bvon unusually propitious. It" is estim‘uu'ad that 50,000,000 {vet oflugs kept back last seasdn by the SEDUCTION.-â€"In consequence of \he wholesale seduction of Women on bnnrd (he American emigrant ships. the Nsw Yuk com- missioners of emigration huvohegun to pubzish Nye name: of tha captains of shnps in which such. di gruful proueedings occur- ‘ Scotland. died at Kiimmy‘ mama. on Slluld2;\' the 19th of Sepwmbcr. He was 0-dained lo lh'o charge of Kllmauy iu the year 1815. he liminu succeedwi Dr. Challnea lfkfl‘ his uanslmiou l: the Tron Chmch of Glugow. Tnoors.-â€"Thc Quebec " Chronicle†saw that the “ Vulcan,†(6.\ iron screw swam troop phig, ~Cummnuden Secuuube. l‘rum Pous- mouth. arrived in Quebec on the 8th hum, to em- bank the 91h legimeul. Ordered 19 Eng-laud. A Tennessee paper n-corvls the manufacture of: wine expuessed {‘rum (he jui e of the tomato. lLs ingredients are the pure jlnca ol‘ the tomato and sugar. and it much assemble» champagne. The “.N‘mhern “mg,†Belfast. Ireland: says :'â€"â€"‘~ steps have been Inks†w are“ in obelisk lo paniamue‘ the menuer of the learned connnentulor and dlsllllgll-Ishbd lrimman. Dr Clarko: and Puru-ush has been appropriately chosen as its site." The marriige of the Princess Royal is ï¬xed fur the lBIh January: und ‘he 3rd Feuâ€" runry is menliv-ned as the day of lhvir entry ium Berlin. Prince Prudorick \‘Villiam will pay a Vlsi: In her Mains“! in November. ry to lean} (hmsmne of llm‘mam-l‘autluring esmb- I-shmenls at the mum] lune deemed il uecmsmy lo (1i Chara: n purl of rhoir mgâ€. [I may came hardship to mast-lo be thrownvoul of “(0â€! at nus season. n 80 numeruus ill. lhe low‘nShip of Essa. and uljxyningluwuships. usauhu present (ima.__ They have (helm) ed several sheep. and their huwwug :1 night is sud lo be of the most hldeuus character. there are now laid up in the Vicinity of Buffqu about 1000 bolls. which have been hauled off the Canal. in consequence of the scan-my of freiglus paper thnl Ihe Grand Trunk Ruiiwny has £260,000 of sleylmg exchange returned under proleu, sold to the Bunk of Upper Canada. 'I‘bere is no later news from India, but the Paris journals 8 <ert lhnl the labvls are under European genemls ip and the accuuuls are more gloomy. ' ‘ euin in a ~~qnull, in ï¬le Gulf bf Finland. and lives last. Including the adluimls. Five [I10Lléand more troops are ready to embark fur lndnu. and 10,000 adduionml militia had been CHIN“. M r. Armstrong’s pump-making es- tablislunenï¬. in Uniunvillu, together within; couâ€" m‘s. were desiruyvd by lire a l'ew days tgo. East India Company one‘lni lion slerh‘ng of a loa'n on the security of ludim Bonds. ing troops to India by the way of Suez has now been emirer ramo ved. This race was we" contested, bm won. by W. Johnsoq of Klineburgh, who gas lately \Von by Miss Cheney, time 35m. The next, a fool-race; distance, 4 rods; purse, £2 ; 4 cmries. J. Lawson, Gore Toronto: J‘ Fitzmoris. New York Slam: William Johnson, Kliueburgh; A. Belly. Toronto. -' " J. Mink. Turomo. A. Guilnnongh. Thu-uhil 6. Graham. Auwm. Wm. Leuuox. Toronto, The trotting race, mile and a half heats best 3 in 5. 4 entries. J. Armstrong. York. 1“ Major. . Markhlm. J. Crosby, “ York Nancy taking the ï¬rst heat, but Hermit winning the race. The lumber season in'Michignn has SECOND DAY. " JUDans.â€"Edwurd Sheppard, Rich- mond HiH ; Joseph Clarkson, Thorn- hill ; W. C. Ogden. Tornnlo. First r'ace, i mile heals. Purse, £5. 3 entries. ' F. Mnjor, Markham, Hermit. W. Lennnx. Toronto. Sleepy Jnne. John Gates. Scanbom’, Blncklock. A. GuHunongh. 'l‘hornhm. Thomhill Muid. This race was won easily by Her- mit, which concluded the ï¬rst days sport. The Rev. Mr. ,quk of Kilmnnv F. Mzujor, W. Lennnx. John Gates. A. Galhmongh. Wolves were never known m have “1e consequence at W: “side the third slake Third race, 4 mi: £5. 4cmrics. We see it rumored in a Montreal NOTHING TO Do.â€"It is said that John Gales. L. Bealy. W. Irwin, 'I‘hqunk of England has given U16 A Russian 84 gun-srhipr bad been Second race, Mile heals. Open to horses. Purse, £7 103. 3 entries. The difï¬cullies in the wav of send- At the start of [his race Sleepy Jane turned curnplclcly refractory. and some considurubfe time was Spent bufure she would leave the past. The riderat length managed her rc- markably Well. a fair start was given, and rcsulted in Slcupy June bearing of? the pursé. Wm, Lr-mm John Crosby T. “1 U". First Rune. i x £5.â€"F0ur eutvies Junm:s.â€"Juseph Clarkson, Timmâ€" hill; John Shicls, 'l'hornhiâ€; Wm. Irwin, Weston. wh5 appeared to'g‘we general satis- faction. We give below a statement of both days’ sport: ‘* FIRST DAY. This race was won by Storm, in nsequence of Waggoner runnng Galfauough (Monlrenl “‘szeue") are sor- 31km Stung. nnov, Scarboro’, To on to, VVuuloll, Markham. Toronto. Scnl boro', 'l‘hornhm, Mm'khum. “lth. Thu-uh", é mile heats. Purse mil.- heals "Ito Miss Cheney NcHy 1313‘. Sir Francis. Jenny Lind. York Nancy. Hermit. Prince Alberl‘ Weflnn J an. Thornhilx Maid ï¬lmy) $1117") . Sommerviile ‘Yngconur u rsc, on He Sc'ewe of Phrenology in the Court Ranlï¬ inzthis, ‘gilage. (if? Doous oped at half past 7 o’clock. After the lecture is concluded an exami- natinn will take plat-e Richmond Hm, Oct. 22, 1857. ’ 520-1! .lmdius’ (Ilonks & Mantles. Lndies‘ Dress Goods. Ladius’ VVnol Jul-kcls. Ludius’ Silk (SI, \Vutfl Scarfs. H usiery. Gloves. 5L Ribbons. Blankets & Flnnneln Clnllreu’s \‘Vuol Gluvq of cvcr} descriplinn. ' to arrive. -r ~C. D. Rcs[ectilp!ly SHHCHS an ln-. specliufl 'of Stock which will be fund; 16 b ‘ In'i‘ge and wall assorted. . I". GREEN. begs to infm'm the In- .lmbimnls of Richmond Hill, that he will on Illcrnday Evening ()clober 26th dcllver I“Sl_\'Ics~5'nmsoualfle Mun-rials nf ï¬rst-quality son’s lmpm‘lulinn, The. New York Times says th it til? suffer - ing of the poor in New York during the com- ing; winter will be intense and memorable. Hundreds of labourers and mechanics are now out ofemploynient with every probabil- ity that their number will be greatly incrvas ed soonand no prospect nftlieir getting work or food, except by charity, until the spring Is it better in 'l‘oronto? \thLproviaiMs are our benevolent and‘charitahly disposed ma- king to when: the wants ofthe indigent and unemployed hen: (lurimg the coming gloomy season ‘l--- Colonist. Mdaiéingaéeâ€"d in many local specuâ€" lations. which had always turned out welli and therehv rendered him a ‘pr‘rson of some wealih. He was ralhet past middle age, when he bethought him of insuring his life ; and he had only just laken out his policy when he fell ill 01' an acule dim-aie which was terrain to end fatally in a very few days. The doctor, llilll-lll‘:ll3llllgly, revealed to him liishoineleas stale. “By jiugo l†cried he. roumng up at once into the old energy, †] >hall do (he Inaurunce Company. 1 always “us a lucky l'el|0\v.,.â€"Life of Charlotte Bro7ztc,by JlIrs Gaskill. THE RULING PASSION STRONG IN DEATH.â€"The West Riding men are sleuth- hounds in pursuit of money. Miss Bronte related to my husband a curious instance il- lustrative of this eager desire lor riches. A m n changing“knewJ thoyvas a small manu- in this city has uf late been devoting considn-rnble attention to tho investigat-on of the causes of‘ the Potato Rot. and has come to the conclusion that it is the result of the sting {an insect. He has walcherl these insst Closeh‘, and sms that the decuyof the stalks ofthe tuber folIOWSititmediataly taller their attarks. They sling the tubers as well as the stalks : andcarefully conducted experiments establish the {not that potatoes which are sound when they are dug do not decay. We have in our possession two of those insects. and several specimens of the effects of their work. u hich we shall be pleased to show to those interested in the ‘ muttonâ€"Bufula Courier. ‘ CHARLES DURRANT’S NEW ARRIVAL 0F Winter Dry Gaods.’ Punclualion. that is putting the lamps in lhe right places, eannm be too sedulously studied. \Ve lately read in a country paper the {cloning stnrlâ€" Iing account of Lord Pulnlemtou’s appearance in the Home of Commons :â€"" Lord Palmerston then entered on his hand. a white but upon his feet. large but well polibhed hauls on his brow. a dark cloud in his hand. his faithful walking-slick in his eye. a menacing glare saying nothing. He sat downâ€"Bunch. l.ndi.-s’ Ladies' Ladius’ STUMACH -â€".\ I’nw rims ago a chi'd nnmtvl Tom- linson. ofGrt-en-Inuo. Sulcnnls. diud of a lingering inns“. It npnoared [hut in May lust lhe child paved a full-grown mouse. minu: ils head. The mnu»e had run down the rhild’s throat while pIuring in n ï¬tld new Stnnefer y. when.» its -a- rvnts than rmidu-«L A’xm' lhn( Iinm HIP child con- tinued ailing mo 6 or lam until death. the immedi- ate cause of which was attributed to diarrhea. ADVANTAGE 0F PUNCTUA‘I‘ION.-â€" Cloaks and Mautles! gram. and who were expecting to board. veceivexl at 1| pmndenl 'ct Hu [0 the lï¬lh nf' Brenner: Io lh (h :Aï¬uuully. a sum of no less {hm} $37.0u)l),l)01l in- lo 0st, nearly nbsorlnng a'l Lhe' g uld procwds from Califnruia. which are thus virtually lam lathe Uuiun. Srlecimo Orleans, The ind bud “Vine drouth thu beau go: out, in addili'm 103 very lube'al amount in mutant operations. Chicago is now ma larg - -l. nmlkcl fur Michigan lumber, and Albany calms non. valuable dncumenls h thrown ovez'bonrd in on.- ivsugned to flunk nmi ishme. ll i< Infldvt in ‘o'pper. nntl llm mwning Bil-'ilv r-djusled, and ni!‘ (ed at lhr- va Yolk E nuuh ullanlion. A FREE LECTURE A BIOUSH FOUND IN A CHILD’S “C l‘e H E nd Assortment of Ladies’ Furs nmiful CHARLES DURRANT, hollow recephwlc for paper and 'LHAI POTATO Ro’r â€"â€"A gentleman Inn'lon ' w~s of xhe £10'I.mlu.n 0 float unm n Is p-cked up or ï¬nah i< mad/1 in globe form. of hmss or I llm «waning is ï¬lled will] a scrpw mp. ~'md, and air light. A nmdol i" oxhib mv Yolk -Jmnge. where ix auracn as -ermi NOTICE. {LES I their real Va nu " 'l‘imus†estimates the r Uuiu-d Sunes to England mu nr$5 )0,(|U.),.)UJ. which at Amerinu m [13". il‘tuIII-d for. no less than $37.01)l),l)01l in. ng 8'] the g nld proweds from us been Richmond Hil' D UR R A N T‘ Richmond Hill and hés 'ohlainod ton the size of a rifle balL to New Yoxk and New a disasle . picked e form. led will] nd others for were in pro- be shortly on and THIS Comm“ Insures a†descriptions of Bujhlings‘ Manufactoues. Mills, &c-. and Good; and Furniture. In the mine. against loss or dam- age by, ï¬ne. on libeml terms. Losses promptly sealed. » W E S T E R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. BOARD 09 DIRECTOR’S. J. C. Guuox. Pubs. | Tues. HAWORTH. V. Pros. Wm. Henderson, Rice Lewis. Julnos LaaFk, George Michie. Hugh M llvr, J. P. Robmls. VVuIlel’ Macfarlaue. Robl. Stanton, Sec. Rafidepce. _ . r ‘ . Richmond Hill, August 13.1857 All' (he above dropeny we“ be sold 0-.) easy (ermsfor Cnsh or Yeany Paymentw, and is worthy the au-zmion ofthe Mechanic and Farmer. For particulars appLY In September 10. 1857‘ r[‘HIS FARM contains about Fifu' Acres, with a House, Garden. and small Clearance. and is ‘vell limhared. The \Vuler Mill. including Three goml Dwrlhng llouxeN. with Gardens. and about Fn‘lrau Acre> of Land. if quuired by the purchaser. The p-emises are at present used as an Agticullurnl lulylemamand File Factory. 1 LflJV‘D flNI) W'flTER .MILL ! Near Richmond Hill. 'IVHIS FARM contains about Fiï¬.“ Acres. wit PRIVATE SALE!! Inn, and Lz‘rerjz/ Stables, YUMâ€; Sun-2E1: OSEPH GABY begs to inform the fl‘anC lh: t he has commenced to run a brags {mm the abuvï¬ Hotel Lo the (J. S 6L 1]. R R. Station. (lhchmwud Hill) twixea da) ; and will convey pasungers to any purl cf the mummy. nigh]. or day, In Ien lmuules notice. JOSEPH GABY, " CHARLES DU 1 lANT. Richmond Hill,Sep\.2, 1857. ng-tf. The variety and quality of which cannot be be found elsawhvre in this noiglnbo‘rhood. He respectfully requests an inspeclion. / BOOTS AND SHOES! RESIDENcnszâ€"Henry Sml‘l5?r. Laskay. King Thus. Bowman, Almira, Markham. October 15. 1857. 219-], They Have Arrived ! ! 0‘ ESTABLISHMENT. One Door South qf the GAZETTE Qflisr. William H. Mycrs, Premium Harmss Manufm-Iuwr, l ESPECTFULIIY announces m the Public . generally. that he hnvmg taken the I"! K S 'l' P R I Z E for Harness at the Yonge Street Ag- ricultural Show. TWO Years in >u0(‘c~.~iull. he feels conï¬dent that he can give came >flllhlacliod in all branches of his business. 1' f‘ A large atonkpf Harness, &c. always an hang. and made to order at the lowest pussible remunerating prices. Richmond Hill, ‘Oct 15, 1857. ng-ly SMELSER 8L BO WM AN, Licensed Auctioneers! FOR THE TOWNSHH'S 0F Markham & W11 i tch u rah (If? All Work Warrantedt SADDLE é‘ 11A RIVESS Made to order, in every style, fl’Um almost evury material. at the PRICES, at And for CHcApnnss THEY CAN run In: svumssun. Havingdevnled' attention In [his class (1‘ lrud'e, he won d earnesil) §z>licil an inspection, bein of giving entire satialnction. C L O T H I N C- RICHMOND 1]] LL {BSPPREIVIIUMLQJ’} Richmond Hill, ON. 15. 1857, Wendy-made “'inter Clothing. North of Toronto, in every varie y nf styglo‘xand f: Having purx-lmsod Hun material, and hml them made ('XIII‘BSNy for his own Kinda, he thoroughly recommend them mi D U n .1 B L n, A130, :11 Ext! Hun! Assortment 0|. Drawers. Scnlch Lumle \'\'oo|, sca Forks and gloves. of a†lec-s aml qt: “1th of caloured ‘nmhs wnnl and went 0! COIOIH'eu lambs wnol an advance on cast, FOR CA .511! INCORPORATED HY AC‘I‘ Ol' PARLIAMENT? RICHMOND HIL Bichmond Hill. OcL 15, 18.37 Charles Dun-ant, EGS to announce; that he has received his Stock of Ladies‘, Misses & Childrens‘, ‘ A. BARNARD has now on Lund Head Oflice, Church Street, Toronto. I CST RECEIVED. a rmiety of the Nam-at Patlh'ns in Ulmzk uni Umy Clolh 'l‘hiln'l, Ve-cuna and Plush. A130. at! lixm Hun! Assortment of Men“ Scotch Lambs Wm}. \‘x'nmml a...I-1.‘I........ LADIES’ MANTLES ELflTHINfl Tfl SENT THEEABH Tim“ IS NO‘V OPENING A JIAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT THE WHITE D'n. DUNCUMB. NI E N A C H A R L 13,5 1) U R R, A T , RICHMOND HILL, Richmond Hi‘l. gl4-tf Gé'neml Age’nl. glu-ly WTWEN’E‘EE Pr 0 p rim. 0 r . SW A N I}! 1’ ()I.’ TED 1}] RE C ’1' FR 01!] ENGLA NI) M ng-lf gIQ-lt Mun“ Scotch Lambs “"001. \\'nulc:l and Flannel Irt. hluu, wh‘h' an I {zlnm‘ I“! mrwl Shirâ€. \Vnn en Iilix-s. Scurle! nml 'am-y mnfll n's. Amine asmrl- mm. \arm, .Kc.~ uhich “i†be song}! a slinht (he ND ROYS’ P No handnnude Shingle: can Ignal those made ,bySte-m. l'orneamess and durabimy. Specimen» '42! his Shingles may bé‘ seen at the "Game" Ofï¬ca. Richmnnd Hill. and a: Mr. Rufub Skin- m-r‘s. Gmcor. Yong» Street. "mom. Thorlhi“. Sepl. I". 1857. gH-lf L) can now he had in any quunlxly, from One to a ThouSnnd Bunches. at Mr. Joust Luca-An" Shiwgie Manul'nctory, Youge Street. near '1 huru hill. A. BARNARD‘S, Richmo‘lp 11in. [3m] Troyer, Wm. Walker, William \Vflson, Robert \Valker, W. F. 7 V aughan, Daniel Sanderson. Samuel Sloan, Adam Sloan, George : LE’I"1‘ERS In; 'Richnmnd um $111). I ox m OCTOBER, i857. Jmkins. Abby Jacklin, Robinson Patterson, Thomas Kerr. \V, Kinner’y, Jacob Lindsay, Mary Levee, Henry Lacy, Tom Newberry, W. H. To Builders. Farmers and Others! JHIAGLES. OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY Marsh. Robert Mmukznan, Mary M illvr, Jamvs Vlunro, >amuel D. McCunlyre, Neil Mchalh, Thomas Reid, Miss Margaret Gormiâ€, David Harrison, J. Hood, \‘Vm. Harris. J. T. Hall, 11. Harmer. Daniel (‘2) Ilabburlain, John Dodd‘ Mr. Freek. James Flannigan, Mi Conner. Mrs. Conley, David Bah-r, Mrs. Susan Bujaow, Marlin A mos, Thomas Richmond Hill. Sept 4, 1857‘ U.\ R N A H D'S, R ichmond Hiâ€. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND WAGGUNS PAINTED AND TRIMMED. Grainor, Gilder, Glen and Paper Hunger. RICHMOND HILL. “PASSED. Having devotedi‘g particular House, Sign and Ornamental SHINGLES. J. MORRISON, Miss Mary , an 1 ( Int-apes! assay tau-n1 of M. W MN.†VThompson, Robert Moses. VViIIiam Marshal, John Murphy, Elnnor McIntyre, Nl‘il lchonaYd. John Moore. Mrs. (care of Joseph Hill) Keller Mr. (Balliï¬) Kirswell, Giles X n{' stquxand fabric Johnson, John Jimmerson, James VVildrakP, Mr. W'ise, George “'alker. Wm. Law, A. Lungs afl', Joseph Lamb, Richard M. TEEFY, IIP3Mp, John Hewitt, Robert Hanand, Mary Ilnlden, ('hlrles Cox, David Conley, Patrick MOST ECONOMICAL Alkinsiï¬, Geo. Skelton, Mrs. Smith, Hugh I!ushey,&loman Bruddlg, JamL-s Feris, Bolvert Russell. \Vm. azirr‘ 'ast master. g13-3m g 1941' conï¬dent ;, {NEW FALL GOODS! OF (2) can ROM “K R. 61 “’m. King's Vthlesale House. Snow Hill. Lnndmn England; and “only ‘ sown years Copper Flvlllllflill and 'l'eu Keule mxker. m Mznques-un A“ Cm. Hamilton. Returns his Ihanks for pus; nvovs_10lhe inhflhimnl.~ of Richmond Hi†:u-r! sur'nurdmgcm-mn'; and be _ to inform lhnm he has com-mmly on hand. almost evewy amok in the above line. which he will roll ior Cash 3. che‘p a; powib‘o. Also. all kinds of Japan Ware. Copper Fountains To; Kenlo'n and Brass Pam page and“. II? Old Copper. Brass. Power And Land. bought ornkan in exchangn {0t Goth. On the most rea‘onable terms. and on the shortest notice. Solic the public patronage, he would beg to subacribe himself, Your obedient wrvant, THE Subscriber would beg leave to intimate to the Inhabitants of Ala-kham and vicinity, that he has leased the pirmises at present Occultilfd by Mr. WM. G. HmGsToN. Victm-ia Square; and that the business hitherto carried on by Mk. HINGSTON will from the lat ot‘ November, be carried on by the Undersigned. who will at all limes enilcaior to merit a continuance ol lllt’ pallOnflge so liberally extruded to his predecessor. The Subscriber will at all times be prepared to execute all kinds of premiSea to Who will from the ï¬rst of November next, carry on the bu~iness on the same approved system as heretofore. 'l‘he Subscriber has muc't pleasure in recommending Mr. M ACKENZIE to the former patrons of this Establhhment and the public generally, as a )oung man ol~ Mendy. punctual, business habits ; he feels the more conï¬dent in doing so. having had lmn in his employment during the last twelve months, during which time he was perfectly satisï¬ed “ith his workmanship. Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abatement! THE Subscriber, in returning his sincere thanks h the inhabitants of" Markham and vicinity, for the liberal patronage bestowed on him «lining the last 'l'wentyâ€"lhree yeaus he has been in UllalnESS at VICTORIA SQUARE, would beg leave to state that he is about declining the Blacksmith business and moving to the West, and that he {has let his With an unusual assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. in eveny fabric. make. shape. style and vaniet}, which he offers on thgabovo terms, mid much lesx than ever sold before. In con- ï¬ning his business Io shorter time. he is assured of tha lll‘t'tsslly of a general adaptation to tho new principle, fl'llllll must supersede the Long Credit and Lung I’rn Systmn. in general use in this Country; and convinced lhal a discerning public will avail themsoh’es ol‘ the NEW Svsnl, whereby they can efl'ect asaving from 15 to 20 per cent on the average on Goods they usually require. G. A. B. earnestly and respectfully solicits a call. and on examination. his prices will be cucum- ED 1‘0 AS L0\VF.R, than any in the Neighborhood.-â€"His mono shall be :â€" Truning‘ he may meet with the same countenance and >upp01l, formerly bestowed on this establishment, he would beg to subscribe himself, G. A BARNARD. Richmond Hill, will conduct business solely on CASH OR SHORT CRFDIT. Six months will be given on I“ new Accounts. payable promplly an In October & In April in each gear. I Dry Goods, Richmoagljj'in, August 19. l857. expected from Boston. Consisting of French Merinos, &c.. &c. He I'cSpectquy solicim an inspec- tion of his snack. which he anticipates will he rcudv by about [he l5lh 0c. tuber; and which he feels assured will bu found niore than generally well assorted. “CHEAP SYSTEM ! By the following Ships VICTORIA SQUARE, Oct. 12, 1857. Richmond Hill, June 30. 1857. S/zm‘t Life to the Old Systemâ€"Long Credit, Lang sze to the New Systemâ€"SHORT CREDIT, Success to the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. VICTORIA SQUARE, Oct. 12, 1357. GENERAL BLACKSMITH \VURK W'ILLLU’I HODGE, Senna, COPPER, BRflSS, TIN, JIND 1R0.~‘ RLR’IE WORKER, AND FURNISHING IRONMONGER. CHARLES DURRANT. Richmond Hill, Sept. 30, 1857. gl7-tf N.B.â€"â€"_â€":A fregh arrival of Ladies’ and Clnildrens’ Boots and Shoes, is daily EGS to inform the Public that he has received Invoices of Crockery, ONE CASE FRENCH GOODS! CHARLES DURRANT, RETIRINC FROM BUSINESS NEW FALL GOODS! ds, Groceries, Ladies' 6t Childrens" Boots dz. Shoes: G. A BARNARD is now receiving a large and we" «elected neck or NEVV ENGLISH GOODS! RICHMOND HIL BLACKSMITHING. fl Drugs & Medicines, A nglo-Saxon,†Indian,†- - Europa,†- - ( 'anada,†- Parlour and Cooking Stoves on hand. MR. JOHN MCKENZIE, (1:? Markham Econmnis‘t plea-9 Mpy till forbid Direct from the Cclehratud House of PERE ET FILS'. PARIS, VICTORIA SQUA R E. Markham Ewnamxkt please copy till forbid. DIRECT FROM LIVERK‘OOLI â€"-ON THE :â€" the shortest notice. Soliciting a continuance of Paints, ALSO Your obliged servant, ‘1 JOHN MCKENZIE \Viues 6L Liquors,_ ‘ ’ Hardware, via Montreal. 6‘ (l Boston. (t Oils, [II-3m ng-Il g4‘tf HE undersigned having purchased R. Lo-ol’l hum Mm. in now prepared to manufucmu my quantity of them. at his factory. Mukbun village: .nd any person infringin‘oa tho than Punt origin-11y invomod by Rid-ad m '01 b. ï¬ancqu weanling to 1.1!. _ ____ M. n. mm‘oun. RUMOH R’S PATENT ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MILL L. B. db C0,. would 3150 can the attention 0! Denlere and Pointer: to the White Lead and Colors in Oil and Putty prepared by them. and for which thev solicit I Irial in comparison with other kinds in the murket. feeling conï¬dent lllnt the result will not be to their disadvantage. either In regard. quality or prico, Toronto. June 26. 1857. all of which they ofl'er to the Irnde It the Iowa“ markot rates. Auguu 5. 1857. are now forward. Ind consist of awcll unofled stock of PURE DRUGS, DYE-STUFFS, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES. SPICES, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, VARNISHES, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS. sURGlCAL INSTRUMENTS, OILS, DRUGGISTS’ GLASSWARE, &c., [1 lo a Medical Man of standing undreinZI'i: rnee. House and Premisoa. both pleasant and convenient! can be had on reasonable tonne. RICHMOND HILL. OULD respectfully intimate to his Friends and the Pubfic,.fllat he has constantly on hand a large and varied Hartman! of Ladies’ and Gentlemens' 0f the best quality and workmanship. ;nd almOI exclusively of Home Many/hours. Also. a largo stock of Comprising Coats. Vests, Pants, Hats and Capo «0.. &c.. of even size and description; also of excellent quality and manufacture, all of which he will sell as low as any house in Upper Cnnadl. l'or CASH. Richmond Hill, July 23. 1857. 724! I]? VAULTs,â€"Under the (ilubo Ofï¬ce. King Street West Toronto. Apply. if by letter post. lb. Gautie- Spring Importations. LYMAN, BROTHERS & 00., June. 1857. Richmond Hill. June lSlh. 1857 )JEWELutgv STORE. ‘SMALI. PROFITS 80 QUICK RETURNS. Thornhill. Thornhill. August 11. 1857. Chain; CALL AND was: ton arm At [14 Yongo snag... soul: of the (3 Hotel. Toronlo. T. C. RICHARDS. [L7 Every dowripdoï¬i 0? made or repaired on the Shorten Notion. Than any house i! :3 a Clock; $10 all)». Watch“, .8 Gold > M n._,-, HE Subscriber begs to inform the In- habitants of the above-named Vin-go :nd nurmunding Country. 1nd the Public gn- erully. that he bu lewd tho I507. Hotd. formerly he 1 by Tao.“ Mn. which h. V ï¬ned up an furnished for the accomman his Cuulomern, gum by column cm to their wmm lo . . , nl p-Iro . Liquors of limb“ n It the Bu. ad W anemia» paid to Gun. 7305. was, A , Which will be dupoud of very chq-p for CASH. July 29. 1857' m stale um l neither told nnr'gu; m lhe puï¬ununod. or to any othrpomm sons the smallâ€! portion of the mid lambl. and that the said report in u vile calamity.- avidemly not on foot to injure the above nun-d individuals in their business an Bulchon in thin place. A RUMOR having been oflate citcullld in A this vicinity; that 1 had sold to Moan Cook & Dove. the caresses of my Sheep and Lam“. which were rPceIuly deatmyrd by dogs, be: DJOINING the “'ouleynn Methodist Chl- j pel. Yongo Street. Richmond Hill. A choice election or Gcmlemonl'. Lndioltud Childrons' Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made In order on (he Shot-wt Notila. Richmond Hi“. Jlue 12m. i857. 3.1m .‘ ' MPORTERS of Wines. Spirits and Britinh Bears. in Wood and Bottle. [’ I N E W 0 0 D'! ! FOR SALE. miman Toronto. May 26. I857. Boots & Shoes of every description! *7 ii"? HOLLAND LANSING. Holknd Landing. 8°!“- 1". 1857. ‘HE underai ’ , working on the than V _ principle 1' ’ébnï¬dent that m sell JOHN UNFOO’L Richmond Hill. Sept. 18,7]. 316-3: ONE HUNDRED CORDS TWO YOKE 0" CHATEAU] 0m GOOD__O?PQBTUN]TY new offer: Hull SPRING IMPOR'I‘ATIONS fl! Subucrlbot beg-lo inform tho Public. am be In. for Id. No. 4. St. Lawrenco Buildings. OULD respectfully intimate to their friend. and lhb public lhxn \heir JAMES HALL, Boot and Shoe Maker, London Dock Vaults. GRAND, BROS†ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe Maker. BRITISH & AMERICAN Medical Practitioners. Ready-Made Clothing .' OXEN FOR SALE. Notice. 101m "ï¬Nb‘s‘iâ€˜ï¬ FE g5-3m g.l -wy. glO-ll 734!