Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 23 Oct 1857, p. 1

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\d June. 1857‘ June. 1857 EXTENSIVE Slahliug. and obiiging Hasllem always in hueuduuca. Choice Wines and Liquors. Beer, Porter and various Summer Beverages. Regalia. Principe. Havana. Mnnilla and other brlnds of Cigars and Cherooln. An Omnibus to and [rpm Toronto,snlla It this hotel. daily. » -‘ '3- ‘ ' ' Opposile the Post Office. Yonge Street, N Omnibus leaves the abuvo Holei ever} 3Morniug. (Sundnys excepted.) at 7 o'clock. for Toronto; returning- lhe same evening- Richmond Hill. June, 1‘57. ' MPOR'I‘ER. and Dealer in Gold and Silver Wnulms. i‘me Jewellery. Elecu-o‘PlaLe. Funcy (nods. 6w" fie. - June. 1857. â€"Choico brands of 'l‘sas‘ Sugars and Cofl'ees on hand. genuine as Imported. Au u’silorlmenl of Broad. Biscuit and Cakes. constantly on hand. '1 horui-ill. Mm. 525. 185.7. "17.1" Thom Hill. June 9th. 1857 Richmond Hill. June. 1857‘ June. 1857 June. 1857 RICHMONT D IIILL HOTEL WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, ' Next door lo G. dk B. Barnnrd’s, June. 1557 Opposite tho White Swan Inn. Richmond Hill. June lOth. 1857. gal THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage, “'agzon 3: Sleigh Horses and Buggies kept for hire June. 18.37 Ll Chemist and Druggist, MPOT'I‘ER of English Drugs, Soaps, Por- fumos. Brushes. ‘Vic‘ No. l69. Yonge Street. (Oppnsile Shuler Street, near Green Bush Tavern, Touomo. r RY GOODS. meterios. Wim in ‘. Liquors. Hardware. ‘Vc. RiChmend Hill. June. l857, g.l-wy. MPORTER of' Brili>h and American Dr} Goods, Groceries, Wines, Liquors. Oila. Pailns. &c., 61c. Richmond Hill, June. [857 Richmond Hill, June. 18 7. .\I|.H"F Second and Thi'd DIVISION Court. Oflice. Riahmoud I’ll”. Juno, I857. June. 1857. EALER in Groceries. Wines and Liquors ' 'l‘h-onhill. c. w. GOFD WORKMHN SENT TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. YONGE STREET. RICHMLND HIM GEORGE DODD, Veterinary Surgeon. U‘CIIOHNEER, (Late Ill. Tee/y ) MPORTER of Britieh and Foreign Dry Good Wine and SpiriL Merchant. kc" &c. Grailwrs, Gildvrs, Gluzivrs, and apvr Hanger» '1‘" 0 RN“ 1 L L. .3” kinds qf Jilin-(l Paints, Oils, Glzws, and Putty. lIE NRY S A N 1) PERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, L0! 9.6. 4th ‘ 00.. Vnughzul. " HORSE & FARRIER” INN Buziueya Bircctovy. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, July ‘23. l857‘ JOHN COUL'I‘HR, Tailor and Clothicr, Corner of Youga nnd Centre Street‘s, LERK Thin] DIVISION COURT. Office‘ WARD & McCJUSMND, House, Sign and Oman ental Richmond HiIl‘ N9. 8“, Yonge Street. Toronto. CHARLES DURRA N'I‘, RICHMOND HILL, . GALLANOUGII, J. W. MILLAR, VICTORY HOTEL Yongu 51., Richmond Hill. >00D ACCOMMODATION F0 Tnvelloxs. ' JOSEPH KELLER, 'l‘llorn Hi] 1 Hotel, G. A. BA RNARI), JOHN MCDONALD, El-pl. 25. 18. JOHN GRIEVE, Richmond 1151! J. W. GIBSON, Boot. an (1 Shoe a Maker, MAKER, And JIIusomIc Hall, Opposite J. K. Falconhridge’s. AND P. CROSB Y, RICHARD NICHOLLS 1103ng WISEMAN. JOHN smpLs. l. Proprietor. Proprietor. Yoncz STREET obliging Hosllem Richmond Hill {3. I - w_\'. 7g-13'. Proprietor gJ-wy. g.l-dm g. 1 . wy. 3.1 .wy. gJ-wy gl'l-IY gJ-dm g.l.\\’_\'. z~ l-wy- g. l-w_\'. g. 1 AV}; gJ-wy FOR 00D Watches. Clocks. Jewelry. Melodeons. Electra Ware. Silver Spoon. and Specta- cles to suit every eight. I? Watch Clubs in Operation. Wax-ranted Clocks. from ‘205. upwvds. Toronre. June, 1857. 1-3. D. C. 81. W. YALE, {MPORTERS and dealers in Italian and Mnencan Marble, also manufacturers of Monuméqts, Cenotaphs. Tomb and Grave Slones, ‘nameIual onclosuues for Grave plots. &c‘ 0rde \ through our Agems will receive psomp! all Iliuu. . Toronto. July 10, l857 (I? Cons of Arms. and new description of Herald Paintingrexocuted with despalch. and at reasonable charges. June. 1857. mlwv. TORONTO "cm" MARBLE woaxs, LAG. Banner und Ornamental Painter. Elizabeth Streel. Toronto,â€"Over ‘V. Grif- fith's Grocery Store. June, 1837‘ Toronto. June l2th. 1857. MHWINE Mill BEAPINE June ‘2“, 18.17 June. l957. MPORTEH mud Dealer in Dry Gend<. Grn‘ ceriex “"inex, Liq-x-ns. Hauiwurn. Glnss Earthenware. 5.1.. &c.. &c. Particular attention given to tho reguhiiou o! Chlldw-u’s Tth Consulxmiuns Eve. and all W’mk VVnrrmm-d. Toronto, June. 1’ 67. l-wy. RGERf U mnnd Hull. Ladies’ and Genilemens’ Boots and Shues‘ made after the latest styles. August 6. 1857. g9-6m. D. CARLOS YALE; August 14. 1857 7 “V0 Mile~ Nnrth of Richmond Hill denim in Dry (finds. Grnm'ries, “Vines Liquors. Hardware. Glass Emlheuwara, \Ec. Also. Licensed Auctioneer. September. 23, 1557. glfi-l) J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker. J. B. DEEGIER no 138 forms STREET. nun quun smzn 66, King Strut. East Toronto, C. H“ Dealer in Paper Hangings, Decoraâ€" tions, &c- Toronto. June 18th, 1857. June. 15557 AGENT FOR Darling & Ailchisou’s COMBINED Bottled Ale Dcpm, MESSRS. J. 81 W. BOYD, DOD Slabliug and Anemigo “gyigfi Barristers, &c., NO. 7. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS. KING ST.. TORONTO. ROBERT J. GRIFFITH, JOHN I'IARIHNG'I‘ON, JR., M A CH I NES, R l OIL/7103'?) IIIL L JOHN MURPHY, House Decorator, Painnr, PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER MORPHY BROTHERS 65. YORK S'I‘REE'I‘, T O K 0 N '1‘ O, C. W. PPOSVITVE A. LA“ '5. Yonge street. 3 châ€" Vol. J. K. FALCONBIRDGE, Richmond Hill) No 49, King Street; CLYDE HOTEL, -‘ KING STRE T EAST, T0 ONTO. DAVID ATKINSON, Corner of Yonge and Centre Su'eels. ’l‘lwruln‘ll. YSICIAN & SU 4 Doors West of Bay Street. D. DAVIS. AGENT. WITH OR WITHOUT OFFENCE TO FRIENDS 012 FOES, I SKETCH YOUR WORLD EXACTL Y AS 111' &c., &c. N. REID, Agent, Richmond Hill . MORRISON. Agent W. C. ADAMS, DOCTOR JOHN M ILLS. Wu. YALE g.2-wy. Proprietor g. lâ€"wy. g. lwy. gl-W)‘ g.3.wy ngy g5 (f. glO-tf 1 2. It is not easy to please everybody. SHere is a man whose predilections are all in a certain theological line. He wishes doctrinal, dogmatic or polemic articles, and he don’t want anything else. Here is another man who wants the opposite cast of ar- ticles. something mercurial, exciting and nerve-shocking. A paper that is not brimful ofmercury is worth no< thing to him. A third personâ€"~11 lady reader. ptrhnpsâ€"wants poetry, and a good deal ofit, yet as little nl‘ original rhyme as may be. A tourth likesagood deal of original rhvme, and tor the reason that “ young and promising writers ought to be en; couragcd.” One reader gets vexedl To take a chair and go out under- neath the shade of some big tree, or to spread one’s self on a good sofa and unfold a neWSllaper, and begin the work of reading it, is comparatively a work ofease, but to get up that same newspaper is something else. In the twelve years we wore connected with an editor’s oflice, we have learned several things. 1. It is not easy work to get up a good paper. Our weallh may come 3n large suppfies, We are but stewards of our Lord; Lrt us do good in life’s short day, And thus ensure a great reward. fEzlir nature’s gifls we all sublime, The seasons as they cnme and go; Spring, summ r ay! and autumn time And winter with its frost. and snow. From eariy dawn to dewy night, The works 0:" Hanan: we behold ; SVlule the rich ha ‘vL-sl cheers our Si; Bearing to u: a hundred fold. How oft those git-la which God has given, Perverted are from lawful me; the finite god the boo” of heaven, [amines a curse from its abuse. We listen to the nightly song, or whip-poor will in evening ll'HH‘S, \'\’l|ile llu- pale moon sheik light upon, The hills and valcs and wood-land bowera, \Ve see our Maker‘s mercies cnmv, From flagrant flmver, from lolly tree, From beast; that sport upon the lawn, From running [Hook and foaming sen. 'l‘is from the earth our treasures spring, The ha: vesl‘s iruils, llw. ripened gram ; Whiie heat and cold, with showers and wind \Vill make the curd] bring for“: again. "he nu'umn’s store we all may see, '1 he tithes Um! to us has given; \nd all may know, and all may sl are, These blemiug> sent [01h from heaven Ruperlville, Sept. 11th, 1857 ()h! art thou ’mitl the wild woods slmdc \‘a’llere [nary pine trees fall, Or wnndming by [he river's Elude, ()r in [by cm in small. Sara dofl llmu [Wale [he raging lidv, \\ here dushlllg wan-r3 glow; Or. url thou by (he: l'il‘tl". >idc, In ma dues damp and low. “’Mrc’rr thnn art in mm or gler‘, Come brolher lo lhy lmun-; For In! WI: wait to welcuxuu thee, For We are sad and imm. Loved wanderer from thy home. We look in thy accustomcd place, To see thee as before ; We miss the smile of thy sweet face, Dear brother as ot‘yors. Brother, wu :xlwwys think of thee, W'hen awning shadows fall; We list to hear lhy laugh so free, Thou couwst not M a”. Sadly the evening hours glide by, And our deling seemulln lone; “’4: think oflhue and fondly sigh, AND RICHMOND HILL ADVERTISER. EDITING A PAPER. érlrri firSurirq. For the York Rudinzs' razet'e‘ TH E ABSE N '1‘. AUTUMN. RICIINIOND HILL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1857. Eiihingz J. DYER. MYHA. lguged on a ‘-Horriblc Murdec.’ Fore. ‘manâ€"Finish it as quick as possible, and help Morse out with his Telegraph. Bob, what are you trying to get up? Bob, ‘ A Panic in.!he Money Market.’ Foremanâ€"Jim, what are you distri- buting! Jim. ‘ Prizes in Pcrham’s Gift Enterprise.‘ Foremanâ€"Stop that and take hold ofthis ‘ Runaway Horse.’ Slocum. what in thunder have you been about in the last half hour?- Slocumâ€"‘Justifying the ‘Compromise Measure,’ which my Chardon ‘ sub’ set. Foremanâ€"You chap on the stool, what are you on'lâ€"Compositorâ€"Ou the ‘ Table’ you gave rueâ€"Foreman â€"â€"La_v it on the table for the present ; have no room for it. Compositor~ How about these ‘ Municipal Candid- ates ?’ Foremanâ€"Run them in. W'lmt did you say? Slooum~$hull I lead‘ these ‘ Men of Boston?’ Foremanâ€"â€" N0 ; no they are solid, of course. Compositorâ€"Do you want a bold-face head to "Jenny Lind’s Famin ?’ Fore- manâ€"â€"No ;: such things go in small Now. reader, “ to make a long story short,” if you will help us, we will help you. Rebuke us, but rebuke In lave. Give us advice, but do not get out of temper in giving it. Then We shall work togethér well and you will yourself be indirectly editing the pa- pcr which you read.-â€"-IVcstern Chris. .fldvocate. In the following illustrations of a printing office dialogue there is decid- edly more truth than poetry : Foremanâ€"You fellow with the red hair. what are you at now? Composi< torâ€"I’m selling ‘ A house on Fire ;’ almost done.â€"â€"-Foremanâ€"â€"--What’s Smith about? Composilotâ€"He’s en- "The VVCt'lily visits of the Advocate are a treat to me and my children, and l generally read the but pages of the paper clear through.” The remark fell upon our ear like a melody. V’Jllere people will take kindly what we prepare for them, we lécl like go- ing on lo (10 bcmrr. TYPOGRAPHICAL MYSTERIES (:01an m, as well as its oppusilc. in edit- ing a paper. Said :1 poor widow lady in our hearing some time since. 5. We have learned thenocessity of forbearance and pattcncc. It takes :1 great while for a man, a good man even ,lo hear himselfcallcd a fuel, and yet be unmoved. But an editor has [0 come In this. He must expect abuse. und must expect to discipline mutsclf in rccuivingil. People pray for their preachers, why not pray for the editors of the papers they read? ll'tlmy Wuuld pray they WUllld feel less ltkc complaining. even whurc good (muse for complaint cxtslcd. 6. We have learned that there is :1 l‘hcre are things which you blame an cdilm‘ for doing, and yet if you were in his position you Would do the same things yourself, and )ou nvould. jus| I'l I I n . :Is Ilkely as not. do them In a manner quite as offensive as he (ins. 4. We have learned that an editor must do same things snmulimcs for which he cannot and ought not to give :1 mason to his readers. He has i“ stand-point” ol'his own. and he sees Ihings in a light different. from what his rcadcs. any nl‘ them, can View them. Ht: uses his judgment. He does the host he um, and in so doing, we admit, he Crnsses the views of multitudes. 3. This work of finding fauit is not only an easy work. but it becomes "hronic. There are some men born 10 croak. Mcetthem where you will, they are full of the Spirit of fault- finding. This thing is out ol‘joint, and that one is not in joint ; this piece is dull and prosiic. that is too Vulntilc. Mr. A. is stupid. Mr. B. writes like u pcdnnt or n doll, Mr. (I. luans noâ€" thing about gruimnur. Mr. I). had bul- mr gin tnschool again, Mr. 1‘}. is snmrl hut is runnng off the truck all this whiJe, and so on through the wholu ilphaiwt. because some prevailing fully is taken down in a satirivulstyle; annlhet' fires up because there is int more shurimess and vimrgur in the same satire. Your neighbor over the way writes a piece, and he thinks it good and sends it to the office. The eaitor reads it and thinks it“ hardly snit- :ible ;" and the writer gels' mud, and wants at nth to “ quit Serving the Lard.” That other man writes his iieccnlsn. He wants to discuss a znpic which nobody but himself is in- tet‘r‘sted in. He sends his piece. It don‘t come out. and the editor. in con- sequence, receives a shower of salt-‘ petre and ashes on his head. So things goe. One day an editor feels happy, the next his happiness has fled, and he has a near approach to the blues. W"... -.. ...- new-uncuieuls. everything m be way of knowledge is acceptable, what- ever be the subject. Such curiosity is of ‘ ciurse likely to stop short at the narrow limâ€" its of its own afi'airs. A friend at New York to whom I complained of the nonfic- rival of an expected letter from England, inkineg told me to make my mind easy, for that I should shortly have an opportunity of“ readingr it in the pages of the New York Herald. with asterisks, substituted from mo lives of delicacy of vowels in the proper names. ldo not mean to imply that en» riosit, runs so high as that in Canada, but it is strongly developed. nevertheless. Inf one point the transatlantic newspapers have all chidrtl advantage our the Englishâ€"want of matter to fill up corners never muses enormous gooseberries to ripen for.the 0c- casim; two-headed calves,-are unknown. [llhlt‘zld of these marvels; stray spaces are fillt’d up With llttl- stnrin: tut-l1 M- "M "5‘ Imlvnd of these marvelslstray spaces aw fillx-d up wilh llttl- stories. :uch as the Mb 0" the New World are alone able to indite W‘m' we term humor is almost unknown .- the inkvs of all turn on some ludicrous exag- gera'i'm of phrase or laughable situuh'on." razor-‘5 J‘Ia-gazme. Canada has as yet had no time to devote to literature and the arts. She has so re- cently passed out of a condition of hard struggling “ for the dear life,” that she has not as yet thought of the mereiy ornamenâ€" tal part ot'il. She has many ahle writers, but their topics a'i' gene-rally local, or at any ra'e Canadian; and though many say what hev have to say in a nervous, busineSs like way. they evidently prefer matter to style. until write like business-m0" in a hurryâ€"as they are. As Macaulay says of Miltonâ€" ‘- 'l‘here is no elahorate imitation ot‘classieal antiquity. no seruivu'ous purity. none of the (2 er inonial ch'arness which characterises ou" aca lumical Pharisees “ The author does mt altn'tnpt to polish and brighten his cum- pOslliuu into the Ciceronian gloss and bril- liaucy. The newspaper absorbs most of this kind of talent; as in other parts of Allit'l‘lcfl a man cannot receive a letter from England or tramp fifty miles through the bush without: writing to the editor of his paper to tell what sort ofland he saw on his journey. A good sound education is almost universal among the native-born Canadians; almost every man can read and chry man who can read takes in a newspaper. These of course, as water'finds its own level, as- similate themselves to the tastes of their sub- 5 ~ribers,and where each depends for advance- ment on his own acquirements. everything in fun u..." -fl._-.Â¥l I . A GEMâ€"The sunlight that follows a shipwreck, is not less, beautiful, though it shines upon the remains of a broken barkâ€"what is saved is so much more precious than that which has been lost. The domestic circle is always too small to allow of rupture ; it is always too precious to make excusable any neglect to prevent or heal disturbance. They are enough to minister, by hints and reports, to domesticunkindncss, and unfortunate- ly, the best under such circumstances. are much prone to mistake. and thus misrepresent motives and trifles with no direct object. which are magnified into mountains ofunintentional offence. It is the same in social life. Let us guard against it. Delicate relations Irv like polish of costly cutlery ; damp- ness corrodesâ€"aud rust, though re- moved, leaves a spot. MEN MILLINEItS.'â€"Tllcy have men‘ milliners in Germany. A correspon- dent of the New York Times. writing from Frankfort, says :-â€"â€"ln America. we have never seen men mantua makers and milliners, but in Germany they are as common as men tailors, and ifa man tailor is the ninth part of a man we have wondered what part must be a milliner. One day, where we were sitting, a man came with a dress bested ready to try onâ€"well, we confess, looked with all our eyes, wondering what would be done. But there was no hesitationâ€"the lady took the robe to her room and put it on, returning in full dress suns sleeves. l'he man examined it to see where it needed alteration, took it in on the slutu'l'lct's, pinched up the lriases and laid the plaits, evidently used to his husmess, and evidently, as the lady said, he was an excellent dressmaker. and also that dresses made ly men kept their place better. and lasted loaaer, than dresses made by women. ~(lupital JOliC ?’ No sir; I’m. out of sorts. FOl‘cm;IIIâ€"â€"\Vt:ll. throw in this ‘Million ol‘ Uultl‘urnidu Gold,’ and when you get through with that. I‘ll give you some mnre. W'ilsnn, have you finished thc‘t'nalitiun?’ Wilson Lâ€"ch sir, the ‘ Coalitinn ’ is all up. Editorâ€"W'hut duyuu want now? Devilâ€"More Copy sir. Editorâ€" Hatvrynu completth that 'l‘lloquent 'I'lmnksgiving Discoursc l’ Yes Sir and I’ve got up u ‘ Warm Winter.’ Scissorsâ€"Here take this '(‘flicialf and be ofl‘. Exit devil with a fat take. caps. John. II;|\‘1:.)'(Ill_g()[-Uf) [hag THE PRESS IN CANADA lceed to clnrch with his bridP. The egre- money having been concluded, the happy pair wene perm'flvd 10 minimK to spend lhe Lhoneymoon. at the uxniration of which time he returned to the harrarks, made an aunt- ment in favour of his wife, and then em- Ibarked with the rest of the detachmrnt on board thn,“ Ymperador” screw >teamer. A QHORT [IONEYMOON.~â€"On Monday morning last the detachmvnt of Royal Maâ€" rine< nhnut to rml‘ark at Plymouth for ser- vice in China, were paid a month’s wages in advance. A privn'e named M'Koone, on rmeifing h's mmwv. asked permission to marry before nml-mkinz. This request was granl‘nll. and doing unulrr esmrt ofa non- commissionnd aq'wor h» was nllowfld to pro- PROMPT Dlsm'rcn awn RAPID SAILv (Naâ€"«About twelve days ago. :1 l"l92’|‘aplll(‘ message was sent from the \\'ar Office to Messrs. D. and C. M‘lverjn T.ivcrpool.inti- mating that a powerful and last steamer wag wantinginstantly to prowed to Cilimltar. and hring home a regiment ofioldvrs. Tm ediate ly on receiving the messazelhe sore teamer .lura one of the Cunard line was put in pre- paration. and was dispatched from Liverpool Within twentv three llour< after the mesmge had left London. She proceeded at once to Gibraltar. and immediately on arriving there hogan to embark the troops. She tool: on board 1,100 fioldiers. he‘ides a num. ber of women and children. So soon as they wen- snlclv embarked‘ the Jura started on her homeward voyage. and landed the whole eately in Portsmouth harbour within ten days after the order was ret’l‘lVCd in Liverpool that a :tpnuwr wa‘ wnnto-rl to go to Gibraltar â€"a promzatit'v’e of dispatch believed to be without parallel. Tm: QUEEN'S RESIDENCE AT BALMO- an. â€"'l'he new castle of Balmoral presents 37ery imposing appearance, and covers a large area. Not that the castle proper is so very extensive; but the larger outbuil- dings, especially the stables and laundry, add greatly to the coup Jan}. The sta- bles are just roofed inâ€"tha‘ is. the range of domestic moms over (hem. for the horse de- partment isin order, thong-11 some of the car-g rage: are still unhoused. As in all new de-; signs. it was discovered as the castle proâ€"I g’ressed. that many things had been over- looked and forgotten, and in the outbuildings. naw b-ing completed care has been taken to remedy all deficiencies. A clump of" trees- -a young plantationâ€"marks the sitr of the o"! (-a‘tle of Billm‘ll‘al. 30 completeâ€" lV have all vectia‘e: ‘hnen removed. that it i: diflivult to realise. the fact of it: llat'in': heen in existence so recentlyâ€"Court Journal. A STORY WITH A MORAL â€"-A party of twelve, sons of the “ Potatoe Isle,” who had just enigrated to America, came to a deep well in their travels, and looking into it to satisfy their own curiosity as to what it was, perceived the water below, which, from the reflection ol the sky above,loolted white. One of them, declaring it was cheese that looked so nice and white at the bottom, sug- gested a means by which to o'wtain a portion thereof. He then took hold ,of the planks which encircled the well, and suspended him- self by the arms, directing the next to take hold of his feat, and the next his, and so on till they came in reach of the (supposed to be) cheese. When they were all thus form- ed into a sort 01 chain, the originator of the scheme cries out to those bel0w: “ Howld asy ! howld asy wid yez, to I 517;: on my hands i” It was not long ere the ” supply” of dampness to his fingers by far “ exceeded the demand.” hrs! possible manner, dispatch, with all your might ? Or are you loose, careless, dumpisli irregular. doing things at hanrd? social, intellectual, moral and domestic duties, your lying down, rising up, going out and coming in I Have you aspecid tune to eat, 3i€*‘|‘. exurcise,read, study, praise and pray 1 Dn you do one thing, at a time, that one thing at a time. and do Illa! one Hing well, in the 'l‘he lore Mord-er and system often mani- fests itsellnt a very early age, and is in praise- worthy and enviable habit even at that. pen“; in life. The boy who studies and works by method will aLcomplish and: more, by the same means than another boy of similar caliacily who acts on the “ heller-skelter ” principle. He knows what he is to do, and he does it. l‘le does not begin twenty dif- ferent things, and leave them all unfinished. -‘ Um- lhinus at a time, and a time for every- thing," is his motto. If he has a lesson to learn, he doors not neglect it till the hour of reciinllon had almost arrived. He has a season for work and a season for rest, and does not allow the one to interfere with the other. You 1l't-Iiuk he has a stiange knack of doing things easily, and wonder if he has not a strongur mind or body than other boys. But his-serre-t is, order and syslem. These habits are his “labor-saving machinery,” which enable him to accomplish more work zllun his fellows, in a butter manner and in less t me. A very rich mm, who been quite poor when a boy, "a: asked how he became wealthy. He said. his l'ulher made him form the habit early it: We, of doing everything in its lime; by this he had succeeded. Young friends, are you regular, systematic, orderiy, an all your habits of life, in every- thiug you pal year thzmd to? How is it your buislncss lransuctions, out doors or inâ€"doors, SYSTEM AND ORDER. GOESâ€"DWI)». No. 20. I "WW-"'1'.- ‘In anacondmgulhe anheu‘ (he 3 on! river ox South-Eastern Africa, and of \VhK'h me 1 Doctor has been the first to give any snlisfactory account. he found the natives on the bank of tho , erbr aware of this offer and quite interested in it. ‘ In fact. the Doctor brought home with him I nativo I fiher_ said to grow Iblmdanlly on the north bank } of the Zambeze. marl probably unknown to houn- j ism, which Was pronpunced. by a manufacturing I house at Leeds. stronger and honor thin flax. and ' wouh hetwecu $50 and $70 a Inn. Couon is also abundant produa of the name district, a variety ho- ing pmducod (here very ouin soplrnlud from the 1 seed. Nothing. he thinks. is needed but the stimule of a market to lead . In... “mu. , . r. the natives. Sugar-cane ; the natives do not underarm mnkvmz. , 7- -7. -.-vuuu “In. ul- Livingston. ‘he African (raw-Her. in : locture at Manchester oulhe productive powvr of Central Africa, mentioned I circumstance going lo lJIow how remarkable in (his ago of the worl iig'lSrmn- lion diffuses itself. It will prob-lily b. p ‘lllin the recollaclinn of some of our readers. that some time since the London “ Times" newspaper ofi'ered a reward of £1,080 for the discovery of: fiber able to supply the place of rags in the matter of paper. 1.1.... 7" n - » ., .1- A. A-_.L,,, evening lag. sheet 7 o’clock a poor woman named l; lllflril Asselline residing with her husband and futhex-in-law at a house belonging to Mr. Hull on the Baltimore road shot herself while undea- Ihe in- fluence of dclirium lumen: lhe Iehull of habitual tntetnperance. She had upon aformot occasion â€"nbuut a year agoâ€"made an attempt at self de- struction by cutting her throatâ€"while in a uimilur state uf delirium but timely nuisance being pro- cured she was then happiiv hectoer and expreued much contrilion for hor conduct. An Inquest Nu held upon the body the following morning before R. D. Challerton. Esq.. Coroner. und an intelli- gmit jury who after a very full hive-ligation of the l; cis returned a verdict In accordance with the above slanmenl.â€"Cubnurg Star. l . is not quite a cal: Inn. he wil Ilaâ€"The other nighlheclimhed ouluponlhe roofofhis bo-rd- mg house. five eloJen high. and sax qwetiy do“ n to €12j¢y Ins cigar. The next. he knew he was gradually slipping down the slope of the roof. P‘raulically he tried to cling to lhb treacherous shingles. but it was no goâ€"over he went. alight- ing on his feet on lhe ground his heels making three inches deep indemions in the solid earth. He was badly shaken but was otherwise unhun by his fall. Just to the left of where he fell was a well crib; just to the right [he telling of the back Slaps. his jaw broken lust week. by the springing of I hommI while adjusting a log to the saw. at Stod- dn l’s mill. nuur Bradford. On lhe same day. an- other man named Browul,employed in Mr. Macon- ch} 's saw mill. Bradford. stumbled against the saw. and had three fingers cut ofl". tiser of the 15m insL. nu :â€"“ Several lugs manufacturing houses here hue suspended open- aions, and nearly two thou-and operatives are thrown out of employment. Business in exceed‘- ingly dull. and the finance] ptelsure daily becom- ing worse." ARREST or GEO. H. CHENEY.â€" The Rochester Um'am says thilmdividunl who left. his creditou in Toronto, so hustin lasl week. lup- peaujs not allowed to remain here quiz-11y. Mr. W oodside Mane of the Toronto Hunks has con» menced civil pmcmediug tgalust him to recover a Iliuusand pounds. which he alleges were frazluloul- Iy obtained by him. W. F. Cogswell. Esq” was employed as attorney for the plaiuufl'. nud defen- daul was brought Judge Manger, on Wrdneadny to answer hemaf'er. instant. any thnt Leavenworth County in \ho only one. thus far. heard from. giving a democratic majority; Doniphan Co has given a republican majority of 23; Atchisou Co. a republican majority of 44; and Douglass a republican majority of IGOD. These returm are given as aulbeafic. Tecumselh Township ives 160 republican majority ; Topek- 190 ; and 5, nlhoun 150. Commercial Bank arein circulation they have been altered from Tours. This counterfeit can scarcely be detected except by comparing the Vignette and figures on tho four. and twenty dol- lar bills. 011 the former the vignetto is a railway train. and the figures two female portraits; while the vignette on the twenty dollar bill lhould be A single female figure between 2 and 0.. Ind tho portraits of the Queen and Prince Albeit at the sides. ed in the luwnslllpuof Snuilflrnea- PMJrhorouzh. was buuncd by an incendme on “to 7th int-L A telegraphic despatch from Paris to the London Post. dated Sept. 29m. llyl (hit the population is beginning 10 rise in Bangui. par suing and killing English seldom, Ind «that (h. revolution is beconuag gouerlL emering Boston harbour. on the 8th illsL. shecamo in rollision Wikh the schooner “ Harrie. Marin." and sunk her. The schooner had on board; crew of four men and eighteen pusseugem. ill of whom were providenliully saved. with the exception of one ol'the Jamar. who was drowned. Goveruurot'khnnnam uul In that district. called on in tha Supreme Court. N27 iérk." I»; the 13m. bu! nlle hilrd to appear. It is boliovod xhal she has fled to parts unknown. by an incendiary' took place in Brampton on Tile.- (in) last. The ‘fire originated in'fln stables bl“ longing to Mr. McDonaH.chh were burmdown. They were insured for £150. “no horses 60- longing to travellers perished in the flame . Fun: AT nu: NORTHERN RMLWMI Sn-rlou.â€"Shortl_\' Inc! 4 o'clock yuterdny morn- ing. a fire: bake out in the freight war-homo of the Northern Railway Comp-qty. Front-street. and in a short time. in Ip'h of‘t’m: QM of tho Fire Blignda. consumed the building. In Wt“ II the passenger station opposite. Both qucturu “ere mare temporary auctions of wood. Ind oflit- tle value. A few goodw wore consumed in tho freight slnliou, but nothing of itnportlnoo.â€"Cul- ants: l7. land and Aualn‘n. held a coni'ennce wlth [he Mi:- isler of Fomigu Afi'm'rs. and recommended him to instruct the Pasha of Sound to suspend hi. mou- ures for the present. Dr. Livmgsmne, the explorer of Central Africa, received lug! week. at Glasgow. a substantial recognition of his greet geographical services. In the morning he was patented with the freedom oflhe city in a massive gold box ; and in the evening Baillie Hunneu presumed him the handsome sum of£2.080. the proceeds of I subscription that had been commenced in the Doaor’s beheif. among the harem; in Aylmer. Last week say- the Aylmer Times. a fine two you old stud col‘ died ; he was owned by Robert Klock. Esq.. and was worth £50. Three or four weekl u I valuable horse died. owned by Mone- Holt. 34].. and just the day previons, another horse belonging to the estate of the late John Egan. died in Inimi- lu manner. What is the cluse T A new complication had arisen in Constantinopte touching Mouto‘negro. a district of Albania having revoked. Pasha of Scabari had taken tneauum to chastise the rebels Ind an“ 3,000 men against them. meanwhile intelligence wm rocaived that the Mentonegroos moditnted I doscent into the plains to succour thn imurgenu. as any interference would be unausuuublo just The N. Y.'_" Tribuge”_ say, Dr. Miscellaneous Items. Schamyl has made prisoners of the .- I}l A new OrangerLodge Irmnlyorcch My. Allcq Campbell of Providence A man of the name of Wilsnn had The ~tri:_xl 2f Mrs. gunnirjghajp was A ‘fire s_pppos_ed_xo hnjve’oeen caused There _appegrs ‘19 be 5m epidemic The reprgsgntalives of France The Montreal Commercial .flducr Tweptyndo‘llar forgedrbifls of the Dates from Leavenworth to the 8th As lht'.‘ steamship f‘Ningaraf’ was ANm'm-m ViCTlH.â€"-On Sunday us. stronger and beflor thin flax. and n $50 and 370 a mu. Couon in also duct of the name district, a variety ho- thore very ouily sopunlod from tho ng. he thinks. is neede but the market to [curl I Ibrgo production by Sugar-cane growu abundantly. hut ‘.. and n {evolution hid broken z'rd llw process of Hugu- ~33}?

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