Paddy was summoned to court for refusing to pay a dealer‘s bill: Judgeâ€"“'hy do you refuse to pay I PmL dyâ€"Wlmt for should I pay? allure «lid he give me anything but some emclics, and the dwil a (ne couldl keep on my >tomnck, at all.a: all. of F reedmn and Tomahawk of Liberty, writing from Philadelphia, afler hearing Miss Louisa Pyne sing the song of the “ Skymrk," says, “Her voice is delicious. pure as the moon-|ight,and tender as a three shilling shirt." “Boy,†said a Visitor at the house of a friend In his~ Huh-son, "Slt‘p arer the way and 509 how old Mrs. Brown la.†The boy did the errand and on his re- turn reported that Mrs. Brown did not know how old she was. A little girl addressing her sister. asked: “ \Vhat WM the Chaos, Pa was reading about loAdny 1" To which the latter replied: "Twas a great pile of nothing and no place- tn put it in.†A Dutchman was rela‘ing his marvello Is escape fl om drowning when thirteen of his Companions woru- lost by the upsetting of a boa&,and he alone was saved. (Hams) vas lhinks children’s games are becoming popular with Oldm‘ per‘IlIS now-a- days, as Inc has Sven, revenlly. "alarge number of full grown men chasing [111475 In our “reels.†who left. properly to the value of nearly eight thousand pounds. the was all her lifetime getting ready to be married, and had stored up 182 sheets, 63 coverlets, 56 blankets, 87 beds, with l,l‘20 pounds of feathers, 54 pillows, 53 handkerchielk, and numerous otlu-r amid-s. The dimli'once between a post nflice shun“ anl a donkey. iï¬ that you stick one WM) a lick, and HIL' other you lick wilh a slick. “ And how dud you etcapv thrir fate T†asked one of his ha-nrers. “ I Iid no! co in te pate!†was the Dutchman’s placid answer. The Josephine is the newest article of female amirv. and is somewhat like a shanghai cont. It makm the wearer resemva the new cmm-tâ€"‘mlc body and tremenduous lail. A young lady being asked why the noun haclwlor is singular, replied, “Because it‘~ wry singular they don‘t get married.†A country girl, writing to her f‘il-“ds‘ says, of a polka. ‘* lhal Hie dancin’ does not am mm to much, but [he huggln’ is Ileavvuly.†Babies were describvd many years ago as noisy, lactit'erons annnalculae, much desired by those who never had any. are those who keep just on the verge of truth. The rich, with all their re- sourses, are said to have no home. How is that Iâ€"«Because of a pcismwd hearth-stone. Those rights which never yield to might, It with fearlessness defends. I thought ’twns ‘preading far and near, And other nations saw its face, And onward sped its wild rarcer, With tidinge to the human race. I wished it speed :s on it went. And my subscription to the ofï¬ce sont, And woke, and in an awful sweat Sent you my dream upon thoâ€"YORK GA- 281"â€:- I thought I saw the Printer Boys, All round about lhe-â€"“ Hill l†The YORK GAZETTE was in their hands, And gla lness ï¬lled each eye, And when l‘d conned its pages o’er, I was not inclined to sigh. Far joy dlll glow within my hean As I perlNNl its prose and rhyme, To see it take a noble part II: the greal questions of our lime. Our private and our public rights It bravely does maintain; A friend of ours after vainly SnlEciting the aid of the Muses for their assistance, produced the following on his OWn re- sponsibilily: I dreamt a dream the other night, VVlu-n all around was still, The editor of the Battle are An old maid recently died Tho editor of the Lynn The most mischevious liars Here Wit in bright ofl'ulgence glows. With Wisdom joined. through rhyme and prose, And both units their charms in one. To form the sage and hum'rous pun. @be érrup EBUUk. A MIDNIGHT VISION.’ ORTY-FIVE ACl'QBâ€"llfillz the “'93! Part 0 Lot No. l. in llm Second Conrouinn of the Township of King. Has I: dun†Log House. is well Timbared. formingnllogmhor u Vfl'j'deairable Properly for a BliCk~ Maker. The terms of adverliping are the samn as for Journals of (he mnallosl curcululiun. All ndver- tisements receive :1 gmtuiluns insertion in the Tri-‘Veekly ednunn, which renders the advertising circulation equal. if not snpunor. [O that. of any other newspaper whalsnever. Money Leltars. if legistered. will be considered at the rlsk of the Publwhers Sulusunplmus may he commenced at any period of the year. All post-masters noting as Agents. will be al- lowed a commission on cash remittances. 52. King Skeet flash Toronto. Composed bmefnlia. Dndawurth and Frirdmicll. and that they am now pn-pflrtd lo auaud to all culls from any [art of the Country. Victoria. liars. Jum- lnlh. 1857 IVE Acres of Land at Richmond HiII--tu-n acres ofnhiL-h is a Nursery. u'a-ll Morde with thriving 'l‘rees. now ready for the Market. with n House. .1 New Dam. lwo Wells nf Good \Valer. and other nr-roumy Oul- Buildings. being Part of Lot No. 46. F.r.~l Concession. in the Town- .ship of Vaughan. nnd known as Smith‘s Nursery. the name of the humor l’r prialor. â€"‘\I.SO. -â€" NWO New l‘nih Slums in the centre of Rich- 5 mond Hill: ono uccupied hy Mr. “‘ilhnm Mvers. Saddler: the other. being the l‘linliu Oï¬ice of the Richmm-d Hull Guzrllz. All ‘he nbova Propurly will be Sold (“l can terms. A The umngnmentu for the supply Ilf lam News are such as cannot lve surpass“! m Canada. The daily Colonist is a large double sheet of 48 col- “mas. and is lhe Laugexl dully Journal pnblishrd on (he AmeriCan ConuneuL ll will. lhelalcre. be enabled to give holler Parliamentary Rel-urns and more Kawa. than any other J.-urnul. “3’ All Orders left at tho Post Oï¬icn. Victoria Squam. or at R. Wneumu's. Masonic lluI). Richmond Hill. Wlii hr num-uded to. IT lllllVES 0111.]. HARE AW' AY! HE Mamben of the Virlurin Squnro Sax-Horn Baud [ulul--r [he (uiu'uu of R. “'isomnuJ beg to inform [ho l‘uhiic lllul lhï¬} have race-ml} received some of me most June. 8th. ISST. The Colonist Esmblhhmem having been re- built. and the whole business plzde upon a basis of lhe most complete and substamiul kind. the Proprietors feel ovely conï¬dence in asking for [he the continued and increasrd .«nppnn of all who desire to support an Induande Conservative Journal. The daily Colonist is de‘ivered in Toronlo. at 74d. per week. and Ihl‘ Brili‘h L'olonisl 31 (id. per fortuighlâ€"payuble lo the NOWs-f‘arlif‘l‘s. ‘ Dail) Colonic! £ British Colonist Weakly Colou'st " Clubs of ï¬ve 1 Payable at least 3 months in adv CO" “‘3’ You willcenainly gotu copy FREE or all EXPENSES. by sending your name and nddrosx, without delay. to RUSSELL (K: RICHARDSON. Musical Pub ï¬shers. Boston. To EolTons.â€"Russull & Ruchmdson will «and you Two dollars' worth of their Ialed Mu~ical Publications and tho Musician’s Gui/Ia. postage paid. if you will give the "have axlverliwment (in- cluding this oï¬â€˜er). one insertion in _\'( ur llflpt r. N. B.â€"OnÂ¥y one copy will he spnt to the same address. The WOIk will he sent m the same order that the addmsses are Iaceived. Desirous of making a rapid inlroduclinn of {hip work. we are indured to GIVE A WAY the ï¬rs. edition of ONE THOUSAND COPIES to [)(IOII'P interested in music. and we will FEE-PAY 1m: POSTAGE. Edited by Nallmn Rir‘lmrdx-on, nu'hnr of th- Modern School forlhe P'nnu Forte. u-lnrh I'm-out ly took the ï¬fal l’rize Mud-ll. nud is so highly rr‘ calmnended byThulberg‘ Dreyschock. Juu n-ll. D M380“. Wm. Mmon. and others. as boingg ~u|u rim to all other other lnshuction Books published. The Muahiau'a Guitla will be ready ilii< mnth The engravings of some of the maxi impmlmL plates is tha cause of ill! (ll-lav. It is a large qnm-IL 01'56 pages. containing many Ivenutii’n‘. (-iiginvmgs and a descriptive index (0 the ideas of qu‘ 6 1;! diï¬â€˜erentcomposers of "HIMC. It is an invnlunblr book fan teachers of Mimic. aiiiuleurs. and all pla) - or; and singers. If subscribers remove to other placow withont informing the publishvr. mul llw pa per is sent to the former dirrction, llwy an: hpld responsible. 1f subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the nflicn lo Wllil'h Hwy nlr directed,they are respons.ble till they have setlled their Bills, and ordered their pame [1 be discontinued. Popular Jllusic of the Day! If Subscribers order th- di~cominumme 0 their papers, the publisher may conuinm- I. send them till all arrearages are paid. Li UBSCRIBERS who do n )t giw rxpn- | Notice to the cnnlrary, a (‘ comulrm. as wishing to continue their subscription. The Duin Colonist, BRITISH COLONIST, May. :857 A Gift of one 'l‘hmuand Copies. USSELL & RICHARDSON Inn in press a work enlillvd THE [MUSICIANS GUIDE; Law Respecting Newepnpcrs. And 1V¢~ws of the Woe/v. “fore/Jr]. LAND FOR SALE. Sold by R. H. Hall, To Adverrism‘s. Apply to Tri- IVrc/c/g/ â€"A LSDâ€"- TERMS. THOMPSON & C0,, J. DK'NCUMB. £1 10 0 per annum 012 6 N moo. Richmond Hill. g l-lf. Publishers. g4-lw‘ Some of the most st'ientilic anrgeonu now rely Fulï¬lv on tho use of this wonderful ()nllmenl. who" having to cope with the worst cases of sores. wounds, nlrers, glandular swellings and tumors Prufessor Holloway has. by command ol' the Allied Governments, dispatched lo the hospitals of lhe Eusi lmge shipments of this Ointment. to he “sf-d under the direction of (he Medical Swill“ in the worst cases of wounds. It will culc any ulcer, glandular swelling. sliflnew or (‘r‘nnaosion ol the joints. even of 2“ yeals‘ standing. Bunions. Burns. Chappud hand; Chllhlflllls. Fis- lulas. Gout, Lululiago. Mercurial l‘jiupliuns, Piles. Klwuumlism, Snll Rheum. Sole Legs, Sorta Breasts. Skin diwuson, 50m Heads. Sme ’] hroal. Sums ofull kinds: Sprains, N'ulds, Swellcd Glands. Still Jui- ls. Ulcens.\'av “areal Sores; (if? ""0102r/s ()f (1/! kinds U Sold at the Mnnulhclonas ol' Prnl’ussur Hol- loway, 80 Maiden Lane. New York. and 244 Strand, London. and by all respectable druggixl» and dealers in Medicine throughout the Unite: States, and the civilized world, in pow, at ‘25 cents 6:; Nuts. and $1] each. By the aid of a microscode. we see millions of little openings on the surface of our bodies.â€" Throngh these thi> Ointment, whan ruhhnd on the skin. ts carried to any ozgan or inwsz part. Dis- emes of the Kidue)s, disoulors of the Liver, nfl'mt- uonc of the heart; lutlmnmntion of the Lungs. Aslhmus. Coughs and Colds. urn by this means elf-actually cured. Every huncevwife knows that salt. passns freely through bone or mom of any thickness. This healing Ointmentfar more readi- l. penelrnlvs through any bone or fle>hy part of tho living body. curing the most dangerous inward complaints. that cmtnul be reathud by other means. Both the Ointment and Pills .v/muld (w > usgd in tA/{e fol_lqwing guy's : (113‘ There is‘a considerable saving bv taking the. larger sites. ' N. B.â€"Direclions for ‘ho guidance of patients in every disorder are hflixed to each not. No remedy has evur done so much for the cure of diseases of the skin, whatever fun" they may astume. as this Ointment. Nocnse of Salt Rheum. Scurvy, SonA Head-4. Scrofula m- Erempelas, ran tong withstand its influence. The Inventor has travelled over many parts of the globe. vi~'iling the plil|('jlva| hOspituls, dinpeming thl~ Ointment. aning advtce as to i e application. and has thus been the means of restoring countless nmnhera to health. SORE LEGS, SORE BREASTS. WOUNDS AND UJJCERS. mu SIPELAS. SAL'I‘ RIII‘IUM AND SCOR- BU'l‘lLJ HUMORS. Samara“. Drab Kev-says. Robe Dresses. Challis Dresses. Sh Toronto. June. 1857. HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT, THE mum; EXTERNAL REMEDY. All ': A Marvellous Remedy FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! NR THE (3ka or Coughs, Colds, Hoarsness,‘ Spitting of Blood, Night Sweats, Asthma, Liver Complaints, and CHERRY AND I UNGWORT, R Y GOODS and Miliinary. Clulhing and Genllmnun's Outï¬tting Emporium CONSUMPTION. Sold by R. II. Hall, JUDSON’S CHEMICAL EXTRACT 0P Sold bv R. H. Hall. Silks, Luce Gouds. 'I‘we Fancy Tweedn. Moire Antique. Shepherd Plaid. Iii n ,3: ‘ Antique. Shnwh. F: “and Dresses, Venelia Slmw Goods, Ball: Cords, Flonncod Dresses. Muslin dresses. apherd Plaid. &c.. Rihhom. Stth East, Toronta. H14 Poplim, W rica-.....lsw.. If All other Book Fonts in proportion. Luvsâ€"6 w Pics and thicker. )5 For It“ 7 ‘0 Pica, 153d; :5 to Pica 1! 6d. 'I'UOS. J. GURNIN & Co. St. Therese Street Montreal. May IBLII. 1857 33 N.B.â€"Pnbl~horï¬ of newspapers givingjnsortion to [his ndverljsmem for 2 months, will be auowed lheir bills upul purchnsing ï¬ve limos thair amount of our manufacture. Editor: will confer a favor bv directing allot-lion to the announce- mom. . T. J. G. & Co. Printers! mark the reduction in the price of type since this Foundry wax opened ; and hair in mind that a greater reduction depends upon your- selvas. Our mono isâ€"supplr the trade with type of such quantities and :«t such prices as will pro- vent the necessityof patronising foreign manu- fnctu rare. The prices at whivh these and other types are sold at the ('anadu Typo Foundry. will be found at least 30 per cent. less lhun [hey could be pur- chasnd pravious to its estnbiishmum. The followinglibl of a {emf ohhe prinr‘ipal arli- deg requier by primers. Will give. an Mun of the grant advantages of the Canada Type Foundry-â€" ll is lharefure hoped that the Print": of Cunn- da will show lheir appreciation of the ndvnnhges it, holds out. by lmstnwinz upun it a lair share of their patronage. in return tor which 1h» proprietors phedge themwlves 10 leave no mean: uulncd to give amp!» satisfaction. V ‘HE llntlerSigned working on tlw above 7 principle feols conï¬dent that he can sell good; Than any house in lawn. Call Vond see $3 50 Clocks, 33H) Silver Wan-hes, $8 Gold Albert Chains. CALI. AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVE> Al H4 Yoan SL. ‘3 llrul's Holllll of the Globe I 10ml, '1‘ omnm. ‘ {1? Every dest‘ripliun of Guudq in the trade Inan or ropuimd nu the Shoxleal Nulice. Tumult). May 26. 18"}. 14 Iv. 'l‘HF. Proprielors of this Establishment beg to inform the l’rin cars of Canada. that. lhev huvr now Inunul'ucturad and ready for dl‘“\'0|‘_\', A large quantity 0! Small lien. Long Primer, Bu. rroonu .md Hravier. of Sonlcll fm‘u. which they “ill gun- ‘antce cannot be snrpnswd It} uny Foulm'rv npm [his continent fur duruhilll) and nnlu 11an w: [Men have also on hand a choice assentan of val-ions kinds of BRITISH & AMERICAN JEWELLEEY STORE. SMALL PROFITS &. QUICK HETURS. The price. for a Mower, $l2).00; oompth aw a Reaper. $140.00. An aura knife will bx- $5 . 00 extra. All our Machined are war-ranked to be we“ buih and of the best material. Thornhill. Yongo Strvel, Juno 24m. I857. Canada Twa Foundry. REMOVED to S'r. THuuml St. I! Dznmu'r’s Ll‘umMis. Marx AL. - UR MACHINE is .«llhxtnnlinlly built 0' ( Wrought Iron. entirely free from side dmuuhl. can he Median-u] 10 any hmghL from a Mower lo a Reaper by a «new in from. and cuu Wilholll clogging, lll Grass. Whom. Unis or llmlev. with- out change of knife or gaming. and works emu for the horses. ‘ LEE .. Hr“ ‘u. From 3] )(Snrs' experience in the business an prompt uuemiun lo :11! elders “ill: which he may be favored. combinml wilh an earnest dmire lo plea-e his cmlmners. he hopes lu mom a shan of public pauonuge. WILLIAM RICHA RDSON. ‘IIF. Undersigm-d ngs have to inform the '1 Public Hm ho holds himself in readiness at his ()Id Hull-1b ishmenl. which has been con- Iinued for the last Six Yuars. in xhiu ('il_\' (No. N33. Yunua Street. and direcfly opposite lhv " Briuunnhin Il- use.†Toronto.) to In A proper and snli>ï¬aclory mnnner. h_\ mediating l'rinls. ()il. ’l‘ar. ‘\'e. we, mud lesloring (Talon~ In their original nmn-aruuce. so as to give Gentle men’s wearing apparel Ihe full uppenmnve of new. n .._ _ . Broad Clofln. Saline“, Pun-sols. Darling & A itvhism' (‘OMBHED ï¬lmrcr mu! Ifcuprr. G E N '1‘ 1. 1«: 3i 1') N! EGONOMY IS WEALTH. 'I‘oronlu, June 51h. 1H.) All Descriptions of Clolhing, Nonpmiel â€" Minion - - Brevier- - Bourgauiso Long Primer Small Pica- Rr’um'ntr. clean (In/l quir 01-11 :I III on ta 1 'l‘y p0 Fruit-y (Inmkius. enolian Clams, 30 Per Cent Cheaper GEORGE I) \R LTNG ROB'I'. A|'l‘CiAISON &(‘.. T. (‘. RICHARDS nm’nge dresses, SMI'IMI. Hosien‘, Gloves. 6d Bun Hum Doosk'mfl. Manlillas £4 13' l-tf. l-lI The receipt of Adranca Shut: from the British publishels gives additional value to these Re-primg. inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hand:- lof subscribers ubonl as soon as the original odi- [ lions. These Periodicals ahly represent the three great po’itirul parties ofGrenl Bri'ainâ€"Whig. 'l'ory and Radicalâ€"but politics form Only one feature oftheir character. As Organ-1 of the most piofound wri'ers on Science. Literature, Morality. and Religion. they stand unrivalled In the world of lanterns. being considered indispensable to the scholar and the p ot‘essionul men. while to the intel'igent reader of every class they ‘utnish a more correct and enlis- factory record of the current literature of th day. throughout the world. than can be possibly obtain- ed from any other source. V FL Hours of ("nnsullnlion. from 910 H. a m.. and from 2 m 9. p.m., a! the Corner of Nelson and Hutches Street, Toronto. Ad AND THE FARMER’S GUIDE! Great Redmtirm in the prim 0] [hr Latter Publication. uxnsus or THY. nrrumc uusmnn on wvric. Call, comult him. and judge for yourself, how truly he can tell you Further particulars sent GRATIS to any Nmno 0r Address. All Letters. (Ioniniunivuuuus. and lnlerviews. siriclly Private and Conlidunlial. In order to claim allenlion. the Po>tago of all Letters must be pro-paid. and have l'mtnze Stamps euclowd for the answer. fir advice and guidance. All laboring under molnnr‘holy thoughts and deprepsion of spiriIS. (lisll'es‘s and anguish of mind. from whatever rause. all laborinr.r miller bad and delicate health. [to to him for relief and r‘omfort. All Ladies who have snï¬â€˜ero d under them vumplnints and disease:- inr‘nlcnt to t: nialec. consult him with the greatest conï¬dence. l’revinn! to m-rringe. all in dc‘llCnll‘ health should (-onault him All who h.-ve had bad luck. all who have tried thair best. to get on in tha world and cannot. go to him for advico hnwto im- pruve their circumstances. Parents should get his opinien wha'. undo or p ofossion is best cult-u- lmed to ensure their children's witness in life. ln lovo afl'ni I the principles of the above sczem‘e guide you to happy marriage. and dntnesliu feli- cit“. He shows the ('eleli med, lmlmn Herb Doclor. l“. 'I'i Muuz'lv. who. after (raven-in: Iho United Slilli“ and Canada. has mmcludod to make 'l‘oronlu, C. “1 his home lor the fnnur, when) ho will ï¬llll)ll|l>ll‘l‘ to his pM-Pnh‘ (how onlv hue and sali- Medicines {mm Nmuro'x (:illdl‘ll.‘ \vhir‘h ll?" for in; anllmr the areal and all-win). Physician above. The following disemes cnn he ('ner by I); 'l' in the mo~1 obstinate Man of llmn' oxi>lun(~o-. Vinâ€"Diseases of the Lung", Ilenrt. Lin-r mu! 'l'liroa : also. Dyspelmia. Dropxy nu d all Disnn-e‘ of [he Blond. snrh n< Scrolnlu. l':'_\s|||9lfl‘. Fall- Rhenm. Pevar Sores. and all (‘hrunir Colnplninw of )‘enrs standing. 1’. S.â€"le Doclor will ulvn giva Pfll'lil'lll'll" m- !«nlion to all diseases peculiar to Females and Children. Oflircâ€"No. 111, 'ing St. East. Examinaliun. (‘lnirvoyant consultations, and ad \"ICt‘ giv- n daily. Sundays excepted. Magneto- Eln-ciririly applied to the euro of diseases. ll. is an inmllible cure for weakness. Dehility. lndiscreâ€" linns of ioulli, and all nervous complaints. Clair- \'0\anco enables us to sea more clearly the cause of all our suï¬â€˜crinp and inï¬rmnies. Ilennbles us to see mo 6 clearly the cause of all our sufferings and inï¬rmihes. ll enables us to reconimmid lhuse mmnu that will effect a certain and perfect cure. when all uth renn dies have failed; il also sees he most iunm-enl safe, and certain means to he employed. All who are in tmuble. all who have lu-on unl'onnnave, dacr-ive-d and billed with, all wlmw f0» d hopes have been crns'hed and blasted. rill whose minds and health an: uufl'ering and de~ clining, go to [he never Failing (‘LAIRVUYAN'I‘ AND l’HRENOl.OGlST. [13’ (,‘onsuluuirm FI‘C‘ Toronto. June. 1857. And for Invigorating and Beuutifying'tho Hm Sold by R. H. Hall. THE GREAT TURKISH REMEDY FOR BALDNESS. British Periodicals ! ! TH E INDIAN HERB DOCTOR SF’OTT 31 Co..New York. continue to pub- }. lishlho following leading British Pariodncnh Toronto. Juno. 1857 L. SCOTT 8L COMPANY’S ( ODD NEWS FOR ALL! 'I he North Brili~h Review (Fr-:3 (‘Imrrh.) The London Quarterly (Connervnï¬vm) The Edinburgh Review (\Vhig.) Virrâ€"IV . 11], King Sh. East. OPPOSITE ST. LAWRENCE HALL. YOVK‘ The \Venlminster Review (Liberal) Blackwood’u Edinbulgh Magazine (Tory) AZOR’S TURKISH BALM. \\,“;\‘ I ‘mfl/ w. RAPHAEL. Box 538 P05: omce PHR ENLOGCAL Sold by R. H. Hall. EAR LY COPIES. RIC RINT OF THE ISTEN to the vniro J of Tuuh um! Reu- <0n. and he proï¬led h_\' it, The lime has came! that all who \\ ill can as- .~apu the iron grasp of \Iorcuryandotherbnne- I'ul poisons. by culling without dclny lo mt- the well-known and ju lly l-tf. l-lf. . SEARS’ PIETflRIflLWflRKSJ Embrncing Outline: of Anatomy. illustrate-d; Ph} siology of the Human Body: Hygienic Agon- cies and the Preservation of Health; dietica and Hydroputhic Cookery: Theory and l’ractire of Water Treatment: Special Palholog\ and Hydro- Thcrapenties. including the Nature. Cnusu, Symptoms and 'l'rentnent of all lmowu diseases: Apnlicntion to Surgical diseases; Application of Hydropalhy to Midwifery and the Nursery: with Three Hundred Engraving: and nearly One Thousand l’ugon including a (ï¬lo-wary. Table of and all other description of materials, has been ven lurgelv increased this Season. bv arrivals from NEW YORK. PHILADt-ZLI’HfA. BOS- TO.\' and MONTREAL: and that he is prepared [0 supply orders for new ()ï¬â€˜lcea, in addition to those in operation. at the shortth notice Printing MACHINES and ENGINES im- portvd to o'der. 7 HR SUBSCRIBER begs to Inform the Trade, that his Smck of Printing Presses, Type, Inks, Ilydropul‘hic Encyclopedia, Best quality of NE'WS INK at One Shilling per lb A Colborno at , Toronto, Jan. 9. 18.37 Dick’s Complete "’orksâ€"eleven volsâ€" in two. 1500 pp. 8vo. Price four dollars and a half. Sears" JWw Family“ Recdpt_-qul.'~ A GREAT AND GOOD BOOK containing the most valu‘lee .ceipin for “no va- rious branches ofCookery. (mnerving. 61c. 8cm. each. Orders for any of the above Works received at this Ofï¬ce. Scars' Bible Biography. 01‘ the Lives and C/uarurlnrs (if the Prmrqml I‘crsunugu re- corded in the Sacral W'ruiugsâ€"Practically adap- ted to the instructiun of yth and private fami- lies : containing iliirly dissertations on the Evi- drnces of divine revelation; from'l'ilnpson’u key to the bible. With numerousillimrmiuus. 500 pages ocxnvo. Scars‘ I’Vonders qf the worldâ€"Second T/Ie His/org qfr Palv’stineâ€"ï¬'qm _the No“ Editions J ust Published. View of .Iva Yorkâ€"this engraving is Sears' Pictorial Sumlm â€"Boo/:â€"dcsign- ed for the use of families. bible-classes, 3nd Sunday-school teachers; prinripallyillustrnlive of the manners and customs of OENIGI'II nationsmnd Explanatory of many pozlions of the scriptures. 600 pp. Svo Sears’ Scenes and Sketches qf Conti- l‘ V‘rm's' .N'vu‘ Pfcturiul History of China mu] [Illuulâ€"Pullllniblll}! n dcscripuoh ol' lhoéc (-nuutnos and [In-Ir inhuhilams: embracing lhr Inbloricnl events, gurer man religion. Nlucu- liou. language. "10"!“ Ie. ans. umuul'nculrm prodm-liuns. cummorce. ulul manners and cus- luuw ofllm people. from llm earliest puriod ol aulhoulio reroul m the prewnl limo, Illustramt.l Willi um Inn-«had Engraving“ 600 pager lurgr ocluvo, Sears" .\'cw Pictorial Dr’scmplion (if [he United Statesâ€"containing an neon-um on (“'13 Lup- ogruphy. sulllelnonl. history. rovululiunnry mud other inlew-ling m- ‘3. ulnlishcs. progress in Agriculture. 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