ammlmiliun. Tl": Hung Kong corTl-spmulem 0' ï¬ne la‘udn‘n "l'inm:s,’ wrilin;r on llH' 81h 'Jniy, gives the flillnwlflg us llu' cnursc resolved upon by Lord l'ilgiu : â€"'l“lw ‘ Cnlcufln,’ ‘ Slmmmn,’ ‘l’carlf “lnflcxible,’ and ‘Hornul.’ and two gum-lmats, will meecd northward In 'I‘CIIdl'ZVOUS at Shanghai. and lnrm-ccd ï¬nance to the mouth of the River Puclm. on which Pekin is situated.â€" 1. nd lilgin will Illen dispatch a lencr '10 file Emperor, requiring him In either recognize or repudiate me acts of his ofï¬cers at Camon. If, asis prhbab‘le, no notice is taken of the lot- icr, or a disposition is shown to entan- gle the ambassadnr in questions of ,chemonial, Lord Elgin will clvclaru war. Canton will be occupied, and such further proceedings will be taken The “Indian†sailed from South- ampmn for New York on the 3rd, with 5‘20 passengch and $65.000 in specie. Business was very duli at Shanghai. The market for new Congou had Opened at an advance of 70 per cent on lhereniug price of last season. SPAIN. It is pretty evident that all danger of collision with Mexico is over, tlm‘ngh‘ the ï¬nal settlement may be long. The Cunard steamer “ Persia," from Liverpool. at 10 a.m. of the 5th. arrived at 8 o’clock this morning. as are necessary to bn'ng Ithe Ceurt of J’ukin to reason. The trade of the northern ports will not be unncessarin ulcfl'ered with. A ydung American named Eli Eggs had been tried at Hong Kong for piracy and murder. He was ac- quitted on the latter, but found guilly of the former, and sentenced to trans- gpnrlntion for life. GERMANY. A ieading Prussian journal says llmt the King of Holland is disposed 'lo cede the Grand Duchy of Luxem- berg to Prussia. ARRIVAL OF THE "PERSIA.†JFhe “Alflekpe,†for St. John’s, Newfoundland wouid sail on the 7th. The London underwriters on the Atlantic cable offer to pay 36; per poem, and give up all claims to saivage. The race for the Warwick Cup came 06' on the 3rd. Three ran, viz. Fisherman, Oaklmll and Lecompt. The American came in last, having been beaten 20 lengths by Fisherman, the winner. emircly of Sikhs. The English [mph-3's sun,- 1119! originatud sulcly in the fears which prevailed at Bombay and Mad- d The Paris “ Pays†denies that mere was any ground for un'casincss in re- gnrd 10 the French cstnblishuwnts in ln'dia.‘ It asscfls 1ha1 :Ji was tranquil Letters from India imlit'ult‘ that [h nn'x'lim-ers wérc aircudy in want u: Eleven more regiments were under orders for India. The Court of Assizcs at Paris had condemned Ledru Rollin, Mazzini, and others to departatinn. The Paris “Pays†denies the re- ported occupation of Formosa by the French. The Spanish papers deny the ex- istence of a secret treaty between the United States and Mexico. Russian Mumps were concentrated 0;. the. Aus‘rimt frontiers, to prevent inlerfcicncc with the affairs of 1m: Principalilh s. Queen Maria Christina has received ncl'lniSSiun to return to Madrid. It is stated that diplomatic relations with Naplrs Would shortly be re- sumcd by France and England. BREAUS'I‘L'FF-Sâ€"The weather had been changeable and wet, but only on a smuIl portiuu of lhe crops in the north uusunurud. it eXcrcisod but little influence. Fl-Idr was without change. Vthat in |i=ni"0d sunply, and Rm] '2! a 3rd d'ml‘m‘ than at the deparmrc ol the “ Bdhiv'." Indian Corn in good ’demand, and quotations. under the influence of rc- “or†nf :he potth discnsv, ndmnuvd 1d a ‘2‘! 1w." (park-r. gives uneasiness. The “Fulton†arrived out on the The silk crop was very abundant. The health‘of the King of Prussia :55: Richardson. Sumac &Cn., quote M‘s Rgd Vthul 75 10d. :1 35 4d; \Vluh: 9; :d- 91 ; Bilime 8s. Ycilnw (Ia-m 37s 61 a 385; “Min-42; :1 43s. l’novzynxsâ€"Bccf 53 a 103 per licx'cc ann‘, .mJ dull. Pork quicl we ‘ I'C- in‘und ensiwr. Uncut: ï¬rmr'r. 21nd in .il . some cusus (inunrr. Lard [inn :11 705 Rumors of Ministerial changes con- tinue to be. propagated. The London "Star" says, Sir Charles Wood. it is believed, will leave the Admirality to take the Board of Control, and Sir James Graham become First Lord of the Admiralty. Lord l’anmure is reported to be anxiOUs to resign the Ministry of War, to be succeeded by Mr. Hurdwcll or Mr. Herbert. Reinl‘m‘cemcnts of 20,000 men are to be sent against Schamyl. s . . . i A Russmn squadron was cruxsmg 'otf Anapu and Stuir, lying in each of ~ the Circassinu seaports, lhus prevent- !ing Sava Pasha from getting his rc- u‘cntly purchased arms and ammuni- tion lrom Constantinople. The Glasgow Polytechnic Institu- tion had been desn'oyed by ï¬re. Among the articles destroyed was the ï¬rst steam engine constructed by James Watt. The Bank of England relaxes slightly in their terms by making al- lowance on 6 months bills, instead of 3 months as of late. The “Times†Paris correspondent says that at the conferen'we be'ween Lnrd Elgin and the commandcrs at Hong Kong, I c Frcnvh Admiral an- nuunced ofï¬cially that he had received instrucxions to act in concert with lhc Lomww l’nomtcn MARKETâ€"Brend- stuffs in better request and a lriï¬c higher. Iron unchanged. Sugar heavy, and a decline uf (id :1 15. Tea and Cafes ï¬rm a: former rates. The Hon. George Byng had been elected to Parliament for Middlcsex, to succeed Lord Robert Grosvenor. some cases unurm'. Lard :1 715. TMan unsulllud Bult'hm ’s A ssm'iuliml 6‘18 The returns of the Board of Trade of exportatinn for lhe ï¬rst half of 1-856, show that 30 percent of the aggregatg shipments go to the British possessions, and 19 per cent to the United States. anmy Moxnr MA::m:1‘â€"I}uring Bros. rcpn‘rt :1 fair dumnnd fur Innnvy. and without (:llungnin rntvs. L‘unsnk closed a: 903 a 92’) 1â€"7 fur Hume} :uul instrucï¬ons to act in concert English. The latest reports have it that the meeting between the Emperor and the Czar will take place at Stutgard, on or about the 17lh inst. closed a: 903 a 92') 1â€"7 [hr mono} and uccoum. The Bullion in Hm Bank of England had increased £37(),000.â€"â€" American securities were dull and Hominid. The French Government is repre- sented to be disposed to reduce the Customs Tariff. Despatches from Hong Kong an- nounce that two ships of war had been despatched to protect the French Consul at Shanghai, whose person had been threatened. Anna-nu. The Emperor’s journey through Hungary was a perfcci triumph. ITALY. The French Government has in- structed its representatives in foreign countries to disavow any connection with (he Muralist proceedings in the Two Sicilies. M. Hidalgo, Mexican Charge in Madrid, had, in consequence of the rupture of diplomatic relations, left that city, in obedience to orders from his Government. PIIUDI'CEâ€"AShPS in fair rcques ['28 a 43s 3J. Sugar dull and 15 h .21'. Ten mlhcr dearer. RUSSIA. Schamyl slill held eleven of the twelve blockhouses taken from the Russians, although several duplicate atempls have been made to recover lhcm. le Divan had forwarded an order m Moldavia tn recommence the elec- Fanmiuism among the Mussclmen was prevailing uilh much viulencu. Diswrhnnccs and assassinations wurc “when nccs and assassinaï¬ions >10; in Palestiné. ll-IA'I‘ BRITAIN THREE Y. SPAIN. 163 hm quiet lowâ€" ABIZIDGED FROM THE cnmmm‘. 'l'unom'o, Sept. 17lh, 1857. “~HE;\T.â€"--Pu|‘ing the wrék the prices paid have ranged [run 35 9d [0 65 5d [750 a $138] per bushel uni-Jme in a ï¬-w instances on Tuesday. [he , latter price being For a medium samphu lhc‘ ru‘ing rate has her“ 1mm 5510 6s 6d [$1 10] per bushel. \thul I‘m’dinlming liai been bought at 35 .‘M u 5‘ [750 u pH" blhhel. FLUL'u.â€"â€"\ominul qunlalions m'e:â€"â€" F‘upérï¬ne. $5 a ‘25 ; Fancy. $5 50 a $5 7:"; llxha,$6 .1 $6 ‘35. Of the two ï¬rst grutlcsllmre is none Ofl‘ri‘iflg‘ and but little ol' the Lunar. 99‘ 1.\G \VHEA'I‘.â€"â€"lms not yet been offerâ€" ed ï¬e‘ iy.â€"â€"â€"( Jood Sumka are nominal!) worth $1 per bushrl. EARLIW is in modn'l‘aU' supp1y, but as it i: wulrly (Infercnl in quali‘i)‘, 1n ircs have a wide .:I[)gt"â€"s:\)' [mm ‘35 {in} H.- »lo (2'20: :1 80c) pet bushelâ€"the ruling :am for a good saunplu being 3: 9.1 33: NM (7.3c a 771:). KYEisonth 6d :1 3s 9d-â€"one or lW( CHEESE is in good supply at $9 50 a $12 per lOOOlbs,according to quality and quunli')‘. EGGS sell from Is to 153d per doz. POULTRY i5 enquired for and ï¬nds ready sale at 25 to 25 9d per 1' air for fowla. Duck: ‘25 6d a 35 6d per pair. If ads bringingh (80.) The dcmawd is of a purely local khmactcr. (‘0an is held ï¬rmly at 4s 3d (85c) pen PEASâ€"-â€"A fE-w loads ofpéas have been 0|"- lered without buyers,at $1. Offers of 4s 4d a 4-5 8d wurc made. ()ATS are Iower, Hu- \vlmbnle price now being 25' 6d (50c) per hmlwl. The retail priuv is 25 9'} (55C). HAY sold on Tuvaday at $16 a $20 per tnn. Straw enquired {oral [2 a $14. POTATOES have been scarce and selling l‘re‘cly by retail at 45 6d a 55 per bushel. The reports rt'rpvcling llle rot are not so pro- valenl,and it is thought a continuance of ï¬ne weather would ensure an average yxeld. TURNIPS ï¬nd slow :alc at 25. FRUIT-Amile: $2 50 u $2 '75 per barrel with supply and demand about equal. Far- mers apples 3: 9d a 55 [WP bushel. , Crab apâ€" ples $1 a $1 50perbusl1el. Peaches plenti- I'ulâ€"-$1 125 a $1 25 Per basket. Pears, $5 a $6 per barrel. Plums, $1 50 a $2 per bushel. BUTTERâ€"â€"Fre>h is scarce at ls 3d a 15 6d perlb. Tubis alsonot so plenlil‘ul, and by wholsale is quoted at mid a 15 per lb by the ï¬rkin. HE Subscribers beg to inform all those indebted to them by Book Account, if not paid by the 30th of OCTOBER NEXT will be placed In 111.6 hands of _lhe Ballifl‘wf Collection. who! ROM the premises of the Subscriber. Lot 29. 2nd Con.. Vaughan, early last Spring. :1 Yearling Heifer, bundle color. Whoever will give information where she may be found. will be suitably rewarded. E. SLEANEY. Vaughan. Sept. 17, 1857. g15-3t ' GARDNER & G. McAULAY, continue to . do all descriptions of CUSTOM WEAVING -â€"al Langstaff’s Corner, Youse Street. September 10. 1857. g14-3l JOURNEYMAN S A D D L E R . One well acquainted with all kinds of country work preferred. Constant employment and good wages given. Apply to Henry Tee], Vletoria Square. 7 r r O can now be had in any quamily. Iiom One to a Thousand Bunches. at Mr. Joan Luca-un’: Shingle Manufactory, Yonge Street. near ’l'huru- hill. No hand-made Shingles can equal those made by Steam. forneuuiess and durability. Specimens of his Shingles may be seen at the '- Gazeuo" Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, and at Mr. Rufus Skin- ner’s. Grocer. Yong: Street, Toronto. ’l'hornhill, Sept. 10. 1857. 2144f V HIS FARM contains about Fiï¬? Acres, with ‘ a House. Garden. and small Clearance. and is well timbered. The W‘ater MillI including Three good Dwelling Houses. with Gardens. and about Fifteen Acres of LunJ. if required by the pmchaser. The p-omises are at present used as an Agricultural Implement and Fib Factory. All' the above piupEl‘l)‘ Will be sold 0.1 may terms for Cash or th'ly Payment“. and is “'orthv the nueuliou ol'tlie Mechanic and Farmer. I I For particulars apply to PRIVATE SAL J. 51. R. SIMPSON Bultonville. Sept. 17. 1857. g15-3t LflJV‘D .HJV'I) WATER JIIILL ! leptember 10. 18 Septemb‘er 10. 1857. To Builders, Farmers and Others! lumen); Q»: A SUPERIOR QUALITY GEORGE DODD, Veterinary Surgeon. "HORSE & FARRIER†INN. TORON TO M A' 1-} 1i HTS: SHINGLES. Lot 26, 4th Com. Vnughau. Near Richmond Hill. WANTED. NOTICE! STKAYED, Notice. Um. DUNCUMB, ratvsupp1y,hut as it i: li‘a)‘, lnircs hnvva wide In.- »1..~ (:30: a 80c) [19! at? for a good sample Richmond: Hill. g'I-HJ' g14-3! g14-lf black Cu-po V0“ to .vl Net's Hotvl‘ “i l he suimhiv rt ( \' SA mm.†Morn Shut. 1‘?!» H} [mum “on I \II [C Subscriber begs in inform Hm I!» l lmbitnnts of ï¬n- aboveâ€"named Village and surrounding Counuy. and the Public genv mail}. that he has leased the above Hotel. "m-mexly kept by THOMAS Mav. which he has him 1! a p nud |'nrni<ln-d for the accommodation of hi: Clustunaexs. and lw lru<ls by constant attention in llH-ir “'mus to serum: n lihen-l pnlrolmga. Liquors of the has! hrnnds at Hus Bar, and every uuomion paid to Gueus. THOS. LUKER. ‘tllE Subscrihers. tn returning their mmt sincete thatth to the Public for the littoral support. they have hitherto extended to- wards this Estnhlhhment. hey: to intimate to the lltltnhitallls of the 'l‘nwnéhip ol' Markham and itx vicinity. that they hftve repaired the Flnu'ing de- partment thrnughottt, and having purrhased one of the latest Improved Machines for cleaning VVht‘nt, without low. on either large or small Wheat. thereby making :I greater yield of Flour to the Bushcl. and having ï¬tted it up in perfect working;t order. thet‘ are prepared for Gtisting and Hunting on the shortest notice, and we feel con- ï¬dent that we may say sn'perior to any other es- tablishment in this section ol‘ country. Having DtlTChï¬FEti the privilege for 'Ho ing the water. have thereby increased the pnwerol‘ the Milt otte- hall' to what it hae been heretofore. They will he at no los for water at ail seasons of the year. so thwtpors-(tns from a di~tance can get their grists ground tn take with them on their rr‘tmn home Flulll'ill! for the Matltet done at any tin 0 on one or two (hits notice. The Subscribers would also intimate that they will pay Cash for Wheat at all times delivered at the Mill. The Sulvc ilters would alsn state that they are ready for l’ulling and Finishing Cloth on the shortest notice, and in the best possill manner. - um CLOTH FINISHING ESTABLISHMENT Calhoun, Joseph Boll, George b'ower, Joseph Richmond Hill P. 0. ON 1.51 SEPTEMBER, 1857. Deverix, John [Ioï¬ilt Robert Homer, J aunb [1:11-er J '1‘. Hopkins, David Jimmerson, James Langstufl‘. Joseph Lyner, \V. Langslafl, John Atkinson, G. C. Neal, W. O Moore, Mrs. (care of Joseph Hill) Mauphuil, Hugh Myers, \V. Murphy, Miss Eleanor Munro, Samuel D Musson, Richard Troyer, William Philip, Samuel Pogue, William Rutledge, James Roach, Simon Skelton, M1“. Sanbridge, John Smitli, Hugh Stoukdale, Thom Virgin, Samuel Walker, John \Vright, Amos Wllliams, J. (Markham) [3m] ROM the premises ‘of the Subscriber, lot No 30, 4th Concession .Markham, about two weeks ago. a flock ofsheep. viZ: Seven Ewes. one Ewe lamb, 3nd one Ram , each with a mark on i's right Ear. Whoever wilrreturn lhe same to the subscriber will be suitably rewarded. HE undersigned. pound ken-per. Victnria Square. would inform the public, liza! he. has in pound one apau ufhorsesâ€"Dlw grey. the other bav. Victoria Square. Sept. 52nd, 1857 'l he onner is requested lo c1111. prove plopors‘v pay chmges..aud take them may. " Victéria Squafo'.SepL 2nd. K957. Richmond Hill. LUKES’ HOTEL, HOLLAND LANDING. Richmond Hill, Sept. lst, 1857. \ Richmnud Hm. A CARPET MG. con- n'mg n suit of Black (flullms. and a pair of hal- mm Whoever will Ioturn Qhe same to (hr ,mwr a! Durno’s Hotel, Vaclovia Squaw, winl he ix:.h1}' rewarded. \"Ictmia Squaw. Holland Landing, Sept. li‘. 1857 September 7. 1857 BOUT TWO WEEKS AGO. :d or nen WVO acres ofland and frame h0use,si[u _ ated on Centre Street. For particulars appr 10, ALMIRA MELLS, IN POUND†FOR SALE, ‘\ CARIET STRAYED, Sept. l0. 18.77 LETTERS IN JOHN do SCOTT BOWMAN I". 1957‘ (3) “’hn Yougv- warded it!) HAG containing a pairo 'ir of lmnvlh “outs. and : hl‘cvm‘ will return [hr mm- gv- Street or to lhk Oflicc‘ WILLIAM PADGET. G. DOL .VIAGlï¬ Uol‘ow 'vnd “‘ilsn Stennet, Thomas Sloane, GcOrge Stephenson, Joseph Robertson, John M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Uni-nor. Unnitl Hewitt. “MIL-:1 Hood. \Vlliiam Hunt, Mrs. bilas VVilson, Robert Wride, J. Lamb, Richard Lacey, Tom Langstafl, James Brassell, Thomas Playter, James W'. DUROSE. Pound Kmp‘er. ', ‘ £113-31 I’l'uyu‘iclm'. gl4-3m 'I‘apric tor. 5413-3in. 0“ guilt H-‘Kl gl55-3t‘ G. A BARNARU. Richmund Hill, will conduct business solely on CASH OB. SHORT CIU‘IH'F. Six months will be given on all new Amounts. payable promptly on Isl October .5; 1:1 .‘xpril in each yenr. E E Alli-,â€" ‘ (2.001) s .a. - _ON TI! [3â€"â€" “ CHEAP SYSTEM 1†ll'ith an Imus al vsorlmenl of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in every fabric, make. shape, ~iyle and variety . which he ofl'ers on ihe above terms. and much less than ever sold before. In con- ï¬ning his business to' shorter lime. he is assured of (he noccssily of a general adaptation lo the new principle, which must slipewede the Long Credit and Long Prqï¬t System. in general use in this (‘ounu‘yz and convincrd that a discerning public will avail \hemselves of the NEW Svsri-m, whereby they can efl'eci asaving from 15 to ‘20 percent on the average on Goods they usually require. G. A. B. eamevlly and respectfully solicits a call. and on examination. his prices will be coxcurm- rzn ‘I'O AS LOWER, than any in the Neighborhood.-â€"Uis mono shall he :- 1 My Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returnsâ€"01w Price and no Abatement! ROM \V. R. & “'m. King’s “'imiesuie House. Snow Hiâ€, London. England : and nv'nrly i seven' years Copper Fountain and Tea Kettle maker. in anucslon & Co.. Hmnillon. Reinrn his thanks [or pnsx Iavors, lo the inhabitants of Richmr ild [Jill and suriounding cm-n'ry: nnd [K'gï¬ to inform them he has constantly on hand. aimost evmy article in the above line, which he nili sell for Cash us Cheap as possible. Also, all kinds of Japan Ware. Copper Fountains. Tea Kcttle’u and Brass Pans made to cider. [IT Old Copper. Brass. Pewter and Lead. bought or taken in exchange for Gauda They Have Arrived ! ! ! The variety and quality of which cannot be be found elsewhere in this neighbogrhood. He rcsp-Ictl‘u‘ly requestyan inspection. BOOTS AND SHOES! 1113 Subscribers have pleasure in inform- ing {he Inhabitants of “‘hitchuruh and surrounding Townships, that they are manufac- ï¬uring the best. l‘umps now made in Canada, Those Pumps are much better than the ordinary \Vood Pump, for the follovtiug reasons : Firstlyâ€"The Waler is much beller, as there is not quarter as much wood in the well, and all free from sap. In order to do away with such heavy timber as is used in the common wood pump. they add a sulï¬leut number of iron bands; ll‘is m- krs lha pump shongorahd so much lighter. Hun two men c u take one on: M a null Sl.\'L_V feet duep, in [i tern ininulCS. Ser~ndly~l§v llm use of Kim Pate-Ht Cylinder. winch I: Lunwd perfeuh‘ smomh and true on the inside. the box wears longer and Works easier than in the ordinary bored pumps. Thirdlyâ€"These Pumps are so simple that al- most any man can repair them. and by means 01 lbs nut on the rod, the Bucket is secured in such a manner [but it cannot get loose; and as (he johns are all ï¬lled true and light, there Is no jar- ring in the working of xhu pumps. Short Lg'fe‘to the Old Systemâ€"Long Credit, Long Life to the New Systemâ€"SHORT CREDIT, Success to the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. Lasllyâ€"These Pumps are neatly turned and painted, making it an ornament as well us a most useful article. Balow will be found a few of the huudieds of references we might give from the various To». nships in which the pumps have been introduced. We, the Undersigned. having in use the Pumps manufactured by J. James 6L Co.. can clleerI‘uIIy recommend them as the best Pumps we have had in use :â€" WHn‘cHURCHâ€"John Nash. M.D., James Huck- elt. M.D.. Messrs. Donald Sutherland. J05. Cawlhra. M. W. Bogart, T. Nixon, Ruben Biodie. KINGâ€"Messrs. John Rogers. Eli Lloyd, C, Sto- vens, William White, J. Hilborn. “5251' GwnLumuunYâ€"Messrs. Simon Fraser, ‘V. Wallace. John McKouk)‘, Hiram Lount, G. Palmer. EAST qu.uMBURYâ€"Mes:rs. Judah Donn, John V. “Moon, John H. Wilson. Jacob Lundy. Reuben Lundy. John Nichols, John Purd}. Brooks Howard, John l’egg.Culvin \Veddle. D. Terry. PlCKERlNGâ€"MGSSI'S- Jurdon Post, John Madill. N. Weodrufl'. John Fairborn. Your: Snu-mTâ€"Messrs. Charles Thompson, Gear 0 Bond. James l’eunick. Jehn Montgom- cry, . Sheppard. REACHâ€"Messrs John Truax. James Truax. Amos Bunker. James Doble. anmnauâ€"Messrs. G. Hutchinson, Jos. Chap- man. N. Sarls. SCOTTâ€"Messrs. C. Collins. Thomas Bumhana, W. Moor. S. Burchald. ESSAâ€"Messrs. James Armson. Daniel \Vill- oughby. . TzcumsmHâ€"Revd. F. Rnfligan, Jesse Mul‘s. Councillor. Messrs T. MvLeud, James Harp- er.lsauc Stone. M. Haul. Jcsnu Hoe. Lieu \Valls. J. Hall, W. Panker. J. \Vrlch, \‘-'. Hau- day, J.H. Cuuruxe}. Siiilllkofl Stun. Aluumlcr Auzun. NORTH waLLmnumâ€"Messrs. D. Willoughby, John Presser. Thomas Williams. Jus. Row, Smphen Mann. W. Mann, J. William, G. Traviss. GnonGmAâ€"â€"Messrs. C.‘ T. Corbut. Jas. Elves. lsmsnLâ€"Messrx. Sm 11er C S'lnxmsrlnLEâ€"Mr. Wm. (i EruaicuxHâ€"Mr. \V. “'allm For “'ellg one hundred fat-i deep um! I warr'anl‘rhem fur lhn-P yuan: Al} 0.11 7n- umurjd w the .undnrsigmd. Venting noâ€. at Newma krt. JOSIAH JAMES ‘ We beg furlher ta axmcunc scvuml IliH‘ZOYGKDRHl! " Al-JALAâ€"Messrs. P. Keoug Chbc. J. W. Wailate. All Pl: Richmond Hill, June 30, 1857 Parlour and Cooking Stoves on hand. Richmond Hill, August 19, 1857. PATENT PUNIPS ! \VROVGHT IRON HANDLES AND EXTRA PA'I‘EN'I' VALVES. rarket. JurixA ‘3. Charles Dun-ant, EGS to announcv, that he has received his Stock of Ladies‘, Misses & Childrens’, PATENT IRON UFHNG PUMPS \VILLIANI HODGE, Senna, COPPER. BRflSS, TLN', .HJV'D IROJ\‘ I’Ld'IE WORKER, AND FURNISHING IRONMONGER. Goods, Groceries, L~1dics’ & Childrens’ Boots & Shoes, Crockery, . Paints, MI‘S muuu Patented by John Dennis. G. A BARNARD is now receiving a large and “"0". sebcted stack of Infacul - rd WU also In Drugs (SL Medicines, ‘nu in u‘ lhe add Markham Economist phase copy (ill forbid n. T. \rVrny rlrris. Councillor. ‘hui we | n of haw, I’. Mc- \0 made drle of and W E S T lâ€. R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. C. Gumon, Pres. | Tum. HAWORTH.V. Prlesl va. IlL’Indl‘l'EOll' ‘ Rice Lewk. Jann-x Le- .. , George Michie, H 1.15“ _\l |lvr, J. P. Robmts. W';.he1 ALMA K Le, Robl. Stanton, Scc‘ Tm: CnMPAh‘Y Iusnres a“ descriptions of Buildings. Mmmfdctories. Mills. 620.. and Goods and Furniture, II) the same. against loss or dam- age by ï¬re. on liberal terms. Losses prompt)y settled. Rnsidcnce. Richmond Hi", August 13.1857 August 6, [857. A choice selection of chllcmpns", Ladies: and Childrens’ Boots and Show cunsl’aptly on hand, and made [0 ordér (in the Shonvsl Notice. HE uxldebiglwd having pumh Patent. Mill. is now prom-ell any quantity of them, M. [m k‘m Village; and any person inf inin Patent ozigiunlly invented by i‘uci be prozcculed uucolding lo ILH' are now forwnld, and consixl of :\ \veli msonu stock a! PURE DRUGS. DYE-S'I‘UFI’S CHEMICALS, l3lL[:.\lll-IS. SPMJK‘H, PILRPCAIERY FAXCY 50:31", -V;\[’\Nl;'~‘II]£.\‘, PA'l‘liN'l‘ Allii'jIClNJ-I“, PAIN :~l‘ll(§3(‘.\L lNh'l‘HlHHiX'I‘S. ()1 ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MlLl all Richmond Hill. June 1911), 18.27 Spring lmportations. â€".__ LYMAN, BRU’I‘HERS 6; CO CARIUAGP Richmond Hill. Sept «1, I557 Fire ! Fire 3‘ Grainâ€, Gilder, Glazier, and Paper Hanger. Boot and Shoe Maker, DJOINING the W'eslnyau Methodist (II-n _ pel, Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. INCORPORATED RY ' CF PARLIAMENT RICHMOND HILL. RUMOHR’S PATENT No. 4. St. Lawrence Buildiug=. OULD respectfully in'imale to [hexr friend and the public that their SPRING IM [’Oli'l‘A'l‘IONS House, Sign and Orramental Head Oflice, Church Street, Toronto. ‘lu' .\‘ I I!!!) LIVE) AGES, BCGGIES AND WAGGONS PAINTED AND TRIMMED. \Vines 6L Liquors, Hardware Jun? ROBERT SIVER, J. MORRISON, nwn ’mlm J‘ upv .d Coiors 'ia Oil 21 d Putty " ’ Agrnl IIH‘ AHI M Anal Fire .4 LAW ,- General Agent. glU-ly H", \F W. 55) deuhum ‘I'?ce '1': om IWL l‘J lllu'll!l I I . Yongé SI Ix! (on. PA I.\"."> "S, OH» all-3m gl3-3m w M 53,! \\‘._\‘ g-l‘u‘ 25-3â€) g-H." Cu \\ lre Rirl OCULIST & AUR|ST, OPERATE}? ON THE EYE AND EAR! NICCESS Ill Restoring Lost Sight and Housing! And removing all Direases of the Eyn um] Em- gg‘eralbn bqgs Inosg respectfully lq infant)» Ibo a 5] mod in those doliculé Olga-n}. thu Le 131.5 to:- “'nldn‘d tn the ofï¬ce oflhis paperu few dozen. cupiw‘ ofth 4th edition of his Treatise (m 015111515 11/. the Eye and Ear. published I. is day. which \\i.l be prrsenh-d to lippliculfls, This wenk contains nearly 2000 pngas of land- ing matter. in “hich will be found reporlul alaige number of most important and successful opera- iim s on the Eye. and more than One Hrmdrmi in- :cr 'Ilng Casus of every description. lllllbllfllF‘l with numerous Culs 1 nd Pla‘es. Also. will be :‘L‘Pn, Lcucrs and References from highly I'BSI'EC- :il-Ie panics from all part- of Canada and the lhund Sm'c:=,â€"-all of which will be found “ell n'urilly the cuxol'ulperusul ofllie ufllicled. The Author fen-ls fully arsured that 0V0|')‘"1!])T£’ )mlicul Muller of this work will be convmced ihal Uircuscs o! the liye or Ear in any slugs short of t-umplcto (iiwxgauizulion. mm and "my be cm'nd : and it muzl appl-ur evident to every considemle pvholl [hm |he principal cuusc Iffajlurc 10 01min reliM in (hue cares llnqughoul the country. l5 ll 0 null uf .m‘urnlmr trmlnm‘nl. and a wmi‘iofl-xi‘fi- n N am , nnd courtsâ€;er on the part ofilioso “murmur: or llllClnl'lll g to rune sur h discarcs. 'l‘ i~ Wurk \wll ill 0 be forwarded to iutlivifluais J'rru v13“ c/uu'gc) {culling their add ess, Yum-PAID. .0 1er Amhu- uL Tommi). Ten Thousand Copies are now reudyfor distribution usull ui' dupl'fl/wl' tralhnmll, nrxcz, new , and Cour-nu yrulkssmg or uncmplixg to This Work will ul 0 In: f0 ' charge) Emulng the in HA") Amhu: at 'l‘ommo. ’l‘onozsru, June Sm. [8.37 July 29. 1867 Which will be disposed of very cheap for 051$†Of Lho best quality and workrihanship. gnd nlmos exclusively of Home Manufacture. Also, a large stock of Ready-Made Clothing ! Thomhill PINE W00]!!! F011 SALE. Thoruhill. August 11, 1857‘ \VOULD respectfully intimate to his ’ Friends and the Public, that he has constantly on hand a large and varied assortment. of Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Comprising Coats. Vests, Pants. Hats and Caps 610.. 6142., of everv size and description; also of excellent qualilv and manufacture. all of which he will sell as 1mg] as any house in Upper Canada, for CASH. Richmond Hill, July 23. 1857. 7g-lf SEED WHEAT! Vl‘HE SUBSCRIBER offers For Sale thé un- dermentionod Valuable Property. hoing the East half of Lot No. 33, in the Glh Concession. Township of VVurrcmmcH, 10 ucrts cleared. with a good Living Slremn. ALSO, Lot No. 12. 2nd Concession. containing 9.00 acres. Township of Adelaide, South of [he Egre- mont Road. For further particulars, appiy to the Proprietor. Richmond Hill E) r. C A 1) VV 1‘) L E; , LAND FOR SALE. Jnne, 185 ROBT. MA RSI]. Richmond Hill. June “111, 1857. 15.1. Richmond Hill. Juno Him. 18 Richmond Hill. June 15lh, 1857 1H NE hund ed valuable I the flulIrinng Vi“:ng mil be sold in ()cL. next. whu given by tho :11!»ch r. Appl‘ Gazelle. They are pmfecllg Teliable aml safe in the hands of tllw inexperienced , No Mechanical Skill being required to keep lh m in order. “my are made from the best of materials, and in a Hrong and substantial manner. Orders s/ibuld be. Enjwarrlcil Im ï¬ledz'atcly, A: oyer three-[hunks of thé number 3v intend to make are adrede engaged.‘ NJYERSALLY known {hrrughom Canada and the United States for his shrill and lcndcus them a Favorite in IocnliIies when they have been Introduced. (HIV ‘H E Slvbacriber begs to inform Um Public. that he has for sale _ A Vi". stood the test for years, and those 'who have “5611 them trsllfy to their eupmior ex- el'euce ovpr all computing Machiuea. >For_tgrms apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER. IE >‘ubrci‘iiw‘r begs "Shroan lln‘ ‘uf hfloimntx of~ Hus lorzflify, that 1:0 has on hand a quail-lily of gcod Ciel-ll 5*“! :1‘ mad)- fur (Elia-I“. .SDEPPARD, JU Mt. MPORTERS of \Vincs. - Event, in “’ood'mxd 130M ONE HUNDRED CORDS TWO YOKE OF CHATHAM 0"; Patterson’s Reapers. To Median l Practitioners Boot; & Shges of» evgry description! JAMES HALL, Boot and Shoe Maker, RICHMOND IIILL. GOOD OPPORTUNITY new ofl'eru in ('REEHT AUCTION SALE. The Simplicity of their Construction, . London Duck Vaults. June 401, 1857 JUL'I‘S OXEN FOR SALE. “on low. ly, if FREE OF CHARGE. GRAND, BROS Medical Man of slunding and m; sli- :e and Promises. both pieasanl and can be had on reasouubloJerms. _ by letter post paid, 90 the Editor of the â€"1'ndé\l‘ the 611.1113 01“ Stm-L Won. 'l‘omuxn. ()l’ TORONTO‘ PATTERSON &. 'BHOS‘. JOHH' LANGSTAFF. g8~tf 311il4|ing of I: icl‘m :n due not AR X!) .H A) g1 nd Bziaiuh ng-ly Lois. In and Hill, to “ill be glO-lf