ARRIVAL OF THE "BALTICJ New YortK. Oct. ‘26. The “ Baltic,†with dates from Liverpool to the 14th, arrived here yesterday. The American ship “ Lexington†was to- ta'ly 10st near Venetiaz Late} dates from India have been receiv- ed at. London by telegraph per the overlain. mail. Calcutta dates are, to the 10th. and 150m: bay to the 17th September. The seige train 'was expected to reach Delhi on the 3rd of September, whert the assault wmld be commenced. General [IaveIOck remained at (‘awnpore but. would be reinforced in a frw days by (ierir‘ral Ontram. who had rrachr-d Allahaâ€" bad with a strong fOrce. 'l'h: garrison at Cawnpore was gnllantly holding out and would be relieved by the middle of Septem- her. Lord Elgin had left Calcutta for China. TWChina mail failed to connect with 1hr» overland mail at Ceylon. Thirty-four horses ran for the ( zarowi'ch Cup, and the ï¬rst trial resulted in a dead heat between I’rioress, Elakhiin. and Que n Bess. ()n the deciding hear, PI'IIN'CSS. the American horse, won by a length and a half, amidst great cheering. The value of the stakes uxceed £2000. The Amerir an horse, Lecompte, is dead. An excessive money pressure prevailed in London and a further advance in the rate of discount by the Bank of England as antic.- patrld. Consols have fluctuated greatly. The declined to 86] but subsequently ral- lied. The Bank of Dublin has advanced its rule of diseount to seven per cent. and the Bank of France to 6; per cent. The money pres- sure in Vienna is also severe. The ï¬rm of Row. Mitchell St Co., Ca'ia- dian firm in London had failed. Their lia- bilities wore £250,000 but their assets Were large. J. Monteilh 81 Co., and other Glas- gow ï¬rms. had also suspended with liabilities to large “amounts. The military camp at Chalons has been . tais‘ed. A meeting between the Emperors of France, and Austria is still talked about. The ministerial crisis at Madrid contin- ued. Ilravo Murillo had refused to farm one of the Ministry. Anticipatiorrs of fur- ther disturbances were entertained. The King of Prussia was slightly better, but his condition was still very critical. The despatches from India state that Gen- eral Nicholson had defeated the. rebels at Maiafglrar with the less of their guns. General IIavelock has also delrated the rebels near Bithoor. On the 16th of August the garrison at Lucknow madee gallant and victorious sor- tie. capturing the guns of the mutineers and also a srrp-ily nfprovisions. 'l‘he Srzrgapnrr: mutinecrs had been again di'lla'e’li) .Iinjur Eyre. 'Ihe ehr-ls were threatening Allahabad and Herr-x es. Large-bodies of tro0ps were. matclttm from Calvutta to Allahal-a'l. Troops were also arriving at Calcutta from ling-land.- 'l heir transport having bet-u ctiecterl with great rapidity. A drsprrtth to the London Part, says Hi rt the 'llritish forces had attacked Luck- n nv Castle, spiked the guns, and intlicted a heavy lass-suponrtlre enemy. The ".Brltic“ brings 72.000 pmnds :tcr- l liné, and 100 passengers. The st-Iainer ‘* III-(l Jacket," from Ann. tralia. had arrived at Southampton wllb 70,- 000 ounces of gold. LIVERPOOL, Oct, 13th. Bicarlstiiffsâ€"'llie market is quiet and all descriptions have slightly decliuetL Flour has been dull at a decline of (id on inferior qualitiiï¬â€˜ Wheat quit-t; I‘ied 1s a 2s and white ’2 a 35 lower Corn steady at 36s 7d .r 37s in mixed: 37s for yellow, and +15 a 4-9.5 for ninthâ€"Subar closed Iluil. IrvcaPoOL, Oct. 14-, 3 p. m. “'brat exhibitsa Corn steady. Pro- Fl closed steady. o t‘erliuï¬ tendency. visions closed quiet. LONDON. Oit 13. Flour closed with a derlining ten lr-ucy. W'heat dull and 2s10wer. Su;ar heavy, at a decline of 2d a 3d. LONDON MONEY MARKET, Out. 13. The money market closed decidedly more stringent. The Bank of England has raised the rate of discount to 7 per cent. Con- sols declined considerably,hnt subsequently rallied and closed at 87; a ST} for money, and 88 a 88“ for account. DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGI‘IATION i Poa'r STANLEY, Oct. 26. The “ Free Trader,†belonging to Hook- er, Jaques & Co. of Montreal, arrived at Port Stanley on Sunday night, and laid up alongside the Schooner “ Isaac Buchanan,†belonging to Messrs. Thompson &. Hope. About 4- o’clook this morning, flames Were discovered by the mate, issuing from the min deck. The wind was blowing from 4 south-wrist. which fanned the flames wigh such rapidity that a portion of the crew wermiged to escape in . their shirts. The ï¬re. sooh spread to the ï¬ne Schooner “ Isa-re Buchanan,†Which communicated to the war‘ehouSes, situated on the watt-r side. heâ€" longing to Messrs. Vleiams &.'I‘|rornson, G. W. S. Boggs. and Routb &. Davv'son. which were 'speedily consumed. By [his wants supplied, now deeply mourn her exit.I time the ï¬re had crossed the road, and communicated with tl.e North American I-Iotel, thence 'to Mr. Batt's. the whole of which. together with the ofï¬ces of blessm, Holcomb 8!. Henderson, are utterly de- stroyed: The splendid warehouse belonging to the last mentioned ï¬rm had a narrow escape, the roof having takrn ï¬re. several times. A very large quantity of wheat has been destroyed. among which. 2.000 buah- els.tbe property of farmers and uninsured being in Rovtb & Davison’s warehouse, has b ~en burned. The “ Free deer†is com» pletoly destroyed. and the “ Isaac Buchan~ an†burnt to the water‘s edge and sank. The “Free Trader's" loss is $40,000, vs .JA.-. “A- . H. partly insured; and the “Isaac Buchanan" $8.000, lully insured : Vi’illiams7 warehouse and contents, $3000, insured; ’routh 8L Davisou’s warehouse, 105:. $10,000, ~small insurance ; Ameriran Hotel, partially insured. "05s, $4,000; .I. Bull, houses burned, 10*: $3,000. ARRIVAL OF TIIE “PERSIA.†The steamship “ Persia" arrived at Ne“ York on the 28111 inst. The following are ltllu mast important items of her news:â€" 1 \ crrcular had been issued from the Colonial OfIir-r- to the Government of the Colonies. cull rig In them to look to the dotencus of their pruvincu. and not to neglect that reasonable amount of wan like, preparations which it is derivable allull‘d bi everywhere Iirnrntt-inod. A report was current that cholera made its ap- pearance in tho vrl ago of Hartford. near London. II-d that \erlIrn a few days suveuwi-u cases and seven deaths occurred. The Ili~hopric of'l‘orrrnto l as benn reconstructed. and .1 new sec created. to be called t‘tn Bis-hoprrc t-fllnron. With Dr. Crouin 83 first bishop. A poutlc' magazine. at .louudporo. l‘orsia. had been exploded by lightning, and ovor 1000 persons killed. and tivo hundred llallre> destroy! d. The Ind no rnails wore roccrvr-d in London on the |5Jh. No now facts of Invpo.I:rure; al'ronnt all concur in pronouncing Ibo prusleCIs of the Ell ()Pefllls "Ill 0 Illlrel’lllg. There had been two arrivals from Australia, bringing £520,000 Smiling. in gold. TOIlt INTO MARKETS. 'I‘ununo, Nov. ‘28. 1857. In making a review for the past week of To- ronto Markets we hate but, to do. as Ihvre has been scarcely any change from la~t week worth) of notice. and what little change there may be is not salis'ncloiy to the rollers. Money hoops very scarce. and the banks are doing nothing in the way of discount to relieve the stringency. which accounts for the low prices of wheat. flour. and other lenIlIug articles of Consumption. VVlIoat has been in good supply during the Neck. and the quality has bren. on the “hole. better than heretofore; but buyers are not plenty, therefore prices have rather declined. Still. f-otn whatcun be ascertained. the prices now obtained in this ma kot are better than in Buffalo, Rochester. or Chicago. HARLEY has been a perfect drngthronghout the past we ck : nIo tof the brewers are frilly stocked. and tbetefort‘are not willing to buy, excapt the very finest samples, at 2s a 2s 6d. OATS have been very scantily supplied during the week. with asteudy advance, flom ls 9d to L's. WHEAT was in good supply, about 4.0 In bushels and went at? at. from 45 to 55 6d per bushel. FLOUR. heav\ supply from the country. and plices rather declining HAY from $10 to 21. Snuw $8 to 9. Bur-run. fresh, 1: 2d to Is 5d per lb. Tub 10d to Is 1d- Arrt.v:s plentiful. at $1} to 2; per barrel. lions ltld to Is per doz. Cuicn'ms Is 9d to 25 6d per pair. Guise 159d to 2s 6d each. DUCKS 52s 3d to 3s lid per pair. Bear on foot. lower. $4 to 5 per 100 lbs. PORK lower. vi: . from $3 to 6; per 100 lbs. St-tmcr plentiful. frotn 52g to 4 each. Cunt: $6 to 5,1,. Same-sums Is a Is 10d. Bur-utms $4104.; per 100 lbs. (am-skins. 7; per lb. Wool. Is per lh.â€"no supplyâ€"Colonist. THE COMMERCIAL Dtsrnnss.â€"â€"Tbe .comtneicial duress In her»: York continues unu- I hated. g l railing their expenses amt discharging their work- On all bands the nranul'acinrois aze cur- lpeoplo III the clothing and lllillillery trades this has taken plume to an unlocked for extent, and overtwu thousand girls have, during the past wrek. been discharged from out lovtnent. The falllll‘8rduring the last week amounted up to nearly one lhuudied and fort‘ . and among these the names of ‘snniia of the lit-st ï¬rms are to he found. The celt - , brated and enterprising ï¬rm of [Imports have susâ€" lpendnrl payment. as Well as that of the scarcely le«s loclebrated house of the Applotuns. Cut tai mom in [expenses of every kind is now forced upon the community. and the theatres. hotels. mil iners and dry-gods people. are those that feel the pressure l nIo>~t heavily. The only redeeming point is. that food has receded in price. but as in hundrids of cases the means of obtaining any food has been withdrawn. a fearful s'ato of depression and des- lttuiiun may be anticipated during the coruing’ i winter. Already the leaf talk. the forerunner of Ichrlly blasts and a still further dormancy of lradt‘. It is to be feared that the bottom of this lamenta- . blc state of things is by no In cane reactred. THE CASE or Miss Mannmcmr. SMITH.-â€"S'rin1' DlStl.osUR‘ .â€"Tlre prrbiic may :be prepared to hear an astounding disclosure in a few days, in connection wirh the case of Miss Matlulerne Smith. “’0 have been in'orrnetl. by a lurost re‘ialile authority. that one of the servants. lin the house at Blythwood square. in March last. has just died rather suddonh : and that. on hr r death-bed..seized with removes. slie made a con. fessron of the important fact that arsenic was mixed \\ ith the crrfl're g.ven to L’Angerir-r on the night of his last visit to Miss Smith. ()n the trial it failed to be proved that L‘Angelior was at the h use of his betrOIhed on the night in question at all. although the servant. who has now made this disclosure. was exatninrd for the pro-ecniion at Ibe tviul. We trust to be enabled to lay further mrtirulars before our readers shurtly.-â€"- Robust M rmry. BIR'I‘II. At Richmond Ilill. on the morning of the ‘2~I-th inst... Mrs. GEORGE A. BARNARD, of a daughter. __.__â€">o<.â€"â€"_ DIEDâ€"At her residche, Markham, on Sunday, 25th instant, CLARISA, the be- ,loved wife of Mr. IIENRY SUMMunI-‘IELU‘, aged 61 years. Her remains were borne to the tomb on Tuesday last, followed by a llarge concourse of sort-owing relatives and 3friends. For forty years past this excellent lady has been well known in the township ,of Markham, and equally well respected; 'ever ready to administer to the wants of the lsick, the destitute, and the needy. she was never known to withhold her benevolent band. Iriably considered it her duty to do so; and itnany there are, who have thus had their She had been sutfering lor some. years from at painful affliction, which Slln bore with lortitude, justly becoming a Christian, and until a few lion-'s previous to her death. her illness was not considered at all dangerom Her family, observing smoothing very unit- sual in her appearance, immediately called in her medical attrndant. but his services were of no avail. She has left asorrowing husband. a large atrd respectable family. all of whom are placed in very comfortable cirâ€" cumstances, while the surrounding neighbors feel they have lost a Christian and a fritnd. Enjoying; a competency. she inva-I ( IS NOW OP hiVI§.FI'E‘EE ER ii-{Ptflll) Si, IMP 011’ ’ ‘E I) HIRE C T RICIIMONI) F A L c o N IS RECEI 1111.1. AUTUIWNék WINTER @0098» INHIILN. AN DIRECT FROM THE â€"-\1. Five Hundred Pal s Irzidii's’. .\li~ws’.ar REIDY MADE FIRST GROCI‘ZIIIES‘. A The above Goods will br- sold at the lowest Richmond Hill, Oct. 30, 18.37. «In. MERCHAN RICHMUN EGS to announce that he has on hand a Trade, consisting of Fancy Scotch Twccds. Doc Skins, Rial Fur Better, for (boron â€"â€"Al. Brown and Guy Pctt‘rshams, Fancy Vesting's, &c , Ito , ‘l‘lie who‘e of which hate br-en carefully so practical expetience he is enabled to asqrre The latest Fashions will always be found capacity as a Practical 'l'niinr, to srcure ll preference to those who drceire the public kind, and vaunt as of their own Inauufactn Richmond Hill. Oct. 30,1857. 5 1 HA 1%., L D JIIHN Ciiiiiim 1i. RICH Mth [GIVING A MAG OF .9 H O (I '1‘ . 13 Riot} ’E’ “ VIXG 1113 s 2’ st; STOCK! MANUFACTURERS! Snâ€" Irl Child orrs‘. limits, Shors 8s. Rubbers, CLOTHING! RATE ASSt)lt'l‘l\III;‘i'1‘l possible rates. For parlicu/urs see Bills {4‘21 2m IIHUXIIADIL I.) HILL ! good assortment of materials for the Winter ats! Ar’l Shades of Colours. SOâ€" lr‘cted by himself. And from his long and the public of the quality of each article. at his establishment, and he relies ('11 his 1e patronaflie of all ulro want good work irr with ready-made Slop 1470/15, of the lowrst l'l‘. Termsâ€"CANâ€. .IOIIRT COULTICII. gQI-tf _) CHARLESDURRANTB â€"â€"I\‘E\V ARRIVAL OFâ€" WINT an QnY GOODS Ladies’ Cloaks dz Mantlos, Ladies’ \Vrrol Jackets, Hosiery. Gloves. 6; Ribbons, Children’s VVuol Goods of e A good Assort C. D. t‘espcctilully Solicits an I found to be large and well assorted. Richmond 11111. Oct. 80. 1857. Ladies‘ Dress Goods, Ladies’ Silk & W'ool Scarfs, Blankets (S; Flanncls. very description. mont of Ladies’ Furs to arrive. nspection of his Stock which will be CHARLES DURRANT. g21-tf NOTICE. INCORPORATION â€"râ€" RICII MON D HILL. GREEABLY to a Resolution pass- ed at a Public Meeting of the In- habitants of Richmond Hill. held at the Court 1101150. on the 2811a October. 1857. application will be made to the Governor General ofCanada in accord- ance with the "JIM to .flmend l/Ie Jllunicipal [mics of Upper Canada re- lating to the Incorporation of Villugrs.†to incorporate the Village of Rich- mond Hill. in the County Of York. un- der the name of the Village of Rich- mond Hill. bounded as follows :â€"â€"from l . I l Lot number Forty-three to Filly-two, (both inclushe) on oath side ononge Street. and extendingr to the second concession of the Townships of Mark- ham and Vaughan. M. TEIJFY. October 28111. 1857. van sun, ‘IVO ACRES OF I LAND AND FRAME . r ; . . . I HOUSE. s=tualod on Centre Sheet. , Mr R lit. MIR Vr‘r "ll. . h l It; 1‘ k. l. . . , h For particulars apply to ‘Ut'r‘ll lllllu lllllll Illlll.‘ ‘lllllu ‘lllllr'lilll U G. DOLMAGE. l R' h _ d 1111. P ' t o . u '° “‘52., 3.}, .35.} '°p"eg3',..r Gralner, Gildcr, Glam-r, NOTICE. “'ILL not hold myself responsible for any accident that may occur from the removing of Sam! from the Side Line, he- lween Lots 20 and 21. near the 9nd Con- cession, in the 'I'0wnship of Vaughan. 1‘. I‘A'I‘TI". ISON. Overseer of Division No. 1'2. October 26, 1857. gill-1m SMELSER a BOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneers! FOR THE 'l‘OVl‘NS‘lllPS 0F Markham & VVhitchui-ch RESIDENCES 2â€"Henry Smelser. Laskay. King. Thos. Bowman. Alnrira, Markham. October 15. 12557. THE WHITE SIVAN Inn. and Lizw‘y Stables, Yoscc S rnrrrr. OSEI’I'I GABY begs to inform the public that lie 11315 commenced to vim a Stage trout the :rbove Hotel to the O. S. dc II. R It. Station. (Iticbmr-ird Hill) in ice a day: and uill convey passengers to any gun of the country. night. or day. in ten minutes notice. JOSEPH GABY. I’roprictur. Richmond Hill. Oct. 15. 18.37. BLANK -FORMS. , LARGE SUPPLY of hI-Igiytratos’ Blanks: 1 according to the latest films, for sale at lthia Ofï¬ce. by the dozen or hundred. I "Gazette" Oï¬ire. Aug 27, 1‘57. ng-It gIB-tl‘f’ "RICHMOND HILLI {r32 P R E M 1 U M .39 .J. ‘ _ SADDLE rj' 11A RNESS ESTABLISHMENT. O/ze Door South of the GrAZETTE Oï¬â€˜cc. VV‘lliam II. Myers, Premium [fumes-s ZlIanufaNm'er, 1{ESI’ECTFULI.Y announces to the Public r generally. that he hnv ng taken the F1 R S T P It I Z E for Harness at the Yougo Street Ag- ricultural Show. Two Years in c‘tit‘t'ession, he feels confident that he can give cutize satist'actton in all branchos of his business. (C? All Work Warranted. *"t A large stock of Harness. &c. always on hand. and made to order at the lowest possible ‘ retnunerating prices. Richmond Hill. Oct 15. 1857. J. MORRISON, House, Sign and Ornamental gIB-ly "â€"n l l l l l and Paper llanger. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND WAGGONS, PAINTED AND TIUMMED. I l t SHINCLES. l. Richmond IIillI Sept 4. 1857. To Builders. Farmers and Others ! VIIINGLES. 01" A SUPERIOR QUALITY, can now be had in any quantity, trout One to a Thousand Iitlnclies. at Mr. Jons Lnawamk Shingle Mauul'ai tory. Yonge Street, near 'l‘burn- bill. isol-k, and gloves. of all SIZPS and qualities. G A. BARNARD has now on hand the largest, best, and ilteapest assortment of 0 And for CHEAPNESS THEY can Nor BI: sour/Issac. attention to this class if trade, he would earnestly solicit an inspection, being of giving entire satlslaction. P..Iccs. “U’It]i_A.IITF, I} lilLlu, NIFICENT ASSORTMENT ROBERT SIVER. Boot and .Shoe Maker, DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodilt Chis pel. Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Gautiemens’. Ladiu' Ind. Childrem' Boots and Shoot constantly on hand. and made to order on the ShortesLNotice. ' I Richmond Hill. June 12th. 1857. '.1W.1. LUKES' HOTEL, OLLAND‘ LANDING. ‘HE Subscriber begs to inform the In- rl habiiants of the above-named Village and surrounding Country. and the Public gen- erally. that be has leased the Ibovo Hotel. formerly kept by Tannin Mu. which he has ï¬tted up and furnished for the accommodation of his Customers. and he (mitts by constant emu» to their wants to secure a liberal patronage. Liquors of the best brands at the Bar. and “or, attention paid to Guests. THOS. LUKES. Proprietor. gt4-3m FR 031 ENGLAND. g20 LADIES’ MANTLES, US'I‘ RECEIVED. a variety of the Newest Patterns in Black and Grey Cloth, , 'l‘irihet, Vecnna and Plush. Also, an lixcellvnt Assortment of IVIens’ Scotch Lambs \Vool, \Vorsted and Flannel Drawers. Scotch Lambs \Vool, scarlet. blue. white and fancy Flannel Shirts. “'oolen Scarlet and fancy mufflers. A nice assort- ment of coloured lambs wool and woolen yarns, Sic.,whicb will be sold ata slight MW“... 0., cost, £01: CASH! at G. A. BARNARD'S, Richmond Hill. Holland Landing. Sept. 10. 1857. BRITISH & AMERICAN JEWELLEEY STORE. SMALL PROFITS t_a_ QUIEK RETURNS. r ‘HE undersigned werking on the above 1 principle feels conï¬dent that he can sell goods curtain tllll‘_‘l_‘llll an 'llllltl 30 Per Cent Cheaper Than angliouse in town. Call and see 3350 Clocks. $10 Silver Watches, $8 Gold Albert Chains. CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES- At 114 Yonge Si..2 dorm south of the Globe- Hotel. Toronto. '1'. C. RICHARDS. 11.? Every description of Goods in the trod. made or repaired on the Shortest Notice. Toronto. May 26. 185.7. RIEN AND BOYS’ Ready-made Vl'intor Clothing, North of Toronto, in every variety of style and fabric. IIaving purchased luvs material. and had them made expressly for his own trade, be can thoroughly recommend them as D U R :1 B L E , Having devoted a particula' conï¬deut 34"" CLOTHING Made to order, in every style, from almost every material. at the MOST ECONOMICAL at ONE HUNDRED CORDS OF PINE WOODtt FORSALE. For terms apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER. Thoruhill. 'I‘hoinhill. August 11. 1857. JAMES HALL. Boot and Shoe Maker, RICHMOND HILL. G. A. BARNARD’S, Richmond Hill. gIQ-tf (IO-E O‘NEW FALHL GOODS! “CHEAP___ SYSTEM 1†:o:â€"â€"-â€" Skort Life to the Old Systemâ€"Long Credit, Long Life to the New Systemâ€"SHORT CREDIT, Success to the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. G. A BARNARD. Richmond [Hill. will conduct. business solely on CASH OR SHOR'I CR EDIT. Six months will be given on all new Accounts, pa} uble promptly on Int. October 51 1st April in each year. G. A BARNARD is now receiving a large and well selected stock of OULD respectfully intimate to his Friends and the Public, that he has constantly on hand a largo and varied morlmont of Ladies’ and Gentlemens' Boots to Shoes of every description! Of the best quality and workmanship. and nlrnon exclusively of Home Manufacture. Also. a largo stock of Ready-Made Clothing 2 Comprising Coats, Vests. Pants. Bus and Caps &c.. kc... of everv size and description; also of excellent quality and manufacture. all of which he will sell as low as any house iii-Upper Cunndn. Dr v Goods, Groceries, Wines & Liquors, for CASH- , ) Ladics’ & Childrens’ Boots dz. Shoes, Hardware, R‘ch'm“ H‘H'JW 23' 1357' 73'“ Crockery, Paints, Oils. ' Drugs &. Medicines, &c., &c., (SLO. London Dock vaults' “'ith an unns- a1 assortment of READY-“ADE CLOTHING. in every fabric. make. shape. style and variety. which he offers on the above terms, and much less than ever sold before. In con- ï¬iring his business to shorter time. he is assured of the necessity of a general adaptation to the new principle, which must supersede the Long Credit and Long Proï¬t System. in general use in this Country ; and convinced that a discerning public will avail thenhelves of the NEW Svsrul. whereby they can efl'ect asaving from 15 to 20 per mm! on the average on Goods they usually require. GRANIIâ€"BROS. MPORTERS of Wines. Spirit: and British Beers. in Wood and Bottle. 11:? VAULTl,â€"Uttder the Globe Oï¬ico. King Street. West Toronto. June, 1857. G. A. B. earnestly and respectfully solicits a call. and on examination. his prices will be cant:an- no ‘I‘O AS Lowizu, than any in the Neighborhood.â€"-His motto shall be :â€"â€" Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returnsâ€"0nd Price and no Abatement! Richmond Hill. June 30, 1857. g4-tt‘ Markham Economist please copy till forbid. gJ-wy. To Medical Practitioners. GOOD OPPORTUNITY new oï¬'orl itself to a Medical Man of standing and experi- ence. House and Premises. both pleasant and convenient. can be had on reasonable tertnl. Apply, if by letter post paid. to the Editor of the Gazette Richmond Hill. June 15th. 1857. ll RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. Tun Subscriber, in returning his sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Markham and vicinity, for the liberal patronage bestowed on him during the last 'l‘wenty-three years he has been in busmess at VICTORIA SQUARE, would be; leave to state that In: is about declining the Blacksmith business and moving to the “cat, and that he has let his .mtm MB JOHN'IQKENZHL ‘ Who will from the first of November next, carry on the bininess on the some approved system as heretofore. g.2- wy. Spring Importations. LY MAN, BROTHERS 8: CO... No. 4. St. Lawrence Buildings. OULD respectfully intimate to their friend- \I and the public that their SPRING IMPORTATIONS are now forward, and consist of a well assorted stock of PU R 13 DR UGS, The Subscriber has much plr-asure in recommending Mr. MACKENZIE to the former patrons of this Establishment and the public generally, as a young man of steady. punctual .. . . DYE-:STUFFS‘ .. . ‘ . _ . . . ‘_. z . . . , CHEMICALS, BRUSHES. business habits; he lrels the more conttdent In dotng so hating ltad nun III his employment SPICES PERFUMERY during the last twelve mOntlls, during which time he was perfectly satisfied “11.11 bi: FANCY’ SOAPS, VARNISHES,’ “ "kmaml'm' PA’I‘EN’I‘ MEDICINES, PAINTS. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, OILS, DRUGGIS'I‘S’ GLASSW‘ARE, &c., all of which they offer to the trade at the lowed market rates. L. B. & 03.. would also call the attention Gf' Dealers and Painters to the White Lead and Colors in 011 and Patty prepared by thorn. and for which they solicit. I rial in comparison with other kindsin the market. feeling conï¬dent that the rerult will not be to their disadvnntngo. either as regardsquality or price. Toronto. June 95. 1857. ~ Trusting he. may meet with the some. countenance and support, formerly bestowed Or this establishment, he would be; to subscribe himself, Your obliged servant, \thl G- KINGSTON. VICTORIA SQUARE, Oct. 12, 1957. w IBLACKSM‘ITHING.‘ VICTORIA SQUARE. THE cubscriber would beg leave to intimate to the Inhabitants of Markham ant vicinity, that he has leased the premises at present occu,ricd by Mr. \\'M. G. HIVGsTon Victoria Square; and that the business hitherto carried Or by Mir. IIINGsvoN nill lion ,the 1st of November, be carried on by the Undersigned, who will at all [Imth endiaior li merit a continuance ol the patronage so liberally extended to his predecessor. g5-3m RUMOHR’S PATENT ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MILL. '1‘1117. undersigned having purchased R. Lennon'- l’aient Mill. in now prepalod to manufacture Ifll quantity of them. at his factory. Markham I rtlagc: and any person inf-inging on the above Patent originally invented by Richard Lesson. will be prosecuted according to law. M. H. RUMOIIR. The Subscriber will at all times be prepared to execute all kinds of GENERAL BLACKSMIT I1 \VORK, No hand-made Shingles can equal those made by Steam. lor ueatness and durability. Specimens , . lol‘ his Shingles may be seen at the " Gazetto‘ [ .Oflice. Richmond Hill. and at Mr. Rufus Skin-i l ner’s. Grocrr. Yonge StH-et, 'I'otnuto. 'I'horntitll. Sept. 1". [$517. elvtrtf PRIVAT_E_$ALEII L.9..\"D JLVD WA TER .MILL .' Near Richmond Hill. ’ ‘IIIS TAR.“ Portiaâ€: about thu Acres. with a House. Garden. and snaall Clearance. and is well tirtiberod. The “later Ml’l, Includlllg 'I‘i-I‘ee goon llivt-l'nrg Hon-es. wtth Gardens, but: about Fulton Acres ut Laud. If required by tile lan Agricultural lurplexiruni (It‘d l"ilu Factory. All the above property Will be Sold or easy ltornrsl'or Cash or Yearly I’ayrrreirt~. and is worthy l [1:1 tilt-’n‘rlul) oftbe Mechanic and Farmer. I‘ or particulars apply to Do. DUNCUMI’. Richmond Hill. gld-tf l .Septemter 10. 1957. l r t l i l ll‘Cl’lttscl‘. 'I'be prerruses are or present used a: his thalrlts for past uvuzs. lo the inhalatanh at Richmond Hill and ï¬lif'OllltdlllgCOl'll'l‘ l l l IOn the most reasonable terms, and on the shortest notice. Soliciting a continuance o A“'â€"'""'5~ l357~ Elo'sm' the public patronage, he would beg to subscribe himself, Fire 1 Fire 1 ! Fire 1 z : hi our obedient servant. JOHN JIGKENZIE gIQ-Il w E Sâ€"T E R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. leORYOIAYID FY AC! of PARLIAIE". _â€" CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. BOARD OF DIRECTOFS. .1. C. Gttnovi, Pres. | Tues. Huronnnv. Pros. Win. Henderson, Rico LaWil. James Leash. George Mickie. Hugh M Her. 1. P. Robam. Walter Macfarlanc. Rabi. Stanton, Soc. 15’ Head Oï¬ce, Church Street. Toronto. THIS Ccmuxv Insures all descriptions of Buildings. Mnuufactorios. Mills. die . and Good: and Furniture. In the some, against Ions or dum- ngo by ï¬re, on liberal terms. Loose: promptly , settled. ' A - LA W, l r Raideuco. General Aral. 81°“) VICTORIA F'Qt'ann. Oct. 1'2. 1857. ï¬â€™? Markham Ecrmmmsz please c.r,rv till forbid. ‘YI LLIAH ROI)“ :5. Sonia, COPPER. B52461", TIA", .flA‘I) [R 0.1\" I’LuJ7E WORKER, ’ AND FURNISHING IRONMONGER. :ROM IV. R.»&' “'m. King’x \‘I‘lrnlcrale l'cum. Snow Hill London. England: and nrnilv .srven years. L'opi er Fr nulmtt and '1 ea Ket lo maker. to M ques on (1- Co.. Hamilton. ll oturn-s _ : Hnl'l begs to d. a most ever mode In the above litre. which he will sell inform them be has constantly on IIIlt .or Curb as cllFap a: P')t\slbl8. Also, a‘l kind. of Japan “'are. Copper Fountains. Ton Kettlc‘e and Brass Your made to order. [LT Old Copper. Brass. Pen Icr and Lead. bought or taken in exchange {or Go1dfl. Parlour and Cooking Stoves on hand. Richmond Hill. August 19, 1357. “n.3,†‘ Richmond Hill, August 13.1857.