Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 23 Oct 1857, p. 4

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AW7_ dip gurin Eluuli. More Wit in bright efi'ulgence gIOWs. Vt itli Wisdom joined. through rhyme and prose. And both unite their charms in one. To form the sago and huni’rous pun. Why is a ’washerwoman like a mob of war'l-chcause she draws much water? 2: Did you ever sit dowo to tea where skim milk was on the table without being asked,“ Do you take cream, sir ’l” -' In New York there is a man who has some whisky so good that after drink- inga glass ofit you speak braid Scotch. by love.” said a sage looking person. 'fli'at’snot true," said a lady who heard the ' ' ,5 remark, “ for I once lostthree night s sleep. I ' Isn’t it time to think about getting up l” .‘flltl theIWife, as she rattled at the door. " Yes, my dear," replied the bus- band,.‘:l lurebean thin/ring about it an hour aml'a ham;a - “l keep an excellent trade,” saitbh‘lifdyldhputing with one of her board- ers: " That may be true, ma'am.” says he. ‘tbutyouput very little upon it.” I ‘Mal they say marriages are tirade‘in heaven; do you think they are l" ‘QWhfi-my dear, it is a very general opin- ion)? ” Vllcl‘l, perhaps they are: but they seema‘long time in coming down to some of us.”- .... l‘ has dogs got wings 1”â€" say’slaidigfiog flew in him and'bit him. So, I dogs‘jis got-wings. too.” i“ Olimother,” said a very little child, “:Mri Sâ€"-â€"dons love Aunt Lucyâ€"- he site by her-â€"â€"â€"he whispers to her-â€"and he hugs.” “ Why, Edward. your aunt does colander that. does she l” v " Suffer it lyes, mother, she likes it.” ‘ - A New York paper states that a man'nnmed Neville is in custody for ta- king “ a drop too muchâ€"ttamrly. for mar- rying V Miss“ Amelia Drop whilst he had anothéi sire living. _ , Somebody ,-thinks that‘if "Na- ture.bad .dssigped man to be a drunkard; he would have been constructed like a 'churn,so that the mare'lle‘ dra’nlé, tli'e firmer he would stand- , p- a I Pretty "woman kiss one. .an- other on cominginto a room, becausevit isa gracefitlilflitohi; theyili'o {he :saine on going away. because they are delighted to luseg r 1 sigflt éfb‘e fitltbi". 73"; x i A young Worried-meeting a ffl‘lflfil‘ fellow-servant, was 'asked' how’ she liked her new place. “Very 7 well.”â€" “T_he_n you’ve nothing to complain of 1.” “Nothing; only master "and tinnitus talks such veryih‘adéggarnmar.’7, rm 3 V . A gentleman observing an Irish servant girl. whorwas leftâ€",lianded, placing theiknivrs and forks on the dinner- tabh;Y in same awkward position. remark-l ed labor that she was laying them left- handed...‘liCll'i, indade 1‘" said she, 1‘ so I' bravedâ€"Elie~ pleased, sir, to help me turn the tablb‘lround.” H 'A Somersetshire squire ; hav- ing collusion lately to find fault with the stir piditiy-of a servant, had recourse to the old adagél’by telling him, “ Ah, John,you will never bet The Thames on fire l.“- to. which the latteF irislaiitlyl repliedk-‘God forbid. sir. that i should ever; do nhy‘thiiig so wicked!” Little girl :"â€"‘â€"“ Pa, didn’t you whipii me for biting Tommy”? Papa t~ “ Yes, my child, you hurt him very much." Little girl :â€"“ \Vcll, then, pa, you Ought to whip mamma's music teacher, too. for lie bii mamma"iiglit in the mouth. yesterday. and know it'liiii‘t'heii, because she put her arms ’roundbis neck and tried to choke him l” A gentleman accustomed to the signature of the firm in which lie was a partner, having to sign a baptismal registi r of one of his children, entered it as son of Smitli. Jones St. C0 ; other with bad no businm memory, and who wrote in his memorandum book one day .â€"~ “ Mein.: To be married when I get to town -”~â€"-Hame Journal. “Died poofl’Tâ€"as if anybody could :die rich. and in that act of dying. did not loose the grasp upon title-deed and bond. v No gold, no jewels. no lands or tenements. And yet men have been buried by Charity": haltd,wloldlll not die rich; died wmlh a monswd thoughts of: beauty, a thousand and we read of an» and go away a pauper, out of time. pleasant memories, and a thousand hopes re- storedi’ Alanna told a friend of he who had come troin" town for ii few‘ days‘ shooting. that be once had an excellent gun that went ofl' immediately upon a iheif coinâ€" ing into the house, although not charged. “ \«Vonderful gunfiudeed,” said the sports man; but how the deuce did it happen ?â€"â€" must have been an Irish, gun.” “Not at. all,” said the farmer; “ the theif and it went off toggthe'r, befbre I had time to charge him with in». . _ Q"~' r: .a‘g 9.27.7 7‘90 .51»... on.-. a": .4» _~. .I"_(\§.f' : “ Nobody ever lost anyhng i x ii" will??? fina'iifiirmms AND THE. DUDE MUTINEEltb‘. An officer writes from Allahabad as follows. on the 26m of July :â€" " Havelock’s force left Allahabad on the evening of the 7th, the rain pour- ing down in torrents; and. after it ceased ruining. the beat of the sun be- came so intense that scvcril of tliel forces were smitten down by sun-l stroke. Of the 78m tlircc died oftliis cnuSP. viz; Quartermaster Scrjcant‘ Tullocb and Private Gibbs and Men- zies oftlic Grenadiers. When the bri- gade were sixty miles from lb 5 they found the enemy drawn up in grcat numbers, and osciipying a stt‘oug po- sition to Oppose the further progress of our little force. Before the action commenced. General Huvnlock ad- lMPORTATlONS! #4.“ _. “Wuâ€"b N I IMPORTATIONS! dressed the 78th thus : Highlanders ! when we were going to Mohainrch. I promised you a field dav. I could not give it to you then. as the Fur- sians ran away; but, Highlanders, we Will have it toâ€"day. and let them SCt: what you are made of." At it they went. and "our men did show them SPRING what they were made nfâ€"â€"for after several hours' hard fighting. the rub- els lied, and our fellows charged and captured eleven guns at the point of the bayonet. together with some amu- nition and treasure. After this affair. Cawuporc they came across the cue- my a third time. but this was the hardest fight of any they had hitherto engaged in. The muliiicers however Flounccd Dresses. Shepherd Plaid. Robe Dresses. Challis Dresses. Toronto. June. 1857. &c.. teen guns; we cut the rebels up fear- fully, and might have done still great- er execution if we had any cavalry that could be relied upon. After the action was over, General llavelock disarmed and dismounted the Native Cavalry, and made coolics oftlicm for refusing to charge when ordered. It is likely they will be hung. General Havelock gave our men great praise for their gallantry on that day. “Upon the Highlanders. and our old friends and l'cllow-campaigners. the 64th. full the brunt of the battle, but the 64th suffered most.” CADVVELL, I) 1'. OF TORONTO. - OCULST & AURlST. OPERATOR ON THE EYE AND Ell-“r NIVEllSAI.l.Y known lllr'llullout Canada [ and the United States for his skill and success in Restoring Lost. Sight. and Hearing! And removing all Di»eases of the Eye and Ear cnemlly. begsiiiost respectfully to inform those l'ifllictod in these delicate organs. that he has for- wmdcd to the office ofihis paper a few dozen copies of the 4th edition of his ’l'reulise on Diseases of the Epic and Ear. published day. which will be presented to applicants. FREE OF CHARGE. FATE OF THE APOSTLES. St. Matthew is supposed to have - ~e King Street East, Toronto. Muslin dresses. SPRING RY GOODS and Millinery. Clothing and Gellllelnon'a Outfitting Emporium, ' . Silks. Ribbons. Broad Cloths. Snlins. the brigade recommcuccd their march, Lace Goudm Twevdy sauna... mm,“ and coming across the scoundrcls. a hum Tweedfi' Poplins‘ paras“... Damp...“ second time. gave them battle, dis- Moire Antique. Shaw‘s. pane). dlmkins' Mammas Persed “NHL and captured TOW: more saunas. [lead Dresses. Veueiiaii Cloths. Bonnets, gunsâ€"When within 51): miles of DmbKe..seys. 5...“, Goods. Bath Cords. lloaiorv. Barego dresses. &c.. l-tl‘. PATENT I’Ui“ PS ! TIE Subscribers have pleasure in infOim ing the Inhabitants of \Vliitcliurch and surrounding Township". tliiit tliey are manufac- turing the best l‘uiiips now made in Canada, Patented by John Dennis. These Pumps to much better than the ordinary \Vnod Pump. for the l‘olloii ing reasons : Firstlyâ€"Thq ‘Vator is l'lllll‘ll honor. as there is not quarter as much wood in the well. and all free from sap. In order to do away with sucli heavy timber as is iiwd iii the common \Vutill pump. they add a sulfit eiit number of iron bands: this makes the pump strongeraml so much lighter. that two men a .n take one out of r. Well sixty feet deep. in filteeu minutes. Secondlyâ€"~Bv the use of the Palm! Cylinder. which is turned perfectly sinooil: and true on the inside. the box wears longer and works easier than in ihe ordinary bored pumps. Thirdlyâ€"Tbcse Pumps are so simple that al- most any man can repair them. and by means o~ ihe nut on the rod. the Bucket is secured in sur‘l suflcred martyrdom. or was put to. Ten Thousand C'opiesm‘e now reudy/urtlislribuliou- a manner m“ “ “mm. 26. [0058. find as m. death by the sword at the city of Ethopia. - St. Mark was dragged through the This we k contains nearlr 2000 poms of rend- joiiils are all fitted true and tight. there is no jar~ ing matter. in which will be found repdrted alarge ring In the working of the pumps. number of most important and successful operaâ€" _ . . . l iions on the Eye. and more than One Hundred in- Lady Th8” Pumps are "Ball-l mmed an“ painted. making it an ornament as well as a most ' ‘. . -'l l Do’t ou know . . _ “W'ngts'fuNo’Jh'pr n as a H fled after a fierce encounter. leavmg “gelling til?” T- l 11’ Pa“ " p p us in posse5sion of the field. and four- “lrce, in Greece. (nesting Cases of eiei’y description. illustrated With numerous Cuts -iid Pia es. Also. will be seen. Letters and References from highly respec- table parties from all parts of Canada and the United Siales.â€"nll of which will be found well worthy the carofulperusal ofthe afilicted. The Author feels fully assured that everyunpre- jmficcrl reader of this work will be convuiced that Diseases ol the Eye or Eai iii any stage short of complete discsganization. can and may be cum-d : and it must appear evident to every coiisideraie person that the principal cause qffuilm‘e to obtain relief in these, cases throughout the country. is the result of 11”];1'071171’ traditian and a watiiofi xt’caâ€" uzuca. sKiLl . and cumin/rum v on the part ot‘ilioso professing or attempting to cure such diseases. streets of Alexandria, in Egypt, till he expired. St. Luke was hanged upon an olive St John was put into a f‘.:lltll'OD of boiling oil at Rome and escapcd death. ~He afierwar ls died a natural death at Ephesus, in Asia. St. James the great was beheaded at Jerusalem. St. James the less was thrown from a pinracle or wing oftlic temple, and then beaten to death with a fullcr's club. St. Philip was banged up against a pillar at llierapolis. a city of Phrygia. St. Birtliolc I cw was flayed alive by the command of a barbarous King. St. Andrew was bound to a cross. whence he preached to the people till he expired. , t. Thomas was run through the body by :i lance, near Malibar, in the East Indies. St. dude was shot to death with This Work will alro be forwarded to individuals free of charge) sending their add ess. rust-run. to the Author at Toronto. TORONTO. June Bib. “3.37. gill-1y Canada Type Foundry. RLMOVED To S'r. Tunuam-z ST.. IN Duncan’s BUILDINGS. MONTREAL. HE Proprietors of this Establishment beg to inform the l’iin ers of Canada. that they have now manufactured and ready for delivery. a large quantity of Small l’ica. Long Primer. Bourgeoise and llrevier. of Search taco. which they will gun. ranlee cannot be sitrpasaed by any Foundry upon this continent for durability and appearance. The)" arrows‘_ f _ _ have also on hand a choice assoitiiieiit of various Si. Simon chntcs was (:rumfied m .kiudsuf persia, Ornamental Type. St. Matthias was stoned and then beheaded. G DOWN \‘v‘l'l‘il THE WEEDS. The prices at which these and other types are at least 3!] per cent less ihaii they could be pur- chased previous to its establishment. ll It is therefore hoped ihat tho Printers of Cana- I ' v ‘ i do will show lhl‘ll' :ippreviaiiou of the ’Iqulllth’Us HDVL you (“fill ('nnSldf'H‘d how it holds out. hi lio~townig upon it afuir tillurobul‘ much of rum to future farm (tl'ilps lies ‘. lllt‘lr patronage. in thin”) for which the proprietors in the patch uf weeds \‘oiidcr lâ€" I'lici' Pledge thew-wives lo leave no means uiiiried to i iv ai )le semi" :I'oi. are suppiug the land now. but that lslg a "l ' d‘ ' ' . . h I. l l _ p . Printers! walk the reduction in the price of "Ol-hlllg “1 Ulnlil‘ll 13”” Vl H l l “"r U’ 1 type since this Foundry was opened : and bear in lure history. 11 is_ Dell)” is a 'l‘Hl] ) ‘ mind that a greater redui‘tion dc telltl> ll ioii \‘nur- . ~ . l . . l i . ol tliisllcs. l’ull oll UllU ol tliusc l'l})t.‘ll- v‘ WW"- U'" '“°”° "‘-"”l’l’l-‘ “'9 "“d" “’"h “P0 . y . of such quantities and :it such wires as will pre- ing lltt'lzlfi.‘ and Count ll iiiu can. tlic‘w... I... new...” of Patrouisihg “mg” mam“ number ol 80(de wrapped up like ur- t'aciureia. rows in a quiver. Everv mic oftliose . . . ' . i,. - . . . ,- ' , , seeds [5 Prflwded Wu“ H thump“. [all‘ \‘ ems ieqiiiird by primers. \ill give an idea of the . . ' -grcat advantages of the Laiiuda lype foundry-â€" that Wlllfixllillld and limit (ill the seed Hue BS. in the air. like. a biillo u. The seals The following list of a few oftho principal artiâ€" . . . . Non aiiol - - - - - 28 (id or lb. Lithait Single tliistlclicnd. Will probably human- . . . . _ 2. 3d P .. be scattered overtwi'iilv acres. before llgi-ovier-~ - - - â€" - 23 u ‘- i - . i . . . oiirgooiso - - . ys y i. the snow hills. And evcty plant has Long Primer _ _ _ _ )s M u some curious [ir‘OVllell fur Sl'illtcl‘ll‘lg Suiull Pica- - â€" - - ls 7d " V its seed far and wide. Some are. so Pica - - - - â€" - ls (id u [7‘ All other Bonk Fonts in proportion. LEADSâ€"6 to Pier: and thicker. Is per lb.: 7 to - Pica. Is3d; d to l’ica ls 6d. TIlOS. J. GURNIN & Co. St. Therese Street Montreal. May lBili. 1857 g3 N._B.â€"-Publi.~hers of newspapers giving'iiisertion ()ur up {he “le|“ls by 1}“; rndds'ld(.' to this advertisnient for?! months. “'lll he allowed _ I ‘ _ ' » Z . ‘ their bills up ti purchasing five times their uudel Ill“ “all-5' l“ fl" gabdeni 0“ lhu amount of our manufacture. Editors will confer manure lit-up. In lllt‘. Curlll‘lirld. eVCl‘yâ€" a favor by diieciiiig attention to ihe aiin0iiiice-, where. At no luliire time can \'0U “"‘m‘ T- J- G‘ ‘3‘ C‘" abate the nuisance so caslt' :is now. light lllitl they limit in the air. others will just float in wnti-r. and the winter rains carry them to a great distance from lhcll‘ birlli-plni'e. The only safe- guard against the spread of Weeds is' the eternal vigilcur-c of the farmer. ,,_fi..___g ._ Jim’s TUKISH BALM. Market gardeners have two methods ol_treiicliiiig their lands; when both soil and SUllsoll lift) gitml lnu urcul sold at the (anode 'l'ype Foundry. will be found- iiseful article. Below will be found a few of the hundreds of references we might give from the various Townships in which the pumps have been introduced. We. the Undersignod. having in use the Pump- manufactured bfl. James do Co.. can checrfiilli recommend them as the best I‘uiiips we have had I“ USU :â€" WurrcHuucuâ€"John Nash. M.D.. James Hacki elt. M.l).. Messrs. Donald Sutherland. Jiis. (Jawtlira. M. W. Bogart, 'I‘. Nixon, Itoliori Brodie. Kissâ€"Messrs. John Rogers. Eli Lloyd. C. Sie- Vciis, \Villiam “i into. J. Hilborii. Wi-zsr qu.i manorâ€"Messrs. Simon Fraser. TV. VVallnce. Juliii McKuuky. Hirutii Louiit. U. t‘aliiier. Ensu- (;\\’Il,l.lMllURV-â€"M65§l'5. Judah Doaii. .l()l|l' V. \‘.’ilsoii, John H, \Vilson, Jacob l.iiudi. Reuben Liludy. John Nichols. John Piirdi. Brooks Howard. John l’egg.Calviii \Veddie. D. Terry. PicxmuNuâ€"Mossrs. N. Weodrufi'. NORTH GwiiLiMuunvâ€"Messrs. D. Vl’illoughby. John I’rossor. Thomas Williams. Jae. Ruse. Stephen Mann. W. Mann, J. William. G. ‘ 'I‘i'uvtas. Gaouoinaâ€"Mussrs. C. T. Corbut, Jas. Elves. John Fairborn.‘ Yonor; STni;i:Tâ€"â€"Messrs. Charles Thompson. George Bond. James l’eiinick. John Montgom- cry. (1. Sheppard. REACHâ€"Messrs Johii Trunx. Amos Bunker. James Doble. Uxmuucnâ€"Mrssrs. G. Hutchinson. Jos. Chap iuaii. N. Sarls. Sco‘r'râ€"Messrs. C. Collins. Thomas Burnhaiii. W. Moor. S. Ilurcliuid. Jurdoii Post. John Madill. James Truax. iEssnâ€"Messrs. James Al‘mson. Daniel Will- ; ougbbi‘. 'I‘Er'UMsin'i-Hâ€"llovd. F. Ilattigan. Jesse Mills. Councillor. Messrs 'I'. McLeod. James Harp- er. Isaac Sumo. M. Bend. Jesse lloo. er Wally. J. liell. \\'. Parker. J. Welrli. \V. Hig- do}. J.ll. Courtney. Sampson Steel. Alexander Austin. ‘ADJALAâ€"Nlt'swrs. l’. Kcoiigli, T. Shaw. P. Mcâ€" Cabe. J, \V. H allure. '. INMSi-‘iLâ€"Messrs. Samuel Cain. T. Wray. S'lKhl‘l'ls\'ll.l.E--hll'. \Niii G. llfll'rlS. E'roiiicoxicâ€"Mr. W. Wallace. Councillor. \Ve beg further to announce that we have made several iinproi'eiimuh in our Pumps this Spring. by the addition of WROUGHT IRON HANDLES AND EXTRA PATEN'I‘ VALVES. All Pours manufactii‘ed by us are warranted for one velar. We also maiiufuCture to order. PATENT IRON LlFTING PUMPS” For Wells one hundred feet deep and less. and warrant them for three years. All orders to be addressed to the undersigned. stating depth or well. at Nuwmaiket. JOSIAH JAMES & Co. Newmarket. June 2. 1857. g5-tf. Darling at Aitclu’son’s COMBINED [Flower and It’cupcr. ( UR MACHle is substantiallr built of Wrought l:‘on. anilier free flan: s:de draught. can be elevated to an) height. from a Mower in a Reaper by a snow in front. and cuts fi‘l‘llutll clay-mum"... Grads. \Vlieat. (lots or Ilmlei, u-iih- depth. they turn the surface iiiiilci. and l'etrli up a fresh spit from below; but when ihe subsoil is poor. orstmug clay. they fast and trciii'li it. as (hot term it, throwing the surface spit for- ward and always keeping it uppermost. digging the supsoil with the li ot in the REMEDY IFOR BALDNESS. trench, without bringing it to the sur- And fwlnv‘gm'mg “‘1 Benumth°m face. :I 1 Sold by R. H. Hall. .. . . g . m: Gise'i'ri'i'iJRKiSiâ€"i out change of knife or grating. and ii wits ea:_\‘ for the horses. I The price for a Mower. $l'2il.Ull; r‘ovniilcled as; Reap”. $140.00. An extra kiiilu n'ill be $5 .00 extra. All our Machines are warranted to be well built and of the best lnalt‘flhl. GEORGE DARLlNG KURT. AITCliISUN . Thornhill. YongEZSt-eei. June 24.1., tb‘JT. g3. i; .\' 'i'iJi; in i. .\.' ECONOMY :S WEALT . l l HE Undersigni-d begs Ivnvo to inform the l'ublic that he holds liiiiiscll‘ iii readiness at his Uld l‘;>llll)lshlllt‘nl. \\lllt‘l| has been run-r linued fur the last Six Yours. in llll> City (No. 16!. Yoiigo Street. and directly “ Britiauimin lluuso." Toronto.) to Renovate. clean. and Ii’qmir All Descriptions of Clothing, In a proper and shil:~l‘llcl0r}' iiiniiiior, bi eredictiiig l’wiiitx‘. Uil. Tar. i\e. the. and iestorii-g (‘olors to . than original appearance. >0 as in give (:t'lllld- ‘ iiiaii‘s ivuuriiig apparel the full appearance of new. . From 31 _\rur.~’ experience III the business and pruiiipt attention to all "‘(lUl'S with which he iii:ibe favored. culiiliiiied wtlll nu eiiriiiul desire to plea~e his cuxiomers. he hopes to iiieiit a share of public patronage. W l L Li A :\I ll IC‘ H A l‘. I)\'0.\l. Toronto, June 5th. 1.3.17. l-if. opposite the l llcrb Indian Doctor ! ISTI‘ZN to tho VOlt‘t A of Truth and lie-u son. and lie pl'oliird in it The time has come! that all who will run ox- r‘npc the iron grasp 0‘ Mercury andotlloi bann- ful Poinula‘, b) calling without delay in sec lllt' well-known and ju ll_Ilerb Doelnr. l". 'l'l MltLllll' who. after traversing the United Sl'ues and (‘anada. has concluded to make 'l‘oro' to. (‘. W his home for the fiiiuie. where he Wlll adiiiini-ter to hIS pnt3eiii~ tlio~e only tine and safe Medicine~ from Na'ui-i-‘s Garden, which has for its author the great and rill-wise l’li_\'~it:inii above. i'olrb tiled Indian The following diseases can be cured by D". T in the most oiisiiiiaie- slate of their existence. vizzâ€"Uheascs of the Lungs, Heart. I.I\er and 'l'lii‘oa.’ also. Dyspepsia. Uropsy ti: (1 "ll Dianne of the Blood. Hiirli as Scroliila. l”:'}-|l)t‘ll\.<. Salt» Rheum. Fi-ver SOIOS. and all Chronic Couipluiiir of years standing. l’. Sâ€"Tlin Doctor will also give particular at- li-iition to all diseases peculiar to Females aim Children. Oflircâ€"FIVO. 111, King St, East. OPPOSITE ST. LA‘VIUL'NCE “ALL. [1? Consultation Flee. Toronto. June. 1557. GOOD NEWS FOR ALL! PH 12 NULOGCAL Examination. (Ilairvoymit consultations. and ad \‘ico glvl n daily. Sundays excrpleil. Magneto- Electricity applied to the cure of d Senses. li i~ :iii iiilnllibli- cure for weakness. Deliility. liidi cre lllInF of width. and all nervous coliiirliiiiit~. Clark \0\llll(2tiiel|fll‘l85 us to we more elcaili‘ lllt‘ mum of all our stiff-rings and iiifiriiiilies. Itennhles u.‘ to see tiiot- c‘early the cause of all our suffering: and infirmitves. It enables its to recommend tliosi means that Will efii-ci .1. i-eriaiu and perfect cure. when all other reiiii dies have failed; ii also see- liiu most innorcnl safe, and certain means to lw employed. All who are in t noble. all who haviv been unfortunate. decrn'rd and billed with. al whose fond hopes have been crushed and blasted. all whose minds and health are suti'ering and dc ('lllllllg. go to the never failing CLAlRVUYANT Al‘i~ l) I’HRENOLOGIST. for advice and guidance. All laboring under melancholy thought» and depression of spirits. distress and anguish of mind. from whatever cause. all laboring unilei b:-d and delicate lacailli. go to him for relief and cuiiil‘orl. All Lathes who have suffered under “10:6 roiuplnitits and iliwasw incident \0 l'riiiales, consult him with the Ereaiesi confidence. Previous to marriage. all in delicate health should cou~ul him All who li t'c had bad luck. all who have tried their be>t to got. on in ilie world and cannot. go to him for advice how to llll- prove thi ir circumstances. Parents should get ltl.\ opinion what trade or p ol‘ossioii is hen. calcu- lated to ensure their (’lllldlell’s ~u'et‘oss in life. In love affairs. thr- priiicrpl's of the above «pence guide you to happy marriage. and domestic feli- t'll“. He Show: the l-tf. I.iKi-:.\i;ss til" 1m.~ t-‘u'rUiii-z Husnan‘n on W'FE. Call. con>ult him. and judge tor yourself, how truly be can tell you. Fiiillier particulars senl GRATIS to am Nanin or Alldl'ers. All Letters. tinniinuiiiraiious. and lulornewx‘. sirii‘tli’ Privaie inn Confidential. In order to claim attention. the i’0staga of all Letters must be proâ€"paid. and have l’ustnge Stamps eiicluwil for the answer. ‘id ress. \V. RAPHAEL. Box 568 Post Office. Hours of Consultation. finiii 9 [0 ll. a m.. and "tom 2 to r‘. at the Corner of Nelson and Uutclies Siieet, Toronto. Toronto. J one. 1557. The Daily Colonist, BRITISH COLONIST, Triâ€" Ural/y. And [Vail-s of I/ze ll'cc/r. l-tf. lVedkly. TE“ MS. Daily Colonist £1 )0 0 per anuum. Bllll>h Colonist 0 12 6 “ Weeklr Colon st 0 7 6 " ‘ Clubs of five I 5 0 l’auhle at least 3 months in advance. The daily Colonist is delivered in Toronto. at 7Jd. per Week. and the llriiisb Colonist at 6d. per foituiglilâ€"payable to the NeWsâ€"cuiriers. The Colonist ESlnllll~hltl6lfl having been re- built. aiid the whole bu~iiiess placed upon a basis of the most complete and substantial kind. the .‘roprietois (eel every confidence ltl asking for the the ('Ulllllllll'd and increased support of all who desiae to support an Independent Conservatch Journal. The arrangements for the supply of late News are such as cannot be surpih‘M‘d in Canada. Thr daily Colonist is a large double sheet of 48 col- umes. and is the Largest daily Journal published on the American Continent. It will. therelore, be enabled to give better Parliamentary Reports and more New.» than any other Journal. To Advertisers. The terms of adverll~lllg are the some as for Journals of tho siiiallesi circulation. All adver- tisemunts receiveia gratuitous insertion in the 'l‘ri-Vl'eekly edition. which renders the advertising circulation equal. if not superior. to that of any other neWspaper whatsoever. Money Letters, if registered. will be considered at the rl~k of the Publishers Subscriptions may be commenced at any period of the year. All past-masters acting as Agents. will be al» lowed a commission on cash remittances. THOMPSON dL Co.. Publishers. g.1. l'l' llllllllll llllll Elli AW AY ! IIE Members of the Viciofia Square Sax-Horn Baud [under the tiiiiioii of R. WisemanJ beg to iiit.:iii the l’nbiic that they have recently received some of the most. Popular lllusic of fire Day! 52. King Street East. Toronto. and that they are now prepared to attend to all 3 calls from any part of the Country. [[3’ All Orders left at the Post Office. Victoria gSquare, or at R. Wisaman's. Masonic Hall, 1 Richmond Hill. will be attended to. Victoria Square. June mm. 1857. £1. .a «. u 1 Ed led ht' Mode-ii Sl'lluul foribo l’iaiiu Forte. \\ hich recent- A Gift of one Thousand Copies. USSELL SI. RICHARDSON have in press a work entitled THE M USICIAN‘S GUIDE ;i ' Nathan Richardson, author of the .â€" luiik lite mi l’rizo Mini .1. and is so who n“ ("IJIIIIIIOlltlt‘tl l-y llialhi-rg. DieyscliockJeucll. Dr. (their Papers from [he office to whip. Mmeii. Vi iii. \lmou. and where. as lining ~uperiur' . to all other other lllhlllll'llOll Books published. The illusirilan's Guide will lie roadv this nioiilh Tho eugruriup of some of tlio mu~i llllpOIltIIll plates is tln- L‘Lllh'e of list drltn. ll is a large quarto 01356 pages. i-ontziiniiiu IIIlI|l_\ bountiful eiiginviugs. and ii Clt'\(‘rlllll\‘t* index to ilio ideas of over 6 ll) different composers of IllnSlC. it. is an invaluable wm~ Law Respecting Newspapers. l i ' I'BSC RIB ERS who do not give expre s t Notice to the contrary, are considered l . . . . . i ll hub>cribcis order the. discontinuance of their papers. the publisher may continue to send th. in till all arrearuges are paid. It sub~ciihers neglect or refuse to take ~ it they are ilirccteil.tliey are responsible till they hate settled their Bills. and ordered their papersto . be iii-continued. lf subscribers remove to other places without infuriiiiiig the publisher. and the pn- per is sent to the former direction, they are livlil responsible. in wishing to continue their subscription. v . Composed by Grafiilia. Dudsworth and Friedorich. p lmuk fol ioui liars of ltlllslc. amateurs. and all phi) - ois and >lllgt‘ s. “estrous of making a rapid introduction of this woik. no mo iiiiluri-d io GlVE _\\V.-\Y the first 1‘dlllthll of UN 1‘: TIIUUSAN l) C(ll’ll-ZS lo lieu,le Iiiiernslcd in inu-ic. and we will )‘ltE-I‘AV 1H5. l'U3l‘Abl‘2. N. ll» â€"()n‘\‘ one copy will be sent to the some ‘iddross. The Work Will be sent in the some order that the alltlll“S("S are received. If? You ii'illr-crtninly gota copy FREE of all l'ZXi'l‘ZNMis. by sending your name and address. “liliolll delay. to RUSSELL & RICHARDSON. Musical I’ub ishors. Boston. To humansâ€"Rinse" St Richardson will send voil Twu (lullars' worth of their latest. Musical Publications and the Musician’s Guide. postage paid. il'yoii \‘lll Lm'ctlio above ailveitircment (iii- cliidiiig lllis ofler), one insertion iii ytur papi r. May. l557. g4- l w. llllllll’ PllTllllllLWlllllil. New Editions J ilst Published Spars’ A’rw and Complete History or (In: [It/Ila â€"trniii the creation of tlie ivoild lb tlie full i-sinhlisliiiinnt of Clirisiianiiy. wiih copiou: Notes. l'oriiiiiig an illii~trnlcd coliiriieiitary of Ihe sacred text. Tlltl pages octuvo. Scurs' .V‘rw Pictorial History of China and lutlmâ€"i'iiiiipriung a descriptioii of those ClllflllrltN and their inhabitants: embracing ll|(‘ historical i-vcnis. gover' nian religion. "duca- tion. language. liti‘ratu'e. arts. iiiaiiut'acluras. productions. commerce. and manners and cus- Luth.\ oi the people. from ihe earliest period at authentic record rothe present [inw- Illustrated with two hundred Engraviiigs. 600 page: large octavo. Thrilling Incidents of the "'u'rs of “[4 United Nullrs~cuiiiptisiiig the iiioslstrikii g and renmrkulile th‘lIb of the revolution. the French Wur. tthiipulitmii war. Ilia liidinii warn tli second war uilli Grciii Britain. and the Mr chhl War. With three hundred Eiigravings. UN pages octavo. Scars" .N‘z'm Pictorial Description o/‘l/u L’Iulcll. Slatesâ€"containing tin nccuutii at life top ograph)‘. settlement. hisiory. revolutionary and ollmriutorefiting at.-. 's. statistics. progress ii. agriculture. mniiul'actiiii-s' and population. 51,0. c§it:.. of each state in the union. Illustrated wul twa hundred Engraving loe p iiii-ipnl cities pla- e~. buildings. H‘t‘llbl r. curin itlcm. seiiis of th- slaies. dun. 54c blll)pages Deiaio. Scan" Treasmyof Knowledge and Cy- c/upmliu of Serena fuul Artâ€"coiiiainiiig a gram amount ol‘iiitnresmiq and useful inforiiiatiouâ€" asiroiioiiiy. traVelsiii ‘lie Holy Land. Dis-duvet} ot'America. earl. settlements. of the ciiuniri. biographicn of nutrient men. incidents of ira- vel, discoveries in mimics. die. With numer- ous I‘liigruvings. 5i2 pp. Evo. Sears’ Scenes and Sketches of Conti- mntiul Europeâ€"embracing descriptions 0. France. Farliigal. Spain. Italy, Sicily. Switzer- land. Ilelgium. Holland. t\:c.; together with views and notices of the principal objects of in- terest in Paris. Rotten. Lisbon. Madrid. Emmi. loua. l'isa. Leghorn. Rome, Naples. llorculane- uui. Pompeii. PmemniJ‘alurnio. Malta. Venice. Milan Gvneva. II'uriios. Brussels 'I'yrol. Antâ€" werp. Roiii-i'dniii. Ai-isteidam. “merino. \SLtL. die. Carefully compiled from the box-i and latest soul-cos. Numerous Eiigraviugs. 550 pp Uvo Siwrs’ PfClu/‘lal Description of Great Bl'lllllll mid Irelandâ€"together with notices ot'the principal plat-es. natural curiosities. dun. in the Kingdom and the British lxlaiids. \Viih several hundred handsome Eiigraviugs. illusirutive of slopes of piciiiresqiio beauty, churches cos- tulnt‘S. $40.. in those colehraled countries. 5:30 pages ocluvo. Sears’ Pictorial Family .dnnualâ€"com- prising u'iihin Itself a complete library of useful and eiiteitniniiig knowledge. With over two hundred l-Eiigraviiigs. stricily illustrative. repre- seiiting artual Scenery. costumes. fltunllnhunlfi. AC. 368 pp. 8V0. Sears" Information for the Peopleâ€"â€" couipiiun'g within itself a complete libiar} of useful and entertaining knowledge. This work coiiipiises the. finest seiies of Einhelishmenus aver offered to the public. 600 pages octave. San-s” .‘Ww Pictorial Fumin Instructor or Digest of General Knowledgeâ€"cumprising a complete circle of awful and euiortnning infor- mation ; designed for families. Schuols.aiid libra- ries. 900 pages oiztavo. Price two dollars and a half. Seat-5’ Pictorial History of the Revolu- tionâ€"a book for every family in the union 3 It contains~ an accoum of the early history of the country. the commotion ofihe U. Statefi a chro- IlUlogluul Index. &c. Several hundred Engravâ€" iiigs. Scars’ Pictorial Sundayâ€"Bookadesign- ed for the use of families. bible-classes. iind Sunday-school teacheI'S; priiiCipallyil'ustralive of the manners and customs ol ens-tern nationsmnd Explanatory of many portions of the scriptures. 60” pp. 8vo Sears' Bible Biography, or the Lives cud Characters of the Prmcipul Parsonage; re- corded in the Sacral H’ritlngsâ€"Practically adap- ted to the instruction 0! youth and private fami- lies -. containing thirty di§ertations on the Evi- dences ofdiviiie revelation ; from 'l'impson’s key to the bi do. With nunieiousillustralions. 500 pages octavo . Scars’ W'ondcrs of the worldâ€"Second Seriesâ€"iii Two Partsâ€"Port I.“ onders of Na- ture, continuing a description of the races of men manners and customs of various nations. beasts. birds. plants, $0. Part II. Woiideis of Art... or descriptions of inventions. cities. ruins. curiosi~ ties. die. “'iih 400 illustrations 540 .pp am. The History of Palestineâ€"from the Patriarchal age to the present time. By Joan Kine. editor of the London Pictorial Bible, etc. View of .Ncw York~tbis engraving is printed on a iiianiiiioili sheet. 47 by 19 iiicliss and ought to be very saleable. Price 50 cents. '. Dick’s Complete Worksâ€"eleven vols- iu two. 1500 pp. Bvo. l‘rice four dollars and a half. Sears’ .N‘ew Fainili/ Receipt-Bookâ€" coniainiiig the mast valuable .ceipls for the va- rious branches of Cookery. (reservuig. a». Bets. each. Orders for anv of the above Ill’mks received at this Office. Jun: 19th, 1857. g1 L. SCOTT 8L COMPANY’S" RE RINT or TUE British Periodicals ! ! AND THE FARMER’S GUIDE! Great Rerlurtitm in the pr-z‘re of the Latter Publication. SCOTT & Co..New Yolk. random to piih. lish the following loading Britiin Periodical: T10 VII 1 The London Quarterly (Cannon-live.) ‘2 The Edinburgh Review (Whig_) 3 The North British Review (Ft-to Clinich‘ ' 4 I’ The Westminster Review (Liberal.) 5 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Taryn) These Periodicals ably represent the three great poliiical pariies ot'Greai Briiainâ€"Whig. Tori" and. Radicalâ€"but politics form only one feature of their characier. AsOrEnns of the most profound wii ors on Science. Literature. Morality. and Ri-hzion. they stand unrivalled in the world of tout-rs. being (-oiisideied indispensable to the scholar and the p ut'essiounl man. while to theintcl igeut reader of over} class they 'uinisli a more correct and Willsâ€" l'aciory record of the current literature of tli dui'. throughout the would. than can be possibli' oblaiiif‘ ed from any other source. ' EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Allr‘lnlcf. Shorts from the Blitlsh publisheis gives additional value to these Ito-pilots, inasmuch as thev eiin now he placed in the llflt‘ds ut' Slll‘lscftllul‘s bout as soon as the original edi- ltUlIS. T0 PR l NTERS. ’ ‘HE NUBSCRIBI‘ZR begs to inform the. Trade. that his Stock of Printing Presses. Type. Inks, and all other description of materialth been veri largely int-reared this Season. by or” is two... New YoiiK. runmmicrnin. nos. I'O.\' and MONTREAL: and ilini he is prepared :0 supply orders for new Oflices. in addition to :liose in operation. at the shortest iioiice I’rinuiig MACHINES and ENGINES im- ort- d to order. lie-i quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling per lb Old Tyre taken in czclumge for new. I). K. FELIIAN. Colborne st . Toronto. Jan. 9. 1857. 25 “'1‘ H E" ‘g’urk linings (Eugrllr, ‘ IS PlfgblSHED" H " EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY ‘Villiam 'l‘rudgeon, And despaichcd to Subscribers by the earliest iiia'ill. or other conveyance. when so desired. The YORK Rlpith' Gszwr'rz will always be found l. to coiiiain the latent and most important Foreign and Provincial News and Markets. and the greatest rare will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business. and a valuable Family Newspaper. TERMSâ€"One Dollar and a half per annum. m .ii-viisce. If not paid within three months. two dollars : and if not paid within twelve mouler 75d. two dollars and a half will be charged. :70 Rates of Advertisin .. . Nix lines and under. first insertion . . . . £0 '25. Each siibchueut insertion. . . . . . . . . 0 Ten lines and under. fire: insertion. . 3:. 4d. Each subsequent insertion . . . . - . . . . 0 Id, Above ten lines, first in.. per lino.. 0 li‘, Each subsequent insertion. per line 0 M â€"â€"â€"_â€"-_*â€"â€"_l_ [13’ Advertisements without written directions iiiseried till forbid. and charged accordingly. All transitory adveriisenieim. from strangers or irregular customers. must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties adver- tising by the year. All advertisement: published for a less period than one month. must be paid for in advance. Allletters addressed to the Publisher must be post paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearagea are paid : and parties refusing papers without paying up. will be held accountable for the subscription. Merchants and others who advertise liberally in the GAZE'I" '5 will have their Card: inuertedi n the Business Directory. Book and Job Printing ::0::~- ROI-IRS for car of the undormentioned dor- will be promptly attended to :- nooxs. PAM-Y BILLS. nusmiiss canon. 'ARGI’. Ail) mans. anon cartels, mung. All) P A II P u L l: 'r s . LETTER- PRESS PRINTING i done in the best style. at moderate rates. and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Ti po and Borders. for Cards. Circulars, ESTABLISIIZVIENT. ( cription of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK slam. rosrzns. ciRcuuinii. LAW ton-s. iiiu. And every other kind of Our assorliiioiitof JOB TYPE II entirely new &c.. kepi always on hand. "M. ROBERTSON, Pnim‘en. W a. \-’ l

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