A RHMARKABLE DISCOVERY has been made in Missouri -â€"a mountain of salt. his silum- ed a short distance from the Mississippi river O'l the Missouri side. about 7 miles from St. Lnuis. “The uh is pure. and when ground to powder. as white as any table salt. Isranxnrovu anaI-z Counxv. The bill incorpornung Ihe lntorllalionnl Bridge Empnnv. role-rde for the naval manure It the “on m In! session. has been nsmnmd to by the Givernor in Co.mcil Tho notiï¬cation iac nu n- od in the lm orlicinl Gaul“. Tut-z “ GRBAT EAsri1iw.â€â€"--Thc Ganglia: Nm ha been informed that unfoh‘een circumslauces hue uison. which will probably postpone the launch oflhii ship from the 51h to about the 16m of October. The tide on this Inner day. though not no high an on (he 51h. will ne'er. ! isles: bexnflleionl to float her. with 304 You of Wile! lo )paro. " I v ' 7 I 7 on Monday evening in the WesTeyan Church, Gxeu St. Jamuslree\.Monu-eni. on behalf oflnd'm, at which m. number prexonl could not have been fewer than from a thousand to twelve hundmd. A col'ection Ins (then up on behalf of the sufl‘erers iby the Indian mutiny. SUDDEN Denimâ€"An mquost was held by Coroner Scott. yesterday. the 1 Mb insL, at Johnann'n Tavern. corner of Louisa and Elizabeth Streets. on the body of John Magoo. who died sud- denÂ¥y of Apoplexy. cnused by excessive drinking. The Jury rammed a verdict in accordance with the wormâ€"Datum. . ,V_ _rr-_. Inca a! Duflin's Crank. Pickering. Hiram. son of Eli Lenvenl. Est}. ofthnt place. died Ofil on Tum-day (w. He Wu about '24 years of age‘ .nd leaves I lug. circle of "knives and friends to mourn hi. onfly death. A sister of deceued is also very ill Iithï¬l: hop... however an swarmin- od of hot recovery. m est-bush the mm. «In; ELIE. luv. ' On the 8th Ins‘. an engine on the New York and Erie Railroad ran inlo the way ex- press train. ens: of the Buflalo and Erie road. at the crossing of the mo roads in Buffalo. Seven ï¬ns“: were seriously but not famlly injured. obody was killed. The train wus- heuvil} loaded with pusangurs on their way to the Slate Fair. General Hospital wr'les 'lO the Leader that small lpox is wow rife in Toronto : and to mitigate it in same degioe he has not apart the mornings of Tuesday and Friday. bemoan {he hours of nine and olovén o'clock. for the vaccination of the poor free of cost. A rumor had reached San Francisco from Utah. 10 the eï¬'ecl that Col. Sumner had arriv- ¢d at Salt Lake City with a company of dragoons, and had arrested Brigham Young on a charge of high treuon. and that he had already started with his prisoner for Washington. The news needs conï¬rmation.-Cotoni,n. Vnnv CALCULATINGâ€"One of the Central Amrim pusougom arrived w::h very close- ly lrumnud hair. which he stated he had clipped olfhimself before the vowel went down. to save being grapplvd by (he drowning crowd. The fel- low was evidently a ciow shaver in“. two 'violeul shocku of an enrï¬nqunke were felt in .81. Louis. Missouri. They made lhe moslsub- flaming! bulldin lmmb'o. and overturned small n'u'cleh in dwal lugs. The shock was also felt M Syriugï¬eld. Illinois. On Sunday last the Mnrmons held them hut conference in New York. Th9 Saints 591L70ng to Utah. leaving the wicked Gentiles to shift for llmmwlveu. ocrurn-d on Sunday. [he |3lh September. His hhnllh. it is snid. is quixe restored from the effects ul'ilis lule nunck. The tax-payers of Prescott have re.- fuied lo IAIN'NOH u h_\'-law nuthmizing a loan of £500 for the purpose rl' making cenaiu impruve- flaunts. knowledge have been published. and It is a sealed book. love to llartinau, Collins. .leclt‘on .1 (‘u. Whore i1 our Clergy Reserves money that was to do so much in thin way of education 7 i may where ham it gone 7 [am conï¬dent there are not six men south of the Ridge; that could answer that question. Prob'ibly. Mr. Era. you could give no name information roupocting thi‘ mono) ? If we make inquiries respecting than: in “on; we are treated with contempt by the Newtnarko’†oï¬icers. And again. how dullhe Nownnrke‘; people me a he la<t .Vlnnic a Bee on. 'w i tell you. The lwu (‘81! of tilt! ult'cti-rrtavur piercing cold. and the electors. south. of thr Ridges. did not wish to exchange the comlortk 01 their own ï¬re-aid“ for a piercing north-“um blast, merely for the purpoeo of electing Jowpll. l' mperor of Whitthurrh. for aimlhl-r }. at. therefore very few went from thin locality; but some of thmte that went. were picventril from voting by the people of Newmavket; who ru~l|r5d in by dozens and took possession of the busting-I. and kept the Clerk engnged until the poll Wax cloud ; end they actually elected our Councilmen ‘ north of the Ridgen, and one of their own nomi- i nation south: one that we did not want. but was forced upon us by a Newmurket vote ; and when an elector condemned auch proceedings. tho Editor of the Era tommouded him to be put out. All this I saw myitoll'. and the Era will not dare to deny it. He- further lays, Vewmmket will pay into the Treasury between $500 and $600. and in return only gets about £35. Now. Sir. surh deception in without parallel. lh would wish to have the public believe they have only got £35: _ but if he would turn to the number of his own piper that containa the report of the Council meeting at Aaron. he would there see £50 to open Gonm etroet. and £525 to be expended on the Town Line, Ind other Imaller sums. which I males. 1 think. about £90; that is mole than will be expended this year in oil the rest of the Town- ship: and thin expenditure has been going on for you". while other roodoin the Township have been neglected. The road- in and about New- murket have been repaired ; and thin Town Line in noon to become the property of a Road Compa- ny, on which the public will have to pay toll. The roud in of immense importance to Newman-- lot. It) much :0. that Erutua has expended what bitof eloquence he hnd.aud it wan preciotu littl e. at public meeting: for the purpose of getting sub- scriptions to make the uforesuid road. 1, would i give the public an account of the injustice pruc- i ticed by I gang in this Township. of which the Editor or the New Em in head . but I mtend to make it the subject of \anothor communication. In conclusion. I would odviu the Era to cease to do evil. mud team to do well. You". &c.. The Small 3035 hgg‘mgde it‘s» appear- _- A. nuns“:~ Thgï¬fedigal Supeï¬m'enQeng of the Early on {he: mprning of the 81h Burpn H}ll:llnbflld‘::5‘ 89th lgirlhdgy united pfaygr (peeling tookmplacc 36mm Stung. FAIR PLAY Wu clip [he followiugilems which Ipponr in the talegraphic report ol‘ the Atlmuic‘a news which arrived In. New York on the 12m inst. Martial law had been proclaimed at Delhi. Paris pnpor< contain a rmnorlhnlserious disw: - anions existed between Lord Cumnng. Governor General. and >ir Colin Campbeu. (héamnuundu- ill-chief. Lord lulgiu sidrd with the Inner. and W» also supported by pubilc opium". Thole an of Gen. Havo'ock having reachad Lucknow wax doubled. and his nosizion was re- perIOd M a precarious one. An omen-r reports lh‘u he saw the and 0! Non Sahib. Ind hi! fan-Hy. who look (0 a boat on klu Gauges and was >\\'anxp- 0d. BUTTERâ€"Fresh 15 2d a Is 3d per lb. Tub, of No 1 quality, 10 a ls by the ï¬rkin. ' EGGS IO'd a Is per doz. POULTRY ls 6d a 25 6d per pai'. DUCKS 2s 5d a 35 lid per ditto. Turkeys 2s 6d a 55 each. BEEF has improved in price for the ï¬ner desuiptinns. $7 per 100 lbs having ban paid. Ratcs range from that down to $5 for comma". FRESH PORK $7 per 100 lbs, and not in large supply. The supply of mess is ex- hnusted, and prices are nominal. Prime is held ï¬rmly at $23 a $24- per brl ol 200 lbs. Dried meats generally are scarce, and ï¬rm at quotations. FRUxT-uApple: $15 a $2 per barre'uâ€" 25 6d a 4-5 per bushen. Pears $3.; a. $4 per barrel. Peaches $2 a $1.5 for inferior, and $2 a $2; for the stt varieties. Ql‘in- ces $5 per Lari-9| wholesalm Prawnâ€"There has been several small transactions noted during the week, general- ly on Montreal accoum. Prices are much lower than on Mrs day week, and may now be accuratva named at $4- a 4 25 for super- ï¬ne, $4 :30 for fancy, $4- 75 a 5 for extra per barrel. Even fliesv prices would be sus- tained With diï¬iculty if the receipts should increasr’, as the demand is Very light, and ex- cept f0r home use, not at all urgent. BARLEY dull at 25 7d a 35 per bushel. Oats coming in freely from farmers. and bringing from ls 4d to 13 9d per bushel. The latter is the asking price by Wholtsale holders. HAY $14 a $16 per ton for good, and l‘or inferior. Straw $8 a 9d. POTATOES in fair suppl} at 35 a 3s 66 per bushel. Spams WHEAT has not com“ in to any extent. It is worth 3s 6d 335 10d perbush. WHEAT ----- The. market for wheat, since our last report, has been dull and inanimate with a slight speculative demand, limited, however, by the state of the money market. Pricvs are lower, ruling during the greater part of the week. at 45 a 4-5 6d for the best descriptions of new winter wheat. Inferior samples sold at 3: (id at 35 9d per bushel. ABRIDGED FROM THE COLONIST. Oct. 16th, 1857. The produce trade during the week has been veny dull. the supplies of grain being checked bv the decline in price. On the most reasonable terms. and on the shortest notice. Soliciting a continuance of the public patronage, lie would beg to subscribe himself, Your obedient servant, THE Subscriber would beg leave to intimate to the inhabitants of Markham and vicinity, that he has leased the premises at present occupied by Mr. WM. G. HINGSTON. Victoria Square; and that the buainess hitherto carried on by Mk. HINGSTON will from the 1st of Norember, be carried on by the Undersigned. who will at all timeï¬ endeavor to merit a continuance ol the paltonage so liberally extended to his predecessor. The Subscriber will at all tilpes be prepared to execute all kinds of Mad» to order, in every style, from almost every mtexial.nt the MOST ECONOMICAL P .ICES, at The Subscriber has much pleasure in recommending Mr. MACKENZIE to the former patrons of this Eqnblishmenl and lhe public ganerally,as a young man of sleady,punctunl, business bahils ; he feels (he more conï¬dent in doing so. having had him in his employment during the lam twelve months, during which lime he was perfectly satisï¬ed with his workmanship. Trusling he may meet with the same countenance and support, formerly bestowed on ' his establishment, he would beg to subwnbr himself. Who will f: om the ï¬rst of November next, carry on the business on the same approved system as heretofore. And for (THE/spams 'rmav (‘AN NOT m: svumssnn. Having devoted a particular allunlion in (his chm -. 1' lrade, he “on d vnrneally Solicit an insprclion, being canï¬den' ol' givng enhre satisfaction. C L O T H I N G Ready-mallp Winter Chthing. North of 'l‘oronrn. in every varier of style and fabric. Having purchased the mule‘ial. and had them made exmessly Q‘or_his own trade, he can thurouglll) recommend them as D U R .l B L E, .J 'l‘lliheL \‘rcnna and Plush. 7 A'sn. an lixcrllunt Assorlment of Meus’ Smlch Lambs Wool, Worsted and Flannel Drawers. Scotch Lamle Wool, scarlet, blue. wlï¬te and fancy Flannel Shirts. KVoo'en socks and gloves. 02‘ all subs and qualities. Scarlet and fancy mulï¬ers. A nice as‘orl- men], of coloured lambs wnnl and woolen Yarns, &c., which will be sold at a slight advance on cosl, FOR CASH! at THE Subscriber, in returning his sincere thanks tn the inhabitants of Markham and vicinity, for the liberal patronage bestowed on him during the last. Twenty-three yeais he has bren in busmrss at VICTORIA SQUARE, would beg leave to state that he is about declining the Blacksmith business and moving to the “West, and that he has let his m MR. JOHN MCKENZIE, VICTORIA SQUARE, Oct. 1‘2. 185’]. 0:? Markham Economist please copy till forbid. ARRIVAL OF THE ATLANTIC Biclxxnond Hill, Oct. 15, 1857. V'uc'rosm SQUARE, Oct. 12. 1857. US'l' RECEIVED, a variety of (he Nam-st Patterns in Black and Grey Cloth LADIES’ MAN TLES TORONTO M ARK ET S. CLBTHINI} T0 SHIT THE MRI! TIMES! BARNARD has new on hand the largest, best, and cheapest assenlment of RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. @EJNERA\E BEAGBQME‘E‘H W©3RIE§. BLACKSMITHING. RIEN AND BOYS’ VICTORIA SQUAR E. G. A. BARNARD'S, Richmond Hill. G. A. BARNARD’S, Richmond Hiâ€. The variety and quality of which cannot be be found elsewhere in this neighbourhood. He respFthully requests an inspection. Rxswmcls:-Honry Smoker. Lnkay. King Thus. Bowman. Almira. Markham. October 15, 1857. QIB-L They Have Arrived ! 1 1 CHARLES DUR RANT. Kit hmond Hi", Sup. 2,1857. gl3-tf. Ladies'. Mines d: Childrem‘, B00 TS AND SHOES! Licensed Auctioneers z FOR THE 'I'OWNSHIPS 0? Markham dehitchurch “f A largo stock of Harness. &c. dump on hand. and made to order at. the lowest possible remgqonlingï¬ï¬gea’: ESPECTFULLY announce: to the Public generally. that he having taken the F] R S T P R I Z E for Harness at the Yonge Street Ag- ricultural Show, Two Years in succession. he feels conï¬dent that he can give entire satisfaction in all hranches of his business. William H. Myers, Premium Harness Manufacturer, 00- All Work Warranted. SADDLE é' HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. One Door South qf the Guerra Oï¬ce. JOSEPH GABY begs to inform-the public that he has commenced to run 5 Sta 9 from the above Hotel to the O. S. 61, H. R Station. (Richmond Hill) lwiceaday; and will convoy passengers 10 any pan of ï¬ne country. night or day. in ten minutes notice. J OSEPH GABY. RICHMOND HILL mfPREMIUMém A few more mutinies amongst the troops ofthe' Bombay Presidencies are reported. The) were generally, easily suppressed. Several suspected regiments had been disarmed. From most of the native state! of Canlral Ind}. Iho Iccounts are satisfactory. although in some in- stances disaï¬'ection had broken out. The rebels at Arrah had been defeated by Mljor Eyre. Tho Mohurrum Holiday. as to which four: were fell. had passed oï¬â€˜ qu‘mtly. ‘ ' Your obliged snr nut. Merchandise from the imeï¬m no longer roaches Calcutta. and the imports nrq accumulating in the dogma. Money in disappelring. and lhe paper of‘he Em India Company is at 25 per cent discount, Richmond Hill. Oct. 15. 1857. Char] es Dun-an h EGS to announcl'. that he has received his Stock of SMELSER & BOWMAN. Lehmand'Hin. Oct 15. 1857. Wm - G. HINGS'I‘ON. JOHN chKENZIE THE WHITE SWAN 17m, and Livery Stables, You: Sum“. Proprietor. ng-lf gIB-l g19-I! 3184f No hand-made Shingle: can equal those made by Sham. for uoltnun and durubiluy. Specimens of his Shingle. Buy be mean a! the “(i-zone" Oï¬co. Richmond Hill. and at Mr. Rufus Skin- nrl’l. Grocer. Tango Street. Toronto. 'I'hmhin. Supt w, 1857. gnu Q can now be had in any qunmily. from One 16 I Thousand Bunches. at Mr. Jou‘ Lt$G~TAr1'» Shingle Mauufaclory. Yonge Street. near 'l'hum- hilL ROM W. R. J! Wm. King's Wholesale House. Snow Hm seven years Copper Fountain and Tea Kettle maker. to Mn 1 hi: thanks for pan. favors, to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill nnd inform them he has constantly on hand. almost every article in for Cash as chup as possible. Also. all kinds of Japan Ware, Copper Fountalm. Ten Keith’s: a? Old Copper, Brass. Pewter and Lead. bought or 1.1"“ in u Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abatement! With an unusual assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. in every fabric. make. lhapr. style and variety. which he offers on the above terme. and much less then ever sold before. In con- ï¬ning his business to shorter time. he is assured of the neceeeity of a general adaptation to the new principle, which must supersede the Long Credit and Lung Proï¬t Syuam. in general use in this Country; and convinced that a discerning public will aveilt emselvee of the NEW Strum. whereby they cnn eflbct esaving from 15 to 20 per cm! on the average on Goods they usually require. G. A. B. earnestly and respectfully solicits a call. and on examination. his price: will he concur)- ED To A: LOWER, than any in the Neighborhood.--His motto shellbe :â€" CREDIT. Six expected from Boston. April in each year. Dry Gooés, Direct from the Celebrated House of PERE ET FILS, PARIS, Consisting of French Merinos, &c., &c. He respectfully solicits an impor- tion of his stock, which he anticipates will be ready by about the Huh Oc- tober; and which he feels assured will be found more than generally Well assorted. CHARLES DURRANzT. Richmond Hill, Sept. 30, 1857. V gl7-tf To Builders. Farmers and Others! :IJINGLE§. or A surufuoa QUAi‘J'l‘Y, “CHEAP SYSTEM 1 NEW On THURSDAY, ()Izlubur '22, 1857. at T‘VELVE o’clock, noon. MR. N. ALLAN GAMBLE. . I . . ' 01' No. 9!). was: nido ox Yongo street. the RICHAIOND HILL is Phywanflv shunted on Yonge Street, Sixteen mflvs J 1b'|owing valuable property. viz:â€" norm of Town-m. and “mum; lwmiucn the Holland Landing and the Queen ‘ 1 Aged MDTO with Conby her side. Citv. Macndnmim'd and l’l'nuk rnads running through and near the Town ; ‘ A2“ “fâ€?- -. ', - . . . , . .' . . l Mure7 \enrl old, While Ihc I‘uwu use“ as mt“ supphcd wuh hmres. Hotels. 510-. {‘nd _JUd¥“‘gi 1 Mares {-onn old. .. from its past prugl‘uss, we have no doubt bm mat ere long It m†be DECM RED COUNTY-1‘0VVN.i ‘2 Cult: 2 Venn old. The (1.8. & II. R R. is but a short dismnCe in the rear of the property. while the Townships of Vaughan and Markham are both in a high state of cultivation, and inurnding pun-hasers would do we“ ti) avail themselves of this chance, and thus secure fur lhemselvcs a home, in a ï¬rst-rate’ locality. TERMS OF SALE :â€"-Thc sum of‘£2 down or within one month on and) Lot; the balance in eight bqunl half-yearly instalments, with intercs! half-\‘curlv. at \he mm of six per cent" per annumft’o be paid at the tin» eï¬ch ilnsldllneul bccomcs due on the whole sum of the puersc money then unpaid. - PROCLAMATION .‘rmc Also. at same time and place the Tavern Stand. known as the "8“ Ai“ INN," and now occupied by Josaru GAnY, will be offered to competition 'l‘erms made known on day of sale. ‘ J. GORMLEY. CARRIAGES, BUGGIl-IS AND WAGGUNS, PAINTED AND TRIMMED. Richmond Hill. Sept 4. 1857 Richmond Hill. August 19. 1857. Richmond Hi". June 30, 1857. Short Life to the Old Systemâ€"Long Credit, Long Life to the New Systemâ€"SHORT CREDIT, Success to the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. G. A BARNARD. Richmond Hill. will conduct businen ,9]er on_CASH QR SHORT DPI‘I'I‘ 9:- __-..u_.. ...:n L, _-.“_ RICHMOND HILLZI N:B.-â€"â€"A fre's‘h arrival of Ladies’ and Childrens’ Boots and Shoesiis daily Grainer, Gildcr, Glazivr, and Paper Hanger. "HE thsvribw the ground. C RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill Ocl. 8, 1857. W’ILLIAIVI HODGE, Senna, COPPER, BIL/988, TIN; flJV‘D IRON PLJHE WORKER, AND FURNISHING IRONMONGER. EGS to inform the Public that he has received Invoices of Crockery, House, Sign and Ornamental SHINGLES. ONE CASE FRENCH GOODS! NCHpABï¬LES DURRANT, NEW FALL GOODS! J. MORRISON, ds, Groceries, Ladies’ & Childrens’ Boo_t_s Shoes, G. A BARN ARD is now receiving a large and well iolectod stock of NEW ENGLISH GOODS! RICHMOND HILL! momhu will be given on a†new Accouhu. p;ynt;fe-'§;otrii;-tly on In Gumbo: &. ht Drugs (S: Medicines, d. ON 1') Parlour and Cooking Stoves on 33nd. Ware, Copper Fountains. Ten Ketflo'fl and Bus. Pans made to order. Pewter and Lead. bought or taken in exchange for Goadu, Markham Economist please copy till forbid. FALL GOODS f DIRECT FROM LIVERPOOL! lu‘cn insn‘m-tcd to sell by PUBLIC AUCT'OX~ “n V “HUI STDFK' FARMle IMPLEMENTF' hUU-"FIHULD FURNITURE. lhu flnuris gl 3~3m .m. uuuuvll. nugnauu: Ina “Gall‘ T“ Keg†glam; {JIM-aquenton db 00.. Hamilton. Return nnln “f Z~L_ I Illll - .‘ â€"ON TH E»â€" of Richmond Hill nnajulrounding'coumry: andâ€"hggs- almost ovary article in the above line. which ho will sell Paints, ‘A L80- hing Town of S'P‘omlmr lo. 185'! 'I‘HIS FA RM ronlnius uhulll Fifty Amen. with '3 House. Garden, and small Cleanlan. and is well limhond. The Water Mill. including Three good Dwoflmg Houses. with Garden. and about Fifteen Acres of Land. if Inquire-d by lhn punchauar. The pannin- uo nl present and u an Agricultural Implement and File Factory. All lho above roporxy will be sold termafor Cat-h or gonrly Paymentu. and the attention oftho Marlnlnic and Farm: For partial!an qupiy to JOURNEYMAN' SA D DLER. 4 One well acquainted with a" kind! hf country work preferred. Con-tam emplox-mnu and gnod wage- givon. Apply to Henry-Teal. Vlclona Square. ' So‘pn‘mher I0. 1857. phi-31 PRIVATE SALEM Mavl) .éL’Vl) WJTER .MILL ! Near Richmond Hill. ‘ ‘HREE Horses for 359 by the subscriber I Lot No. 6,2nd Com, Markham. SAMUEL LEMON. Markham Sept. 24th 1857. 2163 ». Snow Hi“. Lond_on_._ England: Ind maul;- Horses for Sale 2 WANTED. Wines & Liquors, ‘ Hardware, \ . 031s, 6rd. ‘ 6w. every Marisa ‘makot lhapn. via Montreal. '0‘... uuxcuua. u Boston. hymn-MI. and in wank? nic and Farmer. Rich-load "M fluclioneer. (I 1 -3m 21-8-31 “I‘m! OJ Ohh‘ gl 8:." g4'lf g PUBLIC JL'UOTIOJV, “HA Iâ€) OF DIRECTORS. J. C. Glluol. hm. | Tuos. HAwonTu. V. Pres. Wm. "rude-rm", Rico IAI‘iF. Jamm Lem-k. Grange Mickie. Hugh )1 "wt, J. I’. Rohmu. “'aller Mncfnrlanr. Rubi. Stanton. Sec. Tlus (‘ouruv [mm-q“ all descriptions of nI-ihliuc‘. Mans: nfloriu. Milli. $1. . and Gnodfl :nd Fumxum. in the ~aunt. agaian ion) or dam- age Lr rim. on “bein (arms. Losses promptly kefllf‘d. "wish-un- Ili-x‘nvmu’ CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000 W E S '1‘ E R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. N the 'I'ownships of Annabel. Sydenlmm Buley and $nmerville. Price from (m dollurl an acre and upwards. A m“; "a. Snndrrsnn. gal Stonn. Adam Sloan, George Vaughan, Dania] Jonkim. Abby JacHin, Robinson Conner. Mrs. Conley. David Reid. Miss Margaret Ruxsell, Wm. l’rm-k. Jan Flunnignn. Miss Mary Cormill, David Hall. H. Harm-r. Daqicl (2) U ahberlaiu, J 01m Kerr. \V, Kinnerly , Jar ob Linrlmy, Mary Levee. Ur-m-y Lacy, 'l‘om Pnncrson, Thomas “'a!ker, VViHimn “’Ilsnn, Robyn. Walker, Vs. F. Newberry, \V. H. I , H, I Heifer 1 year old. 2 Spring‘CalveI. l Yoke of Working On» 5 years old. 1 l’uir of Steers 3 year- old. 70 Well bred Leicester Sheep, 1 Superior Leicester Ram. l Twn Home Carriage. (Culnlh top). 1 Two Hon-o Buggy. (Democnt Box). 1 Single Buggy, 22 Farm Waggonl. 1 (Tuner. (nonrly new). I Reaping Machine. 1 Cultivator. ' .‘1 Flu-lulu. I Heuvy Harrow, l Fanning Mill. 1 Straw Cutter. 1 Turnip (Juuor. l Sen Double Hurneu, 1 Sun Sin lo Hansen. 2 Seth: W lï¬leueu and Neck Yoko. A qnnntily of Sup Buckets. Cradlu. Scytheu, I‘Iol’km Rakes. &c.. Illd a number of other articieu -nlm-rm~nr_v (o mention; logolher wilh a quantity If email-m: HAY. All of which pruperly will ha .m'd WITHOUT RESERVE. u the propriotor .un In his farm for a term of yearn. Tum- :â€"-All Ium- over $5. a credit of Twelve \lomhc gwou. nn approved juim nolen. Sulr In comm-net: at Ten o‘clock prcasdy. Lunch at OJVE p.m. ALLAN GAMBLE. Baku. Mrs. Susan anjaruw, Marlin Dodd; Mr. Harrison. J. Hond. Wm. Harris. J. T. Marsh. Robert Mnnkman. Mary Millpr. .lalm-s Munro, >amue| D. .V‘lcCantyrc. Neil Mchulh, Timings l‘royer, Wm. ‘ LETTERS IN Rivlnmmd Hill P. 0 UN m 0010151211, 1857. . mos. ' ‘ mmas \ I I Conwymcar. Land Agent Gnu. Yrmgo St Richmond Hill I'. 0.. Lot39. Isl (.on. Vaughan. Richmond Hill. June. 26m 1857. Ynnge Skeet. Oct 3. [857 Fire! Fire! ! Fire! 2 .' .IAMLNT‘ “ILD LANDS FOR SALE, mu! Hi“. August 13. IN Head Ofï¬ce, Church Street, Toronto. EX'I‘F. sxv la‘ 1) I 'I‘ 0n TUESDAY. Oct. ‘20. 1857, AT THE IHFIDINCN 0F ‘amucl WILL ID: BOLD IIY Heifpfu. ‘2 years old. Proprietor. ASHTON .2: MACHELL. M. II. 'G‘. J. r. PEARCE Thompson, Robert Moses. William Marshal, John Murphy, Elanor McIntyre, Noii Mc Donald. John Moore. Mrs. (care of Joseph Hill) Keller. Mr. (Ballifl') Kin-swan, Giles Johnson, John Jimmerson, James A. LAW‘ Cox . David Conley, Patrick Hunt, Mrs. Silas Holden, Charles Hvslop, John Howitt, Robert Hallnnd, Mary Law, A. Lnngslaff, Joseph Lamb, Richard Atkinson, Geo. “'ildrnko, Mr. \Vise. Genrge “'alker. “'m. M. '1‘ RBI“ Y. Bushey, Soloman Bruddle , James Skvlton, Mrs. (2) Smith, Hugh Feris, Robert General A gent. glu- l y Auctiuneus. g1 8-21!) I’mtmustr r ( .1 THE undenigned hlving pnrchued R. Lounn'l Pnem Mill. in now pmpued to mumfvmro any quantity of them. at hil factory. Mukhum Village ; and any person infringing on the above Pan 1:! originally invented by Richard Lem-an, will he prosecuted according to law. RUMOHR'S PATENT ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MILL prepared by ‘hom. and for which thaw solicfl . xrial in comparison with other kindsin the market. feeling conï¬dent that the result will not be to their disadvantage. either an regards qutlky or price. Toronto, June 26. 1857. AWN-16. ‘857‘ WhiterL‘ead and 0010;: ix; Oil and Putty. L. B. 5; Co.. would also call the Attention of Dealers and Painter: to the Compris‘ui'g Conn-Veda. Pathï¬nt: In}! C’pl dun. doc. of _evoxjv size and do'mription :eï¬ï¬‚o of excellent qudity'hnd manufacture. I“ of which ho will sell an Iowu my house in Upper Cum-d3. for CASH. Richmond Hm, July 23. 1857. V 7g-t! 8'0 “OW utock of PURE DRFGS, DYE-STUFFS, CHEMH‘ALS, BRUhHES. SPICES, PERFUMERY. FANCY SOAPS, VARNISHES. PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, SFRGICAL INSTRUMEN'I‘S. OILS, DRUGGISTD" GLASSWARE, 8w ’, a“ of which theyofl'er to the trade at the lowest market rural. MPORTERS of Wines. Spirits and British Been, in Wood and Bottle. (I? VAuLn.â€"Under 1he Glob: .Oflico. King Street West Toronto. . June. 1857. ' 2.1-wv. GOOD OPPORTUNITY new 03'." itue" ‘ _ to a Medical Man of landing And experi- ence. House and Premium. both 'pldunnt and cuuvuuiem. can be had on reasonable terms. OULD respectful in'imte é-to hi! Friends and the ‘ ubiic, that he has constantly on hand a lay-go and varied mm of Ladies’ and_ Gontlemem' Boots Q Shoes of every denoription! 0f the but quality and workmanship. and nlmu exclu-ively of Home Manyfm Also. I lugq stock of ' - .. . _ ' ROBERT SIVER. Boot and Shoe Maker: , DJOINING Iho Wesleyin Molhodilt Chl- pel. Yongo Sheet, Richmond Hill. A choice ulsclion of chlhmons’. Ladion' and Childrens' Boots and Shoes conltamly on hind. and made to order on the Shorten Notice. Richmond Hill. June 12th. 1857. RUMOR having been of lale circulated ii A this vicinity. lhal I had sold to Mes-re Cod & Dove. the carcasee of my Sheep and Lambe which were recently destroyed by dogs, 1 In to sale that l neither sold nor gave away' the parties named. or to any other penou or pe: tone lhe smallest portion of the said sheep as; lambl. and lhal the said report is a vile calumny evidemly eel on foot ‘0 injure the above nema- individuals in their busineu an Butcher: in lh place. .n..-. ' .nnAA... [1? Every descriptioril‘ oi VGoodl in {laâ€"o- mnde or repaired on the Shortcut. Notice. For term! apply to Mr. T308, COOPER; Thornhill. - *V ThomuL August 11. 1857. Richmond Hi“. June 15m. 1852, 30 Per Cent Cheaper Than any house in town. Cull Ind In ‘350 C1001", $10 Silver Watch", $8 Gold Alb.“ Chains. CALL AND JUDGE FOR. YOURSELVES At H4 Yongo SL. 2 doors south of the Globe Hotel, Toronto. T. C. RICHARDS. HE Subscriber begs to inform the In habitants of the above-named Villag and surrounding Country. nnd the Public (on orally, that he has lasted tho above Hoh‘ formerly kept by Tuonu MAY. which ho ho ï¬lled up and furnished for the uccommoduion 5 his Customers. and he trust: by con-tum unnum- lo _lheir wants to secure a libonl pagenngex Spring Importations. LYMAN. BROTHERS & C0., BRITISH & AMERICAN JEWELLEEY ST ORE. SMALL PROFITS & QUICK RETURNS. toads. July 29, 1867» PINE W001!!! _FORSALE.‘ \V Which will be disposed of very cheap for CASH. Toronto. May ‘26. 1851. Apply, if by leller post paid. to the Edith: or the LUKES’ HOTEL, HOLLAND LANDING. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1857. ‘HE undersigned working on the ubove L _ principle feels conï¬dent that he can sell ONE HUNDRED coaos’ HE Subscriber begs to inform tho PubliC. that he hnl for sale TWO YOKE OF CHATHAM OXEN. ‘ JAMES HALL, Boot and Shoe Maker: RICHMOND HILL. SI‘R 1 NO IMPORTATIONS London Dock Vaults. GRAND, BROS": Nb. 4. Si. anmnep Building, OULD respectfully intimate to 'their friend.- and the public that their OXEN FOR SALE. Medical Practitioners. Ready-Made Clothing? a». fox-ward. and consist of a well unmd Notice. ’JdHfi’IIKEEï¬TKi-‘Ff gB-tf JOHN LINE‘OOT. M. n. RUMOHR gH‘uï¬m g. I my. gJ-wy. g.9-wy. gS-3m 316-3! [1&1