Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 2 Oct 1857, p. 3

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A'yuung mun Humid Sumud Lid- getl. of 'l'u..bri-lge V\'r5|~, England, was Jill“! lzuu-Iy by a cricLeI bull shilu'ua" ban in the region 0;" the. htili‘l; filiuldhlg 8L Hodge, t‘he paper-makers, am bf'fiifism. Slevem & the printers join: l" .â€" 18mg *Tr'mrs. PLAN Fott SAVING fl”: ATLANTIC ‘ Chum; tr AGAIN b‘ltACTUREhwâ€"Ft'om the ship that pays out the Ocean cable, let there hang a, subsidia‘y double electric cable or! 100 l'atlioms, holdinga cone, through which the ocean cable slides. This cone contains a cartridge to be exploded at. the momentI of fraelue by the SJld electric cahle cou-; veyZiug a discharge to Kllr said cartritlge‘i and thereby releasing a gripper and detain- lug theficeau table from running.r away. Mrs. Johnstoncâ€"for many years 3 uhtp‘, in its elder and best. days. of Tar/,2 1 flingâ€"(7201a authoress 0| Clan Albyn, LliZa- mlule Bruce, and other novels; and more . lutelp of Violet Hamilton, Nights of the‘ Round Table, and the various stories pub-g1 lishutl‘ as The Edinburgh Tales, and better known to a large class, perhaps, as the writer .ot' the admirable Meg Dodd‘s Cookery Book â€"â€"â€".lied recently at Edinburgh, at her house ju léucslelch Place, after a lingering lllllt‘SS. $0000 uwu. Thu: uumbe: sen! oul will have exceeded by a few thousand men the ahltslnccifi -d by the Governor Ucilcl'al to be in his Opinion requisite. fl‘hc Duke and Duuhuss at Brubnnl :11: al Uatl‘lld, which dc‘ary and uusdwry place Ins lwcum» Nu- rendezrom‘ of name- rum Russian :m-IGcnnam nolalflitius. 'l‘lxc Duke uuvl Duchess gift a gram! banquet a finv‘fiuys am to some seventy of this class, nun-u; whom was the Prince of PI‘U33in. LITERARY I’noean'n'pâ€"Two of the bust known publirnlions in Great Britainâ€" flle London Jaunuzl and the Family Her- aldâ€"have just changed hands. The former has been bought by Mr. Ingram, the mem- ber for Boston, and the sole proprirlor ol the Landau lifustmml News. for £90000. and an‘anmlity of £2,000 a year to Mr. St”, the former proprietor. The hills: bm‘beeu o'biained lor £10000 by Messra 'l'lh: pres-:11! Mariam-I gin-[minim] 0( I'm. .s’ I‘Mimnlml by um.”- Richards at ($0 000. 'l'hen- have bet“ some flucluuâ€" [inns in Illlcv Impululinu since the lust cvnsus, ‘lml' Ihc anivuls have excremd (he dt‘pul‘- tunes. The tuta| Iml-ulalion of the 'l‘erri- Rory, Uculilc and Muruwn, is 83.000. Lilul :ul 31-1551 vr. a spirited hursc. l‘l ham; :1: man [41 line lillllncrm‘ of Au:- h'm m nlly win"! the groom by the arm u‘hll {his h‘i‘lll ..n:l twill have Io:u him to pieces 11ml “at his Khymzly jumped on line bark of 11w furious :mimr-l, and with; him by (In lurl-al. :illlim’l (44(0er him. 1|.J Cmnpuny ha: “ho-u! (5.000 alduiouul ll‘UOlla, wlfich it is c Iuadc a rcquisitiun [or (:ulcuhhd aflmj allowing fou' cunlingonc'cs, will raise the ICu-opeam force i« lmlia m taking £73900 slock in the Port \\'l|il|)y and Lake Huron Railway. has been con- firmed by the I-anpnyera. Only forty votes Ware revordvd a--2ie=t if. “'isdom oficn fl'uw wilh lhv miumé‘y. is built of brick. A bungalow (so often referred to in film acct-numl'rom India) is a building pccu- lmr to India. It contains four or sit small .l‘oums. on cue floor. will: back and {vent 1'0rnmluhs. The roof is often thatched, and it is not Ullllkt‘ a large burn in England. ll Hmvv RAILWAY INVESTMENT.â€" ".|"he liy-Iaw of the village of “'hilby for The Cambridge Chronicle says that a publican in the New TOWn, Cambridge, has a mania I'm-the collection of old penny pieces, and he has managed to scrape lo- gfihur l4- cwt. ol' the coins, numbering 24,- .94-8, and represenlin; in \'a!ue £103 195. Hint l’l'uvinue. Trudc is dun, and bdsillcm‘ of all kinds maguaut. The prospects for the working peoph: generafly during the coming winter in said to be very painful. on \rVedncsduy, Seplmuber H5. The cure- Inmy ml] be I'o||owed by the prequmn‘ion of we mnury lesUwUDiJ‘, which tn“ amount, ave beliuVB, lo about £2,000. The Leader, of Ncw Brunswick. :ll’ilWa a very gloomy piclure of the slate of The French squadron has suich from 1}“: coast of (Jamie; Lu Tum}. The measure: taken by the Be)’ of This aguimt the Authors of “w lute outrage» are 1'0“- bitlrrcd insuflicimt, and olucr Bum'unlcc: ham: Been humuch . u w n.-m_IlJyu-| in repairing the course, and alnml £30“ In,» been Th..- rjly of BurliJ has volud 5 sum of £d,UiM. for a \VUI'K of art in sihur, to be presented lu Prince Fredeaick \«YiHiJm on Lhé Occasion of his uuniaae mil: 11h: rm- cc» 1:03 a! 0! limlu-nd. The freedom of (he chy of Glas- gnhw win [0 be coulérurd on Dr. Linug‘slon, reViVL‘ lln: rucrs ul LUHdOn-lur Six Tuoumxn mung Tumors Fun L0..\.â€"-l'ln.- Time.» saws that the Hunt Active cxcrlinus are being: madu m "Lima SH‘IIIE. Men are have em my (‘}I‘.;IS\’ and \Vlleat recumuwml it in the vaxieat for than any Machine Hm! I know. [Hess/'5. Dar/Eng i;â€" Alleluia):â€" I have purchased one of your Combined Reaping & Mowing Machines. which 1 have used in Grass, \Hieat, OMSY and Barley, the whole of the work has haeu done in the very best manner, and wilh great ease for my horses. I have cut with one team over sixty acres, and [he Machine isjust a: good as when I first commenced. I believe if (his machine is rightly used there is naue equal (0 it for the gen- eral lam-Vest that I know. I have bought and used one of Messrs. Darling L}- AiMoison's Combined Reaping 8'. Mowing Machines, and it has done work entirely to my satisfaction. and I can recommend it for ease to hurse, and good work, before my Machine I ever saw. T have tried your Combined Machine, and I am perfectly satisfied with it. The Machine works easy for the horses without any side draught, and cuts Grass or Grain with equal facility. Mossrs. Darlmg Ailchisonâ€" l haw purchan one of Having purchased one ofyour Combined Reaping & Mowing Machines, with which I have cut about twenty acrcs 0! Grass, and fifty acres of wheat, eighteen of wlu'uh were very heavy and badly lodged. The whole was cut in a very perfect Hammer; and the Machine works light and easy for the horses, wilhout any side (Laught. I huh-we it to he one of the heat Cumhiued Machine: in use,and we“ aJuplcd hr the gmwa‘ul hm‘t‘cal. This certifies that I bought one of Darling~ &. Aitchison’s Combined limping and Mowing Machines, widn “hichl have cut my Gram and other Crop-i. As a Grass Mower, for Width of swath and nea'neas of work, it does remarkably mu”. 1 cut “vary clover butter than could be done with a scythe, and no side-draught for the horses. My wheat was taken down in the best manner. Allogelher I have never seen a machine that performed the monk so well, and as a general harvester it is the best I ever Saw. flIcssrs. Darling Adm/ism:â€" fiiews. Darling .3. Aitcltisonâ€" I have bought and used one ] purclmwd our 01‘ your Combinvd Macluiuee, will: which I have cul my Gr us butler than w‘lh am' >(:}'llw,and 1 have gone ucrcss grip: which look lwu ruiis In 8“ up, Will:- 1-10 side-draught, and it is as harm: as onliumy pimlgluing. The machine cut my “heat beller any ma than any CNHHP, and I believe it lo be the beat Combined Rmkmc (haL I cmr saw. I” 03513 . Darling 6- Ana-h {30): â€"~ 310w: Darling Aitchisonâ€" - I pm'I-hasud one of your Combined Machines which I have used in culling my Glass. “heal and Barley. all of whirh was rut m my rum-e saliafi'dclinu: I have aim n Cnmbinctl Machine “hich I have med for Iwo years previnusjnd in good working order. ] have laid it usidr- and uduptrd one of D 8. A3: Machines. and l have done the same awoum of “out with one halfof lhe labor upon the horsrs. 1 Cumider the draught much the same as ordinary ploughing. 1 look upon it as the Lee: Combined Machine that I have uer seen. lllessrs. Darling ‘5- [lite/Limitâ€" 11123313 Darling Az'tchisouâ€" 11113573. Dar/[Hg J- Al’U'hl‘sfl’flâ€" 11115513. Drilling Aildtisowâ€" Having luurclm-ed a e of your Mmh‘mes. I have used it t‘lns Scarf“ in (Lass, M‘lmuq 0.11s :md Barley. 1 have an about thirty acrrsof (,}|‘n>s.fl;1l1k'(‘l10f“'hivh went full lwoaml a inrlf lows per acre. Snlnr 01‘ it w.» a mudw'atc vrnp and mine of it was Very fight. A“ ofi um c Ilvmurh (n my suliflhrtmn; 5mm of the heavy grass was cut u’h‘n i: wzus \‘en‘y WM. and yet lln- luv-chine kept fivv fir-m Mm;- gillg. “5 rul lhirt-y .2101» mi" \'\'ln-at, .ix of Burlvy and twenty of Oats. hmnv of the “‘lwai «as very heavy and lodged: the l-iur'oy and 0: t. wow. also llvlll I: laid dawn. ard 1 can say “ill: sail-1y lhe when: IVJIL “as (June in :2: \er} pca'liucl m mnvr. v “'0 respectfully solich Farmers to call and eiamine for llwmsclvos. l’rice 0mm Mower, $120; complete as a Reaper and Mower, $140. THOllNlllLl., I GEORGE DARLING, 7 DARLING & AITCHISUN’S [MINER KEEPER AM] TEEEEWEB. Scpt., 1857. ’ purchan one of your Combined Machines, and I 3mm and VYhe-at a.» Well usl could “'ith, and I can as' the «axieat for the team, and the work is done better ARCHIBALD ELLIOT. Markham, 5th Com, Lot, No. 4-, Sept, 1857. JOHN TIKESEL. Mnkmum, 4th Com, 611: Lot, éept., 1857. Tnoamuu. (Maddaam‘) Sept. 1857. ROBERT REID. Scmmono", Lot 3%, :‘ept. 3, 1857. ROBERT BUCHANAN. Magnum, 3rd September, 1857. GEORGE DAR LING, ROBERT AITUHISON. FRANCIS THOMPSON. SCARnoRo’, Sept. 4th, 1857. WILLIAM NICHOL. SCAnnono’, August 4, 1857. XVI LLIA M IIOOD, Juur. “'ILLIAM YOUNG. Scarboro’, 3rd Sch, 1857. HENRY IiO'I‘fiON. Scmmuuu', Sept, 1857. JOHN THOMSON. YouK, Sept. 4-, 1857. N the Townships of Annabel: Sydenham. Bexley and Somerville. Price from [no doflars an acre and upwmds. Appllr‘to, G. J. I". PEARCE. DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist Cha- pel, Yonge Street, Richmofid Hill. A choice selection of Gcntlemens', Ladies' and Childrens' Boots and Shoes constantly on hand‘ and made to Older on the Shortest Notice. Richmond um. June nut :857. g.1w.y. YI‘HE undersigned having purchased R. Lossen‘s Patent. Mill, is now prepunod to manufacwro any quantity of them. at his factory. Markham Village; and any person infiinging on the above Patent originally invented by Richand Lesson. will be prosecuted according lu luw. The variety and quaiity of which cannot be be found ekewhere in this neighbourhood. He refiwctfully requnts an inspeciion. FINEST \‘Vhile and Brown VV-iudsor, Musk. Honey. Almond and Fancy Scented Soups. Hair Oils. Colugnc. Lavender Water. M, $4.2. m exceedingly law prices. AFuF sa'e PE Augusl 6. '857 =7 “YO Mi1es North of Richmond liull, » dealer in Dry Goods. Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Hardware. Glass. Earthenware, &c. Also, Licensed Auctioneer. September. 23. 1857‘ glfl-ly ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MILL CHARLES DURRANT. Ridunond 11m, Sepl.‘2,1857. g13-tf. \i‘iu) LANDS FOITSALEf I, N EXCELLENT quality and assortment of k (Imam Laid Note. Cup. Leller. and Fools- cap writing papers. ruled and plain. Fasldmaabie No.3 paper, Cream Laid, I’nmed. Colomd and Embossed. with Envélopes lo match. B00 TS AND SHOES! They Have Arrived ! ! ! New Stationery and Perfumery! JUST RECEIVED FROM ENGLAND, ‘ROM XV. R. & Wm. King's “'holemla House. Snow Hill. London. England ; and newly 1 seven )uars Copper Foulllnill and Tea Kettle maker. to Maqueslon & Co.. Hamilton. Relurns his thanks for past favors. to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding country; and bags to inform than he has cunslmlfl)‘ on hamL alan cveiy uncle in the above line. which he will sell for Cash as chc‘p as [ioaaibkm Also. all kinds of Japan Wale, Copper Fountains. Tea Kettle’s and Brass Pans made to order. (I? Old Coma, Brass. Pewler and Lead. bought. or taken in exchange for Goods, Croclgcry, l'uims, ' Oils, Drugs & Mgdicincs, &c., &c., &c. With an “nus val assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. in every fabric. make, shape. Her and Vmiet; , which he ollérs on the above harms. and much less than oversold hefare, In 'con- fining his business to shoner time. he is assured of the necessity of n gmsera‘l adaptation to (he new lu'im-iple, which must superude the Long Credit mu! Long I’m/it System. in general um in this ('ounlry' ; and Collvllled that a di~cerniug public will avail Lhemselves of the NEW Sysum. whereby they can cilia thawing from 15 to :10 par cunt on the average on Gouds they usually require. 1:. A. B. enmesfiy and respectfiafly solicits a call, and on examination, his prices will be coucmm- u) 10 A: LUWD-Lll, than any in the nghhorlaood.--Uis motto shall be :â€" Sm:le Profits and Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abaloment! G. A BARNARD. Richmond Hill. wiil conduct business solely on CASH OR SHORT Clil' Dl'l‘. Six months mil bu gxen on all new Accounts, payahk: pmmpflyon Isl October 61, lst April in ouch )ear. Dry Googs, lUlM‘I‘ ; uswrlcd ('nnsisvhtg ()l' FronM-I L‘t‘l‘inns‘ lit-n ul' ‘hi «India, “bin-1:119 :u) lulu-r ; and which be fuels in». Conn-runner. IAN! Agent ‘6"; Yohgé St Richmond Hill P. 0., 140139. III (.011. Vaughan. flirhond nan. Juno. am. 1857. 34-133 cxpcclcd [rum DOslm). “ CHEAP SYSTEM ! G. A. ISARNARD’S Richmond Hill. Sept. ‘24. 1H57. g By the follow (,1. H JOHN HARRINGTON, JR., ’EQEGS to imZu-m lllc Public 11:41 he has received Invoicus of Parlour and Cooking Stoves on hand. Richmond Hi”, August 19. 1857. Richmond “in, June 30, 1857‘ S/zort Life to the Old Systemâ€"14mg Credit, Long Life to l/zc New Systemâ€"SHORT CREDIT, Success to the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. Charles Durrant, EGS Io annouucv, that he has received his Stock of Ladies’, Misses & Childrens', Boot and Shoe Maker: Rivhmoml “i”. SPIN. 30. 1857. 5 1\.B.~â€"A fnsh nrriml uf Ludius’ and Childrens‘ Boots and Shoes, RUMOHR'S PATENT ‘WILLIAM ROUGE, Senna, COPPER, BRflSS, TIN, .aND IRON PLfl'IE WORKER, AND FURN:SHING IRONMONGER. JEW FALL GUUL‘S! ONE CASE FRENCH GOODS! ROBERT SIVER, CHARLES DURRANT, NEW FALL GOODS! (’1' (’13 ds, Gram: rice, Ladies” (3: CLildrcns‘ Bows & Shoes, G. A BARNARD is now receivng a huge and we“ selected stock of NEVV CNGLE§H GOODS! RICHMUND HILL! “13 Ind izm, Europa anal-(Ia, Direct from the (,‘clehl'awd H'mse or PICI‘E 1«:'1‘ FILS. PARIS: lo-Ruxon M. H. RUMOHR glU-Gm Markham Economist please copy till forbid DIRECT FROM LIVEIL’OUL! Ins, &c.. &r:. IIe respectfully solicits an inspec- :ultlclpnh's will be ready by about the 1511] 0C- “..ymrmd “ill bu found mom than generally Wcll I ‘ d' s' and '30:;and‘ J. C. Gunman. Pres. ] Tuos. HAWORTH. V. Pnes. BOARD OF DIRECT 0R5. \Vm. Henderson. Rice Lewis. ‘0' ‘ James Leask. George Mickie, g'lw‘y. , Hugh M ller, J. P. Rolmls. Waller Macfurlune. Robl. Stanton, Sac. â€"ON T11 Eâ€"- ALNO'.‘ White Lead and Colors in Oil and Putty- 1“ of which theyufl'cr m the trade at the lowest market rates. L. B. 5:, C0,. would also call the attention of Den: Is and Painters [0 me prepnred by them. and for which thew solicit a Inn! in compan‘sou with olher kindsin the nmrkel. “Th”! confidom that the result will um be m their disadvantage. either as regamlv quality 4" W595- W E S '1‘ E R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. THIS COMPANY Insuras all descriptions of Blilldmgs, Mnnut'actories, Mills. &c.. and Goods and Furniture. in the same. against loss or dam- “!3 by fire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly sellled. are now forward. and consist of a well assumed stock of PURE DRUGS, DYE-STUFFS, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SPICES, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, VARJISHES, CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000 PA'I‘EN’I‘MEDICINES, PAIN’TS, SURGICAL le’J‘RUMENTS, OILS. DRUGSiSl‘b’ G-LAssWARE, &c., Spring lmportations. LYMAN, BROTHERS & CO. Residence. Richmond “in. August 13.1857 'urunlo. Jum- Richmond Hill, Sept 4, 1857‘ CARRIAGES, BUGGXES AND WAGGONS, PAINTED AND TRIMMED. Fire No. 4. St. Lawrence Buildings. 7UULD respectfully intimate to their friends ‘ and the public lel their Graiaer, Gilder, Glazier, and Paper Hanger. INCORPORATED BY ACT 0]“ PARLIAMENT. RICHMOND HILL. 51’ UN (1' 1 M PORTATIONS Head Office, Church Street, Toronto. House, Sign and Ornamental CHARLES DU {RANT g17-lf J. MORRISON, XVines & Liquors, Hardware, n 6. 1857. u'a Montrval. Boston. ‘6 General Agent. glU-ly gI3-3m gll-3m is daily gut l‘lIE Subscribers, in returning their mmt sincem thanks to the Public for th‘ liberal support they have hitherto extended tn- wards this Establishment. hag to intimate to th- luhahi‘tauts of the 'l‘uwnship ot' Markham and it vicinity. that they have repaired the Fluu iug de- partment. thrutghont. and having purchased on. or the lutt-st Improved Mitchines for cleaning Wheat. without low. on either huge or smal Wheat. thereby making a greater yield of “our to the Bul~hql. and having fitted it up in peifect working order. they are prcpftrt'd for Gristine and Flouring un the shontesl notice. and we feel con- fident that we may say superior to any other 05‘ tabliahtnent in this motion of country. Having purchuretl the ptiviiuge for flu ing the water. have theraln‘ inert-used the ptn‘el’ ot' the Mill one- half to what it hm bu.“ heretut'om. They will be at no lOs t'ur water at ail scnsmts of the year. so th I persom from :i di~tanco can get their grist: ground In tuba w3tli them on their return tome Flouring fur the Mntkrt done at any tin e on one or two (lax-u twice. 'I he Subscribers would also inttmutt- that thev will par (‘ash for Wheat at all times tlelit'etcd at the Mill. The Subbc ihels would alw- stute that they 1m- renth for Fullint! and |"ini~hing (Iloth on the hllOl‘icfl notice. and in the best po~.--ilr|e annnnpr. ' ' ROM 1’he pmmises of the Sub~criher. Lot 25 2nd Com. Vaughan. early lust Spring, Yearling Uo-il'er. brindle co!or. Whoever wi give informatiuu “hem hhe may he found. will b suiiafia -' rowaldcd. HE Subscribvrs be; to inform ail than imlcbtrd l0 Ihem by Book Account, i pot Paid the 30th of OCTOBER NEXT wi September IO. 1857 RUMOR luring been of laie circulated in this vii'iuily. that I had sold to Messrs Cool; 5L Dave. the carcaws of my Sheep and Lambs, which were rccuilly desiroyvd hy dogs, I beg to stale than t neither sold nor gave away to {he pnrtie< named. or to any other person or per- sons the snmlleq porlon of the said sheep and lambs. and that the said report is a vile calmuny. evidenin set on foot to injure the above named individuals in their business as Butchers in this place. be p.1uccd .in the hands of therBailifl‘l'oriCmeEIiL; J. & R. SIMPSON Afib CLOTH FINISHING ES'I‘ABLISHMEN'A ROM the premises .of' the Subscriber, ‘4 lot No 30,414!) Concession Mal‘kham, about two weeks agoaflow ofslmep. viz; Seven Exams. mm LWc lamb. and one Run , each with a gawk ml i's right Ear. “Lower wi’L‘l'mwm the same 10 the subscriber W1 be suitably rewardud. Liquo;s of the best brands at the Bar. and ever) anew-Lon paid (0 Guests. Ill') Subscriber beg: to inform the In- ltztltllflltla of the above-named Village and surrounding Country. and the Public gen- erally. that he has leuscd the above Hotel. formerly kept by 'l‘uonus MAY. which he has fitted r p and (“flushed liar the accommodation of his Customers, tuna he trusts by constant attention to their wants to secure a lilieer patronage. Vl‘lllS FAR“ vcmlaiusubvml Fifty Acres, with a Hume. G u’dvn. and small Clearance. and is “'in limlrerod. Tho Wafler Mill, including Tlmu gum! Dwvl‘mg Hun :ox‘. with Gardens. and about Fn'Lren Acres of Land. if he luired h)‘ the>ur. The p.9mises are at present used as an Agninullurnl Implement and File Factory. Al! [In terms for lhv Illl' n Richmond Hill ‘c'cpt. Lsa , WILLIAM PADG'ET, Vicinniu Square. Sept. 52nd. 1857. gliiâ€"TZL I GARDNER & G. Me AULAY. Continue tn Q , llu all descriptions of CUSTOM \‘VEAVING â€"-ul lmngsmtf'a Corner. Youse Street. September IO. $57. 1514-3: J1 -( law we"! acquainted with all kinds of cunner wmk preferred. Constant employment npd g-‘od ungrs ghen. Apply to Henry Tee], [\u hmnl-mudn Shingles can equal those made l)_\' Sn 1:. m ncnluess and durability. Specimens of his Shingles mav b0 been at the "Gazette" Ski-:2" of his Shingles may b0 we" at [He "Gazelle" Olrll‘v. Richmond Hill. and a! Mr. Rufus Skin- uer'». Urucm‘. Yong: Sheet. Toronto. hi1Y PREVATE SALE!! Seplem her 7. :85? LAY!) .LY'D IVflTER .MILL .' Near Richmond Hill. Vaughan, Sept. 17, 1857 Bullonville. Sept. 17. [557 LUKES’ HOTEL, HOLLAND LANDING. ’lichmoud Hill. Sept. 1857. Holland Lund'ng. Sept. 10, 1857 TJ Builders, Farmers and Others ! HHXGIJ'H. ()l" A SUPERIOR QUALITY, ) can nuw he had in any quantity, from One to '1‘.mu~:md Bunches, M. Mr. JoHs L.\NG:'I‘AFI".~ ugfo Muuul'uuury. Yongu Street. noar 'l'huru- '1 lm.nhill, swim. 1:357 Blurklmm “'0 acres 61' land and frame b0use,situ ulcll 0n Centre b'lxuet. GEORGE DODD, Veterinary Surgeon. JOURNEYMAN S A D DLER Inulml‘ H) 1i“ 0 1: SALE, ALMIRA MILLS, Horses for Ext-REE & FARRIBIL” INN particululs apply to, BIC [IOI‘M'S rL N0. (5. 2n STRAYEI), LHINCLES. \ aluove px'oporly will he so“! 0.: easy Cash or Yehrly l’a; palm, and is wo.1,h)‘ inn ul‘tém Mechanic and Farmer. uculurs apply to Lot 26. 4th ('on., Vnugluan WANTED. JO”)? 6; 5(‘01'1' BOWMAN Lsa, 18.37 NOTICE! STRAYED, Notice. Notice. SAHVJ‘IL LENK)N. 1.91.5th 1557. g163 Du. UUNCUMB, for snl: G. DOLMAGE, JOHN LJNFOO'I“ TIJOS. LUK ES. E. SLEA NEY bv tho subscrflwr . Markham. Richmond Ui'l. u l 4-lf Projn‘idm‘ l‘raprietar. g I 4- J {In g15-3l glG-St gl4-3t gH»1f 3‘“ MPORTERS of Wines. Spirit Beers. in Wood and Bottle. [IT VAUL'rs,â€"Under the “lube Street Wad Toronto June, 1857 Richmond Hill, June 4th, 1857, Orders shZuld bé Foéfiggficd 177zmediatelly, As oyer three-fourths of he number N intend to make are already engaged. Boots & Shoes of every description! or the best quality and workmanship. and almos exclusively of "Home Munzfacture. A150,: large stock of A VE stood the test for years. and those who have med them lr‘slnfy to their suyoxiurbx- uelieuce over all competing Machines. V TOULD respectfully intimate .to his ’ Friends and the Public,1.ha:t he .has constantly on hand n hrge and varied assortment of Ladies’ and Gendemens’ X GOOD OPPORTUNITY new ofi'ers itself I _ lo a Medical Man of standing and experi- nnee. House and Promises, both pleasant and convenienl. can be had on reasonable lenns. Apply. if by letter p051. paid, to the Editorof .tlm Gazette. Inchmou’d um, June 15m. 1857 Renders them a Favorite in locah‘iies whnre they ham been introduced. They are perfectly reliable and safe if: the hemds 0f the mezpenenced , No Mechanical Skill being required to keep lh In in order. They Ire made from the best of material". and in a slrong and substantial manner. Richmond Hill. June 151)]. 1857 Compnis'mg Coats, Vests, Pants, Hatsfi and Caps &c.. &c., of everv size and description; also of excellent quality and nmmfacturo. all of which he will sell as ‘low as any house in Upper Canada, for CASH. Richmond Hill. July 23. 185.7. .7“: THE SUBSCRIBER offers For Sale the un- dermenlioned Valuable Property. being [he East half of Lot No. 33. in the 61h Concession. Township of Wurrcuuncu, 10 acres cleared; with a good Living Stream. ALSO, Lot No. 1'2. 2nd Concession. containing 200 acres, Township of Adelaide. South of the Egre- mont Road. For further particulm. apply to the Proprietor, ROBT. MARSH. NE lmnd ed valuable Building Lots, in the flourishing Village ofRichmond Hill, will be sold in Oct.. next. when due notice will be given by [he subrcriber. And removing all Diseases of the Eye and Ear gf‘lrern‘l'l}; bogs "10st respectfully to inform these ;-fl] fled in these delicate organs. Ihal he has for- wnrdcd to the office oflhis papcrn few dozen copies of the 4th edition of his Treatise on Dismscs qf the Eye and Em, published his day. which will be preselmud to applicants, The Author feels fully nssnred that evoryunprc- jtuliccrt reader of this work will be convinced that Diseases ol‘lhe E}e or Eur in Imyslage short of complete disorganization. can and may be cured .- und it must appear evident to every considerate person that the principal cuuu qffaIIuI'c to obtain relief m these cases throughout the country. is the rcsultof improper treatment. and a want ofrzxnzb umuz. smu . and counnzmt on the part ofthoso ‘ blllL' or attempting to cure such diseases. For isms apply to Mr. THOS; COOPER, Thomh'fll. HEREBY notify the Young Ladv [11. 1 look 3. grey shawl out of Cook‘s 512m e. m Thornhill. on inday ~evening. August 23. is r‘quested to leave the suns 111 ML Cuuk’s within the week from I,th dale, uné save furthar.uoubla. Mus. Wu. ECKAR‘DT. L'uionville. Sept. 19. 1857. - glGâ€"l‘t UNIVERSALI.Y known throughout Canada and the United States fit his skill and success in OCULIST & AURIST. OPERATOR ON THE EYE AND EAR July 29, 1867 LAND FOR SALE. Richmond Hm. June um. 1837'. This wank contains nearly 2000 pages of read- ing matter. in which will be found reported alarge number of most important and successful opera- tions on the Eye. and more than One Hundred inâ€" tarcsliug Cascs of every description. illustrated with numerous Cuts and Plates. Also, will be soon. Letters and References fmm highly respec- table panics from all puma of Canada and the United States.â€"al1 of which will be found wall \vurthy tho camfulpemsnl ofthe afllicted. Restoring Lost Sight and Hearing! Which will be dwposed_qf_-ygr}'_cl}eap foAr CA§IL PINE WOOD!! FORSALE. h This Work will aim [:0 forwarded to iudrivitiiruals free If charge) sending their add 05:. POST-PAID. lo the Author at 'I'ozonlo. Thornhill. August ‘11, 18574 JAMES IIALL, Boot and Shoe Maker, RICHMOND HILL. â€". “ TOULD respectfully intimate 1c ‘ Friends and the Public.tlmt he Tcn 'IYwusumI Copies are now ready for distributiom Patterson’s Reapers. To Medical Practitioners. ‘UF. Subsclfier ‘begs to infonméhel’ublic, that _ he has for sale Tomm'ro. June 81h. 1857 ONE HUNDRED CORDS 0F Dr. CADVVELL, 'l’WO YOKE OF CHATm‘M O‘X‘EN, T/zc Simplitity of llwir Construction, Lon don Dock Vaults CREDIT AUCTION SALE. OXEN FOR SALE. Bgady-Madc Clothing '! GRAND, BROS FREE OF CHARGE. PATTERSON & 'Bnos. 0F TORONTOy JOHN 'LANGSTAFF. gB-lf J. R. ARNOLD Spirits and British Omen. King gJ-wy 1.3-“; gl3-ly g16~H gIO-lf g4-If

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