Eh: 53mm Shirk. How “it in briglitpfllilgeyicc glows. “‘ith Wisdom joined. through rhyme and prose. And both unite their charms in one. 'l‘r. fotm the saga md huni'ious pun. WWWMM. †OEOLL EPITAPHS. â€"â€" | Lair Respecting hi-ii'spiipcis. lUBgCRllilil’tS h ho do not give expri: l Notice to the c- ntru y, are CDleldt‘IA'h lab wishing to continue their subscription. lfSulrci-ibcis order the discontinuance 0 [their papers, the publisher may continue ' I . . isend than till all arreaiagcs are paid. . - I . Dr. Pettigrew has publlshe’lfln Lmldo'b lfsubscribers neglect or reluxe to tat;- ncollection of epitaphs. Here is a droll one: “mil. papers from the 0mm 1., “mph my). a“ “ Two awr-gtxr babes you care did see Tliau God ainin gaed to wee. But they wur ortziken wee agur fitts And beer they lys has ded n; nilts.†On Rob‘t-Tmllop. Architect of the Ex- change and Town Hall of Newcastle; I‘ Here lies Trollop. Vl'bo made yOn stones roll up “'bi-n deatli took his soal up, Ilis body ï¬lled this hole up," On Ann Jennings, the mother of an im- mense family 4. ' 5‘ Some have childrenâ€"some have none, Here lies the mother of twenty-one.†In Oxfordshire, Dr. Pcttigrew has found: “Here licsthe body of John Eldred. At least he will be. here when he is dead : But. now at. this time he is alive ; The fourteenth of August unity-ï¬ve.†In the churchyard at Gunshorpugh, in the North Riding of Yorlisliire, is the folâ€" leiving: ‘IN gh this place lies four childton door, In their fullstrengtli. nigh lwcnty ytar; And not encoding twentyâ€"one. The fairest fl iwcr it is soon gone. Therefore, dear friends, lament no more, by: one not lost. but gone before, In hopes of a joyful resurrection. WW An editor clown South says he never dotted an i but once in his life, and that was in a ï¬ght with a coiempornry. To make hens lay perpetually -‘â€"-hjt them a \chI directed blow on the head. We saw a gentleman a few days since, who was buying all the. wood- peckers’ BCillpS he could ï¬nd. He will take them no California, to trade with the Inâ€" diana, where they are used as money, and are worth about each-Ill. Baptist. WOman'is like ivyâ€"the more you are ruined the. clasey she clings to you. A vile. old bachelor adds:-v Ivy is like wo- manâ€"the closer iticlings to you the more you are ruined. Poor rule that don‘t work both ways. Kiwi-Ir down the bachelor! The following is a specimen of sharp shooting between a coquet’te aiu hcrlovertâ€" 3‘ You men are angels when you woo the maid, But devil. when the marriage vow is made.†The lover, not to be outdone, replies as Inflows;- “ The change. dear girl. is easily forgiven- W, ï¬nd ou-oelvcs in hull inoth ot' beaver." “ Arrali, Teddy, au’ wasn’t lour nainel'l‘cddy O’Bryne before ye left oulil Ireland I†“ Sure it was my (la.leiit.â€, '4 But,iry jewel. why thin do ye add the s. and "can it"‘l‘eddy O’Brynes, now 2" '" wily. ye spal'peeu, haven‘t I been married since I kein to Aiueriky ’I and ac ye. so ignorant of grainmutiics tbatyye don‘t know when one thing is added to another, it becomes a plural I†The origin of wealth is in a moral feelingâ€"sclf-denial. “ Here is some- tliing I will not consume or throw awayâ€"l will take care ofit, store it up for the future Qse of myself or ot.iers." The pron who first laid and acted thus. laid the foundation of ' Virtue upon earth. The savings of each man are a ditllhlve blessing to all, and there- fore, in so far. frugality isa thing whzcli al may and ought to appluilil. I am an old fellow says Cow- perju one of his letter to IIurdis, but I had once my dancing days as you have now; yctI never could ï¬nd that I could learn bal‘i‘ IS much of a. woman‘s character by dancing with her as by conversing with her at home, when I could obscry‘e her behavior at the table. at the ï¬reside, and in all the trying situations of domestic life. but she is the good woman who wants no the ï¬ddle to sweeten her. \\'e are pleased r“. i always feel more at home when I have got the ladies about me. It is on their account, and on account of their children, that Ihuve denounced the disâ€" sraceful system of getting drunk at the alc- house and leaye their children starvng at home. But, women! you have a duty to perform, and mind you do it. homes agreeableâ€"inuke the attractions 0 Make you home so great that your husb-tnds will up wish to go to the aleliouse.-â€"Eurl of Al» bermarle. Charles Dickens gives, in one of his letters,aii inturestinar glimpse of hi state of mind while composing one of Ill> recent stories. miuy ways; butl shut. myself up Ior on. mouth, clase and light, over my Illlil C Il‘hllflla’ boik. T/oc C/LLIYM’S. All my all fections anl pissioiis g )I twaied and knottei up in it. trill iii-came haggard as a inur- derer, long before I wrote the rod. When I and due. I tied to Venice, to regain the Myopia: } lad 19o†ï¬vI have horn beset ii. J 7d. per week. and the British (.‘olonist at 6d. per ' directed,they are responmble till they liari Settled their Bills. and Oldt'led their papexs t. ‘be di~continuctl. I If subscribers remove to other plaei - .witliont informin the publisher, :llltl the pa 1 _ per is sent to the former direction, they ill'l iIlPld I responsible. A Gift of one Thousand USSELL s. RICHARDSON ii... in press a work entitled Copies. 'R I THE [MUSICIle S GUIDE; ’Edited by Nathan Ricbnrdmn. author of th- Mudcrn Srlioul forth l’wltn I“llrle, uliieli rt‘t‘t‘ill ‘ly took the firit Prim .Vlurhl. and i< so It g‘ilv ll' commended by lhnlberg, Dieywlioi-k. qu’t‘". Dr 1 Mason. Wlii. Miro“. and others. as being ~uiveriu ‘50 all other other Iiistiuciion Books published. Tho i'llilsirilm’: Guide will be ready iliii niontl The eugrziviiigi 0! Mil"! of tho mo<t innpnriuii plutos is the cause ofi s delay. It i~i a large qu-irii of56 pages, containing many boa 'tit'iil (‘III'JIIIVIIEQ‘S and a descriptive index in the ideas of over 61. Idit'l‘eroiitcouipowrs of music. It is on iursiliinbli book fol teachers of Illuslc, aiiiutours. and all play - era and singers. Decirous of umlriui: a mold introduction of this “'otk. we are iiiducod to Gll’f“. .\ W .\Y the firm edition of ONE THOUSAND COI’II‘ZS to iicolile interested in iiiu~ic, and we will runny 1m; fostoni. N. B.â€"On'y one copy will ho sent to the same address. The wmk will be sent in the same older that the addresses are received. If? You willcertuiiilygbta copy FREE of all EXPENSES, by sending your name and address. without delay. to RUSSELL. 5L RICHARDSON, Musical I’ub isliers. Boston. To FniToRs.â€"Ru~sell it: thIlaldx’Oll will send you Two dollars’ worth of their late~t Musical Publications and the Mum‘t'un's Gui/Ir, postage puid. if you will givethe iibovo alivelllrt‘nlellt (iii- .cludiiig this ot‘l'or), one iiiseitiuu in ytur papi r. May. 2857. g4- l w. The Daily Colonist, BRITISH COLONIST, Tri- IVce/rly, And News of (he ll'eelc. Weekly. TER MS. Daily Coloni~t £1 10 0 per nuuuin. British Colonist 0 1‘2 (3 " ' chlily Colon at U 7 6 " " Clubs of ï¬ve 1 5 (I " Payable at least 3 months in advance. . The daily Colonist is de‘ivoreil in Toronto. at ‘ fortnightâ€"payable to the NeVVe-t‘ulllttYS. The Colonist Estnlilirhiiieiit having been re;- built. and the whole business placed upon :i basis of the most complete and siilistaii ial kind. the; Proprietms teal eveiy confidence, lll u>lxlllg {or the the coutiuuul and iticrekscd support ot all who! dosiie to support an Independent Conseivativnl Jouinnl. The arrangnmonts for the suppiy of late News me such as cannot be all"]!as.~l'd in Canada. The daily Colonist is a Iaige dtillldt‘ sheet 01'48 (-ol- tunes. and is the Luigest daily Journal pllhllsl‘lt (l on the American Continent. It uill. tlicreiore. h" ! enabled to give better I’mliomeiitary Reports and more New:. than any othei Journal. To Advertisers. The terms of adverti-ing are the some as for Joniiiiils ot the Slllhllt‘rl ciiculution. All utivei- tiseiueiits receive a gialiiitous iiiseztiou iii the [rt-\Voekly ed lion. in h.cli tenders the atlveiiisi. g; circulation equal, if not siipuiior. to that of any other newspaper whatsoever. Money Letters. if iegistered. will he cousEdeied at the l‘I>k of the Publishers Subscriptions may be commenced at any period of the year. All post-masters acting 'ns Agents: will ho ul- lowul a commission on cash rriiiiitaurw. 'l‘dOMI’S-ON & (20.. Publishers. 59.. King Street East. Toronto. gal. .ctlbciiiallv outed, ‘ thickness. I; penetratrs throuin any bone or tie>liy pan of. 'tlio living body. tuning the most dnngeious iiiwaid iiiiiiu llllll. Bill AW’ A Y ! ' ‘HE Moiiibers ol the Viciniia Square Saxâ€"Ilom ' 1 Band [under the tuition of Ii. W'iseniniu] bug to inform the I’iibiic that they have lecullll) received some of the most. ' Popular Music of tlzc Day! iCouipost-tl by Graftilia. Di-(lswurth and Friedwicli. "fllltl that they are now pwpun-il to attend to till icalls lltllll any pait ot' the (‘uuiitiy. 3 {1’ All Orders left at lllt‘ Post Ofï¬ce. Victnvin lSipiaro. or :it. II. Wisemrin‘s, Muse-iii: Huh. I Richmond Hill. will be. attended to. :Victciia Equine. June 10th. 18.37. gl. LAND FOR SALE. "ORTY-FIVE ACIeSâ€"llr‘lllg the “'cst Part 0' I l Lot No. I. in the. Second (‘I'llt‘x‘a‘l'ill of the i'I‘owmliip of King. Has a >in:ill Luz House. is I well [IilIIIIIOTECL t'oiiiiiI-Lrnilogot‘ior at vo'ydwuubm ' I'i'oppily tor a Lizjcii- Mutter. | :â€"-:\ LS‘)»-â€" JEIVE Acres of Laird at Ricbiiioud llillâ€"-two ' :zclcsut uliicli is a Nuisrry. \t'i-Il >ltit‘lied with iIi-iviug'l‘ieu. now iendy for the Market. with a Home. a New Bun. two \Vells of Good \Vaier.‘ and other lIt‘CO‘HIl)’ Out~lliiildiiigs, being Pint of Lot No. 43‘. Fri ('uiicessiuii. iii the Town- ~liip of Vail-shun, and known as biuitli's Nursery. :lia name of the former l’r piiotor. _â€".‘\LSO. -- ' “'0 .\'e\v lluilt Stores in the coutreofl’cieli- iiioud llill: Ollt‘ occupied by Mr. William .\lyer>‘. Saddler; the _otliui. being the I'llllill' tlfï¬re of the RI.Cllnl0"d Ilill Gazette. All the above I’iopcrly will be Sold 0': ea.“ :eriiis. Apply to .I. DUNCUMB. Richmond Hi". g l-tf. Juno. Bth. 1857. i ' immersing uh IMPORTATIONS! SPRING DRY Silks. Ribbons. Broad CIOIIH. Satiiia, LaCe Goods. Twei-ds. S‘QlIIIBlâ€"‘i GIOV". Fancy 'I‘wecik, Popliua. I’M-18013. Domii‘ius. Mung Antique. Shauls. Fancy docskiyio. Mauiillnu gamma... “and Dresses. Venetian Cloths, ' Bonnets, Drub Kcrseyr. Straw Goods, Bath Cords. Hosiery. Robe Dresses. Fluuuccd Dresses. Muslin dresses. Barege dresses, Challis Dresses. Shoplieid Fluid. «$8.. &c., Toronto, June. l857. Iâ€"tf. JUDSON’SW FOR THE CUkI Coughs, Colds, Iloarsness, Spitting of Blood, Night Sweats, Asthma, Liver Complaints, and 0! CONSUMPTION. Sold by R, H. Hall. A Marvellous Remedy For. A MARVELLOUS AGE! HOLLOW'AY’S OINTMENT, THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. By the aid of a inicmsrode. we sou millions of little opiuiiigs on the surface of our bodies.â€" Throuin “new this Ointment, when iubbed on the hklll, is «armed to any o'gau or iiiwuid part. [lis- onres of the Kidneys. diso ders nftlio Liver. ull'ec- limits of the heart; liit‘laiiiiiiutlon ofth Lungs. ASII‘IIIIM". Coughs and (,‘olds. are by this moansI _ livery liuti-e-uilio Iiiiows that salt pussr's fieer through bone or input of any complaints, that cannot be Ilieaus. LIHSII’EIJXS. SALT RHEUM AND SCOR- ISU'I‘IU HUMOR-5'. ' No ronirdy has ever done su much for the cure of diseases of the shin, .w‘lintrVi-r f-iini they may :iszuiiie. as this Uiiitiiieiit. Noe-use ot’Salt lilictilii. Sciiivy. Sole Heath. Seiol'iilzi or Eiesipclas, can and uiihstund ll\' influence. 'lbe inventor lies travelled over iiiaiiylaiia of the probe. visiting the lilIHt'll al hos! lt-ils, (Ilipt‘lldllg this Uiiitiiieiii, leached by other in will; atlvice as to its application. and has thus be- n ilio moons of iestoiiiig countless numbers to health. SOILE LEGS, SURF. BIIEAS'I'S, “'OUNDS Lilif‘l‘Jis Some of the most. stjeiitillc surgeons now rely solely ou the use of this woudeiful Uititiiieut. when liming to rope with the waistcnses of suit-s. wounds. ulcers. L’lalltltllnl‘ spellings and tumors Professor Hollow 0.} has, by command of ilic .\Illt‘d ‘ Governments. dispatched to the hospitals ol the under the dil'i‘tillbll of the 'Mpglicai Stall, iii the waist cases of wounds. _Ii uill cure any ulcer, glandular swelling, elztluess or ccniiaciiou ol the l JcIlIlr, even of 2b yeiiis’ standing. v Bot/i the Ointment and Pills should/in 11ml m (/16 Ibllowmg cases .- Bunions. lliiiiis. Cliapprd Ilfllld‘. (IiilhlaiiiS. Fis- Iile~. Illieuiimtisiii. Suit LUIPUIII, Sop 'I his healing.r Uiiiiiiieiitfzir more readi- in." change or “mu, m. gua ing‘ and wort“ ea“ VDER a _R_L , ». wk. -£=.===‘__ [King Street East, Toront (30005 and Millinei-y. Clothing and Gentleman's Outï¬tting Emporium. tulns, _Uout. Lumbago. .\li-i'i~uri.i1hiupunuo. | Legs. Hm» IlieuSis, Skin dormers, Dmo Heads. Soie 'l bloat. hoies- ot..llkiii(I.-; Spi'aiiis..\culds. 5“'?Ilk'd (ilfllld<. sllfl‘ Jot: ts. Ilti elF.Vfl' non-Ll Sores: (If? IVmun/p‘ of u// [duds [F Sold at the )laiiutui-torics of l’ioiessilr Ho'â€" lowny. 5:! Maiden Lune, i\ew York. and 2-H Strand. London. and by all respectable (lriiggiu incl dealers in Medicine llisougliout the United ‘intes, and tbeciviliZed woild, iii pois. at L5ceiits, (it omits. and all enrh. IE" 'I‘here is a considerable saving by takiiigl :lic linger rims. ' i\'. H.~â€"â€"Uireriions for the guidance of patients in every disoider :iie atlixed to eat-Ii p31. WA!!! A'KOO . This Compound conhinl the Extract. \, of Lbs but. Honduras Sorsqporillu. V. ,1 corn-bin"! withotlier Ingredient. of i if: great virtue and power. and in «n 91- in H I has “nun Medicine in- i'urarying |be a; v. ‘ 5% Blood]: Ilia Eruptions and,aradieu- 51% r j '5“ I:an ul Impun'mo from the lyatcm. pl"; l “5‘5 “5?- i I‘ .- -" .,.2i-.~_ (lidrah ‘ :4» ‘51 V “M, ‘nuiml nmro )i"_"‘ : - V c on: â€" u...- - : new» -' onccou .. ‘ .IEVI Irma. CIR“, ICATE L ' MlNESOTA-ll p33,...“ M. M.†mg†m JohanywodJ/abr .. wlsgousm “‘l .u IN E.Snnntom .lmr . VERMOHT . «ISLAND Jw.s. «with». . W.†'i _9‘TU“' T.\V2dd r. UPI/WM. °E°RGIA1 imam 0L.s‘i.¢iapn.o'nw . mom.“ «i ‘ D.H.Dmy.flnulâ€".Muv . Micuicau DJ‘I . Buttonhb'ebl-Tvul. . ' Eu'uun.flud.&um- . ISL. MLPru-br. , -_ ' Em JJ’nir ankmgrm _ uzwvonx l A H Rsmnhï¬iflllaz .. PINNS Lv'Al ' manna“, JohnLJ‘iaLI'orW n l‘ unnvgnun: ‘â€" JacobH Bal- i V‘ ingrown" I "7' ~‘- magnum. - 39mmâ€: $55.;sz ’ {yogi . -,s.cn_not.iun I THE LARGE E. 2 i v l I ‘Thorii'iill. Yongo Slicer, (East In an shipments of this Ointment. It) be ll\t'(l iil‘lmn "ll." llflll‘o HI tnwn l l IMPORTATIONSl â€"‘“L.,___'s"\roa SPRING ‘â€"~w~ This? 0. E 'l‘ LIE M It} ECONOMY IS WEALTH. fl‘IlF. Undersigni-d begs leave to iiifoini the. Public thrt he holds himself in rentliiicre at his Old I'Z‘iillllblllliPlll. which has bPOIIVl‘Ull.’ tinned for the but Six Years. in this (‘iir (No. 16!. Ynnuo Sheet. and directly opposite the “ Uiitlniiiiaia Ill “be,†'I'OIOIIIO,)-10 Rein/vale. clean and Ripair All Descriptions of Clothing, In a proper and satisfactory iiiniinei. by oredictii-p I’-iiits. ()il, 'l'ar. we. &c., and iesluiiiiLr Colors ti their original appearance. so as to give Getitlo men’s wearing appaiel the flill appearance of new. Finiii 31 years’ cypelieiir'e iii the blt‘lltt‘ï¬t‘ and prompt attention to all Ol(lt‘lS with which he may be farmed. combined with an earnest dt“l'0 to please his Cll-‘lUlllgl'S, he hopes to limit in share 0‘ public pationnpc. \\' l LLTAM RICHA RDSON. Toronto, June. am. 18.37. l-tf. Dzirlin ;; & A itellisop COMBI.‘\ED , . . ) Mon/(21 and Reaper. ( UR MACâ€le .‘lllNl‘llIliallk‘ laiiili o‘ . VV'ouqiit lion. (-utiiely free from Sldt‘.‘ druiighi. can be eIr-vnleil to any height. from a Mower in a keeper by a screw in trout. and cuts A’I‘IIOII- clogging, lll Crass. Wheat. hots or lliirlov. wiili- IS for the lm'smt. The price for n \Iower. $120.0â€; complete-- asn Henri-r. $lw-Ull- Aii entia kniio Aill ll( $5.00 extra. All our Machines~ are warranted to be well llllil‘ and of tile best material. GEORLE D \Iil.’N(1‘ ROU'I'. AI'I‘CiJSON . Jiiii:- 24th. I857. g3- nnmsu c. lunaticiN' JEWELLERY STORE. {MALL PROFITS {6â€"QUICK RETURNS. f ‘III‘I undersigned on king- on the abon V piinciple feels conï¬dent that he can sell goods 30 Per Cent Cheaper Call and are $.‘l5t: Clot-ks. 5m Silier Hutches, $6 (Jodi Albeit ('lihiiis. CALI. AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVE? At 114 Youpe Si“ 2 mom comb of the Globe llotelfl'oi‘onio. T. C. RIf‘llARDS. [1} Ever}- deKpllp‘ltlll oi Goods in the trade made or iepnired on tho Sliciicst Notice. ‘ 'I'iiroiito, Mo)‘ '20.. Id-ill. g4 l_\‘. .__,._._ Canada Typo Foundry. Ruioveo To ST. Turner: 8%. In I)l-.BERA'I".LUIIJHIHH, hloxiituc. ’l‘llF. Proprietor: of this Establishment beg to Illinllll the I’ iii or: of (‘uimdu lIi‘al they have .mw llllei‘ilIiwllll'ed niid ieatly for IIt‘ll\("l'\'. a huge quantity of Small licu. Long I'r:iiier. Iliii‘rgeum- .iiid llievwr. of Scotch Iht't', ulpch they “ill Lrllh- antPe cannot be sllllthW't’l by any Fuiiiidry upon tlii. continent tor (ltllUlHIlh and appearance. 'I'liei have also on band a choice esroitineiit of vaiioiis tiltiiids of Ornamental Type. The prices at which these and other types are sold at the Canada Type Foundry, “‘ill be IOUI'tl at least. Illi per cent. loss than they Could be pur- chased pietious to its esi:ib.isliiiieiit. It is therefore hoped that the l‘iiiilers of Cann- da will show thi Il' nppieriatioi) ol' the advantages -it holds out. by boâ€"t-Hviui: upon tl at‘aii- share of tlieii pan-image. iii rotuiu tor wiiwl; ilin pi-npl-imnrs pledge lltt‘lllselvus to lame no means uttll‘icd [u giyp ample satisfaction. l’aziuters! mark the reduction in the price of t"pr~ EIIICP this Foiiiiuiy \wu opened; amt pm“. i†-iiiiuuI that a greater reduction depends upon your. Songs. Our motto i~â€"~l|ppl}. the [rude Vi'i'li ty po of such quniiiiiivs and hi such pure-s as will pre- .li'c‘llt iiiu necessity of patronising foreign monu- .l'nctuieis. The follnwiuglist of a few oftlio priiiCipal nrti- “Clea igqiii.i~d lry printers. will {Me an idea of the .gl’cat advantages of the Canada l‘ypo Foundry 'â€" PRICE§;. Nonpuiiel - - - - - 28 6d pay lb. Minion - - - - - v 2% 3d ~- “i'evwr- - - - - - ‘25 Id ‘- Bouiguoise - - - Is IUtl " Long l’riiiier - ~ - - 15 Ed " Small I’ica- . - - - - ls 7d " I’ica - - - - - I Is 6d H it? All (IlllEI' Book Fonts in proportion. % [riiiiou to ail diseases peculiar to Friiiuius an“ Cliiltlioii. (Mireâ€"No. ill, King St. Easl. ()I’I’OH'I‘E ST. LAIVIII’lNCE “ALL. 1 ) 'IIIIB INDlAN HERB DOCTOR. IS'I‘HV to iiic y'oiic : nil 'I'vii'li :iiiil Rwi ii. u .:l be p thud i-v that all h‘iui \lgll mi. 0.. aim [It‘ iin L! N.. .. iii-wiry ii .do. on him.- {til pniu ii~. ll'i ml ll y .1ihotit tlr‘l:r\ tu ~i~ ii..- 'I'i ML] r it. “till Du: 0 . I'. lie l'iiiti-d Ilrll) li"\\'tll‘~lltg t'i‘ii ii .i 1 ii illllltlll who, Sl'lf‘ ti fl 0 l' to his Irit i-iits [lime imli‘t iii: and mi Sleuth-Jury: .fioiii .‘Qa nit-'5 (Jiiitli ii, w'lei Ii 5 In» il> aiiilini ‘Iilt‘ wth and all-tine lliy ii-iuu mimic. 'l'be following (lixwiws run he (‘Iiii-il In I) . 'l‘ in the LUU~I nlniinziin ~lltln nt illr‘ll rt?» rlit‘h. vi'I:â€"l)i~i-:isc>ut lllt‘ Lungs. Ill‘flll. I.l‘l‘l niitl nl~ii. I)\>prpri:i. Uninsy in II all l)l\"l 0" \~]})( IH‘. .‘ult ’I'liiori : of the “loud. Slil'll u~ .‘ciotizlii. I'.‘ “Itrlllll, Frye: Sou-s, illltl all ('Iiiuiiic (.‘lnyll'litllll‘ of \‘t-un standing. I'. S.â€"â€"'I'Im IliiC'iir will also give particyl'ir ut- IIj’ Consultation I" on. 'I‘oionto. June. 18.57. I-tt'. uuuu Sold by R. H. Hall. GOOD NEWS FOR ALL! PHRENOLOGQAL I‘2Vï¬nllllfllI-lll, (‘Iiiirvoynnt (‘iiii~iiitutioii.~_ and ad rico giv- ii daily. Sundays excepted. Magneto- I‘Ilrcmii-ily upphitl to the vine. of dslwsm. It i- an ,‘ulnllihln (rule for weakness, chiliiy. liidi~cre- tions of youth. and all ueivoiis complaints. Clair- \'r)\ntIC(' enables u~I to we mt re tieazl} the caiiu of all our Milli/tings and iiitiiiiiities. lteiinhles ii.~ to are mo 6 cleain the cam:- of all our “ï¬lming†and IIIl‘Il'lllll‘f‘F, It enables us to iecoiiiinrud tliow iiiczitis that “'lll effect it reitziiii and priit'ect cute. when all other ieiiii die-s have failed ; it also sees the most illlltfl t-iit safe, and certain menus to Iin employed. All who are in tumble, all who have been iiiifoituiiiiie, dcrrivegl and Lifll‘t’l Wiiii. al who~e f0: d hopes have been musket] and blaqwl. all whose minds and health mo siitl'uiiiig and de' cliiiiug. go to the never failing (‘LAIILVOYAN'I' AND VIIRE\OI ()GIS'I‘ for mlricu and guidance. All ltlI)tIllllL[ INHII‘I iiiclaiiviiolv tliouglih and ilpprpssiiiu of spinis. IIlSIrP>~ nuil unguiin of mind. from \Vlllilb'v'zt tiltso. all l.1I)I)Illiglllltlr‘l‘ bad and delicate health. 30 in him for ieliul’ tiiiil ('oiiilinf. All Iititlies who have Milli-ii (I under tbo~e i-oiiiplaints and ili~enso~ int-illeii' l0 t‘eiiiaIi-s. ooiisiiit hiiii “'llll the gum (NI routidencc. l' EVlDlIS to iiinii'iiiue. all in dent-ai- health >ll£l|i1lf0lt~lll him All who li ye hail hail luck. :iIi ulio have tried their In“: to go: on lll ilie \'()|‘ILI Iillll t'allllU‘. go to i III) for :iilviru lion to II“- ‘ll‘tlve ili. lt' ciiciiiiistaivcio. la'eiiis should 2e. iis upiiiiuii what brill!" or p Olt‘~!~'ll)ll is be~t itiilt'tn tiled lU eii~tiie their children's prev“ in life. Ii: lave :iï¬idzs. the piiiiriplss of the above so eiici~ guide you to lmnpy iiiariiagc. and duiiicstic Iril- .‘it\‘. He shown the llxt-Z\ls>‘ or itâ€: rvi‘vur' possum) on w w;. (Tull. ('tvn-lllt him. and judgi- for ymirst-ll', In W I"|tl_\' heron tell ‘0â€. Further particulars sen: GRATIS to l|II\ Ntlllit' or Atlilre s. All Iit'lif‘.>. 4‘oiiiiiiiiiiii-niioiis. illl'l llllelVlle‘. rll'i(‘ll\ Pin-n r Illtl ('ouliileutizil. lii nub-i to claim Hilt‘llllnH, ilir 3'04:in mt all Lettevs must be pie-paid. and Ii..\=e Vintage Slump.» piiivlp-itl for the flll>\\('l'. .\d re~s. 3V. liAl'tlAIï¬L. Ilex l’osi Ofï¬ce, Hours- of ('mhiiltutiou. fiou; 9 to It. ii iii.. and i'ioui ‘2 in F. p iii.. ut the Comet of Nelson ant: I’ll-.l'flles Sheet, In unto. 'I'oioiito, June. 1357. l-tf. AZGB’S TKISH BALM. +1153}: GEM?“ REMEDY FOR. BALDNESS, ‘And for Invigorating and Beautifying the Hair Sold by R. H. Hall. SCOTT st COMPANY’S REi RIN'I‘ OF THE British Periodicals ! l ' AND THE FARMER'S GUIDE! Great Reduction in Ill? prire of [In Latter Publication. L. SCOTT & f‘o..Ni-w York. continue to pub- 11. {Mi the following leading Iliitlsli I’oiiudical:- ViL I The London Quarteily (Consprvative.) ‘2 The Edinburgh Review (\VIiig.) 3 The North British Review (Free Church.) 4 The \Yeslgninstor Review (Liboral.) 5 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) Them l’eriodicnls ably represent the three great pn itiral phl"l8> ol'Giea'. llii uiliâ€"W’hjg, 'l'on and I‘lltlltjulzâ€"dllll pulpics for)†only nine featiiie oftlieir character. AsOigansof lllB iiio~t pzofuuiid uni er» on Science. Literature, Morality. and Bellfllun' they HB'HI tiiiiivzilled in the world of ieztprs. bung Cullwdfled itldhppllsti'lfl lo the schmar and tho I‘- i- ill||t‘ It is r’ 'lll(:! ‘ Sip/37.53 .\..:|.‘..iio\i'ii :inri .ii li‘ é't’ilrgi ll‘ l’lt‘lnl‘llll IIJ'SfOI'Z/ of China 1(7nii‘iiln. has concluded to iiiriku 'l'um to. t‘. \\ ‘ ‘liiu Ill)ll|r' tor the litllll'v, w ii-ru IH‘ u'ill 'I4llltllll‘l0l" l l l l 1 lumpsâ€",6 to Flea and ‘Illllker. ls pcr lb.: Y to p ni'rssiounl iiinn, wild» to ih» ltll.“l igcni reader of I’icu. 1:3d; b to I’ica ls 5d. THUS. J. GI'RNIN & Co. 51. 'l liereso Street Montreal. May 18 h. 1557 g3 N.ll.--Puhli~ hers of iietv~pnnr~rs givin‘r’v'jnsartion I lolliis ndveitisuient for ‘4 iiiiiiiiliis, will be allowed their bilic iip~n puiotizisiug ï¬re times their amount of our Ill-'Illllfviulllve. Editors will confer a favor by diiociing attention to the announcer mom. T. J. G. .9; Co. I ovary class ilicy iiiiiish a more CUI'H‘L‘I and satis- faciury iecuid oftlie mirrbttt literaiiiie of ill day. lliioiighout the “old. than cap be possibly obtainâ€" od IIOIII any othei onuice. EARLY COPIES. The recr-ipt of Arlruncr, Slim/13 from the British publishois gives additional value to tlie~e He'p'Illl", inasmuch as thcv can now be placed in the hard;' _ 1 Three Hundred Engravings and nearly One of subculiors boil: as soon os the original odi- tiouo. ' Ne“ EditionsdustPublisher! .N'ew 41nd Comp/vie Ilsln or (In. ll». {wt-Clle the eieirtuiii u; up: r c it: ‘ll!’ lull cil':it.'i~liii,-<-iit ot Christianity. \z II-Il copious \niiis. llil’llillll! uii ililhlw‘lt’tl l()lllllL(‘l.\vi‘)' ot the sacroil test. Ttlll pages octnvo. ri/ miil ."ui/iuâ€"â€"coiiipii~iiitr :i (liwt'iiptioii (ll those l‘lllll.'.’l.A'\ (Hui their iiiliuliitnuis: eiiilirm‘uig tlir.H luuoreul L‘Vt‘tth. fll)\Bl' Illt'lli. iehghiii. "tlllt‘u- Lion. laiiuiiaue. lllt‘lnll I8. BIIF. iiiuuut-icuiri-s. .pmrihuiioiu. eniiiiiiL‘ixr. nutl lllfl|l_llt‘|‘.\ :iiiil (Ell-4- tuiii~ u! me people. from the earliest pr‘ltOII My mum iiiir rot-hid t-itlie prewut Liam llllhl‘fllr‘ll . . . . .. . . “ m.“- E es...- ... ‘.-,3Ԥ~. gwkmuï¬mWWXOMw-J _ W~ Contents. and a coinplotu Index. I{.\I,.Ii. M. D Itll'll.‘l|(d In FU‘VIqE-R By R. '1' You ' In the plan of the work. the aunt: and no no- h~llvrl Ill the i'e pli- have been SLb-Idllf Iqit Iii \r -- « li\ liuo trilliost c-vcvy toil of into-est III the (icy '- iiieui~o1An~ti~iuy. l‘liy-io'ogy. I’nilioli.~.y fly-Iowa, «mil I'Iic‘ap. ivtic~ in I: it 8. [\It‘*9lllcll.lli' E0 Off: I‘ \irnl tirlitv a-o iilwziys put piomuienilv fmwa'd 'l'tiii prowling eriois. conceit.» and v hiuix ofiho (lay and age we exposed and ici’uii-d; the then Jo: and liymtheses upon which the popular drug. pariico is predicated are contiuvertod. and tho why and ailing/'01: of the lull my t-louily demon >trfllt‘d 'I'he luilowiiig in a brief analysis of its CUIIU‘IIIS: IliISTOR‘I’ OF MEDICINE! History of Bathing. History of Medicated Baths. AN ATOVI Y . u uh .wu hundred l-Liigiai'iiig~. not) page: but!“ : i lustm‘ed by One Hundred and Twoutv approp- tit‘lhi u, 'IY/I'Jlfug Iltcizlrnls of [/10 "hrs of tlu'l [ iiuto eiisrraoiiign. PHYSIOLOGY. L'niun.’ .\_tuzi.-â€"â€"ci-inpii.~iiig Illt' III()\I.\II‘II\lI g and ' Illustrated. cuiiiprisiiig the Rationale of Muocullr uni-.2 “obit†('VA‘U‘.‘ of tho ieviilntiviii. tliu Fit-itch \ylll'. .lio 'l'sipoliiimi war. the Indian wars. [lt' second war with Great lli‘imiu. and the Morit‘nii war. pugrl oetavo. Sam-5’ .N‘ew Pictorial Description oft/1e Unitel Statesâ€"containing an account of lift: top- ography, suitleineut, history. r0\'ululltilltll‘;i’ niul oiliei intoiesiiiig e... ‘s. Slalifllttfa. progress in ng’lctiltlll‘e. iz‘niiut'nctiiius' and population. thin. LVIL. of each state in the union. Illustrated \iitb two bundled Engraviugsyl'tliu piiilcipnl cities. plat-e . buildings. scenery.curio~itio>. souls of the status. Sic. doc. bot) pages ociav o. Srurs’ 'I'reasuiyof Knowledge and Cr]- cznpmiliu, of Silence rind Artâ€"containing a grcnt tiiiimiait ol'iutorestiug and useful iiiIoriiintionâ€" unuzouoiiiy. (“ï¬nds in 'ho Holy Land. Discovery ot'Aiiiei-ica. cnil; settlements. of the country. bingi-nphies of eminent moi). incidents of tra~ rel, discoveries in science. “’iih uumer- oils ILiigruviiigs. 5i2 pp. b‘vo. Scars" Scenes and Sketches of Conti- iiculull Europeâ€"eiiibracmg descriptions of Franc», l-“irtuual. Spain. Italy, Siculy. SwitZor- land. Belgium. Holland. tho; together with views :iiid notices of the principal oIIth'ts ot' iiiv term! in I'm-is. flatten. Lisbon. Madiid, Barce- lona. l‘isa. chlioi-ii. Home. Naples, llorculauc- iiii). l’oiiipeii. Panning. l’alcruiu, Malta. Venice. Milmi Geneva, Fur-nos; Iliitssels 'I'yrol. Ant..â€" worp. Rottei‘diiiii. Amsterdam, Waterloo. 6:15.. Ace. Carefully compiled from the best and latest >UlIICL‘S. Numerous Engiarings, 5.30 pp Bye. Sears’ PlClu/‘lfll Description of Great BI'IIIIUL uml ll‘tlttlldyâ€"Iogf‘lltï¬r with iiottcos ol'tlic piiiiii ial lllilt es. natural OUFIO‘IIICS. ($0.. in the Kiiigrloin and the Bliiisli Islands. Willi several hundred handsome Eiigraviiigs, illustrative of Scones of picturesque beauty. churches cos- tumes. flux. in those cilubmtcd couutiios. 5.3L page: ociavo. Seurs’ Pictorial Famin .‘Iurziiulâ€"â€"eoi:i- . prising Within gut-it a vomplmu Ii‘iiuiy of useful and entertaining kiiouliiige. \litii i:\‘ui' two hundred Engraving“. it:tt'tly illti~tvtilivw. er;e seniqu ni-Iiinl Scenery. cthtuums. iiii..iiuii- nu. Ac. 366 pp. Svo. S'cm's’ In formation for (lie Prop/(~â€" Couipri~iiiu uiliim itself it i'niiipleio lih‘nry t‘l u-etiil and enteitaiiiiiig knowledge. This wail. eiiiiipdses the finest vaii-w of Emilh‘ll‘lilllt‘llh‘ eVer oll‘t-rcd to the Illlllllt'. titltl pug» uetzivn. Sews’..l.‘rw Pltlm'Jll Hoof/y lusi‘l'uclm‘ or Digestiy‘timieull [\-llt‘ll‘ll‘lfflflâ€"l'ulliluISMâ€! ii (fUlllliIr‘lF CIECII' UI ttrcliil xii-(l (‘n'witniiiiig t||Iti| » llmilOIi ; (ii-sight tl for i‘hi'iiilii-ri. hrlinola and ;il>.i Willi three hundred Lllgluvlllgo. but) I “lion. Absorption. Nutrition. Societion. Euro-mm l Action ; the Neiioua Iiiflueuco: Philosophy of Maud - Mosul uic l’beuouieiin; the Special Seu- isps; Functiousol digestion. Circulation. Rewir- Calmiï¬i-ntion. Teiiipernmouts. the lines of Noll and Theory of Population. HYGIENE. embracing all the relations of Air. Light. Dlilh, Food. 'l‘i-iiipornture Exercise. Sleep. Clothing, Bathing. and tho l’ueious. to the growthdovolup- lllt‘lll oi‘ Ilody and Mind. the Preservation 01 Health, and the attainment of Longevity. DIET LTICS, comprising the Bible. Anatomical. Physiological. Chemical and Experimental Evidences concur iiig the natural dietetic Character of Man. II YDROI'ATHIC COOKERY. with Special direction: for the Preparation of food. D I E T A R I E S . containing the Therapeutic distinction of in iiivalids. PHILOSOPHY OF WATER CURE. with illustrated explanation: of all the water-cut! appliances. 3 Philosophical Exposition of tho ' .uo- dos operandi ’ of water treatment. and the true rationale of drug-treatment. - The Nature, Symptoms. and Trontment of III lumwu diseases are exnniiiied. the ill ouccosoof drug-practice exposed. and the proper Medication incominended and specified. THE TREATMENT OF SURGICAL DISEASES. ‘ Illustrated, and directions for tho minor operations given. [7’ The Management of Lying-in-Wotnol. and the treatment of Children. &Co The work is intended to be a pliin. intolligiblo and sufficient guide for domestic practice. or home treatment, in all ordinary dis-crises oiiibrmiug tho I :IIOIE iungi- of subjects connect-id with the I'bilu- mphy - f Life, the pi‘csoivution of hetiltli. ind tho l : ntiiieut of iiiwnscs. l ~I'Iiia great \VUlli iiihy be had in on. large vol~ one. bound in library style. I‘iico. lire-paid by to "My l‘o~t Otlicc. ill the United States or ! inzzda. only THREE DOLLARS. I I .‘ill letters and orders ehould he directed on fol. i i Inhh's :â€" FO\VLER 8t. \Vl‘lliLS', Nn. Broadway. New York IT Agenu in every neighborhood will ho sup- d in packages of a down or morn cnpios. by .iiiross er no Freight. I Single copiel. by muiI.-- 1-; lDl'_\' family should have a copy. ’," Editors copying tho above n for. timesâ€"lu- 4‘.l .i'iiig lItts No'eâ€"oniid calling attention to th- r ~-.--ie. u ill be Ptttitled to n copy of tho work. Jul hvi i'ablo to their union. at out otiice, Biouuwo)‘ rtes. 900 pages octavfl. IVIICu two null ii: dlll' ' ' alialf. I New York, Sear; PlC/{d'fal flfsloriy of’ [/u: lz’.‘:'.‘tlllâ€" I " '_â€"~- ‘â€"â€", â€" ---~â€"â€"-â€"--â€"- tunâ€"ti buck tin evnry III the nuio-u I Ill F E Liiiiiaiih an account of the (‘7lil\ Liston 0: (hr ‘1 con it ». tin.- t"||t\llltlllt“ oi me If. i‘i-ttl" n i:liin- .‘v {i\' o, (B . iiologirul Index. 5w, Novelist hundred kinglflt" 31 2, iiigs. ' ‘ IS PI'BLISHED Scarf Pictorial Sum/my- linolâ€"i‘lesigio t‘d lort'ni- the: wt Illllfâ€"I'ili‘lll“. .iiii l':i|iiiiie~ . the lliuiiiirrs and .‘llrluitir N Bangui. .IJKIIOII".HiIIi Explanatory of mini) pavilions of tho wiiptuiu. Gut! pp. ("YO Scars" Bil/lo Biography, or the Live; uiu/ (humans 15' [Iiif l’i'iiti'.‘yiltl l’msmmges ir~ (HIV/g“! .‘n thy. Sue/ill Il'i hugsâ€"I’m: itt-iillj. adap- ted to IIII' iii-rut i ii u youth and piiviite tiiiiii- be»; continuing (Li-Ly divert-thins on the I'Iri< di |lt‘t’~ of izii iiii- rt min ioii; t-oui'l llllltfldl’s In†to the iii 11-. ll i'... llhiilt‘lOlh iiliiriruiiuiis. pages Dunno. 3.4' Scars" II'outlr'rs of [he ii'nrlil»-Sca:i>inl Sriiesmiii TV a I’uiC\.--I‘..rl i.\\ omit-rs ol‘ .\:i- lure. ('llllli’llIIIlIL’ ;i di-ri-i iptioii of lltl‘ Hit‘b‘>0f "I: u Ill-'lllllbi'ri mid l'llh‘li'lll.‘ of vniuinc llflllgukl mimic. lii'ils, [)l‘llllr. Ac. (It:\(:Iipti(iii'- i-l iiiieiitii In. i‘ltir». ties. Ac. \il iui -llllt lllilrll'uilvlla The History of I‘u/rstmrâ€"hmn the I'ulllitlt‘ltal our to Llip lllrétlll tiiiic. Iiv Jott.‘ kn ro. ediioi ot the London l‘ictoiial llible. etc. Illil.fl. (‘Illltl‘l- .340 .pp Sin. .. . . . . . . l lieu: of A cw Iorkâ€"â€"tliis cugi'avmg ls: pill-ted on n iiimiiiiiotltslicet. «I? li_\ I'J lllCIl>nitlld i ' ought to be ieiy t-ulunllit‘. l’iico 5“ cents; Die/J: ('(HHPlt‘lt’ H"orlrs.â€"-¢:li:i,'i:ii vols.â€" iu two. 1.300 pp. ovo. l’ilccluiir dollars and a hull. Sears" JVin Famfly Receipt-Baal:â€" containing the most valuable- .ce‘iptsi'oi the var rioiis branches ot'Coolsery, .‘icscrvmg. Ace. acts. each. 0:? Orders for any of the above Wiii Its received at this Ollice. ,lui e I'llh. 18:37. 1;! T0 PRINTERS. ’ ‘HE NUBSCRIHICR begs to inform 1 the Trade, that his Stock of Printing Presses, Type. Inks, :iiid all other description of mnteiiulx. has been veri largely increased this Season. by arrivals from NLW YORK PHILADI'ZLI’HIA. BOS- l't).\~ and i\l()l\"l'l’il:‘.AL; and that he is propaied 0 supply orders for new Offices. in addition to those in operation. at the shortest notioo Piiniiiig MACHINES and ENGINES im- -0it- d to oidcr. Be~t quality of NEWS INK at. Ono Shilling per lb 0111 Type (alien in czchango for new. I). K. FEEHAN. Colboriio st . Toronto, Jan. 9. 18.31- D GOOD BOOK you Every Family l g5 A GREAT AN THE Hydropatlite Encyclopedia. A COMPLETE bYSTEII UP nvonomriiv AND iivrucxc. Embracing Outlines of Anatomy. iiliigtrair-d. Physiology of the Human Hiltl"; I‘lygieiiie Agein- (firs and the Pioservalioii of Health; diolics uni IIvdropathic Cookevy; Thomy and I‘iac'ice 0. Water ’I‘reatiiiout: Special Patholom and Ilydro- Therapeutics. including the .\ninre. Causes Syiiiptonin and 'I'ieoiiient of all known diseases: Apnlicution to Nirgical disuse-I; Application 0 Ilvd opatliv io Midwifery and the Nursert: uiil. IZW ILLUI'I'NATED I 1W“ Payee including o Glossary. 'l'oblo ol EVERY Sui-duahsiiliuiil (run-hers: print I} ally IIVIIFUII'IYD; 0": Part II. 'Wniidu's ot _'\ll.: 0. . FitIDAY‘MonNth. BY W'illiam 'l‘rudgcon, ‘ .\.i’id deapatclied to Subscribers by the earliest "lull-I or other conveyance. when so desired. The You: III:.L\0..' Gill’r‘l'l will always be found to rouiuiu the latest and iiioutimportiint Foreign and Provincial News and Markets. and the greatest rate “'I†be taken to render it acceptable to the map of business. and a valuable Family .\ ru spaper. I'Elt BISâ€"Ono Dollar and n half per lllllum. Hi i am inâ€. It" not paid within three iiioutlil. two dollars ; and if not paid wuliiii twolvo “1008:: two dollars and a half will bo charged. I “a tcs of A d vci'tisin g : "~l\ linen and under. ï¬rst insertion. . . . £0 ‘20. ‘ti. I‘LHCII subsequent iiirei llnli. . . . . . . . . 0 75d. 'I'eii lines and under. first insertion. . 3|. 4 {och szibsoquout insertion . . . . . . . . . 0 14. \bore ten lilies. ï¬rtt iii,. per liiio.. 0 Id- l-Iaicli subsequent insertion. por lino 0 II [13' Advertisements without written direction- tllSde‘lI till turbid. and charged accordingly. All iiaiinitory advertisements. from strung." or irregular customers. must be for when hundod .ii for insertion. A liberal discount will be mode «a portion adv» tisiug by the your. All advt‘rtisemelita published for o loso period than one month. must be paid foriu advnuco. Allloiiern addressed to tho Publisher mult to post paid. No paper discontinued until all arreangu on pnid : and parties refusing paper: without paying up. will be held accountable for the subscription. Merchants and others who advertise liberally the GAZETTE will have their Card! insotuli B the Business Directory. ESTABLISHMENT. O c: iptiuii of PLAIN and FANCY JOB wont: mun, roanzna. ciucvuiiis. LAW ran-s. mu. And every other kind of Our assortment of JOB TYPE ll entirely new Sun. kept always on hand. .. » ~ I 5:1 Book and J ob Printing f:0.'.’â€"r-â€" RDERS for any of the undormontlotiod doe. will be promptly attended to :â€" sooxs. Inn-c! BILLS. Bunions cum. until: no "LAD'. BANK CH HCXS, DEAF-rs. AID P A I P H i. z 1' l . LETTER,â€" PIIESS PRINTING ! done in tho best style. at moderate ram. ind of the latest patterns. A large Variety of new Fancy Typo and Borders, for Cords. Circulars. W. R. ROBERTSON. Fauna. a! M