «in, Yunqe St Richmond Hill P. 0., La! 39, lot Con. Vaughan. Richmond Hill, June, 26tlr1857. g4~ly. Richmond Hill DRUG STOB E. R. II._IIALL, Chemist and Dt'ttzgist, \ ILL have constantly on hand. a Coltlplt’l‘ and carefully elected Stark of Genuine drum. hlcdmines. Chemicals. well, at Newrnarkst. JOSIAH JAMES 8:. Co. Newmarket. Jttue 2. 1857. g5-tf. Just A rrivcd, . ND for Sale at Nicholls’ Hotel, several 1 NEW BUGGIES, from tbefrrm 0' Robin & Stephenson. Unionville [1:77 Cnllvnnd examine. 7g-tf NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby'grven by the Undemigncd that he will not be resp-nmblo for any debt that may be contracted by U EORGE CLU lllN I. from tlrelltb day of January. l657: Ill conseq .enh of dissolution of Partnership from that d tr. H COHSi-queuco cf his-leaving home in an unlaw-ul way. I ANDREW CLUBINE. '7g~3t I’atent Midicincs, Die Stuffs, I’uiul». Dry and \lixeil l’ainl. I Lump and .\Ia< hinery Oils, Best White Lead, In tins, 61c GU‘lfF/t and Fir/(t Srea’s. lluilo’s Antiques, and all llair Preparations, Lttbirt"! l Xtr'rcts. and all kin-h ot' Perfumery. Toilet Arm les. Soups, the. ' litttahas of ull ltrnds. :\n evensive ascorltttent of Fancy Goods. Combs. l'ortcrnn unite. I’ocknt Knives, LNG. «\‘C. &c. A small ascortntent of First-class Jet ellery, Gold Watches. the, &.c. Srfzool Books. Stationery, é'c. Depovitory Richmond Hill Brant-h Bible Society. Richmond llill. June, I857. g1.pt‘, Patterson’s Rea pet's. AVE stood the test for years. and those who have used them testify to their superior ex- â€,qusivep‘. of Home MMHJQMWI. Also, a huge colience over allcompetiug Machines. The Simplicity of their Constructzon, Renders them a Favorite in localities where they have been introduced. They are perfectly reliable and safe the hands of the inexperienced , No Mechanical Skill being required to keep 1.th in order. They are made from the best of materials, and in a strong and substantial monuor. Orders should be Forwarded Immediately, As over three-fourths of the number W intend to make are already engaged. PATTERSON 8L BROS. Richmond Hill, June 4th, 1857. GENTLEMEN! ECONOMY lS WEALTH. HE Undersigned begs leave to inform the Public that he holds himself in readines- at his Old Establishment. which has been con- tinued for the last Six Years. in this City (No. 1622, Yonge Street, and directly opposiie the g.1 ‘ " Bt-ittannaia House,†Toronto,) to Renovate, clean and Rrpaz'r All Descriptions of CIothing, In a proper and satisfactory manner, b_\ eltditlil‘g Paints, Oil, Tar. age. do, and restoring Colors to their original appearance. so as to give Gentle- men’s Wearing apparel the full up] earancu of now. From 31 years’ experience in the busrness and prompt attention to all orders with which he may be tarot-ed, combined with an earnest desire to plcme his customers, he hopes to merit a share 01' public patronage. \V I L LIAM RIC HA RDSON. Toronto, June 5th. 19.77. l-tf. LAND FOR SALE. 1ORTYâ€"F‘IVE Acresâ€"bring the “fest Port of LottVo. I. in the Second Concession of the 'I‘uwnship of King. Has a ~rnallLor1 Ilunsc. is well 'I irnhelcd. forming 1liogclhel'a vo‘ydesiiubie i‘roperty tor a B:ick-)Ialccr. vâ€"ALSOâ€"e IVE Acres of Land at Richmond Hill-â€"two 1 acres of nirich is a Ntrlsery, “’tll stor'ltcd with thriving'llrccs. now randy for the Math". .-.~uh a Home. a New Barn. twu Wei's of G.» d Water. and other necessary Otttâ€"Dtnltlrngc, being l’art of Lot No. 48, FII‘SI Concession, in the Town- trip of Vauvhan. and known as Smith’s Nursery. be Maine of the lUlltJCl' l’r pricier. â€".‘.LSO. «â€" ‘WO New Puilt Stores in the centre of Rich- mond llill; one occupied by Mr. 1'. il li‘ln \Ix-rr», Srdi‘ler: the Oillor, being the lunar] Ofï¬ce of llie Richmond Hill GI’Zefle. All the above Property will be Sold on easy terms. A I PPY l° J. DUNCUMB. Richmond Hill. June. 91h, 1557. g lâ€"tf. 'l‘o Medical I‘r'nctitiotr crs. ' GOOD OPI’ORTUXI'l'Y ttctv Offers it‘elf ‘ _ to a Medical Man of sl‘i‘itllltg and expert- ,.nep. House and Prennsos, both pleasant and wuvmvent. can be had on rt-m‘onabio ‘t-rms. Apply, if by letter post paid, to the Ldtt‘rr of the Gazette. - Richmond Hill. June lSih, 1°37. Darling & Aitcltisun‘s COMBI\ED Enforcer and Ifmper. 9.? try UR MACHle is substantially built of \Vionght lion. entirely free fro u s-de drwg'l. can be elevated to an} ll('.‘\"’ltl. from ;. Mar... i.» :1 Rettpt‘r luv u Screw Ill front. and t'lll\ uplnrtrt pinggzng, in (irttx‘s. \\ lie-t. tints or tl'r‘let‘. M Mr- out Change of knife or gut ing, and Works tur) (or the horse's. 'Ilir-pr’ice for a \lou'er. Sl‘ll (til: mmivilelv‘ a n Roar 1-. $10.00. An e\ m knii‘o till a $5. 0 extra- All our Machines are warranted to be well bu It n‘ of the best materiel. .GEORGE D.th ‘xu Rom. atrcustix. lThorn‘ii‘l. Yong.- Si cot. Jun - ‘I-ltlt, 153? ill! ..