m“. a “1 nut only that but R mmnbcr of [he sons at “ Cbipp’s Digging,†Cuï¬lornia. A Captain Lewis, oflhe steamer“ Powhalmn,†has also reqog‘nized the man as one of bi> hands. By this it will beseen that though these witnesses have appeared, yr! the undu r- [aking ofsolvfng the mysterymnd carefully watching the probabililies, reaIiles and sup- positions. is an arduous task. As'thq trial has been adjoux’néd unul the next assizes. something still more reliable .eiihe: for or Our readers" are aware, no doubt, that the man supposed to be 'l‘owmeud has been re- moved. sing: his. trjal at Ca)'u;_:a, lo Merrim- hllu, in \leauul County, to slaml his trial. indEpendput ol' n;nm:+,'for the murder of Cun- stuble rRi'l'the. ‘lt will also be rememuered that huln'udijtely al'tén bls dismissal at Cayu- g1.:\nd on his Ir ashlar-the murder ut'Port‘ linbmsm. Ire, raking the advice of his frlels, ad‘lg‘e‘ssed latex-5 (0,33qmons at a (lk- tuner, in order. as he slated, to idtnlély hm:- aell'as an innocml‘ man. and a» a perfectl Shame-6Tb C «Ala: _ln llle interim he ,wn‘ rt-mqvml to the plane in \\‘hth he now is, gwl l on lusL Thursday «he commmic-omgnl oFIlw enquiry nus Slammed. It appears from developemems mzule within 1he last day or two that ~omn infonnalinn has 31 la! been obtained to set gt rest all auspicious; sewn-u! parties having arrived lrom llle Slates. among whom t’e S'ms 0f 'l‘vulpvraucc from Cdlix'nrnia‘ all of whvun recognized him 3‘ an 02;! mxsochle... and a saber, industrimu min. a ,d “at only that but a mvmbcr of [he When [he ï¬rman reached the King of Eéypt,‘ he p’refiai'ud and arranged his troops, bulore Ihe arr.\'a| of the 1‘:ll5il§il army at Alexandria, for this is the route to India. The inalant the English army» arrived. the‘ Kingr of Egypt openml guns upon them from all sides, and il'vslroyéd and sunk llwir ships, and not a lsinfle soldier «moved. The linglish in Calcutta. alter the issue of the order for [hr cartridges, and when the mu~, linr haul become great, Were in expectation of the. arrival of the army from London; but the great God. in his omnipotence. had be« I fo elmud -put an end lo this. When theI nows. of lhe destruction of the army all London became known, then the governor-l genm‘al was plunged in grief and sorrow, and lwut his lit-ail. l Printed by order of the Peishwa Bulmdour. | i r v ‘5 .You‘ must deceive the Qucen Victoria.- for 't'hivis hot a lime for frivndnllip. for ,my Valiéel “frites that thousands of European soldier: have been ,du.~putched for the pur- pme 01' making Christians the army and p005 phi 'ot' Hindustan. In this manner, than, this; mmt be checked. If I should be re- min lheu how can 1 show my face to God; and one My this may com * upon me a‘~o, for if the I‘luglislymilkv Christians of all in [linâ€" va-gm may null then ï¬x their deaigns ulton my couulry.†Uphn this the Suhan ismed a ï¬z‘man to the._King of Egypt to this effect: Wlme'in this caumi‘y these counsels were beiég adopiedl in England the Vakeel of the'p'ulum of Roum sent news to the Sultan that thousands of‘- European soldiers Were briqgtscntfor- [ng purpose. 0!" making Chris: liams- of‘all me people of Hindoxlan. ‘A council was [hon h-ld a second time, in .Wilic‘h English merchants took a part. and it was fluCl'l‘ d that, in order that no evil should m-'se fnm mutiny, |ar;e reinforce- ue ts :ltould b- sent for. \Vhen the des- patch was received and read in England, thousmds of Eumpean soldiers ware em- barked on ships‘ as speedily as possible and sent off to Ilind stem. The news of tlwir being: despatched reached Calcutta. The English autlnrities thu'l‘t‘ ordered the issue of the~ gartriilges, lor the real intention waa to Clu‘istiauizethe army ï¬rst. and this being allocated, the conversion of the poolile would speedily follow. l’igs’ and cows†fat was mixed up With thé patti-idges; this became known tln'ou;h one of the. Bengalese who was employed in the curtridge-making es;- tablishmenr. ' 0t those through whose mean, this Was divulged one was killed and the rest imprisoned. I The Times contains the following trans- _lation of a proclamation posted up by Nena . Sahib atCawnpote: A traveller jUJI arrived in Cawnpore from 'Cglcntta, states that in (the ï¬rst instance a council Was heldvto. take into consideration the meam to 1m adopted to do away with the religion of‘ the Mohammedans and [lin- doos hy the distrihu'ion of cartridges. The count-i1 came to lhis resolutio", that, as this matter was nnr of religion, the services at Seren'or eight thouaahd Europe-an soldiers would hr 'ne cessary, as 50000 Hintiostanees would have to bo destroyed,and then the whole of the peolde of Hindustan would be- come Christians. A petition With the sub stance ol this resolution was sent to lhe Queen Victoria. and it was approved. Judge Jewett said that this was rathera small matter for the convention to Spend winch time upon. The real evils under which the railway system of the country was .staggering my deeper than the reach of any question of fuee passes to editors. But he ' would say that. the railroads ol' the country could not repay. if they were disposed, the debt due to tht: newspaper press for its pow- erful a d when the idea ofa railway had to be uplained and populariz¢>d~~the public ia'cneï¬rs shown, and the people Induced to come fol-ward and associate for the purpose of accomplishing the great works that now nerd no advocate. For his part he was glad to have the editors of the State press paï¬s‘ over and examine his line. He regretted to l say that he did not remember to have met one of the local editors on the line of the Steubenville road for months. He could not forget the amount of unpaid labor per- formed in the infancy of railway building by the only men who could reach the popular ear and the popular heart in the most effect- ive manner. NENA SAHIB’S PROCLAMATION. L FAl the que railroad convantion at Colâ€" umbus, Judge Jewgtl made the fo'Howing y'wutinent remrks With regard to giving the “uses to editors on railroads: THE TOWNSEND CASE. W‘Fï¬hd‘t‘ie 'fbilowing judicious remarks on {I've pam'a on railroad cars, iua lale Uni- »teJ States papery: FREE PASSES 0N RAILROAD ,_ . CARS. " many of the men employed to the North of us, along the Holland River and marshy plan»; of Luke Siuzcoc s rlion that so many disciples of Es- cuhlpius find conslautaud proï¬table employment. (herein. He emphati~ cully declares that it ‘s “as heallhy as any locality nmth of Turonlo, Richmond Hill not excepted ;" and status, by way ofproof. that during the construction of the Northern Railwav, Our culempornry is excessively an- noycd that his village should be con- sidcrud unhealthy, and with the as- [.e "central." yet all this, we submit. is Dr foreign to the question at issue. Our ‘1? e . . . . 5; try to prove his posmonâ€"our View of the subject is more circumscribed. 0 it is Well known that Yonge street, which is the great leadtng‘thorough- [are for a wide extent ofcountrg north I, of Toronto, is precisely thirty-two ï¬ miles in length, from the city to the borders of Lake Simone, and that the I: distance of Richmond Hill lrom T0- ronto is precisely sixteen miles. In- deed. the dwelling at" John Linl'oot. ; Esq“ in this village, situated a few‘ rods from the ofï¬ce of this Journal, f has been for years regarded as the 'l“ Half-way-Honse" betwoen the two ElLakes. Taking this, view ofthe mat- :‘lter, our position cannot be gainsaitl. IIBesides, good roads lead into the vil- ’ lage from every point ofthe compass, making it easy of access from all direc- itions, not to mention its high and im- lposing appearance among the sur- lroundinghamletsand villages. Apart ialtogether from this aspect of the ques- {tion, we ï¬rmly believe that the time is 'rapidly approaching when the tieh and lp0pulous townships which at present leompose the East and W'est [tidings lol‘the County of York, will be separa- ted from the city, and erected into a separate county forjutlicial purposes, .with liicht’md liill as the County Se it; while the North Riding, together with a portion ofthe County ofSimcoe, will form anotherCounty, with Bradâ€" ford as the S'?‘dl of government. These, Mr. Era, are our readings of the h r )seop. , and it matters not on which horn of the dilemma you are impallcd. as we have no doubt that a sltoit tone will sutlice to verify our eonelmions. confrere takes in a wide range of'coun- I†Our quondam friend, the Newmar- ket Era, has a labored article in his issue ofthe 9th inst., entitled “ The Gazette in a quandary" in which he strives hard to Overthrow the position assumed by us, in a previous number, respecting the County Town dispute. We cheerfully acoord to our valiant cotempornry our meed of praise for the gallant manner in which he dC-‘ lends the village of his love. and t'orl the strenuous elTorts made by him to brush upthe faded beauty of the an-l cient mnirlen, in view of the inevitable contest which awaits her with her: youngerand more favored sister vil-I‘ lnges for the expected prize. But in his haste to mount his fiery'l’egasus, he has unquestionably over-ridden th: point at issue {and broadly asserts that l our village is by no means central," neither is it incorporated. and, conse- quently, can lay no claim to the cov- eted distinction. We readilv grant that Richmond Hill is not yet ineor- ‘ poruted, though it possesses at this moment all the elements for such a i consummation, and we trust ere long to ( record it as a K‘ ï¬xed fact.†We also l concede that betWecn the two points c mentioned by him, viz: Toronto on t the south, and the outskirts of Georgi- , 8 na on the north, our village is not quite 5 RICHMOND HILL, OCT. 23. 1857 Burk Bihings’ mm. Winter Goodyâ€"Charles Durrant. Ladica’ cloaks and L‘IIantlerâ€"C. Durranl W nter Dry Goodsâ€"Charles DurranL against the luau, will probably turn u‘). The myslery is evidently as dilï¬cul' to peer into as nbrn llle arrest took place at Cle ve- Iaud. le idcntiï¬catinns and alï¬.malions, on b0lh Side: ol‘ the case, b ing 0|" such a posilire cbm'al-ter, it reinlly requires a great amount of caution, practice and clex'urm-ss to be brou-gm to bear on the anesllgallon in order that when Llieï¬nale of this. an in- stance unparalleled. dues ï¬rrive, the decision may be salil'acmry to those directly engugvd in tho- aï¬'nir and to the public generally. â€"â€"Wur(l('/. THE "NEW ERA" AGAIN. New Advertisements um Week. ,M, ,WM The principal obieét for which I appear at presenlï¬s to urge to unabated efforts, those upnn whom rests the responsibility of sustaining this important cause. In this dew However Inappropr'ate It may be upon ordinary oceasions, for one of my youth to address an assembly of such character as the one before me; yet, I trust the gneat o ject for which we are convened, will suf- ï¬ciently justify my effort in appealing to you in behalf of the babbath School. Children iare the objects of much temptation, and consequently,claim the solicitude ofthe more advanced in years. Being the special obâ€" jvcts of Divine favour, and being the re- cipients of Sabbath-school instruction, they should be prinleged occasionally to break their stlence in rendering thanks to those who labor for them, and in expressing their admiration for this holy institution. igucmly, could not hear dislinclly, yet the following will be found to be a part of his address. Being called upon by the Chairman, he came forward, and spoke nearly as follows: Respected Audience : -â€"- I The Union Sabbath-school at Shell's " Corners, Markham, held their third anniversary, on Thursday. the 8th inst. The day was very propitious, cons::quently,the attendance numbered upwards of two hundred. About ll o‘clock a procession was formed at the School-room, consisting of the scholars and teachers. The Victoria ’ Square Sax -Horn Band headed the 5 procession, which proceeded to the Methodist Chapel, Where a very rich repast awaited them. After partaking of the bountiful supply of “creature comforts." the rostrum was ascended . by the Superintendent. who presided on the Occasion. Rev. Mr. Garner ad- ! dressed the audience, and said, that in ' responding to the call of the chairman, he felt glad to be identiï¬ed with the cause. andihavioi.r the privilege ol‘stand- ing before the audience as the advocate of Sabbath-schools. He had always looked upon these institutions as auxilia- ries to Christianity, and urged upon the parents of the children to encourage them by their counsel and support as. much as poss.b|e ; and hoped the next generation would be better morally†Spirituelly, and intellectually. He briefly concluded by congratulating] the teachers upon the success cf their '1 school. A recitation by Master W.Ji Brown, admirably well timed, was then delivered; this was followed by l ldiulogues, &c., Ste. The next scholar ‘ called upon was George Brown, a lad about 10 years of age, who spoke with l ease and ï¬rmness, which goes to show d that in the domestic circle as Well as,t m the school-room, his intellect is I being properly cultivated; and we 9 cannot allow this opportunity to pass b without presenting our readers with a 0 specimen of the recitation in ques- tion. Although we were some dis- tance from the platform, and, conse-: St 51 tl 4| l. 'l' 3- d - i a t it is n r I were aï¬lteted with ague, who would return to Newmarltet and speedily l rccwer." No doubt ofit, friend Era. â€"your host of medical men have be- come so very expert in curing agile, from their extensive [tome practice. that we could conceive of no better place for the unfortunate navvies to repair to be cured of their malady. In his endeavour to refute our asser- tion that Newmaiket contains more medical men than any other village in this section of country, our cotempor- ary evidently tries to play upon worda He says, " we have only two-thirds of the number stated (six) of regular physicians in the place.†We do not question his veracity as to the actual number residing within the limits of his village.but pray how many "sons of Bolus" reside within a convenient dis- tance of the place, having their regu- lar patients therein, and who are fat tening on the imï¬rniities of the inhab- itants generally '! A somewhat cu rious, though accidental confirmation of the truth of our remarks on this = ‘ head ocuurred at the Fair recently held in Newmarket. A gentleman was ‘ suddenly taken ill at the Railroad H0- ‘ i tel, his life was despaired of, and mesâ€" ,sengers were despatched in various ldirections for medicalaid, and we are :credibly informed that scarce twenty :minutes elapsed before seven or eight illive M. D’s. were assembled in the ‘house. prepared to administer to the sick man’s wants, while still another“ lpaced the .room, evidently Cross and lsullen at having arrived too late to 1have a ï¬nger in the pic! \Ve are not gaware that they all reside in the vil- ‘lage. but We are disposed to infer, from their prompt tess in responding to the call, that lh:ir respective habitations must be situate very conveniently thereto. SABBATH SCHOOL SOIRE E. 00 a racing mare belonging to Mr. Lennox. He was accompanied by a person named John McMinn. in a sul- ky. Who gradually gained 0n deceas- ed. and when near Shepherd’s, seeing the mare come along riderless,McMinn returned and found the unfonunute young man lying near a pile of stones,l unable to move. ' Assistance was pro-‘ cured, but on examining the body it We regret to state that a young man, named William Launchbury, servant of Mr. Lennox, tavern keeper Colborne-st. Toronto, lost his life near Shepherd’s Golden Lion tavcrn,Yonge Street, while returning from the Thornhill Races on Saturday evening last. We learn that deceased left Thornhill about‘nine o'clock. mounted‘ The Victoria Square Sax-horn Band ‘haVing agreed to play gratuimusly on that day, were presented with a mammoth cake, tastefully decorated WIU] beautiful flowers. Upon enquiry we found that it was ma'le expre<sly for the Band, as a mark of vsteem, by Ms. Benjamin Jenkins_ the worthy lady of the superintgndent of the school. The scholars Inving again farmed into proces~ sion. returm-d to their ghoul-room, where. the Band played the National Anthem and the company dispersed. The R. v. Mr." Dick then addressed the meeting, briefly but pointedly. um! fcvlingly referred to the war in India, where many of our fellow-creaturés were destiiule of those privileges which we enjoy. Having briefly glanced ovar the success that had attv'ndi’d nu: school since its organization he retired. We regret that our space will not allow us to give his ad‘lress in full, which cértainly was very appropriate for the Occasion. two-0Vâ€- W In this work so much depends upon our mothers. that to them 1 must more particu- larly and must afl‘rctionately speak. Our Mothers 1 ye instruments of the most exalted good! Who can estimate the excellencies of your character, when your delight is to train your children in the fear at GoD ? How many who now hear me, feel amid their riper years, that they owe most of the vir- tues that adorn tln-m to the instrumentalin ol‘ 3 mother. Usually limited by her dispo- sition, as Well as duties, to the Scenes of her 0‘7" house. the devote-d mother renders her own home the place of Instructmn, where. in conï¬ding simplicity, the child inhales from liar lips the holy ti uths ol the Son of God Otten does the countenmce of the ‘fond mother glow with delight, while her eye occasionally turns to heaven. as her soul breathes the fervent prayer for hea ven’s blessing upon her work. Yes, Mothers, it Was never intended that the Sabbath-school should render your lahors unnecessary, any more than it was designed to render unnecesâ€" sary the labors of the sanctuary. The deâ€" sign is, as we trust results will continue to show, lhat,under God good seed will con- tinue so he scattered through the -agen:y of the Sunday- chool; which, watered at home, shall spring up in childhood, boa: its ï¬rst f.uit in the sanctuary, and be gathered ï¬nal ly into the everlasting garner of God. The Chairman next called upon the Rev. Mr. Fishburn, who said that as his time was limited his remarks would be limited also, but he was glad to ï¬nd the school in such a prosperous condition ; and if there was any place on earth where Angels delighted to lhover, it was in the Sabbath-school; it was i there where the young ideas were taught the principles of religion. There were many who'have not had the advantage of Sabbath; school instruction, who bitterly regret it, as l it. has a tendency to produce an eflect. l which otherwrse,in all probability, would not be experienced. rThe influence of Sunday- scltool instruction had extended its labors very largely; inasmuch, as it has been the lmeans during the past year of bringing about the conversion of LWenty thousand souls ; and that by the American Sunday-school Union alone, independent of Sunday-Schools or‘ ganized under other different denominations, which no doubt would amount to twenty thousand more, making a total of forty thou- sand conversions to Christianity, under the influence of Sabbath-school teaching. Such being the case, he would adviSe parent’s to encourage those institutions that Were pro ductive of so much good. HIM Tsiends in behalf-of these children, and mgr you, as you lune taken us upon your arms ‘never to lay us down, until we reach that period of lile in which the vigour of our youth, strengthened by your moral training. slhlll pzepare Us for thc reshtancv of lc-mp- ration, and the disuharge ol those dulies whim will then devolve upon us. A few words to our parenti, and I will return to my silvnce and my M’flt. I be- seech you to suslain. by errry means in your power, an institution which bears so many lambs in its bosom; and to become co-workers with [how who are rngaged in tlIIs work of mercy. parunent of religious labor, particular atten- tion is given to the inculcation of sentimvnts leading to an early attachment to the Bible. Childhood, to which the grave is aquys dll‘k and repulsive, is taught in the Bible to look upon the‘ “ life that now is,†as the Vealibllie of “that which is to comr,†and instead of ï¬xing a desponding eye upon the “Valley of the Shadow of Death," ht‘le the vision of youth is cheered by the light ul‘ the Bible, and encou.*uged to look on high to the Scenes ot -' immortality and , In-n u Could I do no more upon this occasion to encourage those who am engaged in l|.i ï¬eld of labor, I would s‘retch out my hand: eternal life.†to you, our supr-rintendvnts, teachers and ,. . . . _ FATAL ACCIDENT. Two Shearling Ewes, ten entriesâ€"45?. John Snell, Chinguacousy, 155; 2nd, John Snell, (Thinguacousy 103. Two Ewe‘ Lambs, six entriesâ€"13¢, John Snell. Chinguacousy, 155 ; 2nd, Thomas Smith, T oronlo township, lOs. Ram Lambs, nineteen entiriesâ€"lst,Peter Mu Bride, Toronto township, 155; 2nd, George JackSOn, Gore, 105. Two Ewes, aged, nine entriesâ€"15!, John Snell, Chinguacousy, 15s; 20d, John Snell, Chmguacousy, 10s. Shearling Rams, eleven entriesâ€"lst, John Snell, Chinguacousy, £1 ; 2nd, “.illiam Davis, York, 105. Rams. agedâ€"15!, George Jackson, Gore, £1; 20d, Edward Hillock, Chinguacousy, 15s. JLmEs 0N Cummâ€"Archibald Cam- eron, Etobicoke. Robert \Nood, Clty To- ronto, Joseph Smith, litohicoke. Yoke working dxan, seven enhiuâ€"lst, Robert Conway, York, £1; 2nd, John Muore, Embicoke,105. Fat Cow or Heifer, one entryâ€"15¢, Henry Lard, Mimico, £1. Bull Calves, cnIVed in 1857,eleven entries â€"lsl, H. J. Boulton. Elnbicoke,l5s; 2nd, George Cooper, York, 105. FA'I‘TED CATTLE. Ox or Sher, two entries-lat, John Wil- son. Sydemlmm, £1; 2nd, John VVilaon, 10:. Heifers under three years old, it n entries- lst. John Snrli, Chinguacousy, 155; 2nd, judges report cattle left the ground Heifer Cu'ves. calved in 1857, thirteen entriesâ€"15L John Gi|l, Toronto township, 155; 2nd, E. \V. 'l‘omps‘nn, York, 105. Heifers under two yanrs old, fourteen entrierâ€"lleohn bnell, Chinguacousy, 15:; 2nd, Edward Musson, Miluico, 10s. JUDGES 0N Honsas.â€"â€"-Dnctor Dixie, Springï¬eld, Edward Slack, Etob coke, John I 0nd, City Toronto. James \N'udwvorth, Eloncoke, Archibald Gallanough, Thonmill. CATTLE. Cows Durham breed. nine; entriesâ€"lst, H. J. Boulton, Elnbicoke £1 1 2nd, George Cooper, York township, 15s. ' Cows, grade or naliveâ€"â€"lst, Thomas Smuh, Mimico, £1; 2nd, John Mame, liloblcoku, 155. la, township £1 ;3rd, William Duncanflmk, 105. Special prvmlum‘ from Charles E. Romain, Esq., for Caniage How‘s, six elltl‘lf‘Sâ€"lat, J. GV Baker, UukVille. £7 10; Qud, F. A. Howland, Lamhton, £5. From Mr. 'l'ims. Charlton, for Colts sired by his impeded dzaught Siallinn ~‘ Wax Walk,†six punksâ€"45!, George Coï¬per, York. £1 105: 2nd, Thomas Smith. Tomn- Spring Colt 0r Filly, eighlevn entriesâ€"s lsr, Jamrs “'a'son, Toronto township, 155; 2nd, John MuLuIIand, Elobicoke. 105. Fillies one yvur old. four entriesâ€"ht. Richard Burrcâ€, Elollicoke, 153"; :an', Georg-c Pearson, Vaughan, 10>. Colt mw year old, nine entries -1st, John Gill, Toronto lnwmhip, 155; 2nd, Andrew Allis m, Toronto township, 105. Filley two years old. sewn E. W. 'J‘hnmsan, Yark, £1; [’carson,Vuuglmu, 10*. Mare [or general purposes will) foal by her side, twelve: entriesâ€"Isl. John Moore, lilobmoke. £1 ; 2nd, Thomas Smith, 'l'o- romo [owns-hip, 103. Coll two years old, six entriesâ€"lat, Allan Willcox, Toronto township, £1 ; 2nd, John Perry 105. Pair dmu 1h? horses shewn in harness. on ent vâ€"ht, \Vxllium Ward, Suunuernlle‘ £1 55. l’air her-es far general purposes, shewn in harness, “1.8:: eulriesâ€"lsl, \Villiam \Vard, b'ummenilne, £l 53; 2nd, \\’m. '1‘. b'havex, 'i‘oronlo township 155. Elohicokc Agricultural Society’s Fall 1 Far. h lu’al Mimicâ€. Dundusb‘lreel, on Tuesday, l3lh OclL, 1857. ' 110115133X Subjoincd will be found the Prize List of the Etobicoke Agricultural Fair. We are requested by the See- retary, Mr. Thomas Musson, to say in addition to our remarks last week, that the dinner provided on the UCCuS- ion by Mr. Smith, was excellent. The table was surrounded by a great num- ber, among whom were John W. Gain- hle Esq., M. P. P.. E. W. Thompson. Esq, President of the Board of Agri- ‘ culture, Professor Buckluiid‘: and many others, who made some very interest- ing remarks on the science of agricul- ture. It is gratifying to see these Ex- hibitions tliature unnenlly held by this society, give such general satisfaction, and it is invariably the case where (IOIH‘ petent Judges are selected, good feel- ing prevails. The snecessl'ul compet- itors at this exhibition may he justly proud of the distinctiOn awarded them, I while the unsuccessful will only be! excited to renewed exertions, deter-l mined by their elttcrpi'ize and skill at1 the next Fair to outstrip thOSe who have been their rivals at the past. was discovered that hf: was extinct ; the right temple being severely frac- tured. it was eVident that he had been thrown from the animal's back and in- stantly ktllud. An inquest was held on the body by Coroner nggztn on Monday last, when after hcarmg the evidence, the jury returned u verdict of “ accidental death" E'I‘OBICOKE FAIR. PRE MIU M LI é'l‘ SHEEP. rn'riesâ€"lst. 2nd, George Jones: on IMPLEMENTS.-â€"-Messrs. Phillip Armstrong, Toronto, Alexander Gibb, York township, Joseph Church, Brackton. Set Horse Shoes, three entries-~â€"lst, Wm. Mahafl'ey, Brampton. 105; 2nd, George Kempshall, Weston, 55‘ Three Flour Barrels, two entries-ulst, Peter Dash, Lambtou, 105; 2nd, John Stuart, Lambton, 5s. Two Horse Waggon, {our entries-"15!, Wflliam T. Shaver, Toronto township, £1 ; 20d. William Hornby,Toronto_Eownship, 153. Carriage {or one ‘or two Horses. Iseven entries-«131, Shuulewurtb and Kempshall. Weston, £1; 2nd, Modeland and Pcrrin, Chinguacousy, 155. Straw Cutters. two entries---lst, John Shuttleworth, Weston, 155; 2nd, Andrew Ward, Etuhicoke 105. JUDGES 0N Roo’rs AND FRUITS.--- Messrs. James Fleming, John Gray and John Grainger, Toronto. IMPLEMENTS. Fanning Mill, one entry- -lst, Andrew Ward,ELobicoke, 155. Variety of Apples, six enlries-~-lst, Wm. R. Scott, Elobicoke, 7s 6d; 2nd, Thomas Smith, Mimico, 5s. Six bunches Grapes, twé entries---lsf, Samuel W’uod, Etobicoke, 7s 6d; 2nd, Gordon Sliverthorne, York, 55. Twulve Peaches, one entry-nlit, John Morgan, York, 75 6d. ’I‘Welve Fall Pears, two entries-"15‘ Robert Willson, Toronto township, 7s 6‘ 2nd. Samuel Wood, Etobicoke, 533. Twelve Winter Pears, one entry--lst, John Morgan, York, 75 6d. Twelve Winter Applés, (Table) twan‘y entries-«1st, William I’Vuflace, Etnbicoke, 7: 6d; 2nd, Andrew Audersén, Etobicoke, Twelve I'ther Apples, (Cooking) twenty nine entries-“ht. S Imuel Wood, litobicoke, 7; 6d ; 2nd, JOSt-ph Sifverthorue, Sydenham, 5s. Twelve Fall Apples, ('r‘able.) twenty two pulriesu-lst, ï¬lrsJamvs Snuthwvll, Mimico, 7s 6d; 2nd, Ali-an Pancox, Toronto town- ship, 55. Twelve Fall Apples, (Cooking) twenty one 9nrries---lst. Samuel Wood, litobicoke, 75 611; 2nd, Benjamin Johmton, Etobicoke, 55. Three heads Cabbage. ton en'riesâ€"â€"]st \Villiam Burgess. York, 75 6d; 2nd, V‘Vil “am “When, Etobicoke, bs. 'l‘welve Rnots Celery. six enlriesâ€"Lt, I/V| limn Burgess. York, 75 6d 3 2nd, Thea. Smith, Mimico, 55. Twelve Rants, Blood Beets, thiritven en- tril‘sâ€"â€"]st, WIHinm Burgess. YOI'k, 7s 6d; 2nd, Lewis Harris, Etobicoke, 5s. Twelve Rools long Red Mungle \Vurtzel, eight entriesâ€"Isl, Samunl 5H]. lrtt Etobiâ€" coke, 105 ; 2nd, Mm. Jame: SauthWell, .Uimico,-5s. Yelan Globe. twrlve Roan, twelve en- t'iesâ€" lst. VVil ialn I u‘qus Ymk, 105; 2nd, “imam \Vallacu. Etobicdkp, 5s. One peck Onions, twelve entriPsâ€"«lst, Sunuel Scarlett, Etobicoke. 7s 6d; 20d, Mr. Jameï¬ Suuthwell, Mimico, 5s. Oue- bushel Potatoes. ten entries" I<t, Allan Wilicox, 'l'nronlu tmvn‘lup, 10:; 2nd, Alexander McFarlanu, Elobicokv, 55. Twenty Roots lied Carrots, rleven entries Aâ€"lst, Samuel b‘rarleu. litubimke, 10:; 2nd, Capt. Alvxaudcr Slum, York, :35. 'I‘Weuty Roots, “'hile or Belgium, elewn eut.ie~'-â€"1st, John Clayton, Etobiunke, 10:; 2nd. VVilIiam \Vilson. Embicoke, 55. ()m- buchel \Vhile Fit-la! 'l‘urnips, six 9:) tries-"Ln Richard SWuIcz-i, Etobicuke, 10) ‘led, W'iilium “"ihon, Elobicuke, 5s. One bu>hel Swedr Turnirs. eighteen en riesâ€"lst, Joseph Smuh. l‘llobicoke, 105: 2 .d, Jamus W'udswurlh, litobicoke, 55. One b “ht-l Yellow Fiwld TurniPS. threw ent-ies-ulst, Rnhrrt Conway, York, 103; 2nd, Capt. Alexander hhuw, Yonk, 55. Twu bushels Peas, (Inawrow fat) four rntl'ieS«--l~t, Capt. Alexuudvr Shaw, York, 103, 2nd David l’xouuliee, 55. Two hrhels Fens, (common ï¬rld.) three (entries-"lat, David Koumree, Ymk, lUs; 211.], Richard Burrell, Etobicoke, 55. Two bushels Indian Corn, in ear, nine entries~l~t. Cupr. Afexander Mum, YO‘k, 105; ‘Zml, Samuel b‘curlcti, litubiroke, 5s. 'l'wo bu~llels Outs, eight entriesâ€"â€"lst. Wil lium Wallace, Etohicoke, 103; 2nd, Georg! Pearson, Vaughan. Six buslnls “'lwut, growth of 1857, twelve animusâ€"45!. William Harper, Etubi- coke, 13! 10; 2nd, Samuel Scarlett. Etobi- cnkv, £1; 3.'d, Henry McGill, Toronto tuwlnhip, 105. Two bushels BarlnyJen entriesâ€"â€"1>t,J0!III Housingâ€, Etobicoke,105; 2nd, William Hul'pcl', Elobicnke. 55. Boar under one year old, ï¬ve entries-lsl., George SnVuge. Toronto township, 15>; 2nd, George Samse, Taranto towmhip, 10:. Sow under one your oldâ€"Isl, George Savage, Toronto township, 1:35; 'Zud, John \Vilson, Sydenham 105. JUDGES 0N SHEEP.â€"-PNHI‘ Huuy Toroutu City, William \Vardic,Mimicoflohn Punter, York. Boar one year old and over, ï¬ve entriesâ€" lst, Eduard Mlxason, Mimicu, £1; 2nd, George b‘avage, ’I‘oronlo twonahip, 155. Two fat Ewes, ten enmesâ€"lst, [mm Boldock, Toronto '1‘0mnhip,l§.~: indfloln Snell, Uhinguacomy, 10:. Sow one year old and over, six entries-n lst, E. M". Thompson, York, 155; 2nd, Alt-xander McFarlanc, Elobicokc, 105. FATTED SHEEP. Two VVethers, one entryâ€" Isl, \Ym, Scan, Etobicoke, 155. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS FRUITS. S\\'JNE. ROOTS. The annual races of the Thornhill Turf Club, came off on the Course. at Thornhill, on Friday and Saturday last. This race-course-is laid out on the property of Mr. Wm. Cook. who keeps an Hotel convenient to it, and contributes every year considerable to its support. The track this year was in ï¬rst-rate condition, all that could be desired by any person who ‘had horses there for the purpose of jcontending for the difl‘erent Purses. The affair throughout created a good deal of excitement, and wagers were freely made by the sporting charac- ters on the ground. But, what is still more creditable to the crowd, Was, that during the two days, not an angry word was heard, a thing very unusu’al upon such occasions. Great care was taken in selecting competent judges}, Al~o beg to recommend the following articles, as warthy of notice, namely :â€"A. \Vard, Etobicoke, Swede Turnips; W'll- liam Burgess, YOIlK tuiv1iship;"V\’liite Field 'l‘urnips, Red Carrotï¬ and Red Cabbage; \Vil‘iun Wilson, Etobicoke, Potatoes; Edward Mubson, Mimiro, White Carrots; 'l‘hnmas ljlodgin. Mimico, White Onions; RubPrt Wilson, Sydenham. twelve Fall Ap- ples; Wm- R. Scott, Etobicoke, twelve Fall Apples; Samuel Wood, Etobicoke, three Baskets Apples. There were exhibited three very handsome Cutters, Manufactured respectively by Shut- tleworth and Kempsllall, of Weston, shutlle- worth and Mallaby of Weston, and Messrs. Etikin and Stephenson, Markham, also a Gig by NIBsSrS. Sliuttleworth and Mallaby, of Wes‘on, all or which articles were much ad- mired. Spvcial premiums from George Bilton, Esq., Merchant, Toronto. ‘ n For lwenty yards Home Mada Flannel, (hand qurk) eight. entriei~lsl. Allan Willcox. 'l‘ornnto Township,£3 ;2nd,Jol1n Moore. Etohiuoke, £2. ‘UIG :s.â€"Mrs~‘rs. \Vm. G: mh'e, Milton M s thn Laidiaw. To.0n!0, Arthur ch-_ er Ioronto JUDGE; REPORT.â€"â€"VVe, the Judges of Row“ an i F nib, have much pleas Ire in re- commezidm; the excellenrspecimens of Fruit: cxlnbited, pal'lxcularly the shew of apples, which we consider very suPcriO', and would in our opinion, compare very favourably with any collection exhibited this season. Hat, Canadian Straw, three entries -â€"lst‘ .Vlrs George silverthorne, Sydenlmm. 7s 6d 1 2nd, Miss Abigal Harper, EIobicoke, 55. Velvet Painting, Framed, nine entriesâ€"- lst, Miss A. P. Grifï¬th, SydenlmmL 153i; “an, Miss A. 1’. Grillith, Sydcnhmu, 10$. Femaka Tailoring, two Entriesâ€"341%.; Mrs 1V1". M‘ahafl'y, Brulnplun, 15.5; 2nd, Mrs Henry Robinson, King, 105. ‘ Palch \de. Quiit. thirteen entries-15!, His» Ja. m Hilverlllome, Synlvuhum, 105; 2m, Mrs. \Vm. Harris, CooksviHe, 55. Pair Scoks from any “'onl, thrPe entries - let. Mrs. E. Mus on, Mim‘cu, 10.5; 2nd, Mi» Emma So nihxvell, Michvl, 5s. I’Mr stockings {pom any Wuoi. six entries --~lst. Mm. E. Muysun, Mimic», 105; 2nd, Mrs. E. Mu«<on. Milnico, . s. Specimen Rais9d \Vnrsled \VOIk, ï¬ve 9n!riua-â€"â€"lsl, Miss Eliza lJarper,Elobicnke, 10‘; 2nd, Miss Isabella Graham, Toronto Gore, 5:). Pair I'Voolcn Gloves,tl1ree entries-45:, \‘lrs. Jane Umper, Erobicoke, 7s (N; 2nd, Mrs. Jane Harper, Elobicuke, 5s. Specimen Fancy Knitting. twelve enlr'o-s â€"-â€"1:l..\ii>: Martha Harper, Elnbicoke,10_‘ 2nd, Mrs. LJUSIIB'WI, Mimico 55. Specimen Fanny Netting, ï¬ve entriesâ€"â€" 1st, Muss Ann Chapman, 'l‘oronto townalï¬p, 10: ; 2nd, Miss Isabrlla Harper, Eiobicoke, 55. Specimen Worsted VmG, eighteen en- triesâ€"13!, Muss Wright, Toronto Inwuslui , 105; 52nd, Miss Amelia Muxson, Mimico, 5):. ---13l, Mrs James l‘ulfree, 'l‘dmulo City, 10.» ; '2ml, Mrs James shuil|eworlh, “'eston, Spcchnen Crochet Work fourteen entries â€"â€"]st Miss Emma SouthWell. Vlimico, 10:; 2nd, Mi>s [1. Maria Garbutt, Toronto town- ship, 55. .55. Pair \Vooleu Mutts, four entl‘ies-â€"Isl,‘.\llss Amelia Musson. Mimico, 7s (N; 2nd, Miss \1. Ua"per, Elobicoke, 5s. Ten yards Flannel, hand \N'on-k, seven entricsnâ€"Ifl, Allan \Villcox, Toronto townâ€" :hip, 105; 2nd, Mrs. Southwc", Mimico. 5:“. Turn yards, Full (.‘Ioth, hand Work, three entries-"15’, Mrs. Harper, Etobicoke. 105; 2nd, Mrs. JosePh Ward, Eluhicoke, 53. Fair Socks, Canadian Wool, ten entries --â€"lst, Mi.“- Marlha Harper, Etobicoke, 10> ; 2nd, John Moore, ELobicoke, 55. Pair Stockings, Canadian \Vool, ï¬ve en- tI'icsâ€"â€"lst, Miss Margaret Harper, Elohi- coke, 105 ; 2nd, Miss Eliza Ha-per,Etobiâ€" coke, 55. Tan lbs. Buller, uixleen entriesj‘lsl, Miss lilleu Wand, Etobicoke, 158; ‘Zud, Mrs. ..inv.on, Erubicoke. 105; 3rd, Mrs. Jo-T-n will, 'l‘ou‘Onlo township, 5:. Cheese. fourteen lbs. four caninesâ€"wish \er John Gill, 'l‘oronlo lownahip. 155; 2:.d, \lra. Alexander McFarlane, Elob:cokr,10§; 3rd, \'\'m Maxim“, Brampton, 55. JUDGES 0N Dun PRODUCTS AND GRAIN-"Mews. Frederick A. Howlund, Lambtnn, J. A. Donaldson, Weston, Wil- linm Ward, bummerville, Isaiah Smith lilo. hicoke. Specimen Gentlemnns' Shirts, ï¬ve entries Signed, THORN HILL RACES. HO ME MAN U FAC’I'URES DAIRY PRODUCTS. LADIES‘ WORK. JAMES FLEMING. JOHN GRAY. JOHN GRAINGER.