Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 28 Aug 1857, p. 4

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A person having the misfor~ lune to admit into his house as a ledger an iumdnvidual of had reputalion. uumcd Bell. lurned him out Ihe other day with the re- mark, “that he would never kvegna bell in his houée [but wanted hanging.” A Yale College student lately perpetrated an amusing classical pun. Sm- lng a box of tea at the door of a dealer, hr printed on it, in bold lullers, Ilw latin word~ tu (loans to the no small amuaenu-m of lhk rollegians who frequented (In: place. 'l‘ln- Ialin Wolds (u (10ers [lhon l9:u:lle:tJ being of course rendered 'l‘hnu Toll-Cllcal ! A fashionable lady at a waâ€" tering place had a favorite lap~d0g, which she called Pen-Lance. ‘- A :ingulnr mum- {or a beautiful pet, madam," obsvrved a paswr by, “ \Vlwre did you find it?” “ Oh,“ drawled she, mast exquisitely, “ It was named ale' Byron‘s dog. You rememhor where he speaks of inand says: ‘ Pcl'chuncr, my dog will howl !' ” A philosopher who is fond of “ driving to the botloni of Wings," “linlh that when a young Indy is oflimded with a kiss, the only remedy is 10 give her nnollier. according to theory, siinila aimilurâ€" bus cu- l'anlOI‘! Very likely. Man doubles all 1116 evils of his Tale by pondering ow: Ilium; a acralcln becomes a wound. a slight an injury. a jesl an insult, a small pvril a great danger. and a light siulirlcss often ends m death b} brooding apprehensions. is hlinll, for il‘ She could only see some of the ugly, stupid, worthlcas persons on whom she showers her most precious gifts. Ihe sight would §o annoy .her that she would llllâ€" medianer scratch her eyes out. 'I‘o everything beneath the sun there come: a lusl day-â€"nud 01‘ all lu- turin this is only porlion of lime that can in all ‘cases he inf-alluny prrdicled. Lel th- sanguinc then lake warning. and the dis- heartened take courage; for to emery ju) and to every sorrow, to every hove and every fear, there will come a last day ; and the man ought so to live by lbreslglll, (hul while he learns in every slate lo be cnulenl. he shall in each be prepared for another. whatever the other may be. ’Twas night ! the dust and roar ol the great city had gin n place to log and gloomâ€"the rattling of the carts and stages over the stony pavement, was heard no moreâ€"Eben Night, on his throne of dun kness, reigned supreme ; and from a nar- row alley reeking With filth, there wandered forth a ragged girl ; she gazed cautioust up and down the deserted street, and then in a wuld, plaintive voice, cried, her voice sound- ing on the night air like that of some last wml, “ Marin Smith. bring back that ar’ tm pa-a-an, mil yer?” “ Whose pigs are these my lad 1” “ \Vhoy. they belong to there big sow.” “ No! I mean whn is their master T" “ “'hoy,” again answered lhv lad, “ thu! Iiule ’uh there: he‘s a rare ‘un to feiglnt.” People who endeavor 10 a1- tract that 'auentnon by dress which they cannot obtain by tllI-Blr intrinsic worth, rc- aemble the soap balnons blown by children; llninnest bubblt‘s are invested mlh the brigluest colors. A small piece of paper or linen, moistened with spirits OI turpentine. and put into a bureau or wardrobe for a sin- gle day, two or three times a year, is a suf- ficient reservative a 'amst moths. g Love one human being and you love all. The heart in this heaven, Mlle the wandering surr, sees nothing, from the dew-drop to the ocea'n,but a mirror which it 'warms‘and' fills. \Vheu Bachelor Brown, at fifty-fire, married his plain cook, is it lhv opinion of 'he unbiased reader that he made a virtue of necessity ? A Chandler having had some candles stolen, a friend bid him be of good cheer “ for in a short lime,” said he “1 am confident they will come to light.” Why is a sot so generally called a drunken dog? 15 it by reason 01' the habit most dogs have, of getting under the table? “ Patrick, when will water Itop running down hill?” "’ When it gels to the bottom, sure. you spalpeen.” Malebranche said that the 1m- man brain c0uld be improved and strength ened by the exercise of thought. It is just as well that fortune Here Wit in bright efi'nlgence glows. VV'uh Wisdom joined. through rhvme and prose, And both unite then‘ charms in one, brifi the sage and hum'rous pun }ns before the occurrbn te. That in? ;such cases as those above narra ed. ‘ infm'nmtiun. and that of rather a com: lplex character, was transmitted by‘ [one insect to another, cannot be Joubt- [edâ€"but. by what menus! | Two painters were employed to fresco the walls or a tnngnifieent en- thedral ; both stood on a rude Scaffold. constructed for the purpose, some forty feet from the floor. One at thetn was sointent upon h.s work that he became wholly absorbed in admiration, and stood (if? from the picture, gazing at it with intense delight. Forgettingr where he was. he moved lint-liwnrds sluwly, sur\e_\ ing critically the work ol‘ his pencil, until he neared the very edge of the plank upon which he stood. At this eritienl moment his ennipnnâ€" ion turned suddenly, and, almost l'rnz- en with hormr, beheld his imminent peril; another instant and the enthu- siast would he precipitated epun the pavement beneath, tl'he spuke to him it would he eertuin deathâ€"11' he held his peat-e it would be equally sure. Suddenly he regained his presence of mind and seizing a wet brush, he llung it against the wall, spluttering the beautiful pit-titre unsightly l)l(|ltfll- es ol'eolnrin". The painter flew fur- wztrd, and turnng upon his friend with fierce itnpreeatious. but. startled :it his ghastly face. he listened to the recital of his danger, looked shudderineg over the dread space below. and with tears of gratitude he blessed the hand that saved him. 50. sum :1 pn-nchcr, we somclimcs get absorbed in looking ulmn the pic- lurcs oflherworld, and in cuulgmplut- ing thum, Slcp backwards, unvuusuiuus ()I‘uur peril, when lhc Almighly (huhâ€" t‘s out Inc images. and we spring Im- ward lu lumen! their dcslrucliun. iuln the nut slrclchcd arms of mercy ; and an: sawcd. CAN lst-u‘Ts TALK 'lâ€"A striking.y it.- stxnicc ul' the possession or a (:zilmb.lit_()l. spreading intelligence. and that of“ smncwhut uhstrusc rlIur.u-t::r, is [ur- nishcil by experiments Ihzlt hurt: huun made by lluhu ‘ and uthers nlmn hues. Every one is aware that the (“ICON lien: is an nlijei-t of the grculcst Sullti [mic and :ittcutiun tn the workers 01 the hive. and ya! among: sn niany thou- sands, :ill husin ouiplnycd in «NHL-run! parts ol‘lhu colony. it unuld ammun- impossible for lhcni tor :isvcrlnin, ul lcnst lit-titre the lapse of Considerable time whctlicr she was absent from ihcm or nut. In order to see whether bees hzul a power bf-CUI)VU_\‘ing news of this kind the ignccn buc has l)uL'II stczlllhil)‘ and quietly abstracted from the hch ; but here. as elscwhcrc. ill~ nmrs was l'ntlnd to fly apuvc. Fur snim: hull-hour or so. tlu: luss seemed not to bu :iscurtained. but the prugrcss- ivcly iucrcns ng buzz nl' ugilntinn grmluully announced the gruwiug uhirni. until shortly the whulc hch was in an upruar, and all its husy Occupants were seen puuring forth their legions in si-arch of their lost nmnarch, or eager in avenge with their stings, the insult ntl'vrcd to their sovereign. On resturiugr the captura-d quccn to her subjects, with equtilseciccy, thctuuiult slicedin suhsidcdgnd the ordinary bus- iness ut' the comuiuuitr was resumed. " Peace I leave with you," said [he wisest Spirit that ever puss-d from earth to llcavon. Let us be at peace amid the Spirit mysteries and question- ings on wlm-h our cycsshall soon shed lhu light 0| eternityâ€"Gospel Banner. “.Mr‘itlvzerf’ she cried wilh surprise and transport in her loneâ€"and passed dill] that breath into her mother’s bosom. lfl had never believed in thv mini-*- tratiun of'dqmrtcd ont’s buforc, 1 could not doubt it now. All at once a brightness as if from Ehe upper world burst over the child's cnlurluss countenance. The eyelids flashed open. lhc lips parted, the wan, cuddling hands flew up in the little one‘s last impulsive efl'nrls. us she looked piercineg into the fur abovn. “ Pale and mm she grow. anal weakly-â€" BParing ull ht-r pain 30 meekly, That to (ham she still grew dmmr, As the trial hour grew nearer." The hour came at last. and the weep- ing neighbors assembled to see Ihc lil- lle pnc die. The dew of dcnlh was already on the flower. as ils life was going dnwn. The huh: chest heaved fainllyâ€"spnsmodically. . " Do you know me, darling T" sob- bed Close in her ear the voice that Was dearest ; but it awoke m) an‘swur. A lillle gill, in a family of my an. quuintancc, a lowly and prM-iuus child, lost her mother at an age loo cully to [ix the loved featurus in her runwm~ hruuce. She was as frail as beautiful. and as the bud of her heart unfolded, it soc-med as if it was by that mother‘s pruycrs In turn instinctiwly hcuwn- ward. The sweet. conscious, prayer- loving child, was the idol of lllC be- reaved family. She would lic ulmn Ihc friend who took a mother's cam: of her, and winding :1 waslcd arm around her neck would say :â€"‘ Now lull Inc about Mamma.’ And when the M1 told Iule had been repealed, would Sul'lly ask. ‘ Take me into the parlorâ€" l'waul to see Mummn.‘ 'l‘hc n-qucsl was never rel‘uscd ; and the ufilruuou- me child would lie for hours, coulcul- mlly guzmg on hcr mother’s pun Iruil But A TOUCHING INCIDENT BEAUTIFUL FIGURE. I By um aid 01 a nncroscode. we see millions of :l’illlo uprllings 0n the surface of our bodies.â€" 'I'Inough these [his Ointmenl. whnn rubbed on [he skm. I: rarried lo any organ or inwnld pzul, Dis- eaaes of the kldlle}$, disorder: of 1hr: Lin-r, afl'evâ€" [Lions of the heart; Inflammation of the Lungs. Asdlnms, Coughs and Colds, me by lhis means ell'uclualIy cured. Every house-“no Lnuws that ‘53“. pnswa freely lhlough- bouo or meal of any I duo-knew. This heulmg Uiuunenlfar more read)- !|_. penezmtt-s through any bone or fleshy pm'l m I tho living body. l'u inLr lhl: Inns! dangerous inward Icompluinls. that cannot be luadud by who: I Inenns. Some .nf the most scientific surgeons now rely solch‘ on the me of this wanderful Ointment. when Inning l.) nape will: the: worncnsek of sorts. wounds. ulcer.» glandular shelllllgs and tumors Professor Holloway has. by command of lhc A‘lnnd (iovwmuems. dixpulL‘lll d to the huflxilnlx of [he L'mu Ialgu shipmenb of Ibis ()iummnl In he Ilrt'd underline dirnchun of alu- Mal-cm mall; in line Won! upbs of \Vuundh’. 1| u'lll «me any ulrm. glauduiur swelling. l-llfllll‘ml or ('(‘tllluclioll ul 1h» juinb. men of ZUV'VL‘HIB’ standing. No remedy has «var dnnu so much for the cure of dlSGdb‘l‘S of the skin. “'Ilalvvrr I'm-m Ihey may nmumr, hr [his Uinlmrnl. Nocuse ot'Snlt Rheum. Scurvy. Sore “ouch. Sciol'ulu or Ercsqmlm, ('an sou-LI withstand IlN influence. The Imenlur has n-uvellexl over many [arts of the globe. viy-iling the principal hwyiuils. dISPEIl:iIIg (his Uinxmcnl, giving adv-re an to il: upl-Iiranon. and has lhus Iuern the menus ol' wuxuring countless numbers to health. SURE LEGS. SURE BREASTS. WOUNDS AND ULCLRS. Bunions. Hun». Chapln-d hands. (‘llilbluins. Fix lulufi. Gout. LumhuLm. Mercminl Eluplinnb‘. liles. l’shrunmusn Still “ht-um, Solo Logs. Sure “roams. 5km disuaaos. b'mu “wads. Sure 'I hrunl. Sines ufznllkinds; Sprmns,.\mlds. hu'ellrd Chanda Shir Jul-h l5, “Inns. \‘fl‘ IlPl‘Oi-l Sores; (If? "'Imm/s (If u// l'l'misx (1:? Sold :u the Manulhumrms of l’mI’ummr Hal (1? Sold 1“ the Manul'zu'lurms 01~ PIUfUBLIII‘ Hul- m . NI Muhluu Lune, .\ew \"mk, and 244 Slrn ll. London, and by all raspN-mlue druggkb :md dualm‘s in Mediriun lh-unghuul the Unlletl Flalev. and lllm-ivilind would, m you, at ‘15 cunts. ni’ii rmnl and $1 each. 6:? 'l‘hm-e» is a cuminlerublo saving by taking he. larger .4405. AV. ILâ€"Diwclions for the guitlmwe of paliems In every «Ii rtler ura ufl‘lxod In ouch mu. l-LIU SXPEI.AS. SA L‘ bL'l'lU But/I t/H: Ointmmlt mu] Pills slum/(l [w uxrd in, the 1hllnuriug (‘rlxt‘s : Sullarafi Dru!) Kers‘eys, Robe Dresses, Challk Dresses. Sh Toronto. Juue.‘ l857. I IIOLLOWAY’S OINTMERT. A Marvellous Remedy FOR A MARVELLOL‘S AGE ! fAsAiiSAPARILLAfi FOR THE 0th!: 0F Coughs. folds. lloarsuess, Spitting of Blood, Night Sweals. Asthma, Liver I‘omplaims. and THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY CHERRY AND IUNGWORT, 'IY GOODS and Mdlinery. Clothing and Genllamen‘s ()mfiuing Empmgum CONSUMPTION. Sold by R. H. “:1”, JU D S O N’ S CHEMICAL EXTRACT 0F Sold by R. 171. Hall. Elks. Lara Goods, lecv Tweed; I‘ RHFUM ANI) SCOR HUMURS, Moire Aulique. Shim '3. "hlwy dumLins \rafi Hand Browse. Venmmu Cloths, keys, Straw Goods, Bath Cards, . . Flonucud Dresses. Muslin dunsea, [13] Shephmd Plaid, ;\c‘. «(You Kins: Strtrtat Eusl, Tm'onlt). R ibbmw, Tu’ewds, 1’0 plin q goods. The plires at which lhvse and other types fll't' .‘old at lhv ('anuda Type Fuundr}. Will he found at least 30 per vent. lass than they could he pur- chased previous to its establishment. h is therul'um hopcd Ihnl the l‘rmlers of (‘ana- da will’shuw their apllleoiuliml of the advantngm it holds out, by hmtuwing upnn it a fair shurv ol [heir patronage, in return for whit-h the pruprialor: pledge themselves In heme numeans untried u. give ample satisfamion. . .- - .I, ,s,.,r 30 Per Cent Cheaper Than any home in tmvu (‘ail and Clot-ks. $10 Silver Hatches, ( Chains. 'l‘llE Proprietors of this Establishment bag to inform lln- Pllll «Is of ('nmuln. that llwv lmn uuw mnnulhclurcd uml ready for (ll-livery, Innâ€"g... quantity of Small l‘im. Lung l'rnner. Mom-Lyva and limvier, "f Sum-h fin-u. “Inch “my will gun- Iunwe cannot be slllplm‘ufll lv_\ {my Foundry llpun this continenl for Alumlnlm‘ null aupeurmmv. 'l‘hm have al.~n on hand a uhuiw msmuucm of vaniouS kinds of _ l‘runurs! mark the rt'ductiou in the price of !_\'pr since llnis Foundry \Vils opened ; and bear in mind that a grunh-r rrduclinn depends upon your- suives. ()ur mqu i.~â€".<upply the [rude wilh typo 0|. web quautilivs and at. much [nit-es as will pre- vent the humanity of patronising foreign manu- furlurora. MUST l M PORT :\ . T {N [90 R NATION Frm' of Charge .' The work ('0htnins Imarl)‘ 2U“ pun-m. and hm a large number oI‘Operalions and (,mas reportedâ€" lmlleL<.|Cetblellcos_ A'c” worth} the «awful pelusal of 1he afl'liclod. l’emms visiting 'l'urnnlo and placing {hauls-owes under Dr. Cnnwell’s care, will not be changed il‘ case of Ilnqlrccwful lremmem. Ail cumlnnmcaliuus lo Dr; C. mu..( be prop/lit] 'l'uwnlo. Ma) fi‘lnd. INTI. Iâ€"lf V ‘IIE un‘lersigm‘d Working on Ilw almw plinciple feels confident Il-ul he can >0” CALL AND JITDGE FUR YOURSELVE> A1 114 \‘ouue 5L. 2 duo)‘: boulh of [he Globe Hotel. Toronto. ll? Every dosmipxinu of Goods in the nude made or lupuired on [he Shortest Nolico. Tm‘onlo. May 96. 18.17. g4 ly. The 'f-(z-llmvinglisl of a few ufflm principal artiâ€" ckm required by prinwh‘. will give nu idau of the grunt advantages of the Cuxmdn Type Foundry-â€" ___l’IHCES :â€" Nonpzuicl - - - - - '25 6d per lb. Miniun- - - - - - 23 3d '- "revier- - - - - - ‘25 lkl “ Bourgeoiso â€" - - - ls Ind “ Long Primer - - - - ls 8d H Small l’icu- - - - - Is 7:! l’ica - - - - - - Is (51] “ IE All mher Book Poms in proportion. Linusâ€"6 to Pica and thicker. ls per lb,; 7 to Pica. ls3d; 510 l’ica Is 6". / u N.B.â€"-Pnhli>hers of He 10 [his adverLismeul for 2 their bill“ up.“ purely amount of our nmuul’nm a favor h} directing um Illl‘ll‘. and removing all diseases of the l‘:}8 and En: generally. begs leave most rospemfully to null ut- [Hilinll m Ihe l‘nt‘l that he has forwnr deed to “It Eilnor 0|" this paper a few dozen comes of Iho thud edition of his ' whit-h will hr, (hSp0>od 01' to Slll'h applic‘nnls as mm Wish to oblnin ‘ BRITISH & AMERICAN JEWELLEEY STORE. SMALL PROFITS &. QUICK RETURNS. OCULIST & AURIST. OPERATOR ON THE EYE AND EAR! TN|\'|“.[lS/\I.LY klmun (In-nnglunm (‘zmadn } and (he Umlenl Slattya fol his great ski“ .md uncoss in Restoring lost Sight and Hearing Canada, Typo Fnumlry. Rbuovuu To 81‘. 'l'mmmm: Sn. IN Dun-my Broad Clolhs, Salinefi, Montreal. May 18.|I. 1857 I) r. (FA I) \V H L I: , Treatise on the Eye and Ear Ornamental Type. Sold by R. 11. " Ilylishers of new: papers gi igjnsortion I'Li>nmnt for 2 months. will be allowed up.“ purchasing five times their our nmnufm-inre. Editors will conl‘cr directing attention! to [he annunncu- ___l’lHCES: iel- - - - - '25 . . - - - - 23 - . . - - - ‘23 oiso â€" - ' ' 13‘ 'rimer- - ' ' 15" ’icu- - - ' ' I“ . . - ls lJounh THUS. J. GURNIN & Co. b'l. 'l'llcrese Street Y 18h. 1857 g3 mr 'l‘nuOXTn 'I‘. (‘. RICHARDS Barrage dresses, (ah rand see $3 50 Sun ns‘ Husien LAL I'lm‘rw. Buunul 6d per lb. Domlsim, Gold Amen Mnnlillus 1-HT m-Ieh ulwl lmlluu Herb l)oc‘nr. l". 'I'I MBLE'IY. who. after lrm'ersing llle Unilvd Shut“ and Canada, has runcluded to make 'l‘urunm. (7. \V his home luv the t'tllurv. whore ho will alhniuisler 10 his [\f‘lll'llb those only true and sal'o Mmht-hms from anuro’s Garden. which has for its aulhor tho great and all-“ire l’h_\'>ician ubm'o. The fulluwing (lisauses Can be cured hy Dr. T. in lhv lnosl ohslinalv stale ol‘ lheir exhlencn. \'i‘1.:â€"â€"l)i>(~ases of the Lungs. Heart. Liver and 'I'hlozu : also. Dyspepsia. Dropsy m d all Dismnex' ol' the Blood. such us Scroluln. l‘:l_\'Sl]H‘th. Salt- Rl‘u-um, Favor Sores. and all Chronic Complaints Those Periodicals ably rt-present the three great no iman parties ol'GreaK Bui aimâ€"Whig. Tory and Radicalâ€"but politics form only one feature ot'lheir character. As Organs of the most. profound wriiers on Science. Lilerumre. Moralil_ . mud Religion, they slaud unrivalled III the world of letters. being considered indispensnhle lo the scholar and the p ul‘essional man, while to the inlhl igem reader of every class they 'urniah n more currect and satis- l'aclory record oftlle current lilernlnre of lh day. throughout the world, than can be possibly obtain- ed from any other suurce. Thn receipt of Adrumtc Slum: from the Brilish puhliehels gives additional value to these Re-pduw, inasmuch as they can now he placed in lhe hands nf snb:cril|crs about as goon as lhc original edi- ul‘ )uurs «landing. l’. S.â€"Tlm Doctor will also give parlir‘uhr al- to-ulinn In all disuuses peculiar to Females and Children. LIKEM‘SS nr ‘Inr: rU'I'l'Rr. HUSBAND on w FR. ('all. comull lnm. and judgu for yourself. how lru|_\' he can lull you Furllmr pm’licnlars sent GRATIS 10 um Nnnm or Alldl‘firs. All lmlwrs. Cummnuivalinns. and lulu’rviews. slriclly Private :md Confidential. ln ordur In) rlailu nllmuinn. [he l’o.~lag0 of all Letters must be pre-pnid. and have l’uqnge Stumps elu~lo~ml for lle answer. Ad ress. \V. RAPHAEL. flex 568 l’ml Ofllce. Hours of ('nn.~ulln1ion. frqu ll 10 II. a ML. and from 210 F. p.n|.. ul the L'ol’uur ul' Nelson and Unlchcs Street, 'l‘orunlu. LIE” Cunsullution Flea I to VIZ world and cannot. go to him for advice haw Io im~ pruvu Iln-ir (‘ircumslahm-s. Punenls should gel his upinion wlm'. xrmlu or p ()fussmn i.~ be“ calcu- Ialed m ensure [heir rhildncu’s moves.» in lil‘e. In Iowa nfl'uirs. the pninciplr-s of tho aane Mffillflé guide you to happy marriage. and domestic hali- in. Ho shuns :Ile l‘ur adviu) and guidnm-e. All melancholy [houghb aml dl‘lll'h dislress and anguish of mind. im-Mem \o 1} males, mman him Will) me grea'est confidunr'o. Previous to marriage. a” in delicnh- honllh ~hnuld (‘0||~:II|I him. Ali who lure haul bad luck. all \vhu have him! their b0<1lll gm am in [he Great eruction in the prime of tilt Latter Publication. .ho mml inum-enl safe, and Cunmn menus to In employed. All who are in tumble. all who have been nufurlunnzo. den irrd and hill. (l wi'h. :1! who»? fond hope-s have hrou cru<hwl and hlnsled, all whose minds and health aw winning and do~ L'liniug. go In (he never failing CLAIM/WANT AM) fimmomclsT value, all laboring under had and deMt :10 In him for rulinf and m-Infon. All La have sum-Nd under (lure complaints and im-Mem \o 1} males, mman him Will) die Oflireâ€"N . 11], King St.. East. ()l’l’OM'l‘lC ST. LAWRENCE HALL, Examination, (,‘lmrvnyunt non>ultaliuns, and ad vice given daily. Sundays excepted. Magnum-tu- Bll‘clfll‘lly applied to the rule 0f damses. lt I5 an inlnllible run- for wenkne», nobility. lud‘pcre- hulls of youth. and all llorvou: complaints. Clair- \u_\ anca enables us to see more clearly lllr cause of all our sum-rings and infinmties. It enables us to see mo 0 clearly the. must) of all our sufferings and infirmittes. ll enables us to rocolnmn-ml llmsr "Io-ans that Wlll 031-0! 3 vermin nml perl'erl cure. when nll other ream dies han- l'anlt-d; it also we» INDIAN HERB DOCTOR, RB! RINT 01" THE British Periodicals ! l THE GREAT TURKISH REMEDY FOR BALDNESS. And (or Invigorating and Beautifying the Hair Sold by R. H. 11:11]. Toronto. Juno. 1557 L. SCOTT 8:. COMPANY’S Toronto. June. 1557 GOOD N15“ S FOR ALL! The London Quarlelly (Conservative.) The Edinburgh Review (‘Vhig.) The North British Review (Free Chulch.) AZOR’S TURKISH BALM. The Westminster Review (Libern1.) Blackwood’s Edinbulgh Magazine (Tory.) SCOTT &. (‘0..N1-w York. continue to puh- hall the following leading British Periodicals FARME {'S GUIDE ! PHRENOLOGICAL Sold by R. II. Hull. EA RLY COPIES. AND THE III ISTPN L0 {110 vol 0 1 of 'l'nuh andflra- son. and be lll'ufih‘d by it. The lime has come! that all who “ill can as- capo the inn: grasp of Merruryand olhorbnnu- ful poisons. by OHM-lug wixhuul drlny to sm- llm wall-known :uul ju~lly Doc‘m‘. l". 'I'I MBlJi'IY. laboring u ,siun of 5'. from whul dc‘hrnle he All Ladies Iâ€"lf. l-tf. irils ,en-r allh. \V‘Iu) Ilydropathic Cookery; Theory and l’rnclice 0! Water Treatment: Special Pathology and Hydro- Thcrunonlies, int-lmling the Nature. Cans“. i Spun-toms and 'l‘mmnent of all known diseases; l Apnlicalion to burgicnl diseues: Application of Hydropntlly to Midwifery and the Nursery: with l 'l'hreo Hundred I'Ingnvings and nearlv Our Thouqu l'agca including a Glossary. Table at SEARS’ PIETURIALWHRKS. N0“ Editions J uet Published Scum" AMI) and Complete History qr and all olhardescriptinn of materials. has been van largely increased this Season. by arrivals from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BUS- TON and MONTREAL ; and mat he is prepared Io supply orders for new Offices. in addition to those in uporaliun. at the shorlusl notice. Seurs' A'cw Pictm-‘iql Dr’scmplioz; (ft/Ia pom d [.0 orden (‘Tcu 0! each «tale in the umou. lihmrmed with two hundred Engravings loe p im‘ipul cil‘Os, plflr‘ei, lunlnlingn. SCl‘llel’}‘.(‘lIV'iO‘ilIBSI seals of the slums, &c.. .‘kc. 000 pages ocmvo. Suurs' Treasury Qf Know/edge and Cy- Sears’ "finders of the worldâ€"Second Serivsâ€"iu 'l'wo Purimâ€"1'an L“ under: of 3::- ture. containing a dewnpxion of [he rncvsof men manners and customs of \‘m'iuufi nations. lmufis, birds. plums. &c. Part I]. “'oudcrs of Art ; or Almcriplious of invmnions, milk-s. HIIHS. curimi- lies. &c. \‘Villl 400 illnslrnliuns £34044: dvo. Diclr's Gunplate W'orksâ€"clevcn volsâ€" Best quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling per lb Colborno st . Toronto. Jan. 9. 18.31 Embracing Oulliues of Anatomy. illustrated; [’h} siology of [he Human Body: Hygienic Agen- cies and the Propervaliongf “onlth @jou‘gs and '1‘er Histpry of. P¢Ilcstin¢-â€"fi'0n] the Hydropathic Encyclopedia, Smrs' Pirloriul Sunday-BunA'â€"â€"(lesi;rll- ed for [he use of l’zunihcs, bub.e-t-l:n.~ses. Emu Sunday-school lent-hers: pl'lm'iI-all} illuslrmive oi the manners and cumulus e! oamarn uauonsmud Explanatory of many pouium ol the aul'iplurem 600 pp. dvo Sew-5' Bible Biography. or the Lives and Characters 1:]. the l‘rmupul l‘el'sumlgcx rc- curdul m the Sue'ch [Vrllmgsâ€"Prank-all) adap- ted to [ho ’ lrchuu ul._\".ulh and [nivme fami- lies: conlui ng lhi"l_\‘ disaennliuus on the Evi- drucos of divine revulmion ; I'rom'l'im'pson’s key to the bi -|e. \hu. numoIousiilusuuliuus. Sol) page: ucxuvo. 0:? Orders for any of the above Wolks received at this OlIicc. Jun: 12th, 1857. g1 A GREAT AND GOOD BOOK View of A’cw Yorkâ€"this engraving is printed on a mammoth sheet, 47 |)_\' 1!) inch» and ought to be wry saleable. l’nce 5U cams. 'l'llr'i/ling Inch/enls (3f t/m "hrs of the United Slutusâ€"(‘unlpriwng lhe moustrlk’n LI nnd l'mnhrkuhle (‘Veub‘ of the rvvululiou. the French \\’:ll‘. lhe 'I‘Iipoliunn war. tho ludmn wan, lll') second war will: Greul Britain. and Ilm Mexmzm war. Withlhruo huml.ed Eugraviugs. ($00 PbgL‘S OC‘EVO. Scars" ,N‘cw Family Receipt-Boo];â€" conmining the most vuluuble .ceipls for the va- rious brunchs ofk'ooker}, rmserving, 6:0. 801:. each. Smrs’ Scmzcs and Sketches Qf ("unti- s\c. 3166 pp. Svo. Sem's' ’Iffififllqliflll for (In: Prop/e Scurs' Piclrn‘iul Fumin finnuulâ€"com- Sat! 5' .,\'¢'w Pictorial Halli/y Inxlruclor 0r bigwsl 13/. (imwrul KnmrIm/gtâ€"email-rising a complete circle 0! uwl'u] and on'mrlamng infur- Inaliou ; deslgm'd for l'ulniIu-s. Suhuols. and “11m rivx. 900 page: octavu. l’nco mu dollars and a half. S‘wI/‘x’ I’iL'Im'mZ Dr'sm‘iptlon St’al‘s' Pic/aria] History of llu: Btblc â€"â€"l'ro|u [he (‘I‘Q‘aliOI-I ol' tlm would (0 [Eu I'ulI vslahlishmcnl of (Hmninnily. \Vilh vol-ions Nun‘s. forming an iHuqratod rumumnlaly of the smrn-d lexl. 700 pages uclm‘o. clapwliu 4/ Srinirc uml Artâ€"cumuluin a grénl amount ol'inlerualing and useful informationâ€" uslronomy. lruvuls in he Holy Land. Dial-orun‘ ol’AIm-Iicu. curl. settlements. of the country. bupgrnphw: of elniuaul men. iutideuLs of tra- vvl. discoveries in science. & . \Vilh numer- ous lingrmiugs. 512 pp. fivo. United Strawâ€"containing an accu-nul ol‘Lh'u top- ogruphy. settlement. luslur)‘. rUVuluuonnry nnd olllur interesting b\-..‘s. statistica. progress in agricuku' n‘unufacunus' and population. M in nu). 150:) pp. 6w. Price four dollars and a lmll‘. . ’I J . l’nlrmn-hal age to llm lll‘ubvlll Mme. By JUHN Klr'ru. edltor ol' the London Pictorial Bible, etc. mmqu Eurnpuâ€"rembraciI-g de ilnlons of France. F'vrlugul. Spain. llaly. Slcily. Switzer- land. inlgium. “ulluml, &1‘.: lugclhm' \\'illl Views and Ilullres of the pl'llll‘lllfll objmtls of in- lerexl in Fans. Rom-u, Lisbon. Madrid. Iinrcr- lona. lr’isa, Loghoru. Ruin-o, Naples. Horuulaul - um. l'ulnpuni. l’n'~lull_l. l’aln-ruw. Mulln. Vunme. Milan Ganovn, Furm-s. lhussels 'l'yrul. Amâ€" werp. Hollrulum. Anwlel‘duln. ‘Vau-rlun. $112, x\' 6. Carefully compiled from the has! and 131051 suurcus. Nuumrous l‘lngrunngs. 550m) dvo‘ Pl‘inung MACHINES and ENGINES im- comp “1.! within ilsnll‘ a compImo lib-wry ol u-ufnl and entertaining knowledge. This work complist 1hr finest sers of tlmlwlishmem: ew-r ulferod lo the public. 600 pagre ocluvu. honâ€"a book for every fumin m the nmou contains an account of the rmly hiuur) 0 country. the (mm-tilmion ul'xhe U. Slalrs a nologirul Index. Ac, Several huudn d Eu lugs. prising wilhm il<e|l a rumplqu library of useful and enlarlniniug knowledge. “uh nver (wu hundred l‘lngravings. .‘U‘ICII'V illnstmliva. repre- senting actual Scenery. cu=lume uwuunuuw Brill/LII uml Il‘t’lllIIIIâ€"lugvlhz‘f will. IIIJlIPB> ol'llie piini-ipal lilnr es. "Mural curiosities. 540.. in the Kingdom and lhu Briiish Islands. With several hundred hundsmno Engravuigs, illustralive of Scenes of piclumsque bnauly. churches cos- Illlllvs. 5112. in these cvlubraled countries. 5.30 pages oclavu. HE SUBSCRIBER begs to Inform the Trade, that his Stork of Printing Presses, Type, Inks, 0141 Type taken. in exchange for new HYDROI’ATHY AND HYGIENE, T0 I’RI NTERS. 'vw PIC/min] History of (‘hina Every Fa Inin ! A COMP! I: SYSTDI 0F FOR D. K. FEEH AN [/u' Rm'nlu 3/" Great ol' [he M chroâ€" ngru v YORK. In the plan of the work. the wants and nucns- rifles ol’ the l’uvple have been slendily kept in wow \\'hile alums! nary lopll' of inn-nest in the depart- ments 0! Anatun j. Physiology. tholugy Hygiene. and 'l‘herapL-ulics is bllrfl) presenu-thoro ol'pnm- licnl utility are always put prununemlr forward The pnovaling errors. com-cits. and whims of ll.» «lay and age arc oxpom-d and refined; the theories and hypotheses upon which Illa popular dung- parlicu is prudimlled are cnulmrencd. and (lw 10/111 and whom/lire of the fallacy clearly (lemon slrlilud The xulluuiug is a brief auulyais of us comuuts : (‘umeum and a compldlo Index. By TRALL. M. I). ihmmied by One Hundred and Twenty approp‘ rune ungraviugs. Illustrated. CDInpriring the Rationale of Muscular Aruuu ; the Nervous Influence: l‘hilusnph) of Mind : Mesnnnic l‘henuuwuu: [he Speviul Sen» sex; Fumzuuus of digestion. Circulnliou. Respirâ€" uliou. Absorption. Nutrition. Secret-on. Excn-liun Culorifiualion. 'l'emperhumnb, xhu knees of Men and Theory of l’opuluuun. li YGJ EN E. embracing all the relations of Air. Light. Dviuk. Food. 'l'vmpernlhre. Exercise. Elev-p. Clothing. Bathing. and [he Puwions. lu the growlh devaluy- meul of Body and Mind. lhu l’rexervauuu of llenllh. and the almiuumnl of Lougm my. comprising the Bible, Anatomical. Physiological. Chemical and Experimental Evideucus concern- ing the manual dn-lul'u. Character of Man. with Special direclionu for (he l’reparmion of food. ,rontaining the 'J'lmrnpemic dialinc-lion of diet for invflida with illustmled explanations of all the water-cure appliances. 2: Philosophical L‘Apmiliunof tho ' .no- (his olvmamli ' of wan-r ueulmcm, aud the true ruliunaln ul' drug-ltuhuneul. The Nulllrl'. Symptoms, and Tremmrm of all knunn dutian um examined. (ho ill mucosa of di-ug-pravlirc expand. and “It pn-yer Mndicnliuu l'DCul.llllBl)dt‘(l and synciliml. ’l'llli 'l'lll-JA'I‘MEN'I' 0F SURGICAL DISEASES. . . . . . C Illustrated. and dn'ccuons tor the unuor 01,8?!“th gin-n. 03’ The Management of Lying-in-Vvoxnon, and he treatment of Children. t‘l‘. The work is intended to he a p! xin, inlelligih'o and snlfiuient guide for domestic pluclil‘t‘, ur homo lruaLu-ont, in all ordinary diseases embracing the whulo range of subjects common-d with the I‘hilu- wphy uf Life. the presetvntiun 0|. huhllh. and the treatment of disensos, Merchants and others who advertise “bonny in the GAZETTE will have their Curdl insertedi u the Business Directory. ‘ RDERS for any of the undermenlioned dos- ( cription of PLAIN and FANCY JOB \VOKK will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS. FANCY BILLS. BUSINESS CARDS. [AKGR AND SMALL P031'ERS. CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS. BILL HLADS, BANK CHECKS. DRAFTD', A)” P A I I‘ H L I 'I' S . And every other kind of done in the best style. at moderate rules. Our usonmonlof JOB TYPE is entiron new and of tho lanes! patterns. A large varialy ofnew Fancy Type and Borders. for Cards, Circulars. & c.. Impl always on hand. No paper discontinued until all arranges are paid 2 and parties tet'using papers without paying up. will be held accountable for the subscripliou. 'fi‘ Editors copying llw above a few. limesâ€"11F chldung [his Noteâ€"and mllmg unemon lo the same. will bu (mulled [0 n (-0") of tho work. duo- livm'ahlo (u lheu‘ order. :11 our unite. Broadway. .\ew Yui‘k. \'ix lines and under, first illsurliun. Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . Ten lines and under, first. insertion. . Each subsequent insertion . . . . .. . . . Above ten lines, first in.. per line. . Each subsequent insertion, per line U? Advertisements wilhoul written dirocliuus inserted lill forbid, and charged accordingly. All truus'Iwry adverlisemenls. from strangers or irregular customers, must. be paid for when handed in for insertion. Al| advertisenwnl published for a less period than one month. must be paid for in advance. Alllouers addressed to the Publiulwr must be post paid. A liberal d.sconnt will be made to parties adver- tising by the year. This great wo:k may be lmd in one large vol- ume. bonnd'm library slyle. l’lice. pl'r<paill by mall to any l‘wl 011103. in the United Slum: or All letters mid orders thunk! ho (ILCCKl'd as foi- lowg :â€" Book and Job Printing ES TAB LISIIMENT. to contain the latest and mom Emporium Foreign and Provincial News and Markexs. and the greatest care will be taken to render ii acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable Family Newspaper. TERMSâ€"One Dollar and a half per nnnuni. Is Avmxu. if not paid within three months. lwo dollars ; and if not paid wilhiu iwalvo inonilis two dollars and a half will be charged. A EVERY FR And dcspatched lo Subscribers by the earliest luuilI. or other conveyance. wlmn so desirrd. The YORK lhnlxca' Gram”: will always be found LETTER- PRESS PRINTING Y l'uh|iahcd by History or Bathing: History of Medxcaled Baths No. 308. Bruudu'm. New York. [1? Agents in every neighborhood will l-o mp- “rd in puckngss of a lluzun or more cupies. by lxprexs‘ vr :Is Freight. Single copies. by uml â€" ery family should hm‘u a com'. nll PHILOSOPHY OF WATER CURE. \V. R. ROBERTSON, PRINTER. “'i l l in m 'l‘rmlgcun, da. my 11mm: DOLLARS Rates of Advertising: HISTORY OF MEDICLVI‘ HY DllOl’ATHlC COOK Eli Y FO \\'LER & \\' I‘ll ALS DIETARII‘IS. FOWLER S; “’ELLS PHYSIOLOGY '1‘ II 1'} liming? (Bugrttr, ANATOMY . IS PUBLISH FD DIETr.’l‘l(IS, lDAY MORNING, B Y . £0 .V E \V Id. 1d,

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