Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 21 Aug 1857, p. 3

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‘..’IVU occurrerl' in Hutu ll‘U‘lll this 63' so. 'l‘no- den hs dualâ€"scréu'ug'ol'poetry, which foolsaru thy - ‘ Several lives liable to get Iiolil‘ol'; loudly applauded by Ill. editorial department of Hi“ Economist, simply . a. e-nlbo been lost In Canada. - inl: gr rte e .‘tClUIllill‘llt‘tl \\|I.I| Hllll I. ;. iII_> III HI “I: wind and hml. rt i~ l'carcd that much KJJHIIIILH‘ because it all helps to lill up. llis‘age is bu" h V bee}, dam. 1,, ll... mops, a short one and ‘Weal .have seen him in t‘re'p lirtominc . . . . . A U~TItALIA â€"Ativ cos fro-n )lt-lhourue to thy livilll ol' Mav hnd lieun rtc'r'lVL‘d l” l'Ii-gl l'l(l. '1'..- _* scl‘lll‘ m“ Uâ€"I-l'mt.’ “elm” h" mm“ -\'il$ selling lIl Mclhu’urut- ..t L 2 17:3 6i .. I; l - vLIN: Olht-EI" (:OI'l't‘sp'mlvnl’ If :II i'ct‘\l~ lid Flour 3; .2 per ton. ~.\ lmslt hil‘ll|c\~ v. Illsltltljlilnf-l:CIIUI‘CII (Ill-llmne IlliIr-z..azrl~'\r't-itl uuipg ildo no II'II lillpUl'll». mIrd - wInI‘chn 'tA .I\-l\‘I , - .‘ , IIfl‘l‘lli: . lIL! \tt'tltilvl I} .I I tIIlr . p - IY choked I’ll 7In Oranzt-rnau and IIlmltpp III.’ IIIIIIII-II I-III I,» IIIIIIIIIIIIII â€"0III II IIIIIII I IIIIIII III IIII II for. breath. With Inn: ,strctcucsltmn -.l_lin~ IIIL III, IIIIIII .A. II“ IIII III III - III IIIIII III II III III (III IIII I 1’" Bylalilmluy' B": it wmlmvbr llill-lug ‘3 may” vird on Upttun. ’ A} ‘Hétv 'hltrti' Irv. \l’ll I Mr ‘ ‘ it would he a It) ' dti t-l' SHIV 'iltlll Ill”! ilyiliiv- as (.‘liicl‘ Secrcairy h is born (rug .ni v. (I, against him. 'f‘om‘ It'lltltv. lIrIis’ its-lini'lnic» “A, u ac,\.l,,,,-se [Hurt [I (9,.“ ImkI m, SIPI as the rest of his kind. Altlimuh la in per- ~urd-ty lust. the “dc at u' to "liver u Inn-ll I. Il-‘ll I ccive Irntn his sentiments that he‘nvuultl li’l. Ewe birth to lllll‘L' tlzittgatels. ztllI n! whom are . . I doing weti. thu mother lLJltI'J a|~o In a “itll‘lllCIOI'Ito hi'ck bile “in” ollll'l'rtmml' “flm'ddl' ~t'Ite, On three l'-rriiI~:r.Luct'.I~iuiis .VIII's. Lynch But' Sin’annw me '0 a'.“u“' you lhut‘ you -a\8 lllilll to twins, and ItlIo llIrt-i- now iiilltriltlced , Gazzlte can have [10 greater Iret'tlmml‘lldll' into this worltl o Vicissilntlcs lllulfivillle total ntirii- .L. tion in lllr‘ eycs ollhe rcspci-talrlc conununitv her ol'lwvlro clltldfcu barn tn lho~e happi- patents thanthe scztnrlel of such a rnawpic-a'letl papa-r as the Markham Ecarmmist. 'I am yours truly. I_ FRANK waiv Richmond. II'rll.='Atlgu~t ISIII. 1857. m In tile course of a l'euryoars. all ol"xt"'liutil the livnig uxcypr oneâ€"Saunders News [.irltcr. -- --Asl~Ir:rt:-s1l.xo .\l “mic Blownâ€"The Free- iuzt~ou< til‘ the 4Gt. It I isli chnne-It. Iiuw station- .Ad at \‘Vindsuu B igl Ind. have n tlipir pos~t~~s on the o-iLriuril Bible belonging to Lodge 1‘ r. 277 U! the Irish Constitution. once in existence in that Mrs. Stowb'hlLsaid to ho oligngod in try-inn": Owl’s; "l'o" “llv‘lc‘ll Gim'fl“ W’”[‘l"g“’”â€"“l‘l"' Inother «nonhwhich will s'non be til-hushed. "Nd" Ctl'lllllai'd.‘1"'"“ACh‘ef 0" u” army. or “'9 Unilr-d Statesâ€"was initIirtIvgl into the rights of F‘reem sonry. l'his book was taken iti battle in I777. during the'Revollrtiouary war. by the Amer- tc..n troops. aiid‘.lln..irt-ahl\‘irestured to the Lod 9 ....Several fights have lately occurred in Tom between United States troopsand theludians. ....Admiral ofi'iho 'White. Sir Robert Howe 'Bromloy. tied at Stoke H II. England." on the 8th of the 46th. witha iilili-uit'yT a can as a guard of instant. in his 79th vear. honor. . ,l H . ....Tho Chicago Democrat states that 80-1 per- sons and firms 'in thatcin have paid the liquor' liconu of $50. making it revenue cf $40,000. .. .. Porter’s Spiritol‘ tlie._'I-‘lm_os attributes the do- ‘eat of the American horses. IIIIHIB Goodwin cori- t'est. tn the incapacity of their trainer. l’alnier. ....Wntt’s sash factory in 'Brantt‘ord. was de- ltroyad fire a few days ago. caused by the ex- plosion of the steam boi'er. used iii setting the machinery of the establishment in motion. For- tunately no lives were lost. who is celebrated for briiigi'ing his horses to the ground so fat that they ctiilllhlido‘lllbtnselves jus- tice. The New York He-‘ald. on the other hand. attributes- theIdel'ealI to bribery. - It says that the English. to save their national reputation. bribed ..... The rates of freight across the.Atlantic from the United States‘ridets not to win. ()ur Yankee Wary point con‘iune low. and the unemployed friends are fertile in finding excuses. It would tonnage is probtbly more abundant than ever be- not -do (for them to nitrite- the candid admission fore known. The ruling rate for gruin'frilm Now that the defeat; was caused by tliesupeiiority of York to Liverpool isi3dvper bn~hel. the English horses ovelj llvlfiIowll.â€"Colmlist. ....'I‘he 'l‘imes says that Sir William Don. who ....The Kitigrtoti rCorninelicial Advertiser ‘thus . is acting at the ,St. James’ Theatre. is seven feet al'ndes to some frauds that have. recently been high. Colonel Phipps. on reading the fact. ~gave committed in the provmcial penitentiary :_ a.sliriek. and exclrtinird. "By Jove! he's tal. I: “slid-mitts act iii two 'piecuil"-'â€"'Punclt.u â€" ....A collision occurred on Lake St. Peter. on Wme ‘0 ligh- l'llu “’l'llih aWFlCl'iln'esligatioIl is_ tlie‘n'igh'liif lw4th'llt‘t” between the steamers Il?“i“g l“-""l"1“d~ The Subject has Nille llIUCh v “ Quebec” and "‘~Moritni~1reiici.” by which the ‘alk l" “"5 Cl‘J'du'lnl! the Week. and lIUlllit‘ gossip latter laden with flour was sunk. The " Quebec" escaped with trifling damage. No live< lost. “ Sonic gross frauds ill connection with the sup- plies furnrshcd'to the Provincial Penitentiary. have has bceii rile iii reparts ; but the investigation being private. the only authentic illforliralion we have is. that the late. kitchorhkr-eper' is cltargcd wi h Bv the “ Persia," we learn that the Imperial I I I I i ‘ ' " receiving a bribe ttom contractors. and also wrth Government h d intimntvd to Parliament. um .. I t , ‘ _ cc tilvir to lal e lelll'll.\ iyt ll: at til I .l - nothing could he done In (,hum but tlm dostl‘tlc- ' r 'g E m I l U x 'p plies, lllllESClI"]!0(§l\i‘llllg the difference. It. is pro. tionoF war ju'nkrt. 'I‘lie r-sillt ol‘ Lord Elgtn’s visit to l‘ekiu was not ascertained. If it were unsatisfactory. hostilities would commence at. Cattle-n. II V I, ' ' ‘..;. .T‘hoi ncxx'l’rovi icial Ev‘h’ibiti'on Willi“: held' at Bron 9ord. on the 29th and 30th Staptotillier.~and the lst and drill Ocinber iii-xt.’nnd will be open to all Canada. Arrangements have been made with -tho tariirrrs railway lines ct-ntering in Brantl'ord to I grungy. ‘Nisilow to and from the Exhibition atI-re- M liable the next ASsIZes Will hing these matters be- fore ilie public. anti that Strict justice will be meted 'out to all Pfllller." - WN- . . ‘ .. . I . . INFORM i'i t-o,\'- FUR A-i..-ir:ssnits;â€" At the sittings“ of this court. held Ill thvs‘viilh‘ge on Mutitiiay last. the appeal iiladc by M . R..I\Ilc-I;.eaii against his ‘sessmnnts. came up for __clt_;cis on. and alter due . _ .. _ .. , nitiazion and deliberation. the Judge gave a idtc'rsion in Mr. M: Lean’s faioi; thus establishing I‘ the fact when a ntan’ssalafiiiexcfieds the amount ',,.,ducatIg-atcs.,,.z ‘ ' ...i. t. ‘ ' K ‘ V_ of his net'sonal pruperCy a‘hd‘Vthereby becomes .,..I.I'I‘HI FlustI‘I_ Low or ‘WHEAT.â€"v'1l|(| first loud-61' wheat brought iiito'Ha-miltun this season. was (le‘ivercd yesterday at thustow of I). William} ,gubj-tct to.ta,ngtioiIi. tile assemtn' is required to sub- ject his asgsessiiieiit I to Illeifidule Iicstiictioiis as those applicable to an assessment upon personal .sun. wheat nletcnaut. John street. - . _ ..._l .. 1 \- p I _ I V L“ M. eru MIHmI'Nm' “r [LIB (OW!) ml" 0 satire ri'la-tiliet, that is. it his salary Is less than Bruin. I he qunll'y Is vary fine. weighing over £IU0I . GUIIb per bu ~lltII-â€"-Blfllll£r. lt'was Ig-‘uwu property. viz : The scale is to be applred in the he can only be asses (’(l lor £50: if It-ss' ithan £90 I. and more than £ltlll. his assc~sment I ,.'...'I'ne ,thllltllull' Banner says that the Solicitat' must be rcdttt‘od .0 £100. and .~o on. “is dens _ . . . . _ . . I lzolietal West ltaspaid (.a-ug’a ’I Visit lately. and man also be deducch lruui the amount of solar-y] is quue couvrnccd that Malctiry alto.»- 'l‘uwthentl I as III the c iso ot' as.~e.~smeui on personal propel-Iv. ixil'l'ownscnd and llOlDOtIV els“. He Is also'ol“â€".»I_l/r Obsurt'er. opinion thatno dilficulty will he experienced. when .tFFItAY AT l\'lA¢.:‘.\l‘tA FALLS. the t me for trial arm/es. in proving Iii, identityiu l i ii most sitisllctury manner. . .‘ Wan-(A “ Btu I” l<.â€"\Vhe'r you my in a An afiruy occurred at Niagara Filll‘. 0|] firing which inflow Aiiicrrcaiirzcd. such and the 5th, callsltig considerable ixvitnmcul I . such it nian is a " brick.” do you think or do you there. The ' know the original ir‘l' It is thi.~:â€"Au caste!“ slated to us by dilli:rcnt parlii-s suljhlunlia 1y ' I‘lriuce oiibeiug min-d. H Wit-ere are the to iificzl- as :ullows: A gentleman from the Southâ€"â€" ‘iuns ofyourcity?" rcplled.pointing'toliis :oltl ers. Khllll'd‘y 0" Mlxsoull"“illl hi5 Wilt” Mill daughter, Were shipping at the Intci'nulttnial Hotel. On 'l‘ucstlziv they were 0n the Cau- 1 :Ida side. and took a ferry skill to return. ' Alter l'lle ladies 'llad' taker'i‘sc‘ats in the skiff an impulcnt colored main took a seat be- lweru them. 'I he gentle-nan who accumâ€" painied these ladies, t'e bu~band or one and particulars UI lllc' tine arr ‘ '- eVury‘ruan you see is a brick." .Cusuuise I’uorvunxâ€"A gentleman in Buf- falo has just received a letterfruui Fairport. Ohio. in which the writer says :â€"" The crops never looked better. May is selling at $4 a ton : Butter at 12 cents; Potatoes'at it} cents ; Cheese at 7 l l mum“ Such intelligence is like a rav of sun- fulher 0‘ u“, omer’ qu-IIIIslIId “It, mule: . . ' ' D *hllle- Pu“ “l‘mg 50‘” WNW" “l sud‘ P"C°-"- politely to leave lln: seal. that he might 0c- cupy it. The» fellow rebiscd to change his. seat. and gaieuuusivi: language in return for I ,politctwss. ' 'l‘lie ubilc lllLIIlIt'jr‘CIt'tl tlic black one by lorce from the seal, and ctiocketl him some. ' ' Yesterday morning tltewmatt and his wifeI value to the brcuklast table of the llrlcruti-l Itional late-rtllar. usual, alrdIIaItIeIr nearly all , _ . , the guests had left the "dining room. Alter I"..Lnte and important intelligence from Utah taking his seat at the tirb‘le; bo-srdc his wile».I ’teo‘chesus byqu or California. Newdisseusions the negro with. whom battal- the altercation .rwere‘atisin’g urtoug'die Mormons; uud Brigham in the skid on the prcrinus titty calm; up to "cling assures the 'I'ISIaiuts” that if they will him and said, “ you are tli’e'mau who choked stand by him. llIewiIl ire Preside“; or the United me )‘e‘iertldy.” The rcp'ywas, " yes. and I Slit... iii less iliaa ten years. AIIII unrelenting ought ‘0 [lirVérlhro‘iV‘l-l Yb" lam lhc “WIN” Vim", was wing wag“; aghméf p“. was“... At this point the Illa k follow struck the Mormons. and scenes oi" violence were of duitv ‘mau 0" “"5 mad w-lu‘ a'llezfly lumble I?” ’ ' ‘ ' ing him senseless to Illc'lloor. 'I be wife of occurrence. . . . o...Tho Lebanon (Ohio, Star records'tlio death the geuueman um? assauhrd ms.“ and’ WM. . commendable lierulsm, dealt the lcllow a blow of four men Iroindtiitkii whisk ' r' 4: ~ . . . . .. . . . . '2 I lg ’33 “.“h “ 30“ wluchrcstrained lulu. Vl‘ itl’iout' an instant nine to u. Italso says that tens of thousands of ~ . ' ' fl . . _ _ ol delin she ran upstairs to the roouis slit: Ih iii the stream below the distillery have d.ed.. . ~.d . ' I .f. p 1*..d ,l .k d I . Two misomoad {Ith h“ be II II II III octuptt. .mI trig tlt oor . no r. , lei n b . I. r n I‘] _e ““lqum‘ a "” ‘ husband having the. kty. she burst the door ‘I °° I°'l'£II;l9I_“ .‘ °'°k°d "I'll" “‘9'” -â€"=Th”‘k "If open.setzetl a revolver, and fall totlie tllliltigv . .iat. MINI". “r” “and "‘1‘" Gust" “1° ram .2'855 - room. By this time the black Wailers had “ml milk-“fl” WWW“ 01-90130“ 3'0“ lmbllw Ill passed their Companion out of the house and - ~v ‘ v - > - s . , ""3 d'wglu-I out at liiiniedtate danger; lolcruiile quiet ....B_\' the latest intelligence from Scotland we W1“ "smred by ‘fl'? imerfel'euc" or the I’m' laugh," gm“ fitnlpmhs. was Show“ I". a“, pew pnctors oi the house and'lriends. Fla and tradesmen of Scotland towards Miss ’1 I") negiio who had .cmmEd. the disulrbance Smith and her relatives. A subscription was on rim to “w Nye." b‘mk' ‘mendmg '0 “cape m that in Glasgow for the-purpose of raising a £l0.- can“? bUt (Nd. “loll “It?” uh 11" lwf‘s 3"" OQU fund for the young lady. and an address would Page“ bl aItOIuISIa ) if" “ H on “5. “Na-v ' ~ 0' *' . . x \- lro presented to her father. stating that. in the [0 answel 0 ie mac‘l“ wig“ m raallnl’ a . . , hotel a shot “as tired lit0ui the second-slur oiiiiiou of the us ' A‘ r . ’ , > . -- - . . .‘ ) “lion” “flea on :I|n(;tls still"?! it. no dishonor “,mdva I 1‘1]? ban d“! no rum-1,.”y but pms. .. W“ l ° r" ed near the constable arid his prisoner. \\ ho -â€"Colo1tlsl. . r . . lit-ed the shot no one has yet 1>C€llilllle(l. or is ....Kiug Municipal Council will meet at Mr. Bluughys Inn. 6th Con. on Monday the 31st illsL. for the purpose of levying School Rates. 'l'rus- tees‘ol‘ Sectit‘ms desirous that the (‘ouucil should collect their rates. must umke application. setting 'l’ui-Ith tlie‘aniouut they wish IOHI'HISQ' to some one of the Councilmen. on or before‘tluit day. or at th‘e' moatirig.â€"‘Eru. ~ j '1 cent occur. £11088: “"1”er “'0 Purl“) weeks various parts of at least it is not publicly known. It ~ Cant-6.3 Illd the United States have been visited charged upon both parties. _ ., WlSthflol‘gKSQVel‘P’ thundprmtorms. Tho lvghtuiug V'I‘lte negro was taker} bolero a magistratc, has-boon stunningly. destructivatq human life examined and found guilty of the, assault. AQ‘IApraIricin “digit-lag“. (in; “an fifieen l‘liemaiistrute decided to sentence the fcl- : ‘7. v... -1:.~=-- - =-~. u=- -- :i 'a' *1 '- l Iplicd ~a IsI 5.l pr-r lb. ' per 100 lbs. IS ‘D A IL Y cxpcctiilg. a large [3m] P”“”m”s‘"' Assm'tincnt OI the aboveâ€"named Goods, ‘ _ 7‘ , direct from the b’latiul‘actulers. The stock will” Fll'e ! 1‘ 1113 l 1 Fire. 1 l 0' varice on COST. . Copper, flrass. Tin and Iron Plate Worker, .\l I 101' .l ll..’c t). Q1.Jvt..u 1|" u . JJ i lildl ‘> II It‘ iiinlttlls. 'lit: -‘.t;u:lttn'itet' who \VJ‘ ll§~‘lul‘.- d cairn- u “aid 3, Id tequcstt-tl that the till ._\\ lrt' nil ‘lv‘lil ttiniil. lite mu_ i~tta l' llIirILIt‘ll by“ ‘It' m-iilritcc'lo :I lint} tilv$23ivlilcli \t‘aI- pal li’m’lt slrr LVN/II”. I V ROBERT DIVER, ' Boot and Shoe Maker, llll‘lhlxgflfiltfley u u Methodst Chu- Ilt‘l. Yonge Street. llitbinund llill. aw»â€" ;.:‘..\"rr .‘i-\t) twou‘c‘uldlzu. >\ (‘lmlt'e ri‘lbcmln ~ol' tit-‘ntl'eiitens’ Lad es' and â€"' -l -l'i us and ‘c‘iiceriug are the reports ilII ‘ mn- tw. ll~ lttun i't'crt‘ purl 0: our C(llllll tlt'tl ncc to the riIteut-tl birrt-st. 'I In .tl. l'.ll_{ in Mills-“Ill has ll‘)~\' mii'ly OlH'IIUl I‘t‘ill't' and plenty” I; the j‘rIl‘Olh bit tb- ‘ '\t‘ y report that Is still ltllll] lion tn . b 'hi tltcus‘ lloots and '5llflfis('u|)\1null\' 0.. lratltl. II , mj mums, to o tlcr on llll‘ Himtvsl _\0lll’l‘. Rii'ltlilutid lilll.hl|tlu lL‘llI. 18.37. Lr.l\\’.\‘. BER! tl’r. y . ‘ r'~ ll'.l'.FY lI-l - \ ill . - . - r~ ) lllt lirrI-‘ncst i-mp ol \\'ll<‘:lI that has cy'm g! I I I, H “I Xxx; I..I'I'I"_IIII‘II“"””.‘ 0‘ 1‘“ ml.” l‘ " “‘“JI "' “l” ("ul'lly' l" "0W I’M” licliiiioud Ilill. Jul) II). 15:37. [ trillIt-ic‘d. 'llic it;‘;'lt.‘;:llt‘. yield will. it l- nu Ill:llllli‘>l.t"xcvt‘tl by lttlndrctls of [Imus itlltl\ nl' l'u>|trl~ llitl oi llrc most [)ltflllllll Ili].‘\'(’:l that ha; ever bl(:.~.\.t‘tl lllc lziliors u. \incrii an lill‘billlllty. The corn crap. l0“ LOIldHI Dock Vaults. GRAND, BROS, p r-uiiscs c'tcmuluulv will, and will, we MPOlt'I‘IRh ol' WINK. Spirits and British il n'ut not, llc us inircli in advance of any “‘0”. “‘ Wm”! 3"" “UL”- ihrtnr‘r yield il‘~l\ that (ll. \‘lll‘ltl. (Jails till” (I? Viol is.â€"lllrtl<n' llic (.lulm Ollico. King l'a‘lry are lilgi-wisi' ii-pOi’It'd us Ilntlsul'It I. Sll't't‘l Wort. 'l'uronto. ‘ good all I abundant. 'lmw' lbs" g-l'“'.‘"- -Vt‘get.rlr3i- and fruit products are also rcâ€" pt r-scntctl us I-ltlllll"-tl\ 1nd ill a wunil i-nntll linli. Ill IllO‘i localities “hurt: any :itIlcntini i\ tlcvolctl to their cultivation The plumb cropâ€"â€"tllat most important of all est-ulcnh â€"will turn'tui'I a gig i ‘us yield. and this Inc‘ is already having a sensibl»: client upon lbv market. *In sone of the Eastern cities a dccline of over a hundred per cent. pm- lullSllt'I is} already reported. Otlicr commo- rlilics' mu'sI ’soon fullow suit”â€"C‘/u'cugo Jan/rial ‘ ' OXEN' FOR SALE. l rtih~0tibcr Iii-gs asvl'ur sale ' ' ’F to lhl'til‘m lhn’ Public. lllll‘ 'I‘\VO YOKE OF C“ \THAN‘I OXEN. \Vhich will be disposed of very cheap for CASH. JOH i LA.\GS'I'AI“F. gB-If Jilly 29. 1867‘ J. VIERNEY, Boot and Mice Maker. POSITE A. LA\\‘5. Yonge stroll. R cll' p () umntl Htil. Lurk-J and Gonllernens’ Boots and Shoes. Iiiiitb- alter tlm latest sly los. August 6. I857. «w» The New York Iieraltl ol‘ Friday says: Mrs. l‘unninglmtn was removed yl-sti-rtlny l'rorn the‘bouse 3i liond street to the city prison. 'I he scene at the limbo was ex- citing in .the extreme. Miss Augtts'all‘alliiig into hyst-Jric fits when inl‘orincd that licr triothcr was about being conveyl-tl to primn. That “ blessed baby.” or rnthcr bogus bribv. which figured sn conspicuously in the Rustlcll farce. did not prove quite so attractive (Ill- ring‘ tlir» day. Ivi‘stcrtlay. as the manager of the Mu etim had anticipated. there brinzl little perceptible incrcusr in thc number of visitors. g9-6m. LETTERS IN Richmond Hill P. 0. ON 1st AUGUST l8§i7. -â€" A. Allen, J. N. ., B. 3-04 TORONTO MARKETS. Broddle, James I Bd‘ltlslwall \\'Iin. |. Brassil, James 'C (‘nsg‘rovtn licln rd . Couplnnd \Yin Cook, '1 lionius (lit-gidcrctl) anumcrznraom "rill: cutoutsr. " . I August 20th, I837. ' 1' During the present \vi'iek sevcarl loads of new \rheut wierc brought into tlte lllal‘k’tlw :rnd disp’bsetl til” at various prices, rangingI l'rom 5s to 8s 6l per husl elâ€"â€"tllt- sunnle wasvc'rv inl‘cxinr. Old wheat 8‘ 6d tubs!) l.‘ SPRING Wrtmr hits com.- in only In Illt‘ cxtt nl OI a few loads, u lticlt brought 6s 3d a 5 6‘ 6i per bushel. ~ V HARLEY New barley. oIt'i-ry ext-,t-l'rnt I (lt'50l‘lpllflil..l-Jl\‘ bcen Olliwctl nu Il.e Inirltet, and brought 5s per bridle-l. 'OATs.â€"â€"(Iom‘ sound oats are. worth 35 6d l a 3x 9d'pcr linslii l. A load of l'ar~mcts', on . 'l’ucstlay:brought 4-5.- Lots fiflilli-‘llOt’ de- scripti'u‘ can be had a‘ 3s 3d ti 3: 6d per Ilitlslicl. Ilkv comes in freely. at $_I3_a-$I8 per‘ ton. Straw, $12 a $I4~ l'o'r outcn, in lttintlbs; ' " ’ II‘oTATOlIas-mln 'the early part ol'the writ k new potatti‘é‘s came in Iccly. and I‘I'Ii't‘S \y'raifl Hill?” In as low as3s Pt‘l‘ bushel. Lately. lintvpver. the supply has diui‘nisbctl. 4s a (is Linda-e Miller, M. II. askcrl for 'sm'nll lots. The crop is S:tl(l I‘ Mills. \Vm. Marsh, Alexander to ll"0llll\tt well. and prices tend downward. 3 \lt-licml. Miss Jessie McNaughton D. IJUTTl5Râ€"â€"Fr» sll has lun-lt iv; Fjlllnl ly snn- ' Alclnlyre) Neil AlcCullum, 7 John On Saturday 1‘ 6d at d I> 8:. [HI lb N was as frequently realich as Is 3rl (‘n 'l‘ties'lav. the ru‘liu') I'ntcs: wcrt- from Is 3d P I 'l‘ult is in tnmlcrnle stiI-ply, at 10'! a 15.11000rtllllfin tlthnzlliry, Q R S Doyle, Thom-is G. H. Elli t, M. A. Ednlmltla, Joel C uinan, John (3) llowitt Robert llor llrI' .JtH'OI) Harrison 11. &. J . chisnn, Robert Harding lufl, \VIII. I. L. Little, “'m. " L‘JIVI'I'IICI‘. JOIIn C. ' Lungslrill, John Lawrence, Rov. 'I' . . ._ .M: v Mulllio‘land, Jolni Mansfield. Owen Milton‘s, Free Secretary of Illicltinunti Hill Ircdale, \Vm. Law, bliss Harriet Lcc, llvuhcii. ‘LOWI cilcc Mr. G .‘v IQ Nix. 'l‘limn s Plunkct, P. EGGS are plentilul. but find ready sa'e at ls Id Is 3d per «low n.’ BEEFâ€"The simply of Bowl is moderately l large-r. but not stillicicnt to depich the milF-i kct. Which is num'd at $4; a $7 per 100 lbs. deductingr Ol-c-Illi.'tl to.- shrink tge. Flier-iv arc plenty at $313 536. the first Figure I'll-'an paid for a lot of American. Lambs $2 a $3. Calves $4 a :3; ca:li. “'rioL Is 6d per lb. “hoop-skins Ircslr slauglitvrcd, Is 105d caclr. Beef hides, Call-skills. 73d pct lb. Quantz, George . Itobertson,.lulin Iutledge,Eliza'h li Sanderson. II. Mory. llunnalli Sirripson. James I Still, .luinci lS‘tanton, George Sivcrs‘, ll. (‘3) Smith, Hugh Simpsth \\'illtam. 5t«:\CII:OII,J0§epll . T V w Thompson Isaac 'l‘wirm “’illialn I ’ an, NEiN s1'oczk7â€" _op_ Ladies’, Misses & Childrens‘, BOO TS AND SHOES! Charles Dtu‘i'ant, Vundeburg, Peter \Vilmol. Pctcr \Vilson. Henry \Valsli Mr. \I'i‘liugtou, John M. 'I'EICFY. \l'ebster, Recklialn \\ atsan, Martha \Vilsrm. 'l‘homus Vl'ilson, J. be of W E E R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. [SCORPOR\TED BY {CT 01" PARLIAMENI‘. CAPITAL STO'CK.“’£'1'00,000. BOARD or: IIDlREC’l'ORS. ‘J. C. GiLMort. Pres. \‘Vui. Henderson. Jainns LPI'IRk. Hugh M ller. FIRST QUALITY ONLY! And ofl'orcd for CASH. at less-than the usuer ad- Iittendiiig purchasers will do well I wait an inspection. As good wine “ nevds no bush," neither will his stock of Ladies’ Hunts At Shoes. require any adveitttdous aids to recommend them. - CHARLES DUIIRANT. RICIImPlId Hill. Aug. 19. 1857. gt I-tI' IVILLIAM HODGE, SENR, [ 'I‘Hos.1_l1tw0RTH.V. Pres. Rice Lewis, Goo-re Micliio, J. P. Robatts. Walter Mpcl‘arl tile. II? Head Oflice, Church Street, Toronto. THIS Comm-w lusttres all descriptions of Builtliug<. Munul'nt-tovies. Mills. NC-- and Goods and Furniture, in the satn‘e. xlg'rilhlloss or darn- “26 h\' the. on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. 'l AND FURNISIHNG IRONMONGER. . ROM Richard & King's Wholesale House. Snow Hill. London. England; and Iical'lv . seven years Copper Fountain arid Thistle nialteri. to Maqueslon do (30.. Hamilton. Returns his thanks lbr past avors. lo the inhabitants of Rich- Imoud Hill and surroundlngcorrulry; and begs to A_ LAva lI-Iortll them he has constantly on hind. almost oveiv article iii the above line. which he will sell RMIdCHCO. Gt‘m‘ri‘l Agni“. for Cash as cheap as po&ibfe. ' Also. all kinds of Japan Ware. Copper Fortn- tain~, 'l‘ea Kcttle’s and Brass Pans madu to wider IL? Old Copper. Bra“. Fowler and Load. Richmond Hill. June l3.1857. ONE HUNDRED CORDS glU-Iy bought or taken III exchange for Go ids. OF Parlour and Cooking Stores on hand. . Richmond Hill. August 19. 18.37. gl1.3m P I 1‘ E W 0 0 I) l I s _ FOR SA LE H R’s » For terms apply to Mr. THOS COOPER, Thornliill. 'I'lionnhill. August ll. 7l8‘57. J. N. REID, ' PHYSICIAN .9 SURGE"ON,I ROLLING 'scitEE‘x 'rA‘xxiNG MILL. gill-If I HE underdgued haviugpurchascd R. Lossun‘- I’utoiit Mill. is now prepared to munnlaclu-i any qtlautlty- nl‘ thorn. atahis factory. Markham VIJaLre: and any person infringing on the abort Patent originally invented by Richard L‘uSSon. \vil be prosecuted Iaccordiug to law. I _ __ ‘ ' " M. ii. put/mint. ‘1 ‘ 4' ‘ L ‘ “gli‘h’im. Corner of Youge and Centre Streets. I Willi-ulna, -' \‘u'gulrt‘M. 1857.‘ ..... - Augu616.|85'l. " gloat: '3 uly'-.':l§57-. UlbbULLTION 0F .“PAR’I? Intern?” [IE Bzrsilicss b5 l~crlo carried on by GEORGE 8L BENJAMIN BARNAI’II :tl 1t1(.'H.’lI(/I\JJ HILL,urtder the style ol~ G. 8; l3. BARNAIID.u-.ts dimvlrm l u .‘ii‘ Jim; In In. i alIuILnlld mutual consent: and they bag to return their SIIIC6.LI thanks I- it I, now. {us Customer and Filelldfl for lllt‘ll' past support. . .‘0.’ The l‘-i sness rut Ilicl mond Ilill will in Ititure be carried on by G. ASBARNARD. who Vtii .a l liliir-s. t~ merit the patronage .~.. llnt‘lltll‘. exit-titled H) the late l‘r-ni. 'l he Shop ho lt .p:.l ted and III1 tl inipiovcd; and a new and ntco Assortnlolit‘of Goods are daily receiving; :..I n In... t I plated. kid he found il Iago and “all selected stock. which will be sold much undo. .t' -- Ii Ii iir . t s. (L t. ll. It.‘ ARL having determined on doing CRS‘; EL-SINESS OR SHORT CREDIT! .t‘lm‘n I. will limit I!) all n.» Accounts SIX MONTHS. payubie promptly on the. lot October .ml ~I .\- ril ol' l-ai-li \ea: lle wi‘l make inducements to Customers inoro tangib'e than hr m. by nlli- i u! ilu-n. (mods from 15 to fit) PER CEI‘T. lower than usually purchased. ‘xll'lltll‘ti RETURNS t t vdlil‘ittiy: -:r.t lit t“ the old Illtrllll All PASI‘ DUI“. A Icullllts. to tho Iatc firm, not paid bytho 15th of Julyivill be put in Suit. SJI .1 LL PROFITS AND QUICK Richmond Hill. Jti'-_o 3”. l .37. ll.“ :I't'” .l'” I [a Z a l S/zorl‘ Life to tire Old Systemâ€"Long Credit; Long Life to the New SysterfiésiioitTI CREDIT. Success to the Best“ tS'ystemâ€"j-‘TERMS I CASH. G. A [LKRXAIRILRichmond Hill. will conduct business s_lelyi..qii..CASl-l OR SHORT CRI‘DTI‘. Six months Will be giyou all all new Atlcouu'ts, pa} ab 5 Prélfifilly on hIIl C(Lbe', A. ,5! Aptil In each“ year. I . . NARI) is now receiving a large and well G. A BAR tolépted stock-of - Dry Goods Groceries, “linesdt Liquors, , Ladies" '61. Cltildt‘clis' Boots AL Shoes, . Hardware, ~ Crockch. PulllIS, OzlsI ' Drugs (3:. Medicines, &c., &c., 6.10, With an nuns al assot'llllelll of READY-MADE CLOTHING. in every fabric. make. shape. wk» and vatictt. which he oll'ers on the above terms. and much less than ever-.sold before, In coliâ€" finrng his business to SlIO-‘lel time. he is assured ol‘ the iiccéssitv of u general adaptation to the lien principle. “lllt‘ll innst superde the Long Credit mu! Lmig Prrfi! Sislam. iit general [he in tlir: l‘nunirv; and cniivllicr-t‘l that a discerning public will avail themselves of the Now Svsrlm. whereby thoy can el‘l'ect Iasaving from 1.3 to 2t) permit! on the average on Good; they usually rtqiiii't-i. (i. A. B. earnextly' and respectfully solicits a call. and on examination, his prices will bs comm-,9. no 10 A5 LOWER, than any in the. Neighborhoodâ€"Jim motto shallbe :â€" Snirtll Profits and Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abutment! Richmond Hill. June 30. 1857. Markham Economist please copy till forljld_ g4'tt' rlrssr rinse: ‘HE Stibsctibcrsltavc plrusure in inl'mm- rl linpj'tlie Inhabitants of \Vliitcllurcli and surrounding Townships. that they are illflllllluc- luring Itho host I umps now made iii Canada. Patented by John Dennis. These I’iiinps are much better than the ordinary Wood Pump. for the lollo-ring reasons: Firstlyâ€"The \Valer is Illul'h better. as them inot quarter as lIIuCll wood iti the well. and (II free 'i'otn sap. in Order to do away with Sllt'lt lrca\’\ limbcr as is the-(l in the Common “'(fl'tl. pump. they add a Fnlfi(0lll number of iron hands. this in kt s (ll: pump stronger and so inan lighter. tltzi‘ t t n luau " u take one out of 1’. well sixty l'ec: deep. in Ii been ni:irtites. ll HALL, Boot and Sli‘oe Maker, ' ” ‘ ‘Ricmloiv‘b' "HILL. \ TOITLD-"rcspectl'ully intimate to his~ Friends and the Public, that be has con tautly on hand’a large and Valid assoxtliient o‘. Ladbs’ and Gclitleniens’ Boots & Shoesof every description! ()I the best (pr-lily and workmanship. and alrnos i-xt-Itisivcly ot Hume Illanzglecturc dock at Ready-Made Clothing! Cmnprisiug Coats. Vests. Pants. Hats- ’and Caps arc” thc.. of overt size and dercuf'llon: al o (1‘ ‘ll.\('flllt‘lll quality and lilaliui'at‘ttixc. all of which he Secondlyâ€"BY the use UI’ the Pnlcui ,. I I I I I I II (.‘ulim/er. which is turned perfectly smooth FUJIIHCX‘LIIE‘I? lu‘.‘ aid“) 1‘0"“ “l Ll-‘l 3” («Ulludi'i - - V , , , i , . . - an | title on the Inside. the box wears longer dilC: 1,. I, I 0 II- I I wosks easier than in the 0ttilnu.y bored lumps. "L m'oud “'11- Jul} ~3I ‘804- tg-tl 'l'ltinllyâ€"'l‘liese Pumps are so simple that al- most any" man can repair lllutll, and by liieatis oi the‘ nltt bu the rod. the Bucket. is secured in such a manner thtt it cannot got loose: and as thi joints are all (i tcd I-lle and tight. time is no jur- riiig ill the woiktitg of the pumps. Lastlyâ€"'l‘huse Pumps are neatly turned and painted: making it an ornament as well as a most useful arilt‘l". Below “Ill be found a low of Illt‘ untitlveds ol' relateâ€"noes we might give I’lorii tlit various 'l‘tmlhhips in which the pumps have been introduced \Ve. the Undersigned having in use the Pumps manufactured by J. Jam» 3 & Cm. Cali cheerfully rot-uliiiueud tltciii as the lc:t l’uuips we have had Ill “53 :â€" WHII'cHUItcHâ€"Johu Nash. M.D,. James Hack- Spriiig lmportatious. LYMAN. BROTHERS & 00., VOUI.” icspcttt‘ully intimate to their friends and the public that Ih:ir we now forward, and consist of a well assorth stock of CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SPICE 4, PEIIFUA‘IERY, No. 4. St. Lawrence Buildings. SPRING IAIPOR'I‘ATJONS PURE DRUGS, DYE-STUFFS, FANCY SOAPS, VARNISHES, ell. MAL. Ma<<r<. Donald Sutherland. Jun H ‘ , T I ’ (latvtulu, M. W ISoJaI't, 'l‘. Nixon. llolrc l PA I EN F PAINTS. Brodie. s‘lflltilCAL INS'I‘RUMEBTS, OILS. KIAGAâ€"Altcs‘st‘s. John Rogers. Eli Lloyd. C. Sit“ , . . . . , . ,. . rctis, \Villmui \Vliitc. J. llillint‘n. Dbl “bib 1 b C’L‘sz“ ARE. 893-, \Visr (i\V|l.t IMIIL’I<\'â€"l\ltԤ>~l'>. Sin on Fraser. \V. Wimce. John blchonky. Hiram Louut, (j. t’alznol. Elsi (inLLlMl7Ult\'â€"-)I6\KI‘S. Judah Donn. Johc »V. I'lilson, Jultn ll. “'ilstiii. .lacuh l.iintl_v lil‘llllfl’l Lumh. Julru NICIHH‘. .ltIlIll Puvdy. Brooks Howard. John Peggbtlvni \\ eddle I). Terry. Pickuulxcâ€"Mossrs. Juidnii Post, John Mad.” IV. thsutl‘tll'I'. Nolt’l‘ll Gtvli LlMlll'HYâ€"l‘ltsssl‘fi. Join l’to~.~er. 'l‘hollias \‘Illlilllh. Stephen Monti. W. Mann. J. 'I‘rnvns. GutitttuNAâ€"blcs‘srs. ' :rniw: Iatca 1.. IS. A; to. would also call the attention of IJL'iliC.S and l‘aliiters to the White Lead and Colors in Oil and Prtty. prepared by Intern, and lot“ \\'ll|(li tiint solicit a IL? in compo i-on wrth Ollie. Itlntlan the inatkct. I‘tâ€"clilig curtitlcnl that tlie'reurlt \\ ill IIUI be to their I Itsativautage. either as l'tgttldb quality or price. r'urouln. June 26. 1857. 25-31“ TORONTO “CITY” MARBLE W0 KS, No 13:! ICING}: letJ-ET, \llatt QL'L’EN sinner D. C. W. YALE, i.“ I’Ul‘t'l‘r l’tb' Iand di-alcrs in Italian and I Anlcrican Marble, also lnr‘nuilcltlrt'i's ol \lonninents, (‘ulltllapllfi 'I‘uuih and Glnvc S'oncs. ()Itiatilcnlal t‘llt'lOSlll‘t‘S for Grave plots, Sic. ().der< through our Agulits will receive prompt atlviittun.» l). CARLOS YALE. \Viti. l). DAVIS. AGENT. J. B. DEI;GII£.R'. Agcnt, Richmond llill. l). \‘Villouglibt Jtis. How. “illiaitl. G C. T. Corbut. Jas. Elves. John Fail-born. YUNIIH S'I'itHzTâ€"Mcssrs. Charles Thompson. (iropo Ila rd. Juiiius l‘euiiick. Jcliit Mougoiih my, C. Sheppaid. REACHâ€"\JBSSI‘S Jollll 'l‘ruax. Amos Blinker. .laurcs Doblu. H tltchinsoli. Jos. Chap James. Truax. llxukiuoicâ€"W‘Icssrs. G. [Hill]. N. Sarls. Scorrâ€"Mssq's. C. Collins. Thomas Btll'nllfllll. \V. Moor. 5. Burcltuzd. YALE. ‘. _,I ‘ .. . . . _. ). ’ W'lp, . hssA blasts James Alinson. l untel l ITIIIDIIIOI JuIII I”. I837 III) III oztgliby. , 'l‘i-it tirisrleâ€"Revtl. F lattiqan. Jesse Mills. WILD LlellS Fillt S. Lil. N lltc 'l‘ownsl-ips of Arnalri'l. Sytlcnltarn chlr-y‘antl Sonicrvillc. Price li'titii tw- dolluls an acre and tip\\'litd<. ‘ Apply to, G. J. F. PEARCE. Conv-vanr-cr; Land Agent Aria. Yougo St )rlC'lIIlIUllll "Hill I“. 0., 7 Lot 3'). Isl. Lou. I Vaughan. Councillor. Messrs 'I‘. Mulmutl. James lltttpâ€" or. Isaac Stone. M. Board, Jesse ltoe. (-‘cu \Vlills~ .l. licll~ \V. Parker. J. \Vclch, \V, “.9. day. J.ll. Courlney. Sampson Steel. Alcxande: Altsllll. AiiJILAâ€"Mchrs. I‘. Keough, T. Show. P. Mc- Cabo. J. W. “fallen-e. ISNI'-Fll.â€" blown. Samuel Cain. T “'ray. S'rur.l;1~vil.i.l:â€"â€"l\’lr. W m. (‘1. Harris. E'ruiircpitrzâ€"Mr. W. Wallace. Councillor. We bog further to announce that we hate made sovelal iuiprovcriieuts in our I'ttnrps this Spring. 'by the abbitiori of \VROUGIIT IRON HANDLES AND EXTRA PA'I‘EN'I‘ VALVES. All PUMPS rllaiiiif:rclii ed by [IN are warranted for one year. We also manufacture to order. PATENT IRON llFTING PUMPSII For \Volls one hand ed l'eet deep and less. and I warrant them for lltlt‘l“ Items. All ordt-r< to he' Henlflascd to the utiucrs'tgncd. stating depth of “all. at {VE\\’IIIa‘lit‘I. JOSIAH JAMES 61, Co. Newmnrkct. Julie 2. 18.37. g4-1Iv. irinntl V Hi] i S'I‘OR E. Rit-limouddlill. June, 326d) 1857; i. ‘ii. HILL, (Iliciritst and Dru: gist, \ "ILL hate constantly on hand. a completi- and CP‘I't'l'HlIIY‘Plt‘t'lt‘ll Stovk‘ ol' Genuinr- drugs. Moth HIPS, (,‘licniiculs. l‘alt-lll AIlr'd‘t‘iilr‘s. l)\U Slums, l’alilh. Dry and Miss-d l’ulfit. Lamp and Machinery Oils. - Best While lit-ail. iii tius_ A'c. Garrlcn'fllld Fir/(l Seeds. llni‘o‘s Aniicplcs. and all Hair Preparations Lubin’s l'.x1r:icts. and all kinds 0" Pet l'tliiicrv. gS-tl. J list Arrived, I ND for Sale. at Nicliolls‘ Hotel. sct'vral . N'CW' l’il‘GIilES. l'rom the firm oil Toilct Atiii~les.- 50M“. 61c. Elrikin & Stopliunsnn. Unionvillc. I Emma" 0f ""_ k'mls' III” ('all and I'Y'tlllil‘t’. An extensive astorlnteut ol' Fancy Grinds. Richmond liivl, Jilly ‘33. H357. Ig-if Combs, l’orteilior‘giaies.I .Il’ockcl Knives, &c. I 61c. ' .xc. NOTICE. l . ,. - A small assortment of TO'l ICE is hereby given by the Undersigncd. I J I I that he will not hu resp«-ir.<iblt~ for any dplrts‘ hm'clllks e“°”"-" that Ill7\\ hc contracted by I EORGE CLUIHN Gbld vvmchesI s1.“ an.“ from the ‘Jtli dry or” January. ll-ST: Ill coriscqueiire of tl'ssolutinn ol' l’artnt--sl~ip from that due. inl co st quence 01' his. leavmg home in an unlawful. way. , l “ANDREWCLUBI‘SE. . 7g-3t Srl’lool Boo/rs, S'tafz‘mury, tj'c. Dc Richmond Hill. June aâ€"_. . 18.77. gl .pr, Uienneuey & Martoll'wFaIQ Bra ll‘alde Cedfish- - -'l'owuship po ilory Richmond HilIi,,Il_r:I_ucltI Blbl:;$cfl9b\’. I .L. ‘JLLST resent-m .XBBOT'S Loudo'u lotion": 1 lirueinun, I‘lan bury: Fa} la Bottles and draught. .’ t “i b“ I I _ Rod gurdII'tl'? ill“? Old “tiles. tidy. Dckuvpcx’s Gin.. . r‘iiio Uld Torn. ' ‘ L I‘ ALSO.‘ I I g.’ the Spring Catch. \Iorth Shore Herrin Pollot-lt. Red Herring. , At the lowest Toro‘nto Cash prices. at - BARN'AIID'S. July 30. I857. gS-tl' Lâ€"AND FOR SALE. HE SIURSCRIRFR olTers For Sale the tin- delmetvtiotred :Vahinble' Property".. being the East half of Lot No. 33. iii tho 61h Concrrsion. of \I’I'HITCHI‘RCH. 10 acres cltamd. with a good Living Stream. ' 'ALso. ‘ . Lot N0. I2. 2nd Corierssion. contain'ng ‘20“ acres. Township of Adelaide. South of t1 9 Egre- riiont Road. For funher:pxrdt:u‘lm. apply to the I‘roprielnr. ROBT. MARSH. 85?. g.l. Richmond: Hill. Juno Hill. I To. A gificttlttuists I I) WISEMAN begs to- inform wile Public \ . germ-ally. that belies beeikiippoin‘ted Agent for the sale of - SALEM EcKARDT‘S lultivatorsflz Hay Bakes. These valuable Implements were invented and patented by ALEXANDER ANDERSON. and are well known »as having taken the principal prizes at the various Ilyltibitious throughout the Province. during the last lhree‘years; and. what is still better. they have been thorougth tested by Farmers-iii this neighborhood. In which tIIreirsupo- triolily over all others Itasbceii fully prayed. In? Factory at Untionviile. near “Inter. Mills ROBT. WISEMA, Richmond Hill. June, 1557. CREDIT .‘II’C'I'ION SAILE. 0N]: ltund (rd-valuable. Building Lots. in the llouri~liiiig Village oll’tichiiiontl Hill, will he sold in Oct" n-.'XI.'\Vll(‘d'l~dt.Ie notice will be given by the subscriber. t , i.’ it. AmritD Richmond Hill. June 16 h. IFfiII ‘ ghtl‘. Patterson’s ' l ‘ers. H AVE stood the test for years; and tho 0 who have Ilfl‘d llreni ti-slil'y to their superior eit- Also, a large cel'ieuce over all competing Mochiiies. ' T/te Simplicity of their Confirm-teen, . - Rcudors them a Favorite-in localities “here they _ have bcou iiiuoducedsp. _ They are perfectly reliable and safe in _t/ze hands of the mezper’im'ccd; , ‘1 No Mechanical Skill being requiréd'to keep ’ til min order. ' '* They". are made from (behest of materials. and In a strong and substantial manner. Orders should be- Forwarded . Iiitmedtately, As over threeâ€"fourths of the number N intend to make are already ciifi'aged. » . PA'I‘TEKSQN .BIIOS. Richmond Hill, . , June 4th, 1857.I g.l GENTLEMEN! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. THE.Undersigned begs leave to inform the Public that he holds hiiiisell' in readiness at his Old Estab ishuieiit. which has been con- .” ot' whn it tho) oll'cr to the trade at the lowest “Med l0" “'9 “‘5‘ Six Years” in llll> Cl” (N0- ._, Ilb Yongo Street, and directly opposiie tho I ‘- lliittaiiitaia House.” Toronto,) to Renovate. clean and Repair All Descriptions of Clothing, Ina proper and satisfactory manner. by errdicting I’arnts, Oil. 'i'ar. die. 4c. and restoring ('olors to their original appearance. so as ‘to give Gentle- nieli’s wearing apparel the full appearance of new. From 3! years’ experience in the business and prompt attention to all oiders with which lie niav be favored. combined with all earliest desire to please his customers, he hopes to inelit a share of public pattonziuo. w Ii. LIAM RICHARDSON. Toronto, June 5th. 1857. u ' l-tl'. LAND FOR SALE. I ORTYâ€"IFIVE Acresâ€"being the \Vest Part ot Lot No. I. in the Second Concession of the 'I'mvndtip of King. Has a small Log House. is well 'I imbered. foruiittgnllogethor a very desirable I‘ropoHy lbl‘ a Brick-Maker. â€".\LSOâ€"-â€" leVE Acres of Land at Richmond llillâ€"-lwo l nClex of which is a Nursery, wull >1ucltcd with thriving 'l't'ees. now ready for the Market. with a Home. a New Batu. ttvo “'ol‘s nl (innd Watt-r. and other necessary ()tit-lltiibltngs, litmiu I‘m-t of Lot No. 48. Fll'sl Cotter-stun. in tho 'l'ott u: \lllp ot' Vaughan. and known as Smith’s Nurren‘. the name of the ioiinor l’r pljetor. ' â€"â€"-A LSO. â€" ’ ‘WO New lluilt Stores iii the centre of Rich- mond llill; one UCt‘tlpin by Mr. William Myrrh, Saddler; the other. lrciug tlie l’t'illtili ()‘Iice nl‘ the Richmond Hill Guzcttr, All the above l’loperty will be Sold on easy leliiis. ' ‘ i H I Apply to -r J. QUNCUMU. I Richmond Ilill. June. 8th. 1857. g l-tt'. ’l‘o Medical P petitioners. OOI) OPPORTUNITY new olTrrs itself G [\I to a Mtdicxil Man of standing and experi- ence. lluuse and Promises, truth pleasant and convi-nient. can boIhad on tint-onable II'I'IHS. Apply. if by letter past paid, to the Edi'wr of the Gazette, lRit-hinmtd I-I‘rll. June 15m. 19.3.1, I _ 3,2 wy. Darling é}; Aitchison’s COMBIXED 1710 "for and Harper. UR MACHINE is Hibstantiullv built at \Vronght Iron. entirely free from side draught, 10:4“ be elevated to any height, from a Mower to a 'Reaper by a screw in trout. and out.» without clogging. in .Grass. “'heat. Hats or Barley. with- out change of ltuil‘e or geaiing.aud Works easy fur the horses. The price for a \low a: a Reaper. $110 . 00. $5 .th extun. er. $12),00; ComlllPlPd An extra knil‘e Alll 1. All our Machines are warranted to be'well and ot' the bent material. GEORGE marine ROli'l‘. Al'nCIiI-SON . l' Thoruhill. Yoncc Street. ' J-lfl! 34th. IdGT. 93 if

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