plays, an old sailor trying to snalch a kis~ from a pretty girl got. :1 box on the ear. “ There.†exdaimed he. " like my luck; al- ways wrecked on the coral reefs!†The management being awe to sue] the joke, i! was cut out. by the author. A gentleman of colour had a wrere altack M‘ the rheumuliun, which fumi- ly ~~ettled in his foot. He doctgred it and nurSod it, but all to no purp050. Finally, tearing away We bandages, he stuck it out, and wich a shake of his ï¬st over it exchim- -!d:-~-" Ache away, dun, ole fellrr-uachv away. I shan’z du nulliu for yer; dis chile can slun' i! as 'ong as you can‘ 50 3th: away." Suffer lnm gladly, for you me' wise. Does he speak erroneously? Etop such a man’s moulh’ with sound words (but cannot be gain- snid. Does heï¬peak truly? Rejoice in the uul h.--- Cromwell. man," said a University tutor to an enquir- iugl‘utlncr, “ indeed he is a very cleveryoung man. bul"---and here came an ominous shake of the headâ€"--“ he is by no means the clu'er young- man he thinks himself." In one of Douglas Jerrold’s He mpmvml uqu 01 his sin 1 He i< nuidu-r m heaven. On a u'lh ur in hell. And never and he therein." Two or three of our readers I nv: gueqsed the above riddlm but thvmost a! ham failed to make even a plausible conjecture, anu many pronounce a sol'uil‘n impassiblc. The answer is -Balaam’s Ass. Disraeli once wrnte of a cer~ min ï¬ne lady ;â€"â€"‘ 6m had certainly some qualities to shine in a fashionable circle. She had plenty ol‘apalhy; was tolrrably illiterate . was brilliantly vain, and fermer capricious; acquiesced with every one, and diffused uni- w-raal smiles? An Irishman remarked to his companion, on observing a lady pass: ‘ Pat did you ever see so thin a woman as that before I ‘ Thin, replied the other, ‘ Bother- ashen. I seen a woman as thin as two of her put together. I have.’ said a rather verdant lady to a shepherd. ‘ Yes, I like’em roasted wi’ salt on‘em,’ was the response. ‘ No---but I mean haw you read Hogg’s Tales?’ Noa, said the bump- lfln,; dur hogs are all white or blackâ€"J don’t think there is;_a red one among ’em.’ ‘ Dear me, how fluidly he does talk!†said Mrs. Partington, recently at a temperance lec'ure. ‘ I am always rejoiced when he mounts the no~trel, for his eloquence warms me in every nerve and cartridge in my body.’ Alady up town cleared her house ol‘flies by putting honey on her Ima- bnnd'x whiskvrs, when he was asleep. ’l‘he flies stuck fast, and when he wvnl out of the house, he carried them all" with him. Heavy burdens of sorrow seem like a stone hung round our neck. yet they are often only like the stone used by pearl- divers, which enables them to rrarh the prize and to rise enriched. A man Whoseappearanceindi- cated that he was slagg‘ering from the excesv sire weight ofa brick in his hat,being flaked if he was a Son of Temperance. replied,»â€" ‘ Hie, n0---no relatimw-not even an, hic, ac- quaintauce.’ «hop floor a couple of feet, announces thal 'ln canSequence of recent improwments, goods will be sold considerably lower than formerly.’ ‘ By St. Pathrick,’ said a natix’e ol'the Emerald lsle,‘ and if you‘ll be aflhel telling me how many dollars I have in my pocket, I will give you them both.’ ‘ The world,’ most admirably remarked Horace Walpole. ‘ is a comedy to those who think, and a tragedy to those who feel.’ The advice given by an Irish- man to his Eng'dsh friend, on introducing him to a regular Tipperary row, Was, ‘ wherever you see a head, hit it.’ “ Your son is a clever young Does a man speak foolishly ‘ Are you fond of [Iagg’s Tales?’ Here Wit in bright oï¬'ulgonce glows. With Wisdom joined. through rhyme and prose, And both unite thelr charms in one. To form the saga 3nd hum’rous pun. A tradesman having sunk his (Eb: 5mm 33001:. 52. King Street End‘ Tar-mm. [15’ AN Orders left at the POHVOIBI‘G, Victoria Square. or a! R. \\'n~em:m's. Masonic Hall, Richmond Hili, WI†he uLu-ndod to. Victoria Squaw. June mm. 1857. 21. All the ubma Plopeny will lenns. June. 3th. 185‘. The terms of adverli<ing are the same a! for Journals of tha smallest Circulation. AH adver- tisements receive a gratuitous inselliou in the 'l'ri-Vveekly edmon, wherh rendé-rx \h(~ miveuihh g circulation equal, If not supelior. 10 that of any other newspaper whatsoever. Money beams. if regisuzred, will he considered at the risk of the Publbhers Subscripqu may be commenced at. any penod of :he _\ear. H U“ .m. Lm No. L in the. Sï¬cumi“'nm‘auiun of xhe Township of King. Has a ‘lnuH Lag House. is we" Timhered. formilvgnhogm’wra \‘wydee‘irnble Properly {or a Hyich- Maker. 1:1VE Acres of Land m Richmond Hill-~twt‘ pores of which is a Nursery. wy-JJ nor:de with thriving'rmes. now mad_\' for the Markel. wilha House. A New Bum. lwn Walls of Good Water. and other Necessary Out-Buildings, hei-Iz Part of Lot No. 4'8. Fer Concession. in the Town- ship of Vaughn“. mud known as Smith’s Nuns“. the name of the former l‘r [Hi(‘l(N’. 'l‘WO New RuikSmres iu the centre of Rich- lnond Hi“: cue occupied by Mr. Willwm Myer. Shddk-r: th miner, heing the Primju Ofï¬ce of the liichmord Hill Gazelm. Vl‘HE Months-rs of [he Victoria Square Sax-Horn “and [under the umiun 01' IL. \‘Viseu‘lund beg m inform [he Pnhiit: lhhl may have meant); receiVed some of the must The Colonist Esmblishment having been re- built. and the whole business placed upon a linsis of the most complete and substantial kind. the Proprietors feel every conï¬dence in asking fnr the the coulinued and increased suppnrl of all who dasire to suppon an Independem Conservmive Journal. All post-maskers acting hs Agents. will be lowed a commission on cash remlllances. The urangvmenls for the wupply of late News , are such as cauuox be surpnsN-d in Canada. The ‘3 daily Colonist i< a large duuhie slme! o! 48 col- umas. and is Ihe Largest daih- Journal published on the American Cominnut. It will. lherelore. b4- 1 enabled to give heuer l'lllifllfll‘lllfll')’ Ray-arts and I more News. than any uLhei .luurual. i IT DRIVES BULL EABE AWAY! Composed by Grafulim Daduvurlh and lhul they are nuw pwpartd | calls from any pan of the Cuuulry Dull} Coloni~t £1 10 0 per annum. Br'uish Colonist 0 12 6 “ Weekly Colon s! (i 7 6 “ ‘- Curbs of lira ) 5 0 “ Payable at least 3 months in advance. The daily Colonisl is delivered in Toronto. at 74d. per week. and the British (folnuisl at Gd. per fortnighlâ€"payahla lo the NGWs-r-aniers. Musical Pub ï¬shers. Boston. To EDITORLâ€"Russull 5L Richardson will send you Two dollars' womb of \hair latest Musical Publications and the Musician’s Gui/la. postage paid. if you will give the above mlvermemem (in- cluding this offer). one insertion in )(ur papâ€. {IT You wiucenainly gem copy FREE of all EXPENSES. by sending your name and address. willloul delay. to N. Bâ€"Only one copy will he sent lo lho same address. The Work will he. sent in the same order that the addresses are received. Desimus uf making a rapid introduction of this work. we are inducvd lo GIVE AWAY the ï¬rsl edmvn of ONE THOUSAND COPIES to pimple interested in music. and we will FEE-PAY Tmc rosnun Edited by Nailxnn Richardson. author of the Modern Srhtml for (he Pmnu Forte. w hich recent- ly Look Iho ï¬rst Prize Medal. and is so hvghly n» commended by 'Thniberg. Dreyschock. .19“ 911. Dr. Mason. Wm. Mason. and others. as being superior to all other other Instruction Books published. Tho Musidau's Guido wilibe ready LN“ mouth The engravings of sum: of the most imporlnul plates is [he cause of Ms dulny. I1 is a large qual'lu 0(56 pages. containing many beautiful angmwngs. and a descriptive index to tha ideas of over 600 difl'wenl composers ofmusic. It is an invnluahk- book for teachers of music. amateurs. and all play- ers and singers. :ORTYTFIVE If subscribers remove to other p} without informing the publisher. and the per is sent to the former direction, [hey held responsible. If subscribers neglevt or refuse to take their papers from the ofï¬ce to which thvy are directed,they are responsLble ï¬ll Hwy have settled their EMS, and ordered their papers to be disconï¬nued. If Subscribers order the discnulinuance 01 their papers, the publisher may continue u send thtm till all arrearagvs are paid. 1UBSCRIBERS who do not give Pxpre“ Notice to the contrary, are considerei. as Wishing to continue their subscription. Popular IVlusir If the Day May. l857‘ The Daily Jolmzist, BRITISH COLONIST, A Gift of one Thousand Copies. Law Respecting Newspapers. USSELL & RICHARDSON haw in press a work entiHed THE MUSICIAN‘S GUIDE; LAND FOR SALE. And News of the Week. RUSSELL. & RICHARDSON. Sold by R. H. Hall, Apply to T 0 Adaw't-iscrs. Tri- H '(Ic/I‘ly â€"A L50. _ â€"â€".-'\ 1.30- hiresâ€"being 1hn “Kat purl o Weekly. TERMS. THOMPSON & (20.. J- DUNCUMB dun:th and Fm-dorich. ‘4'paHd lo nucud to all b6 50H 0'! 03M to other places Rtelmmnd Hill 3141‘. Publishers. g4 . g4-lw‘ P3' are Some of the mug scientiï¬c allrgamm now rely solelv on the use of [his wonderful Ointment. when having to rope with the worstcases of sures. wounds. uk-ers, glandular swelliugs and tumors Professor Holloway has. by command of lhc A War! Governments. disllalchvd lo the huspimls or me Emu Iling shipumnls of this Ointment. lo be used under the diracuon of the Medium Staff, in the Worsl cams of wounds. In “ill cure any ulcer. glandular swelling. allflllt-ss or ecnuacliou ol the juinu. even of 21: yeam‘ Handing. IE? Sold ul the Mammal-tunes of Profeggnr Ho]. loway. UH Maiden Laue, haw Yank. and ‘244 au'nud, London. and by all respectable druggiq (md denlurs in Medmine \h-'onghol\t the Unned Slates, and [he Civllized woxld, in pots, in ‘25 cents. 6.“ Mum and $1 each. N. ILâ€"Dn'emkmx for me guidauoe of pm'lems in every disorder are hfï¬Xed to each not. {IT Thr'lâ€™ï¬ is a cuneidorable saving 1)" taking the. larger >i/.ez~. Bot/l (be Ointmml and Pills should hp usrd in (he lollnwmg cases .- Bunions. Uurm. Chamu'd hands, L'hmï¬ains. Fis~ lulas, Gout. Lmnbago, Mrrrurinl ltlru piuns. I'iles. Hhuumulism. Salt Klu'ulu. me Legs. Sure Breasts, Skin diseases, Sole Heads. Sale '1 hrual. 50:9: 011.†kmd<: Sprams,Scalds. bu'blhd Giant‘L. Suï¬' Jui. LN. Ul(:els,\’a- noraul Sores; r r 0f? H'nunr/saf (11/ kinds. 4;!) I'LIH'SIPELAS. SALT RHEUM AND SCOR- BUTILZ HUMORS. No remedy has ever done so much for the cure of diseases of the skin. whatevar farm they may nsmme. as lhis Ointment. No case of Sall Rheum. Scurvy. Sore Head». Scr‘of‘ula 0r Eresqlelaé‘. can !ong withstand its influence. The invemor has travelled over many [,ul‘ls of the globe. vi>iling lhe principal howimls, dispeming Ihis Ointment, giving advnce as m ils applicakinn. and has thus born lhe means of resloling coumless numbers l0 health. By the aid of a microscode. We see millions of lime openings on the surface of our blames.â€" Through these this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin. Ismrried to any aran or inward part. Dis- eases of the Kidneys. dismders of the Livar. all'ec- lions of the heart; inflammation of the Lungs. Asthmas. Coughs and Colds. are by this means eflhclualiycured. Every home-wife knows that salt pussns freely though bane or mom of any thickness. This healing Oinuuentfar more readi- ly penetrates through any bone or fleshy part of the livmg body. curing lhu musl dangerous inward compIainls. (hat cannot be reached by other means. BORE LEGS. SURE BREASTS. WOUNUS AND ULL'L’HS Sallaraï¬ Drab Kerseys, Robe Dresses. Challis Dressas. Sh Toronto. June. 1857. HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT, A Mal-Venous Remedy FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! FOR THE CURE 0F Coughs, Colds, “oarsness, Spitï¬ng of Blood, Night Sweats, Asthma, Liver Complaints, and THE GRAN!) EXTERNAL REMEDY CHERRY AND IUNGWDRT, RY GOODS and MtHinery‘. Clothing and Gentleman’s Outï¬tting Emporium CONSUMPTION. Sold by R. 11.11am, JUDSON’S CHEMICAL EXTRACT 0F Silks, Lace Goods. Two Fancy Tweeds, Moire Antique, Wmmmvmwsaav.mwutwn “mm oire Antique, Shawls. Franc}~ duaskins. n<_ Head Dresses. Venetian Cloths. ya, Su-aw Gouda. Bath Cords, Flonnced Dresses. Muslin dresses, Ban Shepherd Plaid. .96.. 5:13, Iiing Strth East, Toronto. Ribbons, Twerds. Poplin-m The followiugï¬sl of a few offlle principal urti- c‘.es quuircd by printers. will give an Idea of (he great advantages ol'dne Canada Type FOundry-â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"PRICES:_â€"~ EU“ All oxher Book Fonts in prnporlion. Luusvâ€"G lo Pica mid ‘hirker. 1:; per 1b.: '1 m Pica, 153d; 5 lo Pica}: 6d, Sx. Therese Sweet Montreal, May 18m. 1557 K3 N.B,_Publi.\hars of uenwpnpers givingjnsortion to this advaxtisment for ‘2 months. will he anon their bills uppn purchasing ï¬ve times their amount of our manufactu-e. Editor: will couï¬-r . (no; by dimming :maulion to we announce. mom. T. .L G. \K. Co. Primers! mark €he rl‘duclion iu the price of type since this Foundly was opened ; and hear in mind that a greater rpducl'mn depends upon your- selves. Our moua Iiiâ€"supply the trade wilh type of ~~uch quanlilir-s and :‘t such plir'es as will pre- vam me necessity of patronising foreign manu- faclnreru. It is therefore hoped that [he 1‘rinters of Cana- da wiN show? their appreciation: of the advantages it holds out. by hextnwinz upnn il a fair share or their patronage. in return (or which Lha pmprimnrs pledge themselves lo leave no means untried to give ample satisfaction. The pricos at which these and other tvpes are sold at the Canada Type Foundry. will lie found at least 30 per cent. less than they could he pur- chased previous to its enmblishmem. 30 Per Cent Cheaper Than nnyhouse in town. Call nnd see $3 50 Clocks. $10 Silver Watches, $8 Gold Albert ('hains. CALI. AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES ’I‘HE Proprietors of this Establishment beg to inform the Pnin ers of Canada. llml that have now manufactured and ready for deliver-v, 'alarge qunmily of Small l’icu. Lung Primer. Bhurgeoua .nd Brewer. of Scmch I'm-n, ‘which thev “in gun- anlpe (vauum he mtpaswd b} any Foï¬ndn' inpou ahis cauliueul for durability and alflleal‘anco: They have also on hand a choice assonlumul of variou's kinds of / ‘IIE undersignvd working 0n thP above principle feels conï¬dent that he can sell [1? Every description of Gundx in the trade made or repaired on [he Shortest Notice. Toronto. May 26. 18.37. 24.)“ Canada Tpr Foundry. ( UR MACHINE is substantially built ol V Wrought lrun, entirvly free from side draught. can be elevated to any height. erH a MOWer tu a Reaper by a screw in from. and cntï¬ without clogging. in Grasx. Wheat. Uats or Barlov, with- out change of knife or gearing. and wovï¬s ens} for the Inn-sea. The price for a Mower. $120 .00: compleim as 8 Banner, $140.00. An extra knife «in be $5.00 um. All our Machines are warranted to be Well built and of the bus! material. Ax [H Youge SL. 2dmrs somh of the -Gl<:bc Hotel. 'I‘oromo. BRITISH & AMERICAN JEWELLEEY STORE. SMALL moms 8o oumx HETURS. éuud: erovm: To S'r, Tummy. S12. IN Duncan’s 3mm ’65. Mo ‘RI‘ZAL. Thornhiâ€. Yonge Street. Junr 94th. 1857. H Hy “v...\. a .' ' V . “ From 3! years’ experience In {he Imnesn and prompt allenlinn 10 all orders with which be nus} ha favored. combined with an earnesl desilâ€™ï¬ to please his cumumers, he hupes lo mam a share 0" public patronage. WILLIAM RIC HA RDQON. VI‘HE Undersignvd ht‘gs leave to inform the Public that he holds hï¬mself in mediums m his Old Esmh‘ishmem, which ha: been con- linued for the ‘5.“ six Years. in this (‘it_\- (No. 162. Yonge Street, and dirertly opposite [hr H Bmlannain “muse.†'l‘oronto,) to Renovate. clean and, Rrpnir All Descriptions of Clothing, In a proper and satisfactory manner. by mediating! l'nints. Oil. 'l‘nr. Ke. (St, and restoring Colors In their original appearance. so as to give Gentle- mew‘s weurmg appmel ‘he full appearauva of new. Bram! Cloths. Salinas. Pnrnsols. ï¬lowcr and Reaper. Toronto, June 51h. Nonpnriol ~ Minion - - Nrevier- - Bourgvuise Long Pruner Smali Pica- Dal'lin ; 8. Aitclu’scn ’s COMBINED ICB ONOMY IS WEALTH. Ornamental Type THOS. J. GURNIN 6L Co‘ GEORGE DARLING ROB'I'. Al'I‘ChlSUN . T. C. RICHARDS Hosiarv. Barege dreams. Szuins. 25 la ls la la Gloves. 6d per lb‘ 3d " Id ll IOd " 8d I. 6d Bonnets, Doeskins. Mantillns g4 -ly. 1â€"th l-If. The receipt of Advance Slum; from the British publihhelï¬ gives additional value to these Ra~prjma. inasmuch as thev can now be placed in the hands of luh<cf3hurg bun: as soon as the original edi- hull!- These Periodicals ably represent the three great political pul'lles ofGreal Edwinâ€"Whig. 'l‘ory and Radicalâ€"but politics t'orm only one feature of their character. As Organs of the most profound Wrirers on Science. Literature, Morality. and Religion. they stand unrivalled In the world of letters. being considered indispensable to the scholar and the p ut'esï¬onal man, while to lheinlel=igenl reader of every class they ‘urnish a more correct and satis- factory record of the current literature of th~ day. throughout the warld. than can be poasiblyobtuin- ed from any other source. viz Hours of Comulmtion. from 9 to 11. a m., and from 2 to F. pvm.. at the Corner of Nelson and Dulches Streak, Toronto. Toronto. June. 1857. Ltf. LIka .55 or THE FUTURE HUSBAND on w PIC. Cull. cmlsuh. him. and judge for yourself. how truly he can teil you. Further particulars sem GRATIS to any Nnmo 0r Address. All Levers. (‘01))!nunicalions. and IntervieWH, strictl}~ l’rivale and Conï¬dential. In ordar Io claim attention. the POstage of i)“ Leuevs must he pre-paid. and have Postage Stamps ent‘luwd for the) answer. Ad ress. w. RAPHAEL. Box 533 Post Ofï¬ce. celeb sled Indian Herb Docmr, I". 'I‘I murmur. who. aï¬er travereiug the United Slnlcs nnd Canada. has concluded to make Turonlo. (Z W his home. for the future, where he will administer to his patients mom only true and Snfr Medicines from Nalnre's Garden. which hm: for its author the gram and all-wise l’hy, 'cinn above. FARMER’S GUIDE! Great Redurtion in file prim of fly Latter Publication. rause, all inboring under bud and delicate health. go (0 him for relief and comfort. All Ladies who have suï¬'en (1 under \hoxe cuniplaims and diseases incident io {mink-s. consult him wuh the greatest conï¬denca -l’Ievious Lo mnrrisge. all in delicalr health should (-onml' him All who )1 we had bad luck. 3“ who have tried their best to gel on in the worm and (minim. go to him for advice haw to im- prove lh‘ ir circumsiaucesV [’aleuls shunh‘i get his opinion wha'. imdn or p oi'ession i< hm! calcu- lated to enkure iheir children‘s ~uccess in life. In love affairs. the principles of the above science guide you to happy maxriuge. and domestic feli- citr. He shows :he The follnwinz diseases can be cured by Dr. T in the mom obstinalo state of their vxiqenca. Vinâ€"Diceases of [he Lungs. Hem-I. Liver and Thron : also. Dyspepsia. Dropsy 1nd all Dishmes of the Blood. such n< Scroluln. Elysipnlns, Snlt- Rheum. Fever Sores. and all Chronic Complninls of yem-s slnnding. l’. S.â€"Tl|e Docmr will alto give parliCnlnr al- lmnlon lo all diseases peculiar (0 Females nnxl Examination. (‘lnirvoyant nonmltatiuns. and ad vice gun“ daily. Sundays excepted. Magnetoâ€" Elecu‘ir-ily applied to the clue of dsenses. It i: an lnlullihlc our» for weakness. Dability. lndl~cre~ lmns of youth, and all nervous complaints. Clair- \0} ance enables us to see mnre clearl}~ the cause of all our snlferiugs and inï¬rmuies. ll. ennhles u> m sea mama cleanly the cause of all our sufl'erlngs and inï¬rmhnes. 1! tumbles us to recommend moss means that will effect .1 certain and perfect cure. when all other remedies have failed; it also sees :he most iuuot'ent sal'e‘ and cerium means to b.- employed. All who are in tuonble. all who have been unl'onnnme. daco'n'rd and [rifled will). al'. Mare fond hopes have been crushed and hlautod. all whose minds and health are suffering and de« cliniug. go to the never l“ ilin CLAHWUYANT AND FHRENOLOGIST‘ for advice and guidanve. All laboring undm melancholv lhougllh and depreksion of Spirlls. (“5111185 and anguish ol‘ mind. from Whalevm (“WOMTB ST. LAWRENCE HALL [IT Consultation F n. Tom-om». Juna. “9:37. 1-1 \vmion u Children ()f/freï¬ï¬‚’ro. 1] 1. King SL. East » SCOTT & Co..Naw York. cominne to pub- J. ï¬sh the following leading British Periodicals INDIAN HERB DOCTOR REVRINT OF THE British Periodicals ! ! THE GREAT TURKISH REMEDY FOR BALDNESS. And for Invigorating and Beautifying the Hair L. SCOTT 8L COMPANY’S GOOD NEWS FOR ALL! The Edinburgh Review (Whig.) The Westminster Review (LiberaM The North British Review (Free Church.) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (Tory) The London Quulflrl)’ (Conservative. AZGR’S TURKISH BALM. Sold by R. H. Hall. PH RENOLOGCAL Sold by R. H. Hall. EARLY COPIES‘. AND THE ISTEN to the voice of Trth and Rea- con. and be meilrd In)‘ it. The lime has come! that all who wiH can 83~ cape the iron grasp 0| Mercuryaudolherbaneâ€" ful poisons, by calling u-ilhonl delay [0 see the weHJmown and jufly Docmr. I". TI Mnuzur. l-lf. . SEAR’S’ PIETflRIï¬LWflEKSJTE | Embracing Outlines 01' Anatomy. illustrate-d; Ph} siology of the Human Body: Hygiom'e Agen- cies and the Preservation 0! Health: and Hydropathic Cooke-1v: Theory and fraction of Wller Treatment: Special Patholom and Hydro- Thcrapenties. including the Nature. Causes. Sympmms and Treamem 0(' all known diseases; } Apnlicaliou to burgical discuss: Application of j Hydropathy l0 Midï¬ifory and the Nunary: with Throo Hundred Engravings and newly One 1 Thousand Page: iadMi-ng a Gina-r}; lelo of Ilyd ropathic Encyclopedia, CoIbomo st - Toronto. Jan. 9, 18.37 A GREAT AND GOOD BOOK half. Sears' JWw Family Receipt-Bookâ€"â€" containing the most valuable .ceipls for the va- riuus branches “Cookery, rnuservmg, &c‘ Bots. each. and all other description of materials. has been yen [gyge‘v in 952d this Season. b arrivals ...r -. A A. ~ from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, BOS- TON and MONTREAL: and that he is prepamd (0 supply orders for new Ofï¬ces, in addition to Ihose in operation, at [he shortest notice portrd m 56rd“. Best quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling per lb Ne“ Editions J mt Puhl ishcd. Dick's Complete Worksweleven volsâ€" in _lyvo. 1500 pp. 8V0. Price [our dollars and a Sears’ Wonders qf the urm'ldâ€"â€"Second Seriesâ€"m Two Parlayâ€"Par! LW'onders of Nfl~ lure, c-umamiug a descrlplion of the ram-801‘an manners and customs of various nalions. beasts, birds. plants. 6:0. Part I]. Wonders ofArl; or descripdons of inventions, cities. ruins. curiosi~ lie-s. 6w. With 400 illualralions 540.pp Svo. The History of Palestineâ€"from the I’airiambal age to the present time. By JoHN Kn‘To. editor of the London Pictorial Bible. etc. Virw of .N'Pw Yorkâ€"this engraving is 0:? Orders for any of the above Wm-ks received at this Ofï¬ce. Jure 12th, 1857. 21 Swim: .N'ew Piclprial His/01‘ny China S'ea1j5:’__ Bible Bipgfu‘phyKQf the Lives Thrilling Inch/NUS Q)" the Wars of (In! Smrs’ Ucm’nex and Sketches (3f Conti- Sem'f‘fluV‘cw and Complete Hislm‘y qr Sew-787' .N‘eu; (Pictofrigl Fgmily Ins twfuctm' S‘an's’ Pictorial History of the Revolu- flowâ€"a buck for every family in the union 1 ll cuumins an account of the early history of the country. the conakiluï¬on Dflho U. Males n chm- noiogical Index. Gm. Several hundred Engrav- mgs. Segujs’ Pictorial Sungluy~ï¬qokj~designf Soars†Treasuryqf Knowledge and Cy~ c/npmim 11/ Same: “ml Artâ€"containing a [great amount ol'ilnmeaung and usefui infommtionâ€" astronomy. travels in ‘he Holy Land. Discovery qumericn. ea:l_, settlements. of the rounlry. hiugmphies of eminam men. incidenu of m» vol. discovcaries in science. 834;. Will! numer- ous Engravings. 512 pp. dvo. Searx’ PiCIunal Descriptmn qf Grvat Sears' 7 [rgfmtmqtilon _ > for the; Pym/8â€" Seurs' .\“cw Pictorial Description riftlu’ S'ears’ Pictorial Family .‘ImtuaIâ€"com- primed on a mammoth sheet. 47 by {9 inchssâ€"and ought m be very saleable. Pnce 50 cents. 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The work is intended to In: a phin, illtalligibk and sulï¬cieut guide for domesur pmmice. or home treatment. in all ordinary ll|>ea>es embracing xhu whole range of subject: connected mm lhe Philo- soph} hf Lil's. lhs preservuliun ol' hmaltll. and Ill. treatment of diseases, ‘3" Editors capyiug the above a few limesâ€"In- cluding this Nowâ€"and Mining auenliou I 1'00 same. will he enlillsd lo a coliy of tho kalldu- livsmhle In their order. at our oflice, Broad w York. my. Illustrated. and directions for the minor operation: giwu. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, LETTER- PRESS PRINTING f This great wmk may be had in on. largo vol. umo, bound in library style. Paica. pru-pninl hy- mall tn any [’04 Ofï¬ce, in the Uniled Staten or ('anmla, only THREE DOLLARS. ALI leuars and orders should he direclod as fol- 10w»:â€" No. 308. Hroadwm‘. New York (E? Agents in every neighborhood will ho sup- plied in packages of a dozen or more copieï¬. by Expresn- N as Freight. 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