Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 14 Aug 1857, p. 4

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expensive shawl. or your pretty fingers that attract. the attrntion of men of sense. Thry look beyond these. It is the true loveline‘s of your nature that wins and continues to retain the affection of the heart. Young ladies easily miss it who labor to improve their outward looks. whilr thet bestow not a thought on their mind. Fools may be won by gew-gaws and fmhinmthle showy dresses; but the wise and substantial are nevrr ‘ caught by such lmps. Lot modesty bejouri dress. Use pleasant and agreeable lan- guage, and though you may not be courted by the fop and the sop, the good and truly ‘9“: will ion to Eager in your step. was an Immediate sinking into the seats. A young minister standing behind him. and blushing to the h Inples, said. “O. bl‘Olht'l, how could you say that '1” “Say that 2" said the old gentleman, " it’s a fact, if they had’ut holes in their stovkings, I’d like to know how thpy could get them on.” A member of the French Academy, in a laborious dissertation on the weights and measures of lhe ancients, favors us with the following chronological scale 01 the various hrights of men since the crea- tion :â€"â€"Adam, 123 flat 9 inches; line, 118 fee! 9} inches; Noah, 103; Abraham, 27; Moses, l3; Hercules, 10; Alexander, 10; Julius Cesar, 5. He sager adds mam: Providence had not pleased to suspend Ihis progres>ivn decrease. inrn would now b: no largrr than the smallesl insect. ber of ladies continued standing on the benches, notwithstanding frequrnt hints from the minister to sit down. A reverend o.d grnlleman, noted for his good humor. arose and saithâ€"“1 think if lhoae ladies sland- ing on the benches knew they had hnlM If: their stockings they would :I'. down !" This addrm had the desired efléct; their A large bridal party, including two couples of umtrimonial candidates, re- cently viaited LaCrOsse, Wis», to “ see the minister.” One pair were made happy as easy “ as falling ofl‘ a log,” but the game Wu: blocked with the secOnd couple, by the bride’s refusing to be married in such warm weather! The groom pleaded-.416 would V“ deed her all his land, and she needn’t. do; stitch of work.” The girl was obstinate; she “ wouldn’t be married no how before next. October.” having been sorely ofivlvded, declared that he would neVer forgive the offender. The minister asked lnm if he knew what the Bible said. " No,” said he; “ what does it say 3” “Anger resteth in the bosom qf fools.” “ Well, Thomas.” said he, “go in- stantly and ml the man that I forgive him IJl. I will not be a fool to please turn or anybody else.” Bonaparte once, at a party, placed himself directly belore a willy and beautil‘ul lady, and said abruplIyâ€"--“ Madam. I don"t like that women should meddle will: politics.” “ You are pcrl‘edly right Gen- eral.” she replied, “ but in a country where women are beneaded, it is natural they should desire to know the reason.” meats attached to long sticks. Fashionably dressed women have now in Paris a diameter pl‘vcisely twelve feet. Geometricians can calculnlu the circumference. They hold ow to the arms of their cavaliers by means of hand- kerchiefs slipped (hrnugh the same, and are helped by waiters to boquets and refresh- tailor because it did not fit him. The tailor seeing the doctor at the funeral of one of M3 paficntu, said, "Ah, doctor. you are a happy man.” “Why so 1” asked the don- tor. “ Because,” replied the tailor, “ you never have any of your bad work returned on your hands.” “that some stalioners advertise blank deâ€" durations for sale. I wish] could get one.” 9 Why 1” asked her mother. “Because, Ina, Mr. Green is too modest to ask me to marry him, and perhaps if I could fill up a blank declaration with the question, he would sign it." (nomy in the street one day, who refused to give him half the sidewalk, saying that he never turned out ior a rascal. “ I do,” said Randolph, stepping aside aad politely raising his hat-o“ pass on.” fine autumn scene my dear Annie,” said a lover. -‘ No,” said she, “ I shall never be till I become your wife. It is not your neat dress, your At a camp meeting a The uncle of a Welsh minister Hero Wit in brighnfi'ulzance glows, With Wisdom joined. mmugh rhyme and prone. And both units their charms in one, To form the up tad hum'roua pun. A doctor returned a coat to a “I see,” said a young lady, John Randolph met a personal “ You seem animated by this (Ebe érrup 53m. num- on lhe as they now keep, and select their best and keep them in prime order and la!- ten the rest. they would realize a third if nut double the prnlil fhey do from the whole numher.. Farmers often milk whatever happens !0 fall mtu xheir hands that luoks hke a cow,nu1 realiz- . . Ffl Ing, perhaps, that ll costs 1115! as much to keep one lhal makes hall. a pound of butter :1 day. as it does to keep one :Il! that will give a pound and almll' a day. My cow (low not give whal would be called a large mess of milkâ€"averaging only about 17 puunds 10 the milking in the best of Iho: season. and she aver- ages Over one and a hull pounds ofbur- ter a day. In my opinion a cow that V will not average a pound a day for half the year should be discarded from the herd devoted m butter-making. I" .3 D n 6 mm 21‘ 4- 44-1.M_ .» .w . 2 “fr 1 p r “ Said (row is ornur common breed ; medium. 5in ; Sewn )uairs old; was wintcred on torn hutdut'. the product 01 «me and a hail‘ 21(‘l‘t‘s, together with one quut‘t of unrn munl night and morning, wet with lhl: s'ops m‘ the house, What] I had any, and “ht'n not, with Wiltul'. huing stublvd constanth cxr'cpl when she (:nuid bc as (tunni'MIth: outdoors. The buttur was mannfnt-ttu‘ud by a young woman who hvud vmh us (my wife being sick at lhi' time.) who pm fussed nu par liCUiHl‘ ski“ in Lutter-muk- ing; yet thr rcsnii was 4R pounds and ten ounces of huHur of tizst quahty. And now permit Int: to remark that it IS my opinion that it‘uuirynun in gun- eral would kecp (inc-half a: many cons eighteen lltt'ltes ol‘the sur fine, then a little straw ; then dirt enough to allow the plough to cross in saf: ty. lt work- ed admirably, not only draining the pond, but kuepiug the (:cllardry, which used to always have water in when the pond was full. although it “as at least thirty ymdsntl'. l have had good potatoes and wheat in it. and my corn loolts well, although this has been St]: h a wet spring. Probably, if stones are St'ierC, a few tiles set perpemlit'ularly, might answer. One man did all the wouk in less than two dats. It would have cost, in the ordinary method at least 815. to pa} for ttu: lilt and putting down. So far thi~ has answm-ed bet- ter than tile. I do not suppose it would answer in all [dam-s, but you have the facts and can judge fur )our- selves. KEEP A Gout) (:«)wâ€"â€" 11 NONE...â€" Amos Kinsley. of Jenna .3501). (Ihuulun- quc County. A. Y.. gm-s the fullnw- mg account (-f Hzc [I'Uduvt ofa good butler-making (-ou' fur unv munth. buâ€" lween April 25 and May 26, 1857. He says: All farmers acknowledge the impor- tance ofdraining; bul all are not ofthe same opinion of the manner in which it should be done. The following cheap and simple method, by whi :h I drained a large pond. may he of use to some. The pond in size was Hbout one fourth of an arre; about three acres of the surrounding lands drain their water into it. The soil is a fine loam, the subsoil sandy, except the subsoil ot' the pond. which was a stiff clay. The method of draining was this. Two holes, as small as a man could work in were dug down to the springs, which, in this case. was about eight Feet. The hottom was much smaller than the top. something like the shape of a flannel. The nu.\t pro. t-ess was to fill up \xith stones which were found on the place, to within think not. But what then can it be says one? The object of the life of every one is to glorify Gen. How, in the case of the farmer can this best be done? Is it by going to work as one of his oxen. or a piece of his ma- chinery, knowing nothing more about it than either of these. but going simp- ly because he is driven? Far other- wise. We would have him drive his work. and that intelligently, instead of its driving him. If their should be a failure in any of his (-rops, or a blight attack them in any way. he should be able to search out the cause. and know- ing it. srek a remedy. and then be a‘ le to apply it. To do this with smtt'css he must understand the seiencvssuch as chemistry. botany, mineralogy. entom- tology, (SL6. To possess a thorough iknowledge of these he must have ISOmething more than a Common sohnol ’edueation for there but the first twu lof these sciences are usually taught. land but the rttdimenh of these ; while lthat part which is equally, if not mort- important, remains untouched. The remaining two ofthe above mentioned soienoes should not by any means be over-looked. for without them parts ofthe fimndation, without whirh. you cannot raise a firm superstructure are wanting. But. does any inquire how by thus doing l can glorify Goa? In the re- searches. many things. beautifully dis- playingthe wisdom and goodness of God. will be seen and understood, which before Were hidden and unac- countable. And thus you will, having more abundant eaose. be led to praise Him. and alsn will be able to do it in a manner which is more al‘ceptable, intelligently.-â€"Glcnn. I Is it merely to make money? We ' i t OBJECT OF THE LIFE OF THE FARMER. DRAINLNG PONDS. N. B.â€"Dn’eclions for the guidance of pationls in every disorder are affixed to each not. ED" There is'u considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. Some uf the most scientific surgeons now rely solelv on the use of this wonderful Ointment. when having to cope with the worstcnses of sores. wounds. ulcers, glandular swelliugs and tumors Professor Holloway has. by command of the Allied Governmean dispahhed lo the limpimls of the East lazge shipments of ll1i~ Ointment. 10 be med under the direction of the Medical Staff, in the worst cases of wounds. It will cure any ulcer. glandular s“ elllng. eliflnes» nr ccnnnclion 01' [hr juints. even of 20 years' unnding. Swellcd Giunds,r Stiff - Joints, Ulce:s.Va- nan-n] Sores; fi- P'Vounds If all kinds. ['5' So‘d at the Mnuularttories of Plofessor Hol- ownv. 8U Maiden Lane. New York, and 244 Strm'nd. London. and by all respectabb drug-gins and dealers in Medicine thronghoullhe United States. and the civiiized wozld. in pots. a: ‘25 cents. 6'3! omits. and $1 em‘h. By the aid of n microscode. Wb see millions of lilth oprmnga on the surface of our bodes.â€" Through ihese this Ointment. when rubbed on the skin. is carried 10 an} organ or inward part. Dis- ames of the kidne} s. disorders of the Liver, ufl'ec- [inm- of the heart; Inflammation of [he Lungs. Asthmas. Coughs and Colds, are by lhix' means efi‘eciuallycured. Every house-wife knows that ball passes freer through bune or men: of any thickness. This healing Oimmenifur more rcadi< 1) penetrate: through any bore 3: fleshy pm of the livmg body. curing 111:: must dangerous inward complaints. that cannot be reached by other means. ERYSIFELAS. SALT RHFUM AND SCOR- BUTIL‘ HUMURS. No remedy has ever done an much for the cure of diseases of the slain, whatewr farm they ma} nssnme, as this (Jim-hem. Nocnsc ofSalt Rheum. Scurvy. Sore Head~, Sclofula ox Brew-elm. can. iong withstand its influence. 'i he mventor hm lruvel‘mad over many [arts of the aloha. Visiting the principal haslliuds. dispenr ing xhl~ Ointment giving adee as 10 its applicmion. and has lhu.u born the means of lesloring countless numbers to health. SORE LEGS, SORE BREASTS. WOUNDS AIVD ULCERS Bunions. Burnx. Chapm‘d hand: Chlibluius. Fis IuIas. Gout. Lumbugo. Murcunial Eruptions, Piles. Rheumatism, Sal: Rheum, Sore Legs. 90w Bless”, Skin diseases. Sme Heads, Save '1 hront. Sores oh;)lkvnd.~: ngx'auns.Sculda. Saharan. Drab Kerseya, Robe Dresses. Challis Dresses. Sh Tomnto. June. 1857. HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT, olh the Ointment and Pills slum/(1M I usid in 1/?6 iblquifig gasps : A Marvellous Remedy FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! FOR THF‘ CURE OI Coughs, Colds. Hoarsness, Spitting of Blood, Night Sweats, Asthma, Liver Complaints, and THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMLDY. CHERRY AND IUNGWORT, ‘RY GOODS and Millinery. Clothing and Gentlemen’a Outfitting Emporium Sile. Ribbons, Broad Cloths. 3“ Lace Goods. Twords. Sutinets. Fancy Tweods. Poplins. Parasoln, CONSUMPTION. _Sold by R. H. Hall, J U D S O N’ S CHEMICAL EXTRACT or Sold by R. H. Han: Lace Goods. Twords. Fancy Tweads. Poplins. Moire Antique. Shu uire Antique. Shuwh. Fe m. Head Dress”. Veneda ye. Straw Goods. Bath Cords. Flouncod Dresses. Muslin dresses. Shepherd Plaid. 5w, King Strait East, Toronto. u Prinlei's ! maik the reduction in the price of type since this Foundry Wm opened ; and bear in mind that a greater reduction depends upon your- selves. Our motto isâ€"supply the trade “'I‘h lipe 0f >uch quanlilivs and hi. such piiites as will pre- vanl tho iiecassity of patronising foreign manu- faclurers. The follnwingliat of a few oftho principal ani- cies requi:cd by printers. will give an idua of the grunt, advantages of the Canada Type Foundry-.â€" Nrevier- - - t - - 25 m - Bourguoiae - o ‘- 7 )9 10d ‘- Long Primer - v - - 1- 8d " Small Pica- - - - - 15 7d " . . . }. ed as Pica v - - [7‘ All other Book Fonts in prnportion. Luvsâ€"61.0 Pica and thicker. I: per 1b.:110 Pica, 15 3d; 8m Pica. ls 6d. THOS. J. GURNYN & Co. St. Therese Sun-e! Montreal. May lBlh. 1851 :3 N.B.â€".Publi~hers of nmwpaners giving'imiertion to this advgvlisnwnl for 2 months. win be allowed lheir bills upwn purchasing five times their amoum of our manufacture. Editors will confr-r a favor by directing attention to the announce- m‘n uh, mem‘ The prices at which these and other (ypu are sold at tho Canada Type Foundry, will he {mu-d at least, 30 per cent. less than they could be pur- Chased previous to its establishment. IL is therefore hoped Ihat the l‘riuters of Cana- da will show their appreciation of the ndvantngas nt holds out. by be>tuwing upnn it a fair share of |heir patronage. in return for which the proprielors pledge \hcmselvus to leave no means untried to give nmple wiisfartion. T. C. RICHARDS. l1? Every deseripfiun of Goods in the trade made or repaired on [he Shmtcsl Notice. Talonto, May 26. 1857. g4-ly. HE Proprietors of [his Establishment bag to inform the Pxin era of Canada. HIM. they hnve now manufactured and rmdy for delivery, a large quantity of Small l'ica. Long Primer, BUHIQ‘COIMS and vaier. of Scotch farm, which they “'ill gun- rnnlee cannot be surpaSSed h_\ any Foundry upon [his continentfnr dumbthly and appearance. They have also on hand a choice assonmem of various kinds of 30 Per Cent Cheaper Thannnyhoms 1n town Cu“ and see $3 50 Clocks. $10 Sliver Wnu'hes, $8 Guxd Albert Chains. which will be dlSpOEOd of to guch applicants as may wish to obtain MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION Free of Charge! goods- CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES At 114 Yonge SL, 2 duors wulh of the Globe Llotek. 'l‘ommo. Canada Type Foundry. szovxn 1‘0 ST. THLRLHI’. S12. IN Deanna-'5 Bvxwwos. Momnun. and removing all diseases of the Eye and En: gonorally. begs leave most rospocttnlly to call u:- tmniou to the fact that he has fm‘warded to th~ Editor of this paper a few dozen copies of the third edluon of his Trgatise on the Eye and Ear ! rI‘he work contains nearly 200 Edges, and har- a large numher of Operations and (2.4508 reportedâ€" Leueufiei‘erences, &c., worthy the careful peruwl of rhe afflicted. l’ermns visning Toronto and placing (Enema-Eva: under Dr. Cnmvell’s care. will not be charged it case of unsuccexxhn tmaunenl. Ail cannmmicmmus to DI". C. mud! be prepaid 'l‘uromo. Mu} 22nd, 1:57. l-xf BRITISH 5; AMERICAN JEWELLERY STORE. SMALL PROFITS EQUECK RETURNS. OCULIST & AURIST, UPERATGH ON THE EYE AND EAR! NIVERSALLY known thrm-J-out Canml.- and the United States for his greatshill am! success in Restoring Lost S' M are! Hearing ‘HE undersigned working on Hw- ahove » principle feels confident that he can sell Fancy drmskins. Vonedan Clothe. Bath Cords. Dr. UAI)‘V1ui4L, Nonpariel - Miniun- - Ornamental Type Sold by R. H. Hall. 0F TORONTO, PRICES &c.. Hulien'. Barege dresses. Sui ns‘ T. J. G. & C04 Glovzw. 6d per lb. 3d In Id In 10d u ed M 7d -- 6d ls Bonnet; D065 g4-Iy. antillal l-ll SEEBS’ PEETEERIALWURKS. Scars’hflqahsyry of anwlcdg'cqnd Cy- Undg‘l Karlaâ€"comprising the rnoststi'ikiv g and ramarknble events of the revolution. the French war. the Tripolilinn war. the Indian wars, the second war with Great Britain. and the Mexican war. With three hundred Engravings. 600 pages octave. Sear-5' New Pictorial Dcscrtptian ‘qfthe Ad fross. W. RAPHAEL. Bex 668 Post Offico‘ Ne“ Editions Just Published Sear§’._.N‘e_w and Copzplftg Hisgqry Qt Hours of Consultation, from 9 to 11. n m., Ind I‘mm 210 F. p.m.. at the Corner of Nelson and Dulchl‘fi Street, Toronto. Toronto. Juno. 1857. 1-11”. Hg-illigzghcidcntspf {Illa szrfslnf the? Seam" New Pictorial History of China prnve th~| hi: opmivn lmcd to en- law (If? guide 3‘ for advice and guidance. All mphnrhuly thoughts and (lcpré distress and auglmfi of mind. muse. a“ laboxing under had and :10 (0 him for rem-f and cmnl‘orl. have suffewd under (hose rumpla inohieui to frmuicg consul! hum inoiueui to fr:':hu‘:. m null lnm wnh lha nvfdetlcn. reviews to . Piage. nil in lmahh should consult him. All who have luck, all who have uicd thuir best to get: uorld and cannot. [30 m km! {or advice hu prove th~ Ir cilcumslancra. I’m'elns sh and InhnmLes. 11 ewbies u menns that Will ufi'L-c.’ a can: when all nzher remrvdiea hm (he most. innocent sure, and employed. All Who me Ill been unthxtunme, (lccrnwd who-e f0: d hopes have been all whose minds und he:th clining. go to the never l’a' CLAIRVUYANT AND PHRE‘XOLOGEST Exam‘hnlh vice gw'n Elocu’irily nu inl;-llib| {tons of _\o \0\ mice 0! {05' celeb med ludmu Her Decker. I“. 'l'waLmY. who. after traversing the United States and Cunada. has concluded to make Toronto, C. W his home for the future, where he will administer to his patients those onlv true and sufr Medicinen from Nulure’s Garden; which hm: for in; author the great and all-wise Phy>ician above. OPPOSITE ST. LAWRENCE “ALL (5’ Consultation Flu. Toronto. June. 1851. 1-! The folluwiug diseases can be cured by Dr. T. In the mast ohsxinate slate of their existence, vizzâ€"Diseases of the Lungs. Heart. Lher and 'I‘hroa : also. Dyspepsia. Dropsy al d all Disen¢e> of the Bl<|od. such as Scrofula, Euysxpelas, Sall- Rhenm. Fever Sores. and all Chronic Complaints of years standing. United Statesâ€"containing an noon-um ol'th‘e lop- ography. aeulemem. history. revolutionary and other inlereatiug an. ‘5, ntntistics, progress in agriculture. manufactnrua’ and population. &c.. ,&c.. of each sun:- in the union. Illusiralod with two hundred Engravings of the principal cities. place<. buildings. scenerymurio ities. soul! of the states. &c.. 314:. 600 pagan oclavo. l’. S.â€"-'l‘he Doctor will also give parlirulnr at- tvnliun to all diseases peculiar to Females am. Childmn. Oflireâ€"No. 111, King St, East. clapadia qf' Scan-is EndArlâ€"cumiainimz 1 gréat unoum ofintnrmnng and uwoful informationâ€" uu'onomv. travels in the Holy Land. Diacovery uan-ri'u, only “woman. 0! Lb. many. it". he and lndirtâ€"cotnpri;iiig a dascrititioii of those countries and their inhabitants; embracing the historical events. govermcnt. religion. educa- tion. language. liturattmo. arts. manufactures, productions. commerce. and manners and cus- toms of the people. from the earliest period of authentic record to the present time. Illustrated with two hundred Engravings. 600 pages large octavo, the B.ble~-â€"from the creation-I ol‘ the wor|d 13 [He full establishment. of Chrisziunily. whh copious Notes. forming an illustrated commentary ofthe sacred text. 700 pages oclavo. lJKEhLSS UP THE I'b UR}: HUSBAND 0R “#1; INDIAN HERB DOCTOR: And for Invigorating and Beautifimg the Hair THE GREAT TURKISH REMEDY FOR BALDNESS, Call GOOD FOR ALL! nmlhnlion. Clairvoyam ecvmiltatlom, and ad a guru daily. Sundays ('xcuplcd. Mignato- ‘cuiuilyayplii‘d lo the cum of dloeasos. It is inla-lliblv cure far weakness. Delvility. ludi~cre- Is ul' _\ontll_ and all nervom cmnplaints. Clair- unco Ollfllll ~ us to we more clearl} 1hr causr all our sull‘erings m)d infirmuies. ll enables us :86 mo 0 clearly (he cause of all our sufferings ll enables us to u-comnwnd ll\0'~(‘ nns that wdl ufil- a canal" and prrt’ez-t cure. m all nzher rem"flle5 have failed; it alsu we» AZGR’S THERE‘S" ALM. consult him. andijudge for yourself, how ivn what made or p ofehsiun i: ht»! mm}:- en~ure theix l'hildiEn'. ~|1C('r~'<m}il'e. In "airs. the principies 01' the- ub-vvc sc‘enfo m to happy nmn‘lago. and dumcsuc foli- [e nhow: :he PHRENOLOGICAL Sold by R. H. Hall. Sold by R. H. Hall. WVâ€" ?ANA©EKU ml} you. Fr any Name or ‘ons. and hue [J of Tl‘l‘llh and RH:- on. and be profilrd by It The lime has come! that all who will mm es- cape the iron grasp of Mercury and other bane- l'ul poisulm, by calfing without deh-ay in we 1113 well-known and jlmly f ISTEN to the voice lzoubit‘ are sufi'oring nd dnhcnll health. L. All Ladies who flaiut-v and (liq-mos I will) lha greweq uga. nil in deiiuale who have had bad Iahou’ng under .sion or" spims. ‘ it also <eev RIONHS to boo hla‘zxad and dc uld 5p: 14f. im- ga Titan-d Pop- indadnng 2 Gina}. Tub). d Hydropathic Encyclopedia, Embracing Outlines of Anatomy. illustrated; Ph} analogy of the Human Body: Hygienic Agen- cies and the Preservation of Health; dielics and Uydropnlhic Cookery; Theory and Piacm‘e of Water Treatment: Special Paxllolop and Hydro- Tbcraponlios, including the Balms. Canyon. Symptoms and 'l‘renment of all known diseases: Apnlication to Surgical diseases; Application of Hvd=opnvhv to Midwifery and the Nursery: with Three Hundredxfingrnvingl Aand molly _Ono These Paricdicnls ubly represent the three great poiincal par-Hes- oI'G-rem Briminâ€"Whig. 'l'ory and Radicalâ€"hut poliaics form only one l’cmuro oflhrir churacrer. As Organs of the mo.~l profound Wriaers on Science. Litermure. anluy, and Religion. they stand unrivalled m the wurixl of leilers. [wing cowidered indispensable to the scholar and [he professional man. while to lheinlé-l-igvnl render of avary class they ‘urnish a more correct and talis- (acrory record of the current literature of lh day. throughqu the world. than can be possibly obtain- ed frdm any other snurce. The receipt of Adranco Sheets from the British publishels gives addiiional value lothese He-puints. inasmuch as they can now be placed in Ihe hands of subacnhers uboux as soon A» the original edi- nous. Best quality of NEWS INK a! One Shilling per lb Colborno at . Toronto. Jan. 9. 1857. and all other description of materials, has been ren Iargoly increased this Season. by arrivals from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOS- TON and MONTREAL: and that he is prepared [0 supply orders for new Offices. in addition to those in operation. a: the shortest notice. Prim!ng MACHINES and ENGINES pom-d to order. A GREAT AND GOOD BOOK Sears’ Scenes and Sketches of Conti- VI: Sears” Picturzal Description of Great Dick’s (.‘umpIe-te Wurkxâ€"clevun volsâ€"- in am. 15M) pp. Bvo. Prxce {aux-dollars and a Smrs’ Britain and lrulaudâ€"lugclhzr with nullices oflhe grim-ma} plums, natural curiouiues. &c.. in {he inndmn and the Bliliah Islands. With several hundred handsome Engravings. illustrative of Scenes of picluiesque beauty. chulchos cos- tumes. Sun. in those celebrated countries. 550 pugns octavo. Smrs’ Pictorial Family flnnualâ€"com- prising withm ibeIfu cumplulc mum} of useful and «Manninng knowledge. V\-'ilh over two hundred Engravings. strictly illustralive. repre- senting nctua! Scenery. costumes, monunwum. Gm 368 pp. Svo. Orders for any of the above Wm ks rec-owed at this Otfice. Jure 1‘22h. 1837. (:1 Great Reduciinn in the prire of #2? Laéz‘er Pubz’zraricn. Scars" JVZ’ug rPictofiâ€"ql Fgmily Instructor Segrs’ Picfmfial Hisgary of the Bomb;- (‘d {or the use of families, bi'meâ€"clzuses, and Sunda3‘vwimul leachears; prmcipallyilluslruliveof the manners and customs of easiern nul‘xonumnd l‘lxphnatury of many poxu'ons of the scriptures, (SUM pp. dvo San-‘5'” Bible Bipgg'aphy._qr the Lives Soars’ I [Igfmmqtign _ for the_ Pgopleâ€"i View of A'cw Yorkâ€"Allis engraving is SL‘TIBSâ€"iil Two Pangâ€"Pun LWOHdNS of Na- ture. containing u descriplion of !!1e racvs of men manners and customs of varinu< nations. beasts. birds. plums. &c. Part 11. Woudvrs of Art; or descripfions of invcmians, cities. ruins, curiosi- ties. ‘Vc. W111: 460 Illustrmions 5-10 .pp 8w. Tfie _History of, Pal/astingâ€"frqm _thc biographies of eminanl mon. incident»- of U1- Comanu, and . compm. 1nd“, B" [L '1‘, vol. discoveries in science. With numer- TRALL. M. D. 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IEW ILLUITNATID -3 book for every family In the union 5 ll ms an account of [he early history of the my the constitution othc U. Slutrs n chroâ€" ‘icul Index. &c. Several hundred Engrav- Every Fa min l EARLY COPIES. r4 (1 V ; R A COMPLETE 51311. 1' a [n the, present time. By Jon: n!‘ the London Pictorial Bible. eln Famin Receipt-Boakâ€"â€" u;le vumwiflc ,0 2pm fox use va- ofCoukeJy. (x<§¢EVing. \kc. éczs. AND THE 'OR 1y (Conaervtlivoq 5 tkvténkkwm “nagâ€"a ems and Publhhcd by FOWLER & YORK. In me plan of the work, the wants und’ neona- sities ol' the Penple have been Slefidll)‘ kepx m new While alnxoM every lopiv of urlenesl in the llalmrl- moms 0! Anatomy. 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