V erI he in working order by the 15!. of September 313ml". 3mm. ....()I‘I I":hln' LIV-mm“ :ln rillrliy mun Ilillllt‘ll \l'lllinlu l).lvl~, nilH has No i on: luyud in lilo, Glcnl \lta‘lcl'll Ilnilwm'. was nulknl; on tho - ‘-'.‘ 'J- '»l' i l‘i" Huh 1‘... “nun-d um itâ€, Alan“; relcgmphl Ind. “int .n d.ll.Q ut lllluxta,tillll. ,\ l . u next. . . . . St ves undo ofsluto and beautifully l-unuloll- (I They . . . . are now made in Luglmrd Io, l'dllul‘ use. are lured with lire brick. ....On the 3d inst" the largest singlo drum: n catti‘o ever shipped mo.- II'Iu (.‘ontrnl I‘..l.l.uud. reached Albany. It numhc cd :4 4 bend. ....It is stated that In London. not less Ihan n quarter of 1: million souls ret-rr to Sié‘Op, Highly in two. BMII_\' or six-penny lodging-houses. . . . . l’otetoeu are seliug in Washington :11 2’5 t'elvls a bushel. and a correspon-Ient 0‘ the Phillnl‘c’l/I/ltl Inquirer says lll'.‘_\' are hard to god rid ut‘al tllnt. ..--VIljur-Goueral Wyndham. the hero «I‘ the Radon, hns acceptvd an important commund in India. and Will proceed to lno End as soon n- possible. ....'I‘Iio Earl of Cardigan has sent in an npplicrl tion to the Hope Guards. London, announcing his readiness to go out inlmodlutely to India on active service. I "n We have .bv-on informed that the By-law voting to lake £l00.00-l stock in the Central Railway. was carried by h luujority of aboutdoU votes.'â€"Br.rmpluu Times. , .... Every now and thou the Monti-cal papers an- noule that thnlcity has been choson the seat of Government. but my the Transcript wisely says. the fact i5 not yet ofï¬cially announced. ....A burn belonging to Mr. J. Mar, Guelph, was struck by’ lightning and burned a fomdays ago. together with over one thousand bushels of when that Were stored in it. new ....A very handsome revenue is derived by tho British Government from the sales of lands in Australia. 'The amount received from “TI! source. floe past-ten yam is eluted at £1,442,661. ....Tlle Empress Eugenio. of France. receut‘y appeared at n ball won-‘iug jewols. the value of Mb was estimated at $800 010. and having flouuces of lace on her robe that cost $ I 20.00 ). ....'I'Ile Albany 'V Express says that a 8:10an ï¬rm have just closed a contract for the delivery of. one hundxrd thousand bushels of Chicago Spring Wheat. at a decline of ï¬fty cent: from present prices. I ‘ ' - ..I..’A Cotton Factory on St. Gabriel Locks. near Montreal. was do.»troyed by ï¬re. on Saturday the 8th inst. 'Loss estimated at $24010. Insured forisIOMlO. It is supposed the tire was the work of all incendiary. .. ..'I"ne New York ladies arejslking of gelling up a subscriplion for the bogus Cunningham baby. A presentation of lplnle for its courageous conduct throughout the trying scene would be more in keeping with the pint of the limos. . . . . The Grand Trunk Ilui Iwny Company booked from plat-es in Europe during ï¬ve months 2.576 Rpasseugers: of the>e 2.l59 were for various Ca- ,6 hadiun towns and cities, 7 were for New Bruns- wick/and dOQforthp Weston Statgsg , .. . . Label: was the son of Necessity. the nurseling of Hope. and the pupil of Art; he had the strength of his mother. the spirit of hili nurse; and the dex- terity of his governess. and’came down upon earth to oppose the devastations of Famine.â€"Jalmson. ....Mr. Jeï¬'ries Cole. of Detroit. was robbed of $4000 at the Windsor Station of the Great West- ern Railway on Thursday last. He had just re- turned fw]u="l‘lu'nliio.rwliem he had dispmcd oil a drove of cattle. N a trace of the robbers or money has! as yet been discovered. v .. . . BiIJho Cmnmon Law Procedure Act of last Session :- change is made in that mes for holding the Ciiu-IlyCourls and Quurtrr-Séssions in Upper Canada 'l'hcuc Counswill hereafter be held on the second 'l‘uosdays of blur-4h. June. September and Dcciunber. respectively. I .. “The Wecvd has made touiï¬c havoc with the crops in the townships of “Yul-mouth: Southwold, Westminster. ‘dzc. In some of" the townships “A380 tho alloy. has been mustjrrtal‘kcd: and where they?“ poly-holly destlo‘yed, thuyieid is not over'lon bushels to the acre. 7 . ..0n Saiurday morning last, acollisiou occurred 1 Long Island Soupd between the steamer Ma.- trupati-y. ot' the Fall [liver line, and the propellor J. A".H«rri.v. The letter boat sunk almost im- mediately. She had on board ‘25 persons. pas- sengelu and crew, 13 of whom found a watery grnvc- . ....It is agreed that the ï¬rst message by the sub-': marine telegraph amass the Atlantic. shall pass between tIrqpresrdem of the United States and tho Quelm of Greet Bri ainâ€"lhewrords. the open- i lg sentence in the ï¬fGIoria in Excalsis :’" “Glory be to God on high and on earth peace, good will towards men.†. . . .The Mammal Trurllcï¬pt states that a youth of thirteen. the sun of Mrs. ‘I’swson of Montreal. was Inst Week drownrd nt Brockville. y-hele ht‘~ was residing on will-SILM'iIhAhis sister. When his mother. who is also there. healdtlie-melanclmly inlelligeuco. bohhoart broken-and she lxpired ni- most instantly, Ila was her only son. and sheâ€"a widow! a, _ .-.. ‘ ' ....'I‘he United,States Government have con- cluded Agonyiwilhï¬ermymhicu-ius-provided- that in addition to the :pnbassadoï¬or diplomatic agent near each Gore urne'ntgit prorides for Per- sian consuls at Wash"_ ‘Isew Yiirk‘and New ,Orleand’.‘ and UnitedLSlhgl consuls at Tehersn. mun: gill Tauris. “Tha;vtl’naiy"‘is mealtime in force ten years. .. . .1139; Chicago Punjab Mild history of the commerce of th the ï¬rst vessel which Heated from thatpmigirh grain, was a small schooner. named’thoï¬mrul Hdh‘isnn. of 100 ion. bunnies. Ghaqu leaded mu. 3.000. bushels of wheat. for Bull'an in the summer of_1840. 1355 the grain shipments were 91.3“,on ..,,The import: of foreign dry goods at New York during the past Week were large. being nearlyf$¢‘,QO0.000. undiithin a fraction of “2.: 000,000 larger than the amoqu imported in the corresponding week of last your. The cg gregulc imports of dry goods for this your. so far, amount m $63,914.82‘ISâ€"s'howiug an excess this year oval Inst of newly $5,000,000. ... The Montreal Hum! says that counterfeit bills of the donomination of tens and twenties ol the Quebec Bank are ip oiroulutjou._ They are alterodfrom ones and well'dono. The genuine m..- a diffomt plans. The counterfeit tens hm-‘o “mourn! X instead of IO, and lho lettering 2!! in the Val-*9 Notiï¬es encroach“ on the ï¬rst letter or “ cnrrcm‘y" following. c ~sugar. but on examining it he found lhut the I grocer had mixed with it. allleasl l lb. of lime. day the waikman received 9 lbs. of sugar from coming up llk' was run um “and his ln-g fright- litil)‘ l'lncturrd. An II (p.e<l was held by l)‘. NI 1- IIF. when :. \'l'llIll‘I in :wrurdnuro with tho ubouc l cts “as luluilu-Cnâ€"l’rcr I'lcss. ..A l-Iu-gy man in (‘im-inlullli. who was jn~l stalling Lust In. Ins hI-lllltlt'l' \‘IICiLIUIl. Wu»: ('n‘h d upon by n Ind} iII III~ Ilullst'. nIIu plvsmlll‘tl him n lh‘ll Il' nl’snnm of llw Inlliv s of lIIt' Conga-gull I). LII ch-gunl fruit lJ'hlel. which Ilc Sll'nptlxt’WI rou- .nl'ud some do'icucy for his pululu. On opening .1 after slw Wm gonc. he found :l “Mottlin wrought pur-e. co [tuning live humlu (I dollars in gold. v...'l'hc Lulltlu-l ‘I'iulcs snyszâ€""It is very mum cast that tho l'lvlmmuf turning Ilonmn Culli- TIM: II is“ nlic is going out nub ng the all tot-Iats. slronm is MJIIIIIL' n: :ou'nul‘ Splugvunism: said lllnt lilo Uncllvss ul Sulllolinml Is on llh‘ cvu or Hurting h-rcll' \Vllll [II tvnnsv undur Nil: Spur- gcun'x leadership. Silo .‘llttl tho I)nl~l.o»s of A:- gy la lune bwn in I'l'cqu. nt atond nice at his mininrniiolr" . . . Loud I'uI-ncrsxon. in acknowledging his health, drunk in his 0 iginnl charur‘lor ot‘ "a Han-row boy†at the lust annual festival of the llnrruvinns, declared that no olher public school in the king IIJIII had had the good fortune to turnout such men in Lord Aberdeen. the Enri of Ripon. and the Inle Sir llobe:t Peel. Lord Palmerston is untidy-St. he dd .11 least as much rs his school to turn out two ol‘ the tlI-oo stuioqnen monlioncd. ... . Sanu‘vl..-â€"Tilo Memphis Bullutiu says that a man was lately found in Il.clluian. Tennusce. in the river. lied wilh a rope to a stake.'and with evident marks of violence. The coroner refused to hold an inquest upon his body, and resigned his ofï¬ce. After a delay of several hours a but both the city and county autho ilies refused to ury the body. and it was (Milly [at (00M :11 set a/i out again! ....I’rince Fredelii-k \Villiam, of I’l'u'sia. was presumed Inst week with the freedom of the City of London. of our Princess. at least. will uni-or have any oc- casion to make any use of the rights and priviâ€" leges conferred upon him in making him lhnt present. Some continental molyarch would pol- haps have a real boon granted them in boing em- powered to set up a shop. in n pussiqu contingen- cy, within the jurisdiction aftlle Lord Mayor. We sincerely hope that the husband ....The corre<pondence of the United States War Department conï¬rms the report from Fort , Kearney that a party of drovers with eight hun- dred head of bcef cattle in charge. destined for, the Utah expedition, had been attacked by the Cheyenne Indians. and the cattle run off. T-.a same correspondence shows that California wag- gun road parties have been delayed by Indian hostilities and sickness. "The Indians are be- coming daily more troublesome on the United States frontier. . . . . Johanna Southcotism still exists. and some 250 week ha" of he followers recently assembled at Wakeï¬eld. ï¬gure being 85, on Thursday the highest HuSt, \Vm- ' it 'he house of John Wade, her regular successor and the acknowledged prophet of the sectâ€"There were delegates present from the United States. . Germany. Great Britain and Ireland. The whole company marched in procession. wilh while robes. and in their meetings the men held banners over the heads of the female preachers. clasping’ in their other bands drawn swords to protect the women‘against the ungodly. ....Wmcur.-â€"The following is a curious fact. discovered by ballooning : “I take a bar of brm, which. when weighed on the earth’s surface. ac- tually Mtlghs I5 bs. W on I ascend to three miles up in the atmosphere and weigh the brass bur,,l1,uctua|iy weighs by a spring balance only 7,‘ lbs., and again at 5 m'les up, posiliw-ly only lbs. What is the cause of this? The want of ullnosphorical pressure on it. and the sun’s nt- tracrion, which becomes" more apparent. the near- er we 'apploacll his orbiLâ€â€"-Scicnllï¬c Ju urnul. . . . . A work-.nan_ recently purchased in a small provincial town in Germany. Ill lbs. of pulverized On the following day he adveniscd in the public prinlsâ€"u Should the glucor who so!d me a pound or lime along with 9 lbs of sugarï¬not‘llring to me the pound ol'sugur he cheated mo of. I shall forth- with disclose his name in the papers.†The next different gmcers. who had similar actions on their consoleuecs. and fumed publicity.â€"Culrgrcgutwn- (dist. . . . . Kmuzn BÂ¥ LlcuxulNG.â€"0n Fl id-ay lest. ï¬s two sons of Mr. Henry Strong. and a laboring. man named Culbert, were harvesting in a ï¬eld on the 2nd Concession ol' the TownshipofAlbiou. lightning, which kil'ed Colbert and one of the young men on the spot. the other bcing slillsonse- less and uotyex‘pedlod‘ to: reactor.- What is very change in this sad affair is that there was no‘ storm. that being the only flash of lightning seon,'l and it scarcely visible. and not the slightest sound I I I I..'.., a. magistrate went through with the required form. ' lol' SeptelanI' in ouch and evcrv year as a general during a. short shower of rain, they were struck by r W maxi) TRUNK r..- ILWAY 01 l CANADA. 'l IIQTAIIIJHSIIII'I:(lullgllsll) slIal‘cIlollI- cl's inn-ml In cull n Inc-cling of line pm *pricl. rs to propose the following l'csnl nlil-ns z~lun>nulch as tho Gm’crn mom and Lupislullu't' ol'Cnnndu hm illllnlilnnllsl‘y (Io: illcil by IlIL,‘ Inlc il‘ nl'lllc l‘ruvilu'inl l";-l‘r’ll:lnu:lll. Illnl ill pol llt'.‘ll (‘It‘llltllll simulnl bc cruilii'nlc. II"|l|l tin: Imnnl of dircclnl's. it is r:- s‘u'voll, that in the appoi..tnlt-lll (If (I! rr- lul'S In sun: 0n the Cunndinr , Bl'lll'll. it is cssclllinl sullrly to sclcl'l lgr Illlcmun of (zmnulcrrtinl cxpcricn' c. HmMClCd VVllIl the grucl‘ul trade of Ilu- proyiucc iIIlIl (if the “’uslcrn Status. 'I'hnt llu: names of five gon- II molt bc submlllcll to thc Luml n board for circlinn. ns rcprcscnlntivc: ol the English shurr-Ilnldcrs. such nour .II-OUS to ho losiill-nlsof anbco, Mom» ‘l't ill. I’I‘L‘S'Tlll. Iiingstcn. and Lunllml’ 'C. \\'.â€"â€"'I‘Il:it .‘lII cxlcnsiinls In: dcfcr- I'l‘tl. excel-ling the IchI liulu'ccn St. Mary ’5 null L-nnlnn, until the \'.ctori:= :Brillgc is open and prnpirr It-lminnl lnccommndntinn pI'OVltlI'tl at anbcc iin conncction with shipping and goods. The London Evening Jo-urmrlofthc 3rd instant, conluins an announcement lllmt the Govurnment had acccplcd the nomination Of the Rev. Dr. Cl'mlyn as tin.- first Bishop of the new diocese ol‘ ‘l.ondon. (I. W., and that his consocra- lion would take place as soon as the approval roachcd Cnnnda ; the Bishops of Quebec. Toronto and Monircal of- ï¬ciuting‘ under a commission from the .Archbisllop of Canterbury. [Dr. (,‘ronvrkhOcherrhas gone ï¬ling- Iand for enumeration] Dr. Dink. the author of “ TI 6 Christian I’hiIOsophcr,†and many } other works Ola rcligio-sciculiï¬c cllnlâ€" outer, which hnl'uhcen and um SIIH I‘Vlrl‘y popular on both sidcs 0f the Al- ‘Inntic. diud ut Broughty Furry, near {Dundcm Scotland. on \Vcdncsdny. the “29th ol‘JnIy, at the advanced age of eighty-three. Up lo the close of his life, he was an earnest devotee ol science, astronomy being his favorite study, and that in which he was proâ€" bably most at home. TORONTO MA RKETS. ABRIDGED FROM THE COLONIST. V Prices have fluctuated and a wide range has: been maintained, Owing to the widely (lllTBl‘efll qualities oil'ered. VI’H EATâ€"Tile rates prl-valcnt durng the e ranged from 53 3 9s. the ruling; "price paid was 75 (id. FLOURâ€"From $7 a $8 per brI. SPRING WHEAT 5s 6d. BARLEV 55 a 55 3d. OATS 35 3d 3 3s 6d. HAY $14 a $20 per ton. POTATOES ranging from 35 4d to 55 per bushel. BUTTERâ€"Fresh ls 3d to Is 5d per lb. EGGSâ€"Is a 15 3d per dozen. Bunkâ€"The supply of beef is moderately large, but not sufficient to depreSs the market, which is named at $6 a $6}, per 100 lbs. SHEEP nrl- plenty at a $6. the lia'sl ï¬gure being)- paid for u lot of American Lambs $2 a $3. Calves $4 a $8 each. BLANK FORMS. LARGE SUPPLY of Magiskatcï¬â€™ï¬‚lrlnks. f attl'ol'dlllg to the Iatasl forms, for sale at this Uflioo. by the down or hundred. “ (Era-Lena†Gilles. Aug 21. R557. ANNIVERSARY 0f the Sonsrof Temperance, C. W. V 1113 Ofï¬cers and Members of the several Subordinate Divisions in this jurisdiction, will please take notice. that tho Grand Division at the Annual Session. held in lhe Town of Whit- by. recommended to the Subordinate Divisions. llII‘ telling apart of the 29th day of September, as a General Holiday of the Order. in commemora- tion of the Organization of the Sons of Temper- ance, IR4'2. Evrnacr FROM THE 0. 1). MINUTES. “ The! lIlis Grand Division do recommend to the Subordinate Divisions, tomhsoxvoJ-he QOIIIâ€"da} holiday, and that the Subordinate Divisions. when conveniently situated. (In join together for the pur- pose of Celebrating that day.†Subordinate Divisions are requested to govern themselves accordingly. By Order. ED \V All D STA CEY, Grimd Scribe. C. W. Editors favorable to the cause will please give this a gratuitous in.-ertion. ‘ ‘ oflhunder was. heard. Cnibbrt was a married man and Iedves a family. 'fl-..AROYAL IIAIRDRESSEB.â€"Mr: Isodore, the dressing her Majesty's hair twice a day. had gone i to London in the morning. moaning to return lei Windsor in- timefor toilette, but on arriving at the station was just ï¬ve minutes too late. and saw rim train depart without him. His horror was great; as he knew that his want of punctuality would deprive him of his place ; so he was obliged lo,,tnke a special train, and the establishment, feeling the importance of his business. put on ex- tra steam and whisked him the eighteen miles in eighteen minutes. for £18.â€"â€"Itaikcs’ Journal. ....'I'ur: Munusn or Mu. LIT1LLâ€"Accordinglo current repelts. it is not yet curtain . whether Spolleu will be put upon his trial at the next com- mission ol‘ Oyer and Terminur. which opens. on me 4th proximo, or whether it will be postponed tl‘llll the commission foliowmg. which sits about the midd‘e ol‘ October. It is said that the case for the crown has been iutrtlsted to Mr. Filzgibbou. I ‘ ~ ]now on hand a qu Queen’s ‘coilfeur, who receives £2,000 a your for , Wheel. ready for iSEEDwHEATl IIE Subscriber begs to inform the in- habitants of this locality, that he has untity of good Clean Seed deliverv. ‘ E. SHEPPARD, JUNR. Richmond Hill, August 97. I857. g19-lf NEW SOTOCKIO .__01-'._ Ladies‘. Misses & Childrens’. BOOTS AND SHOES! Charles Dun-nut, S D A I L Y expecting, a large Assortment of the abovcsnamcd Goods. girect from the Mullut'actuxels. The stock will u of FIRST QUALITY ONLY! And oï¬'sn-d for CASH. nt ll'Ss than the ustnl udâ€" vuucc on COST. Inlcndiug purrhusors will do well t. wait an inspi-clion. .'.s good will? “ nerds no bush.†neither will his stock 01' Ladies' Buob A? Shoes, require any advcnli ions aids to recommend them. ' CHARLES DURRAN'I‘. the eminent Queen’s Counsel. and one of the llllt‘Sl. criminal lawyers at the Irish liar. Spelleu’s oldest son. who gave rut‘ior reluctant and not rely important evidence against his father at lhc police investigation. has been dismissed from his clu- ploymcnt at the raiIWay works at Iiroud.~lour [hï¬uce the above was ill type, we learn. by univn. ol' the Anglo-Salon oil the 23rd inst. that tin- .lrinl of Spelleu was concludsd. " No: limit: ."J The vordicl W-‘I‘ Richmond Hill. Aug. 19.18.37. 2l1~lf RUMOHR’S PATENT ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MILL. 'I‘IIE undersigned havingpnrclmsrd R. Lossnn‘» l‘utent Mill, now prepared to mnnulrecturc nuy quantity of them, at his l'ncmrv, Markham Village: and any person infringiugiln the about I’ulent originally invented by Richmd Lesson. will be prosecuted accolding to law. M. II. RUMOIIR. Angus: (1, I457. gill-(Sui. ‘ Quantz, George WW‘ Who-MW WM.“ 3...“: r r _ n b 7 454' 9 “M1 $.43 ROBERT SIVEP, Boot and Shoo Maker, DJOINING lho “’mluyun Mothmlst ('Ii: prl, Yonge Sllcut. Richmond “III. A choice soleclion oI' Gi-nllelnens’, l.:uI c~‘ m 'mlrlrcns’ Boots and Show constantly on ll-‘tlt -n(I Ill’rtllc lo oulrr 0n the Shortest Notim-. .{jrhumnd Iiill. June I'llh. 18.37. glow. ’bRY LUMBEnz . 'I‘EFIFY has a small quantity" of T\\‘ , mil I’I..‘\l\K fursals. ‘ Richmond Hill, July It). 1857. London Dock (5- in Vaults. GRAND, BROS, MPOIITI‘ZIIS of Wines. Spirits and British “corn, in \l'ood and Bottle. 1:? V\UITS.-â€"Ull(lï¬r the (.‘lnlm Oï¬irn. Kinu Street Wed Toronto. lune. I357. g l-u-y. OXEN FOR SALE. ’ HIP. Snlwt‘yibl‘r hcgstu inform the Public. that he has for sale TWO YOKE OF CHYI'HAM OXEN Which will be disposed of very cheap for CASH. JUIIll LANGS'I'A Fl". July '29. 1867' gd-lf J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoo Muller. PI’OSITE A. LAW‘S, Yonge strap-t. ll ch- lnonll IIiII. Ladies" and Gentlcnlens' Boots and Shoes. made after the latest sly les. Am... 6. rear. 296m. LETTERS IN Richmond Hill P. 0. ON 1st AUGUST I857. A. B. Allen, J. N. Brodllle, James Busingtwait \l'm. Brassil, James C. Cosgrove, Bcrmrd Coupland “'1... Cook, Thomas (Registered) D. E. G. H. Doyle, Thomas Edmonds, Joel Elli ‘t, M.‘A. Guinzm, John (2) IIOWIIt ,Rolwl‘l I‘I orner Jncob Harrison II. 8:. J. IIeWISOI'I, Robert Harding I. L. Iredale, “'m. Lillie, VVm. Lawrence, John C. Laugslaï¬', J obu Lawrence, Rev. G. M. Law, Miss IInricI Lee, Reuben, Lawrence M r. U Alullliolland, John Mansï¬eld, Owen Mason’s, Free Secretary of Richmond IIiI. Lodge Miller, M. II. Mills, \Vln. Marsh, Alexander Mchod, Miss Jessie McNaughton D. .lchntyl-c, Neil McCuIIunl, John N P Nix, 'l‘llmnus I’Iullllct, P. Q R Robertson, John Iiutledgc, Elizabeth S . , .: Sivel'“, IL. Smith, Hugh Simpson. \‘Villlnm Stu l'cnson, J Oseph Sanderson, II, Story. Ilnnnall Simpson, James Still. Jami-s Stanton, George T V w‘ ' ‘ w . ' ' ' 7 '. Ihompson, Isaac fwrgg, ll lllluln Vandcbm‘g, Pcter \Vibnot, thr \Vilson, Henry \Valxh blr. \Vi‘liuglon, John M. TE Ii ll‘ Y, W’cbstcrf liccleam ll ats on, ll’lm‘l Ila Wilson, Thomas \ll‘ilson, J. [3 l n] I’ostnmstu’ Fire! Fire! I Fire! I .' lVES'I‘ERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL STOCK. £100,000. BOARD or DIRECTORS . J. C. GlLMoR, Pres. Wm. Hondarson, Junle Lo: sk. Hugh M llcr. | TuosJHAwum‘n. V. Pres. llice Lewis. Cl'orge Michie. J. l’. Roballs, VVuIter Macfurlune. It? Head once, ChurchStreet, Toronto. THIS CUMI’ANY Insnros all descriptions of Buildings. Manul'actories. Mills. we- and Goods and Furniture. in the same, ngninsl loss or dam. "2° b." ï¬le. on liberal terms. Losses promptly seltlod. A. LAW, Goneral Agv-ul. g] 0- ly Rosidcnce. Richmond Hill. June 13.1857. ONE HUNDRED corms 0F i'INE VVOO I!!! FOR SALE. For tennis zipply to Mr. THOS. COOPER, Thornhill. Thornhill. August ll. I857. J. N. REID. _ PHYSICIAN s. SURGEON, gill-If Cornerol‘ Yougc and Contra SlI‘LGIâ€"‘l. ’I‘Iwruh 1'!!- August l4. ISLâ€"l. gillâ€"ti ‘ts‘lllllilï¬l HODGJ, §Clll'., I Ci’)1’1’l'.‘l{,. Il'flo‘b', ’l'l.\‘, .937) [ROY l’l..TI‘l'.' H'ORKER, ANC- FURNISHING IRONMONGER. CRO.“ \V. R. l“ “'m. Klufl's \Vlzolu-zvlr‘ House. Snow Hill. London. I‘ I . . C ‘ _ . ‘ ' :nglaud : und nor-rh- \- u u .l x "pi e: In mil 'III and I.-n [umb- maker. to Morph-atoll & Cm, Hamilton. Hakim-e ‘y. [Imule In" pus: . . . .. I ' . I ' ' units, in lac inhabitants of thtlllllhllll Hill and surroundingc-vlvnvrv: uan Imus l0 l‘nrm Ilium h:- Ims amulanlly on II Mid. alums! every article in the above line. which ho will sell .r (‘mll as i'lil‘ry‘l n~ pitsxlb p, Also. all kind » of Japan “'nrt‘. (‘oppr‘r Fountains. Tca Keith-'21 and Brass Pans mndn to order. iii“ Uld Copper. Bra-w. Pew'wr and Load. bonqu or taken in exchange for Souls, Parlour and Cooking Stovcs on hand. Rivhmtmd llill. Angnsl Ifl. l8l'u7. minnow drums... \Hl‘fl Business hill-«rm l‘ill‘l'll‘ll on by GEORGE &. BENJAMIN BARNan l at 131! 'IIM’UZVI) 1]]LL."IIIIUI'tl-e style of G. & B.IJ1\RIYI‘RD, was dissolvvd the, ~_l|l(4 Jews. by limitation and umlunl mnmnl: and they beg to return their sincere thanks to , . . . . . lh. ll llllulclou> Lesionlels and I‘ I'lcmls lcr ll‘It‘Il†pus! support. gll-3ln ) WIDE-‘- ‘rhp lbs'pr-ss n1 Richmond “ill will in future be curricd an by G. A. BARNARD‘ who “in punpavnr‘ at all linu-s. to lnclil the patronage so Iibt-rnlly extruded 'Iu the Into Film. The Shop hns l-Ol‘n re-pnintvd nlltl much improved; Mud a new and nice Assortment of Goods are dailv receiving. and u'hr-n I'ntnpic,€(l. will be found a lit-g0 and well solcclhd stock, which will be sold much under the usual prirr‘a‘. (i. A. BARNAKI) having determined on dong A CASH BUSINESS OR SHORT CREDIT! and Isl April of 'i-nv-h \inr. He will make Inducenmnts to Customers more tangible than hv bxtvwnlcd Eltltl‘. by nth-sing than: Goods from )5 to 20 PER CENT. lower then usually purchased. adhering rim-II} lo the old mollo AND QUICIC RETUIiNS ! ' S.“ A LL PROFITS A" ""5" "I": "' mum"- '0 tho [ale ï¬rm. not paid by tho |5tIl of July will be put in Suit. Richmond Hill. June 3â€. 57, Short Life lo the Old Systemâ€"Long Credit, Long Life to the New Systemâ€"SHORT Canon, 7 iSurcess to the Best ï¬ystcmâ€"IEIIMS CASH. G. A BARNARD. Richmond Hill. will conduct business solely Clll' Dl'l‘. Six months will be given on all now Accounts. payable- promptly on Isl October eh Isl Aplil in each year. G. A BARNARD is now receiving a large and well selected stack of \Vincs dc Liquors, Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies" &. Childrcns' Boots dz. Shoes, Hardware, Crockcry, I’uinls, Oils. Drugs dz. Medicines, &c., 6L0... (SLO. \l'ith nu nuns nl assortment of RICA DY-MADE CLOTHING. ill every fabric. make, shape. his and musty, which he oil'ers on the above-terms. and much less than ever sold before, In con. ï¬ning his business to shorter time, he is assured of tho lit-cessin of n gcnoral adaptation in the new l'l‘llH'lllIG. which must supersede the Long (.‘rzllit and Lung I’m-ï¬t b’lemn. in general urn in this tfounlry ; and eonvmcrdlhal a discerning public will avnil till-lllselvcs of the erw Svsn M, whereby they can cll'ect asaving from 15 to 20 [Icrruufllpll the average on Goods they usually require. ’ G. A. B. earnestly and respectfully solicits a call, and on examination. his prices will be column)- nu ‘lo AS Lowmx. than any in the Neighborhood.--His molto shall he :â€" Smull Proï¬ts and ‘Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abatement! Richmond Hill, June 30. 1857. ,4... Markham Economist please copy till forbid. PATENT PUMPS 3 Spring Importations. I ‘III‘Z Subscribershave pleasure in infonn- LYMAN. , BROTHERS 6?. CO., ing the inhabitants of W'hitchurch and No. 4. St. Lawrence Buildings. surrounding 'I'Owushil“. 0"“ they 8"“ 103"“‘00‘ ’OU LI) reslwcllullv intimate to their friends luliug the best. I umps now mods in Canada. and mu Public null then- Patented by John Dennis. SPRING IMPORT ATIONS These Pumps are much better than the ordinary are now forward, and consist of a well assorted Wood Pump. for the follow ing reasons : stock of Firstlyâ€"The “’nlnr is Illut'l’) honor. as there is [June DRUGS DYE_STUFFS not qum-ler us much wood in the well. and all ‘ ‘ ‘ a ’ , r q "’ free Iron: sup. In Order to do away with such CHEMICALS, BRI‘SIIED, heavy timber as is used in the autumn. Wood 5PICES pERFUimFRY pump. they add a snliii enl number of iron bands; ‘ ‘ " 7‘ N ' ’ ’ ibis lnr-kus the pump stronger and so much lighter. b ANCY bOAPb, VARNISIIES, than two men c u take one out of a well sixty feet deep. in ï¬ltesn miuntos. PATENT MEDICINES, PAIN' ‘S, Scanningâ€"BY the use of the Putz-n1 (‘r/livlt/ur. which is turned perfectly smooth and true on the inside. thu box wean longer and works cusicr than in the ordinary bored pumps. Dunccls'rs’ (miss WARE, Sun, all of which thayoli'er to the trade at the lowest market rules. 'l'llirillyâ€"Tliese I’umps are so simple that a|~ must nny man can repair thorn. and by means or the lull on tho rod. lllu lluckot is securoil in such a manner tint it cannot got loose; and as the joints are all ï¬-ted truc and light, there ls no jar- ring ill the walking of the pumps. Dealers and I’aiulm‘s to the White Lead and Colors in Oil and Putty. Irial in compmi~on with nthe;~ kindsin the market, feeling confident that the remit will not be to their disadvantage. either as xvgmds quality or price. Toronto, J one 26. 1357. Lastlyâ€"These Pumps are neatly turned and paiuu-d. making it an onunucut as well as a most useful arlicle. Bolow will be found a few of the hundreds of references we might give from the various ’l‘nunships in which the pumps have been introduced- g5-3m TORONTO “CITY†MARBLE WORKS, No. 138 l’UNGI-l s‘rnrc'r, «mu QUEEN s'rumzr D. C. & W. YALE, MPORTERS and dealers in Italian and We. the Undersigncd. having in use the Pump: manufacturer: by J. Jnmt-s & Co.. can cheerfully lerolmnend than as the best l’unips we have had I“ use :â€"- VVHI'I‘CHUllCllv-IOIIII Nash, M.D.. James Hack- oll. M.L).. Mossh‘. Donald Sutherland. Jus. Can’thra, III. IV. Bogart, 'I'. Nixon. Robert Iliodio. ‘ Kiraâ€"Messrs. John Rogers, Eli Lloyd, C. Sto- vuns, \Villlam ll’hltu, J. Ililbotn. WES'I‘ (iwnulnfluuvâ€"Mossrs. Simon Fraser, “'7. Wallnco. John MCIGnky, inrunl LTmnl. U. Palmer. EAST quumnuuvâ€"Jrlessrs. Judah Donn, John V. V‘.’llson, John H. \Vilsnn. Jacob Luudy Reuben Luudy. John Nichols, John Purdy. Ilrooks Howard, John I‘egg. Culvin Weddle. U Terry. I’lcmnunGâ€"Mnssrs. Jurdon I’Ost. John Mndill. IV. Woodrulli Nom‘rl quJJMuuuvâ€"Mossrs. I). Willonghby, ,Jnhn l’iosser. Thomas Willlnnls, Jae. Rose, Stupheu Mann. W. Mann. J. \‘l’illium. G. Traviss. Gawainâ€"Messrs. C. T. Corbut. Jas. Elves. MonumelIIS, Cenotnphs. Tomb and Grnve Stones. Ornamental enclosure-s for (.il'nve plots, the. Gulch through our Agi'llla‘ will lcccivo prompt attention. I). CARLUS YALE. WM. YALE. l). DAVâ€"IS. AGENT. ’ J. B. DEEl IIEII, Agr'lll, lilclllllonll IIiII. Toronto, July Ill. 1857, g5 If. WILD LANDS FOR SALE, N the 'l'ownships of Amuhl-l, Syilonhnm Boxluy null Smucvvillc. I’rice TIDIII lwl dollars an acre and upward-r. Apply to. (i. J. I". PEARCE, Conwvaur-or, Laud Agent 5'0†Ynngo St John Faiiborn. Richmond Hill I’. 0.. Lot 39. Int (.0... Yonor. S'rnuwrâ€"Mess'rs. Charles Thompson. Vaughan. (worm Bondv Jam“ l’vumck- MI" Momgw'" Richmond Hill. Juno. 26.1. 1357. g4-l)‘. cry, C. Sheppard. _‘ REACHâ€"Messrs. John 'I‘ruax. James Truax. Amos Bunker. James Doble. ‘ Uxaumcuâ€"Mossrs. G. Hutchinson. mun. N. Saris. Scu'r'râ€"MBSsrs. C. Collins, Thomas Burnham, W. Moor, S. Burchard. ESSAâ€"Messrs. Jumes Armson. DunieI"Will- oughby. - V’I‘ECUMSL'I'IIâ€"RCVII. F. Ratligan. Jesse Mills. Councillor. Messrs T. McLeod, James limp- er. Isaac Stone. M. Bould. Jesse Roe. er Walls. J. llell. W. Pnrkor, J. Welch. W. “ig- day. J.H. Courtney, Sampson Steel. Alexander Austin. AluJ.lL.\â€"â€"Mcssrs. I‘. Kcough, T. Shaw, 1’. Mc- Cube, J. W. Wallace. INlel'll.-â€"Me.~l=rs. Samuel Cain. T. lVray. S'runrrsvlLI.Eâ€"â€"i\r’lr. “’m. (E. Harris. E'I‘UBICuKuâ€"Mr. W. VVuIlnce. Councillor. "Richmond 1.5. DRUG STORE. R. H. HALL, Chemist. and Drug flat; I \\‘ILL Inns conslunlly on hand. a oomph-ll and crt‘ul’uliy rolcclod Stock of Genuine drugs. Modn'lnrs, Chemicals, I’nlunl Mrdlcinna, D} (a Slullil. I’..inL~. Dry and Mixml l'ninl. Lump and Mnrhinrry Oils. Uesl While Lou-I, m nus. die Garden and Firm Sci-(Is. IIuile’s Alllirpms, and all “nir I’rcpmnlions. Lubin’s I..\"r:u-l.~'. and all kinds ul‘ I‘m In“ Tullcl Articles, Snnps, Nae. Ilrns'llus of all kinds. 108.. Chap. IFIW. We beg further to commute that we hale madc- chemI ilIIpIOYNllfluls in our bumps lhis Spring, by tho ubbiliun of W ROIIG Il'I' An extensive us~orlnwnl of Fancy (}oodc‘ luON “ANHIJSS AND Combs. I’oltonlounuios, I'm-km Knijg' EXTRA I‘A'I‘EN'I‘ VALVES. 61c. 61c. .xc, All l’uMl's maunfnttlu t‘tI by us are wnrrnntrd lo “a. nun year. “"0 also mnnnfnclnie l0 order. A small as<OIItll€Ill of PATENT IRON LIFTING PUMPS! I First-class Janelle-1". For Wells one llund'td feet deep and II-sc, and Gold “'mchcs, .\~c., rho, \vnrruut lhr-m fur llm-i- yours. All ordrrstu bl' h-ulssstâ€"d [U the undersigned. stating depth 01 \\ (All. at .\n\vumlltH. JOSIAH JAMES d1. (‘o. Niummkut, Juno ‘2. I357. School Books, Siaiionrry, (57‘. l)opo~ilory "It'lllllllllll Hill III‘ZIIH'II IIIIIIJ Sllt'll'l)‘ 3 II. I! r. Richmond Hill. .lnnc. ln‘n‘]. u],..[' on CASH ()ll SHORT acres. Township of Adelaide, South of the SURGICAL INSTRU MEN'I‘S, OILS, L. B. C0,. would also call the attention of, prepared by them. and for which they solicit a Amcrlcnn Marble, also nmuufnctnrers of WW JAMES HALL, Boot and Slmc Maker. RICHI‘IOND IIILL» \‘TOIILD,respectfully intimtse in his ' Friends and the Public, that he has con~tanlly on hand a [urge and varied assurance; of Ladies' and Gentleman:1 Boots 4!: Shoes of every description! Of the beat qualin and workmanship. and alum exclusively of Home M mu ‘ cl . A mm“ or 1 Jo one I30, I largo Really-Made Clothing! Comprising Coats, Vests, Pants. Hats and Caps &f:-t dam. of loverx «ms and description: also of excellent quality and uranuï¬iclure. n“ of which he "II . ‘ ‘ ' pol" low as any house in Upper Cute-do. Richmond Hill. July 23. I857. 7g~tf JUS T RECEI VED. A BBOT'S London Porter, 'I‘ruemen. Hanr'bury (V, Co., In Bottles and drought. Port \Nin s, . Burgundy.e g Fine old Wines. l-Iemeesey 5L Marion's I†10 B‘ Ilckuvper's Gin. a randy. Fine Old Tom. ALSO, North Shore Herring. tho Spring Catch. Table Codï¬sh. “vhi‘l’i' "0 “J†“mil in "II "‘"V A""""""‘ SIX, MONTHS. Paw-bio Promlvtl)’ on the lat October POHOIJIL Red Herring, At the Inflow. Toronto Cash prices. at G. A. BARNARD’S. \ ‘ gBâ€"tf LAND FOR SALE. HE SUBSCRIBER oï¬'ers For Sale the‘lrn- dormentio’ncd Valuable Propertv. being the East half of Lot No. 33, in lhe Gib-Concession. Township of “'rlrrcrumm, i0 aura ‘cleered with a good Living Stream. ' ALSO, 7 Lot No. [2. 2nd Concession. containing 200 mont Road. Lg“- For further particulars. apply to the Proprietor. . ROBT. MARSH. Richmond Hill. Juno IIlh. 1857. g.l. Oculmrr IlUC'l'loN sill). NE hund ed valuable Building Lots, in the flourishing Village ofRicl-mbnd Hill, will be sold in Oct.. next, when due notice will be given by lhe subscriber. J. It. ARNOLD Richmond Hill. June lï¬lh. 1857. g4-tf. Patterson’s Reapers. } AVE stood the test for years. and those who have used them testify to their superiors“â€" cellence over ullcolupeling Machines. ' The Simplicity if their Construction, Renders them a Favorite in localities where they have been introduced. They are perfectly reliable and safe in the hands of the r n expenmred , No Mechanical Skill being required to keep th\ in in order. They are made from the best of materials, and in a strong and substantial manner. Orders should be Forwarded Immediately, As 'over three-fourths of the number N intend to make are already engaged. PATTERSON 8t. BROS. Richmond Hill, June 4th, 1857. TG’E’N 'I‘ L Elliâ€"EN I ECONOMY IS WEALTH. IIE Undersignrd begs leave to inform the .Pubhc that he holds himself in readiness at his Old Establishment. which has been con- linued for the last Six Years. in this Cil\'(No. .162, Yange Street. and directlv opposiio the ‘ .. Brittan‘naia House,†’I‘oronto,)‘to Renovate, clean and Rrpaz'r All Descriptions of Clothing, In ‘a proper and sntisfactory manner. by oredicting Palms, Oil. Tar. die. 4c, and restoring Colors to their original appearance. so as to give Gentle- lneu’s wearing apparel the full appearance of new. From 31 )ears’ experience in the business and prompt attention to all orders with which he nmv be lavort-d. comhinr-d with an earncst desire to please his customers. he hopes to merit a share of public patlonngc. “J I. LIA NI HICI’IA RDSON. Toronto, Juno 51h. I857. I-tf. O LAND FOR SALE. July 30. I857. g.1 I I FOIlTYâ€"FIVE Acresâ€"being the \Vcsl I’nrt oi I * Lot A u. I. in The Sncond Concession of the Townshlp of King. “.15 a small 1.40.;r House, is well Tilnhen-d. formingnllogolllor e verydvrirnblo I'ropelly for a Illicit-Maker. ~AI,SO_ ICIVE Acres of Land at Richmond Hill~two ncrex of which is a Nursery. well stocked with Uniting 'l‘lrus. now ready for the Market. with u House. I) Now Barn. tvvo Vl’ells of Good Writer. and other uucessnry Out-Buildings. being Part of Lot No. 4.3, First Concession. in the Town- ship of Vaughan. and known as Smith’s Nursery. the name of the I'ollner I’r prielor. ' -ALSU, _ Vl‘VVO New Iluilt Stores in the centre of Rich- mond IIiII'; one occupied by NIP. lVilIium Myprs, Saddler; tho otIIOI’, being the l‘l'iutin Ofï¬ce of the Richmond Hill Gowns. All the above I’ropl-rty will be Sold on easy terms. Apply to J. DUNCUMII. Richmond Hill. June. 8th. I957. g I‘ll'. 'l‘o Medical Prm-lilioncrs. I ($001) ()I’I‘IHl'l‘UlVI'I‘Y nmv oil'er itself [ to n Mcriil'nl Man of standing und Bxpeli- once, Ill-use and I’m-unison, bulb plemuul and t:nnv--Illonl. can be had on mnsonublo lerms. Apply, if by letter post paid, to the Editor of the Gazelle Richmond Hill. Jum‘ l5ll‘l. I\'.i7. Lie-“WI Darling & Ailchl'son’s COMBINED [Horror and Ia’cupc'. ‘I'R MACHINE is Elllvs‘lalllially' built 0| ( l \‘l’lought Iron. Nillrcly free from side draught, (amt he clwatod to any Iltfiglll. from a Mower It! a Reaper by 'a sort-w in front. and cuts wnhonl clagi‘vlllg, in Grass. Wheat. Hats or Bullov. will.- u.†rhunge of knife or gearing. and Works ousv for tho Imrscx. ' ’I'Iw price for a Mower. $I‘l'l.0ll: completod n~ u Rt‘llllt‘r. Syl «0.00. All exll'u knife .llll be $5 . (Ill r-vtra. All our Machines nrc warranted to be well built and of lilt‘ bt-sl lnnIl-I’ml. (il'IUIlClC I).\lil.r.\ti HUNT .‘ll’l'l IIISUN . 'I‘iimnllili. Ynugi- Snort. Jnnc L’Illl, IN")? :3