Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 4 Sep 1857, p. 3

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30131115 31mm. V-..“ WW WMWV V... Several burglaries have recently been Committed in Hamilton. It is reported by the Montreal Tranccn'pf. that all the troop! in this Province are soon to In withdiawu fur service in India. There is considerable excitement at the reported discovery of gold on the Chaudiere river. Lower Canada. A young man named Robert Gibson, was Ir‘cdo-Itnll)‘ drowned in the mi l-(lam at Clough Mills. West Flamborn’. on Saturday night last. The antford papers say that there is now in that town an ofgfllllZ"ll gangofbmglars. who have lately attempted to commit several robberies. It is stated that the Celebrated Mrs. Cun- 'I‘lie Postmislm' (lei-era] of England re- ports that 478 millions afkllol's passed through the English past nth-e in the year 18.36. being tut iii- crease of :32 millions over the preceding year. At the List regular meetingr of the Loyal Orange Virgin Lodge, No. 328, Toronto. the \Vorshipl'ul Master “'In. Mt'hlaster. Erq . pre« settled the members with an t-lcgantiy hound bible and eu~hton. 'I‘lio llalld~ollle gift was duly ap- pl‘eCluleLl hy the brethren pre out. and an appro- priate address was presented to Mr. McMzister â€" Globe. DESERTION (IF NINE Minaâ€"On Mon- driy at two o'clock a sergeant and eight men 0! l~ne9t1i Regiment. forming the Garri~on guard deserted flaiti their posts by means of a boat lying at the Queen's wharf. One oftlietn belonged to the band. and was at the time under anest for some minor offence. but he managed to escape "ingh‘m i. "mm m appear in a new “mracwr' ’ the vigilance of hi.- guard.-â€"Kiugsluu News. viz... as an authoresaâ€"not oft-nether " bogus baby." butofa book I The Montreal Herald states that conn- The Cont'cntion at Cleveland, called to devise aschctne for the eIIIaiu-ipatinn of slavos on the compensation principle. has adjourned “Hon bins on the Quubec Bunk “realtlc‘mmm‘on. finally. The result of he labors of the Conven- TIIO)‘ have been altered from one 0 ar to tens “0" appear [0 be gimp” the adoption 0“ plan and twontye. and are said to be well executed. whereby the general and State governments shall Tile N- Y- 7577M”“ Says that “'8 ‘l’lerd' purchase the Slnves at the rate of $5395 each. and 0|" 0f the Utah exlledl‘lo“ has quite faded awn)“ the organization ofan association to carry on the Only two regiments of infantry. one battery. Sud movement. one Iquadron ol'_dragoons. will go to Salt Lake. Clllef JUSllCe Draperland the Quel‘ec al‘d toes and sugar will be cheap. Mid that is the ten- Kiflgslon delogfllfll 0“ the 80M- or Governmem dency ofthings now. and with the abundant crops have returned from England in the A!" and small demand. will continue to be. No specu- question. glu-Smu. The Boston Pilot states that “know, season. will produce two hundred and eight million bushels of grain. more than ten bushels for every . man. woman and child in the United States. The Hon. Franklin Dexter, and one of the most prominent citizena of Massaâ€" chu etu. died on Friday morning at his summer residence at Beverly. An immense dcfalcation is said to have haven discovered at the St. Nicholas Hotel. New York. and the chief book-keeper of that establish » ment has been arrested. From $39300 to $50.- 000 have been appropriated. The Byto'wn Gazette states that the. mayor of that city (Ottawa) had received a letter from England. iiifoiiu'ing him that Ottawa has been selected as the future seat of Canadian Gov- eminent. ' FLoon AT “’ssros.â€"--On Thursday night. the flats in the neighbourhood of Weston Ware flooded. and large quantities of fencing and fuming pruduro carried off. We have heard of no damage having been done to houses or barns. The Lonilon correspondent of the Paris 'l’rcue aaye that Ledru Rollin has brought an ac- tion again-4 the London ’I'imu for an article al- Iu-lin; to him in connection with the recently dia- cul cred conspiracy. The. Kingston lV/u'g intimates that the Bum-r of the Penitentiary in that city. Mr. Thomas Martyn. has been detected in certain criminal prac- tides. and that certain strange revelations of dis- honesty in that institution are to come out. The peach Season is just opening in New York. The delicious fruit is selling at 952 pa basket. Tho crop is rather deficient. but will ex- ceed last year. The late varieties which ripen in Suptember. are the only sort which will be plenti- {I‘ll Accurate experiments have been made in Illinois to test the comparative value of timothy and clover hay. The experiments were carried on f 1' two years. and the resqu were that the clover Imv until formerly yielde ten per cent. Incie milk than the timothy. Costaâ€"A copper kettle has been found IoVeutoeu feet below the surface. tinin inibctlded In a coal vein nearOttawa. Illinois. When found it was bottom aide up. with coal firmly above and below it. The question is how could it come into Iglid bed of coal. A little boy, more thoughtful than boys generally are. but not more than they should be. on bang tumbled into the mud by a comrade. was asked why he did not serve his abuser in the lame manner, when he repliedâ€"“ If 1 should there would be two suits of clothes to clean." TELEGRAPH“: Cannonsâ€"It is stated that the charges on the Atlantic Telegraph will be lamething like the following zâ€"From Newfound- land to Ireland for a message or 20 words or un- der. £2 10'. stg: and for a message of the same length direct from New York to London. £4 stg. _ From the Townships of North Gwillim- bury and Georgina we learn the late heavy rains did couliderable damage to the crops. wheat had commenced sprouting in shack. andl spring [rain had been levolled to the earth. Root cropa promise wedâ€"Era. Frederick Saui‘age, the first person to conceive the idea of applying the screw as an aux. illary of steam. died a few weeks ago in Havre. l France. His fortune and health had been ruined ‘ by his labors in scientific discoveries. and his reason had left him in consequence of his chagrins l of difi'ereut kinds. It is reported that the battery for the proâ€" tection of the Clyde will beerectedon a point north I Rosanth shore to the eastward of Kilcraggau.l It will command the river from Cloch to Duinbar- ‘ tm Cutie. Ind will be mounted with formidable l orditance. ‘ The Elo’ra Backwoodsman warns its readers agaiust taking bogus money. and suites that auumber of American "quarters." dated 1853. and an excellent imitation of the genuine coin. are in circulation in that neighborhood. T hey are manufactured. it is believed, in the vicinity of Vital yCanada West. The business of the Bank of England is conducted by about 800 clerks. whose salaries am rum to about £190.00). The bank in 1850. had about twenty million of bani . notes in citcu- Iation. lathe same year there were about five millions deposited in the savings bank of the me- tropolia. We regret to learn, says the Montreal Pilot of Friday last. that some of the light finger- ed gentry were at work last evening at the Con- versations given by the Natural History Societv. in the City Concert Hall. Professor Silliman was relieved of about one hundred dollars \ihilc pro- uieuading the hall. this which age as good in Europe as here ; rind there of Bosmn’ Grand Trunk track at Duck Harbor. between Port Fall reds ofcarriages are every hour crossing it. I with delirium. on recovering from which, he felt The ‘good time coming’ when flour, pota- lations iii breadstnfi's cover the c.0ps of this year. holding sugar and molasses for better prices ate in a poor way to make money. Oti Saturday, about forty yards ot the Hope and Cohuurg. were swept away by the darliâ€" ing of waves from the lake. On Saturday night. accordingly a train was sent down to the bleak. to meet that from Montreal. and the passengers pass- ed from the one to the other. Steps were immedi- ately taken to repair the breach. and yesterday the train paSsed over as usual. A man named Gannon,who gave evidence against the priests in the case of the County of Mayo election. before a committee of parliament. was surrounded on his return home by a mob of about a hundred persons. who beat him till there is not a hand-breadth left unhrnised on his whole body. and thrust out one of his eyes with an iron rod. This is the second act of the drama in \"thhJ Bishop McHnle‘s priests have won for themselves a bad reputation. Lord Palmerston is said to he, just now ‘he business man of the World. ll aving just emerged frotn war with Persia. he is deep in a contest wizh China: he has a revolt in lnda; has grappled with disnfi'oction in the Ionian Islands: and thelast news from An=tralia shows th A country in the heart ofa political crisis. which may event-lute in its declaring itself independent one of these if ya, and claiming rank among the nations of the earth as the Republic of Austra in. THE \YINNER or THE Goouwm Cum-â€" It is stated in letters from London that the horse Monarqne was sired by an English horse out of an English mare. and that the dam was taken across tho Channel ror the pnrposo of having the colt dropped in France. in order to claim the ligiit weight. which. by the rules of the English Turf. is given to all foreign horses. Upon this state of facts the opinions of the judges are pending and all bets are in abeyance till the opinions of the judges are made known. An extra of the official (indie was issued on Monday. containing an order by the Queen in ' Council that in all Prayers, Litanies. and Collects for the Royal Family. the. wotds " The Prince Consort” be inserted iii~tead of the words. ‘ The Prince Albert.’ which order the Administrator of the Government is desired to make known through- out Canada. 'the Right Reverend the Bishops’ ‘ being commanded “ to take care that obedience be paid to the same accmdingly. THE PRICE or A FARM.â€"â€"l\’lr. Moses Douglass sold his form (100 acrcsl in Downie. on Tuesday last. to a Air. Reid. a gentleman lately arrived from England. for the handsome sum of’ $6000. the greater part of which was paid down in cash. That does not look as if property was deteriorating in the vicinity of Stratford. sutne the Hon. Mr. Cayley did not refer to Stratâ€" t‘ord when he spoke of “so many places going backwards.”â€"Boawn. We pre- VVe learn that during the heavy wind which arose about six o'clock on Friday evening. the Suspension Bridge attho Dcsjardins Canal. near Hamilton. was blown down. It is providen- tial that no one was passing at the time. as hund- Other- wise we might have to record another and disas- ter like that oftlio Montmorenci BI idge at Quebec. Those who have seen it may remember the un- siglt'ly and unsafe appearance of this afloir.â€"â€"Col- onist. During the last illness of Dr. Chirac, the celebrated French physician. ho was attacked his own pulse. mistaking himself for one of his patients. “1Vin was Iuot called in before 7” said the doctor. “ It is too late ; has the gentle- lmau been bled '1" His attendants answered in be negative. “ Then he is a dead man," an- swered Cliirac. " he will not livu six hours ;" and his prediction was verified. The Sussex (Eng) Advertiser says, from all sides we receive the most gratifying accounts of the crops. The blooming u as completed dur- ing the most propitious weather. and the rain that did fall during that period only tended to refresh vegetation and impart more t’ulness to the grain and more vigor to the plant. Wheat cutting hv already commenced in several quarters. and in a very few days \villbe more or leg general through- out this district. thus rendering our harvest a full fortnight in advance of ordinary years in point of time. TEARING DOWN A CHURCH.~Some time ago an exciting roncontre occurred on a Sun day near Momtt Carmel Church, in Alexandria county. Va., to which a Sunday school teacher was a party. This teacher. named Austin. had so mm; of the spirit of holiness in his composit on but he shot and we believe killed a young man The W'ashington Union now says that one night lust week the Mount Carmel Church was pulled down by a mob. and the ruins of the building have since been fired one consumed. named James Burt-h. ’tllb‘ LAW OF lillllttOAJh‘. A court in Ohio has decided that ill? l09> Ifa IfllllO'JLl ticket falls on the puI'r‘l-a‘t‘l. ‘It‘t‘ausc the ticket being negotiable by de- Ii‘m’y. any one pit-king up a lost lickt'i could ule upoii it; it was held further lllill [la-‘- engI-rs. by tlieput‘elhw and delivery of‘ tckets. do ['01 l-reome lessees (iflhe cal“ nit are still under the control of the cunt- party all 1 subject to (’ji‘cllnt‘llf for [rapt-r vuuse. “line in such a ease a company would not be liable for assault and lottery, but merely for a breach of their duty nsCOtntnon Cill‘l‘ll'l‘Sr‘A passengers on tlit l‘l.nois Gent- rail Road lately offered the eontluctor a $100 will to pay $1.135 in fare; the conductor rc- iusiiig to make llte change. and the passen- ger reliising‘ to offer any nlltct bill, the la'lcr was ejected. and immediately brought suit for the recovery of (lainngcsrwhich tli -l court denied him on the ground that the hill offered. although genuine. was not a reason able tcntler.â€"'l'luc New Youk Con t of Ap- pt‘nls has (lut'itli-tl that a passenger is always obliged to show his ticket “llt’n required by the conductor to do so and may be. ejcetetl for ii refusal. eien though the conductor knows that he has paid his fare. THE TORONTO AND ()VVEN SOUND CENTRAL {AIL- {(JAD. VVe understand, that at a meeting of tin inhabitant rate payers of Brampton, held on Friday evening lushâ€"George, “Wight, limp. in the chairâ€"it was agrietl almost unani- mously. that that municipality should take £10,000 stuck in the Toronto and Owen Sound Central Railroad, The Mayor of Uwvn Sound, Richard Carney, Equ was present, and I'Eplesmited the intcrests of that town and the adjacent country at the meet- ing. Mr. Carney entered very fully into the importance and necessi'y for the railroad ; and John Lynch, Esq., 't'hos. Haggert Esq, 'l‘own Councillor. and most oflhe leading iti- habitants of Brziinptmi,ably and spiritedly seconded the vich of Mr. Carney. The consequence was, after a slight show of opposition at first, the meeting ncm-ly unzini- iiiously decided upon aiding the road; and agreed to the very handsome subscription we have named. In the present time of suspicion ol nearly 3'] lnlll‘tliltl enterprises. and of distrust in their nianag'entcnt,this step on the part of Brampton is at once a proof of the feasibility of the undertaking, and the integrity of the gentlemen who are pushing it fm'wa‘d. A meeting was also held at Pine Grove in Vaughan, J. W. Gamble, list“ M. 1)., in the chair, on 'l‘hurstlay last, to carry out the same o'ject. Several of the lending in- hubilants of the tmvn-hip and county were piesent, Messrs. Graham, llowlnnd. OI-l{lril.' burgh, Donaldson and Dennis, of \‘l‘eston. lSoulton, of Vaughan and Means. Orr and Brown of the some t0“nallip, being among the nutnbehâ€"The meetittg,after hearing the explanations of Mr. Carney ; and discussing the matter fully, decidul that the Township of Vaughan would also take £10,000 stock. providing the road took the route oflhe val- ley of the thnbcr. Albion. we are. also in- formed, will likewise take £20000, should the road pass through the [lumber Valley. and Caledon will take £IU,000 irrespective of the route it may take. So far, the prospects of getting wealthy, and unburthened. municipalities to take an interest in this undertaking are excellent; and it is due to the cnterpize itself, and to those concerned in it to say. that no niuui cipalities in Upper Canada have been mo 9 cautious of railroad undertakings than those in question. The road itself, notwithstandâ€" ing the damper which has been cast upon railroad enterprises by recent exposures, is rapidly gaining in public favor; and it is all important to this city and the country through which it passes, that it should be constructed as easly as pOssible. «Colon/st. CANADA 'l'lIl’thlNG. The New York Times had an article. lately on the progress of Canada, which is well Illicd to arrest the attention of all. In 25 years the population of Canada \Vcst has risen from 160,000 to 1,327,000; and her assessable property from £2.500.00 to 1550000000. In 14- ycai’s her exports of wheat have increased from 299,620 bushels to 5,496,718. From 18344 to 1853 her exports and imports have advanced from £3,082,567 to £13,945,684t, a seven-fold increase! It is not peasible to contemplate the gradual but rapid progress and prosper- ity of such a colony without seeing how ere long it must of itself, become a mighty na- tion. The Yankee editor is smitten with the plague of “ annexation,” and his mouth waters for so precious a niorsel as Canada. Perhaps he forgets the immense breadth of the frontier line, morally, from land on which the bloodhound tracks the innocent fugitive, to that which when his foot touches he is free. Let Canada prosper, but never may it be amalgamated with the land of slavery. TORONTO MARKETS. Tuesday. Sept. 31. There was a good attendance of farmers on the market this morning. and the amountof produce wlii h changed hands was moderately largo. Prices generally are unchanged. anir to the extent of 800 bushels was bought at prices ranging from 53 to 7s per bushel. One or two leads only of good samples were offered. the mayoiity being of very inferior description. a great dozil of it sprouted and all ofit shrunk. Tho high piice is wholly sustained by the local demand. 14‘i.oun.â€"'l'here is very little flour offering. and quotations are purely nominal. Superfine $6 ‘25 a $6 50; Fancy $7 95 a $7 50: Extra $7 75 a $8 25 per bbl. A load of new farmers' flour. ol good appearance. moved freely off the market at $7 a $7 50 per bbl. in bags. In other articles no change is observable. BIRTH. On Saturday morning last. at Thorn Hill. the lady ofWin. Hollis, Esq. Merchant Tailor of a Daughter. I N P 0 U N D l ! ‘IIE undersignedifimd keeper, Victoria Square. would inform the public. that he has in pound one ipan of homesâ€"one grey, the other buy. The owner is requested to call. prove ptopertv. pay charges. and take them away. ' \V. DUROSE, Pound K”6pur. Victoria Square. Sopt. 9nd. 1857- g13~3t. ! They Ilavc Arrived l ! (‘liarles I)lll‘l‘fll!ti T T‘ ' . Ll," '0 3'1'\'_‘UH:I‘. that he has received his Nook 0| Ladies‘, I’tlisses & Childrens’. BOO TS AND SHOES! 'l he variety zinll quality of which cannot be he found elsewhere in this neighhonhootl lle respecttully requ. sls an inspection. (‘IlAliLliS Dlil‘iliANT. li it-lnnond Ilill, Sept.9,1(\57. 213-11.. “511‘ l l w- - :J. MORRISON, House, Sign and Ornamental p%nsmmm " "tut "With "on but “hunt in Grniut‘r, Gilderf.I Glazier, and Paper Hunger. RICHMOND HILL. CARRIAGES. BUGGIES AND WAGGUNS, PAINTED AND TRIMMED. l Richmond um. Sept 4. [$57. gl3-3m ll ’i‘ i: A Y Ii I3 , * “Oi-“71h” Pr‘mi‘t‘s of the Subscriber. , l0l DO 30. 44h Concession Markham, almul two weeks age. a flock ufslieep, viz: Seven Lives. one I-Zu-e lalltli. and one Rani , each with a marl; on its righl Ear, 'lVlioever will return the same to the sthSCriber \Vlll be suitably I‘ewatdcd. WILLIAM PADGET. Victoria Square. Sept. 2nd. 1857. glll-St. FOR SA LL‘, W0 acres of land and frame house,situâ€" uted on Centre Street. For particulars apply to, G DOLMAGE, l iiclimond llill, Proprietor. Sept. lst, 1857. gl3-‘3in. Dr. (W Town-Tn. OCULIST & AURIST. OPERATED ON THE EYE AND EAR! N1VERSAI.I.Y known thrrnuhont Canada apd the United States for his skill and success In Restoring Lost Sight and Hearing! And removing all Di~eases of the Eve and Ear generally, begs must respectfully to itiform those hmlt'lfltl in these delicate organs. that he has for- wni'dt-d tn the office ofthis paper a few dozen copies lil'the 4th edition of h s ’l‘rmtlsc an Diseases of the E1"; and Ear, published I is day. which will ho presented to applicants. I FREE OF CHARGE. Ten Thousand Copies «.11: now rcmlyfur distribution. This wo k contains nearlv 2000 p<ges of read- ing matter. in which will be found reported alarge number of most important and successful opera- tions on the Eye. and more than Um: Hit-ultra! in- teresting Cases of every destiliplion. illustrated with nninorous ('uls 'rhd Pines. Also. will be seen. Letters and References from higlrlv respec- lullle patties front all parts of Canada and the Iltlllt-d Stute-~’.â€"nll of which will be found well worthy the carefulperusal ut'the afllicted. The Author feels fully assured that cvervimpre- judtmcd rwulcr of this work will be convinced that Diseases of the Eye or liar in any stage short 01 complete (iiso ganizntion. um and may Ire cured : and ;t must appear evident to every considerate person that the principal curate offal-lure to obtain relief In these cases thiougliout the country. is the result of ITIIIII'IIJICI‘ treatment, and u wantof unusu- lHNt‘E. sKtI. . and CthPrII’ENI v on the part ofthose professing or attempting to cure such diseases. This VV-Jrk will (lilo:th furivu dud to individuals free 1‘)" charge) sending their add ess, POST-PAID. to the Alltltm at Toronto. TORONTO, June Bill. 1857. glfl-Iy B L A N K F O R M S . LARGE SUPPLY of Muglstrutns’ Blanks. according to the lntusl forms. for sale at this Oflico. by the dulull or hundred. “Gazette” Office, Aug 27. 1557. SEED WHEAT! T HE Subscriber begs to inforui the in litibitzints of this loeality, that he has now on hand a quantity of good Clean Seed Wheat ready for delivery. E. SHEPPARD, JUNlt. Richmond Hill. August ‘27. .1857. gill-tf OXEN FOR SALE. HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public. that he has for sale 'rvvo YOKE or CHATHAM OXEN. Which will be disposed of very cheap for CASH, JOHN LANGSTAFF. . gS-tf July ‘29. 1867‘ J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoo Maker. PPOSITE A. LAW'S. Yonge street. Inond Hill. Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after the latest styles. August 6. 1857. gQ-Gm. ONE HUNDRED CORDS OI“ PINE VVOODlt FonsALE. For terms apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER. Thornliill. 'l‘hornhill. August 11. 1857. glO-tf London Dock Vaults. GRANITBROS, MPORTERS of Wines. Spirits and British Beers. in \Vood and Bottle. if? Vannaâ€"Under the (flu/1e Ofi‘me' K-mg Street West Toronto. June. 1857. g-l-wy. J. N. REID, PHYSICIAN 5L SURGEON, Cornerof Yonge and Cvntre Stu-egg. ’l'lwrnlrill. August 14. tom. glO-tf COPPER. 1:12.153; 7'1.\: AND FURNISHING F‘ROM “l. R. K” “'m Kin-3's “'lmlinull- Iln - i-v- n years (lupper Fountain and 'l‘en Kel'lo his thanks for past favors, to the inhnl-itants of Richmond Hill and surrounding country: and bugs to inform them he hm- eonunnily on hand, aliiiosi for Cash as cheap as pussib‘e. Also. all kinds of Japan “'m-e, Copper Fountains. Tea Kettle’s and Brass Pans made to order. 0.? Old Copper. Brae-V. Pewter and Lend, liongl Parlour and Cooking Stoves on hand. Richmond Hill, August 19. 1857. \V I LLI A I‘ll ilO DG E, .r?.\" Se Ii 1‘. , D [R 0N PLJJ'IE -.JAMES HALLS- Boot and Shoe bunker, RICHMOND HILL. 'O{’T.D respectfully intimate to his 1' “ends and the Public, that he has Rfllll‘m‘ constantly on hand a large and varied assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemons’ Boots 8: Shoes of every description! Of the best quality midu-ofikmnusliip. and alums exclusively of Home Hungarian. Also. a Iago \lock of ' Ready-Made Clothing 1 . Compiising Coats. Vests. Pants. Hats and Caps II'ORKER, IRON MONGER. use. Snow Hill. London. Etiglnnd: and marl? maker, to MMpiesIon & Co. Hamilton. ' every article in the above line. which he will sell it or taken in exchange for Goods, gll-‘Sm DISSOLU’J‘lON oyitn‘NERSHIP. ! IFIIE Btsiness hitherto carried on by n . been re-pniuted and innt-h improved; and a new and when completed. will he found a logo and well selected stock. which will be sold much under the usual prices. G. A. BARNARD having determined on doing A CASH BUSINESS Which he will liriiit to all new Accounts 5m MONTHS. payahie promptly on the lat October and 1st April of each \ear. He will make in ' extended time. by ofi‘eting them Goods from 15 adhering strictly to the old motto SSIALL PROFITS AND QUICK All PAST our. Ax-couuts. to the late firm. not paid by the 15ih of July will be put in Suit. Richmond Hill. June 30. 1&57. _ GEORGE & BENJAMIN BARNARD at II’ICHIIIOAD [JILLJinder the style of G. 8; l3. BARNARD,was dissolved the. 202/: .luw. by limitation and mutual consent: and the\' beg to return their sincere thanks to their numerous Customers and Friends for their past support. ' .‘0.’ The Business at Richmond Hill will in future he carried on by G. A. BARNARD. who will endeavor, at all times. t" "19"“ "‘9 Palmolive .-o liberally extended to the late. Firm. The Shop has she. 8:0... (If .even size and description; also of excellunt quality and Iitaiiufacturo. all of which he will sellas slows ' ‘11 “ i ' for CASH. s an) ouse to Upper Canada. Richmond Hill. Jolly 23. 1857. 7g-tf 1 US T RECEIVED. A BBOT’S London I’m... Trueman. Ilanrlburv at (30.. In Bottles and drought. Port VV-ines. F. d . ngundy' l me 01 Win05- Henucsey & Marion’s Pale Brandy. Dekut'pcr’s Gin. ' Fine Old Tom. and nice Assortment of Goods are daily receiving, ALSO. North Shore Her ' . the S ' Tame . ring prutg Catch. Pollock. Red Honing. At the lowest Toronto Cash prices. at G. A. BARNARD'S. .s-ir OR SHORT CREDIT! ducemouts to Customers more tangible than by to 20 PER CENT. lower than usuallypurchasod. RETURNS ! ' July 30. 1857. S/zort Life to the Old Systemâ€"Long Credit, Long Life to the New Systemâ€"SHORT CREDIT, Success to the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. G. A BARNARD. Richmond Hill. will conduct business solely on CASH ()R SHORT Six months will be given on all new Accounts. payable promptly on 1st October A}. Isl CR EDIT. April in each year. G. A BARNARD is now recoivi Dry Goods, Grove. rice, Lndics’ & Chiltlrcns' Boots 6L Shoes, Paints, Crocltcrv, ' Drugs & Medicines, W'ith an unusual assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. in every fabric. make. shape. style and variety. which he offers on the above terms. and much lcss than ever sold before. me. he is assured of the necessity of a general adaptation to the new which must supersede the Lung Credit and Long PI'lJ-Ll System. in general “>6 in this lining his business to shorter ti principle. (‘ountry ; and convinc: d that a discerning pnhhc they can effect asaving from 1:3 to it) percent oti G. A. B. earnestly and respectfully solicits a call. and on automation, his prices will be coscmzm an 10 as Lowmi, than any in the Neighborhood. Small Profits and Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abatement! LAND FOR SALE. HF. SUBSCRIBER offers For Sale the un- ‘ ’1 domte-ntioned Valuable Property. being the East half of Lot No. Kl. in the 6th Concession. Township of \Vnt'rcrmuw. 10 acres cleared with a good Living Stream. ' amo, Lot No. 1‘2. 2nd Concomion. containing 200 acres. Township of Adelaide. South of the Egre- niont Road. For further particulars. apply to the Proprietor. ROBT. MARSH . ug a large and well selccled stock of Richmond Hm June “‘1‘ 1357 l a u n g, . Wines & Liquors, “WWW CREDIT AUCTION sun. 6m, 6w" 0;: NE hund ed valuable Building Lots. in _ the flourishing Village ofRichmond Hill, Wlll be sold in Oct.. next. when due notice will be given by the subscriber. J. R. ARNOLD Richmond Hill, Juno 161h. 1857. g4-tl'. In con- will avail themselves of the New Svsrsu. whereby the average on Goods they usually require. Patterson’s Ron pcrs. AVE stood the test for years. and these who have used them tostifvoo their superior“- cellence over all competing Machines. --His motto shall be :â€" Richmond mu, June an. 1857. g4'tf Tile Simplicity of Meir Markham Economist please copy on forbid. Construction. v-.. ,, W. . W 47w - A -~ 7 ~ ~â€"â€"â€" Renders them a Favorite in localities when they PATENT PUMPS : Fire! Fire! 2 Fire 2 2 : “mm introduce 7 [IE Snbscribcrs have pleasure in inform- ing the Inhabitants of VVliitchurch and surrounding Townships, that they are manufac- turing the best 1 amps now made in Canada. Patented by John Dennis. These Pumps are much better than the ordinary Wood Pump. for the following reasons : firstlyâ€"The Water is much better. as there is not quarter as much wood in the well. and all free from sap. In order to do away with such heavy timber as is used in the common wood pump. they add a suflitent number of iron bands; this in .kes the pump stronger and so much lighter. that two men c .n take one out of a well sixty feet deep. in filtcen minutes. the use of the Secondlyâ€"By is turned perfectly Cylinder. which works easier than in the ordinary bored pumps. Thirlllyâ€"Tlicse Pumps are so simple that al- most any man can repair them. and by means at Residean the nut on the rod. the Bucket is secured in such Richmond Hm. Al‘gus. l3_ 1857. :i manner that it cannot get loose; and as the joints are all fitted true and tight. there Is no jar- ring in the working of the pumps. Lastlyâ€"'1‘liose Pumps are neatly turned and painted. Inciting it an ornament as well as a most Below will be found a few of the hundreds of references we niightgive from the Willows 'I‘onnsliips in which the pumps have useful article. been introduced. We. the Undersigncd. havingin use the Pumps Inanut'actnrea' by J. James & Co.. con cheerfully recommend them as the best Pumps we have had in use :â€" VVHI'I‘CHUIict-Iâ€"John Nash. M.D.. James Hack- ott. M.l).. Messrs. Donald Sutherland. Jos. Cawthra. M. W. Bogart, 'I'. Nixon. Robert Brodie. KINGâ€"Messrs. John Rogers. Eli Lloyd. C. Ste- vens. William White. J. Hilborn. W’ssr GWILLmuuavâ€"Messrs. Simon Fraser. ‘V. Wallace. John McKonky, Iliratn Lount. G. Palmer. V. Wilson. John 11. D. Terry. N. \chdrufii Jolin I’rosser. Thomas “illianis, Jae. Stopheii Mann. \V. Mann. J. Traviss. John Fairborn. Y onus; SrnrztzTâ€"Messrs. ory. C. Sheppard. Reachâ€"Messrs John Truax. Attics Bunker. James Doblo. man. N. Saris. W. Moor. S. Burchard. Patent sinoodi and true on the inside. the box wcais longer and EMT qu.l.mnvnvâ€"â€"Messrs. Judah Doan. John “'ilson. Jacob Lundy, Reuben Lundy. John Nichols. John Pnrtly. Brooks Howard. John Pegg.Culvin \Veddle. Maximiseâ€"Messrs. Jurdon Post. John Mndill. NORTH GwIi.t.Imuunvâ€"Messrs. D. VVilloughby. Ose. William. G. GI-zonatNAâ€"Messrs. C. T. Corbut. Jas. Elves. Charles Thompson. George Bond, James Pennick. John Montgom- James Truax. anntDGI-zâ€"Messrs. G. Hutchinson. Jos. Chap- Scor'i'â€"MeSsrs. C. Collins. Thomas Buruham. l SPICES, They are perfectly réliable and safe in the hands of the mexpemenced , No Mechanical Skill being required to keep th: at in order. They are made from the best of materials. and in a strong and substantial manner. Orders should be Forwarded Immediately, As .oyer three-fourths of the number w Intentl to make are already engaged. PATTERSON'k BROS. Richmond Hill, June ltith, 1857.. GENTLEMEN! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. HE Updersigned begs leave to inform the Public that he holds himself in readiness at his Old Establishment. which has been con- tinued for the 1218! Six Years. in this Citv (No. J62. Yonge Street. and directlv ' h “Brittannaia House." Toronto,)'to oppo‘u. ‘ . Renovate. clean and‘Repair All Descriptions of Clothing, In‘a proper and satisfactory manner. bv eredicting Paints. .OIl. Tar. dire. 445.. and restoriiig Colors to their original appearance. so as to give Gentle- man’s wearing apparel the full appearance of now. From 31 years’ experience in the business and prompt attention to all orders with which he may be favored. combined with an earnest desire to please his customers. he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. Vt ILLIAM RICHARDSON. Toronto, Julie 5th. 18.57. l-tf. LAND FOR SALE. ORTYâ€"FIVE Acresâ€"being the West Part of ‘ Lot No. l. in the Second Concession of the '1 ownslup of King. Has a small Log House. is well Timbarcd. forming altogether I: verydesireble Property for a Brick-Maker. â€"ALSOâ€"â€" 1IVE Acres of Land at Richmond Hillâ€"two ‘ notes of which is a Nurserv. well stocked with tliiivnig Trees. now readv for the Market. With a House. a New Barn. tvvo Walls of Good Water. and other necessary Out-Buildings. being Part of L'ot No. 46. First Concession, in the Town- ship of Vaughan. and known as Smith’s Nursery. the name of the former Pr pi-ietor. ' â€"AI.SO. â€" w E 1+: R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY or manure. INCORPORATED Il' ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. BOARD OF D1RECT ORS. J. C. Gicuox. Pres. l Tnos.HIiwon1'H. V. Pres. Win. Henderson. James Leask. Hugh M ller. Walter Macfarlo ne. Rice Lewis. George Michie. J. P. Roberts. Robt. Stanton. Sec. 53' Head Office. Church Street, Toronto. Tuys Com-AM Insures all descriptions of, BmldtngS. Manui‘nctories. Mills. Ac. and Goods and Furniture. In the same. against loss or dam- age by fire. on libeal terms. Losses promptly settled. ‘ A. LAW, General Agent. giua I y g.l ROBERT SIVEP, Boot and Shoe Maker, DJOINING the “'osleyan Methodist Cha- pel. Yonge Street. llichniond Hill. A choice selection of Gcntleniens’, Ladies’and t Childreus' Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest Notice. Richmond Hill. .lune l‘lth, 1857. g.1w.y, RUMOHR’S PATENT ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MILL. HE undersigned having purchased R. Losson’s Patent Mill. in now prepared to manufacture any quantity of them. at his factory. Markham Village; and any person infringing on the above Patent originally invented by Ilicliurd Loswn, will be prosecuted accoiding to law. M. H. HUMOUR. Augustti. 1857. gill-6m. LYMAN, BROTHERS 61. (30., W0 New 'P-Hllt Stores in the centre of Rich- and the public that their Office of the Richmond Hill Gazelle. Spring lmportations. N0. 4. St. Lawrence Buildings, VR7OULD respectfully intimate to their fllelld> “mud Hm ; om. occupied I". Mr. “mum” Myers. Saddler: tho other..beiug the Printiu SPRING IMPORTATIONS ‘ _ are now forward. and consist of a well assorted {magma above lropcny m“ be sold 0" any ‘5 stock of Am”), ,0 PURE DRUGS, DYE-S'I‘UFFS, 1' DUNCUM“ . . , , ._ . Richmond Hill. CHEMICALS, stimulus, in... em. 1957. g 1.“; PERFU M ERY, \‘ARNISIIES, To Medical P ':lctiti01ici's. tFANCY SOAPS, EsiiTiil-Ws' James Armson' Dam Win-IPA'I‘ENT MtcnthNt-zs PAINTS. “"0” 0"."“m‘l’M'l‘Y W Wm ire" TEngMSEI’PHâ€"Revd. I“. Ratiigan. Jesse Mills. , '0 “ MM‘MI Ma” 0" “"‘del! ""d "Xl'erl' Councillor, Messrs. T. McLeod. James Harpâ€" er, Isaac Stone. M. Beatd. JeSse Roe. er \‘anls. J. Dell, \V. Parker. J. \Velch. \V. Hig- dny. J.H. Courtney. Sampson Steel. Alexander Austin. AIIJALAâ€"Messrs. P. Koough, T. Shaw. P. Mc- Cube, J. W. “‘allace. INKIsl-‘Il.â€"I\I6>‘$rs. Sanuel Cnin. T. Wray. S'InI-zi;'l'svtLt.Eâ€"i\lr. Win. G. Harris. lrl'ronICousâ€"Mr. W. \‘Vullacc. Councillor. We bog further to announce that we have made several improvenmnts in our Pumps this Spring. by the addition of VVROUGHT IRON HANDLES AND LX'I'IIA I’ATEN'I‘ VALVES. All PUMPS nianufnctn ed by us are warranted fo one year We also manufacture to order. PATENT IRON LlFTlNG PUMPSll For “'clls one hund 'ed feet deep and less. and APP All orders to be warranted to the undersigned. stating depth of warrant them for three years. u all. at Newmn' Ital. JOSIAH JAMES 51. ('0. Nuvmaiket. Juno ‘2. 18.37. g5-tf. SURGICAL INS'I‘I’LUMEN'PS, (llLS. eneo. House and Premises. both pleasant and . ,, , ,, , ‘ . .. . . ‘. _ convenient. can ho had on rnnsonahle Ir-nns. DRUGCIID I b CLASS“ ALL, 5“ ., Apply. if by Igucr post paid, w the Editor of the all of which they offer to the trade at the lowest Gazelle. market rates. Richmond Hill. June 1511i; 1057. L. B. & C0,. would also call the attention of ' Dealers and l’uinters to the White Lead and Colors in Oil and Patty. prepared by them. and for which they solicit a rial iit compatimn with nthe: kindsin the lllfllkt‘l. feclingconfidont lllitl the re-ulr will not be to their disadvantage. either as regards quality or price. Toronto. June 26. 1857. g.2-wy. Darling & Aitcliison’s COMBlvED 11101501“ mul- Reaper. ( UR. MACHINE is substantially built of Wrought Iron. entirely free from side draught, m.“ 1).; elevated to any height. from u blower lo a Reaper by a screw in front. andreuts wnhont clogging. in Grass. \Vheu‘t. Uats or Harley, \\'|ll|- our change of knife or genting. and Works easy for the horses. V. ' The price for u Mower, $19).Oll; completed as a Reaper. $IlO.If‘.l. 'Aii extra knife .iill lo $5.00 extra. g5-3ni WILD LANDS FOR SALE, N the Townships of Annabel Sytlenhnm Bexley and Somert'i'lc. Price from two dollars an acre and upwards. r lv to. G. J. I". PEARCE. (‘onw Winter. 1.: till Agent «an. Yonge St Richmond [Ill 1’. 0.. Lot 3'). lst ( on. Vaughan. Richmond Hill. June. 20th lit-‘57. All our Machines are warranted to ho ii-cll linilt and of the best iiiateriztl. (ll-1f)ll(,l".l)‘\lll.'.\’(§ liOB'l'. Al'I'ClIla‘t).\ . Thornhill. Yootre Sheet, Junv 2111i. 18.37. gil- gl-ly.

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