Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 9 Oct 1857, p. 3

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e f. r - cAt TORONTO MA R K E’I‘S. ABRIDGED FROM THE COLONIS’I‘. 'l'onox'ro. Oct. 8th. 1837. Wnut'r.â€"Yesterday the market was in a state of stagnation. and only one or two loads changed hands, although the supply reached fully 3mm bushels, the greater part ofwbich was either taken home again. or put lllto store. A few loads were sold at. 3:: 9d n 5:4 per buihcl. Futon â€"It is itnpoiistlilu to give any correct idea of the state of the flour market. We qtit-te as Il)li0Wi~'lâ€"-Sllpt:fflllt‘ Fancy ll 5|). Extra $5 75 a $6 :25 per barrel. SPttiNo “mar (‘UIllf‘fl in vury .«lowlv. and i.~ not sought nftcr at 34 6d a lie 51d [H r hush-'1. Rn. is quiet and nominal :ti 3: .'ld il le lid per bushel. 011's still tend dowuu-ardi. several luL" having ' clintigod butt-ls nt I-t it)‘ :t L" or Irtidu-I. Pius are lit good demand. :tllII~'II-_'II lIIt\ ~iipplt , . is Illlltictl Th - Iiiglteq pat-l uti 'I'titud ty was ‘2 6d [5h] er I)u$III’I Coax ts iii light stock and held at -Ii~' 3d [‘Ii‘l per Iillpllel. “Arts iii fair demand at $12 a $16 per toti. Straw. .212 a $14 per ton. PU’I'ATOES have come in more front I':trtuc:'.~‘ than by importers. although the Itl,t|lI_\' hy thr- lutter has been m--dorntcly large. The market i.~ wellfilled. and priced are not firm. 3s -1d a 4- fur the best varieties. and is 6 l for inferior per bushel. Enos 10d a Is per dOZI'II. l’oumtv ls Told n 2s 6d per pair. a as per ditto. Bur'rmtâ€"Frcsh i.- iu tnodornto mtpply at 1! ‘L‘tl 10 I! 3d per I'-.. [lie ruling ra'n lining Is 2d. Tub o No. I quality in ttntpli-nttful. and held limit at Ild a lit ccordiug to quality. Of No. lllt' stock is still heavy. and it moves slowly at 8d a 10 per lb. Poulâ€"Fresh finds Ieady t‘fllt‘ at $8 a 8} for smallliogspcr 100 lbs. (‘uted meats are ve._firmly held. the stock on hand liavmg run low. Me!!! I! quoted at :21) dollars a 2 ldollars per barrel 01'200 lbs. I’rituo 2'8 dollars a 24 dollars Bacon 13 dollars I I3;. Shoulders are plentiful at Ill; a ll dollars per 100 lbs. Burâ€"The market is well supplied at $5; a Ducks L’s (id .5 for medium cattle. and $6 a$6§ for prime per, 100 lbs.. sinking one-third. In" $4 50 a 6 50 each. Lambs $2 50 a 351, had even $4 for very fine. Calves $5 a 7 each. WOOL is lower iii price. owing to increased re- ceipt-end a decline hr the States. Fleece Wool will not now command more than Is 3d per lb. Hides have declined tn price atid are now worth .6 per 100 lbs. Sheep skins. In 6d each. Calf skins 71 per lb. l Outoss $1 a 150 per busoel. and sell slowly at tint- Tunvtrs In lid to Is ltlld per bushel. Favir have been plentiful. Apples $1 51:59. 50 per bbl. and 2s 6d a Rs 9d per bii-hel. l’eaches $1.25 a I 50 per haiket. l'luin~ $1 5111" '2 per bushel. Cmtnn;â€" Imported American $9 n Ill 5! for commonan It a 12 for extra per 1110 lbs. County of York Agricultural Society. Tlll'i Full Fair of this Society will he held on T'I'I'IDNESDA Y. 14th inst.. At St. Andrew‘s Market. Adelaide Street \Vest. Toronto, when upwards of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS Will be awardt-d iii premiums for Cattle. Sheep. Grain. Root». doc. Exhibitors are requesth to make their entries O! as early u date as immihle. 1117' For particulars. rte-e Large Bills. HUGH C THOM‘ON. Secretary A: 'I‘remnrcr. Toronto. I‘c . 5, 18.37. gli‘l'lt LETTERS IN Richmond Hill P. 0. UN lst UC'I'OBICR, 1857. A. Atkinson. Geo. B. Baker, Mrs. Susan lluslicy, Solomon Bajarow, Martin Broddle, James C Amos, Thomas Cox. David Conley. Patrick D. 1“ F reek. James Fla-algae. M iss Mary , I. Conner. M rs. Conley, David Dodd, M r. Feris, Robert .. Geri-Iii, David 1 ‘1 II. Hunt. Mrs. Silas Holden, ('li:trles Hcslnp, John Harrison. J. Hand. “in. Harris, .I . '1‘. Hall, H. I’Imvitt, Robert Hornet. Dani-d (‘2) Holland, Mary Habberlain, John J. Johnson. Joltn Jiinuierson, James Jenkins. Abby Jucklia, Robinson K. Keller. Mr. (Bailiff) Kirsu ell. Giles L. Law, A. Kerr. \V, Kinaerly, Jacob Lindsay. Mary Leece, Henry Langstail', Joseph , Lacy, Tom Lamb, Richard - TIT. Marsh, Robert Moses. “'illiaiu Monkman. Mary Miller. .Taincs Munro, Samuel D. McCantyre. Neil McBentlt, Thomas Marshal, John Murphy, Elunor McIntyre. Nl'II ' McDonald. John 1 Moore. Mrs. (care ofJoscph llill) N P Patterson, Thomas ‘ R. Reid. Miss Margaret Russell, Vth. S Newberry, \V. II. Sanderson. Samuel Storm, Adam Sloan, George Skelton, Mrs. Smith. Hugh T lJ. C. GtLuoa. Pres. ' Jami-s Lousk. ! Tuts Cont-It" Insures , Residence. ‘ Richmond Hill. August 13.1857. EXTENSIVE ' filkiihi'r s.ti.n : FARM STOCK, FARMING I\ll’l.I-‘.\II~I.\"1'S, HOUSEHOLD FIIILVI'I'L'IIIZ, the. \VIIJ. BI.‘ SOLD RY P U]! L I C .7 UC’TIOA', On TUESDA Y. « 'Ct. ‘30, 15.17, AT III}; RI.~IUI..\CI“ 0F MR. N. ALLAN GAMBLE. 01‘ N1). I'll. wtw'l sitlt- of \VUIIL'L' rtrtwt, Illa J In towing valuatth pt‘upt-xty. Vtz : ~- I Agt-r‘l \lnre “itli Cult l-_\ llt'l' >ido. l l Aged Ilttrsc, ‘ l Mac 7 you” old. I Marc 5 your» old, l I t\l:itr- lyeats old, Cults 2 _\v«:tr~ old. I"! lt-y l yt-nr old. “'0” bred Devon .\lilv'li Cows. llci‘crs. 2 your: oid. Ilcife. l _\'r.'ll' old. Spirit: (‘nlvt-s, Ynkt- of winking (-xen 5 yuars old. l’ait of Sitters ll ytâ€"nts uiil, “I‘ll hrcd Leia-ester Slit-up, Superior Leicester Rain. 'l'wu IIOI'N Carriage. (t‘nlasli top). Twn linoâ€"so lluggy. (Dctitocrnt lloa). Single Iluggy. Fntiti \Tnggutis, ('uitr-r. (n utrl. llt‘“ ). Reaping .HIICIIIIIO, Cultivator. l’louglis, 1 Heavy LIni‘row. 1 Fun ting Mill. 1 Straw (Iiittor. l 'I Ill’tilp Cutter. 1 Soil Dottliln llnrtiess, ] Sctl Single lintnt-sx. 2 Seth Whifilt-tters and Neck Yoke. -N'. â€".â€".¢_;.v; 8' u....â€"....;.â€"___ A quantity of Sup Buckets. Cradles, Scytlios. Forks. Rakes. Jam. and a number of Other urtictes unnecessary to mention; together with a quantity of excellent HAV. All of which property will be sold WITHOUT RESERVE. as the proprietor has let his furtn for a term of years. _ Titans :â€"All sums over $5. a credit of Twclve Mouths given. on apprth-d joint notos.‘ Sale to commute-rat Ten o‘clock prcctscly. Lunch at 0.7VE pm. ALLAN GAMBLE. Proprietor. ASHTON & M.\Clll~ll.l.. (Indiana: 3. gl-‘-'.iti Yonge Street, Oct. ‘2, 1857. JOH N I’lA RRIIV G'I‘ON, Ja., ' “\‘O Miles North of Richmond IIIII,’ 1 dealer in Dry (iootlx (il‘lll‘t'l'lt’fi, \Vitit-s,l Liquors. Hardware. Gloss, Eaitheuware. 8'42. Also. Licensed Auctioneer. September. ‘23. 11:57. A. GALLANOUGII, EALIIR in Groceries. \Vines nnd Liquors. Thtonhill. C. W. Choice brands of Teas. Sugars and Coffees oti Iinttd. genuine as Imported. An assortment of Bread. Biscuit and Cakes. constantly on build. 'I liornitill. Stpt. ‘25. 18.57. Iâ€"RUMOHR’S PATENT ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MILL. gill-l} ngvlv VJ‘IIE undersigned Iiaviugpnrchascd R. Losson's l‘atetit Mill. is itow prepared to manufacture any quantity of them. at his factory. Markham Village: and any person inftinging on the above l'atent originally invented by Richard Lesson, will be prosecuted according to law. M. II. RUMOI IR. gill-6m. Augustfi. I857. They Have Arrived I I I Charles Dun-an t, EGS to announcc. that he has received his Stock of Ladies', Misses & Childrens’, BOOTS AND SHOES! The variety and quality of which cannot be be found elsewhere in this neighbourhood. He respectfully requests an inspection. CHARLES DURRANT. Richmond Hill, Septfl, 18:37. gl3-tf. “ILD Liins rouWSALEIII N the. Townships of Atnabel. Sydeultam. chley and Sonicrville. Price from two dollars an acre and upwards. Apply to. G. J. F. PEARCE. Conwyancer, Land Agent 6'42. Yonge St. Richmond Hill I’. 0.. Lot 39, lot Con. Vaughan. Richmond Hill. Juite. 26th 1857. g4-1y. Fire I Fire ! I Fire ! W E S '1‘ E R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. INCORPORATED RV .\(TI‘ 0? PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. I V s o | Tires. HAWORTH. V. Pres. Rice Lewis, George Michie, J. P. Robmts. Robt. Stanton. Sec. Wilt. Henderson, Hitglt M ller. Vanter Macfarlaue. â€" 11? Head Oflice, Church Street, Toronto. ' V all descriptions of Buildings, Mauufactorios. Mills. &c.. and Goods and Furniture. iii the same. against loss or dam- ,age by fire. on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. A. LA\V, General Agent. glu- ly Spring lmportations. LYMAN, BROTHERS & (30., Troyer, Win. Thompson, Robert V IV “'ildrakc, Mr. “'ise. George “'alkcr. \\'m. M. 'I'I‘II'IFY, I ’1»! must" . Vaughan, Daniel Walker, Vl'illium Wilson, Robert Walker, W. 1“. [3m] New Stationery and Perfumery! JUST RECEIVED ruom ENGLAND, N EXCELLENT quality and assortment at Cream Laid Note. C:-p. Letter. and Fools- enp writing papers. ruled aitd plain. Fashionable Note paper. Cream Laid. l’rntcd. (‘oloted and Embossed. with Envelopes to match. Fists? White and Brown “'iutlsor, Musk Honey. Almond and Fancy Srcntcu Soaps. I'lal v.0ils. Cologne. Lavender Water. .\c., Ac" 3 For NI c at G. A. II-Ui-NARIYS. Richmond Hill. Sept. ‘24. 1857. gm accedineg low prices. No. 4. St. Lawrence Buildings. TOULD respectfully intimate to their friends and the public that their SPRING I M POR'I‘A'I‘ION S are now forward. and consist of a well assorted stock of I . PURE DRI‘GS, DYE-STUFFS, CH [5 MICA LS, BR USHES. SPICI‘IS, I‘ICR FL .\11£l‘tY, FANCY SOAPS, VARI'ISIII'IS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, SIVRGICAL INS'I'IILMICN'I‘S. OILS, DRIXIGIS'I‘S’ GIIASSVVARE, &t‘., all of which they offer to the trade at the lowest market rates. L. R. & Co.. would also call the attention of Dealets and Painters to the White Lead and Colors in Oil and Patty prepared by them. and for which they solicu al rial invoutpatisou with otherkindsitt the market. I relitig confident that the result it ill not be to lllt‘ll’l disadvantage. either as rt-gards qualin or price.< I‘oronto, June ‘26, l~‘:‘.7‘ git-3m I DARLING Al’l‘t‘HISON‘S ‘ svu intuit iii MllWll. We have now passcd through the harvest of tltc cur- rt‘tit user. which all will ngi'cc has Itct-n a season stiflicient to tt-st the merits of tiny Machine. \Ve can say with safety that “C have seen nothing equal to it in Grass or lodged Grain, and we can cut standing Grain equal to any other Machine in the Province. We mention the following as some of the principal itttprovcments, viz zâ€"lt is substantial- lv luilt of wrought iron ; no side-draught on the horses; chit he ('lltillgt‘d from a Mower to n Reaper in a few liilllult'S, and clcvaicd to any convenicnt height, by a screw in front, Vtitltotit change of Knife 01' Gearing. The cutting department, which operates upon the principle of scissors, the edge of the knife working over the steel edge of the knife- guards, and beingr all open below and behind, the knife keeps it entirely free from clogging, either in wet grass or grain. \Ve respectfully solicit Farmers to call and examine for themselves. Price of the Mower, 8120; complete as a Reaper and vaet‘. $140. 'l‘nouivttit.t.. GEORGE DARLING. 517%., 1857. I ROBERT Al'I'CHlSON. THURNHIIJ. (Markham) Sept. 1857. lift ssrs. Darling A itch {sonâ€" aniug purchawd one of your M acltines, I have uscd it this season in (Truss, “hunt. Oats and Barb-y. I have cut about thirty acres of Grass. eighteen of which went fttll two and a half tons per acre. Sonic of it w.“ a moth-rate crop and some of it was very light. All ofit was cut Inllt'll to my satisfaction; some of the heavy grass was cut wln-tt it was very wvt. and yet the machine kept free from clog- ging. We cut thirty acres of Vt'hcat. six of Barlcy and twenty of ()..t.~. Some of the whcat was vcry hcavy and lodged; the Barley and Outs were also llIlIt‘ll laid down, and I can say with safety the whole work was done in a very perfect manner. HE NRY IIOTSON . SCARBouo’, Sept., 1857. .ZlIcsm-s. Darling tl- At'tchistmâ€" This certifies that I have purchased one of Darling 8L Aitkison’s Combined Reaping and Mowing Machines. which I have used to cut my (irass and Grain. As a Mower, the work was pcrformed as Well as I could wish, making neat, smooth work. My wheat which was badly lodged, was also very well down, and other crops were equally well harvested. I never had my harvest done so we'l, and the whole was easy for the horses. ‘ JOHN TINESEL. MARKHAM, l1th Con., 6th Lot, Sept., 1857. JI’Icssrs. Darling c} Ailchisonâ€" I purchased one of your Combined Machines which I have used in cutting my Grass, \that and Barley. all of which was cut to my entire satisfaction. I have also a Combined Machine which I have used for two years previous. and in good working order. I have laid it aside and adoptcd one of D. &. A.’s Machines, and I have done the same amount of work with one half of the labor upon the horses. I consider the draught much the same as ordinary ploughing. I look upon it as the best Combined Machine that I have ever seen. ROBERT REID. Scaauoao’, Lot 34, Sept. 3, 1857. JlIcssrs. Darling Aitcltisonâ€" I purchased one of your Combined Machines, with which I have cut my Grass better than with any scythe, and 1 have gone across grips which took two rails to fill up, With no side-draught, and it is as horses as ordinary ploughing. The machine cut my wheat better rasy on than any crule, and I believe it to be the best Combined Machine that I ever saw. FRANCIS THOMPSON. SCAuBono’, Sept. 4th, 1857. 11103375. Darling Aitchisonâ€" This certifies that I bought one of Darling &. Aitchison’s Combined Reaping and Mowing Machines, with which] have cttt my Grass and other Crops. As a Grass Mower, for width of swath and neatitcss of work, it does remarkably well. 1 ctit heavy clover better than could be done with a scythe, and no sideâ€"draught for the horses. My wheat was taken down in the best manner. Altogether I have never seen a machine that performed the work so well, and as a general harvester it is the best I ever saw. JOHN THOMSON. Your, Sept. 4, 1857. flfcssrs. Darling Ailchisonâ€" Having purchased one ofyour Combined Reaping &. Mowing Machines, with which I have out about twenty acres 01 Grass, atid fifty acres of wheat, eighteen of which were very heavy and badly lodged. The whole was cut in a very perfect manner; and the Machine works light'and easy for the horses, without any side draught. I believe it to be one of the best Combined Machines iii use,attd well adapted for the general harvest. WILLIAM NICIIOL. Scaasoao’, August 4-, 1857. Ilfessrs. Darling (I. Attehisonâ€" I have tried your Combined Machine, and I am perfectly satisfied with it. The Machine works easy for the horses without any Side draught, and cuts Grass or Grain with equal facility. ARCHIBALD ELLIOT. Markham, 5th Con., Lot, No. 4, Sept., 1857. Messrs. Darling Aitchisonâ€" I have purchased one of your Combined Reaping & Mowing Machines, which I have used in Grass, “'heat, Oats, and Barley, the whole of the work has been done in the very best manner, and with great ease for my horses. I have cut with one team orcr sixty acres, and the Machine isjust as good as when I first commenced. I believe if this machine is rightly used there is none equal to it for the gen- eral harvast that I know. “'ILLIA M YOUNG. Scarboro‘, 3rd Sept., 1857. Messrs. Darling Aitchi'sonâ€" I have bought and used one of lilacer Darling At'fchison's Combined Reaping & Mowing Machines, and it has done work entirely to my satisfaction, and I can recommend it for ease to horse, and good w0rk, before any Machine I ever saw. ROBERT Bl,'CII.â€"\.\'AN. MARKHAM, 3rd Scptembcr, 1857. Ilirssrs. Darli 71g 4' Ai‘tcltisorz â€" I have purchased one of your Combined Machines, and I have cttt my Grass and that as Well as I could wish, and I can recominvnd it as the easiest for the team. and the work is done bcitcr than any Machine that I know. \Vt'IJJA \1 HOOD. Junt- cach-insta‘lmcnt becomes due on the whole sum of the purchase money then unpaid. ‘ Also. at same time and place the Tth‘l‘lI Stand. known as the " SWANN PROCLAMATION.‘ ' ‘IIE Subscriber has been instructc In 34-” by PUBLIC AUCTION on tho ground. ONE HUNDRED BE .1 '1‘IFUL BUILDING LOTS, in the flourishing 'l'otvn of l ’RHHTMOND HILL! On THURSDAY, October 22, 1857, at TWELVE o‘clock, noon. RICHMOND HILL is pleasantly situated on Yongc Street, sixteen miles :iinrtlt of Toronto. and control between the IIOIILIIKI Landing and the Queen iliity. RIthHdlillllZCf+fllid Plank roads running throuin and near the Town; lwhilc the Town itsol is well supplied with Stores. Hotels, &c.. and judging from its past progress, we have no doubt but that are long it will be TWELARED THE COUNTY TORIII The O. S. & II. It. R. is but a short distance in the rear of the property. while the Townships of Vaughan and Markham are both in a high state of cultivation, and intending purchasers would do well to avail themselves of this chance, and thus secure for themselves a home, in a first-rate locality. TERMS OF SALE :â€"-'1‘he sum of £2 down or within one month on euchLDt; the balance in eight equal hu’fâ€"ycarly instalments, with interest half-yearly. at the rate of six per cent.. pt-r annum. to be paid at the time l INN," attd now occupied by JOSEPH Giuv, will be offered to competition. 'l‘crtns made known on day of sale. J. GORMLEY, Auctioneer. {118-21 Richmond Hill. Oct. 8. 1857. r“ 7 ._._ L*.,... _tL A ____.___7- Goons ! RICHMOND HILL! CHARLES'DURRANT, BEGS to inform the Public that he has received Invoices of NEW ENGLISII GOODS! DIRECT By the following Ships :â€" m: “ Anglo-Saxon,” - - - - - t‘ia Montreal. 01 “Indian,” - - - ~ ~ - - “ “ ca: “Europa,” - - - - - - - “ Boston. ex “Canada,” - - - - - - - “ “ ALSO ONE CASE FRENCH GOODS! Direct from the Celebi‘otcd House of PERE ET FILS, PARTS, Consisting of French Merinos, &c., &c. 110 respectfully solicits an inspec- tion of his stock. which he anticipates will be ready by about the 15th Oc- tober; and which he feels assured will b; found more titan generally well assorted. FROM LIVERPOOL I CHARLES DURRANT. Richmond Hill, Sept. 30, 1857. gl7-tf N.B.â€"A fresh arrival of Ladies’ and Cltildreus’ Boots and Shoes, is daily expected from Boston. l NEW FALL" GOODS ! --ON TH E -- “CHEAB_, SYSTEM ‘ I” 0:â€" Slwrt Life to the Old Systemâ€"Long Credit, Long Life to the New Systemâ€"SHORT CREDIT, Success to the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. G. A BARNARD. Richmond Hill. will conduct business solely on CASH 0R SHORT CREDIT. Six months will be given on all new Accounts, payable promptly oii lst October & lst April in each year. G. A BARNARD is now receiving a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, \Vines &. Liquors, Ladies’ & Childrens’ Boots dz Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Paints, Oils. Drugs dz. Medicines, &c., &c., &c. “’ith an unusual assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. in cvery fabric. make. shape. style and variety. which he ofl'ers on the above terms. and tnuch less than ever sold before. In con- fining his business to shorter time. he is assured of the tint-essity of a general adaptation to the new principle. which must supersede the Long Credit and Lung l'rufit System. in general use in this Country ; and convinced that a discerning public will avail themselves of the NEW SYSTEM. whereby they can efl'ect asaviug from 15 to 20 per cm! on the average on Goods they usually require. G. A. B. earnestly and respectfully solicits acall. and on examination. his prices will be CONCEl-ZD- ED 10 AS LOWER. than any in the Neighborhoodâ€"His motto shall be :â€" Small Profits and Quick Returnsâ€"One l‘rice and no Abatement! Richmond Hill. June 30. 1857. g4-tf Markham Economist please copy till forbid. W'ILLIAM HODGE, Sonia, COPPER, BRJISS, TLN‘, flJV'D IROA‘ PLJI'IE WORKER, AND FURNISHING IRONMONGER. ROM W. R. & Wm. King’s Wholesale House. Snow Hill. London, England: and math seven years Copper Fountain and Tea Kettle maker. to Maqueston At, Co., Hamilton. Return; his thanks for past favors. to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding country : and begs to inform them he has constantly on hand. almost every article iii the above line. which he will sell for Cash as cheap as possible. ' Also. all kinds of Japan Ware, Copper Fountains. Tea Rettlo's and Brass Pans made to order. OF" Old Copper, Brass. Fowler and Lead. bought or taken in exchange for Goods. Parlour and Cooking Stoves on hattd. Richmond Hill. August 19. 1857. Horses for Sale ! IIIIEE Horses for Sale by the subscriber. Lot No. 6.2m] Com, Markham. SAMUEL LEMON. Markham Sept, 24th 1857. g16 3 W A N T E D . .iouu.\:t:v.\â€"t‘}tâ€"1\.T s A D D L E B. One well acquainted with all kinds of 4_â€"T; r l-â€" | J. MORRISON, House, Sign and Ornamental unnamed. MCHMONDfiHmL. Victoria Square. CARRIAGES, BL‘GGIES AND WAGGONS, Septtm‘oer 10.1857. PAINTED AND TRIMMED. gH-Ot PRIVATiSALEII LflA‘D JIJV‘I) WflTER JIIILL 1 Near Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Sept 4. 11-57. g13-3m SHINCLESJ â€".-_L_.___L____ -.____.__,A_.u.-_ .. ‘__,__ y _ To Builders. Farmers and Others! gllINGLES, or A SUPERIOR QUALITY. i ran now he had lll any quantity, trout One to a Thousand Bunches. at Mr. JOHN tha~'r,\ri’ lsln'igle Mattufactory. Yonge Strcct. near 'l’hurti it . No bend-made Shittgle< can equal those madc by Steam. for neatness n'td durability. Specuncu of his Shingles may be seen at the " Gazetto‘ lllffice. Richmond Hill. and at Mr. IIIIIuJ Skin Gainer, Gildcr, Glazier, \ and Paper Ilitngcr. "°r'-\ Grocer. Yong: Slvcct. Toronto. 'T'hnrnliill, Scpt l ‘, l9'7 {:1 1*”. fl‘lllS FA RM contains about Fifty Acres. with a House. Garden. and small Clearance. and is well titiihercd. 'l‘lie \‘Vatur Mill. including 'I‘hrcc~ good Dtvcl‘tug Homes. With Gardens. and about Fifteen Acres of required hr the purchm‘er. The p atttisos are at present used as an Agricultural Implement. and File Factorv‘. All the above property Will he sold OII easv terms for Cibh or Yearly Payments. and ix worthy the attn-ntion ofthe Mechanic and Farmer. - 'For particulars apply to Du. DI'N('I‘\IB, r . Richmond Hi'l. Sepioiithe' l0. lSJT Ell-1f 11,... _ __._ “.A_- ‘5‘ ROBERT SIVI‘IR, Boot and Shoe Maker, L DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist Chain A prl. Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Gcntlemcns’. Ladies’ and Childrens' Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and mode to order on the Shortest. Notice. Richmond Hill. June 12th. 1857. Notice. RUMOR. having been of late circulated in (A this vicinity. that I had sold to Messrs Cook 8'. Dave. the carcascs of my Sheep and Lambs. which were recently destroyed by dogs. I beg to state that I neither sold nor gave away to the parties named. or to any other person or per- sons the smallest portion of the said sheep and lambs. and that the said report is a vile enluinny. evidently set on foot to injure the above named individuals in their business as Butchers in this place. JOHN LINFOOT. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1857. g16-3l STRAYED, ROM the premises of the Subscriber, lot No. 30, 4th Concession Markham, about two weeks ago. a flock ofshoep, viz; Seven Ewes, one Ewe lamb. and one Ram . each with a mark on its right Ear. Whoever will return the same to the subscriber will be suitably rewarded. WILLIAM PADGET. Victoria Square. Sept. 2nd. 1867. gl3-8t. LUKES’ HOTEL, HOLLANDâ€"LANDING. HE Subscriber begs to inform the In- habitants of the above-named Village and surrounding Country. and the Public gen- erally. that he has leased the above Hotel, formerly kept by THOMAS Mu. which he has fitted up and furnished for the accommodation of his Customers. and he trusts by constant attention to their wants to secure a liberal patronage. Liquors of the best brands at the Bar. and every attention paid to Guest!!- THOS. LUKES. Holland Landing. Proprietor. Sept. 10. 1857. g14-3ni N otico. V HE Subscribers beg to inform all those indebted to them by Book Account, if not paid by the 30th 01' OCTOBER NEXT will be placed in the hands of the Bailifl'for Collection. J. «IL R. SIMPSON. Buttonville, Sept. 17. 1857. g15-3t STRAYED, VROM the premises of the Subscriber. Lot 29, 2nd Con.. Vaughan, early last Spring. 11 Yearling Heifer. brindle color. Whoever will give information where she may be found. will be suitably rewarded. E. SLEANEY. Vaughan. Sept. 17. 1857. g15-3t Notice. HEREBY notify the Young Ladv that took a grey shawl out of Cook’s Stage, at Thornhill. on Friday ovenitli‘g. August 28. is requested to leave the same at . Cook’s within one week from this date. and save further trouble. Mas. Wu. ECKARDT. Unionville. Sept. 19. 1857. g16-1t BRITISH 5; AMERICAN JEWELLERY STORE. SMALL PROFITS EQUch RETURNS. HE undersigned working on the above principle feels confident that he can sell 30 Per Cent Cheaper Than any house in town. Call and see $3 50 gLocks. $10 Silver Watches, $8 Gold Albert alns. CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES At 114 Youge St..2doors south of the Globe Hotel. Toronto. T. C. RICHARDS. ll? Every description of Goods in the trade made or repaired on the Shortest Notice. Toronto, May 26. 1857. g.lw.y. g4-l y. OXEN FOR SALE. HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public. that he has for sale TWO YOKE OF CHATHAM OXEN. Which will be disposed of very cheap for CASH. JOHN LAN GSTA FF. July 29, 1867' gB-tf ONE HUNDRED CORDS OF PINE WOODII FORSALE. For tonne apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER, Thornhill. Thornhill. August 11. 1857. gIO-tf JAMES HALL, Boot and Shoe Maker, RICHMOND HILL. ,â€" ‘VOULD respectfully intimate to his Friends and the Public, that he has constantly on hand a large and varied assortment of Ladtes’ and Gentlemens' Boots & Shoes of every description! Of the best quality and workmanship. and almofl exclusively of Home Manufacture. Also, a large stock of Ready-Made Clothing I Comprising Coats. Vests. Pants. Hats and Caps &c.. &c... of everv size and description; also of excellent quality and manufacture. all of which he will sell as low as any house in Upper Canada. countrv work preferred. Constant employment for CASH. and good wages given. Apply to Henry Tea], | Richmond Hill. July 23. 1857. 7c-tf a London Dock Vaults. GRAND, BROS., MPORTERS of Wines. Spirits and British l Beers. iii Wood atid Bottle. II? V.wl.'rs.â€"Under the Claim Ofiice. King Street West Toronto. June. 1857. g] -wy. To Medical Practitioners. GOOD OPPORTUNITY new offer.- itself I to a Medical Men of standing and experi- ence. House and Pretnisos. both pleasant and convenient. can be had on rca-ohable terms. 7 Apply. if by letter post paid. to the Editor of the Gazette. ‘ ~ Richmond Hill. June IS'h. 1:"

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