Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 21 Aug 1857, p. 4

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" We will publish the simple announcrmenl 10f theflieath fif anyiof our friends wnh pleasure.” “Don't you think I look Very youngP’said a giddy lady to a gentlemain. “Yes,” he replied, “ you look as if you hand just come froma boarding-school; but it i~ to be hppedlhgt in ayear or hv’) you wil' be able tn mud, wrilg, sit, stand, “"3”; an talk.” pnd Palmyra is in ruins; whefllmperiui Rome has fallen, and the Pyramids lllem~ Selves are sinking inm decay; it is no wm-- der, (said a French humorist) that my oh: black coat should be getting seedy aL [In elbows. Mr. TWiss, a romancing trav- eller, was talking of a church he had efen in Spain. a mile and a half long. h13195: me !” said Gurrick,‘.‘ho'y broad was it I“ wrap it up cargfully is her handkerchief and put it in her pqckcfi. She remarked that i} kept her mind steady at her devotio s, I' y where the treawg is, there wil} the heart by 9:59: like the book of Revelations? Becausr il is full of “ types and shadows, and a ming voice, like the sound of many “gtevs, is pyyr paying ~~wrile.” A man pretending to be deal 5nd dumb was begging in Stockton a few day.» ago. At one heuse where he soliciled a|1n~ ,3 fine Newfoundland dag sprang out at hnn when the fellow exclaimed in an excited manâ€" ner; “ If you don‘t take the dog away, I‘li stick rim." 1 some entomologists, “that itis only the fe- male muSquito, and the fem-Ila gnat thal torment us,” Abacheior friend says it is nol It all “ curious.” cently, a pious old lgdy, as she u‘gs preparing to go to Church, was seep to take a (cou- siderabla quantity of gold from her trunk, !‘ Ten yards.” P' This you’ll observe, gentle- men,” said Garrick to tho company, .H is not 3 round lie; but (lilTers from his other storiuu which am genertu as L: a} as ‘tiley are long.” n. pgper ’1” said 2. man toa little boy who"; he caught pi‘fering his paper from his door, step. u‘Cm He sends me to lake 1;,” pn- swered the man urchin. only way to prevent steamDOut exphmiom, is to make the engines“; “ bile their waten" on shore. In her opinion, all (In: busfin’ i.~ paused by -‘! pookin the steam” pn board. In Speaking of reCent events, the Faris Constitilmnel makes the follow- ing very fair “ bullz”â€"“ We see every- where in France the invisible hand of Providence." Too austere a philosophy makes few wise men; too rigorous politics. few good subjects; too harsh a rfiligion. few religious persons whose dPVOtIOn is [of long continuance.â€"St. Evremond. “What boxes govern the world 1” asked a New York paper. It an swered the question thus :â€"“ The carlridgr box, the ballot-box, the jury-box, and in. band box.” An Indian paper refuses to publish obituary eulogies gratis. and addsâ€" [mow why we call our merchantable houses u than," when they are continually smashing 1 bun would look when his tail is wasted. jusl ask a man for “ that littie bi” he owns you," when he is talking to a young lady. Neither lungs nor leaVes can [erform their ofiice hnaithfully without {mesh A horse dealer describing a used-up horse, said he looked “ as if be hng been editing a daily neWspaper !” wives, the Pope has none. Sincerity is an ill used child of Humanity, continually flogged, and IV” in a dark cellar on bread and water. lump of American ice, rmnarkhd that he was glad to see anything solvent come from America, Here Wit in bright efi'nlgence flaws. 'With Wisdom joined. :hrough rhyme and prose, And both nnim thnr aburma in one. To farm the lag» and hum'mus pun, 4‘ It is a curious fact,” say “Why don’t your father fake At the Virginia Hotel, re- Wham Nineveh has departed, Mrs, Partington, says that thc Whyis the life of an editor If you would know how a The Grand Sultan has 250 Mrs, Partingfion wants to Sydney Smith, on seeing a @bt 5mm 35unk, BRAIN LAHI’U‘K‘WOI‘U many persons it seems :1 snmll thing to sit down and prepare muttur {or thc pCl'iUdiCill press; but let those int-xpuricnvud with the pen, and whose bruins have never bcutt trained to S.\Sltf|(litltti Iuhor,attcu'1pt to furnish intcilcclunl l'ood and recreation to their ft-llows, and they wilt soon rcnhzt: Ihzll lUunlul htlmr is tho most nlusll'tlttltyt: It) Iluullh Of a” other Lil. Won (Hle to grub (In the stumps out of the earth. orswiog lhu sit-age hunt- tn«:r twelve hours :1 day. hu Would be ahlu to stand tho drudgery with less injury in the body and soul than half the number ol'hours dUVUlL’d to muotul mnwtoynwu m the way of writing matter for the hook or neWspztpur press. Those pithy au-tirlus, which Constantly appear in tho pvt'ifltltcnls ot' the day, contain the vorg' esscnce of mind or thought and suchhtcmry gun- !lcmcn s are bus« at Hcmtziog, are the first whose constitutions are broken dgyy::,c~,Y<w Yuri; Sun, 'l‘hricv happy he, who early taught By nqui-v, ms‘nr [his poison sought; Who fliendlyilo his gm repgse, 7 ’l‘reuds under [am (his Worst of foes: Radium the purling’ stream content. The bm‘erage quafl's ihai naluie meam ; In Itemson's scale his achnm Weighed, His spiiiis want no foreign aid 3 Not svwlled loo high, 6r sunk loo low, Placid his (vg‘y minuies flmv ; Long life is l'. . in vigor passud, Exislenm , welcome to the last, A spring that Drier 3'0! grew staleâ€"- Such virtues lie inâ€"ADAM‘S ALE. B'I PHILIP FR ENBAU. W'ilhiu these wooden walls confined, The ruin lurks of human-kind; Mnre mischiefs here, united, dwell, And more disegws haunt lh'is eell, 'l‘han ever plagued the Egyptian flocks, Or evar cursed Pandoxa‘s box. LINES \VRI'I‘TEN ON A PUN- CHEON OF SPIRITS. A tradesnum. uhn (-nuid neiihnr rem] nm‘ wrilu hinfiuif. mnplnyud a saucy lmy to erc his hallui‘s I'm‘ him. it hnppL-iiud (me d:|_\' lilin lhlS young mgw: was at play, u‘htu his master walnud him In “uh: in (linear his cusiflmcru HPH‘I Wiihzh he Si-ni fur hm; was vci'y angry. and (:Iiliird him " puppy,” which hi: usimlly did u‘hcn nul 01' liri'niiizl'. "Cmilu, sit down." says he. “_\u puppy. yin, and write." “ Vthl shuli I uiilu l" said the lm)’. " \Vhy," l‘tflul'lll'd lhu muster, “suv. sir, )6 puppy. yin." :md so on. Thu hm‘, in I‘i-Vi-ng'u Iiir living (:hid h\' his Within thesr! prison walls repeat: The seeds of many a bloody nosv; The chattering tongue, the horrid oa'h; The lint for fuming, Imllllng loth; The passion quick, no word: can lame, 'l‘lmt bursts like Mllphllr into Hume; This "0:8 will: diamond,» glowing led, The bloated gye, the broken head! Forgvar fastened be this dcm‘l Confined within, a thnuennd more Deslructive fiends ol hateful shape, Even pow ‘are plolting an escape, Here, only by a talk I‘L‘stl‘alnfll, ln slender walls of wand rcnlainr-d, ln all their dirt of deulh rt'side Revenge. that ne‘er Wax salisfied , The true that bears the deadly fruit ()l‘ murder, maiming and (liepute; Assault, llinl imimence (mails, The images of gloomy jails, The giddy Iliuughl, on mischief bent, 'l'lie midnight hour in lolly spent, All those uillnin (lie cask appear, And Jack the lmngman in the rear, nys he. "_\u puppy. yin, and wnw." “ VVIml slmll I “lilu l" said the lm)’. " “My,” l‘(flLll'lH'd lhu muslcr, “ms; 511', _\e puppy. you." :md S") on. 'l‘hu buy, in I‘('\’I‘H_QU Ihr lwing (:hid by his mush-r. \H'ulc cx‘vry “um! jnsl as he said ; mnl the [alter run Ihlls :v-"b'il', _\e puppy. )nu. l lva- Saul the unnds you urdcrcd, ye puppy, )(m, “"IH“) :ll‘e vury good “i. Ilu'il' ml ls. ye puppy, you, and Von (:lmm, )‘c puppy, you. which is all that is nee-MM. \‘e nunm‘. \' UH. very (:lvun, yo puppy. you all that is nucdml, ye puppy “snv. Thu by his as 5w J By the aid of a micmst ode. “b 568 millions of hula uptmnge on the sml'ace of our bodies.â€" 'l‘hrough these tlns Ointment. whm) rubbed on the skin, Is carriEd to any ougnn or tnwmd pmt. Dis- ‘eams of the Kitlne) s, disoxlers of the Liver, attrac- tions of the heart; lnfimnmalion of the Lungs, ‘Asthmas, Coughs and Colds. are by this means etl'ecumhy ('“Il’d. Every house-Witt: knqu that will nassns freely through bone or mom of an}. thickness, This hbhhug ()immemfar mme wadi- .|_\- ppuetratos through any bone or fleshy nan ut ] thv living nod}: tuning the most dangerous inwmd ] complaints, that cannot be reached by Other ‘ means. t [5m Stl’ELAS. SALT RHRUM AND SCOR- l ntmu HUMUKS. N0 remedy has ever done so much (or the Cure of dlSEabCS of the skin. whatew-r form they "my 715: tune. as this U‘mnnent. No Case ot'Sah Rheum. I] Scurvy, Sore Hench. Sc-ol'uln or EreSIpelas. can liong withstand its influence. 'l‘he Inventor has travelled over many [arts of the globe. viciting the principal hoxpitals, dispels: ing this Ointment; giving udVIre as [0 its ap|>lit:flllnll. and has lhus hern thu means of Iesmring countless numbers to I health. I wor>l cases of wounds. Some uf the most scientific surgeons now rely solelv on the use of this wonderful Ointmuul. when having lu tape with the Wong-leans of sores. wounds. ulcer», ghmdulnr su'eHings and tumors Profexsor Hollow 3} has. by command ol‘ the A'Iicd Governments. dizpalchcd lo the horpiuvls ol' the East la'gu shipmelns of [his Ointmenl. to he med under the dixecuun oi‘ the Medical Flafl'. in the IL Hill cure any ulcer. glandular swening, Mnflnes: 0r ccnuacllon a! the juinu. even uf 2U yeals’ standing, (if? "3: Sold; OWHV. EU I tu'm'ud. Low and dealers States, and f 63‘ I'r‘ms. m N. ILâ€"Dnz-mions for the guidam‘e of paliem in even}- disorder are. affixed In each I'm. alh the Ointment and Pills should be usr'd in [/16 follmmng cases : Buninns, Burns. Chapprd hawk, L'hilbluins. Fis- lulas, (50m, Lumlmgo. Murmuiul Eruptions. l‘iles. Rhenu'nvlism. Sull Rheum. Sme Logs. Son-.0 Breasts. Skin (“M-ayes, Sous Heads, Sou: '] Inonl, Sales ufnllkimlsz S|n'alns,.‘calds. Bwulhd (Manda Snfi‘ JUI‘ 12>. L’ll~e»s.Vn- nerwal Sores; 0f? W'muu/s (If (r// kinds [IT Snld m xhv Manufm'tnrlw of PJOreasor Ho]. away. an Maiden Lane, New Yank, and 9.44 humid. London. Mid |l_\' all reslu-cmhie (lruggiflg Ihe larger SORE LEGS, SORE BREASTS. WOUNDS AND ULCLRS Dru]; Kersefi. Rnhe Dresses, Chamv Drewns. Sh Toronto. J11!!!“ 1857. HOLLOWAY’S ()INTMENT, Thh Compound contains {In Extract. of the best, Honduras Sax-sqparillu. ‘ comEinctl mlhoklmr ‘ng-udienl: of ‘ great virtue and pawn. and it an ex- ceHenL Medicine for Purifying m. ,' HIan_E1-pe]ling Eruption“ unclmrnairm j hing a." IIHPuriHe: Hum the I’ILL‘M. PHYSIC x. ‘1‘ I m f5 H M Z. ‘1: ‘g n I a g x a. E! n if. A Marvellous Remedy FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! U 'l'hm-v FOR 'l'HF ITULE I)! Coughs. Colds. Iloarsness, Spitting of Blood, Night Sweats. Asthma. Liver Complaints. and EKSARSAPARIIJLA? THE GRAND EXTERNAL HENLDY CHERRY AND IUNGWORT, ‘RY GOODS and Milfinery, Chlh'mg and Gcmlmnen's ()ulfiuing Emporium CONSUMPTION. Sold by R. H. Hall, Sold In xlm Mamfl'm'tnrlas of PJ(!"¢‘:I.;IH‘ Hol- s” Maiden Lane, flew Yonk, and 244 London, mud lny all reslu-clahie druggisls alum III Medicine lh‘unghnutlha Uniled and (heriwlizrd welld. in pom. at 25 (rents. [9. and earh. "hm-P is a cunu'derulnla saving by taking ’ J U US 0 RP S ’ CHEMICAL EXTRACT or Sold by R, H, Han; y Lat-a Gout WAU- A-HOO. CERTIFICATES Salim-n HIICY Moi Shepherd Plaid, [Hug Street East, Toronto “139dc 'e Antique, Shaw‘s, “and Dresses. Strnw Goods. Fhmncud Blesses. M Rihhn 'l‘wevds. us, Poplins. Jive. , ,s_ Venetian Cloths Bath Curds, Muslin dresses, OCULIST & AURIST. OPERATOR ON THE EYE AND EAR! and reln'oving all diseases of the Eye and Em generally. l)8gs leave mod respectfully to culi ul- tom'mu m the fact that he hnx ful'wnrded m the l'Idnor of [his paper a few dozen copies of Lhe lhi.d edmon of his sun-can which will be (Imposed 01 to such applicants as Inn} Wish In olunin MOST I M POR’l‘ANT INFORMATION Frm’ 0f ('lmrgn.’ N‘ B.--Pnhli-hers of new>pupers givingjnsertion L0 (his adveltismem for 2 months. will be alluwed llneir bills "pun Purchasing five» times their amount of our manufacture. Editors will confer a favor by direuing ullenlion to the announce- ment. T. J. G. «5L Co. BRITISH & AMERICAN JEWELLERY STORE. SMALL PROHTS EQUICK RETURNS. fl‘HE guuds- v- _, Viv V- V.r-_ Than any lxume in, anu' CHI and sea $3 51! Clocks. $10 Silver Watches, $8 Gold Aline” Chains. CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVE> (L? Every description of Goods in the tade made or repmrod on tha Shorluat Nuuce. Tuaomo, May 25. 1857. g4 1y. Roam-Eng L051, Night and Hen A1 114 Yonge 81.. 2 doors mull: of lhe Glubc Hole]. Toronto. THE Proprietors 01' this Establishment bug to inform the Plin er: of Canada. that they hfivc now rnunul'nclnred and ready fur delivery. a lzn‘ge quamity of Small lien. [mug Primer, Bumgmnu and liuevier. nt‘ Sculch l'aoo. \\'lm:h they will gun- ranu-e tunnel he surpassed h) any Foundly upon fins cunLinem fur durability and appeamnce. They have also on Imud :1 choice msoxtmmu of various kind,» of The prices at which these and other types are sold at the Canada 'l‘_\pe Foundry. will he foul-d at least 3|! per cent. less than they could be pur- chnsud previous lo its estab‘ishmunt. 11 is tlmrel‘me hoped [hill the Printers of Cana- da will show thnir apprnrunion ol' the advantages it holds out. by be~tmving upnn it a fair share. of lhei: patronage. in return for whirl: (ha prulnivlors pledge thnh‘élVOS to leave no means unlricd to give ample >ali~|‘a(‘lion. Printers ! mark |he reduction in the price of type since this Fuundry \vzu opened ; and bear in mind that a gruamr redun'tmn depends upon yunr- selves. ()LII' mono isâ€"mpply the trade with ripe ul' such quflllllll"s 'ind at Mich piires as will pre- renl the necessity of patronising formgn manu- Manners. The follnwinglist of n («W oflhe principal artiâ€" cles KEQIIil‘Cd by primers. will give an ldna of the great advantages al' the (V‘nlmdu 'l‘ype Foundry-~â€" REMOVED 1‘0 S-r. THhul‘JJ'; ST.. IN DEBBRAT’S BUILDINGS. Mm 'AL. Broad Cloths, Satiubtc. [’arasols, Canada Type Foundry. Montreal. May 18m. 1857 I) l'. U A I) ‘V .’.-. a; I) , OF THRONTYL NIVERSALLY knnu'n thrHthnll! Cnnnd an'd Um United SL‘MB“ for his greatskm aw Nnnpnficl- h1illiufl-" ' “IL-vlcr- ' Bouv'gvoise 1.0ng Prhner Smull Pica- l’wn - - 25 6d 2s 3d ‘2: It! Is HM Is 8d ls 7d ls 6d IE undersignvd wmking; on Hm abovr plinciple fee!s confidant that he can he” Treatise on the Eye and Ear 1 Ornamental Type. Sold by R, H, Hall, 30 Per ‘Cent nglaper. r’lIHZV 'I‘HOS. J. GURNIN & Co "(if dnoskins. T. C. RICHARDS llusierx . Bax-ego dresses. Snu’ns, b'l. 'l'llerese Street r g3 given}: see $3 50 Gloves. Bu "nets. Doe<kina Manliilas 6d per lb. 3d " B-umgmfiu _\‘ will unn- Jlldl_‘ pun lâ€"tf‘ his home lor (he futun m his w-lteuh thaw 01 from Nneure‘s Gflldt'l the grant and all-wise The foHnwing (“sea in the moq olminat ' -â€"Di,~easesnf1he (F Consulzution ("In Toronto. June. 1857. l’. S.â€"'l‘ln« Doctor will also give pnrllr‘lllm' at (union to all diseases peculiar to Females aw Children. ()j/I'rcâ€"No. 111, King St., East. ()l"’()>l'l‘I-Z S'l‘. LAWRENCE HALL. THE INDIAN HERB DOCTOR These Periodicals ably represent the three great pojucal parties ol'Great Britain~Whig. Torv and Radicalâ€"but politics form only one feature oftheir chain-tar. A5 Organs ol' the most profound when on Science, Literature, Mothlily. and Religion, thny stand unrivalled II) the world of letters. being Considered indispensable to the scholar and the p ut'ess'tonal man. while to the inwltigenl reader of every class they "urnish a more correct and satis- factory record of the current literalnre of 1hr day. thuoughout the world, than can be possibly obtain- ed l'uom any other source. The receipt of Advance Shugts from the British publisheis gives additional value to lheso Re-prims. inasmuch as they man now beplaced in the hands of subccrihurs about as upon as the original edi- tious. bven unfonmmle. dvccn'rd whow fend hopes have been n” whose minds and health clining. go [n (he IIOVGI‘ failn all inlnllll'fll' cur“ for wenknms. Dvliilily. ludi~cre [Inns of youth. and all nelvum complain“. Clail \ownce enable.‘ us to sue mure clezuly lht' czuw of all our sum-rings and infirmnies. th'llnblas u [0 see mo e cleanly the cause of all our suffering and inlirmilms. It enables Us 10 recounm-ud llmx‘ umnn< that will efl'ccv n rerlaln and pvrl'crt cure when all 0th mm. dies hnve faded; it also are [he most innul-em sale. and certam menus to h‘ employed. All who are in 1 unble. all who hav bven uul‘unulmle. (Mutual and lliflul u" l), fll H'\\|\' for advice and guidance. All luhuiing llllllL'l’ lnt‘lam-hoh~ Lhiiiiélits and depression of spirilx. Lli~iros~ and anguish of mind. from \Vlliilth‘l' «ause. all laboring under bind and delicate health. an In him for rolin and comfort. All Ladies who have sniferul uniler (hoxe i'umplainrs and (liq-me» inClthUl i0 frinalcc. consult him with [he gl‘baxsl confidence. Previous to marriage. all in (lt'lll‘fllr- healih >honld con~ulv him. All who hv-ve had had luck, all who have lried their best to get on in ma world and cannm. go [0 him for advice how to im- prove thi-ir circumslaiices. Payouts should gel his opinion Whfl'. ll‘IidO or p ofe>sum i< bed calcu- laled [0 ensure their children‘s yum-e» Ill lil'e. In love nfl'uiis, the piiliCiplc-s ot' the above 5 enw guide you to hfl|=p_\' man‘iage, and dnmcsnc Ich- ili‘. He shuns :ne Ad mix. w. RAPHAEL. Rex 563 9qu 0mm. Hours of Conwlllntmn, from 9 ln II. a UL. and hum 210 5'. p.m,. at the Corner of Nelwn and Ducches Sheet, Toronto. Toronto. June. 1857. l-tf‘. VIZ Great Reduction in the pm're of the Latter Publication. uxmxss «IV 1}”: FUTURE HUSBAND on wvrI-z. Call, comult him. and judge for yourself, how \ny he ran mu You. Farmer parucnlars sent {.,\TJS to um Name or Addrexs. All Letters, ommunir’auons. and Interviews, slricrl} Private Hi (‘oulidvmiaL In order to claim mmmion. \he uxtage 4.! all Letters must he pxe-paid. and have nqagc Swamps euc‘lowd for the anuver. L. SCOTT 8L COMPANY’S REI'RINT OF THE British Periodicals ! l And for Invigorating and Beautifying the Hair ran ML mm THE GREAT TURKISH REMEDY FOR BALDNESS, GOOD NEWS FOR ALL! advice and guid lam-hob~ LhUlIHIIL“ Iros~ and nnguxsh SCOTT &. CouNé-w Yonk, cominuo to pub- ‘. lishlhe following leading British Periodicals AFRVUYANT AN 1) PH REA'OLOGIS'I Blackwood’s Edinbuvgh Magazine (Tory,) AZOR’S TURKISH BALM. The London Quartexly (Commuting) Th5 Edinburgh Review (Whig.) The North Britiah Review (Free Church.) The Westminster Review (Liberal.) PHRENOLOGICAL AND THE FARMER‘S GUIDE ! Soid bv R. H. Hall. Sold by R. H. Hall. EARLY COPIES, :98 can be (:“H‘d h_\‘ Dr. T. 3 slate of their exix‘xem-n. Lungs. Heart. Limr and Cm. Dmpsy :\v d all Uiskihn: Scrnlnln. l”:'_\'>‘|[\(‘h|$. Salt; and 13]! Chronic Complnims 1-1fi art-avast (hulk-MP had had In in Illa u SEW PIETHEIRLWBKS. Ne“ Edition; .I ust Pub] fished S'mrs’ruVerw and Complete [Ifstnry Seurs' A710 Pictorial History of Cl: Smrs’ .New Pictorial Description "fl/1c United Slutusâ€"conlaining an autumn 01 “1‘8 lop- og:‘up|))‘, wulemenl. hlalfll'y, revolutionary and olhcrinmnesdng b»,. '5. Statistics. prugress in agriculune. manufactums’ and p0 mlnuon. Sun, die" of each state in Lhe union, 1 lux‘lmled with two huudmd Engraving» ol'tha p‘iuuipal cities, plank, buildings. scenery.cnrio flies. souls of the status, &c.. &c. 600 pages ocmvo, Thrilling L'mle/l. N Smrs’ Scenes and Sketches of Canti- Spars" Treasu/ynf Knowledge and Cur clnpzztiiu of Science 5nd Artâ€"containng a Hrs-W amount 01 intereslmu and nselul inful'nmlinII-q astronomy, Lravvls in 'he Holy Land. Dist-«wary anmm'ir-n. earl. selllmuenu. 0f the country, bioglzwhie.» ol' euunem men, incidents u! 1m~ val, di.~cuve|ies in <cieuce, 6'“. \Vuh numer- ous l‘lngruvings. 532 pp. bvo. U/c BlblC-vâ€"fi‘olll Iha (- \IIH emuhhshmem of Notes. running an ill ucrcd [ML 700 pa. prising \vnhm Ike” 1: ()UIllillL'lU hint“) of uwlul and entertaining knmxlt-dge. “nth "vhf mo humier Engravings. Ml'icll)‘ illuuumivv. 1’9»le- senliug actual Scenery. coalulues, munun- Ms. A c. 358 pp. 8vo. Smrs' Information for [/18 Prop/1’â€" uompli~iulg within inell' a cpmpielu {mun} m u~(-ful and enlmmining knowledge. 'I hi “'0 I: Cl)|l||\xi:~t’> Lhu fim-sl .‘(Hii‘> of Lllll|rli>|llllvlllr Embracing Outlines of Anmomy. inuslmlrd; Phpinlog)‘ of the Human Body: Hygienie Agen- cies and the Preservation of Health; dielics and Hydropulhic Coukeuy: Them" and l‘nncx'u-e at Waxer Trrulmanl; Special l’aholom and H_\dro- Therapenlies. including the Nature. Causes, Symptoms and Tremnem of all known di<ensem Apolicalion to burgical diseases; Applicnlion ol Hydropallly lq Midwifery and (he Nursery: wilh Three Hundred Engravings and nearly Ono Thousand Pages including :9 Glossary, Table of Smrs’ Pictorial Family fizz/nullâ€"â€"(~mn~ uvrr'ofl'ered 10 the public. 61H) pugusuclau‘o. Sun 3’ A71!» Pictorial Family Inslruclm UT Digt'sl 1y (il'uurul KIqu‘luI/gc;umanismg :1 cnmplelu r-irule 0| Irel'u] and elm-ulnning xnl‘m- Innuou ; designed Yul-families. St:lln1|pl>.:lhdii!fl‘fl Hus. 900 pages uclm‘o. [’I'Ice two dollars and l‘le‘aualm-y of many pouions ol the scnpmres. (jun pp. dvo Scars' Bible Binrrm 1/11, m- (/40 Livrs 7 c“ 7 J. .. cuTIIL-(l in [he >115: u! [Vrnlmg'sâ€"l’xm'm'ml} adapâ€" ted to the infilllll‘viul] 0| _\'q.nll| and pxivnm funnâ€" IIms: containing thirty (iisxertutiuns on the Eviâ€" dcmres u\ divinu revnhniun; x'mm'l inqwou’s key to the hiI-Ie. VVILI. numeluUsillnslrununs. 500 pages uclavo. Scars’ Wonders of the world-Second The History of Palestineâ€"4mg} ‘Ihc and all olherdascripfiun of mnlmigfls, has been YO!" largely increasrd (his Season. by aniqu from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOS- TON and MONTREAL : and that he is prepamd to supply OldGI‘S for new Offices, in addition to those in operatwn. at the shortest notice. Colborno st . Toronto, Jan. 9, 18:37. Smrs’ Pictorial His/org of [he Rv'mlu Dick Be>l quuhly of NEWS INK at One Shining per lb Hydropalhic Encyclopedia. Scurs’ Pictorial Sundm Jinn]: _, J ‘ . Seen-3’ New Family Receipt-Boo]:â€" cumaining lha must valuable .ceipls for the va- rious branches ol'Coukery, noserving. &c. Bets. each. Plinllng MACHINES and ENGINES im- path 11 to older. A GREAT AND GOOD BOOK (mtl Imli hisu lion PM“ 0:? Orders for any of the above Wm ks meeived at this Office. Jure 12th, 1857. g1 nnlhonljt,‘ mum whh W‘Iu lumd uclavo, View war, the secund w pnng UCifiVO France. erln'unl. land. Belgium. U vimw and notices (area in Paris. lio Iona, l'isa. Leghnr um. l‘olnpeii. 1’th Milan Geneva. 1' ’werp, I‘fintrrdum, .XE. Carei‘ullx Cu Ital/lull Eurupeâ€"embruumg dew-Hittith 0'4 France. erlnunl. Spain. llaly. §i(:ll}‘. Switzer- land, Belgium‘ UuHaud, &C.: [ugvthor with vimw- and notices of the principal ohjmrls of in- lere>t in Paris. Houcu. Lisbnn. Mmlnd. Ba: Iona, l'isa. Leghorn. Rome. NapleN. Hurrnlalur- um. l‘olnpeii. l’wduuyJ’alexnw. Mullu. me-c. Milan Geneva. Furnfls. lilnswls '1'31'ol. Antâ€" iwerp, Mltrrdun’r, AIM-‘(P‘TdfllD‘ H'mm'lorfi A12. .XC. Careful!) Culnpik‘d hum the h(‘~l um] latest souncus. Numerous Engravmpp, 55!)”; mm ‘Kingdmn‘and [he Hrixi>h l‘lhlld“. th >€V1 hundred haudwlno Engl'avnlgs. illusxrnlive :Srenos o|' piulll eulue hennh'. chumhes ( Iunms. 6th. m {lune tzvlebnuled uuunlzies. Bntrun um! (Illu'rucla/s ry'l/r l’ruu'L/mt l’usum. primed (I ought Lo Senes~1n 'l'vso l’arlz' â€"P;-rl l.\\'ondel> of Ban lure, (-umaining a descnpuon of the racesof nu-n manners and Customs of varioue naliom. homm bilds, plums, ‘Kc. Purl. ll. VVonchs ol' Arl; ul' (Icscnipuons of inventions. (:h'ws, ruins. cmiosi- lies. ~\' c. VVilh 400 illuw‘ntions 540 .pp 8vo. I’an‘iaruhal age (Jule yuan-m time. My Jun.- Kl'l'To, editor of the London l’iclorml Bible, etc 'curs’ Pictorial Sunday-Buokâ€"dusxgnâ€" ed for the nu: of I'mnilih. billlcâ€"L‘lflFb <. fiml Sunday-school lent-hers: principal!) illuhlrmivu 0| the manners and (:nst: a! enslmn nmumsmud l‘le‘aualm-y of many pouions ol the scnpmres. (jun pp. dvo half a halt" tumâ€"a book for every {unfily m the lIlllUn cut-(aim an account ofthe envly lukwn (r: cuumr)‘. the constituiinu uflhe U. ancs :1 nolngicul Index. 5w. Several hundrrd En iugs. a)“ HE SUBSCRIBER begs to Inform the Trade. that his Stock of Printing Presses, Type, Inks, gets uc-Iuvu k’s Complete PVor/csâ€"eleven vols- 1\\-o. 15m) pp. Bvo. Price Your dollars auda 0111 Type taken in training: for mu: HYDROPATHY AND H YGIENE, T0 PRINTERS. :cal u! and l/‘nlm:dwâ€"lugr-mm wit ipnl plan e5. unmrul anxiouum Statusâ€"cumprhlng the mouslnlm nhlu cvvnb of the revolution. {he I: e 'l'vipulilum war. the ludiun war war with (Smut Brimiu. and Ihe M‘ \Vill) Lhrco bundled Engraving: on a mammoth sheet a be very mfleable. PicIm-m/ I)(’SC7‘i])tIOIl 9] uncomplt ng n and than inhabit Eur-ulteâ€"embruc erlnunl. Spain, lgium. Uulloud. l] notices ol'Lhe I Paris. liouuu. Li ‘1. Leghorn. Rom [/Lcidents of the IVm-s of thy FOR Every Family I New Yorkâ€"this engraving is A COMPLETE SYHIH 0F LI nu illmlmlod tn WU pages oclavo liwrnura uuuerce . a. 011 E 1g thirty diswrtutiuns un [he I' m revnhniun: h‘om'l impmu’s VVILI. numelousilhlslrunuux. mor' mom. relim'un. u-dHCm mum. am}. mnnul'acluw area. and umuuem and cus- f'rom the t‘fl'libsl period o be },-re>e||1(itlm. thtrnlm ‘ungiugs. 600 puth lurgt 'eflllu Eng the dustnfl ants : mu | 0! inn D. K. FEEH AN . 47 by 19 inchsfimd Pnce 50 cams. Ilulehl Gn'ul i given. (..onm- [ET The Management of Lying-iu-Wumen, , in the and [he meninle ul‘ Clrildwn, flu. ‘ i“‘""“‘ The wm'k Is illleuded to bu a p'. .in,'i’nlcl|ig|blo “I‘VE "1 and sun-itith guide l'ur d0llle>1i0pvacure‘ 0. home ‘8" a”? lrrauueul. in all ordinary diseases embmcihg (he (’5‘ 5")“ i \\ hole range ul’ Mllljecls cunnecu'd \nlh lhu l’hilu- lmph} A l' Lll'e, the pyesmvatiuu ol health. and the II [he ‘nnd [he evornl “‘8‘ we m and sun ~ ..-. ‘ 0;?“ lruauue ' ' " |\\ hule r‘ Isupll)‘ 1 . » lmunnfi nch lhn Hid” UUU nu (1/ l’;(- In the plan of the ka. the wants and news- ‘ skies ol the I’euplc- have been slendti_: kept in new i, “’hile ultumt every topiv of interest in the depart- j nme ul’Anatomy. Physiology. Pathology Hygiene,â€" ‘ :«ml ’l‘heraptutics is bricfl} presenteddhum ol'prm- ital unlity me always put. wommemh‘ feiwmd 'l‘hu pievaling errors. cont-ails. and whims oi the i din mud age are oxposvd and iel'tiled; the tiicoiie: ‘aml hypotheses upon which the popular ding- put'licu is predicated are coutrorerted. and tho i "1/11, and wlwrrfon of the fallacy clearly demon hunted. The l'ollouing in u buel‘ uttultsis at its 'I‘RALL. M. D. l embracing a“ ‘he relm'mns of Air. Ligh'. Drirk. 1 Fowl, 'l‘cmpemh're, Exercxse, Heap, Clothing. i Bathing. and the Pa§i0nx lu the growth develop- mem of Body and Mind. the Preservation 9f ' llaallh. and the atlaillnwnl of Longevity. Published by FOWLER a; WELLS. NEW YORK. CULIIL'IJIS ANA'I‘OM Y . j \um-Med by One Hundred and Twenty apprapA Halo engravings. ’cumprising the Bible. AlmlomicaL Physiological, (Illumicul and I‘lxperinwmhl Evidences eoncem. [Hug the natural dxdelic (Sharnclar of Man. 11ln<trat6d, comprising [he Rationale of Musenlar Aminn ; the Nervous Influence: l'hilosuph) of Ménd : Memnlic l’honomena; lha Special Sen- ses; Functions of digestion. Circulation. Ruspil‘: align. Absurpuon. Nun-Mon, Secretion. Excrrlion Cnlm-ifivntiou. 'l‘empernmems, {he Rants 01 Men and Theory of l’opulnLion. mph} 4 l' Lll'e, the pyesmvatiuu ol health. and the Inuunnmu of dbezucs. ' ; '1 his great \vuxk "my bu had In one large vol. 'ume, bound in lilnuryslfle, I‘Iice‘ prv-puid lly nun) In am‘ l‘o>t (Milne. in the United Slnles ur {Cum-(la. ufiiy Tl] REE DOLLARS. } 1 All letters and orders shun!!! In: duecled as fol. u‘ilh Syn-in! dire’clions for the Preparation of “and, . . mntninirg the 'l'herupbulic dialinL-lion of diet foi inv..|id<. ' with illumalad explanmhms of a“ the wmerâ€"cnra nppliances. a I’Ixilowlrhicul Exposjliun of lhu ' .110- [1115 opemndi’ o:' water treatment. and lhe nus rummale of drugs-neaunenl. The Nature, Symptoms. and Treatment of all known diseases are examined. the ill meg-ass of dung-prauuve exposed. and the proper Mrdxculiuu woununended nnd spcuiliad, Illustrated, and directions for the minor operalioui mum. uill ho (‘Imlled 10:: C01!) ul' Ilw work. txr- Iivsmhle lo [heir order. at our oll'xce, lh'uuduqy, lows Hisxory of Bathing; History of Medicated Balhl. Six lines and under. first inserliun . . Each snbseqneni insertion... . . . . Ten lines and under. firs; insertion Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . Above ten lines, first in., per line EVERY FRIDAY MORN 1 N U, B [IT' Advertisements wilhon! inserled (ill forbid. and charm-d All transitory adverliselnenls irregular customers. must be paid for when handed in I‘or inseuion. “Till be‘promptly attended to :â€" BOOXS. raw! 3114.5. nusmrss CARDS. “mar. AND slum. Posrxus. CIRCULARS. LAW roams. mm. mum. aux cumin, Mums, up Each subsequent 'msen'mu. per A liberal dmwnm will be mada to partial mlvar- lislng by the year. All advcrlisemenls published for a less period than one. month, must be paid for in advance. All letters addressed to tho l’u'flisher must be post paid. No paper discontinued until all nrrearagea are paid : and parties refusing papers without paying up, will be held accountable for the silbscriplion. done in the has! style. at moderate rules. Our assortmentof JOB TYPE is smirer new and of me lama! panama, A \nrge varimy of new. Fancy Type and Borders. for Cards. Circulfll‘l. &c.. kept always on hand. IWerchanls and others who advertise libemHy in the GAZETTE will have their Cards inserted in the Business Directory. Book and Job Printing ES TABLISIIMENT. And despulclxrd (u Eub. or other ulm\'(‘}'ul)(:8, whrn so (Indra). fibers |;_\' the rurle mails. I‘ha Yonx lhnlwn’ Gazrr'n: will ulwfl_\'.\' be l'uuud to (zomain Ihc lalusl and most important Formgu and Provincial News uml i‘vlurkels. and the groan-s1 ('me will be taken to render it «mum-able to the man of business. and B valuable l-‘unnI’ Newspaper. I‘l'lKMfiâ€"Une Dollar and a half per annum, Hi Ann \Mi-.. If not paid within llu‘ce months. lwo dullurs ; mid il‘ not paid wnhiu twelve mouths two dollars and a half will he climged‘h LETTER - PRESS PRINTING i l\o. 308. Blondu‘m'. New York. [13’ Agents in every neighborhood will he mp, Ind in package‘ of :x dnzen or mou- copies. by ' mew ur as Freight. Single noplgs, by mull.â€" .vmy family ~~hould have a copy, fl." Edna x colyying the ahove u fa“ limssâ€"In. finding (his Nowâ€"and mng aneuum to me nue. uil| he enulled to u com ol' llw work. zXe- DD 16“ If l’lHLOSOPH Y OF WATER CURE Hus 'J‘RL‘A'I'MEH‘ or SURGlCiAL DISEASES. W William 'B‘rmlgvon, Rates of Adm-Mixing: W.R. ROBERTSON, PRINTER. HISTORY OF MEDICINE! HY DROPATHIC COOK BRY uni! a complete Index. By R. T. FL) “'1. ['2 R 8L \\' PILLS, And every other kind of I)__IVE’I‘AR[ES. PHYSIOLOGY, DIETUI‘HIS, HYGIENE. IS PUB LISU ED T 11 1c .{ihingfi‘ (Bugrth‘, per line accordinglv hue wriuen dirbcliona from strangers or £0 1d

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