HENRY SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, AND 'AUCTIONEER, J49“. 1551. EXTENSIVE Slabling. and obliging Hosllona uiwayl in utendance. Choice Wings and Liquors. Boer. Pox-tor and minus Summer Beverngeu. Opposite .Lha Pest Uflice. Yonge 51:53:, N Omnibus leaves the ab :vo llolel every Morning. (Sundays excepted.) u: 7 u'cluck. for Toronto; ramming the same evening. Horus Ind Buggies kept for hire. In». 857’ Richmond Hill. June. RS7. Roglliu. Principe. Havann. Mnuilla Ind other build: of Cigars and Cherouuz. An Omnibuup And from Toronto. calls at this “931. ii"!- Richmond Hill. lune. 1857. I ‘lll‘; Highest Price; paid in Crash for “Ist and Skins. Richmond Hill. June, 1857, Thom Ni". Juno 91h, 1857 )uuu. 15457 Jun). “557 June. 1857 WILLIAM HARRISON, saddle am! Harness Maker. Juno. {6.57 RICHMON D HILL HOTEL, Carriage, \Vagznn & Slei Oppmito the Whim Swan Inn. Richmond Hill. June 10m. 1857. g.‘ fl Chemist and Drug-ï¬st, (“POTTER of English Dnugs, Soaps. [’er- fumoa, Brushes. &c. No. 169. Yuugo Sweet. (Oppns'na Shutor Slreet. near Gwau Bush Tavern, 1‘DROBIO. June, 185:7. gJ-dm.’ Mahmud Hm. June. 1857 L MPORTER and Dealer in cola “a sum “nuns. Hue Jewellery. Liocuwmm.‘ 'uq hoods. «Von &c. No. 30. Yong. Smut. Toronto. Richmond HIM. June. [357. JAMES NEWTON, Ta n Her (I n (I Carri er, IHI’ORTLJL of British and American Dr} (Laud-4. ('1' curious, lebs. Liquvaa, ()z‘r Yuan. (tn. flu. llwhmuud um, June. 38 74 U Rich-um“ um. June. 1657. a'uue. 1857 June. 1657‘ J. W. GIBSON, I Boot «and Shoe ‘ A Diakcr, Opposike J. K. Falconbridge's. YONGE STREET“ {ICUMLND HIIIJA. ‘- 00:9 WORKMEN SEST 1‘0 ANY PART OF THE 9055mm ‘UHAR LE5 DU RRA NT, (Lute M. Tug/'3; MPORTEIK“ of Druid: mzd Foreign Dr_\' G "03% and zuggiu in tenuiuosa at the Shanon Noun. Gratin-rs, Cildors, flluziers, and .apcr llangt‘h. THORNIIILL. DR. JAMES LANGS'I‘AFF, lï¬clmwud Hill. .‘1/7 3011b} GME‘.’ 13, LLERK Tum musum wuu'r. 0ch Ju‘y 23. 18574 JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothicn PORTER of British and Fornigu Dry chd “we and Syivh Merchant. am. Sun Carner of Yougo and Centre Nreels, \HJl-r' Banned sud Thu! UH’ISIOE: (Joan (Rico. Richmond “All. ELGIN Mills, RiCHMOND HILL fluï¬iuesa mutton). WARD & MCCAUSMND, Hausa. Sign and Ornamental THOMAS SEDMAN, Nan door :0 0. & B. Barnard‘u. kinds Qf Jilin-(l Paints, 0613, Glass, and Patty. JOSEPH KELLER, RICHMOND HILL, THE WHITE SWAN Yongo 51.. Richmond Hill, VICTORY HOTEL, J. w, MILLAR, JOHN MCDONALD, OOD ACCOMMODATION ' Travellers. Thorn Hill Hotc Inn, and Liccry Stables, Yoxm: S nun I‘RY GOODS. Gnocor‘wq. Wine; Lquon‘. U ardw are. ac. MAKER, And 111mm}: 11a]! , P. CROSB Y, RICHARD N [CH OLMB BAR'A‘ARU, ROBEBT WiSEMAN. JOHN SHIELS, JOSEPH GABY, froprjeior. L'roprielp r Yonuy. Snu: x1- Richmond Hill gJ-wy, Proprietor. g. l-wy 7g-1y. 3.14m t’roprlelor g. I ~\\'}'. gJ .“y. gJ-wy, 3.1. Ivy, 2.1 4:133 z- 1 -W. g. lwy, g4 wy 21M FOR W 3' TOHDNTO "cm" MARBLE wows, MPORTERS and dealers in Italian and Amencan Marble, also manufzwlurers of Monuments. Cenotaphs. Tomb and Grave S ones. Ornanmutal enclosuer for Grave plots. m. Olden through out Agents wdl receive prompt mention. FOï¬ OOD “'Itchos. Clocks. Jewelry. Melodenns, T Electra VVaro. SIlVOI†Spoons. and Specul- clu to suit every :ighl. IE? Watch Clubs in Operaflon. \Vnrnmed Clocks Item 205 upw‘rds. ’l‘oxonre. June, 1657. 1-3. Coats of Arms. and ovary dssrrintion of Huald Painting. uqu wizh despamh, and m reasonabla chatgu. June. 1857. ngv. 4LAG. Banner and Ornamental ' Painter. Ehzubelh Street, Toronto.~0nx W. Grif- ï¬th’s Grocery Slow. Juno ‘30. 18 D. CARLOS YALE. Wu. YALE. D. DAVIS. AGENT. J. B. DEnGIER, Agent, Richmond Hill. Toronto. July 10. 1357 '5 1!, June. 1557 June. 1857 Juno i2. “57. Toronto. June 12111, 1857 MPURTER and l)«n|cr in Dry Gnnds. Gro- celzes. “Wu-us. Liq-wm. “mdu'txrr, Glut-s. Eevlhenu'un‘. ï¬rm. &c.. Jic. June. 1557. g‘3â€"w3'. Pnrliwlar mention given to the regulation of CIIIMH «'3 Toad). Consultations Free. and all “'qu Warranted Turouto. June. “0'1. l-wy. SURGERY, ( I’I’OSITE A. LAW'S. Yong: alroct. [huh- mond Hill. Lad-05' and Gendemom’ Bow and Shoes. umdn after the lanes; styles. August 6. “557. gQ-Gm. J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker. CLYDE HOTEL, 3211-4 KING STRE T EAST, 10-10mm. CHEAP Dry Goods and Millincry, {I}; Go to R. Calhl'on’s, August :4. m7 66, King Slrccl, East. Toronto, C. W. ‘ wm'v m-VWV ~.. y V'W VIM/MVva ziwwu W no 138 tons: rum“. “ma qua: smut Dealer in Paper Hangings, Decora. tions, &c- AGENT you Darling; 5; Ait Toronto. Juno 18m, 1557 J. N. REID, )HYSICIAN & SUHG MESSRS. J. 3: W. BOYD, DOD Slabliug and Alleulixju “Till-hf? Barristers, &c., NO. '3. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS, KING 51".. TORONTO. Bottled Ale Depot, 65. YORK STREET. TORON T0, C. w. ROBERT J. GRIFFITH, House Decorator, Painter, MORPHY BROTHERS J. K. FALCONBIRDGE, Rid-Luann! Hill. o l. IF YOU WANT No 49, King Street, D. C, & w. YALE, Como: of Youge mu] Ccnvro Streeu. DAVID ATKINSON. PAPER HANGER. GLAZIEB. JOHN MURPHY, 4 Dams West of Bay Street. U’I TH 0R WITHOUT 01"]"13‘A'Cfla' TU FL'IL'A'DS ()1: FOES, I ’l'horuln'il 1552. Yonge 51mm. Toronto. M. MORRISON. Agent. 357. gl-wy. W. C. ADAMS, JOHN MILLS. DOCTOR Prom-inor. g. I -\\'} . :3 wry s 1-w.\' ngy. 3'1“? gIO-lf flap, tap. tap. ‘ Come illâ€"who's there 1' ‘ Please sir. il’s your clean clothes.’ ‘Clean clothes! and pray. who are you, you little cherub, and when: do you come from 7' ‘ Heiin ho !' said Mr. Patton, ‘ what an unforlorn thing it is to live alone 1' and he drew his easy chair close to the tire and ensconsed himself therein, wrapping his tri-colored dressing robe about him. ‘I wish I were married! I know a ladyâ€"boards in this same house, tooâ€"and I believe she’d have me ill wure to ask her. I mean the pretty music teacher. She is young, delicate and amiable; only there seems to be something melancholy about her, as though she had known sorrow ; be- sides, she is a widow, I like her tho' and I believe she likes me. I'll think this over. i have plenty of money, and nobody to spend it upon. Yes. I think I will ask pretty Madam VtClOl‘ to marry me.’ Rap, tap. tap. ‘ Come inâ€" who's there I’ Her mark, the hand of'justice, the Crossâ€"- 1118 cl'0:s of flame Where English woman perished m unutter- able shame; Her mark, the Cross of Mercy 100 above those marlyred good, A marble cros- on that burnt spot where once proud Delhi flood! MARTIN F. TUPPnR. Albury, Aug. 31, 18:37. Butâ€"DAM Yrâ€"Yrs, Irmï¬c be its utter sack and route Our vengeance i: indelibleâ€"when Delhi is wiped out. And onIy >0: one stone upon another shall not stand, For England swear,» to set her mark upon that lluximr laud? The brave guo‘l mun, bdpliacl by [heir om. soldinm in limlr bioo-l ; Uh, glory {o the Martyrs, for they are a]: wflh God ! And, Eugiaml! now “Wen-5e lhcir wrong, by vengeance deep and dirt‘. Cut out mix caukx-r with the :wm'd, and burn it out will: ï¬re; Destroy [hue (nut-w legions, hang every Pariah-hound. On groves of gibbets wt on 1143b [110:2 [lam-ans 0| high-cmle, And bind their [neachemua Bull priests will! femurs hard and flat-â€" Yet, even in thy lion-wwt‘hdemumbrr to re ward The noble app'w few who stood our Abdiel: of the kn 1rd! There is deep u mfort ; hod ye Wcli, (but those are ;\1A.-.TY.(5 ALL; For God and far their m Inn-y wwc they kill- ed at but)": ru'l; A Racbci'i lluiy hauocml nu: vvcr)’ hech- ui: (:lliH I And eve2y nulmsrd Woman died a Virgin un» dclii'd 5 A“ glen; to limse MallyH-E 11w blussed children alum, The “01; wow In, 3001! nzduced From all llml sham: and pain; AVENGE, O L'HiD, 'I‘UY bLAUGl'I TERED SAIN l‘S. Ah,who 5113*! comfort lingiand for her daugh- lcns and her sons, Her genuc, "n1 lu-r grner-zuSh-‘r own heroic Ay. what can so! xc'r u: who groan for horrors such an mow? And how should Eng-Ian 1's )aayflmneurt-endune (In-1r hideous woes? \Vlnat wmd of consoiutiuu can be wiriqaerrd {a [client Hearts that ban for vnageauce,or the softer ac-uYs who griuve? ones l’olll!cd,loru|‘t-tL murdrrwl vinm’urablc Falc? To be {he epf-H'ï¬ or demoxm in linear lust and in their hale! .‘md llunl Ilmn duwn to death in all (besides A D 1% I ('7 H M 0 around CASTA DIVA. rt nrtru. {.‘SIHUND HILL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1857. her at all. Sn she lgupl the child. :md (-omcs to America with it. for Sllr heard tell how the slrccls here wou- paved with gold ; and when she mum: and found nary gold. nor loud‘ but for the working, she had to g0 to work as all we pom‘ crznhurs do ; and she took in washing in the one room clown llairs; but nivcr a bit would the leg ‘ Ye take a deal lmuhlc, for a lone bi! ofu childer, induud. sir ; but her story is not so vam long. She lived with u furrin' woman in the room be- low. named 'l‘hcrcsu. The woman said she was wailing muid in [jam‘L-ltn’s family. in Italy, Sumcwl-cre, and while she was out with Ihu ('hlld, Ihun only two years uld, lm‘ Ilm sake of lhc air, then: came a big row in lhc oily, and the child's father was in lhc middle 0! it. and got kill ; and when she reach- ed the lmuw. all in a fright, shun: ll was all on ï¬re, and lhc muther nf ll game. and nln-r was she ublc In ï¬nd her a! all. So she kept the u'hild. and ‘Sllirts all right. Bridget. 1 came to bring home your little girl. and to ask you somclhing about her. She has been singing to we- “fill youtell me when: she came from 3’ ‘ Och! and is it you, air, that would be aflher coming to see a poor woman at this hour I Will you be seated, sir,’ said Bridget. wiping a wooden chair with her apron. ‘Your shirts Were not ironed to be suiting ye, may be .7’ ' Nu. liltlc mm, I will Parry the lmslii-t ; I am gain;r home with mu} It's up ï¬ve flight of stairs, sir, and there is 11-9 'Iiglï¬ in the passage.’ ‘ All the w are rcnsmi I should g0 with you. Now I :nn ready. Come my little singer. you and I will babe!- lm' :u'qlmluhxl lvxeliwcilong. Don't fall down thcsc stone steps , keep hold of my hand ; hch we are in Broadway, Now where do \vu turn 1 down I’rincc- street, hey. and now down Crosby. What I do you live in this alley? Uh. never fear, lit-tic Cum-ta. Diva. I shall tr *ad sul'uly enough, while this little hand leads me. Ugh ! how many more flights are there 'lâ€"only two? Well. well, Ican climb them ifyou can. So is this the door 1’ ‘I am Lmrctm .‘u' 111.! 1 live WM“ 4 . Briilgcx. \vhu w s‘hvs yunt' (zinlllcs, and ‘ Yes I simuid think she had. you lil- tic duckling; and lhc basket is bigger ~th:_m yourself. COIIIC any! sit down in this chair hy the ï¬re, and warm your toesâ€"then: now! I want in talk with you.â€"‘ Are you Briilgcl's child 1’ ‘On no.sir!' and a luokofcurc passed she aunt me with H 3 has? J , to night.’ over the link; face. ‘ No, I flmugfl-n nut. W'asherwo- men’s children dau't have such an eye. nor such broad fm‘cheuds, nor such Suï¬ hair. VVUH hir-iic, imw came you whii Brithm Tâ€"anu you no purcnls?’ ‘ i dnn't know. Innly dream I have. Bridgd lets me stay with her because ‘ O. sir. I sing my songs in the great houses. and “my géuamc Sixpcnccs. mu! I take them 10 Blidgvt.’ ‘ Alm. you pay your board. then 7 “Weâ€. link: Laurcttu, “ill you sing for ‘ Yus, isaéand.’ and the link: one stands up in the middle “(the rug, and npcuing lwr mscbud mouth, she sings Castu Diva. Ill ‘ Bless my stars. What a voice ? I know smncllxing olmusic myself, at least uwmgla m lumw [hut suvh a voice slmull he :1 l‘nrlnnc :0 Nu: one who posscssus it. Lilllu one where did you learn that 'l' ' Nurse taught me.’ ‘ Nurse! \Vlm is Nurse ?' ' Nurse is duud.‘ The dark eyes ï¬ll with (cars, and 11m; a‘uhy lip»: are quiwr- "IO Mr. Patton walks up and down the mom. His uuriusily iscxcilcd :lS Wull us his piety. ‘ l’lcusc >ir. 511sz I have my basket? Bridgul “I†sunlnl il'l stuv su lung-1’ can 5mg, IHHV and what has U at todo with .S'Ix'ETCII YOUR WORLD EXACTLY AS IT GOES.â€"L’_z/ron ADVERTISER. Now thedoor opens again, and the} Come out together ; he in Ins overcoat and hat, she in Imr cloak and Velvet bonnet. He leaks very much excited. and she looks very pale and lremblcs so shc’van svul'ccly Speak. She takes his offered arm and goes down s'airs and out {he slrcel (Inor. I do believe they are go‘ng to Bridge-1’5. And 5!) they were. Good M r. Patton walks slowly with the sweet lady for ï¬le has every rea' Now it is morning; and if you will put your head out of your door, you can see him going along the hull. He stops at No, 6â€"knocks gently; but the rich toned piano, touched by a thrilling hand, does not allow so love- like a tap to be heard.â€"â€"This time he knocks loudcr the music stops, and the door is opened by a beautiful woman who smilingly invites him to enter. Well, I don't wonder he fails in love wilh her! They have ciosed the door. Let's you and I go poop in at the key- hole. and hear what they say. I'll never tollâ€"will you? Hark! Wcli after all, [can't lull what they said HOW, because I promised I wouldn’t ; but Mr. Pulmn has sluil In there a great while. and he didn't ask her to play once all the time. And so he goes to bed, and dreams of his future joys (ill he fairly iaughs aloud in his sleep. ' Now, 1 think ofit, I must engage 0fm_\' landlady the little. bed-room ncxl minevâ€"l um dctermined to adopt that li tle singing Cherub for my own. I will change her name to (Justa Diva Patton. It sounds musical, and she is music itself. If sWuct Madam Victor only sees in her what I do, we shall be an amazing happy familyâ€"I declare [feel like a husband and father alreadv. I shall ï¬nd enough to do with my monev. afler ull.’ sing us it's mother dtd bejbrc it, sh; said ; and last year Theresa died This poor little crathur took on so ban that I (oak her myself, only 1'†In bringing her up diï¬'urcd imircly’; l'il [ache her to earn her bread at un_rule ; and Su I sinds her out ivery da} to sing lo ihc grcut folks, and makes her help me to carry round the clothes; that is all, sir.’ ‘ It was Very good in you Bridgett to take the little orphan. You haw: saved her from a sad fate. You will he rcwurdcd, you may dcpend.’ Bridget raised her eyebrows and dropped acourlsey. while little " Cash: Diua,’ as Mr. Patton Mum and ever since has called her. hidiher face in the bud, and subbed to hear her own story rcla!ed.â€"-The kind genllcmnn looked at hcr tenderly, and Hum continued 1 for her to do.’ Bridget dropped another (:ourtsey, nntl hur mouth opened wide, for she was all mystified and hewildcretl. An hour later, and Mr. Patton is again seated in his easy chair before his bright coal ï¬re, with his dressinf,r gown once more folded around him. The only ditl‘ercuce is that he smiles, instead of sighiog asthe did before. ° Ah _\t:s.’ he says, ‘1 see my way t-Icnr. l cam now, without hesitation, call upon Mude Victor in her room, to interest. her about my little Costa Diva. I will tell her the story. and engage hul‘ to cultivate the voice of my little protege. I will see her toâ€" morrow morning, and perhaps she will alt-company me 10 Bridget's lodging. Not a very romantic walk to imile the lady of my heurl 10 share. but then the cu'cumsiuneee are peculiar. ‘ l have a plan for this poor child, which will :11 once relieve you of your vhurgc and repay you for your good: ness of heart. Goud night, little one, I'll come to-morrow. Dry your tears. [will yet make you hwppy. Herc, Bridge! is some money for you, and he sure you do not send her out to sing again. I have something better for her [U do.’ this child do for llscll, but umch m it iikc a ‘sluve, and only taught it n The Chicago Press, a paper edited by a gentleman Well known in Canada, and WIN pays a good deal of attention to out politics thus writes about the Hudson’s Bay Com putty: " The knell at the Hudson Bay Corn- pany‘s sway has been ~ounded, and tliu mono tlollfsls may as well make up their minds to yh-ld with a grace what they will in any RFCUI be c'nnpelled before long to relinquish. Their do; in the manger policy has no doubt uevn proï¬table to themselves, but deeply in- jtt‘lmh to the whole poliulatinn under their control and the people of Canada. The Inn \‘L-stig'nlion now in progress can have no other t'mttlt than to give all the more valuable por- tion at their texritories to Canada, and then our trade with the settlements along the frontier will st. ind upon the same footing with that which we «any on with 'l‘oionto, Mon- treal and Quebec. Under the Ruciprocitv 'l‘renty our commercial inte‘tourse with Can- adn is now subject to but few restrictions, and before many yea s most of those which 'etniin will in all proliahilily be removed. l‘hen the intent-ts of all portions ofthe great Vol-thtwst will liarmrniz-s with the arrange- ment» of nature «ml the developments of etitnmcrcr mid civilizmz; ." AMERICAN ()PINIUNb~ OF T111; llUDb‘UN’S BAY TERRITORY. Once again we see him sitting in his easy Chair, before the bright coal fire. By his side sits a beautiful lady ; one hand lies in his, and the other is lend- erly stroking his hair. but her eyesarc resting upon a little fairy who sits m the piano silently dreaming over 5mm of Handel’s music which her ‘ papu' has brought home 1.0 her. The lady is his wife. The fairy is his ‘ Calsta liiva.’ ‘ Darling, lam your mother.’ ‘ I know it,’ sighs the child. ‘ You know it, my angel 5' ‘ Yes. I have seen you in my dreams and always culled you mother, and when you sung just now it brought it u// baa/c again 1’ son to tremble; she believes she is Laurettu’s mammu ; for she has been Ielling her friend how her husband, was killed in a mob one dreadful day. neeause he was a great politician, and when they burm‘d his house they took her and threw her into prison, where she remained a whole year and only made her escape when,during the terri- ble troubles in Italy, the prison doors were unbarred to all. She had sought frantii'ally for her rhild but in vain; and believing that both Laurette and the nurse were Good Mr. l’uuon went to the window and wiped his a; es. rum:th a spot in her little heart whit-h vibrates on her momory like a glimpse ailmzivcn. vrushed in the same mob that killed her hushmd, she came to America to try In earn a livelihood among hospitable slrangcrs by her musical education and uncommon voice. They were about to enter the room when a little voice greets her ear, sing- ing with wonderful powwaud expres-' «ion an Italian melody which the lady herself used to sing in her own sunny tnnd. She stops and grasps 'the arm of her friend. ‘ Uh, wuit,’ she whispers ; ‘let me try ;’ and with 3 gr 'ut effort she con- tinues and completes the unï¬nished strain in a voice that an angel’s might not excel. He opens the door. Lnurctm stands in the centre of the roan, uhne, pale, and agitated; her grunt eyes dilated with emotion long repressed. Her mother's voice has Madame Vinlor sinks upon a chair, and gnch lung and earnestly upon the lllllu motionless ï¬gure ; then she stretches out her arms and whispers ‘ come hcrc.’ Luurctlu slowly :1dvances.and when she was closc to the beautiful lady, she nestles hur head upon her bosom, and draws a long, deep sigh. close r. Madame Victor believes that Lau- rclm is hvr child. bemuse lhuir two stories are so stranger alike. Five years have passed since she left Italy ; hut she know-s her eyes will noldeceive her. Her baby‘s features are indeli- hly engraved upon her heart. ' Tell me your whole name, sw:et one.’ The lady prusscs the little form still N0. 17. The Braniford Expositor speaking of the preparations for the Provincial fair in that town,says :-â€"“ Temporary struzturcs are being erected at almost every vacant corner, with a View to the acc'nnodation of visitors, and private house-keepers are generally making libvral arrangements for the extension of their hospitalily on the coming emergency. Boarding housvc, sn- loons, and public inns are being exh-Jded and enlarged; and their proprietors are making every exertion, and strmninz avery nerve lo proportion their accomo 111i ) is, to the drmamlx of the occasion. The HER‘IUDI of temporary, but comm-table shilling, ï¬stool up through the town. lozetler ‘7' 1! 1h.- “feeJ†provided, is astonishingly ye“. It is CSUKDML‘L‘ that the Indian m Vinies will c031 Englaud twent} millions a! munds ï¬elding. Orders have hecn received at 81. J Am, NH! Bm'mwick, for {be deparlure 0" .hc 761h Regiment for India. Mr. Russo 3, the We“ known Tuna Crimcun corrcsrondmt. will xrrive in Can» da, in about a mnnlh from the preinnl Lime. DEATH 05‘ n1 EMINEN’!‘ Puvsu-Ln'. â€"â€"Dr. Marshall Hull, F. 11.5.. the well- knowu Iingli~h Physician, died at Brighter, on the llth August. The decease: was one of the most eminent wembvrs of the medical profusion in England, and wâ€: widely known as a lecturer and author. Dr. Hall, by his nurimrous experiments, that-w much light upon the physiology of the ner- vous system. During his liretime, Dr. Hail wrote mmy w rks, among the latest may be named, ~‘ The Cronian Lectures,†delivared at the Royal College of Physicians in 1850. 1851 and 1852, on the Spinal System, 3n! “Physiology in the Clinical \Vard and tbs Sick Room, for the Medical Student. Smnmm Dunnâ€"James Hogg, I (‘mttr in Jacques & Ray’s, ’l‘oronlo. while riding in his van. on the 17m inst.,suddeul} fell back and expired. The Call Reporter says that horse 'hieves ure pmvfling about in that Iouiiry, nnd cauliocs the pvoinlr to be on their guanL His Royal Highness the Duke 0! Cambridge, has forwarded to the Lo.‘ Mayor of London, as president of the comâ€" mittee for the relief of the suflerers in Iudh, the handsome donation of £100. FLoun Comma Dowx.â€"-The Mon- treal Advertizer states that supel-ï¬ne flour for October delivery, was sold in Montrei on Wednesday, at $5 per barrel, and No. 1 Chicago wheat at 55 3d per bushel. VALUE OF HIGHLAND Pacer-mun;â€" The Duke of Portland has just purchased the beautiful and romantic estate of Laug- well, in Cuithncss shire at the price at £90,- 000. His Gilt'e purposes making it A summer retreat, and converting part of ti): 40,000 acres, to which it extends into A deer forest. The ï¬sheries and :hnotings. which at present yicltl £750 a year, are of the best description, and the property there- Iore is particularly desirable, in a spmting point of view. As showing the value of an attractive Highland estate, it may be stated that the price amounts to about 30jeai‘o’ purchase of the gross rental. COAL IN CANADA.â€"N0!Wilhfland‘ ing that *ir William Logan has asserted that no coai is to be found in Canada, it is. announced that an article possessing all the qualities of coal has been diicovered in largo quantitiea about Quebec. It is termed Black Ska/e. Munster-At the last meeting of rhe Grand Lodge of England, Lord Pan- *nure, presiding in the absence of the Grand \lnster, Lord thlaud. gave notice that a! ‘he next meeting of the Grand Lodge, the Jratnd Master would move that. £1,000 be ï¬re†from the funds of the Grand Lodge for the beneï¬t of masons in India, sufferers by the mutiny. The Kingston lV/zig. speaking of the Ptnitentiary, suys:--" In Dr. DJi’s cell were recently found, a cord of rope, a‘ion‘ ï¬le. a club and two iron bars! He is in the Black Hole, of course, is to bu flogged loo! [lad proper precautions been taken,tbeu things could never have been gathered to- :{cUIerâ€"a wink 'of lime.†The Woodstock Sentinel of the 19th says, that Mesus. H. Deliluquiere And, A. A. Farmer were arraigned last week before l:th Justices of the Peace of “Mad- stock, on a charge of misdemeanor,in 1p- propriating the monies loaned for the cone struction oftlie W. St L. E. Railway. The evidence taken before (he Aswmbly’s Comm mitlee last union is suflicient to prove Ill! charge, and an example should be mall:- 91' the culprits. Let us have justice! I SAD Arrnwnox.â€"-Thos. Baalow of \Vaterwwn, as we learn from the Journal. lust in'lhe space 01 eighteen days,ï¬re bright; stout and healthy children by scarlet fever. Aug. 15, Bridget, aged 5 years and IL.» months; Aug. 21,Alice. aged 18 years uni 3 months; Aug. 26, Jane, used 16yeara and 5 months; b‘epl. 2, Josephï¬nged 12 yvars and 11 mombs; Sept. 3, Thomas, aged 14- years and 7 months. ' Miscrllancuus Items.