‘v 3. Easiness: Rotators). DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, Richmond Hill. June. 1857. “JOHN GRIEVE, LERK Third DIVISION COURT. Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, June, 1857. g.I-wy. g.I -wy. JOSEPH KELLER. AILIFF Second and Third DIVISION Court. Olï¬co. Rielnnond Hill. Juno. l857. ,G. & B. BARNARD, MPORTERS of British and American Dry Goods. G'ocerles. Wines, I.‘quors. Oils, Paints. &c.. 61c, Richmond Hill. June. 187. CHARLES DURRANT, , (Late M. Tcefl,.) MPORTER of British and Foreign Dry Goods. Wine and Spirit. Merchant. tic†51c. Richmond Hill, June. 1857, gJ-wy. P. CROSBY, RY GOODS. Groceries, Wines. Liquors, Hardware. 610. Richmond III 1. June, 1857. g.l~wy. JOHN MCDONALD, Chemist and Druzzist, MPOTTER of English Drugs. Soaps. par. fumes. Brushes, the. No. 169, Yonge Street. (Opposite Shuter Street, near Green Bush Tavern. TORONIO. June. 1857. gJ-dm. THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriagoyw’ttaggon s.- Sleigh M A K E R , Opposite the v White Swan Inn. Richmond Hill. June 10th, 1857. gJ-wy. â€"â€""- r , n â€"â€" J. W. GIBSON, Boot and Shoe as l a ,Makcr, Opposite J.» K. Falconbridge's, . YO'NGE STREET. RICHMt-NDHILL. June, 1857. g.l.wy, g.t -.w_v. g. 1 â€"\vy. -WARDI it .nocwsmnn, House, Sign and Ornamental. unnnnsno x'" or ' Itn'l ‘tttu 'tnttutt - W 1 (Trainer's, Gildrrs, Glaziers, and . apt-r ’ Hangers. I It ’I‘HORNHILL.I .31: kinds of Mind Paints, Oils, Glass, 'cn‘id Putty. i 'GO‘CD WORKMEN SENT TO ANY PART ‘ or 'I‘t-IE Couuriiv. l If July 23. rear. ' ' . l l ‘__ w#__*.l ‘ 'WII.L’I.‘AM nihilism, i“ PSI'utIdle and Harness 'Makcr, w. nard’s, Richmond Hill g. l - ivy, Next door to ‘G. 81. B. Bar June, 1057. JOHN CO U L’I‘ER, ’I‘ailm‘ :uitl' Clothier. ‘ Yongo 51.. Richmond Hill, _ June. 12157. TAMTCS NEWTON, Ta 1: uer n "It Currier, ELGlN MILLS, RICHMOND HlLl. E.I-\\'}'- ' ut: Highest. Price paid in Cosh for “Ides V and gKins. June. W57 . g.lwy. v ‘- HENRY SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, ._ ~ ' AND A AU CT‘IO'N-EER, Corner of Ynuge and Contra Streets, _ “ " RICHMOND HJEL,‘ Inna. 1857. .1 z-l~v.\‘. iRICHMOND HILL HOTEL, Opposite the Post. Ofï¬ce, Yonge Street. AN Omnibus leaves the above Hotel for Toronto,- returning the sortie evening: Horsesvund Buggies kept. for hire. RICHARD NICIIOLIS. Proprietor. g.l.wy. C'I‘ORY HOTEL, And Illusom'c Ila/l, e V6 [‘3' Richmond Hill. June. I 57. Y (Ilian S‘t‘ru-z'trr. ’ EXTENSIVE Subliug. and ObllglllgtHOBIlt-llts always in attendance. Choicq;Wines and Liquors. Beer. Porter and various Summer Beverages. ‘Regiulia. Principe. Havana. Mnnilla and .othar, brands of Cigars and (Ilteroots. An Omnibus to and from Toronto. cells at this Hotel. daily, . ROBERT WtsmiAn. Proprietor, g-“viv THE WHITE SWAN 17m, andâ€"'Lz'ocrr/ Stablez, Yonoit Sun-22:1 witness at. the Richmond‘Hill. June. 1857, RSES and Buggies in re Shortest Notice. H; r Richmond run. June. 1857. JOSEPH GABY, Proprietor. gJâ€"wy. Thorn Hill Hotel; OQD ACCOMMODATION FOR Travellers. JOHN SHIELS. . Proprietor, Thorn Hill, Juno'llll). 1857. g,1-wy. J. w. MiiiAR, M‘PORTER’ and Dealer in Gold and Silver Watcnns. Fine Jewellery. Electra-Plate, Fancy Good-l. Aï¬c" Kc. No. 81'. Yongb Sweet. Toronto. Jim 1857. ; Wo-k. 'uND‘nt WITH 01: 11727101»? OFFENCE TO Fji’IENJLS' . _/ WMx/V v V-Vx. MW- Vol. 1. RICHEIO.‘ I) mmpm)ng 7 Orywwx v'\_/ Ww w,\ «\ .r\/~,/W VWA/‘~/W-\M , W 4.. ,-.._ 1.7 -.,‘__._‘_“‘-.u. Miscellaneous . Items. “xv, .r.\......-...,...,.~\-\.uu_ ....(£cu. \\ alkcr has on NivivfliTvdkoTbflr New Orleans, “here he expccts to find old in a new attack upon Nicaragua. .. . .Thc earnings ofthe Great \Vestern Rail- way for the wcck ending 7th of August, amounted to $33,977, being $8,664 less than the earnings of the corresponding week of 18:36. I.Anvnnnsnn. 011’, FOES, v,_ A: WILL, FRIDAY, .‘quii/TYQ i‘ l. 19.57. I SKETCH YOU/f 110131.!) EXACTLY AS \AVVAJ V/u/vawx n - - - An exchange paper says that a wreath of black walnut leaves suspended in a room, will drive out flies, and that they will u it enter the room again till the wreath is with- cred. IT GOES.â€"â€"Byron. No. 11. J. K. FAL OSBIRDGIC, Ricli..iond llil], MPORTER and Dealer in Dry Goods. Gro- I Cet'ies. Wines. Liquors, IIut’deI’P, Glass. Earthenware, die†&c.. tSLc. June. 1557- I ‘3 étltrl 1.3mm}. g.3-Wy. DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT FOR H ARVEST SON G. Darlin ; & Aitchison‘s __fl_ COMBINED , Ho! rouse ye. Iiltls. the morning brequ Has swept the mist from the stream, 1 And far on the bills the tuw’ring tlt‘es 111/1011 IIVEO', Are tipt with day's ï¬rst bcmn; R I (111.771 0.7V?) IIILL The stars are gone, the night has sped, June. 1857. Richmond Hill BAKERY, C. E. ERIN, N returning thanks to the Inh bitouts of I Richmond Hill and Vicinity for their past patronage. wuuld also inform them that ‘ho is now prepared to supply them with every article in the line. on his usual liberal term». I}? The necessary Varieties for Pic Nics, and Soit‘eos prepared on the shortest notice. CHARLES E. PERRY 1857. gl-wy g-I‘VY- Each moment. rhidrs dt-lay ; Aronse 'e tbcu when thc morn iSl‘t't1â€"â€" . . Away to the ï¬l‘ldS, away. To us no music sounds so sweet, As the sharpening clat g of the scythe, And echoing hills with 3121 lucss glt'el. The song of the reaper blyttie. I-low pleasant to follow, will] take in l-and. The tnower‘s drvious \\ ay‘, And scatter abroad With lightsome wand. Richmond Hill .que The green and Permme‘l Ila)" ‘ MESSRS. J. St W. BOYD, Barristers, &c., NO. 7. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS, KING ST., TORONTO, June 20, 1807. Let the soldier vxult in the pump of “at , The king in his self-throncd hall, The free born larnter is happier fur, Than kings. and lords, and all. His are not lields with carnagt rod, And drent'hvd with the blood oI‘lhu slain. g.3-wy. lsloop 1|)t‘trkc his gallant spirit. lbc lullm‘c :tt ofyou tu pm wrth you to the end of Comtthmntlutts tllfltll\t1il lllttl .n 1115 puznsnul-tnt't-tl.ltl.tt:ulâ€"lcltipcl‘i:dlovable \vcighcd liuivtly up in him, and lllllt) t‘l'Uitlitl’t: \tho xvtll think enough 0 .. tho llcdnu closely followud. (In the world. and stay by and (-m‘nfnrtill reaching hczulâ€"quurtcrs, a letter was you whcn you got gray hait‘cd .111de in “writing, which announced lhc litlï¬ï¬l’y. [c (it’tlllt of thu lust survivim‘I tucmbur ol Murryâ€" young: goutlctnntk-nnd kccp ti :1 largo family of hmtlun‘s and sisters; _\'t)ttI'St:l\'t:s out ofsr-rnpcs. anc somc- thc ncxl dn)‘. the death of n gonct'ui thing to livc for. his old companion in urmsf ch't world istt'ttiton: than Jtulfu man, and l rnmc lbc nous. that the gallant son 0! :hc WtH'lCl wuntsctttirc men. Somcud c Lord Lyons was sinkingr Ulltlt’t' ltis‘yoursolfrtml hcbnppy. And ‘\ ou shnll Thusc things. coming So have rcusnn to say it was a good thing: rapidly ono uftct' letttlllt‘l’. in the you t'csolvod to marry and rcfused to toursc of u few hours, :is it wcrc. be u solitary,bcct'drinkiug. pipeâ€"smith t'atiscil >tltilt u t'lutugc in his :tppctlt‘- ing bncl‘iclt'trâ€"if you FUCI'Ct‘d as wt-It :iucc. :til unknown to ltituscll howcvcr. m your clfurt as be who, once a youngt : that his ph} Sit'l.tll lunl to rcqucst him mun ltkc vou. is now simplv tho old \\ outnls. t Ohio. stckcucd in t-ouscquctu-c of some “bully grouiullLSs rumin's :tllL-ctiuu ll(31‘(‘.ll.‘)l’rttiltrl‘ll) tho community into \\hi('ll slic- had l'l't't'ltllt’ umvc 1. 51m Thu following are some of TlH' ‘ t swccts of a doctor's lifc: . . . ifho do trot it is bott'msu he cares trint'c' \i-lmoriguintcd them; but hcr dcllcatc ’ ‘ ‘ and Sv‘tlsltlvu spirit shrunk bcforu thx: shock. rctreatcd within itself, and all turn and blccding she dicd! for the fleece than the flock. goes to Church regular. it is because he has nothing also to do; ifhe (but pro, it is l)(:("dllSG he has no respect for lhi: Sabbath or rcligion. If he spr-nks to a poor person, he keeps bud com- pany; if he naSses by, he is bcttr-r than other folks. If he has :1 good carriage, he is uxtrnvag int; if bi: has “'ithin a few months an (:chllcttt clergyman found the feelings of his pcoplc so gcncrnlly against hlttl, that In: rcsigncd Ins ol’lit-c. The resignat- ttou wits ncccptcd ; but all untlur snub circumstnnt-cs that it was really a disâ€" ( Boardin and Day School FOR YOUNG LADIES. MRS. 8.6 THE MlSSES CAMPBELL, ‘tON'l‘lBUl‘l to give Instructions in the U ml hraucltcs of a solid and u:t=ful English ‘ Educatirm Also. Ftettch. Music, and Ornamental Needle But hills and rules 0’in which is strand 1 A harvest of waving grain. The summer sun o’er ï¬i'ld and plain Has shctl its genial ray, Till smiling acrrs of golden grain Await the harvest day ; “ And inlo tln-ir burders We, will not fail T" A Vacancy for One Boarder. Blink Bonnie Cottage, To carry the ‘- war of the knifc ;†And eager too are cradle and flail, It 1 d H’ll,.l e, 185‘, .I-tm. , ‘ . . ‘6 mm" l u“ t g .10 be wu-ldcd In bloodless strife. I F Y O U IV A N T Then up and array .' while the diamond dew CH “p Bespaugles the bending corn ; And gaily WP labor. ‘he while we woo Dry Goods and .Millino‘ry, 0f;â€" Go to R. Carin-072’s, 82. Yonge Street. Toronto June 12, 1557, g l-wy. The bracing breath of morn. And under the shades of beeches green “'e’ll test at noon of day; Morning. (Sundays excepted.) tit 7 o'clock, I pl-dnh ~‘ Ilnrtah for the sickle and scythe so keenâ€"â€" CLYDE Ho't‘tEL, : KING SIRE T EAST, T0 CNTO. Auay tn litt‘ ï¬eldsâ€".auay! 00D Stubliii and AllcllllV“ Hostlem r -O i B 1 r G g JUIIN MILLS, l 3 1 “)L Iâ€): tetu'. A I June. 1357. Elfin.“ I Oh! take but". but be faithful still, And may the bridal vow "BottiEdMAIe nepï¬f 65. YORK STREET. TORONTO, C. W. M. MORRISON. Agent, Toronto. June 19th. 1357. glâ€"wy. Be sacred held in altt‘t‘ yours, And warmly breethcil as now. Remember ’lis no common tie That binds the youthful heart, ’Tis one that only truth can breathe, And on'y death can part. The joys of happy clultlhnod‘s hours, The home of viper years. The treasured sccncs of early youth In sunshine and in tears. The purest hope her bosom knew, \V hen her young heart was free. SURGERY 66, Iii/lg Sti'eé‘t, East. Toronto, C. TV. All these and more she now resigns To brave this world with thee. Pal-titular attention given to the regulation’ol' _ . _ , _ _ Clmdmps vl-Pem I-Ier lot in life is fixed wrth thine, Its good and ill to share. And well I kan ’twill be her pride To soothe each sorrow there. Consultations Free, and all \Votk \Varrantetl. Toronto. June, IFG‘Z. Lwy, _. V ,_ Then take her! and may fleeting time I l Mark only joys increased; ll And tnay your days glide sweetly on In liappinessvand peace. JOHN MURPHY, House. Decorator, Paintvr, ' â€" I’Vuverly. I“â€" TROUBLE KlLLS. PAPER'IIANGER, GLAZJER &c., (SLO. No 49, King Street; 4 Doors West of Bay Street. The secret sorrow of the mind, a sorrow which must be kept; how it wilts away the man, hitnself all un-j conscious meanwhile of its murderous; clfcct! ,He cannot feel that he is ap- proaching death, because he is scusi bio of no pain ; in fact. he has no fool- ing but an indescribable sensation pur- ccived about the physical heart. lLor-d Raglan, commander-in-chicf ol Dealer in Paper Hangings, Decora- ’ tions, &c- Toronto, June .1511), IP57. g.2-wy. 1 l l , l t l l l I l L , .; G O T O ithe British army before Sebastnpol. J ' , , N ‘ the bosmu friend of the Duke of W'cl- DIOR] HY BRO [HER'S ’lington for forty years; of whom parâ€" FOR tinl fricnds have often said, “his char- OOD Wat‘cd‘ea Clocks. .Jou'elry, Metodeons, 4 actor soe'med without a flaw,†such a T ‘EII'CII’O ‘ 3.16. btlverbpoouS. uud Specta-lnlun died, ï¬guratively; of a broken Gleam mmew'yiighl‘ lhcat't 1' u or r t " n‘t tro blc [L7 wmch Chm, in Opemmml “~e,.mm€d, - - ll tll IlUl .l.tn h , U Clock-~ from QM. upw’uds. (‘Illlle like :1 whirlwind, avalanche 'lorumr- Ju'mv “‘57- 1-3. frillowcd avalanche in such quick suc- ROBFR' ‘ ) 7‘ ’ ‘ -.â€" I ccssion, tnat no. time was left for tho i I J; GIiIFI‘III’I, ‘turn Splle to rise above its wounds. LAG, Banner and Ornamental l’uiuter, ' The Bruish gnvcrmnenl' quailmg 136' .H \ furc popular clamor, loft the brave hm S Géocary blow {ltltl man to hunt“ the brunt alone, bo- lï¬: “m °r A'm-‘r 8"“ MN.“ description 05' cause it could not aflord to recall him, Elizabeth Street. 'l'oronto,â€"-Over W. (int- 21 poor one. on the score of economy. he is t’lcftcicut in necessary pride. hc mnkes pat‘tics. it is to soft soup the people to get their moncv; ifite don’t ntisstil. and that too for causcs wl'iclt ortght to hztvu made cvury u.cmbcrol tho couuuunitv stand up to him like a . without suspicion went into the house. But before they had time to allav was procured, and the poor creatures A man alone “I the l were fast returning to their bondage. whcthcr what I have got. be verse or men, of into or oi'yore, such a ditty'be- If he : popularity. but us well as It-oultl, in ll'tpt's to do good; and II the ’Rcvtcw- c 1 you may know by hct‘ pace, and lulb luivc liltlc regard for the lastcs and fnsuinns, and ruling,r passions, and boyâ€" dctting play, of the modern day; and though she assume a borrowed plume, 'It' allt w ....The IVoodstOCk Spirit of the Timrs says that, a few days ago, a man named C. Bush was drowned while bathing in Clan. berry Lake, in the Township of Blandford. Some of his companions were looking on, but made no eï¬â€˜ort to save him. ï¬iar for her starving children, and tcir hunger, the sable mother and‘ her oor hclplcss children were surround- d by a dozen stout men all " armed to A curious case (f huunn etr f ‘ , .. i z e action e~ re teeth.†lna few minutes a hack p r ccntly came to light near Eaton, Ohio, where the body of a woman, on being removed for reinterment Was found to have changed into solid limestone, preserving a remarkable full- ness and plumpness as oflife. The Weight of the body was estimated at about 600 pounds. ‘ruc it is that money is the root ofull vil.â€"Cor. Chicago Tribune. PLAYFU LN ESS OF COWI’ER. _.,,The mile varies in length in ditfcrrnt countries. For example: the English mile is 1,760 yds; the Russian, 1,100; the ltalian, 1,476 5 the Irish and scorch.~2',200 ; The following amusing letter beau- ifnlly nudj ng‘lirtgly_scts forth his mo- tvc and manner [II 1118 admirable poem -()n Charity :" to Info to Ills bcd, tltltl \\llltlll fortv- coutcutctf. and ('Omfot'l’tblt‘. Uncut: . . . ‘ ' . . _ I t H] d_ ‘I I. I ‘ _ ~ 7 . 1 My vcty dcat fruzndd am gontg (he Popsh‘4AOO; me Spamsp 0028. me high! hours u- m . “tlltttttt supposntu Btmumm. m send what when you have read L. _ 866 i A r w r - .' .- .. ..... .__._.__â€". ' Prmano, -t \‘t.\ ‘ (j httttst II to DI. tn du_\ dung“ ultntcvcr. hlqulHES OF A HOFTOIVS Von may “m Ch Your head, and Si“. 77233 , d 5 1e cuedcn and Danish, v' < ' k, L A t ' ‘ " ‘ o , V I Within a your, a worthy Indy Ill IIFE J I suppose, mm.ch nobody knows7 , , an the Hungarian, 8380. {he . . [French moasme by the mean league,»whicb mt - bv the tune and the time, it otwbt x 3,665 'ards. , _ b _ ) b: ‘ln ,; l. t'fitba. fl: .-" O i l ‘ me U l ( (H U,†H)“ ....A Hartford paper tells the story; of a ‘ If he visits 1 fcw of his customct‘s .. V - . « - know they up“: grnutullcss, she know “he†lhcv “HAW-H i] F to out 1 (“Hm-r . for†.iomnu hurling a man [mngumb by [us neck to tho motich of tho uuscrnblc \\'t‘utt'llt‘.S - ' ' k P ‘ ' " "I have writ ‘Chartty.’ not for l boom 1]) her house. She cut the rope, hruw him down stairs, held his hood in a pail of watvr until life was rcstorvd, and then After- wards he Went: into her room and began to show ï¬ght, when she attacked him with a 1" .ln “'11 say so to i; sure. the rrcn- . . ‘ . . b ‘ , I" larrupted llittl soundly witlra strap. lcutuu s mnsca \vcats Methodist shoes. lllt‘tli grace, that slur and her bard,‘ rolling-pin. drove ltim into the ncxt room and locked him in. The newt day she gave birth to a fine boy that Weighed nine pounds, . _ , and is now doing- vury Well. l now and tbt-u wuur a uttering air. its only hcr pint), to catch if she can. the giddy :intlguy, us thoy go thztl wnv. ....A lady went into a store II {New York City recently to purchase a shawl. Just as by a Prmhmtm†OI a new cm]. she was handingtlie clerk two fifty dollar 'I'Im' (“Unsw'us OI [HS “migrlny' and make them. he is afraid ofa cent. 1f lccbng that he had been bud y dealt his purse is rap it is becauss, he has \\itl)â€"~â€"ltis sensibilities received a shock which carried bitnto a prema- ture grave in a few days. " You are Worse than you should be from the fever you have. ls vour mind at ease?" said a quick-sighted physician. to a slouph-ss. \vnstin;r pn- tieut. " No, it is not," was the ft'unk reply and the lust t'Ct'm‘tlctl wards of Olchr Goldsmitl’i, whose "Vicar of W'nkcftcld" and "The Deserted Vil- lage†will only die 'with the English language. Ilc died at the age of for- ty-six, of :t maliitly- ofth mind, from blustcd lmpcs and unkind speeches of the World around him! lie was it mun whose 110311 was largo enough and kind cnongh to have made a whole tvot'lrl lutppy, whose Il‘lltlblt‘S' arose from his humanity ; yet the base things said of him. so malignant and uult'uc, ‘t broke his heart.†In view of those facts, lct pat-cuts curly improsr: on the minds of childrcn â€"lt is not what tltcy :tt'c charge-d with. but what thcy nrc guilty of, (but should occasion troublc nt' l‘cntot‘sc: that a carping world should not blunt-Ii the check or break the spirit so long as there is COHSt'iOUS rcctttudu within. And 'let all learn. what the com. nioucst llutnnltily (lit‘tztlth, to spritlli no word. write no liuc. do uoducd. which would wound the fcclings of any hu- man creature. unlcss under :1 scuse nl duty. and even then, let it he wisely and long consideredâ€"Hull‘s Journal of Health. DON’T BE A BACHELOR. Young manâ€"don’. live a crustv bachelor. It is not good for you. It will neither improve your morals, your hca'th or your bountyâ€"blurry as you. can make it convenient, and as you, can shape yours affhirs to support a" wife. But. when you marry. don’t drivos fast, it is to make people thin nothing to do; if ho is loan, it is be- cause he isn’t taken care of. If llc‘ k . somebody is sick ; if he drives Sban he has no interest in the welfare ofhis; paticnts. If he dresses neat, hc is, proud ; ifltc does not. he is wantian in self-rcspcct. If he works on tltut land, he is ï¬t for nothing but a farmcr; tflu: don’t work. it is because he is tool lazy to be any thing. lflte talks mut’h.’ ' we don’t want a doctor to tell every-t thing he knows ;’ it he don’t talk, ‘ we like: to sec a doctor social.’ lfhe says anything about politlt's. he had hot or lot it alonc; il‘ltc don’t say anything,r about it, ‘ we like to see (I man show his colors.’ If he visits h.s path-ms every day. it is to run up a bill; it lzt-l don‘t, it is unjustiï¬able ncgligcncc. ll; he says anything about religion. be is; a Iiypm-ritc; ifhcttou’t. he isan illï¬tlt‘l.‘ lfhc uscs any of the popular rcmcrlii-s of the day, it is to cater to the pro- judiccs and whims ofthe pcoplc to llll‘ his pockets; if hc don't use them. it is. from pl'Uli'SSlUl'nl sclfislmcss. If he is it) the habit of having counsel often. it is because ho kno 8 nothing; if bc objects to have it on the ground that ho uudcrstuntls his own business, hc is afraid ofcxpr'tsittg his ignorance to ltis,‘ snpcriors. lf lltl‘ gets pay for oneâ€"hull his services, he has the reputation of belt 15 :i grout ttuiitztgcr. Who would be an M. l). 9t RUNAWAY SLAVE BETRAY- liD BY A WOMAN. CAMP Point: 111., July 15. Messrs. Editors.»an evening our little village was considcrubly ox- ('llt‘d, by an arrest ILZJIIC of a ucgro Woman and tltrcc small children who had escaped from their master. livin;r atLa Grange, Mu. It appears the fall in love with a face instead ofal woman. Remember that common sense is a rare virtuc. munh bettcrj than silverand gold and fashion. Dou't‘ poor creatures had been lurkingr in tln» timber. within lutlf :1 mile ofour plilt't‘. for two or three days. and hurl luat‘tt‘ sceu ft‘cqucntly by those who did not view them with any particular intcr- court and marry ct‘inolinc and money», bags. simply because it is crittuliuc bf gold in plenty; but look for sound,‘’ practical sensc in a woman ï¬rst ; that l is the touchstone to try her othct qualities by. “hurt you have that. all clse comcs.â€"â€"Your wife that is to be. il'she is full of Common-scuse. will grow to your way of thinkqur and make you grow to her‘s. A woman who has wouuutly love in her heart will ï¬nd wars to make your love to- wards bur grow as the, years go over you both. And another thng uecds to be heeded. that isâ€"a cmnnmn Suttsv Woman is not to be found whcrc fash- ion insists upon dragging flit†fUlllttli‘ inth whirl whore tltcte ts Sltnply idlc gossip and little information Young mun! ilun't stand looking after tluit young woman who has IlllL‘ distinguished air, the reputation of a flirt and a bulle, and whose father has heaps of cash; for is it m‘t possibh that while you are straining your eves that way. you mny be tuning your back noon some unobtrusiVe little dam- est, and have even been So bold “.5101 call on familics living near their rcg treat, for victuals, water, (SLO. But.‘ yesterday, a report was raised that :t reward of $1,000 \VHSOIII‘I‘ULI or thcir delivery at La Gt'ungc, when “all eyes wut‘e open for the nppt'chunsiuu of the fugittvcs " and in :1 fun" lllllllllt s, a party was formcd and the Scum-bl Cotnmcuc‘ed. All day thcv wct'c cu- gngcd in the stcnltby tread. but no sluvcs wct‘c to bc found, and the |)Ill':_bciug weary t'cturm-d lit the CV'cll'uy Io rcfrcsh thctusulvcs pt'cp:1t‘:ilor_\' fm :inuthct' trial at night. Tltcir fun “as sltttllctl. huwcvcr, by :1 mcsscngcr ar- riving a few minutes after tltcy rcâ€" turni-d, ittforutiupr them that tho nu, th'ocs had bccu ili-t:oyoil into lhc Ill'llSt' of Mr. James \t'clsb. who lives at tho edge of tilt: timbcriu which the trench- cry was pcrformcd b the dunghtct of Mr. “Walsh, :1 young \vmttun, “int lound the ncgrocs :1 Short lllslttltt‘t‘ from lllc llOllSt', by tolling.r them that \‘ltC was a fricnd to thcm. and that ill tltcy would go with hcrto thc Intim- Herald l‘etuting. executed with dos t t ' it“ " “"1 °‘ and ‘vet had not the courage to sus- reasonnbla charge-i. _ . . Jul-.1857. turn him. Whlc the tone of official “July. | l scl whom _Nuturc has cut for your other half, and who may be just that she would gin: thum smoothing to cut. The poor muthcr could but ucucpt this ‘ut‘ct‘y part. that when you went in, . your bumblu mu." ‘Slltltit'lllyfl'oltl the ch'ccts.â€"-rlclirituu structiou; she has bnitcd her trap. in the hope to snap all that may Come. with a sugar-plum. His opinion in this will not bc amiss; ’tis “hatI intend. my principal end ; and ifI succeed. and folks should read, till a fcw are brought to a sct‘ious thought. I shall thinkâ€"I am paid for all I have said. and all I have done, although I have run, many a time, after a rhyme. as far as. from hence to the cud of my sense, and by book or by crook, write another book,ifl live and am here another year. “I have heard before of a room with a floor, laid upon springs, and such like things. with so much art in run \\ :ts fvrcul to begin a ruinuet pace, bilh an air and a grace, swimming nbout.1mw in and now out, with a thll of slnlc, in n II‘JUI‘C ofcight. with- out pipe or string. or any such thing; and now l have writ, in a rhyming ï¬t, wlt'it will make you dance. and as you advance. will keep you still. though against your will, dancing away, alert :uuluny. till you conic to an end of wlutl Ibnvc pctul’tl, which that you may do, crc uuidum and you are quite worn out with jigging: about, I take my how. and hurt: you receive a bow profuutnl, down to the ground, from ALARMED. M:th of thc lovch of the m‘dr’nt arc llL‘('0Hllilg lllllt‘ll troublt'tl about the mmth ol'tltt-it‘ potntious. knowing what we do of tho tuczms employed bv the nutnufm-turct‘s of “(plots to fur- niin an ample supply of" CllUlCt‘ brands," we :trc not surprised zit tbc alnt‘m ufthc cunsutncrs. Compounds of sugar of loud. kt'cnsntc, sulphuri' iltiltl.ltlll‘lt‘il(iltl, stt'ycltiuc, uux t'mtt~ it'u, cumulus indicus. slt'amontum. tu- bucco, alum, cnuthut‘idcs, horsc rntiislt. grains nflutrzulisc. I‘IC.. ult'.. howcvir (mucoctcd, arc rutht-r strong doscs. Thirty years ago. whctt the principal drinks wct'c pul'c whiskey, and Now England rum. cotnparnttvcly fcw (IlUtl lrcnn-ns and nmuia-zi-pntu wrro at. most uttk own, Mun drunk :1an drunk until they were pmbttilml and lookcti likc :1 Cooked lobstcr, but lbcy still [in-d to pnllutc' socicty by tln:i:' pro- SLIIH'C, Not so now. Mmlcrn improve- mcnts luivc mutlc the transit cosy and rapid from honor to stuiutc, hcnilh to .llSt:1|St,‘_ lift: to tlt'ulll, hope to dcsl :tit‘. l'ltc tlrvil is |I||l to bc outdone. must bmc his l'illll'ltiltl, his tlcputs and stiltltlll lltttlst’, his cztt's and every facil- t\‘ tuttlnltc thc tlcst'cnt to pct'ditioul .Illll infamy I'.l1)lt.ltllttl certainâ€"Cru- IIt', hills, she received a blow in the face from a. well dressed person, who exclaimed, “ I forâ€" bade you buying a shawl,†and snatching the monry from ltrr hand he evaporated. The lady fainted; and on recovering The mer- chant expressed surprise that her husband should have acted so ungentlrmanly; but his strprise was greatly increased when the lady informed him that it was not her husband, and that she had never seen him before. The bold thief, however, made go‘od his escape. i ....A Lecompton, Kansas, paper has the following: A young; man of this city having ibecome tired of living in a ‘- state of single ‘ blessedness," went across the Kaw river a, . few days sinceâ€"profiered his heart and hand lto a young and handsome Delaware sqnaw, ‘(said to be worth $25,000),â€"â€"was accepted, ‘ This “ls a streak of luck for our young man which then went right off and got married. will enable him to live at his case hereafter- VVc learn that a few more squaws, who are rich,accomplished and handsome, say that they would prefer marrying a white man to their own red brethren. Now is the time for our young and good-looking men to marry a fortune. ....An incident which occurred on the New Yetk railroad, not long since, forcibly illus- ‘rates the “ pmverofpoliteness.†The seats were all full, except one, which was Occu- picd by a roughâ€"looking but honest Irishman, «M at one of the stations a couple of evi- dcntly well-bred and intelligent young ladies came in to procure seats, but, scz'ing no vacant ones, were about to go into a back car who Patrick rose hastily, and ccher thrtn his seat, with evident plcasnre.â€"“ But you will have no seatfor yourself!" respond- >d one of the young ladies, with a smile-â€" 't-tsitating, with true politeness, as to accept- iug it. “ chcr yc rnitnd that" said the I’d ride upon the cowcutc/Lc’r till St W York, any tiine,for Hibernian, yer “‘PIL‘CIIH: lot. :1 suttlc frcnt sich yin/[wnzm/y ladies.†ttnitl thc chews of lbosc who bud wilncsscd (hr incident. ..In Baltimore, :il a private party on if a: *alurday t-vcnir (lining’ the progress ofthe ~‘ tuct'ry dance,†a Miss lSI'idgct Mctiatrity, \\ ho had been dancing, was asked by a 30mg man to dance with Itnn in the next sr-t, to which request she yielded a polite assent. .‘I‘he next moment she reeled buck against the wall, but was caught befOte fallingr and seated in a chair. Dancing instantly stup- ped, and every thing was done that suggi st- ed it off as trO wr for ltCt‘ recover , but she i l l .V .Vlldt’l‘. A Ill'l'tlt'tsultltl whilst: lllu wasmndc 'tlls'ct'tlltlt.‘ 1); tin: clnttt-t'ing of two ltlnt'ltstntllts prcvaili-il upon each of Ilium tn rt-nmvc, by the ulli‘t‘ oft) liber- :t| pi-cuttuit'v compuusutiott. \l'hcn Ilt‘ mtmvy \\1l$111\li’IdO\\'lT, be kindly i (pm-Ht ulutt m'igltbot'lunzd [buy in- t'ltlll‘tl to rcmttvc to. Why sir," ,-.- lit-.l Iii-k. with :t grin on his phiz. -- 'l‘nm smith moves to my shop and I m-tvc to [INC/t." :- lilit-tl in five minutes. and before a physician jwho had been svnt for could reach the huust‘. i'l‘hat scene of festivity \vus tbu: snildvnly turned into one of mourning, and the gucsts sadly took thitir lento, otvn as the dead had before the expected time. A postâ€"tnottctn examination revealed the prcsmtcc of tl|\t'.t\t’ of the hvurt, \"Illt It had born IIg§l‘i\\I\I\‘Ll and brought to a fatal crisis by the K‘Xt'l‘ll‘lll consoquunt upon da win-:1. l