-W C“ OI‘CDISIIHIJ ' ’l'lll'.‘ I.\DI.\ .' ltl£\t)l.l'. l l t Fll‘lt\l)lhll CIIUELTIL-JS 0N WOMLN As the fate of England’s Indian em- pire is to all app' arance iirVolvcd in the successful resistance or capture oi CHILDREN. 01' Mogul dynastiesâ€"a description of! to about 50. Delhi was still ln-ld by lln it mav not be unacceptable to ourlnrsui-geuts, who are repni-n-d to he ulluu ~t'cnde'rs. We have tlicl'clbrc compiI-l H.000 strong within ll‘at. plan-e. lln‘ lol cd from the most reliable sources the “Willi-t is the latest "'1" In“ al'l‘ ""“l I" “W following interesting sketch of it:-â€" The city of Delhi is situated in the centre ot‘a sandy plain, upon a rocky lidge, rising to an altitude of 120 feet on the right of the Junma, here a deep and broad river at all seasons of the, year, inporth latitude 28 deg. 41 lllIll., 956 miles from Calcutta by the Burb- ‘hum'road, and 880 miles from Bombay by Ahmcdabad. According to trr- ditiou this city was founded 300 years B. C.,; by Delu. It formerly stood on the left,bauk of t-heriver, and is sup- poscd‘to have covered ,a space of 20 square hrlles. Major ' Itenuell incu- tionsr3,000,'t!00aslhe number of in- habit-ants which Delhi was supposed to. contain aaLthe end of the 17m cen- ll’Wu’ï¬hd the extent ol'the ruins seems 1pjuslityVlliisestimate. 'l‘nc Emperâ€" r, Shah Johan, built a new city in I68! O'h theright bank of the Jumna, and gave it‘ the rial-rte ‘of Shabjehans- bad. by which only the Moslem part of the population continue to call it. This is the modern 'Uclhi, which is about ï¬ve miles in circumference. and is"soaled‘on orange of rouky hills and Wmuded» by iwalls constructed of' large blocksof grey granite, and for- tilled with; good loop holed parapet. Several gateway] and bastion: occurl be last steamer :â€"- We (London Chrome/c) regret to s .y dial the intelligence from India, .lhciaity rc- ï¬civetl, continues to he of a tn vst (liscou '21;- .ng tIt'St'lipliOlt. Sir Henry Lrwrcncc. who had alri aly retired from Lu;know (On-k). upoii ('aivupore, “has been coiupclled to fall back" from the posilimi. have been perpetrated by the demon run liner-rs, 0n the persons of British women and children, who had the misfortune to be cup lured by these savages. A gentleman writes :â€" “ (iive full stretch to your imaginationâ€"- think of everything that is cruel. inhuman. infernal, and you cannot Ihcn conceive any thing so diabolical as what these demons in human form have prrpctrated. On tln- ï¬nd we marched from I’auiput to Race. At this plane, some of the poor fugitives from Delhi met; with the mast barbarous treatment. \I'e burnt four villages on, the Mal. and hung nevi-u qurberdars. One of the-c tvrclcllcs bad part of a lady’s dress for his kuirnrcrburnl. He had seized alady iron. Delhi, stripped her, violated; and then mur- dcl‘cd hcr in Iln- mast, cruel manner, first cutting olf her breasts. He said Ins was sorry he had not an opp0rtunity of doing more than he Il;.d done. Another lady who had bid herself under a bridge, was treated in the same manner, then hacked to pieces. AND (‘ourrrron cWI--.:lml some The revolt, by last accounts, was spread- this cityâ€"the ancient capital ol l’utau i lug, the mutinou. rogimeuts wm-e unto-used English papers previi us to the d parture of The most rcvolling outrages and cruellies lstink. ‘Cotnvold and Forulrdot‘t‘ii liver-«l. a lirlEth-i-ud l'rinlvs. lie has 3U3 head 0:" Ila-p. their brrcd I do not know, bill they :rrr- lino.†has... on. Ila c, .,m ,. N..\.v._/V_ . RICHMOND HILL, AUG. ‘28, 1857. ti IJI‘. b'liltflt‘ltllilu‘llb‘. ti ‘O \Vith this number. lln- fnst tln‘t'e mouths rfthv GAZETTE havecxpirrrl.:nnl we would emind those of our readers who have not as yet availed tln-nm-lrr-s of our advance icrms, that now is the limo to " pay up," incur the additional Ithcrvvisc they will rates, as set forth in our advertisement on the last page. Several weighty and urgent liabilities on the establislnm-nt must he liqiirdatcd within a brief period. and we trust Illat our frio-nds will see the necessity of making; prompt payments at the prescnt time. and thus bcnrfrt Iht'lllSI’IVQ’S and enabli- us to increase the vigor and usefulness of the enterprise. THE “HEATHER, CROPS, 8L0. Dllriugllte presmt harvest the weather Ilc lids :‘lli ll ul of ~ln-i-p Ul llle. few in the walls at intervals, and the whole has been strengthened and put in repair byrthc English Government ’l‘hegatewaysure magnificent build- ings, and are named alter the provin- ces and cities to which, thev point, and her mangled remains thrown out. on the plain. We found a pair of boots, evidently those of a girl six or seven years of age, with the leet in them. They had bcen cut oil just above the ankle. “'e hung many other villains and burnt the villages as we cann- along. - A man who witnessed the last The city has seven gall-s, anifcontnins the remains ofscvcrul l’iue pal.mcs._lrnassacre in Delhi. where he _Irad gone as a we‘wrmer dwcumgs of me chief m“, I spy, gives a horrid account at It. Slallllg that tabs onhe empire, .Theie palacesare , little clrrldi't-ll were thrown up III the air and oj'consideraqu exjcm. and surnmudrd caught on the points ol bayonfls, or cut. as by‘high walls; enclosing baths, stab- “my we†M "If; mu' ("mm-5‘ ling. and" “numerous out-buildings. The moder city contains many good houses, chiefly brick; and of various .atyles. of architecture. The streets are in general, narrow, as in other Eastern cities, but the principal ones. Bishop Hebe? says, are really wide. handsome, and. tb'r an Asiatic cit y. remarkably cleanly, and thc bazaars :have a good appearance. There are two ï¬ne streets, one called the Chair- dc'i'y-clioke, 90 feet broad and 1,500, yards long ; the other 120 feet wide and one riiile lorlg.’ Down the middle .of;the-ï¬rst oft these struts runs an 'l‘lIE NATIVE ARMY OF BENGAL. So much importance is now attached to the native army of India, that we have ob- tained the Ihlli‘iwing statistics on the subject. 'I‘lre strength of regiments of the line in Bengal has varied according to the times. whether those of peace or warfare. The following istlw returned establishment of ill“! Regiment of native Infantry.sla- lionrd at Iia-‘i'hckl-ot‘c in January. 1849:â€" ‘,(‘,o|otwls. . . . .. . . ... . I | Quarteunaster-serj Lieuteimnt-(‘olunel . ,I | Autive Dot-tun... iMajur,,............l Shundam......... ‘Captni‘k.... .......li .Iemadurs........ l.icuteuairL~:....-... .1! Ilavildars........ I to in no :aqueduct, is shaded by ï¬lm. Ensrgus ............I | Nniks ........... (it Surgeon .... .... ....I l Drummers ..,. .. . 90 trees and supplied with water- from Ali Merduu Khan’s canal. The other streets ure’narrow, but contain many good' bridlf' house‘s. 'I‘hecrov'Vd of an Indian city, slumps pictureSquc, is here Particulat‘lyirichviu showy ï¬gures 'of Assiï¬mII-Burgcou . . .l | Sopoys .. u . . . . . . IU‘IU Scucant-ruajor . .., .,.I I ()t' the European ollicers there were pres- ent. I9; absent. 12. The average height of the men was 5 ft. 7.; in. ' I has been very unfavorable. Violcnt rains have done a great deal of injury to the wheat. The rust has also prevented the kernel from property ï¬lling, and its appt'al'- ance is dry and shrivellcd, mnscqucntly Ilm yield will not reach the general expectation of the farmers. The wheat crop has been speedily cut, almost every farrncr having purchased one of the celebrated Reapers nrnn'ulhclured by Patterson. Brothers, of this town. \‘Ve understand that the lIl‘tllll‘l‘.~ manufactured at this Cnltllllislllllt'lll by our Clllel‘lII'ISIHg lowrrsmcu have given general satisfaction in every section of the country where they have been introduced. 'I he in creasing demand of this year is stillicicnt pr 0 0.th-ir til I ty. lipwards of three hund- red of those implements have been sold dur- ing the present season. Mr. N. Iiultou, of Markham, informed us that he has had one I in his possession for two years, with wh-ch Ire has cut from twelve to fifteen acres per day Willi one span of horses, and it requires no IIy more draught than ordinary ploughing. a little ingenuity on the part of the driver there is not the Last dillicully in cutting ’ Mr. 3. also “ lodged grain ' in any shape. lstatcs that since Ibis machine has been in ,- use. it has not cast Irinr [Inl‘ shilling in repairs. liven nrrdaymnalx, Elephants, camels, The greatest number stood at the age of , , , v t ' N and humpsvgujj, caparjsoned. parade Qtymrm [and that for din-abrth and bllt‘tlc'lll they tan- l . ~, .-...- ,. l . m',.b',’,g‘h [shamrccis' Jinglmg' “N35,. sip The. greatest number stood at the service ver ornametrts‘a'ud the r'nany colorcd “I leaf“ , _ tufts and fringes with which they are ‘ l'l‘eï¬s“, 9f “'9 >“l’av‘l‘1†“'“5 “""mge "6 adorned. 1' The sunmrwi‘of a great ymiï¬' ,.., , l d . ' _ _ , perSQuageï¬vVeepiug along the high. of ï¬le “ii.†I It ' “"8 ms ms’ ‘m “tinge ways, little scrupulous of the darting-e ' y" 3' it may effect iuits rogress. forms a. stri‘klng’spemacle w on it can be view: ed from some safe corner, or from the . hack of a kill elephant-or (Hillel. The ‘ this native Ilors‘c artillery Ilre followin‘Lr coup (fwd is mugmjiccm; but 1,, cm“: I is. a It turn :~â€".Ivcrn;c ‘w. rpht, 9sl. 7lb. in“, demijs might destroy “n: mummy ll be districts whence derived are thus reg ~tion ; for. mingch with mornich r‘c-I'sl‘wed’†tainers,‘richly clothed, and arrncd with glittering *helmets, polished spears, mung†Pawn“, and shields ’kml’bed ‘,w'm S‘I'vfwâ€"l Constant inlcrcourse with the European câ€)st . wlldbloukmgo _ Imll'ulfl‘llportion of the a lillcry has crcnl'cd in the wrt‘tahcs are to be seen, IllCt‘uus‘lllgmauve por'tionofIllislliaucll at English reel- illc lllmllll'imd '_ll_|0 dUSl, bill» iltltllllgdug‘ much in advance of that which exists in nothing'vl'o the-splendour of the (:avdl- the native tcgilllcnts of tln: line- , .cnde.’ - 3N0 grunt mend-band 'Dclhl. is'l A fun greater propOi-lion of h’Iahorpctnus fullpf personages-ofptéalcnsimrecvcrlwill bc ft'tllltI in the ranks of llrc native passgsaioug III Stille- WIIIIQDL havingf cavalry that r in the infantry regiun-nls. (blip ,hjs shawl?“ nu", j“. ,j“, smuunqiu, Hindu“ in the proportion ol 33, per cent. The M’rllnurr- tans were†. . . . . .15 per r out. i The It'shnrins. . . . . . . . .r.. . .. . .5“ per cent. The Itnjpoias . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . pcr e. nt. The [Iii-dues ot- interior caste . . . I8 per cent. Bengal. Bohar. Buiiaros. . . . . . . I8 per cent. Doah.... ...?....... ..5ll percent. Robil" Bond†. . i not be surpassed. “re should not forget. however, to notice I that Messrs Darling 5L .Iitchirhon, of 'l'horn- ‘hill, have also innunlhclurcd a great nurnhu-r of their Combined, l‘u-apcr and Mower, Which hare. as far its We can ascertain,gircr: general satisfaction. \‘\'e dare say the ap- lpruachinar Provincial Exhibition will be well represented by llu- enterprising mechanics of Illlis County, \\ ho have already won for them- selves a Instill,â€r reputation. “'e learn from the \Vnodslork SI'IIIim'l .that laudable ell'orts are being made by Ilu- Presidenl and Directors of the Provincial Asaociulion to render lllc approaching Exhi- bition at Brantford superior to any which have lil‘t‘Ct‘lIelI it. both as regards the advan- tages crtpecled to arcrnc from ruch exhiâ€" bitions andthe facilities and conveniences to ‘ be afforded or this occasion to all who may .luntr'sof'bso'nnrof his followers, The, l":°Iill’l)'ll|v inset awn-m l-nvn-slggx- cridspf’the vendors of ‘dill'ercnl 'arti- "" I“ ll“? '-"r“.=<"i1' Ci“'“l".V C{"l-‘- Ill“ clc§.‘0‘f»,lboli’vrethc di‘scol‘dant songs 'of7 "m" a"? "m." “I†If" '33". mm "I z" lmc‘lm's ii-tiowfaht marsh-tans;screamed uin “I “"""'“l l"'â€*l“““~ ““"“'.‘â€"' '1 -‘"""':~' “"N‘PS' r - l0 ‘ in u mn‘nl "ovi-ruutu-nt. 'l‘hc side taken by lllejlcuompammeut ol the tom-mm, v r ~ . , I j ‘. ,b H _ I ‘ d, ,thi. powerful body uill turn tin-scale; ln-nce, \w‘l -‘ dnvql'a‘lwnnli ‘ 'l†‘0 um“ "i ’y I no qnmtinn t'nlliu'cled with this important .3 "health! Sl‘u'uhlmg 0m _"' a ShdrPloutlne .i; can he “‘illl‘ht’ll wuh \Il’t'jtl‘l‘ inter- xoar-his annoyanoe at being hawk-rd, L In“, ,.,,,,,],.,.. “r mi. |,,.,,,,,.j, w,†I,“ a "1",“ I'm “Hm†fl)" 5M"- “lllh “leisure index of the fuelill‘.’ tln'oughont Upper .SIII‘I“. dwlrt'sslill If"? 0'- ll'e/ “ill-"‘4' Ill" India. If the " Jet nuilirr RlIIIIIi .lctlbutwlra" ,tru_inoetings.~'v (if i ‘thc. elephants, 'tln- I ram-tin lh-nr. lln- government has little, to neighiugnftopics. and the rumbling, m..- i‘.- .m h... tinn-a the number of runaway .of car'tflm'lioels‘aso soupds which assaillsepoys. the ear'froin,sunri_se to sunset in the: ,sti'eetsiolunbllyi'. The multitude of equipages is"'e‘xct‘3‘edingly 'great. arid “ t' ‘ : I01! - .. v . l, ~r . v. .- , .v» o . ‘ I as wnh thi- lollo\\‘irr-' catalouuu- or annual lish carriages, altcrcd and improved In," k ‘ H A ,._ m 3,. a “can “I r H, Suit the climate'hhd the peculiar taste" "0 'n I" l " " n m d" “m ol tlw-pfwsessormre mingled wrlh lltulwm,†-,.,.,,,,,,.i 0...». forcibly or .1... “onâ€, ,l’al.a"'qulm “I’d'bl‘IIO‘Ik "arm-“0P6†“I'd tillsMNM‘tI in ancient times by the I’atriarchs covered, the chairs. and the cage-lilac of Am, poureyancc ofnntrvu construction. There are several ï¬ne mosques in Delhi, in good preservation, mm high minarets and gilded donibs, ‘l‘hu lur. hm“)... blond mares. colts and fillies, divided nest of lhesc, the Jn‘mna Murjid. was; as follnws': '2, .sldllllml‘! I9 bloml "lures. ll built by Shah Jcbau.â€"-â€"Il-is u sulcudid Mlle 5W] ï¬lltl‘ï¬- 'II'I‘W “"5 “5°36 ""‘res and enormous ediï¬ce, built 0|" white and 9 Wrist": c0“3 0“ “'0 “I‘ll! “'3†d0 m" marblii and red granite. and is cmmhpibcloné to Mr. Alexander. which were sent “'0‘. 'llw-liu'gcst and lIitlldsomesthlacc “WW I†I)“ hl'ml lmm h“ ‘l'OVr'l'f-{II'I’W'I ‘ \ . ‘. - - - -. - ,_ horses. 'l‘liesc being added It». the above fut)jllï¬zilgmzhwjgï¬gllhm milk," Bllfllnumbr-r ol' I‘ll lit-ad, makes lob horses on I 0 2 lo mn'unnn 'l the farm. There are 9 horses in training. architecture of this mosque less florid, and the general effect less picturesque. than the splendidgroup of the Imam- bauralt and, its ' accompaniments all Lucknow; but its situation, he says, , cowl .3 i.â€1.,33 bull only“. “Nil 3!) linifcrsl is far more commanding, and the size. ' or “we blond; balance of the stock collsislsl solidity, and the materials of the cdi-V of Alderuvv, Ayrshire and a few romluon lice surprised him more than anytlriug' cows; the balance have more or less of the, (if the no“ It ' l..â€" «--- ‘ ' horn blood, and are really very linev‘ SOdllu'I‘lI-Ile‘ LIKE A SI‘OCK- ' domino. CIaSSt‘.‘ as follows: to which are in tiainug; 3‘3 thorough III'NI old entire rolls. his >cotl rounly firm. Ile has +33 lit-adj llNCII l l l :IICXflIIdH'Jtl lu-nuiugton. Kculuckr, which llle co'lleuls- ,, A5 3 PM“ “I “'9 WI'lelt‘d " llc ha~l I‘ll head of horses. divided inlo'l ‘ . I . nu... horsesynme oplrom the part ol the building where the .as ftbl troltca's, two of which are two years] Mr. A. has +0 horses on i be disposed to exhibit stuck, grain, or any article of mechanical or agricultural industry. M. NDIAIIISM A'I‘ GOllMLl'iY’b (CORN-Ii) Li»- inftlfllli‘tl that Mr. Edward Mahm’s Blacksmith shop. situate at Gorin- “'e are Icy‘s Corners, near the town line between the townships of Markham and “hit; hurch, was set on fire by 3mm: con-a-dly r-ufl‘run on the night of lIN‘ ‘2 Isl, Augustr-aml ‘ Would have bcbn reduced to ashes, had not Mr: Matron awoke in the night and saw the blaze through his bed room window in than- to save the building from destruction, as also incendiary’s depravity, we are requested to mention that he took the trouble to re- move a Waggon wheel (laying some distance ï¬re was started) and placed it in the fire, completely destroying it. Mr. Million states that he was away from home during the day. and his men Wr-rc out assisting some "high; born with [Ilrlt' Irnrvest,â€"so that there had i been no ï¬re in the forge since 'l‘hursday the 20th, leaving" it beyond a doubt of having lbeen maliciously set on tire. Mr. Mahon lately cominvnred business on his own account, and has of late been getting around, and has gin-n geneml satisfaction. It yrs to be hoped flat the wrctrh who made this attempt to ruin him will be found out‘ and brought to justice. dlllX'l‘lll.‘ I'_\Ili. 'l‘lic Ilit‘lnnond llill Monthly I‘ilil'WIII be held on \\'cdnc\dav next, on the ground nljoiniug \‘ds‘t‘lll‘dr’s Ilolel. A lurip- allll‘ ,le of stock is r-xpccted. I MDO‘F’F‘ 0:? 'I‘In‘ A'cw Era «rys that the l"riu-ntlr ..r Sharon pnrpow holding tln-ir u~n.rl :nrtinnn illumination and lcsliv'ul on the -I-llr and fllh proxhnu. ,_____,“-_, cf? ATLAVI‘IC 'l‘ui.v:Gn.\1>n.â€"â€"r\t the last meeting of the 'l‘orouto (1in Council. Ald. Chunks moved that as soon as “is \gVorship the Mayor has authoritative inlorâ€" million lllfll li'li'g‘iaphic communication has lict‘ucmuplctcd ln-lu er-u I'iurope and America he be authorized to proclaim a public holi- day in honor of the eventâ€"~whirh was car- rie d. “D. 4 0:? By telegraph from New YorlLtlzilcd the 23111 inst., we learn that Surrogate liradâ€" ford that day rendered a decision on the Burâ€" (It'll estate. 'I‘he (Incision is vcry elaborate and lengthy, and concludes by declaring that Mrs. Cunningham is not the widow of ‘Dr. Burdcll,and by tlit‘i'cllug' that lctu'rs of administration be issued to her next of kin. 0 BOOK NOTICE. “'0 have rccr-ivcd from .\'Ir. I‘ringle Shaw, of Lloydtown, a copy of his ‘- Itambli-s in ('aliforuia,†published in 'I‘oronto by J. Bani, booksellcr,givinga desc. iplion ol the country, life at the mines, state of society Stun, inlcr- spcr-scd with characteristic anecdotes, and skclcllvs from life. The volume is wr-ll written, and gives the main incidents of the author’s personal experience during a sojourn of five years in the land of gold. \‘Ve pur- pose noticing the work at greater length in a future number; in tin: meantime copies may be Obtained al this ofï¬ce. .04 AN ANCI Ii.\'l‘ N 13' \\'Sl’.-II‘ISR. M. 'l‘ccfy, Esq" ol this town. has a newspaper (among his large collerlion) nvi-r [iffy-stove yi-a s old, vlrllllt d the U/stw It at, Kingston, Ulster County, State of New York, on the 4th of January, 1800: it is clad iii mourning,r for the death of General County Grunt/c. was printed W'ashingtou, and contains a programme at his funeral; also the siecch of President Adams at the [mating of Congrch on the IOIII of Dcccmber, I799; the Senate in reply ; dispatches relative to the address of the war with Napoleon Unnaparte; the battle of Zurich ; the evacuation of Holland. other at the It is printcd on a sheet about half and mat hrs of interest thin. the- size of this Journal, in clear, but It is a decided curiosity old fashioned type. in the newspaper line. s94 SERIOUS CHARGE. .\la kham, was brought up at the 'I‘Oroiito l‘olicc ("ourLchat-ged by Mr . .Iolm Courcicr, keeper of toll-gate No. 2. Dinnlas street, uilh having on the night. of the 25th June last. tired a pistol at him with intent to kill. It appears that on the evening in question .\lr. (iibson and his son were travelliqu on Dundas street, and when tln-y arrived at Mr. l‘ourcii-r’s pate tlny found it securcly last- cned, causing, cmrsiderablc delay, which gave rise to an altercation between Gibson and ('ourcier, during which Courier asserts that (libson lived at him with intent to kill, and Gibson states that Courcier struck him a \\'it‘ uesses for the prosecution testiï¬ed that the mark of a ball was plainly visible on the gate post, while it; was urged for the defence that the rrrark alfu led to had been made by violent IJIu\V on the face with a stick. a chisel or gouge. Thus the case at pre- seirt‘slands. The magistrate considered the evidence sullicicnt to warrant Iron in sending the case for trial at the next Quarter Ses- sions; when also a charge of assault prefer- red by Gibson against ‘Jourcier will come up for hearing. to bail himself in £100, and two suretics in £75 each. r04 ARRIVAL OF THE “AMERICAâ€. ~ THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH A FAILURE. ‘Tbe America arrived at Halifax early on “Yednesday morning,r last. The news by this steamer. is three days later from Europe and is of the highest importanve. ‘ The Atlantic 'l‘elegraph, we regret to say, fer the present is a failure. 0n the morning; of the Itlh inst" when .335 miles west from the Irish coast Ilre cable broke; the vesscls er'e returning to lingo tam] with the remains ol the cable still over ‘2000 miles in lengllr. and perhaps, sufficient to unite the two continents. The directors ‘ were sanguine of ultimate success. A crinâ€" . fel'ctltfc was. to be hrld Ill London on the lnth , instï¬, for the purpose of drtevmming whether .to 20 on again irnrm-dizrlr'ly with the balance of the cable or wait till anolhvr summer. The Indian mail had arrived with intelli- gence of great mnun-ut. i Contrary to general expectation in Eng- ol rattle, lllp thorough-bred the†born) {he Emilie? WWI» 0f lbfl \WH'IS of the farmers†laud Delhgllmd «not fallt'n up to the 29th at June, the date at the latest advices- Fllrther rmilinics‘lmd “curred among me ha live troops. 'l'here is null-‘- Ou lhe 22nd inst., Mr. J. Gibson. of‘ Mr. (iibsr-n was admitted lll‘JN'l‘ltlJt‘ l'lON OI" b‘lllil‘jl‘. l l l Yrstcrday morning, a mlmln-r of \It'itills‘ (logs utluckt-d a llock of sheep, lit-longing t0 ,\lr. .lohn l.inf0ol of this town, killing six nnl seriously rnutilaling as many nrorc. . hrcc m the dogs wore traced to their rwncrs’ icsidcnrcs, and we lllldcl'slaatl lllut .t is Mr. l.iufool"s intention to institute all ‘uclion for tlauragrs against their pi‘opl'ir-li)l\.. illtllt'ss lln- maller is more amicany arranged. 'l'lre vast number of uScICs‘s dogs which daily prowl about the town and neighbor- lhood is becoming a decided nuisance, and it In high time that some clfcctivc steps wr-ro taken by the anthm-ities to abate the griev- ‘ancc. \Yc are informed that Messrs. I’atlcr- sou and llirkson have also had several shccp lib-slioyi-d by dogs lately. Mr. IJ. desires us It†Incntiou that he is determined, licrcnlli-r, I» shoot all strange dogs found upon his premises. M AC IS'I‘ILA'I‘E’S COURT. “'illianr Billou was yesterday charged bcforc .\I. 'l'cefy Esq, J. l‘. witlr having ('uttltltiltrtl an assault upon Mr. John Shicls of 'l‘hornlrill,on Sunday last, by striking him in violrnt blow on the left jugular region of tln- ncck. with a crutch. From the evidence ofJowph Dixon, who witnessed the outrage. t we gather that the defendant. who is lame, and I . . . was under the influence of liquor at the time, was being annoyed by some boys near Mr. Slrii-l‘s hotel, between I and 2 o’clock, on Sunday afternoon, much noise was occasion- icd thereby, when Mr. Shiels went out and ordcrcd defendant off, he refused to go, and lalrnost instantly dealt complainant a blow with his crutch, as above described. A letter Reid Of 'I‘hornhill, who was called in to attend Mr. Hllirds‘. was read from Dr. In which he stated that independent of the present injuries. serious results may yet ensue to Mr. éliicls, from the effects ol the blow. No witnesses were calleI for the defence, {and the Magistrate mulct defendant in the sum of£5-to include ï¬nes, costs, and doe- tor s bill. conrMUN1CA'rtoNs We Whll to be distinctly understood that we will not hold ourselves responsrhle for the opinions of our Correspondents. Also, all Communications addressed to this office for Publication. must be accompanied bythe real name ol'tlle writer. al- though it need not in every case be inserted. r-cnxc'rcn AND VistsE,†For. 'riiu EDIFICATION OF ROGER ‘ saying mass or teaching school, shall be sub- W' WW MMMm‘â€"_-_ gluonâ€"v ~‘_I.. -. m. .a. . , . ,i _ . , . liritislr. ln-rauw tln-y provgd lll(‘ill\l'l\(‘5 to In- the faithful gu irdiaus of the Ill)t‘l‘IIt'~ of British subjects, \vlnrtln‘i' ,L‘lt-D‘lisll, Il‘l.\l|_ Scotch or Ann-rican. in the liritish Home of I could go on enumerating in- stances of the liberalily of Bl'lll\ll St.rtcs-‘ Commons I then Were it iii-cessarv ;.» »but it is quite sufï¬- cicnl for my purpose at the present, to remark that ltogcr’s case is not quitcso firmly r-slnb- Iishcd as he IllIln’IIICs ;â€"-cvery impartial reader wrll at once admit that it is not fair to c/ull'gt' [Ire zr/ur/c Bra/.1. imp/i/rttz'u/L with the acts ol (1 par/y comprising the ministi y of the day. In my first Icltcr to you dated 28th 0l July, I asserted that" both of Itogcr’slclters contain a great amount of billnIJlet, inter. spcrscd with quotations from statutes, many and To meet this. in his rzjom/[cr of the ï¬th August, of which have ceaswl to be (are. others uurepcaled but not ('nfbrt'wl. he says:â€"-" If Comumn Sense had corri- mon sense, he would meet the question fairly s†or keep ‘ mum, and calls upon me for “ chapter and verse,†and in a very loud whisper savs“ let the tell you,you cannot,aml you know it.†I feel that Iam in duty bound to comply with Roger's demand, and in order to enable your readch to judge be- ween us, I will commence by giving Roger’s own Words. “ I give some specimens of British tolera- tiou. thee the Imperial Statutes, 27 Eliza- heth, chap. ‘3, " .lesttlls or Priests, British born, coming Into Englandbeing made priests at Room, are guilty of treason, and sulfa death. Receivers, aiders, and maintainers oftlrern, knowmg them to he such,are felons.†The same tolerant statute says, “ Any priest jert to perpetual punishment in such place as the Queen and Council shall appoint.†“Statute '3, James I, chap. 5, says,â€"- “I’apists shall not move five miles from Ironic ; must not come to court; must not act as apothecary, at civil law, at common law, or physic, or be an ofï¬cer. in any depart- ment, under penalty of £100, half to infer- mer, half to the King.†Sending; pcl‘\0ils beyond sea for Catholic education, is by #:atute I James I, chap, «Ivâ€"forfeits. £100 line, and their landed inheritance conï¬scated. one half to informer, other half to King, “ Any persmr,†says Statute 13 Elizabeth. chap. ‘2, sectiOn 7. “ bringing beads, Agiriis Dei (trusses. &c. &c., into this kingdmrrare declared outlaws,â€see section l7, and statute '23 Elizabeth. chap. I, section 9., “ Persons neglecting church, and frequenting dissent- iug places of worship, called conventiclcs, must conform or ahjnrr- the realm.†3.3 Elizabeth, chapter 4, section 1. " hearing masses, lined 100 marks and 113 months’ im- prisonment, without bail,†see statute ‘23 Elizabeth. chap. I, section 4'. I can give a much longer catalogue if needed. This De CO VERL Y. Loyalje ferai (lit/“(mt ma vie. To the Editor of the Gazette. Slurâ€"I havejust received the Economist, containing another letter. entitled, “ I’m-join- dcr of linger dc Coverly to Common Sense." I congalulatc Roger ill on hating so grace- fully adopted my suggestion, in abandoning ellctc Statutes of Englau l, as it is :1 proor of his willingness to avoid being branded as a man who rausucks the poses of history, and scrutiniscs the records of past times, not I for the sake ofcxanrplrs to guide him through and teach him to avoid dangers on his way. and for indrmtimh of the true palli to public safety, but for the purpose of raking up lronr their obscurity some ready but forgotten men-rs of exasperatmg party feelings, etc-it- m3. sectarian dill-renew, and creating lac-- tious animodties between various classes ol the community. Such a man, I would con- sider, acting such a part, III no better light than that of the barbarian who poisons Wells and imagines that, by such a coarse, lie is purâ€" aullra'" only a means of legitimate warfa .- upon his uteruies. Although I do not pro- nounce Roger incurable. I still perceive ,s‘I/i/qu/LS of his old complaint. and purpose to administer gentle doses of my iIt/Icf/di/e I'l’IIl/"tly, trUslmg tlr.rt,by a faithful application, he wrll soon be wholly cured of the mania ; and before prescribing for Roger’s malady. I will explain that I do not pretend to be the apologist for acts of tyranny and blood ,shed, whether under British or any other rule; â€"â€"every honest luau should raise his voice against it. and every true Briton has done so,â€"yct they were not the less “ British" for being ranked amongst the advocates oi, liberty. I will quote the sentiments of one- ol' freedomâ€: brightest ornaments, and appeal to Roger's cool judgment, if We do trot stund indebted to that Britt‘s/I. Stattsmau for much ut'the freedom we now enjoy. The renowned Edmund But-kc, speaking of the American Colonies in the House ot'Couunons, said, ‘- the people ol the Colonies are descended of Eng- lishmen.†“ England, is a nation which I hope still respects and fornn-rly adored her freedom. From England the Colonies draw as with their life blood these ideas and prin- ciplesâ€â€"who will say that Edmund BUrke was an incompetent. judge lâ€"was he not the advocate of the people's rights in the British House of Commons ’! Does Roger desire to tarnish the lustre of Burke’s memory by shearing at every thing Erin's/t, thereby, inâ€" cluding liim,wilh others, who entertained simiâ€"l lar views! I might name the immortal Grat-I tan, also, who was no less British because: he was the advocate of the people‘s rights in' College (ircen prm ions to the I'niou. “11“ ‘viz. r vlrnve no fielinus in common, and rejoice that i or this dcponcnt sayrth not. 'IO'Comn-ll and .IOM'l'll Home It»: must sutlice for the present. 'I‘olcratim! do you call that, Mr. 'I‘rudgeon i†To prove that Roger‘s “ whisper†was pre- mature, it will be sutlicicnt to give the folâ€" lowing extract from the 3Ist. George 3rd, chapter 32,â€"~‘ No Roman Catholic who shall have taken and subscribed the said oath (of allegiance) as afore~a§d >Ilall be. convicted upon any of the following acts,or (my other star‘ch or law of this l‘t‘tt/IH. or" in an}. ecclesiastical court fur n'It “fad-III]; to Cllllt't‘ll or having servants who shall not resort to church or other place ofconnnoa prayer:â€" 0-0 u’~ 1st Elizabeth, chap. 3,Eliz..1& ‘3; ~27, liliz.,'2; 29, liliz,b‘; 3.3, E!i2..‘l; 18:. ‘2, Julius LI; 3, James l, 4; 3. James I, 5; 7, Ja nus I, 6; 3, Chas. l ‘7' A. waist of the s gned '- In .-o.n.l is," Lite id :d as an answer “a... .khum . and avoid using nth-risivr- t'plllrr‘h when writ- ing of turn innurasuiably beyond his reachaâ€" il is bail lastc, my the least of it: and has a tcnrlcnvy to \\ vukeu the small particle 01 argument he fccbly attempts to advance. Xtriirs. Coupes SENSE. King. August ‘30tli, 18:37. Tot/w Ell/[or 0/ the Gazette. Sin,â€"I obsi-rvcd ii. the Markhaui Econ- 1J$th lllsl., a connnuoiculion to an “Irish Orangcmau of 3.5 years stand- ing.†Now, Dir, as I am a disinterested lttllly, I would beg; leave to ollcr a imv re- marks on the conniruincalion in the Eco/to- uust. 'l‘he \vrrtcr begins, -‘ I would have LII'L'IIICll it unworthy of nolicc, were it not that it contained one or two statements calcit- orth to mislead persons tlnacqnamtcd with Irish History; and with the lll>lllllll0ll of which he appears to have been a venerable and devoted member.†Now, Slt‘.)'0tl will see by the foregoing extract that the writer intended to instruct those unacquaiuted with Irish llistory; but, alas! hc I:a\ failed to do so. But one thing he has proved, that be is as unacquainted wuh Irish llistory as he is with truth, and as ignorant of the princi- ples of Ur angeism. as he is of the princile of Christianity. Ills love ol truth urges him to claim lair play at the hands of the Econ- mitist, and the next’ moment admits he told lazschoods in the communication from b‘toulli- ville. The Irish Urangemau has indeed gained a triumph over tlns wouldâ€"be Irish lIrstorian, inasmurh. as he has brought him to acknowledge wriliuga falsehood. I would ban: thought the communication in the Economist beneath my notice, Were it not, that I wish to direct public attention to this man as a true specimen of a class of individ- uals who resort to falsehoods, slander, and every degrading vice with~the li0pe thaltlwy will destroy the heaven born earUse ofIlrange- isur. Ifut such men will be found out, and the justindignalion oferery lover of civil and religious liberty fall on their devoted ln-ads. We may thank our Orange forefathers for the liberty we enjoy. Orangemen are the [me exponents of liberty, and would extend the blessings of freedom to every sect and de- nomination, to white and black; theSe are the principles of every true Briton. But at the same time, they will not allow the Markham Ecnmmtist and his conlrers to slander a. ’ 50¢lcly of winch,tliank God, they know no- thing. Not content with breathing out his harmless wrath on the Orange b‘oriety, he must turn to the Church and bring in the name of Dr. Lett. Now, I would ask, in the name of common sense, What has Dr. Lett to do Will] the point at issue I I'Ie was not in btoulfville on the 13th ofJuly, and if I understand the matter. " Comet†wrote an amusing account as he calls it to the fen/1,0- ntigl. An “Irish Urangeman†contradicts the statement, and “ Leonidas†aanowlcdges "COrllct†wrote falSPIIOOda, what then has Dr. Lett to do with the matter I But love of truth urges him to what ’!â€"â€"to write false- hoods. It was once my happy lot to stand and look at the venerable walls of Derry ; and as I looked, all the horrors at a nine months’ siege recurred to niiud. I thought I could see the devoted followers ofChrist re- duced to mere skeletons; yet, they put their trust in God; shut up within the walls of Derry, famine and all its accompanying evils sla ing; them in the face. A tyranical and blood thirsty enemy before thein,tbcy fought nony for the cause of ()rangeisiu. and now we are inluil possession of that liberty for which tl,ose good nn-n nobly longht and dird. Ought we not thenas prob-slants respect aird love the ollspring of these berm-s of Derry I Iiut, in rt-nclusinn. Mr, Editor. I "wouldâ€" congrhtnlatc you on the ~ncvc~s tIrit awaits your truly Protestant papi-r. lIopiu; you will glvc the foregoing a comer in your excellent Journal, I remain. Yours truly. 'I‘ Y It ONE. Lcmonville, August 18th, 1837. ’ ~i ‘25, Chas. II, 0 ; all of which were no doubt oppressive and unworthy of the nation ; but. Cos I before stated, they are rcpcaicrl. Other oppressive acts althou;li not repealed are not enforced, and have become obsolete. Now, Roger. is this not incl-ling the “ ques- tion fairly" git/int:r you " chapter and verse†â€"you will certainly admit that the oppressive acts- which you have quoted are repealed, and that thou-e are persons in the world pos- sessed of .sullicient common sense to correct you when in error. The case referred to by Hogs", ofthe brothers Loveless, (Lovelace) who were, with others, transported for illegal practices, was a matter of regret, and many British Statesmen syrnpathised with their misfortunes ; yet. every fair and impartial man will admit the legality of'the sentence, while he may .nost heartily condemn its severity.â€" even the great O’Connell pronounced ' his opinion on the sentence of those men as be- ing legal. of Cumberland and his fellow conspirators. to prevent the legitimate heir from succeed- in;,r to thc throne of Great Britain, we all sut'b.schemcs were frustrated, and that dur beloved (British) Queen is in the hap- py enjoyment of her birthright. Roger’s great error appears to be in cull-r ing things by their wrong mnucs, and for lhe sills ofaparty, he Would inflict indis- criminate purrishment upon a whole nation,â€" this is unfair, and the only object I have in view to correct; which. I trust, by gentle chastiscinent, to accomplish. Roger is un- fortunate in his attempt at sarcasm when he in'rmluccs his lengthy quotation frotn llle " apostate's doom,“â€"vthe analogy, of“ Judas Iscariot,†wants the essential ingredientâ€" ]mmf, to give it point : whether the trailorous recipient of the thirty pieces of rilt'er was a whig or tory, clear gri' or rclorun-r, history To for the present. I trust that Roger will con- ('tlllt'llltll’ With the attempt ofthe Duke- 'I‘IIE PRIZE ESSAYS UPON THE 1 W'IlliA'l‘ lNSEC‘I‘.â€"â€" \VIIO \N'IIO'I‘E 'I‘IIEM. The Toront rCo/onisf. says ‘- \Ve have been informed that Professor Ilenry Y. IIind, of Trinity College. Toronto, has taken the first prin lor an Essay on the Destructive \\ heat Inserts, the Rev. George IIill, Rector of Markham, [as lakcu thr- second prize, and ‘.\Ir. Iimille Dupunt, of St. Ilyaciuth, in Lower Canada, has taken the third prize. The prizes are, respectively, £40, £25, and†£15. Infiniter too small for essays lrom men of such high standing and attainments as Professor ‘Hind and the Iii-v. Mr. Hill. \Vith Mr. Dupout, Wllu, We take it, from his name and residence. is a French Canadian, We are unacquainted. But, as there Write twenty competitors in all, it is in: re than probable that the third essay is a valuable one. “ Mr. Hind is Professor 01 Chemistry in the University of Trinity College ; has lectured for several years upon Agricultural Chemistry ; and has paid much attention to i the questions of soils, manures, rotations of crops, and the insects which destroy both fruits and grains. . IIis style is easy, elegant and popular; and his essay will undoubtedly prove a valuable contribution to our litera- ture, and he. at the 'same time, botll useful and instructive to the farmer. The Rev. Mr. Hill. with his many other vocations, is an excellent practical farmer. Both before he on cred the church, and since, he has, to use the quaint. but expreSsive phrase of America. “often done his own ploughing, ctadling and hay making.†It is pleasant to see a rlergvman of the Church oflinglandâ€"â€" who also makes himself useful as School Superintendent in a very populous districtâ€"- thus bringing his fine talents and exlcnsiie reading and information to bear upon a pl acti- cal subject ofthis kind. blr. Hill's essay, we can >afrly promise our agr-ivul'nral and other readers, will prove t'miin-ntly instruc- tive and interesting: ; for it would be dillicult in ('auadn, or indeed in ('ircat Britain to bring more practical kutwledg‘e and more varied information to boar up0n his task. than Mr. Ilill has done. The aullior oftbc third essay we are not. as we remarked. acquaint- cd with; neither do we know wlrctlwr his (inure to proï¬t by tlrc hints I have given him,I I r: vastly is “'llllt'll in French or linplish." y' .. b .. i ‘3. / "a!