a genuine "20†that he was made aware of its spurious charaoler. 'l‘hc vignette, the lettering, and the signa- turcs an: Mose which usually appear on the Quebec Bunk one dollar bills, and do not appear to have been med- dlcd with in any way. Bills of tin: same denomination. and of the same bank, altered to “5’5" are in circula- tion, and might pass current anywhere except at a hunk counter.â€"Co.onist. It is a mistake to suppose lhal water. bomuse ilmmains auinmltrulcs or confervaz. is necessarily unwhnle- some. However repugnant to our fuelings it may be to use water con- taining these foreign bodies. it is only when they are dcad and pun‘id than dangm' misvs from their prcscncc.â€"- D ' >Duubcny. The qvveslion a to who was the bravest son (I! New York n the M- xi um wau‘ his been de- 5 i ively acu'ei by the Cmunitu-e of the. c mum“ (inmu-il bestowing General Jack .‘n‘s gold bux on Lieut. Col. Game“ \V. D ’ckmzm of the £3.31 rec-knew. New York Volunteers. A remarkable We“ executcd coun- terfeit was paid in yesterday In M r. Henderson, corner o't'K‘i‘ng and East Market Streets. It was originally a “One " ot' the Quebec Bunk, payable at Toronto; but by a Chttlnit'ai pro- cess the ink had been discharged at each Corner and in the body ofthc hi“, and the ï¬gure “ 20, " and the word “ twenty " inserth with-so much neut- 11055 as ahnost to render dctcction Im- possible. The only peculiarity about the appearance of the bill is that the the hat-k is somewhat grcnsy in ap- puat‘anve where the alteration hus heeneflkotcd ; and the border. in whit-h the word "0119,†is printed, as bum ciippcd ott‘nll round ; but it might pass through twenty hands without excit- ing suspicion. It was only when M r. Hettdursmt paid the hill over to the bank, under the impression that it VHS VPIAL POT1‘I-zn.â€"â€"-Puund the re- mains 0f n cold ï¬llet with mace. add rapper. lu'o (n‘ three, clones. and a Ii!- IIB salt. and press it we†“own inlu p -ls, thou Cover wilh clariï¬ud bullcr. Alternate layers of pnnmlud ham and veal. or both mixud. fnnn a ï¬ne com- pound for the luncheon or brcukï¬ISI table. ' der was attached to the rings; by which means it would slide easily along the rope fastened to the cable : from each plink was a line. also fast- ened to the machine to guide it. The banks of the river being high would entrer conceal the men employed in guiding it. Part of a ï¬ne trigger line was found leading to the nearest bank of the river. The machine had evi- dently been floated down along the bamboo rope and guided by the lines directly ahead of the flcnrn. and had the ï¬ring been delayed one minute it must have explodeJ immediately under the bows. and destroyed the vessel. Most fortunately, however, the guard boat, which had returned to the ship for a fresh crew, had just shoved olf and was pulling in the direction of the exact pointofthe hank behind which was the man guiding the machine. He must have thuoght himself disrmvâ€" cred, and pulled the triggeran instant too sonn. From tw†pieces at the fragments of the whole length and breadth it was, found that tl.c machine had been a strong wooden tank. ren- dered Water pl'OUl‘, and capable of con- mining more than 2000lb. of powder, CLEVERLY EXECUTED COUN- TERFEIT. zmtly ahead of the flcorn and so close as to snake the ship all over. immediâ€" ulely afterwards fragments nt'a very large infernal machine floated past, and many pieces were caught by the spars that are rigged out all around the ship as a protection against fire rafts. 'l‘he pinnace and the cutter were sent ahead, and discovered at the distance ot'hall'-a mile a strong bam- boo rope, attached to a pile driven ltllu the bed of the river. This rope was; found to lead from the pile under the l water to the flcarn’s cable, to which it was attached some feet under water. This must have be n done by a diver during the night, as the anchor Ind been weighed the day before. The machine which had contained the pow- 0r; Sunday, the 3rd .of May, at 4 a. m., it'bcing :1 dark‘ ramy moring, a iremendou; ,qxplosion took place cx- u tumuel Ristey, Gentleman, to be in- spector of Steamboats, and the Machinery and Boilers employed in the same, between und inclusive of the said Harbor and Town of Port Hope, and all Ports, Places and \Valars in Upper Canada, lying \Vestwmd thereuf and sttward Ora tine running dun» North and South through Upper Canada. on Ihe-linstn-Iy limits of the said Town at P01! Hope.†h ‘VVIHiZII-Uâ€" McCadiland, Gentleman, to be inspector of Steamboat: and lhc Machinery and Boilers connected with the same, at the Port of Kingston in Upper Canada, and at' Port: and Places in Upper Canada.between and txclusive ofth Harbor and Town of Port Hope and the Boundary Line between Upper and Lower Canada, including all in- land Rivers and" V'Vate'r's. " ' ' “7e art-[happde learn'1hat- the Govern- ment have at length yielded to the sugges- ‘uous of (he press, in reference to the due inspeclion of sleambnats ind steamboilers and have already appornted two gentlemen for Upper Canada. \Vc read in the- Gazdtr the tollowing :' A’ â€"M-3&:E t-lN "THE " RISHT“DIREC€ .. . ’ TION. CHINESE INFERNAL MA~ CHINES. - During the last three month thv Canada Grand Trunk Railway t‘mnpzin)‘ have cixcu» latixd several lhuu~and copies ol' Ilw pamnlilrt on the l'rsnut‘cvs nl Canuda‘ and tlw pros- pects opening there for the inllus‘lrinus of all classw wan desire to mitigate. which wa~ iaxueu 13% Spring by [in- l’rovincial Gov eminent ; and likewise. of the two lectures on Canada. d--li\’cred at Grevunck by Mr. {ollo Cainiuhell. of Montreal. in January I st. The result ha~ beenw large an amoqu 0L inquiry at the Campanyis Olllcl-s that. with »'a Virw to diminishing the coriprIule-me. it was deh't‘ltllnml to isme a weekly cirrular n‘ ginlormation. atlnriling t0 intending ellllil‘altls the lullext pzn-ticulan upon (‘\'el')‘ point upon Wlllt'h l{110\Vlngl' i~ tlusiruhlc. A lurg‘l' pt).- tion of Ihe inquis‘iu: rc'late to the (ll'lllanll for lillJOl‘r rate of “3,133. prire of land, 61c. in diï¬'H‘llt lucalili and. in m'l‘lr'r t0 rende: nut-h inlbmiutum as cninpletc a d arcurztle as pns‘llllt', nna-urm haw. hwu laLen to ob ,tain, hum the luc:-.l flllllVH'lllt‘S thrmqh'iut Canada, umnlhly rvturi-s ol' the ninnlwr oi persons. male and l9mal:-, who cnuld ï¬nil proï¬tallr emp‘n'tnwut will-in the limits o.’ each IlNrict, 1hr: wanN halal lor each din lscrii-li'm nl' lalmr. and lhu- bust mans nl reaching tlw di~tiict. 'lllicw [I:li‘[u'tll.’ll‘land others nl'a prart'cul anil uw'hl i-lmravtm: tywi'l bl‘ published in the rirrula . wlii I: will ‘brcmm- a very ellvctual Means nl' alT‘NLllng that (hm-ripliun or kiIr-wlcdge. Ihw (lxï¬ihinu ml “'lllt'll “'lll he equally lit-:nrlirial tn thosv lwho emigrati- aml [to the (l.~‘tl'l(:t~' or Canada lin Wllit‘l’l a (lumanll Pxid.‘ for [heir labor.â€" b’irminghmn Juumul. thv precipice. I hen: grmpt-(I lightly m [In- 5. at, and over we wenl; at Hu'h rt-Wlution [he large boulders of rock. wiih which thk “ Iiil†was' composvd “mull! break lhrou_4_h 'he curaud mingle with us. I hid no o'ucr thouqu than lhu‘ ufhving inxtunll)‘ hilh-d The scene was i‘mliwrihahle; ru†cur wax rnlliug. crushing and' :41 ll‘dillg down the rock; we ww-e inmnled, pn saw] and mixed up with brake!" ‘séutéx glam. flagmrnls and slnm‘s I renwmhgrfnoihing mare umi. m- reuchc-d the lmllqm, when I lonked around 'uul percein-d that [here wa: uol a piece 01' llw cur ran ainin-g larger than Ihe doors ; it was literal')‘ :h‘vucnl to ~p¢'i:|lers. Our pus- wngers were cola-cling lngelher. and sule a sight as Hwy prcï¬tnled! r-ul hulls, faces Mud hands; tnru and bland-lu-spnltcnsd l'| :lhm. shrieks and groans mrt 1he eye and c: r. 'l'how that oâ€"scuped wilhnul. hrnkrn limbs begun ilssisling than: who had n-x-eived xewn‘ injuies; they were lnkvn h'nm Hm uins' and carried In (I)? tu'curk, p|.nced upon i ear. and vom‘ryed 10 Mount Savagemherv Ihvy rucvin-xl Attention 41' Dr‘ "l‘mvnwml Dr. C. [1 Oh" of this city “as sent faunaml i.» dm- time arrived and £|§>i5led Dr. 'l'own- wnd in selling hrme~ and (llflh‘hill'j “’(‘lhllla l‘hvre “3* no om- killml. hu! n|l W'an more or In» injuredâ€"several ‘evelrly. Couduclnr James Mcxuhx is hurt sm'erer Iv. '1 he mum» of the ncvidvnl was a duh-cl in the truck rail. The rngine and all Ihe (lain, but he passenger car and ï¬re cia! curs pagu‘d in sal'l-ty', thv I'ln- cnnl cars wem dnwn with [hr pawnuer c1“. The dislzmce the car mum lo isuboul 125 ferl, And about 30 feet perpendicular lick)" the A CAR smvumcn 'm SPLIN- 'J‘ICHSâ€"FIF'I‘ICEN rumoxs lNJUREDTMIIIACULOUS ESCAPE. liltat the bunks of England and France “ill inontinue to reduce their rule of nth-rest. in consequence ol‘ranid accumulations ofsimcie. 8. ln cl ncluuion. wr- giw it as our O1tlnin|l that, all crnakers blluuld ship ll‘wir mouths, that ixllcrs ~lmu|tl go to wnrk.nml llxnt evvryr body should expw't prosperity if they mind lltell' owu business.†These) are our (lelibvrale opininns. lmsed upon “ peculiar and ‘reliable infonnntinn " .WegpaLh-fl4nl§uÂ¥kw+4£smwe will conâ€" g‘ntulatv nu selves llmt ollwrs much wiser than “1’ an, have made similar or warm: blunders. ~ 6. It is our Opinignibnsed ugmn privntw advices from-JCallfoi-nizl. ‘tlml Ihe’ynâ€"ld 0! gold at Ihe minesrgnd the >hillml’nlx (In-nu ‘he remainder 6f the year, wiil be lurg‘vr ï¬-Em now till January Ihan duringï¬ny ollu-r corresponding period. 1' 3.. 1‘3†mnnzhs. 7. “'9 ' believe that ï¬nancial matters abroad “ill, from this dale, steadily im,n'ove; 2, \Ne hcliever that lllt' mohpy nlnlkt' will continue Io improve, [hat the prey-:- -‘ :treel†raEes nt‘interest will Iml bu m nn mined through the I'}-ll'lgil_ldel'_ of llxe smsm and that the bank rate will be easy a: 7 pc ccnt. ' .4. It is-0I1r_,opinion that mod deï¬m‘fptiml of‘stdcks lmve ‘~' t(‘uk:‘hvd boflom,†and [hi 'thoS‘e who have money lying idle‘lmJ belle be in Haï¬lc‘ about making investlnomw. The Independcnt has a few-scllltd l‘rpiH ions in regard to thn; fulure, and uh)- shun}. not the world ' have ' lhe bun-ï¬t of Ilmn Cerlainly ll almu’.d.â€"-Sn here We give them. 3. In regard to {he 'r-i-nps, having 11ml llu pri\'ilege,'lulely. of personal ObSeI-vuliun i. at least thirteen ol the Narlllvrn Nah-s. w. “'8 (ll the-opini-enrï¬mt ‘Hrtï¬g‘g‘rtéguh- )‘ic‘lr Will be far greater this year lh.m _c\'er bl fore. . -- - - 5. VVe'beEiï¬ve Ilml‘ [lie [)1 03811601 for trad generally is cncouraging; ‘ 1.. 0m dpinitm is; mar th.: Scum" « talkedrof by Ihr- whole tribe of lung-[ac Bears, has been indeï¬nitely puslpom‘d The Commercial ‘and Financial Depart- mt-ut of the religious journal the lndn pun- den', i5 "103' .ably candncied. II giw‘ . Its opinions in reguud lo lhr future as fovastâ€" '11-1‘12’N‘L‘i"? INDEPENDENT ON THE ($111513, THE CROPS, THE CURRENCY, 82c. EMIGRA l‘lON TU CANADA ~ul rlmravml: ‘ wlli ll Wm M' aflV'dm; lhw (lxfl‘u‘inu l’a‘y lian once more been. and probably at the present tlltlllll‘lll still is, the scene 01' iltiullll‘r insmreetiunaxy movement. Front the llar'llltrlllitl'y llOllL‘L‘s tlat am" air in thi- ffll'l‘li'u and lingliah newspapers, colourin as lhrse for the most pa t are Wlll| the peculia O'DllllUlh ()l‘ the Wiitvia. it is tlilhcult to ax‘iiie :it the exact lrulli; but there can be no iloulit that the plot was boldly conco-iieil and skilfully planned. Initl €Xlt'l|3l\l‘ rainiiticnlions. reckoned on :i annulluneou: rising, and evun now, thouléli the luilu.e is l'l'POl‘lL‘d in :0 many places, it Is not certain Ilmt at nll points it has ha en put tl0\\’n. 'l he plan SL‘(‘I|IS to have been to effect a ri~ing ol‘ the [maple over the whole Peninsula. trom the Alps to the Buy Oli'l‘a ento. The authors at the plot made no (hilt-tenor between the mild con- :ilniinnal rule nt‘l.’iedin0nt, [he lr‘aden des- potism ol the Pope, and tttu wearing, llt‘l{fl< ting tyranny ol the King of Naples; tlieii design “as to Hear away all that is already estiblialied. and to erect instead an ediï¬ce ol~ Italian liberty. in which all the inhabitant: nl‘the Peninsula shuultl have :11 equal inter- est. ll wax :i hold thonght tn svize upon the town ofGenon, the ships in the harbour, and the [nutritious of war in the afaflnflls. Had the plan succeeded, the insurgents woulJ have been enabled to etl'ect desenta on vari- ous points ol'the Peninsula, and t0 auccnur their cmnpaniuns wherever thev wrre hard pressed. Theâ€: is rva~on to believe in the garnison, for one of the torts commanding the town was for same time in their possess- i-Hl. But the peollc ot‘Genou, ini’ett‘t‘ate Li-Jon hzn recvnlly araived in this city and such was his womanish appearance ||I.Il ~,..~lwic1()n was CI"‘a|c~'d a: to his sex, and line Liua d3 new. about lo urrrsl him. and would ‘nuu- dune :0 but for the inlcrl’vrrncc ofa 'Iex- sum who know tho.- ynunal man. Last night Linton again 340! mu- tumble, through Ia'l- III! inln lhe hands of“ party of ynung‘ men who buliercd him to be sailing under false colors : and \\'u re ab- ut lo I‘ave an examina- tion to (as! the nutter. A gvnilu-Innn cogni- zant oflhe history (if Linton happenml to bi.- pursuit. and ulmn hi“ represenlulinn Linmn was set lice. Feminine beauty won-M stem [0 be anything [ml :1 deail‘abie gift for ammi. Au cxmninaiion by ï¬n: experienced physi cians was Ordered by lhu c()uI'Lsoll1al there could be no [magibility of midake, and they n-porlcd lhur Linton was undoubtediy a man; 50 Lipscomb lo»! both his lady love and his amuir. Li-‘mn hu~ recvnlly araived in this city and such was his womanish appearance Ih.|l u in‘ollllhe of marriage. Much. of course the latter “as unuva lo fulï¬l. Bul an (he at- lempliug to exlyla n why hr: could no! ‘~ come lo lune,†lln: l'ond -~ lmyn†wouldn‘t believe .| wund Oi'il,b-t full in the belief that his mmmomla mm a woman and nothing short. he :ucd [or beach or promise. The raw crraLl-d no Iinie exam-mm! in Richmond. [NSI'RRI Some time ago, it will be remembered, a aingulur L'uSr' name. up in l||(‘ Richmond, Va., uuu. ls, III which aynuug ma | Immed Lipacomb ,ucd'anolller mun mmed '1 hos. Linton, for mam of promI'Sc. Linton. it seems, “as ol~ such remalkuble feminine appearance that his lru-uds eusxl)‘ prrsu‘nded Lipscomb that he was a 'emaie In disguisr: a 1d so enamored did ht: become 0|. Llll10lla>iu a~k and receive A MAN PROPUaING 'J‘O ANOI‘UER MAN “’9. glean from our Branlford linzhnng'ex. thal ulOsl extrusiw [‘ri'puratiouh fll‘e‘. htlllg made in that i'own tn uuumunodutv Exhibit or» and “Nora. The buildings for the re- ceptiun ul' urtichrs.“ l5 expected, Will he cumidulcd and ready for that purpose about the lat 0! September. 'lhv grounds on whirl) 1h? exhibition is t0 be hultl,(:0\'PTS 11“ area of ull‘v&lld\ of twenty acrvs. The Ex posit/Ir 510‘s" lhe selection Lay been a meal L’Xct‘llt‘lll one. hnlh a» rt-gurds soil and .situzi- lion.†The. whole axrungi-un-ut in couise ol‘ luring carried out appear: 10 be quite charac- ICIlbllC ol' the ruursetic and busy penple of Brunrl‘ord. and, we have no doubt will hv lully uplll‘t'clit'td hy th la'gc numhe-rs which will, most lmduulylrdl)‘. lake advantage ol their hospitality during lhe days of thr- Ex- hibition. In another column We: publish GPO. Alexander, Esq‘s., addrrn In the Agrii-ullm- 2d Society of \\ culworth.â€"â€"Dunda3 qurd- The Palm-1mm" R- vino say: and HIO)‘. ï¬n-ndish ultrmivl [a bu: Luwu was mmlu on 'l‘uoduy In some venousâ€"who. for Ilu- NIL .u'e unknown. 'J‘hrvv «we a! u! made an our lime In I‘M: building parts 01' Ilm mum am]. We wgl l|:nu;|l u mlrcmai'ul in «me im’ln when prle I: (‘etldifl!)"> tmcl byjuvul llua ulm byjm'cl Ilt‘h ulonv [non-wed lllI‘ lawn general (In-5!: m-‘inn. :1 I: ur 0hr Inning In:le disabled :1! u “‘QYCI l-il \vllih- (-ndeavoring l0 rvach (me of I-m '.~cen.*< n: di~a~Â¥eh AS 1‘ wins, a most valuable Mumer an] ollH'I‘ IN'O‘ iverty was totally dvslroyvd. llw stimulcd \vnrlh of which is giwn at and but trifling ilhlll‘nm'e efL-clud. A: U u.l 0†from ' I - w cmcal ' ~uch OCCUSIUHA, llu-nc was a gnu :11 s ,) water. PREPARA'I‘IUNS FOR THE PRO- VINCJAL DUOVV. roaid.â€1t"i§ d '{ibudrr that 5 single s< caped alive; in not, llwu‘ escape {IV slam death is m :uculmls The true lenging to the c u‘ rem .mcd upon Ihe oi lhl‘ precipice. lHllt‘lW‘iï¬c lbw mast wouldunrlnubfp "" ’m 1- ‘w gm Lilla] - luv-land (11121.) Telegraph. \TTLJMP'I‘ 'I'O BURN DOWN7 THE TOWN OF l’li'l‘lglib‘ulio’. nml Inn l< [‘JONA R Y D IN IT). L Y. mini In «my uwlnnc nu Ion iuflalmmhlc h. A Qmull emit nl‘ [non-wed llw! 'inn. :1 Luger nnr h 0 say: a dvlibrlatc [a buuu donn what my main in“. by In- wke 0i judiw, (r a! ill'f‘lllids wme ultiingx in (lifl'm-«m Ivurtl In h-al‘n, hula nc‘ MUVEM ISNT single soul e3â€" suupe from in- le trucks bc inc worm: MARRY tn II'HI‘H, ;_ yet [he [0 line in- \"PI‘JI or all Cu m- Al'ter the reading of the minutes ol the 1previous meeting,a pelilion Na,“ pretenied [by Mr. Pingle, on behalf of Mr. Henry Miller, 'l‘lmrnlnll. praying xhe Council to in (lemnify him against an action at law enter- ed by Councilman Bowman. This created con~iderable discussion between Mr. Miller and the members of the Council. 1! .mp- pears that in the year 1854- .Vlr. Miller was elected Reeve of the Township, of Mark- ham, and was instructed by the members of that Council Ito rgrnm'e or cause to be re- . mgved an obStruétion'in road allowance be- " Common vcrl’y) are Week. The Markham Council. A meeting nf the Municipal Council 0“ the 'l‘owmhip of Markham was held on Saturday last at She’s Hotel, Ellion\'ille. Present :â€"Messrs. Reesur (Reeve) Pin- gle, Button, Burr, and Bowman. 39m liming}: fiaytir. Wx- \â€" ._, interesting RICHMOND HILL, AUG. ‘21, 1857 Thornhi", August lllh. 1857. [In reference to the above we are inform- ed upon goml authority. that Mr. Crouk‘ ~luluk recently paid in lo the Bank. a sum of money purporlin; to be lllc um um! reached by him in 18-10 on ucvuunt of I'm: Bruck Monument Fund. and (hat the matter wm Ilu'u uhowvd to limp by “W highr’st mililm‘)‘ nulhurilim-s. Mu. Young. Imu'm't-x, in ([u- ubme Irllcr. hlium‘ further g‘rzn'u ltlla'gvs uguimt Col. Cronkxhunk, Whfl'h J. Inzmd in- veqignlinn. if'lhry re~l upon any fuuudntiun: mu] :1 public report upon lhe who!e mnllrr would M'I'In lo he n-quiwd lnr the sullséur- lion of llmsc concvlned. and as u qullvr 0‘ justice in the public.â€"En. C(1L0.\1$T.] On the training day (Ml \Vlllcll lllls sill)â€" SCi'iplilui Was mudr‘ the mime" L'UllL'lIll'Ll ii) you mneumed to l’Orty-lhn-e poilml~ mun- iodds. besides a (mini lcralilr s nn which you tlllL‘l‘Wdids collected from pcrwus who nm A' not in the ï¬eld on the day 0! training} I lLH'l-f since learned that you IllAVI.’ i‘L-iiml ed publicly that you pard owr the anion It or the“: alileCiiiniuus tu lhr- late Maj r Young kmy brothe.). tot he by la n paid out. tu [in Menu-er ol the Brock lurid. and that hr [failed («I do so, and that he appuoprialrd the money to his own use. Now, Fir, I would ask you why you did not alter Ilns communi- CJlIUII appeared in Ihe Colon/st come bulilli forward and in 50:13 one Or iii-m- nmvspapva rcpndia'e and disprove any charge thou-in Ill lerred against your integrity" in place of gn- ing from one [vermin to another Intln: \r'illag-v ol- Richmond Hill.au(l alhiminhr llml )OJ in; the amount of ~said Nibwiipli'nia (mar to [ll Major, of which you have not as yut avl duced a shadow 01' pmol‘. ll ix wrll knonn that all persons paying nimn-y in It) [In- vl‘reusurar of ‘l‘llt‘."Bl‘00l( laid, would rucuiw for [ht uumuit so paid in a receipt in (lll‘lll' catu. I would now ink you why you alum» ed aeven yearn to elapse. (Ilia! '3 to say. l)l'- tween the lime you allege to have paid lln~ money to the Mtujm' 3 id the IIIIIP of ha~' (le- Craxe in I847), without calling (‘0: lh.» pro (lurlion of this duplicate rI-cl-ipl. l1 snrel) Was not for the Want of time. for smumvhese about three years previmh to Iln- .\lajm".~ death. you lived in his house l'rl-e ul‘ chat-gm in this he was acluah-d,a5 you are null aware, hy a feeling of good mll l0\V:Ir(lx ynulwell‘; in return for Illih. your end-arm- lo cast a slur upon his memory. Inlhe year 1.837 or 1838, an Art was paved bv Ihr. Legidtllu. (e,exr-rn_-lin; (2l14|l(r‘i\. \lenonisls and 'l'unkl'rs from Militia Lain- irg. upon the. payment ol‘one pound yea ly hr each man liable to serve. During the two years this Act éonlinm-d in lo Cl‘ Ihe amnunl paid in by these denmninalim-s at Your own house, aznmmled earh year to lln- «um of I‘Wenti' seven pounds~ exactly. in all to 1h» sum nl'Fil‘ty-l‘onr pounds. Did you also iiay the manor over to the Major! \ou told Capt. Charle~' Keller o"y0ur own Regina-at, that you paid the amoth over to Mr. Bil!- ings, the District. 'l‘reasurei'. By this aw'r- lir-n you sland self-convicted. Any person who will lake the trouble to examine lln- said Act, Will ï¬nd that by a clause thurvin enn- Cililfl‘d, llm Receiver General “'as the only person aurlmri :d '6 receiw snh maniex Perhaps you cari‘also aceou-it lor lea i-numh arising out of lines you held in your hnnls prmigus lo my leaving [he regiment, and Which you :Icknonlged in a Reluru made In the Adjutant, (Ienvlal. Dill yuu (‘x'm‘vxâ€" pend one copper of this money for rvgimeulal inuqmspa, for which it was inh-mled .7 H you do not 1hink the furvgoiu': Ma'e monts sufliclent to exonvrate my brother, 1 have more at your service. From the Dai/y Colonist. TUE FUND Full 'l‘llli {IS-CON- 511:UUTIUN ()1: “HOURS-5 310)" U N1 ISN'l'. To Lieu: C07. WHY/[am Cran/m’uulk, 0/ L/w Ala/Imam Ali/mu. ï¬lmâ€"A communh aiiou leu'nl‘l'll in the To on“) Colo/list ma ly [no )uul‘) aim-min- i'erl'in; a charge of mnbvzz emvnl ugmusk you, of tin: tummy hubhcl‘lb‘fd by llle Hillk' hum Mihlia, lqurJa lhu nucunallucii-m ul' buncrul bu' Isaac “rock‘s Mnnumrul. On the training day (m “hch lllis wh- scriyliun Was made, [he nwncy COHclHl'd b) you amouch m Fofly-lhrru pounds smm' odds, hmides a cmhi lumbln- will \"1||Cl')°" Several cmnmunicaliom and ollm ing matter (includinga lrfll‘l‘ from non Stnhï¬ffl in reply lo Roger (1e Cu are anavoidubly postponed until nexl remain. Yours, H. C. YOUNG l The Reeve stated that 'in the nbâ€"E sense-0f the necessity dorumenls. it would be better {or the Council tu deli-r the in- ve:tigati0n, U\lll some subsequent meeting; when [his long unsettled question would 'be dispï¬scd ul‘. But, as the Coumil hull been i culled upon to take action in the mutter, by I the Tiustees, their account: should show the legality of their deinunda, and the Council should therefm'e dim-me of it {Or the present. Moved, by Councilman Burr. seconded by Countilmnn Button, that a special ap-I in‘oprlzition of £5 be made and expended on road llllO‘VLlllCC, between Lots 30 8‘. 31, in the 4th Conceaion of Mnrklnm; and that Messrs. John Summerï¬eld and Benji- min Jenkins be; appoihtéd us commisrioners to superintend sail appropriation. Granted. Also. lhu sum of £‘O to be expended in Front, of Lot ‘26 in the 3rd Concusflon, and Illa! John Hills and James Cliflord, be ap- pointed as commissioners to expend the same. Granled. Moved by Counmhnan Burr, amended by Councilman Bowman, that Rum: Marr be appointed Collector for the east side of the Township. Carried. The Council then adjourned, to meet again on Monday, September 23, at the hour of 11 o‘clock, A.M. - '- Moved by Councilman Bowman, seconded by Councilman Jlurr, that Mr. William Moriison be appointed Collector for the we‘t side of the Townshin. Carried. A By-iaw was then framed to break up School Section No. 9. After wlnch the pHilion of John Lane, trustr-e of School Section No. 1,wus considered and agreed to. 'l‘he rcxvd School qnt‘sllon again came ulv, wlwu the Rt‘ch‘ read a ln-uer from the Local Supevintenduut. lit-v. Mr. Hill, who was absent in consequence of dulnealic uf- fliclivll. The report of the Tl‘UalcEs w.» {flan absent. 18.37, ï¬lm: he W215 nnta UOm'd, Illa! Hwy WUIIN be injualice m lhe Townsal lhewl‘m'e object to lfllell‘é in the mutter. Al'ler some further discussion, a l’t'SOllllll l. was i a~sml [0 the following vllevl :â€" 'l'laa! [his ('(‘uncil learn wilh I‘vgrel.ll1ul an action is now pending in the Quevn’s Bunrll; enlmwl by Mr Bowman :Ignimt Mr. Hilts-r. l‘or [luv purl- lxe look on bvhnlfo llm Municipalily, In Immaculng Mr. Bowâ€" man for ulmlruclin; lhe road allmvum-m lw- lwvrn Lnls N0. 5 8L 6, in llu- 2nd Cour-‘3- sum of llue Township of Ala-'L'llam ; and ll1:.l in our opinion he wa" only discharging the mll ol’ the Council by doing so. Yawâ€"â€" Mewrs. [{cesor, llurr uml Pinglc. Naysâ€" Messrs. Button and Bun‘muu. ll To which Mr. NIHH rephwdï¬hut h». had uI-vuy~ chuJ‘htd lhu musl kmdly Iltrlingr [mvuru's Mr. Bowman, and had no Pl‘iYall‘ innâ€"rm! LI instructing (he Crown CounM-I to Iuncm'd with [he proseculinn, and llmughl i1 mom; {on hLm lo diMhaz'ge lhe coat; oi the: suit. 'Hw “have, said (lam the Council nughi to any that they Wt-u‘Al indrnnu‘Iy Mr. Mll- Ier, :lgdilht any Ims ; as he Wu" “cling On behalf hf lhc Munic'wuhtv. by Mr twccn lot~ Nos. 5 and 6, in the 2nd conces- sion, whereby Mr. Buwmun (who Was uoL a In“!!!be of lhe Counvxl at Hm time) fell aggrievrd. and refused to remove hi> fem-e -â€"â€"which \vzu comidmed as the obstructionâ€" unlii llt‘ Was fully suli~ï¬cJ llml it has his duty to do 30. Au anion at law “a; the nenull, whirl) tx-rmiuutrd in lumr of Mr. Bowman. Pru'ious. howmcr, to line urliou his urn-me vcym' as Witm'» ul [hr peop|c In (In so. u grta' dca: ul uum-ccssar) trouble \vnuid hnn‘ ln-cn :n‘uuit‘d; luu now, :h..[ lhu “Minn Was p!’lldin;, he t:0n~ideled l.:al It wont! be far lwllcx [u nllmv Mr rielf imzonnprlt-ul lo dmslmrse ilx dulicn in this reap-wt, ilhtx'llclrll Mr. Millrr (0 pro- Cvcti will: Ihv prtz-sn-culion. Anollwr mzliun is now puldinguvnlcrml hy Mr. Bawumn, (wlm in now u mvlnlwt of HIV Council. and a wet-3501' to Mr .\Jiilcr) m which H". Miller still arls up :I drl‘vnce in Lei-u†of lhv Taun- (,‘mmcihn.nn Bullon, said lbat the mailer 1nd bun mglwfledflud Illnl m IL.» opinion, Put] it bu-(m prnpml)‘ ulh'mlml In by the Henna Aimwh, imleud m‘ axllmri ' oil] r upimun [ho Cmmcul Imd no r slill srls up ship Bowman. Pru‘ious, hammer. to [he urliou being entered. Mr. MIHer Ir-«iguud In.» Reevusliip. and Mr. Keener (‘he lu’mcnl Rem") was rleulcd; and consuhrriug inim- lCHlllI ulm H'I ICIIOH MI} 9. to 113‘ most intimate llivnd; and [haul if any lucrâ€" :)n hm! a ring lo pemmn lhc Council. it '&~ himulf, but at Hue prewnt lime hr nought himwl. above dumg' 2:0 lulu“ an uu unollwr mdh iduul Conncllmnn Buulmx indHnnlï¬.d MilIr-r my advice [0 the Cluwn Crmucil culur in (In: cuac, only uncnhnan Bowman, thm allh (HOIIVP M il'uur prm m-d ;:n.‘| aflel it lo llm COLLECTORS. us not cmls lo liiUlU‘; any uuiun take: as H ilillr-r for hi~ Helium 0 ms not a mumhcr nt' H4 wmnid be duing an act 0! I‘Ofl‘nship: and he wmfld 15 he l3 C(Ium'il “us ucluuln said that if the Coun W HS us uclnuhrtl by mmr Lil not call the sur- lust trial. hut culled named John \VrlhlL no right to nnlluiomly (hc lni mrmhc: ()l‘ said that in huusrl I. lllc sulmnl ll (‘ llw lht' his I] considered a. la-r average of the shortest lxerind III which hyilroplmbia \lIUWn inulf 39'- Ir-r the animal i3 bilten. and six or seven weelh thn‘lmigi‘st pi-xiod from the time of t'u- hit-r. Vlu [hi-.- human $|irClPS only a few day< hang in mine in~lancm elnpsul lHé‘VIiHH in [llr symptoms almng themselves. Unw- ei’er lhé- mm: cummuu liim- nl ll~eir alipi ar- lanz'e is from tiwury to l‘m-iy (luvs a'trr the lite. 'l‘hei’e'are no well .auilwniiualvd inâ€" siaicr-s riwa malady lying dormint longin- limn eleven or hv:lve mnnihs, l‘nerw'ore any person may be considered safe afer the Hi- piralion of a par. ]n the human sprcies the symptom: attendant on the bite of mad animal» are pain in lhe part bitten for some time. uneasiness, disturbed sleep and l-l‘lglll- ffll dreaxm, with alzl'llllgb and spasms, the lwound becomes hard and elevated. walh a tingling sensation, then clincluug and horror [at Ilie sight ol‘ Water. \Vlicu Once the nia- ! lady is iuunil‘cstrthe power of medicine aid all human aid have failed in mm! if not in all ,inxtnnces, therefore our \‘iewa would he ï¬l'sl i , .. . ,. '(lll‘t‘CI-t‘d to Inevenl, ll pnssible [he niwase. Immediately,llii>ieloie,un receivinar the bile l llw wound shnuld be \VL'll Wusllfll with WIII‘IH ‘wntcr, or a wash ol lye or caustic. not for- lgelting to lie liahl a tape or lmnilkerchicf around [he limbyabovc and below the wound â€"-â€"all of which can be put in practicgin ievei‘y household, by the most simple and timid, until the arrival of professional at]. inâ€) The steamcrAmbia arrived at New York on the 19th inst. “'e extract the following items lrom the telegraphic report ofher news to the Toronto papers :â€" GREAT BRITAIN. In the House of Lords on Thursday, Loni Campbell presented a petition from the Queen and Princess of Oude, residing in England, expressing great regret at lhr- revolt in India and the suspicion attached to their relative the ex-Kiug. 'l'he petitioners aluted that they had received assurances from the King that he was entirer innocent of any complic- ity of the outhreaks. and they pray that the charges against him might he made 30 that in: might establish his innocvnce. Ohjrcnnup were raised on merely technical grounds,and It was withdrawn. The Bill authorizing the embodiment of the Militia was read a. second time. The share euble of the Allanlic Telegraph was successfully landed at Valentin Bay on the 5th. 'l‘lm'Lord Lieulenanl of Ireland receivad it formally from the otï¬cers and men of thr “ Niagara" and“ Susquelmnnah" «midst gloat enthusmsm. The expedition is said to have put to sea shortly nfler the land- ing of the cable. W 5:? Magus Cummings, who was n-L-enfly hind a! “it 'l'm‘onm Pnlne CNN for Ms comm-Chou with Um Idle sham 3qu r ‘nLu q, wa< agzuc arraigned on VVrdncsLl .y Ia‘t on n rim-3c of having appropriated lo his own nrrwm a)“. m, [Inducing Lumul~iun and spawn ~imi|ar to Inckcdâ€"j'nw. 'l hr snmllvsl '10. non nl‘ Ihu poison inlrodm-m] by lhc Inn- 01' L'ilhvr a. do; 01' cut \HH \uflicu l0 pmducv [he nqudy. It is “()W bclicved that the lmiwn or :a'ivu applied in direct can act with a mum] skin wiil plmlme the lua’al‘v ; Ila! n \Vlllwul a w~und 0r bile. Om: [hing U" LN: large sums of bunk mum-y at mm-Ius limes prior lo ILe rubhmy. This s a du- lin.l charge [Tum Hm One previoudy brought a;ainsl hzm. '1 in: ï¬rst chluilmllhll. how- ever, leull-d no paum-ulurs. :m lhv lime of the court “'3‘ mainly ocru'lird by the oppo.» in}; couuwl in dug-uni“; lhu lugdl points of lluc gl'culrnl Imlnmlunce a -d lillle knan if: Ilu: public. is Ilmt dogs lumiuuxl)‘ l-eallh)’ at any season ol’lhc 3'. ur may, wh- n enraged or rah-(l lo a high (legru', commuu cnlc [he JIM-use by llwir bile,“ as a ["001 that ‘19:: have hydro‘vlluuiu without being inoculated- For inslunces urc- Ina 1y nu rccoul ofym d dogs gum; n a.l. though chained and without any kind of Inlercuurse will: any animals ca; :1 alt: of producing the disrusc. l’ulrid 200d, dcï¬uiency of water, seevrrc cxcruiwa in lml, -u|lry. dny weulller, wnlh 31mm pucuimnily 4' [he nlmoaplwre rmnb um, may yummy give rise to mnlnms in lh- (-ul'nuurnua um- .nuls. Nevrllm-Icax it i~ :1 Wu†known lacl. ILal h'\‘d-nl:hn1)iu I.\ mme prewalenl in odd ciillmll's Hun mum One.» '1 he mud do; mg [he Unlnilnm lisluhlid'nwnt. Ilexhnycd four or flu- 0| pnlirc .KllClzl-rda'd in dis Imlil lll but ‘IL‘ll pmsons as have n a 3y been wuuwderl by 'im bite of 21 mal (11g or other Iahid nulâ€" nml arr new]: nï¬ccled wiih the diseme. In NW cunin am! cal species a Wch may be (\ll'l 1;: It: (i lnubl Ind IlM-‘I' Ihlli ARRIVAL OF THE ‘ARABIA.’ The Empcrdr iuid Empress of the French 0:“? ()u 'l Inladuy IllxhK ia~t the cartcrs u thlmnu oi' ’l'mnnlu au-xckvd Joucs‘ am. “doplcd l0 l‘luv IIYDRUPHOBIA 011 CA ‘ MADNESS“ iï¬q; conlaginn seems 1') bu easily prora- ti my [he iulcrcouar' of dogs; bul il Ls Haul wlulher lhc dlstmu.:er is communi- 5 {run Our ,hydl‘OinhUbULH prrson to :m- >ingulur enough a large pcrfiun of cuulJ not [no 1k llml IIIL‘ curl. I no zn‘rl'als IN I] 0‘ 1-“ n 1mz- (.Azx'r'rs †HM: pm I3 and inn lhl u‘ivl have u :umn Uukv alreet, and tin: vehicles. 'I‘hu- (‘l‘~IU ""9 l-k conga-nth)" llwir |i\a3s vn "Ea inch ou the llw mnnibu Ihv rinun'a, nnalu. It mum of [he pcrrinn of a nu uf‘L'mnpaniFd by Count “’aleszsLi, and mull suitc. arrived at Oshmn, on i\ visit In Qucuu VIcIm-iu, nn flue morning. of the 6H»; and were rearived with a royal 331L118 from Ind ï¬ve: at hpuhuad. The Hail, was “Picâ€, :1 gumm- one. and wouh] not, it was ‘uvhewd. (-dezld beyond lhc Isle ol‘ \\ ighl, and pro- mm,- l’ortsmuu‘dx Navy Yaud. M'â€" A palilion cullingr unon Puliumenl lo send out a much larger mi ilary force to lndiu “as l'cceh'xug numerous :ignatures. To the Editor of the Gazette. SlR,â€"During your uttendnnce at the Markham Council, on Saturday lastâ€, 1, by perllllsthll ol~ your obliging lawman, entered the sanctum of the GAZETTE ofï¬ce, in search Vol. an hour’s quiet interesting reading. But, before looking over your valuable li- brary, l deemed it expedient to see the news from the various parts of this Continent, through your exchanges. In the waste paper-b.isket, I diacowred a dejected look- ing nopei‘, unonened. On tearing the covet from it, I found it was called the Markham Economist, and is as I since llndei‘stuntl, pvinted in Markham \‘illage,son1m\'lim‘e ug’ def ground. It was two parts ï¬lled. with annonyinous correspondence, the remainder wulh stale news and advertisements. In fact less c‘I/rwcure to the intelligent yeo- manry of Markham than the vileat con- temptible sheet that is published on the “other side of Jordan.†First after an insigniï¬cant editorial comes a, letter from John Smith. By reading it a person might at once see ll at it was the concoction oi†a member of the large annnny- mous family ofthe BroWns, Jones or Smi h‘s; very much after the tenor of the ill-fated Joe Smith, who was led olT [he track by Brigham Young oi Salt Lake; and at Byron sa)s sent to the D lsomvwhat eie his FRANCE. The trial of the Italians accUae-l ofan al- tn-m‘u lo usmssiua'u llm Empcrur ham I'L-aull- rd in a verdict ol'guilxy, “uh extenlmling circu:mlau.-r-s in favor of Barlolullc and Glilxo. 'l'he Cnunl was Sc'nleuced l0 Imusâ€" prrlntion for lil'e,aud BJIIOIOUE Unillo [-1 l5 yra'.~’ ll'fluSpOl'luliOl). time. The next in rolauon reminds: me ofShakespear’s Seven Ages. ‘Rogenle Cov- erly comes in playing. the_' Balfour) and cursing his ola‘mnster (Judais‘ Incariol) with]. claimâ€" The Paris COI’I'ESioledQ'nt of H19 Timrs in u Ivtler on HR: Numb]: .\|"xu:uu qu‘meI‘. my: Ilmt from 40,000 to 50.000 Americans here ready lo murch inlu Hue Muicun lun- Inn-y usaux-liurms against the Spammda. H‘ 3 1y thlï¬cully on lhc scorv of Imliuuulily lmd bu-ll raised they would law unumo-d Ihe eru an flag and emollell “Itlllsch'es us Mexican ciliZI‘ns. 'l lh- erit-au (inn-nu- nn~m wth d Io haw no oijclwn In a war “uh .14": u. 1"11sr Cmss TEACHERS â€"Rnbt. Ksrr, senr., Robert Kerr, jun.. John Mum-y. I‘. M. Cullum, Angm McKiunon, Nril Mc- Kiunon, James Mth L, James McLe u! , J. C. AcheWun, Mary ;\J1:U|Illli3>,\1}nlua Mug-es. t‘amucl Mum-Ivy, Elizabvtll {ulh- vrfo 'd, Alrxunder Rubi n‘ou, \‘V H. l’wmc, Adam >cott, \V. 1). Mark, “111. ether, 11. 5. Shel, I“. J. B. \Vonch. bmruND UL\SS TEACHERS.â€"Thoums Ansluy, DonuM Brawn, Jumns Bomar, George Brown, John Bruce, Urnr)’ Camp- ‘nll, D. R Cook, anry Cooper. Edmund Dyer, James Hollingshmi, James I‘lHWkilï¬, Joseph Ilugfl, \Vm. Irvine, James Lyiln, John a\’lcC:lTru_v, Robert McCarln‘ey, lezabelh McGinniss. Wm. J. MrKewou, Robert O. Mcliewou, sc-nr, Hubert 0. Mc- Kewou, junr., Jmnrs Millwr, John Millue, Thomas Millne, \‘Vilham Millne, ’xichard M usson, J. A. Oveï¬, John 0. Leary, Calh- erine A. Lemon. Alexander M. Rubvrtson, Andrew b'hiclds, Lewd-r Taylor, J. \V. \Vomrh. The Porte having r.~!‘u~en| Io :mwnd tlw lalu clcction in Moldavia, HIL‘ Minimum of Fiance, Russia, Pruwiu aul Sardinia have broken ofl'uiplmnulic relaunns with l‘urkuy. ’J‘m'u) ('LAss 'l‘E-\cnens.â€".\1rs. M. van an, Henry \Yilsnn. 'Jvln: 13x51 Clllbï¬ 'J‘mchérs were examime in English (ir'xmmur,Geography. Hialw)‘, (\nciv‘nl and Modurn) Phiiuengrh)’ and Physiology. Arilhmclic. Book-Km-lnng, Mrnsumlinn, Plum; 'lq'ignulï¬luelry, Algebra. Mullmlnntim and Ethan] Urganizuliou. in Arilhmeiiu, English (,z'rmnnmr, Grogr up'u» Hunk-Keeping and School L)rganiz.ntion. T119 third class 'l‘cauhers were cxzuminu-d in Arithmetic, Engllsh Grammar, ergxal‘li)’, and School Organization. 1 “’9 ui~h to he dl~tiucl|y undawloud that we will no! huid ourwh'm rmpunsmle Iur the npnuum of our Conesynudeuls. Aésu, all (Iummulmmnous addressed lu lhisufï¬ce for l’ubhcznhun. must be arcompmned by thu real mum- ol'lhe WliiOI‘. al- l'nuugh it new not In every cum be inserted. The renewing 'l‘ruchcrs of our Common \' ' . .\ ‘ . . . cuoob, appemtd below. the Cuunty 130.15% of l‘ubllc Instrucuon in [his place; an! wcre examined in all 1hr: "xerciaes presented for lst. End and 3rd c!as~ 'l‘enchers. EXAMINATION OF SCHOOL 'l'EAClllillb'. The Second class Tenche‘rs Were exmninr d CONSTANTINOPLL‘. Auglhl 6th.} SPAIN. ION