vvvéyvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvw~vvvvvvovvvvvovvvvvvvvvvvvvwwvovvvvvvQwvvvvvvvvvbvyvvwvvvvovvovovvvvvvvvvvvvvvVV""V""’â€""'VVvvvvvvvvv~vvvvvvv-vvvvv~v~vvvvvvvv-v~v~vov-vvvvvvvovwvv~vvwvvvvv~vv~v ' , vFllU‘l A'T._.THORNH1I.I.. or ,_ 7N AVIGATION. was chose- The season of lake and river navi- property assigned to his creditors is again in his hands and he is relurnistiing and reï¬ning Iraiiistan for h.s pcrma~ ’gation is now nearly over. lts close ncnt residence. -will ï¬nd a greater quantity of â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" , THE CRISIS AND ITS LESSONS. 3wheat and lumber in the Province -tha'n will be for our beneï¬t. For , some time past no shipments oflumber to the United States have been made. Forwarders and large dealers in Os- we'go and other cities. refused even to pay the frieglit on lumber. Very lit- "tlé, therefore, of this usually large iitem of export is now on the move. :There are few signs at present of the r'wheat crop reaching a market this fall. Freights being so very scarce. -those vessels that have not already â€'Iaid'up will retire to winter quarters ,much earlier this season than usual. Several sail vessels are now lying in jharbour stri peu ofevery inch of can- vas. The 'ingstou .Ncws says that the American line of lake steamers has ceased to run and the “ New Era" of our own through line has also laid up. f The “Magnet’s†last trip was ‘made on Thursday. The “News†-thought it probable that the other steamers would soon do the same. The season will close early on lake gErie. for frieghts from the west are 'fiot‘to be obtained. The writer, on Monday, passed over the entire length ofthe Buffalo docks to learn the ex- ite’nt ofihe movement in grain. The elevators. which at this season of the véai'are usually daily unloading hun- glreds of cargoes of wheat and corn. Mere silent and deserted. Not more THE monetary crisis through which w. are now passing is an inevitable rt-suli of the mode ofdoiug business in this country. “'9 are now for the first time settling lb». out- standing accounts of the last tivcnty years Our eyes have bt-eii opened to the discovery that we have been engaged in a lillllillt‘t' ol unproductive undertakings on which there has been a loss of actual capital. iii the be- lief that these were profitable concerns and sources of income, present and pr0<pcctii‘c, instead of the reverse; and thcrt- has also been a heavy outlay for mere indulge-ores ‘Vhat the loss has been frotn these two causes it is impassible to estimate in fumes \Ve know it only by its results, as these are now experienced in the money market. A trader may not be ab'e to say. at any par- ticular time, what amount of l-al tlcl)l> he has contracted, but, if he ï¬nds his assets so little available that he car get advnutes of money only at preposterous rates of interest. he and his creditors cannot be fa.- wrong in concluding that, when all is ascertained. it will be feund that his dead loss is consider- able, even though, upon the whole, he may be in a solvent condition. That the national loss, by unprofitable- railways. and general extravagance of living, has been very grout, there can be no doubt. But on the other hand. the real wealth of the country has immensely increased during the same period, and at the present moment its solid resources are greater than they have ever been bcfore. The gain of the {han' ï¬fteen or twenty schoonors and propellers were discharging freight. failing vessels were-being prepared forbwinter'quurters : and hundreds of 'mpty canal boats throngcd the basins. oi'Vvardei's aiid produce dealers look- ed dispii'ilted. _They had little hope bfa changefor the better thisiseason. and were of the opinion that in two or: three *weeks the docks would be a'lniOst entirely deserted by craft in active service.â€"-Port Hope Guide, Oct. 31. ‘ 11y, .11, our Goons MARKET. o {Fromltheâ€" New York Independent. 29th Oct.) There is a very general disposition tacurtuil credits. The suflL-riiig credi- tor is now in a condition to see, lie- cause he feels the evil ,; but we ques- tion that, when the tide of prosperity returns again, he be not indticed to re new the ill-judged custom of extended ' credits, because. when they are doing Well, merchants alw;iys try to do bet- terjjth‘iati Well, u'ndcr the stimulus of ii competition which ultimately works ill. Very little business has been done during thefweek at wholesale. There is no disposition to concede anything in price, unless it be for cash down. Lower prices with credit seem otit of thetquestionu The PUSSI‘SSlOU of the goods is preferable. Many cargoes (ffgo'ods have been returned to Europe, country consists in the increase of produc- tive labor and profitable inicstinents. Every field that is brought under cultivation, â€"every mile of'railway that is constructed‘ at a cost not tlisproportioned to the service it rendersâ€"every factory that is built and' worked Willi a profitâ€"every ounce of gold that is dog from the minesâ€"is an addition to the national wealth ; and, Vll‘Wl'd in this light, the period that has just elapsed has undoubtedly been the most productive in American history, while this year in particu- lar the tinUsually bountiful harvest has brought the national rcsouces to the highest point of abundance they have ever reached. But all this has not bern sufï¬cient to satisfy ani- bition, and the spirit of speculation and ex- travagance has demanded. and too easily obtaiiied. unlimited credit with which to gratify its dangerous cravings. ‘l'ith pro: luse loans. and paper in unchecked abundance, we have built railways which will never pay, and rolled in luxuries which bare caused a tlevedlr~> drain of one ‘of the chief sources of our Wealth, while for all commodities and services we have paid at nominal rates which the cm dition oftlie labor market certainly has notjustdieduind which have only had the eflcct of stimulating extravagance among tlic. Inasws of the people. How comes it that of late years, with a steady influx of working population from litirOpc, so that the compctiliou for employment has actually been as great as iit ISiitain, We should hove been paying wages fully double, on an averâ€" age, what have been given at the other side of the Atlantic? It will be said that the pl‘lct" of living here. accoiding to the habits of the country, is also twice asbigh. Then, being the only remittance that. could be made. There is a large retail rash business doing, which shows that there is an abundance of mnnev in some why is this! Land is not a truth of the price, except as the material for speculation. \Vith land so cheap, why should its product: be so dear? Because Wages are high, says hands, which low cash prices' draw out. Thepresent day of low prices should be availed, as when ’ passed it Will not returu‘for a long While. The check to production and importation. has been too severe for this, and next‘ Season we look for a much higher range. of prices for all articles. The sensonisnow- approaching its close. The 4lhiï¬li,N0V0mller will be the last heavy daf'ofdrv- goods payments, and most oflhese have‘ been provided or arranged for. We do not articipate any increasing difficulties. . ...____.._H__.___ new‘vpnu MONEY MARKET. . The market continues without im- provement. There is no symptom of returning confidence, but great svnip- toms-of exhaustion. The liquidation of accounts is gouig steadily on, but there is more definite postponement than liquidation, and' consequently fcw renewals of credits. The coniinuod colitmctious ofthe banksâ€"even though they show such a large increase oftfc- fiosits and meansâ€"is tlic lLstcriug sore. The increase in depoï¬ts shows that thereitis more money than is used, ow- ill? to an excess of fear. Distrust Sllll iftitlesthe ('oiiimunity, and iiioiiev is thus prevented from running fi‘et-ly into ll1t' Various channels of circulation. Til the farmer; and so we get into a circle from which there is no escape, except iii the dir- ection of the currency. Labor and com- modities of all kinds, we maintain, have been high in price, because money has been law, and that has been became We have substiâ€" tuted credit and paper to an undue extent for actual coin. 1n point of fact. it is not mount] that has been so abundant, but credit. undrl’ the different shapes ol bills of ex change and bank bills. There has doubt- less been a grtal increase ot gold as well, but not so griat in proportion as the in- crease of credit. The amount of dispropor- tion betwuen the two constitutes the imagin- ary capital by which we hate been delud- ed. and the want of which is now so pain- tnlly felt. Suddenly dl‘l'H'lYt'd, as we are at p.e~cnt, not only of this fictitious res )th‘Ct‘. but also of the fair and legitimate credit which the financial position of the country would justify, we discover the execs» into which We have been led, in the only Way that is pomblc iii a country in which then- is no controlling and directing authority iii money matters to apply the chcck at a lll'l'lr and in a Way which would not necessitate periodically a revulsion such as we now Wit- ness. The Hunt of some regulating power, we believe, iscntii'ely to blame for Make Ire- U‘tlt disasters. \\'e may be told that l5l‘lluill and France, with a ci-ntiul author- ill' of this kind arc yct unable to arr-rt the l‘ertli'i‘rltcc of similar Cilliilllllli“. But the p')§itiou of America is very different li'om ments were embodied for garrison year, and will form an iinmcdiate'addition of about 14,000 men to our home establishment. ,‘ | ~ . About 3000 of the Irish militia will also be ' ï¬emril'll “mum“ ) embodied lorthwith. mislortune, and the people of this country. Wt! may be sure, will continue to prefer a ~yiteui under which they may fancy they nave eacha separate chance of making rapid fortunes, than one which would make the general comfort and prosperity more secure, iut leave less chance for exwptional cases if gi'rat good fortune. ‘ iect any thing else from the present calami- ious state of arfairs but a return to the old systcm. once the crisis has faiily worn itself ill[ and reached that point of dr'p 955100 which is the fir~t iiidicatiin of returning health. Fora time the patient may proâ€" ceed cautiously. tinJ want of strength, if not. i‘ecollcction of what he has pnswd through, will be sufï¬cient to limit his excrtioos. will again become as riotous and ventursouie IS ever. " The devil fell sick. the devil a monk would be: The devil grow well. the devil a monk was he.†â€"Scuttz'sh A moricmz Journal . ARMY AND NAVY INTELLI- GENCE. The 7th Dragoon Guards have received 0i|lCI‘S to take out tents Willi them. The Duke of Cambridge has iesuiuetl his duties at. the Horse Guards alter a biicfab- sence in the Midland Counties. The annual Balaklava dinner will take. place at the London Tavern, on the 26th, Sir James Scarlett, K. C. 13., in the chan‘. The squadron of Lord Lyons came to an- chor iu the harbor of Navarinn on the 20th Sept., upon his arrival from Malta. The Cominander-inâ€"Chicl has given a company in the llatb Royal Irish to Lictit. Havclock, of the 10th Foot, son of the galâ€" lant General. The 67th and 69th Regiments now stationA ed in Plymouth, have received orders to hold themselves in readiness to embark immediate- ily 'for India, if required. The Gazette announces that Brcvet-Col- ouel Edward Lugard is to be adjutaut-gen- end for the forces serving in the East Indies, vice Havelock, promoted to be majorâ€"gener- al. A Cork paper, of the. 9th, announces the having on board the Wboh- of the 8th l’lltssai's The officers of the 1st Regiment of Derby- EMBODIMENT or Mth‘iA lineman-rs. â€"Tne following regiments of militia will be immediateiv embodied lor garrison duty":â€" BedfOrd, Qiid Roval Cheshire, 2nd (South) Devon,2ud Gloucester, Leicester, North» ampton, Shropshire. 1st \'\ €>I Norfolk. 1st Surrey, lst Staffordshire lst Tower Hamlets. \Vorcester, 2nd "Vest; York, Sussex, Stirâ€" iiig, and Aberdeen. Most of these regiâ€" duty last YORK TOW'NSLIIL’ lt‘AIR. The York Township Agricultural Sucie- tyi’s hair, was held at riglington on the 223ml Oct. and reflected great credit upon toe energy 1 of the l’iesideut, Capt. Shaw, and the other‘ Oflicers and Directors, who themselves almost uurciiiiltiiigly during the summer to resuscitate the Society. were nearly 600 entries, an l the Fair alto- gether was one of the fest local exhibitions that has been held this seamn. cles of fruit and ladies" work it was thought to be second to none exccpt the Provincial The Fair was a very successful one, ha‘l eXei‘tcd Trier-c Fair. The Ladies, particularly, ofthe neigh- bourhood, and of places front a considerable distant-.9, entered into the competition with great spirit and activity, and exhibited a very large variety of beautiful spcciint ns of their handiwork. In the evening a splendid dinner was prOVidcd at Montgomery-s Inn, of which about one llllt|dlvtl and fifty prisons partook, including many of the must prom- inent agriculturists and business men of the County ; and the whole proceedings pa~s.d off with great ec/tit â€"â€"Cu/tmi.vt. FREE M ASON 11 Y. “'e have much pleasurc in copying from the Limerick Chronic/e of October 7th. rc- cciVed by a late mail, the following para- graph. \Ve congratulate the (irand Lodge of Canada on the cordial, though tardy, recognition they have at length received. And We earnestly C‘itlltncftd tlic announce- ment to the attention of the so called l’ro- vincial Grand Lodge of Montrcnl and \\'il- liam Henry. The Chronic/c says :â€" “ On 'I‘bursdny, the 1st October, the Grand Lodge of lrt lat-d rcccivrd and con- firmed thc apptlillllnt'lli of Brotlicr .\I. lt‘ur- moneyibus withhold from circulation ilat of t-iiliei- Biiiuni or France, and it... ucll. Esq. 1). L.. as l’tcpiest-niaiii-t-amt D. is'~USelesS to the community. The evils which they can Only paliiate by this District Master nftlie R. \'V. the (,iiand \;I{l.l‘:i0:us attétupts at remedy have, been means we might altogether avt‘il. In its Lodge OliCaIta‘l" ; C0100“ \‘Vt't .\I. Wil- fi-iwid almost futile. The countrv bunks boundless territory America plowsses a son, M. \V. Grand Master. And further are altnostafraid (ï¬nial-â€w“ Cttl‘rttiittv. sourci- of constant iucreasc iii wealth, and a the Granvil Lodge did elcct and constitute lgngi .lhl’. city banks Should suddenly tt'IOalii‘Of self-airport which nci her of these the R. W. Br. Rivas 'l uliy.( . IQ. of To- msuuie-specic payments. and Scnd iii the country currency for i‘cdciiiptiiiii. 'I‘Jjnsjh'utual distrust prevails in an c.tent that retards the return Ufa ltutiltln condition of things. 'l‘ll'? banks (tori- thictotf last week $1.100 Ur)“. although their deposits ran up â€VHF $5,0oo,oiio_ and! ~ their specie ov‘cr *’ ’ ".ltl.titto i l l l V...) countries enjoys. Aniezira may, if she Cll00\r.\'. kiep entiiv-ly within herself, and vxpml only on the. most advantageous terms; but lll'l‘ lithopenu t‘Olnper'l‘s are Il9(‘€§\atlly dependant on external sources. and whenâ€" ever thcsc tail or become seriously affected, d-sasler is inevitable by any system of fl- iiaiice. The only evil that America should have any reason to dread is a general bad routo. to represent the (ii-and Lodge of Ireland at the (irand Lodge of Canada, conferring on said Kivas Tudy the ra ik and dignity of a past senior (iianil \Yardci; ol Ireland. Such appointments promiw licnu. fits to Freciuasoniy generally. for the inn- sottic intelligence and tuiliriiig devotion of Br. Furncll to the best interests of the. or der have been fora scrio-s of years well Tl‘tyS',,t:lilidtll()tl OI lliliigs cannot List. harvest, and a calamity of this kind. over a t known and universally ackuouldlged ofeveri' What was the use ol the banks eiilarg- breadth of turritory including a variety oi | clime. while Br. liiva; ’I‘ullv, an engineer mg'thejir capital this year, as so iiiau\ 'soils, climates, and crops. is of very rare in celebrity in Toronto, has been long i-lcn- dï¬dvbut 'to’cmploy it! The bank cxi- tdiiniges shown further diminution for the week of 33.25lldltltl. OCCIIt‘l'L‘IICC. That the wisdom and self-rostrum necessâ€" titicd with the craft there. as a Provincial Grand Ofï¬cer, and as a D. llistrict Gran-I The t‘llSltilll law for the adoption of such a systrm will be Master Sill“ lh" constitution â€f â€'9 ll- W. (lflt’lii‘asy ,jar'e .v‘ery li‘i'tlpig._ Tilt: Sub-Ilcarned from the p-ewnt or any other crisis “"5 Grand Lodge or Canada. “‘9†mil." Ti‘casury 'dlb‘but‘St‘ltlutllti t‘tiiilinug greater than rts recupts,â€",\“L-w y,,,-/,. [edgy-(indeed. Oct. 29th.) In.- . ‘Ba'rnum' is again on his legs. He hiv‘bought ’all the claims against himsalf for from five to TWClIlY'ï¬Vt: penis onfl‘tb'e dollar: with the ext-e nflgbmtfljgflml. which he will repay in .v- ‘.i ptitiit ‘ ' _ have tull. ‘_ the whole of the ’ r . ) we do not tliiiikai all probable. nor do We expect that will be any material change in. the b.1ukiu;.,r system of the country, so as- to give its discounts and paper i~saes the benefit of combined and centralized action. The feeling of the country is entirely averse tot any reform to be effected by such means. and in no other Way can the currency bcl placed on a more secure footing than it has hitherto occupied. Nations are much slow- l l . I mode of mousing l‘t’llgitllh hostility. er than individuals to learn Wisdom from.0 . the Union Lodge. No. 13, Limerick, be prottd of having brought Brothers l‘iu'neil and Tully to the Light.†1RELAKD.â€"â€"Tri~h I't'llg‘iOUN quarrvls sccm likely again to force themselves on public attention. I\lr. Hanna has bet-u quirtitl at Belfast. it is_ true: but the Irish (invert) nent has taken upon itself to discover a new The bject of the Coniuussion lately sittingr at >0 We do not ex-' lhit , with robust Iii-.ilth fairly rot-established be, lit the nrti-‘ Belfast seems ‘to have been to prove an inâ€" bills, with £1,000 l" Pt'O‘ttl-“Ot‘y "“95- 5 “- timatc conuectoin between the Orange Lodges. Although it Was proved that thel ()mngcmt'n avoided all irritating display, and although it is well known that Orange- ism has no longer any political significaifcc the Iri~h Lord Ciian'ct-lli-r has remlvml on punishing Orangcinen for actions with which they were in no degrce shown to be cow nectcd. His Lordship, in a letter remark- able for bad grammcr and false logic.an- nounc ‘d his intention of refusing to place in the Commission of the Pcacd any person who is a mcmber of an Orange Lodge. This measure will apply, not to the districts Only, but to all Ireland; and will be extended to the removal of all acting Magistrates who are members of such Lodge. The manifest unfairness of the distinction must strike every one who hoston'sa moment’s thought upon it. A Roman (‘utholic Ma- gistrate may be a member of a ltib‘ion Si)â€" ciety, or any other body of analogous charâ€" “Her, and may ietaiii his plac.> ; but a Pit)- teslant must choose between the. bench and the Orange Lodgeâ€"Cor. of Colonist. l l PRISON DISCIPLINE. AND THE RISl“()t‘t.\IA'I‘ION OF .1 U V li- NILE OFFENDERS. We recently took occasion to allude to the Iaches of the Government in carrying out acts of Pailiaincnt introduced by thi-ni- selves. and guaranteed, in point of wisdom jaiid propriety, by their owu suppoiters, in il‘t‘l‘dlioli to prison discipline and the treat- ment of juvenile offenders. Perhaps the oldest, and certainly the most practical and useful man in Canada. in connection with this departmcut of it 0 public St‘rViCt‘, is the present Governor of the Toronto (hot. 110 has beet. before the must, and behind the mast, in the Toronto Corporation ser- vu-c ; and in every lIlSlaltCC he has becn sig ‘nally able, rclia'ole, and trustworthy in deal- ing with prisoners, and m vindicating ptiblic ‘jusllct‘; and we couless we observe, With no ordinary surprise. the following paragraph ltl~ l the leou/rr'tl IlerdM.â€"â€"‘- that Sir idiiiuu'l Head has sent out from England an old navy surgeon, whom he intends to appoint Chairman of the Board to be named under ithe Act €10 VlC., chap. 28, for the bctter l departure of the Great Britain lroiu that port, ‘ gmemmpnt of public Asylunh, 8“,†‘ 1t St't‘tlh not only wholly aboirddiut grosn. and the 17th Lancers, besides dctachmcuts ‘ ly unconstitutional, for 5min a" appointmciil from other regiments. jto be made. Without the consent of the (luvâ€" erumcnt of Canada ; and we therefore ti'e.it shire Militia have signed a I‘ttlllislllt‘ill to Lord the iii nor with the misgiviug it (it-serves l’anmure, cxpressinga desire to be called out,‘j Sir Edmund Head, Wc lile, is far too wise and volunteering their services for India or and d scrcct to force an unknown. and [It'â€" any othcr part of her Majesty‘s dominioiis. ccssorily an incompetent person to lll.|ll2lgt' our criminal pnpulaliOn, the more Cbllt‘cltlilyl ,‘as a man eminently qualified for the position lis in our midst, and is perfectly Well known to llliâ€" H 'ivv-rnmcnt. l \"c watch these appointments. limvea'cr, under the recent acis With more than ordm any interest, and shall duly chronicle the fact that Sir J‘:(llllll|itl I'lctid has forced upon us a lmci'c necrly bidder lor office in Canada, in- stead of a man educated to under~tantl our people, their crimes, and their characters The question is more important than ItPOIIlt‘ ' and if Sir Edmund llead really determines upon such a course, the sooner we know it the better. â€"â€"â€"Cu/omst. l Last night. (Oct. 30th) about ten o'clock, a ï¬re broke out in the hay loll oftlic stable-s' belonging to Mr. Thomas Mackry, rah“ ownei, near the corner of Queen and l’etci" street. The stables and three cottages adjoiningr Were completely destioyed. 'l lirt-e bones were in the stables at' the time the fire was discovcred, and the fire hadtlirn gained inu-:li headway. Two of the poor animals were with difï¬culty removed, and the lhiid Was buiiit. Much of the furniture in the cottages was consumed, the lite hav- ing actually 59 thl on â€111“ before some of the inmates. who hail retired to rest, werci aroused. The cottages belonging to Mr.‘ John Clair, blicksniitb, who is uninsured ‘ Mr. Mackoy. likewise, had no 1tl.‘l1'i||ltie. ' Mr. James Lu .dy, butcher, occupicd one of the cottages, and beside losing a large por- tion ol his. luaiiiturc, be had in the hnu~e a considerable quantity of int-at which he was uniblc to save. Another of tuc cottagcs was Occupied by a scalaring man naiiit-d Neeglee, who is at present from home; the third was untriiautcd. The origin of thc ‘fise is unknown. In conversation, however, with Mr. Clair on the subject, he complain. led strongly of tlic carclcss manner in which Ithlt pimple. employ ed in the stables had been in tile ll.il)tl ol carryingliglitsabout. llc lbays he had frequently been apprehensive for l 1 the safety of the property and is copscqupm__ ,Iy scarcely surprised at the live. But we 'oughl [o arld that. We heard several persons ,Ou the spot express their belief that it “as ,the wort; ofan incendia v.â€"Culonist. DAILIXG ROBBERY. About I o‘clock on the morning of Nov. . 1st, at IllOm da tug robbery was cft‘ccii-d on the house of Air. Ezekiel .laiiies. icsident ion lot No 3:3, in the. 5th concession of Us 1 bridge. Mr James, a man of more than 70 years of age, and his Will), a frail old lady. had i-etircu to bed about their usual hour, Iand were awaked about midnight by an unâ€" usual noise, wnich the old people supposrd to bc Occasioned by the taling ofa, laige rack. which had becti placed up stairs suspen- ded by cords, and upon Which a considerab'e quantity of apples were drying. Ji’efoe prised to find a man standing by his bed ~i.le. l‘lOlLllll‘; a knife of the dirk form in his hand, and demanding his life or money. The burg. lar effected his entrance by the outside door, which he biokc tercibly Willi aii axc or some heavy instrument. The Vllila-l must have used considerable violence in proturiiig an cutraucqav six or scven dcep ma ks aze OUS'JI‘Vetl on the door-and p0\l\. Mr. Jami-s believes the robber to have been about live. feet ten inc has nigh. heavy makmlarge black whiskers, his face blackened and havingr a hard, coarse voice. The wire was p.0ba- bly assumed to avoid drti’clitin. Mr. Janiesl beiugquite unable to re~ist a man apparently . so powerful, proceeded in thc daik-d'ie not, having been allowed time to light a candleâ€"-, to the chest where he kcpt his mom y, and i when lifting a small tin trunk containing tlic‘ money. it was snaicbcil out of his hands by j the robber, who i.:iine--Iiatrly iaii off with u.‘ The box contained abiut $150 in silz‘cr and jam-Colonel Catillir-bl, upon parade, the cry appears very strange that the two hired Illt'll who sleep in the samclioiise, were iiat awak- ened by the noise the burglar must have made in cffecting his entrance. The local magistrates are using all exer‘ ion in the mattcr, and it is hopcd that some :lue may soon be found that shall lcad to the -inviction of such a»iiotorions and daring obbei‘. It is pleasing to be able to state that this is the ï¬rst instance of a robbery that has Occurred in the neighborhood of llxbridge.â€" Globe. ' NEWS FOR THIS IRISH SICI’OYS. The following paragraph shows the value the Irish people. even iii far Coiiuaught. sizl upon the adiice given by the Scpoy organs here respecting the sacred duty of non-enlist- ment at this crisis of England} dilliculty. As to Ireland‘s opportunity, the spirited flos- commun Militia oulv ask pcrinivion to show how they cati best help the motlirr country to line over the shoals which now besvt her: “ At the mu~ter parade, on last \\'i.~ducsday the Roscoinmon regiment of militia, to a man, volunteered for India. On the appear- ance of their commanding oiiicer..laicutcii- of “ Volunteer, volunteer,†ran through the ranks. The gallant colonel thcii addressed l \Ve regret to learn that about two, o'clock A. 1‘1. 01) M’cdiiesday last a fire broke out in the large brick tanndry at. Jostpli Blake, George Wiles. and John Mc- Connell. were brought before ;‘1. 'l'ecfy, ‘W. F" m" i ' Dov-i .',‘~~,'-‘ ‘ ’i‘erttilbi'l‘ItA'ITSE‘ ‘COI‘KT. I" .Ou Tuesday evening Inst, John lIiiril, . . . l . Thornliill, the pioperty of David ,‘ ES}. J. 1).. on complaint of Joseph Ncw- McDougall, Esq , which resulted in " '0‘1" and lllcltttt‘d Love. charged with hav- the total destruction of the building iug bet-ii guilty of disorderly conduct in the and its contents. “it: are- iiiformt-d t some of the neighbors issuing from third alarm was immediately raised, and in the story of the building, the .a short time a large number of the villagers assembled, but in spite of ili. ll' continued exertions the flames obtained the mastery and it was with that were prevented from spreading to the great difficulty their ravages adjoining buildings. As the taiinci‘y had been locked tip for some months past, the fire is supposed to have been ‘Vc have not heard the extent of the loss. but, the work of an incendiary. are. informed that the building was partially insured. them, and said he was glad to hear that cry â€"â€"-it was music to his heartâ€"and he should lose no time iii communicating with the Secâ€" retary at \Var upon the subject. He was then informed by his officers, who all cami- forward, that tlioti4li the men of Rescuin- nion wcre ready to go to any of her .‘l ji-s~ ty’s colonies upon foreign st-rvicv. yet that lll"y wished it to be distinc’ly understood that they hail volunteered for India. Again rang through the ranks the cry of “ Volunâ€" leer, volunteer, voluntcer,†“ India, India.†those gallant fellow‘s heads, null for several minutes the cheering “"5 vocileroudy kept tip. ._WWM New Advertisements this Week. l‘roperty for saleâ€"â€"- \V. .\Iorrisou.Bttttonville' A Cardâ€"Charles Pollock, Toronto. llcifcr Straycd. Crcdit saleâ€"Thomas Smith. Richmond Hill. Noticeâ€"Cad] tip lâ€"(i. A. Burnind. Meeting of No. 2 Cavalry Troop. .‘Iouev lostâ€"Nicholas Miller. List of Lctlers for Now-tuber. bail. itihiaiis’ (Earth. ltICI'IUOND IIILL. NOV. ti, 18:37. II? We shall pay our respects to our Ncwmarket cotcmporui‘y in our next issue. - ..__.,.vâ€" 0:? The Toronto produce markct continues dcpi‘escd, and no iii:.tci‘i:il w c c k. â€"â€"_â€"-‘.4’â€"â€"‘ EE? We direct attention to the advertisement in another column au- nouiicing a meeting of No. 2 Troop of York voluiittci' Cavalry. at SiZc’s Hotel, Unionville, on the 14th inst. 11:? The trial of Mr. Ctiiiimiiis charged with the embezzlement of 131.439. the property ofthc Bank of oti kl edncsday last, when a veidict ofguiltv was returned, with a strong recommendation to mercy. > 94,â€"; that formerly incr- to learn 3:? We regret Mcl’hersou & Seat-l, chants of this village. are among the suflcrers by the late couflagration in the town of Whitby, an account of which will be found in our columns of t9-d:t_v. .M‘c [1? Our realcrs that the extensive credit sale 0 form stack and agricultural iiiiplcmci‘its, the 'pi'operty of ("opium McLeod, (Dry- uocli,) will take place near the farm ,otlices, on Tuesday next at It o'clock I 'A. will remember M. H.»__ _ ll]? The steamship Indian arrived at Quebec on the 3rd inst.. With four idays" later news from Europe. His ] Excellency the Govenor General,Lady jHead and Suite arrived by the Indian land were expected in Toronto yester- id ty. The Batik of England had been eight per cent.. iti consequence of the continued drain of Specie. Allairs in India continue to exr:ite public atten- tion, and it was anticipated that Delhi would fall before Christmas. pâ€"o-a MONTHLY FAIR. 0:? The November Fair of this village, was held on ‘Vcducsday last. well attended. A large number of fat cattle and sheep and as usual was Wore brought for disposal, some of which were immediately purchased by Butchers and other individuals James McKuue, Etobicoke, £1 105; 3rd, who are in the habit of regularly at- l Sheppard, York,£l; 4th. Matthew Sand-i tending this monthly gathering. livery sliako and cap was lifted high abovey _ rlor the matc.i. Upper Canada, took place in Toronto . .\Ir. Jami-s could get out Oflirtl. he was sur- ‘ obliged to raise its rate of interest to] ETOBICUKE I’LOUGIIING MATCH. The annual match of the Etobiroke agricultural society. came off on \Vcd- ncsday, the am October, on the farm ofSainuel Wood Esq, near Miinico Village, Dundas Street. The large ntimbcr of forty men and boys entered Tue first prize was a splendid sell of Farm Harness, of the value of 80 dollars. presented to the Society by John 3:â€, Esq, Barrister Toronto, the second prize was a ï¬rst class plough value 60 «lollais, presented 1 to the Society by Thomas IIaWorth. , Esq. hardware merchant, 'l'oi'oiito, to iwliich the Society added several lib-l oral cash prizes, as will be seen in the annexird j , prize list. Coiiipelilors’ ,assembled from all quarters, no less 1than live Counties were represented . lItlltlllIltltltl,Poul, 'Yoi'k, Ontario, and Durham. The day was the and the field, containing fin the contest, viz , l l u a i tabout b'itti‘tecu acres, was in fine or- I Al 11 O’cl :cl; ‘preciscly, the forty span of Horses jdcr for the purpose. (all very ï¬ne animals and handsomely ‘ jttitlttlflstflled for the occasion.) stni‘tcd‘ Methodist Episcepal Clut.ch,‘2nd conces- i ~ . -. . that the flames were first observed by SM" of MR'kham’ on b""‘lily “""mng “My (and at various other ï¬rms) then-by caus- ing much annoyance to the congregation. during divine service. "Va give a sketch of the evidence to show the numerous petty au- uoyancrs to which the congregation allutli'd to have been subjccted. and which we. re-- gret to say, are of too frequent occurrence in several other places of worship in this neighborhood. Richard Love, swornâ€"On Sunday, the 18th of October, I saw the prisoner, John a bench, on the side of'tl’ie Chapel exclusively appropriated to females; Hurd, sitting on [went over and requested him to remove, which he refused to do. Joseph Newlove, swornâ€"prisons? was conversing aloud with a young woman on the ocra~ion referred to, so that the atten- tion of a portion of the congregation was di- rected towards, him, and when orderi-d .by the previous witness to leave the seat, he re- fused ; llt'al'd him tell .‘Ir. Love to “ iniutl his own business, that he. would go when he thought proper," or words to that effect; he afletwal‘da'twent out of tlie~Ch.ip(-l,-but soon returned to the same seat, and commenced talking as before. i John Stark, sworn-Saw prisoner seated on the ieinziles’ side of the Chapel; I Went out, followed by the prisoner, who told me that he “ had given Love a jawiug†and that he would “ go back to the :Stlnh:Sl'ui,7,1,\’l11icl| a- . ( le did,aiid resumed his conversation. ' John llurd was also charged Iiyit’li'e same parties, with similar di~grace1ul coiidtlct, in lllt' saint.- place on 'l'tiesday rvciiijig._tlie 18d) Oct. VVitnesscswi-re produced, who its“; ficd, that the pristine:- on t in night iniqucsa t on filled the stove with wood, thereby cans- in; the ti'hapel to he iiiniiOde a cly warm, evidcï¬ily with llittdttsigjfdo an|t(kx,;‘llnS8"ah-l lltird Se iiblcd for religirius purposes. was ï¬ned $5) and costs on each of the above c’iarges. Joscph Blake de th-,n arraigned. charged ordt-ily conduct. Stephen Jefferson, swornâ€",W'hilettbe con-j of the ‘ jsiniultalieously at the sound I gun. tlicy prescntcd {me of the ï¬nest. jsights imaginable. The inuuiber'of, ;visitors in attctidcuce 'was beyond all" iexpectation, and was estimated by competent j' dgc's to be between three "llâ€â€œl-I‘I '“ l’I “*5 '5 “b3“ ‘ ‘lbl' 3““‘5 Ll" and four tl ousaud, amongst them were 3 saw prisoner strike the bciivhrs several illon. Phillip Vanlioughuct, Minister jof Agriculture, John Bcll, Esq, \V. ll. lJarvis, Esq. Thomas Haworth, Esq, iJohu Harrington, Esq., W. B. ()rcw. lI:}sq., and a llunllJCI‘IOfOIllCI‘ inlluen iul gentlemen from all parts of the coun- At 3 o’clock precisely the gun Ill‘y. iwas again fired. that being the time» jallowed. Three who “had not then finished, were ruled out. competitors ‘As to the Work, the Judges declared :tbcy had never seen better in England tor any other country, and it was with 1great difficulty that they could decide . upon the awarding of the prizes. lin- ginediatcly after the Judges had per- formed their arduous duties, a large party of friends of Agriculture. num- bering upwards of 100. sat down to a splendid dinner, provided by Mr. Thomas Smith, of the Golden Lion jinn, Mimico. colloid and were done ample justice to by the party present. The chair was occupied by E. C. Fisher, Esq.. President. the vice chair by W. R. Scott, Esq, after the usual loyal and other toasts were drunk and rcspond- ed to, the president returned thanks to the judges of the day for their able The viauds were ex- and impartial conduct," and closed by proposing their healths, which was drunk in a bunper, alter which the party separated. highly delighted with the day's proceedings. JUDGES.â€" ~John McLelland, Etobicoke Robeit \Vood, Etobicoke ; John Gill, To- ronto tormship; George Gowland,"au«glian ; IJaincs McCowan, Sca-boro’. ME- ’S CLASS. 34 ENTRIES. lst, Thomas Davidson, York township, Srtt Harness, £20; 2nd, Duncan McLean. Vaughan, Plough, £l5 - .Srd, Dougald Mc Lean, York, Cash £5; 4th. James Bayes, Toronto Gore, Cash, £4; 5th, James Pat- gton, Scnrhoro,’ Cash, £3 ; 6|h,James Mc- Lean, Vaughan. Cash, £2; 7th, “'illiam Hood, Markham, Cash, £1. BOYS’ CLASS. l l l 6 ENTt‘ttES. lst, John Colcman, York, Cash.£‘2; 2nd, 'erson, Toronto township, 105. l l gregation were engaged in prayer last Dab-l. bath. l~aw the prisoiicr crawl tridcriicaili the. benches; it appeaicd to me that his olijt-ctf W as to dis'ui'b lllt' int-cling; ~~irbsi~qttciitlyne prisom-r informed me that her also :loud on? . llln llt‘tld. John Stark, swoiuiâ€"~La,sit Stu-idol); night lllh . i\\itll it stick. l Ilugh Mcliiiinon, swornâ€"“Tao. sitting. I near prisoner and saw him stand on his head. Fined $3 and costs. _ , George Wiles, a boy iofaboiit2 Ifl‘or 14- i l years of age was then brought up, but as it I . was shown ll at. be had been less guilty than " his coinxades, the magislm e ï¬ned him 5: and . . . V ‘ . .‘ '. , " , l l lensts. l . . John McConnell was likeWise charged with having behaved in a grossly outrageous He manner on the occasion referred to. was also lined $3 and-costs. i In the course of the examination, the com- 'plainaiits Slaleil that their meetings having been repeatedly di$turbcd by the above cam-ii. ed and other parties in the neighbourhood, thekwere at length compelled much against their ir-clinalion, to bring the faregoiiig charges. in order to protect the congre- gation from further aiincyaticg.‘ COMMUN I C A 'l‘ l 0 N S. We wish to be distinctly understood that we will not hold ourselves responsible tor the opinions of our Correspondents. Also. all Communications addressed to this oï¬ice for Publication. must bo'. accompanied hythe real name oftlie writer. al- though it need not iii every case be inserted. To the Editor of the Gazette. SIR, â€"We are living in an age of'dissimnlslion.“ and truth goes for naught. Nevertheless. you are. ~ or ought to be. one of the mast straight-lanyard. honest and built speaking personages-uu thesHilk Suppose then. I ask you for informationâ€"iiifohnan'__ tion such as you can. if you feel disposed divulgo.‘ What has become of the limits Instruments of the Richmond Hill Brass Band of by-gono tunnel; Are they sold as old br-vken up brass. or stolen. or lent out on hire. or pledged. or locked up in the his! of some dishonorable professor? I heard of the lively seranible for them some year- ago. when ’ew of the subscribers ever d'reamtthut they veto to be cliiselled straight out. of them. Report said I‘ » new band was to be enrolled. Surely the discor- dant noise that was heaid a short time ago, which : I imagined was the outpourings of an Indian out- bwak. or a rufï¬ans’ chariv ri. could not be the new band's modest performance of “ All’s Well._" , A .xwus'y waiting to hear you blow a note-full of music in reply. Mr. Editor. your servant, most humble. .. i A Evnscniam or Douins 10‘ mi: Ricnuoav HiLi. Bans Burr ‘ Yongs Street, Oct. 27. lc57. ‘ ‘ [Noneâ€"We know nothing of the Instruments. but. are sorry they me not used. but misuppliod If any of our subscribers know anything of their whcieabcuts, information however rculli)’ on tho subject to tho “ Gazette†ofï¬ce, wil'utleasi oblige "A Subscriber" and many others.â€"ED. Cantu: ] «boo To the Editor of the Gazette. Simâ€"Having been informed that some Schoo1 Teachi-rs have taken iiinbrtige. because van, in your valuable Journal did on the QIst of August last. publish the names of the School Teachers who attended the public examination at Richmond Hill. l. on the contrary. return you thanks for so doing I cannot conceive why our one should bc (ti-satisfied with vou on that account. 1 W" others sat down for a. first class certiï¬cate. but. only- reeeived a second. Now. where is the disgrace l in my so doing .7 [cannot so». If. Sir, it prove! . ' -‘ .' Z5. *' . . b the same complainants wrtl- similar dis- ' ?' .