Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 25 Sep 1857, p. 3

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. --..__._ i 3121115 Elms. W-..,M. ,..,,~,.... . N”... M New York city spends duin $10,000. V for cigars, and $8,500 lor bread. Meetings have been lately held in some of the Presbyterian Churches in New York, to sympathise with the sulli ring ofthc Presbyterian Missionaries in India. We (Colonial) learn from the Lou- dcn Gazette that Sir Edmund W'aIker IIcuIl. Baronet, Gown-nor General of British North America, has been sworn in Privy Council- |or. "This entitles him to prefix ‘~ Right Honourable” to his name. Tire Toronto correspondent of the Montreal New Era: says that it is general- 1y credited that His Lemur“ Bishop .1.- ‘Charbonnel will not return to this country again ; and that rumour is busy-with the. an. pointnrent of his summer. The Marquis of Dalhousie has gen- eroust placed the whole ol his pension. £5,000 per annum, conferred on him by the East India Company, at the disposition of the London committee tor the aid of the. suffepersfrom the Indian rebellion. - -A New APPLICATION or STEAM.â€" ".Messrs. Bartlett of Springfield, Mam, have just-completed a steam Waggon for Use on common roads. The Waggon will sea eighteen or twenty persons, and although it abilities have not been lully tested, it is be bend to be able to travel anywhere from ten totwelve miles an hour. Great excitement was occasioned in fioston on Friday last, by the announcement of the failure of the large firm ofClrarlcs H. Their liabilities are said to be $3,“.oo,ooo 3 Mills & Co. between $2,000,000 and Boston papers state that Friday was a try- ing day for Boston merchants, and says that - nothing like it has been known since the memorable period of 1837. The .N'ord informs us that an im- mense cloud of locusts passed over Odessa .on the 6th of this month, in a direction from the south-east to the north-west. A portion of them alighted on the Palace de la Cathed- ral, but bei rg frightened by the cries of the people who were running to see this curious spectacle, they took to flight and continued their route. It is stated in some of the German ..i ».. nurnals that Prince Frederick William of .I'crsia will reside, after his marriage with the. Brjnccss Royal. inBreslau; and that he will have, in the I provinces of Silesia and I’rus~ia the same position which the Princes of Prussia Irold in Westphalia .andthe ‘Rhine provinces, of which he is military governor. . Mubascrronv Occormrzrtce.-â€"~By the explosion ofa cornphene lump in the saloon pl William Gross. on last Thursday evening, his wife was so severely burnt in consequence of the llnid igniting her cloth- ing, that after lingering in dreadful agony for thine (toys, her sull'erings terminated on 'liur-sdayAmorniir; in death.â€"+St. Catherine's Constitutional. _ Moire I’otsoNiNo.~â€"Tlte trial of a ‘Mrs. Gardner,charged w.rtlr the murder of lmhusbaudby administering arsenic, has bet-n going on for sonic time at Plymouth, Massachusetts. It has cxcitcd‘alumsl as moin interest in the Eastern States as the rial of Madeline Smith did in Scotland. ‘lre jury Was out 22 hours, but: being unable to agree, were discharged. They stood seven for convirtrun, and five for acquittal. Under the Scottish law, this would have amounted to conviction, but in the United State's the English law prevails, and the re- ‘ éult is that a new jury'must he empancllcd. i' t'ei'day morning was in the act of purchasing. A TORONTO SCENEâ€"Asa lady yes- sorne vegetables at a stall in the St. Larv- rence Market, she was suddenly struck on .-.t.he back of the head. moment, on recovering she discovered that five or “six dollars, which she held in her hand, had disappeared. No one around saw who had given the blow, though it was evi- dent the violence was done by some one who had perceived the money. Ofa truth Tor- onm‘iswimprovin'g‘: when such an outrage could be perpetyatcd in} crowded thorough- ne-Leéd’e} 11th.- , FneiMasanverThe Provincial ‘ijrand Lodgiéibeahnda West, met at Tor- ‘15 1.. onto ou Tuesday',_.the 9th inst. Sir Allan Napier MgzN‘hirroviucialc Grand Master, presiding“ itself independent of the Grand'"L0dgié of England. A Grand Lodge??? iil'nnediately organized under lbe name‘of the Ancient Grand Lodge or' Free‘ ‘ Morin. or Cahadd: when M. w; Sir A. N. -Mct‘ab was elected Grand Master; R. W. Thos. G. Ridout was elected Deputy Grand Master; V. 'W. Samuel D. Fowler was appointed Grand Senior War-den; V. W. Leslie was appointed Grand Junior 'Warden; V. \V. Bro. Harman was appointed Grand Registrar; “'Orthy Bro. Jamison was elect- . ed Grand Treasurer. It is understood that “application will be made immediately lor' recognition by the Grand Lodge of England, and that .a \villingnesscxists to receive the 1%? Independent Grand Lodge with every dueling" of unthcrly goal with-Fru- Press. Stunned for thel Ioccasiou, as it is celebrated for its musical . ’I'UI’ttJIVI'U MA liKE'I‘S. ABRIILJ-Zl) FROM '1 “E C'll.0.\'IQT. 'I'ouots'ro, Sept. 17th, 1857. l \VHHAT lasronre in to the cXtcut o The Cottage Bible. )vlCHMUNl) IIII.1., ;\prll 27. 1837. l regard the Family Biirle as a very usr- ' l ‘ . . s ‘ ' . i . l - . i, ' . about 3".)0 lrnthels per day. I‘r-rccs rattled : ul (momentary for any llrtlrl'ltllldr or tannly from in 31 to 5‘ 6-1 for medium sairrplrs ' ().re lial rxtga quality of this year's growtl sold a‘ 0~ iII‘I' lrlrslrt-l. I."t.oult râ€"'l'lre flour market presents a Vt'l')’ inanimate appearance. the tramuvlions‘ for the \ver-k bring solely to local salt‘s.l ‘ugrrfnre $2311 $5 ‘21-);I"unry, $7) 50 :t 7.3; llxtra $151 so. 5PI'IXG \Vrimr his not yrt been nfllpl I'd lierly.â€"â€"(.'ood samples are nominally worth $1 per bushel. . . _ ' ’ i'l . 1 . IJARI.l-.l' h‘ in moderate supply. but its rt rs '- ! erlm fl In the rvrdr-Iy different in quality. price~ have a wide rangesâ€"say from 3s tolls (liOca 80c) per} I)thltr:lâ€"â€"lllt: ruling,r rate for a good sample brain},r 3~ 3H :13» IOJ (713(- a 77c). lvr: is worth 35 6d a 3s 9d. The demand is ofa purely local character- (JA't‘s are not ll.'lll at 2s 6d [50c] per" bushel. although the- grnnrter part of the salt-s rlnriu; tln- week have been male at that rate. It is said purclt.rses could be run In at ‘2‘ 3d. and that any quantity could be laid down at that llj'urr. PEAS are lower, not being worth over 35 a 3s 6d [60c :1 70¢] per bushel. Po'rAToEs.â€"â€"'l‘|re selling'price has ruled t from 45 to 4-3 6d per bmbcl. FltUITâ€"-â€"Apples $2 504 $3 per barrel, willrsupply and demand about equal. Fav- mers’ apples 3:; 4d a 55 per bushel. Peaches plentiful-~33] 25 per basket. Pears, $45 a $5 per barrel. Plums, $2 a $3 per bushel. BUTTERâ€"â€"I“resll is scarce at ls 3d a Is 6d perlb. Tub is also not so plentiful, and by ’ wholesale is quoted at 10p] a 1s per lb by the firkin. CHEESE is in good supply at‘$9 50 a $12 per 100 lbs, accordingr to quality and quantity. EGGS sell from 10d to 11d per doz. POULTRY is enquired for and finds ready sale at 25 to 52s 9d per pair for foMs. Ducks 25 6d a 35 6d per pair. BEEFâ€"~Extra American beefis worth $6 50,ranging from that down to $5 50,accord- ing to quality, per 100 lbs, sinking one-third. SHEEP $l- a. $6. Lambs $2 a $3. Calvrs $4 a $8 each. Woor. Is 6d per lb. Sheepskins ls 10ld, and for fresh slaughtered Beef hides $7 per IOOIbs. Calf skins 75d per lb. W ‘ BIRTH. At Almira on the 20th, inst., Mrs. S. Bowman of a daugh‘er. DIED. On the Q-Irth inst. of meningitis, Lucy Doritha, only child of Dr. James Langstaff, Remains to be S aged 9 months and ‘22 days. interred on Richmond Hill at half past three P. M to-rnorrow. A funeral sermon will be preached by the Rev. Mr. Dickie the United Presbyterian Church on Sunday the l-th of October next. New Stationery and Perfumery! JUST RECEIVED FROM ENGLAND, .. N EXCELLENT quality and assortment of‘ K Cream Laid Note, Cap. Letter. and Fools- cnp Writing papers, ruled and plain. Fashionable Note paper. Cream Laid, l‘r ntcd. Gold and Em- bossed. with Envelopes to match. Finnsr White and Brown Windsor. Musk. Honey. Almond and Fancy Scented Soups. New Oils. 'Cologne, Lavender Water. die, tie, at . exceedingly low prices. For sa e at ‘ G. A. RA RNARD’S. Richmond Hill. Sept. 24. 1857. glG lllll‘l'llll , WE lTlllll l Dit‘tDED _‘ . W E 1* A L L HE u Rising ST; DivisiOn,” No. 176, Sons of Temperance , intend holding A SOIREE! At Victoria Square. on the Twenty-ninth inst., in honor of the Organization of the Sons of Tom- perance in Canada West It is expected that S.onll‘ville. Lemonville. Newtown Stuart and Rising Sun Divisions will be in attendance ; and furthermore the Public generally are invited to attend to assist in the celebration of that event. and lend their aid to flush tire Hydra-headed monster ALCOHOL. as he is making rapid strides over our hair Land. In order to remove this lcurso,-unrte with us and drive this Cerebus back l l .10 his native Hell, and free our country at. one frll swoop from this foul demon. cf? TEA will be on the Table at 12 o‘clock, noonâ€"it will be serv'ed up in the ,usual good style for which Victoria Square is celebrated. (:3? The Victoria Square Saxhorn Band is unvaved and will be in attendance, with- F.= . . out lad, to “ drsrourse sweet music” on the powers. A number of Eloquent Gentlemen will deliver Addresses. g16 GRAND UNION DEMONSTRATION AND S 0 I R E E 2 ! OF THE SONS 0F TEMPERJNCE! V 7ILL be held at Tflonnuru, on Tuesâ€" ‘ day, 29th instant, being [he ll-th Au- niversary of the Order, in which all adjoining" Divisions will term in PROCEssION, i}. - It contains a great amrr-m' of im; r‘rlzmi 'r-rinlunrl information for may ~tudent o the Bible. I v 1 JA mas men, I I’I'csbyt. r'itr n M mister. MARKHMI,.luly H- 1837. ll‘lltt ‘ Collage: Ilihlt’ n is [Il'i'plll'l’tl :tl.rl, as its title- implirs. ls (Ir-signed for the use ol tlrost- prisons and families who havi- not ar- lce~~ to the necessary helps for tire better lumlcrstanding of the Holy Scriptrr.r-s. ldrllirnlt passages arr brit-lly yr-t so rlt'a ly‘. Notes appended. that thr- [most ordinary reader may comprehend their lllll'illllll‘l. licliering’ that it is a work ra'i-n'rleil to lincilc to the readingI of the. \'\'ord of God, l lr-arneslly commend it to all my w-rmle. l J. FISI‘IBURN, l I‘aslor of the I'I. l. (flint-1h, l in Markham 'I“p. Touoxro, Nov. Isl, 18:36. To the numerous testimonials in lavor of the “ Cottage Bible," I have rom-lr pleasura- in stating my conviction llmt it~ rll~~r-rwiiri:r- lion will continue to the spread of l‘siluim! knowledge among the people. .of the learned and distinguished authtm of lthe Annotations and Critivnl Notrs with which it is furnished, afford to every lt)\‘t‘r of the truth a sullicient guarantee. for their excellency and practical usefulness, designed as they are to explain and simplify those things that are hard to be understood, and bring the knowledge of the Sacred Oracles to the capacity of all. LACIILIN TAYLOR, Agent of the U. C. Jlible Soeiety. JOHN HARRINGTON, Jn., I “'0 Miles North of Richmond llrll, - _ _ dealer in Dry Goods, G'roCct'ics, Wines, Liquors. Hardware, Glass, Earthenware, Ac. Also. Licensed Auctioneer. September. 23. 1857. 21(7-13 Horses for Sale ! ‘HREE Horses for sale by the subscriber. 1 Lot No. 6,2nd Con., Markham. SAMUEL LEMON. Markham Sept, 24th 1857. glo' 3 Notice. RUMOR having been of late circulated in A this vicinity, that I had sold to Messrs Cook do Dave. the carcases of my Sheep and Lambs, which were recently destroyed by dogs, I beg to state that I neither sold nor gave away to the parties named, or to any other person or per- sons the smalleu portion of the said sheep and lambs. and that the said report is a vile (:nlurnny. evidently set on foot to injure the above named individuals in their DUPIIH’SS as Butchers in this place. . JOHN LINFOO'I'. Richmond Hill. Sept. 18.37. gill-3t - Notice. HEREBY notify the Young Ladv that took a grey shawl out of Cook’s Stage, at Thornhill, on Friday evening. August 28. is requested to leave the same at Mr. Cook’s within one week from this date, and save further trouble. Mus. Wu. ECKARD'I‘. Unionville, Sept. 19. 1857. gIG-lt Notice. T ‘HE Subscribers beg to lnlOt'tll all those indebted to them by Book Account, if not paid by the 3(lth of OCTOBER NEXT will be placed in the hands of the Bailifi't'nr Collection. J. A; R. SIRII’SON Buttonville. Sept. 17. 1857. g15-3t STRAYED, ROM the premises of the Subscriber. Lot 29. 2nd Con.. Vaughan. early last Spring, :1 Yearling Heifer, brindle color. Whoever will give information where she may be found. will be suitably rewarded. E. SLEANEY. 215-3t Vaughan. Sept. 17. 1857. GEORGE DODD, Veterinary Surgeon. Lot 26, 4th Com. Vaughan. " HORSE & FARRIER " INN. . g15 NOTICE! GARDNER dz G. McAULAY, continue to , do all descriptions of CUSTOM WEAVING _at Laugstulf’s Corner, Yonse Street. September 10. 1857. WANTED. JOURNEYMâ€"AE SA D D L ER. 1_ One well acquainted with all kinds of country work preferred. Constant employment. apd good wages given. Apply to Henry Tool, Victoria Square. September 10. 1857'. SHINGLES. To Builders, Farmers and Others! rutNGLEs. or A SUPERIOR QUALITY. can now be had in our quantity from One to a Thousand Bunches. at Mr. Jonle/rnos'rsrr’s Shingle Manufactory, Yonge Street. near 'I'horn- hill. Nu hand-mode Shingles can equal those made by steam, for neatness and durability. Specimens of his Shingles may be seen at. the '- Guzotto" Office. Richmond Hill, and at Mr. R ' ‘ ' ner's. Grocer. Yonge Street. Toronto. mus bk“)- g14-3t g14-3t front of the Methodist Church. at eleven o’clock, and from thence Will march throth the Village and return to the same plabc where Ten will be served up in the best man- ner, after which addrr-Sses will be delivered by some oftlze most Prpular Speakers at the day. All friends of 'l‘cuiperancr arr must respectfully requested to attend. Two BRASS BANDS will enliven thr proceedir-gs.and the Corn! ittee hope to gin general satisfaction. fi' Tea will be served at 12 o’clock. 01'5" Single 'l‘iekcts, ls 10rl§.â€"Double. 3s. 12d. ; children under 14- yrars ls 3d. (33‘ Tickets to he had on the ground. 'GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Thornlrill. Sept. 19, 1857. 316, 'l‘hornhill. Sept. IU. 1857. g14-tf N PRIVATLSALEH LflJV'D flJl/‘D WJITER .JIILL ./ Near Richmond Hill. HIS FARM contours about Fifty Acres with _ a House. Garden. and small (‘learancal and is well umbered. The W'uter Mill. including Three good Dwelling Houses. with Gardens. and about Fttieon Acres of Land. if required by the purchaser. The premises are at present used as an Agricultural Implement and File Factory. All the above property Will be sold oil our terms for Cash or 3 early Payment». and is worthi' the attention ot’tlre Modhnnic and Farmer. For particulars apply to Dr. DUNCUMB. Richmond Hill. September 10, 1857. £144! Alv The namr si i LOST! ’{ )N S\ noun “or” IIL', .lrr- 5 ".L 0 Sr . r t. ln-Iur-en ll.i~_}g' Iln"ow nrl \\ “son”- 'l‘;.vern. .\ (T.\ltl’l". I' “All. 0- mailing a parrot 'llnrk l’wurnloo-rs, ,. p rr of “Jack (i-api- Vuil. In rlillrr's llotul. Yong“ sin,“ or h, “I, 0.56% \\l l he suitrrl-tv rewarded.- Ilirlruroutl lliil. Sept. l0. Ill-17- runv Ila rot . and :r Bully TWO WEEKS ,\(‘,(). a, n, m,“ ‘ Richmond H II, A (:Alll’l'il' RAG. con la rrirrg a Sort of Bl iclt t‘lo:l\o:t. and n p i of hat lfoots. rt\\'l||‘l' at Duroe‘s l'lutcl. \‘lCltIllu Sqna c, \vtrl bi tnlrly :r'unrdr-tl. \iCumu >q ram. 50.1.10. 18:7. all-3t LUKE.’ HOTEL, .f'J: .- HC‘LLAND___I_ANDING. 1’ HP: Subscriber begs to inform the In habitaan of the above-narueu Village arul surrounding Country. and the Public genâ€" nally, that he has le::sed the above Hotel. formerly kovt by 'I‘Homts Mrv. \vlrichhe h'r: lira-r1 I-|) :IIttl furnished to: the accommodation 0 to their want: to soon e a liberal patronage. Liquor-s ol' the, host brand-r at the Bar, and ever) attention paid to (locus. TI’IOS. LUKES. Proprietor. gl-l-Ilrn ’ ALIVIIRA MILLS, Cl. 0 TH FINISHING Ilolland Landing. r Sept. lll. 1.437. BS TA B LIS‘H MEN 7‘. 7 Jill“. Subscribers, in returning their most sincere thanks to the Public for the liberal su r-ort. they have hitherto extended to- ll . . . , words this Estnltlrshvrrent. bog to mtltnale to the lvrcinrty. that they have repaired the Flooring du- partnrenl throughout. and having: purchased one o! the latest Improved Machines for cleaning “’lreal. without loss. on either large or small \Vireat. thereby makng a greater yield of Flour to the [Sushi-l. and havrng fitted it up in perfect working order. thov are prepared for Gristng and Flour-inn on the shortest notice. and We feel con- fidr'nt that we may say superior to any ozher es- lnlrlislrirtent in this section of country. Having purchased the pl'lVItBL'e for fir) ing the water. have thereby increased the power of the Mill one- half to what it has been liereloforc. Tlmv will be at no Ios for water at all seasons of the your. so th.rt persons from a dr~tance can get their grists ground to take wrth tllonl on their return home Flour-lug for the Market done at any time on one or two days notice. The Subscribers would also intimate that they will pay Cash for VVhoat at all limos delivered at the Mill. The Subscribers \vonld also state that they are ready for Falling and Finishing Cloth on the shortest notice. and in the best pos»ible manner. JOHN & SCOTT BOWMAN. September 7. 1857. g14 LETTERS IN Richmond Hill P. 0. ON 1st SEPTEMBER, 1857. A. B. Atkinson, GQC. Boll, George Bower, Joseph Brassell, Thomas C. D. H. Calhoun, Joseph Deverix, John Horner, Daniel I’Iowitt, Robert Hood, “’illiam Hunt, Mrs. Silas J. L. Honitt, Robert Homer, Jacob Harris, J. T. Hopkins, David .I immetsm. James Langstafl', JOseph Lyner, \V. Langstaff, John jr. M. Moore, Mrs. (care ol‘Joseph Hill) Mar-phail. Hugh Myers, W. Murphy, Miss Eleanor Munro,Samuch. Musson, Richard N P Lamb, Richard Lacey, Tom Langstafl, James Neal, w. o. (3) Philip, Samuel Pogue, William Play ter, James R. Rutledge, James Roach, Simon Robertson, John S Skelton, Mrs. . Sanbridge, John Sinitti, Hugh Stoekdale, Thomas T V W Stennct, Thomas Sloane, George Stephenson, Joseph Troyer, \Villiam Virgin, Samuel Walker, John Wright, Amos Williams, J. (Markham) M. TEEFY, [3m] Postmaster. STRAYED, ROM the premiSes of the Subscriber, l lot No 30, 4th Concession Markham, about two weeks ago. a flock ofsheop, viz; Seven Ewes. one Ewe lamb. and one Rm 1 “Ch With a nrark on is right Ear. Whoever will return the same to the subscriber will be suitably rewarded. WILLIAM PADGET. Victoria Square. Sept. 2nd, 1857. gutâ€":31. FOR SALE, “’0 acres of land and frame house,-.itu ated on Cent.e Street. \Vilson, Robert “7 ride, J. For particulars apply to, G. I)OI..\‘IAGI£, P flip/71 I ’ll'. g13-3in. Richmond Hill, Sept. 151, 1857. 3 IN POUND” HE undersigned. pound keeper. Victorilv Square. would inform the public. tha' he has in pound one «pan of homesâ€"Otto grey. ll):- other bay. The owner is requested to call. prove property, pay chuges. and take them away. W. DUROSE. Pound Keeper. Victoria Square. Sept. 2nd, 1857. g13-3L Yongr \‘Vnoevw will ruin n r: a some “hoover will return the same to Illt CREDIT. Six monlhs Will be NEW I“ .l l Long Life t0 the New Surccss to [It BARNARD. Richmond Hill. will cor given on all no“ G. A April In each year. G. A BARNARD is now receivin Dry Goods, Groceries, . Lndies’ 5L Childrcns’ Boots & Crockery, Pain Drugs do Medicines, With an nnus a1 assortment of READY-“ADI”. ("1..0'1‘HING, in every fubn'c. make. shape, .wle and variety, which he olferu on the above terms. and much less than ever sold before, rifting his business to shorter time. he is assured of .rinciplc. which must supersede the Long Cur/i! om/ long Prrjil Syslcm. in general “>91 in this Country“; and convinCud that a discerning public u i; :u'ull thrills-elves of the New SYSTILM. whereby .lroy can effect usaving from 15 to ‘21) per cent on IlIL‘ avenge on Goods they usually require. G. A. B. earnestly and respectfullv solicits 3 Cali ‘hp C,,s,(,,,,,,,.,_ and 1“. “n.” 1),. 00mm”, “mun-0,, no 10 As Loyvrzn. than any in the Neighborhood â€"â€"lli~ mo‘to shall he :â€"- Small Profits and Quick Returns-t'nc Price and no Abatement! Richmond Hill. June 30. 1857. Markham Economist DVVILLIAM “ CIâ€"IEAPDQXSTIMI 1” Short Life to the Old Systrmeâ€"lnmg Credit, 91*“. m :.. SEED WHEAT! , g Tl‘lll“. Subscriber begs to inform the in- habitants of Ilus locality, that he has now on hand a quantity of good L‘lcnn Seed Wheat ready for delivery. 11. SHEPPARD, Junk. Richmond Hi'l. August ‘37, 1857. gift-if l. (ill .\'_z/sfrmâ€"â€"Srionr CREDIT, (' Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. Itlttr‘l business solely on CASH OR SHORT Amounts, payable promptly on lot October c“ 1st , Dr. CADWELL, OF TORONTO. OCULlST &. AURIST, OPERATOR ON THE EYE AND SEAR g a large and well selected clerk of \Vines & Liquors, Shoes, Hardware. ts, Oils, l NIVERSAI.I.Y known throughout Canada 6“, &c (kc and the United States for his skill and '7 " I success in Restoring Lost. Sight and Hearing! And removing all Diseases of the Eye and Ear generally. begs most reSpoctfully to inform th so fli cted in these delicate organs. that he has foi- warded to the office ofthis papernfew dozen copies ' of the 4th edition of his 'I'roatiu rm Discos-as of the Eye and Ear, published tris day, which will be presented to applicants. FREE OF CHARGE. Ten Thousand Copies are now readyfor distribution. This work contains nearlv 2000 pages of road- Iu con- t‘nc “brevity of a general adaptation to the new , and on px-nnination. his prices will be concur)- g4'tf r iuaso copy lil‘l forbid. ll 0 "G I“, Sour. , COPPER, BRJISS, TIA”, .3417) 1R0..\‘_PL.’27E WORKER, AND FURNISHING IRONMONGER. IROM w. R. &Wm. King’s Wholesale ti V seven years Copper Fountain and Tea Kettle maker. to Mauitcs'utt & Co.. llarnilton. his thanks for past favors, to the inhabitants of Rn-liirrrpt.’ Hill and surzourwlrng country: and .. . . . 1,,h.,],,h,,,‘. of “,5 'pnwmhip of M,,,k'n,“ and i“ inform them he has constantly on hand. almost 1 \t"_\ xrruch- in the above litre. which he will sell complete msmgmnzauon' um mid "my 1" “fled '- lor Cash as cheap as possible. Also. all kinds- of Japan Ware, Copper Fountai omc. Snow Hill. London. England: and nearly Returns begs to u . 'fcn Kettle’s and Brass I'nns made to order. (13 Old Copper. Brass. Pewter and Lead. bouplu or taken in exchange for (lords, Patient and Cooki Richmond Hill, August 19. 1857. Thfo 1;... Arrived ! r l 0 Charles Dun-ant, EGS to announce, that he has received his Stock of Ladies’, Misses & Childrens', BOOTS AND SHOES! The variety and quality of which cannot be be found elsewhere in this neighbourhood. IIe respectfully reqUests an inspection. CHARLES DURRANT. Richmond Hill, Sept. 2,1857. g13-tl‘. PATENT PUMPS : I HE Subscribers have pleasure in inform~ ing the Inhabitants of VVhitchurch and surrounding Townships, that they are manufac- turing the best Pumps now made in Canada, Patented by John Dennis. These Pumps are much better than the ordinary Wood Pump, for the following reasons: Firstlyâ€"The \Vater is much better, as there is not quarter as much wood in the well, and all free from sap. In order to do away with such heavy timber as is used in the common wood pump. they add a sulfitent number of iron bands; this makes the pump stronger and so much lighter, that two men can take one out of a well sixty feet deep. in fifteen minutes. Secondlyâ€"By the use of the Patent Cylinder, which is turned perfectly smooth and true on the inside. the box wears longer and works easier than in the ordinary bored pumps. ’I‘Izirlllyâ€"Theso Pumps are so simple that al- most airy man can repair them. and by means 01 die nut on the rod. the Bucket is secured in such a manner that it cannot get loose: and as the joints are all fitted true and tight. there is no jur- ring in the working of the pumps. Lastlyâ€"These Pumps are neatly turned and painted, making it an ornament as well as a most. uselul article. Below will be found a few of the hundreds of references we might give from the Various Townships in which the pumps have been introduced. We. the Undersigned, having in use the Pumps manufactured by J. James Sr. (30.. can cheerfully recommend them as the best Pumps we have had in use :â€" WHrrcHoRcaâ€"John Nash. M.D.. James Hack- ott. M.D.. Messrs. Donald Sutherland. Jos. Cawthra. M. W. Bogart, 'I'. Nixon, Robert Brodie. KINGâ€"Messrs. John Rogers, Eli Lloyd, C. Ste- vens. William White, J. Hilborn. VVazs‘r GerLtnsunvâ€"Messrs. Simon Fraser. \V. VValIace. John McKonky. Hiram Lount, G. Palmer. Eas'r qu.t.rMuouvâ€"Messrs. Judah Donn. John V. Vl’ilson. John II. Wilson. Jacob Lundy. Reuben Lundy. John Nichols. John I’urdy. Brooks Howard, John Pegg.Celviu Waddle. D. Terry. Platinumâ€"Messrs. Jurdon Post. John Madill, N. Weodrufli NORTH GwnLiuauuvâ€"Messrs. D. Willoughby. John Presser. Thomas Williams. Jim. Rose. Al‘gl|<16.1357- Stephon Mann. \V. Mann. J. Travisc. GxouorNAâ€"Messrs. C. T. Corbut. Ju. Elves. John Fairborn. Yonon Shinerâ€"Messrs. Charles Thompson, Geargo Bond. James l’eunick. John Montgom- ory. C. Sheppard. William. G REACHâ€"Messrs. John Truu. James Truax. Amos Bunker. James Dohle. anumonâ€"Messrs. G. Hutchinson. J05. Chap than. N. Saris. Scarfâ€"Messrs. C. Collins. Thomas Burnhanr. W. Moor. S. Burchard. Essaâ€"Messrs. James Armson. Daniel W'ill- oughby. TrcustsI-truâ€"Revd. I". Rattlg‘nn. Jesse Mills. Councillor, Messrs T. McLeod, James Ilurp~ er. Isuuc Stone. M. Beard. Jcsso Roe. Geo \anlx. .l. lioll, W. Parker, J. \Velch, W. Hig- day. J.H. Courtney. Sampson Stool. Alexander Austin. Annoyâ€"Messrs. l’. Keough, T. Show. P. Mc- Cubo. J. W. V\ allace. ISAISFII.â€"I\Ie.~$r.~i. Samuel Cain. T “’ray. S'i'Rr'r:1~t'tLt.t:â€"Mr. VVrrr. (E. Harris. l‘l‘rohlcrfiicâ€"Mr. \l'. “lullace. Councillor. \Ve beg further to announce lltui we have made, several inrp:overr.nnr~ in our l'umps lltl> lH-iingl'uuliticnl tout the north “iii no. he to their Spring. by the addrirou of disadvantage. either as ivgdltla quality or price. ‘ . ‘ l VVROUGHT IRON HANDLES AND ‘ IOWI‘JO- J'mc 9â€"6~ 1337. g5-3UI l L'XI'RA FA'I‘ENT VALVES. All Pours nrannfactu ed by us are warranted for; one your. We also rrrauufucture ro order. y PATENT IRON llF'leG PUMPSll For Wells one hundred feet deep and less, and Mg Stoves on hand. gll-Sin House, Sign and Ornamental [ Graincr, Gildcr, Glazier, l and Paper Hanger. RICHMOND HILL. 1 J. MORRISON, i l l R ill} 4 1 (mm , cazztaraols. hunctiss AND WAGGONS, ! PAINTED AND TRIMMED. R.chniond Ilill, Sept 4. 1557. g13-3m , 0 Fire! Fire! 3 Fire! I w r. r. R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY or TORONTO. INCORPORATED BY ACT 0!‘ PARLIAIEN'I‘. CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. BOA R D OF DIRECTORS. J. C. GILMOR. Pros. I TnosJIawom-u.“ Pres. \\'in. Henderson, Rice Lewis. 1 James Loan-k. George Michio. Hugh M ller, J. P. Robnrts. Waiter Macfarlcrne, Robt. Stanton. Sec. [LT Head Oflice, Church Street. Toronto. 'l'rrrs ( Insures all descriptions of ill inlings, Mannfnctorres. Mills. &c.. and Goods and I’m-name. III the same. rig; inst loss or dam- rpe by fire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. A. LAW’, General Agent. gIU-ly IN1"-Ilil'llca. Iiii-lrrr-urrd Hill. August 13.1857. staéa ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe Maker, , DJOINING the “lesh-yan Methodist Cha- 1, pul. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. '5. choice selection of chtlenrens’, Ladies’ and Childu-us’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand, and mud: to order on the Shortest Notice. Richmond Ilill, June 1901, 1.3.37. E.I\\'.y, RUMOHR’S PATENT ROLLING SCREEN F.\.\'.\'I.\"G MILL.‘ VJ‘HE under-igned llat'tlrgptll('ltu>t‘d R. Losson's ‘ l'atont Mr”, is now prepared to manual-tow lany- q-ranrity of them, at hi~ factory. Marlxl am ll'rdage; and any person int'vingingun the 11111120 ‘ Patent originally invented by Richard LUSMilI, \\I. I be prosecuted according to law. 1, M. H. RUMUHR. Lril Jim. Spring lmportatious. LYMAN. BROTHERS A: (30.. No. 4. St. Lawrence llurldrrvgs, , VOUIJ) re<pcctfrr|ly in.irr.alc to their file-rm ‘ and the public that their 5I’IIING IJIPOII'I‘A'I‘IONS ' ate in \v forward. and consist of a well smarter stock at PURE DRL‘GS’. Cl‘Ii-LJIICA L), SPIL’IL‘S, I’l'lllFUlIliR Y, FANCY SO-EPS, VARNlSHli-S. I’A'I‘I'JN'I‘ .lllilHClNI‘ZS, PAINTS. IIGICA la INST“ I} .\l HINTS. ()1 LS IJILLVk;(“IIiil‘-$, CLASSWARIS. Sim, all of which they Mfr to 111': Lode at ll elou-est lti'rskw I'LIIC.‘. 1.. 5. & (7m. would '1 n will lllt' HJEHIIOH of Dean: u and t’ainiers to the White Lead and Colors in Oil nrd Putty- p:¢_r..ri-Il by then), and for u'rr't-lr tlter soNr-it a 'rial in corrrpa i»orr rvrtit o‘lr(-. l\ll'(l\1|l tlre rrrnrket, DyesrL’Fi-‘s, BRU::~IIJ$S. ruin Luvs roe N the 'I‘ownslrips of Arnahrl Sydenbnm l l Beth-y and Homer-ville. Price from two dollars an acre and upward-u warrant them for tlrrw- yrs-an. All Otdtf" to be micron-ad to the undersigned. stating depth 0. well. atNewmnkeL J JOSIAH JA HITS & ("n. Ntwmarliet. Juno ‘2. 1857. g5- Applv to. .l. l". I’l-IARCl-I. Conv- vancor. Land ‘lnru' S'm. Yonge St. Richmond Hill P. 0., Lot 39. lst ( or. Vaughan. Ill“ll1|‘(1:tlllill..ll!llf’. 95311857. G. gl-Iy, Juno. 1".37. ing matter, in which will be found reported Marge number of most important and successful opera- tions on the Eye. and more than One Himdrsd in- teresting Cases of every description. illustrated with numerous Cuts Mid Plates. Also, will be seen. Letters and References from highly respec- table parties from all parts of Canada. and the United Statos,â€"all of which will be found well worthy the careful pewsalofthe nflicted. The Author feels fully assured that every impre- jut/iced reader of this work will be convinced that Diseases of the Eye orEa'r in any stage short of and it must appear evident to every considErato person that the principal cause Whilurato obtain relief in these cases throughout the country. is the result of improper treatment. and a \vnntofexrnn- lt-chE. sKlLr . and comrm rant on the part ofthoso professing or attempting to cure such diseases. This Work will also be forwarded to individuals free of charge) sending their add ess, ros‘r-ruo. to the Author at Toronto. I , . .- gem-13' . :ouorrro, June 78th. 1857. OXEN FOR SALE.‘ HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public. that he has for sale . TWO YOKE 01‘ CHATHAM OXEN. Which will be disposed of very cheap for CASH. JOHN LANGSTAFF‘. July 99. 1867' ' .. gB-tf ONE HUNDRED CORDS 0F 1’ I N E W 0 0 D I ! FOR SALE. For terms apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER. Thornhill. , Thornhill. August 11. 1857. JAMES HALL, Boot and Shoe Maker, RICHMOND HILL. _ \VOULD respectfully intimate to his Friends and the Public, that he has Iconstantly on hand: large and varied assortment of Ladres’ and Gentlemens’ Boots & Shoes of every description! Of the best quality and workmanship. and almost exclusively of Home Mumgfacluae. Also, a large stock of Ready-Made Clothing 1 Comprising Coats, Vests. Pants. Hats and Caps &c., &c.. of everv size and description; also of excellent quality and manufacture. all of which he will sollas low as any house .in Upper Canada. for CASH. Richmond Hill. July 23, 1857. L ND FOR SALE: HE SUBSCRIBER ofi'erc For Sale the un- rdormentioned Valuable Property. being the East half of Lot No. 33, in the (lib Concession. Township of Wur'rclwucat. 10 acres cleared. with a good Living Stream. ALso, , . Lot No. 112. find Concession, containing 200 acres, Township of Adelaide, South of the Egre- munt Road. For further particulars. apply to tho Proprietor. ROBT. MARSH. Richmond Hill. June llth. 1857, - g.1. CREDIT rumor suit. NE band ed valuable Building Lots. in the flourishing Village ofRiclunond Ilill. will be sold in Oct.. next, when due notice will be given by the subscriber. gIO-tf 7g-tf J. R. ARNOLD Richmond Hill. June 16th. 1857. g4-tf. '1‘0 Medical Practitioners. GOOD OPPORTUNITY new offers itsolf v to a Medical Man of standing and experi- rree. House and Premises. both pleasant and orweuicnt, can be had on reasonable terms. Apply. if by letter post paid, to the Editor of the r'r/zrtlc lichmond Hill. June l5th. 1857. g.2-wy. ., ’ . . . Patterson s Reapers. I__' AVE stood the test for years, and those who have med tlrenr testify to their superior ex- clluuce over allcornpcting Machines. T/‘re Simplicity of {heir Constructzon, itcnders thcnr a Favorite in localities whore they have been introduced. 7720p are perfectly reliable and safe in the hands of the in experienced , No Mechanical Skill being required to keep th in in order. They are made from the boat of materials, and in a strong and substantial inanuor. Orders should be Forwarded ’ Immediately, As over three-fourths of the number w intend to make are already engaged. PATTERSON Sr. BROS. Richmond Hill, June 4th, 1857. g.1 iLon'dbin‘Doclt Taltlts. GRAND, BROS, lIMPORTERS of Wines. Spirits and British Beers. in “'Ood and Bottle. II? VAUI.TI.~Uhdor the Globe Office. Kim: Street We-t 'I‘orontu. 2 14h v.

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