MARRIED. I By the Rev. B. F. Bradford. October 20.h, W. C. Adams. D. D. 5., of Toronto, C W†to Miss Matilda, youngest daughlcr d’lhe late thn Osman, Esq., of Seneca Fulls,’ N. Y. 0n Szimrday; the 315k ult., in the Town- shSp of King, Mr. \Villiam Urydon, Sum, aged 65. an old resident, agood neighbour, audv much respected. He was a mauve of North Britain. 80] CHAS. POLLOCK, [80 "The lm'uehm Duilj) .Mws states that a very genurul notion preva Is in Garmany. that in a new reign (the present Kingof Prussia being now‘inynn nannng illness.) the direct order of uu ~ca<siun lo the Clown will be imerrupmd by a v nlumnry abdicnxian o: the Prince of Pmmia. who i‘ ulrhldur so’dier. 'iu fuvour of tho 3oung PTIHCO l‘red-rick Wil imn. who is about lo many the Princess. Royal? of} Eng sud. A -lwnrd. Eliza Miss THE S'ruumwwm; FALL SHOW.â€" '1 his show, ho.d.on llu- 91h uln. was the host which has taken place in the Tuwuslnp. In every class ll|u Fnir was a «necessl‘u one. and 10 (he supermr Ill gmnunl of ahu President, James Buggy, lisq.. 1,11 H in A real de;'ae nt.ribula‘.le.â€"Smce Mr. Hugg’s inanguruliun us Preulenl. the Society has p'nspe ed in n mo l Ilnprucod mled manner. and w l'. we have ucr dJubl. cqnlinue to do an as long as hi: canuexion {villi it ekists. MPOR'I‘ER or Brilis‘h,French German and Amelican, Fanry and Staple Dry Goods. No. 80. City Buildings. King Street Hash op osile SI. Jumes' Cathedral. Toronto. C. W. 1 av. 5. lb57. "99.†Bernard. ll. Blown. \V-Ihum Brm‘son. W. Clluppell. John L. Cunle)‘. N Doughty. Urmh Ever. Lydika Fiduburn. J. Rev. LETTERS IN R ivhmnnd Hill bs. Thnmas ‘ GI mu. Jame» G glue, A. w. [‘2} “ Hughes. Robert: . * Head. Wil‘iam " Hail. Henry Hun}. Silu V Jucklin. Robinson; Kale); “'i'llam Kobwell. John BIRTH. On the 29th ull., the lady of Mr. Pearson “'eHs, Towuship of King, of a daugh'cr. L -\\‘TBI)CO. QM, Rey L.|ulsn.\:,~MiS«‘[Q}}’ Lungstnfl‘: John ' Leoce. Henry Munro. Safuum‘l [3an Jnmrs llmlgmu, - - 3.000 2,4“ W. S.Rohinson, - - 2000 no insur R. E. Perry, I -' - - 1.200 covervd George Yule, ‘ - - - 500 no illslll‘ R. H. Lau'der, - - ‘2 000 Fully insur J. Arnell, - - - - 1,200 l.0u( \V. Imus. - - - - 1,000 eon-red Lowuza' & Puwel!, in~urrd to full amount. MA as. W lvliznn Murray. juhn Malihews. John Mdnlyre. Ne-il M :Kiunml. John M:Ulenr_\’. John N‘éw'bary. Will‘nm P .ilï¬ps. 1’.eler_ B-hinson. E. R. Mis- Sanderson. l" I y. Suozl. Gro'go S nilh. 'l'h‘oluus .olcml. Mics Wrtkir, Joly u Donï¬ldsml & (‘0 - I_\lc:"herson Ex; Searle, The following, so far as we can learn, are .the details of the losses and insuranL-c :â€" The nlï¬ce ol' the Montreal 'l‘elvglagll Company is (ll-stroyed. Mosf of [111- ll|>ll‘u- Incnls, how-ver. are saved. The books and papers of all the l -sera were saved with [he rxm-pliou oflhose at \V. H. Billings, Esq. Loss. In~ur. pany and cilizmu that thn- ï¬re was prevented from extendiq; to the adjoining block: on the north, east and west. One ofthe largest ï¬res that has as }.-t m- C‘urred in “‘lmby, brukc out Ihi- morning about two o'clock, in the rear of lhe stun occupied by Messrs. Mcl’hvrmn & Scull“ nay-thing. it in duhâ€"that we have studied murr or [an of thn br unches laid down in the prugraunn» for ï¬rst-class Teachers. I am persuually acâ€" niu ed with Teacherl who N“ for fmsl class rerliï¬cale- at Richmond Hill on former occa<iunq 'who have this your succeeded All gelling ï¬r.~l class certiï¬cawu; notwithsmndmg the standard of ex- Imiuauun being raised. and I «In delenmined lu hive 0H0 ll [be non examination. Youn truly. One who ( ilvd in oblanung n I": 31 Chum C(‘rliï¬cur, and dunks il no dlhgl‘aLB. Rirhlnond Hi". Nov. 4, 18.37 GREAT (‘UNFLH THE TOWN OI." [Fx LOSS ABOUT 4‘! 000 DOLL \RS! 'rom Exim of Oulurio Times Saturday] SUPPOSED L‘ZCENDXARISM lllllgE'H!’ - ,ohinson, - wiry, -' - l’ule, ‘ - - au'drr, - 1;! NOVEMBER, 18.37. DJ (CD. [5] mm; 55%;: Murphy, Honora 1V Mulduon. S McKinuou. Peler jMcKenzie. Barbara Moore. $l2.000 $4,001) 10.000 4,000 - 3.000 2,400 - 2,000 no insur. - 1.200 - covered. - 500 no insur. 2 000 Fully insur ~uu§uuuh Jun] Lamb. Richunl Kerswell. Charles Kehall. 'Abrdmm Love‘ Richard Pangelafl', James Jimmorson. James WaJi Win Rommwï¬nl '. [1 swim. Hugh bhuw. Ju-ucs M. TEEFY, Newton. James Pause. Mr. HIATION IN ‘ W'lll'l‘BY. Hhrt. John Harris. J. .Hewin. Robert Carin-n. Juh n Gilmour James Atkinson. G. C‘ Conner. Mm. Conley. l'atrick DeuGicr. B. Fain. Michael Bell, “'iilium Bum, Thomas I ’05! mastrr . Wnumn [a Rirlmrd a Mis Illhlll‘. insul‘ 1.0uO Mrs 0n «Hominy, .N'ov 16, 1857, . LL Accounts due 1st Octobel. not paid by k l4lh November. will he put in Suit. 1 aha" slrictIy adhere to my row system of Short. Credit and Prompt Payment. containing Ninetylhreo Dollars in Bills. viz:â€" aighl $10 bills of the Bank of Upper Canada; one do.. Bank British Nouh Amelica; also, a $2.). and n $1 ofnnolhar Bunk. On Lot No. 48. Vaughan side Yonge Street. tho following FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS. \Vilhout Reserve, us the Proprietor is going to leave [his part of the Country. “Lâ€. 2 yours (I d. Lumber Wagguus, Buggy. Pair Bah-Sleighs. Markol'Swigh. new. Salts of Hameas. l‘lunghs. Ribbing l'loughs, Fnuuin Mill, Straw Cutter. Seu of “arrows. Store Hogs, Grind Stone. “’heelbnrrow. Cooki 'g Sloros. Tons of Hay. ‘ V And a qumuiu' of other articlew. together with the Straw ofl' Forty Acms of Lund. principalny ()m Straw. wi I be sold in Slacks of about Two Tnns onch. Also, a Nu:ser_\' of Young Fruit Trees, Var.ouS kinds. .â€" mw-m~â€"â€"wkuâ€"w~wâ€" b'ing coml‘owd of part of La! No. 48. 1st Cm:u Vaughan. 'l‘nore are un ‘lhe paemisrs 3 Burn 36 foal by 40. Iogelhsr with a comfortable Frame Dwelng House‘ \-‘ilh two “'ells of “ï¬ler.â€" Also. one Young Orchmd, composed of about Sueuty Trees. all bearing. CST by HM} Subscriber. between 7 and 8 o'clock on Saturday Evening laet, between Me. (‘mvpenvaile‘s and Mr. McDougali’s 510185,“: the Village of Thornhill, TERMS :â€"For m» pnhnual mum of $10 and under. Caah: m Twe'v» hlonlhs’ Credit, by furni.~ Joint. Notes. Richmond Hill. Nov. 5. 1857, Whoever will return the Pass-book and its con- tents lo the Undersigned. at Benson’s Hotel. '] hornhill; ur In Mr. Shepherd. at Mr. L‘urrant’s Store. Richmond Hill. will receive the above Reward. PERSOJVflL PROPERTY. This property is only a anrfer of n Mile dis lam. l‘rnm llw (“mm-e of Richmond H1“. and wdl he- [rm-kind)“ sold on lhé day of Sale, .vo that 11' persons wishing to secure a c‘ mfn'lahle hoan ought to uvail themselves of (his uppurauuilv. 5 Acres of Splendid Land; CASH UP. .._..- u... vu luuuU nu the day of hale: Wâ€" E Sale to commence at TEN. A.M. JOHN HARRINGTON proce‘eds to be applied in aid of Widows and 01‘ phans of So‘zdiers who have dmd in Canada. ' HE Ofï¬cers and Non»(‘ommissionnd Oï¬icem 0? N0. 1’ Troop. York Volunteer Cavalry, will mot-tn! Mr. SIZE’S TAVERN. Uniunville. on SATUR DAY. {he Hlll inle in! 4. P.M.. In take into connsiderntion the proposvd Militia Feqhal. to he held in Toronto on the ‘2'6lh of lhiï¬ month. the H ei :'u r. U. W! vi~e of gruuml h-nn There I wnh a Gri. Hm ol'dlï¬uroxll km ran-hm 1’«)<~:-~‘siuu WI“. needed. 1h? 14 gelh plu n (loll kind neigqu with lH‘Vt‘l’ IMPORTANT CREDIT SALE! VALUABLE PROPERTY I BUTTON VILL PM Nov. 5. [857 Richmond Hill. 3 No_v. 5, 1857. , ‘AME into the [nonvi as of the Suhccriber. j about the lstur Jul} luxl. n Twuq‘enr old eit'uri Thu owner Is veques‘ted to prove proper. ‘, pay chm-gm; and lake her away - WHJJAM SANDERSON, COUNTY OF YORK. NICHOLAS MILLER Thornhill. Nov. 2. 1857. g2‘2 Nov Bullourille. Oct. ‘28. 18.57 TE RMS :â€"For $10 REVVARI)! HE Undersrgued has behn instructed by Mr. THos Emu-mm sell by PUBLIC AUCTION. "')V\'.41"TING~f Three / unlhnlnle Buitdiuus, wilh :râ€" 01' Land :«Iluchod to em I’m-gt- suitable for a small 1 n Nu-w Name. Min «lad Io: nd or l)uc|'ll' [here iq BUl There will also be sold on the same day. 'I‘lll“ oul-lmi ding: : slit-d wun or with smn IS THIS Township of MJRKHUI, (if? FOR SALE. 4:] Span Horses. matched. 8 363m old. Brown Mme. aged Roan Home. 4 yï¬al‘s old, Grey Maren aged. Miirh Cou“. in calf. Yearling Heifers. Huh [3. 2 years old. Sma s, lumched. '2 yams old. Floux'ishin :3; Village mu hood) II [he at c: 2. 18.37 't-rmn Active Force 1 NOTICE. Lm 310.14.}! H I" NORMAN THOS MclJ-LOD, Capt. Commanding. 357. 222-in A Pass..Bnok, of the Land will be made knowï¬ on apply to the Proprinlnr on the ' Lem-r. pa l-pmd In liullum'tlle. be -_-|\'en on lhu Isl .f Aplil. or If or January. ‘ 'I‘Ille indispumhle. ng] WILLIAM MORRISON. Straycd. IN TB 3rd Concession Mm kha m AND 0F G. A. BARNARD, Village Low. “’III In {uurlh parl of nu h. One is n smul unily. The serond a Mechnnic of any no Doctor in lhu property. nll :r that mnonn‘ ing approvc. Auctionrcr. fizï¬ff‘i} JOHN CU ULTE R, _ EMMER 91mm TAILOR, (:22. If RICHMOND HILL. “'ILL not hold myself responsible for any accident that may occur from the ramming qf Sand from the Side Line, be- tweé-n I-ols ‘20 and 21, near the 12nd Con- cession, in the Township of Vaughan. GREEABLY to a Resolution pass- ed at a Public Meetingr of the Inâ€" habitants of Richmond Hill, held at the Court House, on the ‘ZSIhOctober. 1857, application will be made to the Governor General ol‘Canuda in accord- ance with the ".flct to .anend the .Municipul ans of Upper Canada re- lating to the Incorporation of Villages," to incorporate the Village of Rich- mond Hill. in the County onork. un- der the name of the Village of Rich- mond Hill, bounded as follows :â€"l'rom Lut number Forty-three to Filly-two, (both inclushe) on eat-h side ononge Street, and extending to the second concession of the Townships of Mark- ham and Vaughan. Richmond Hill. Oct. 3â€, 1857 Ladies’ Clonks & Mnntlos, Lndies‘ Dress Goods, Ludics’ Wool Jackets, Ludies’ Silk & Wool Scarfs, Hosiery. Gloves, 6; Ribbons, Blankets & Flannuls. Children’s Wool Goods of every dcsrription. A gold Assortment of Ladies’ Furs to arrive. C.D. respcciilully Solicits an Inspection of his Stock which will be found to be large and well aswrlcd. NOTICE. INCORPORATION _0F_ Licensed Auctioneers! FOR THE 'I‘O“ NSIIII‘S 0F Harklmm Ga Vi’hitchm'ch W INT E R DRY GOODS Inuktmd Livery Stables, _ f ' ' ' You“; STREET. JOSEPH GARY begs to inform the public that he has commenced to run ‘a Stage "am the above Hotel to the O. S. & Il.»l{ R. Slauun. (Richmond Hill) 1“ ice 3 day; and “ill coma) passengers to any part cf xhe country, night or day. in mu minutes notice. Brown and Grey Peta-Shams, Fancy Vestings, &c, &c, The whole of which have been carefully selected by himself. And from his long an'l Practical exlwlience he is enabled to assure the public of lhe quality of each article. The latest szhihns will always be found at his establishment, and he relies on his capacily as a Practical 'l'nilnr, to Secure the patrona;e of all who want good wnrk in preference to [hose who deceive the public with ready-made Slap “70/15, of the lowest kind, and want as of their own manufacture. Termaâ€"(JA.\U. Richmond Hill, Z JOHN COULTER. Oct. 30. 1857. \ 0-91-†RESIDENCES :â€"Henr_\‘ Smelser; Laskay, King Thus. Bowman. Almira. Markham. October 15V 1857. 7 919-1 LARGE SUPPLY of ï¬flgistrams’ Bhuks. aenordlng to the lakes! forms. for sale at his Ofï¬ce. by the duzon or hundred. GROCIIRIES, ASIC The above ComL “i†[w sold at Richmond l'liil, Oct. 30, 1857. AUTEJRENCXL W'EN'E‘ER G-Gï¬DS “YO “ACRES OF LAND AND FRAME 7 HOUSE. snuaxed on Centre SlreeL For parliculars apply to EGS to announce Trade, C(nmifling‘ “ Guano" Ofï¬ce. Aug ‘27. 1657 Richmond Hill, Oct. 15. 1857 October 26, 1857. October 28111. 1857. Richmond Hill, Oct. 30. 1857. SMELSER 8L BOWMAN, BLANK FORMS. RICHMOND HILL, â€".\LSUâ€" Five Hundred Pni.s Ladies", Mixses’mml (,‘Inldrens’. Hoots, Shoeé &. Rubbers, Fancy Scotch Twccds, Doe Skins, Real Fur Beaver, for Overcoats! All Shades of Colours. IS NOW' OPENING A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMEN’. THE WHITE SWAN FALCONBRIDGE DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS! 1’. PATTERSON, Oversper of Division No. 1 CHARLES DURRANT’S FOR SALE, NOTICE. READY MADE CLOTHING R 10 H MON 1) HILL ! that he has on hand a =(good assortment of 0! G. DOLMAGH, JHARLES DURRANT, §VENTER GGï¬DS, JOSEPH GABY M. TEEFY. Proprietor AN IMMENSE S'I‘O('K â€"NE\V ARRIVAL OFâ€" Proprielor IMP 0]: TE!) DIRE CT FR 01!! ENGLAND. . A FIRST RATE ASSOR'I'MENTI the lon’cst possible rules. For particu IS RECEIVING HIS 3.12. gQI-lm ng-l -â€"-ALSOâ€" :l-lf rI‘IIIS FARM cnnlahs almnl Fil'u Acres, will a Home. “Hulkâ€. and ~mm†Cleararlce. am’ is we†:imlmred. Thu \Valvr Mir]. including Three good chl'mg Houww. wilh Gardens. am' about Fn‘lren Acre: of Land. If :aquimd by lhs purcha‘or. The p~emises ma .1! pm sem used 4:.- Ian Agricultural Impisin‘em and File Factory. W All the above “unrerly wnll he said on cu} lermsl‘or Cash or Year-ly‘l’aymem , and i- Worthy the am miun ofthe Mechanic and Farmer. ’-‘ For particulars apply 10 ] Nu haud-umdn Shingles can equal those made by Swan). forueulneés and durability. Specimens [of his Shingles mm’ be seen a! the " Gazelle" lOfï¬ce. Richmond Hill, and at Mr. Rufus Skin- Septmnbï¬r 10. 1857 x ) can a Thou Shingle hi 1. 1’ [l I Z E for Harness at 1713 Yungo Sheet Ag- ricultural Show. Two Ye'w in :ucces>iun, he feels conï¬dent that he can give cmixe gala-faction in all branches of his business. â€"v â€"*;* A 'hrge stock of Harness, &c, alwn)s on hand. and made to order at. the lowest possible remuneralingrprices. PRIVATE SALEIE I ESPECTFULI.Y announces to the Public generally. that he hnv ng [alien lhef‘l R ST SADDLE é‘ HA RNESS ESTABLISHMENT. One Door South of the GAZETTE Oï¬ce {)1}: All Work VVurranted. RICHMOND HILL LJA‘D .QND WATER JIILL ! Near Richmond HilL To Builders. Farmers and Others, ‘! I :lJIBULflS. or A SUPERIOR QU.\LI 1 x Richmond-Hill, Oct 15. 1857 William H. Myers, ’rem imn Ifal‘ncss 111ml ufaclm‘m‘, Richmond Hill. Sept 4. [857‘ CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND WAGGUNS, PAINTED AND TRIMMED. J. MORRISON, House, Sign and Ornamental {@PREMIUM Grainer, Gilder, Glazier, and Paper Hunger. RICHMOND HILL. RICHMQPND HILL, now be had in any quanhly. lrom One to mild Bunclws. at Mr. Join Luca-“wk Mauul‘autory. Yonge bireex. near 'I horn- CHARLES DURR SHINGLES. JOHN COULTER. g2 1 4f For ])(17‘ticz(ia7's src Bills Dir“ DL'NCL' MB. materials for the VVintor Richmond Hill. 3 l 44f“ {ANT . gQI-tf 3212"] gl3-3m ng-ly Made to order, in every styh‘, from almost every matelial. at the PRICES, - at And for CHEAPNESS THEY CAN NOT BE szpAssm). Having devoted n_ particula: attention to this class of trade, he wouid earnestly solicit an inspcction, being conï¬dent of giving entire satistaction. C L O T H I N G Dry Goods, Ready-made Winter Clothing, North of Toronto, in every variety of style and fabric. Having purchased Hm meme: ial, and had them made expressly for his own trade, he can thoroughly recommend them as D U R A B L E, G. A BARNARD. Richmond Hill. will conduct business solely. on CASH 0R SHORT CREDIT. Six months will be given on all new Accounts. pa) able promptly on 1:! October ï¬r. Isl April in each )ear. “ CHEAP SYSTEM ! With an unusi ul assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. in every fabric. make. shape. style and variet}. which he,oï¬'ers on lhe above terms. and much less lhzm ever sold before, In con- ï¬ning his business [0 shouer time. he is assured of the necessity of a general adaptaiion lo the new principle. which must supersede the Long (‘rcdil and Long Prryi: b'yslzm. in general use in this Country; and convinced that a discerning public will avail themselves of ihe Nizw SvsrLM. whereby they can effect asaving from 15 to 20 per cunt on lhe average on Goods they usually require. I US'I‘ RECEIVED. a vnuiety of the Newest Patterns in Black and Grey Clolh Thibet, Vecuna and Plush. Also, an Excellv-nt Assortment of Mens’ Scotch Lambs “'ool, “lorsted and Flannel Drawers. Scotch Lambs \\'on|, scarlet, blue, wlï¬le and fancy Flannel Shirts. Woolen \ocks antl glows, of all SIZPS aml qualitil-s. Scarlet and fancy mufflers. A nice assort- ment of coloured lambs wrml and wooltn yarns, &c.,which will be sold ata slight . . “an n . r." . advance on cost, FOR CASH! a G. A. B. earnestly and respectfully sulicils acall. and on exmninalion, his prices will be CONCEED ED ’ro AS LOWER. than any in the Neighborhood.--His mono shall be :â€" Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abatement! On the mosr rmsnnable term“. an’tl on the shortest notice. $011 the public payronagu, he would rLu); lo subsrribc hilnzul!) Your obedivnt ‘ervant 5110;“ W. R. A" “’mjKing's “'hnlesnlo Fiou‘e. Snow 1 ' seven veins Cour-er Féuntain and 'l'eé K‘eula maker. (0 M: 135 thanks fér pnsx Yavor's. lo the inhuhitauls of Richmond Hill 11 Menu [ht-m he lms comlaully on hand. aluwsl every nnicle 'or Cash as cheap as pqssihle. ' Also. 2:†kinds of Japan Wale, Copper Fountainy. Ten Kets‘o‘ UT Old Copper, Brass, Pewter and Lead. lniught or taken in THE Subscriber, in returning his sincere thanks if) the inhabitants of Markham and vicinily, for the liberal patronage bestowed on him during lhr‘ last 'l‘wenlyâ€"Iln-«e )‘t‘als he has been in husmess at VICTORIA SQUARE, would beg leave to stale that he is aboul declining the Blacksmith business and moving to the West, and that he has Ict his ‘° . MR. JOHN MCKENZIE, Who will from the ï¬rst of November next, carry on (he Lu~iness on the same approved system as heretofore. THE Subscriber would beg leave to intimate to the inhabitants of Markham ant vicinity, that he has leased-[he premises at present Occupied by Mr. W'M. Li lllXUSTuD Vicmria Square; and that Ihe businpss hitherto carried 01- by Mn. llINGS'rL-N will 'l‘rou the lat of November, bu carried on by the Undersigned, who w.ll at all lim'w vml: may I merit a ~continuance OI lln- Iratlonage so liberally extended [0 hi.» preducevor. The Subscriber will at all times be prepared to execute all kinds Ol- 'l‘he Subscriber has much‘pleasure in reccmmending Mr. NIACKENZIE to [he formed patrons of this Establishment and lhe public generally,as a )Oung man ol‘ steady, punctual. business habits; he feels [he more conlidrnt in doing so. liming had lnm in lll> enxplnynenl during the lasl twelve months, during uhich lime he was perfectly >all>llvll ullh his warkmanship. Trusting he may meet with [Le same countenance and suppou, faint-Hy bestowed on this establishment, he would be; to subscribe himself, Short Life to the Old Systemâ€"Long Credit, Long Life to the New Systemâ€"SHORT CREDIT, Success t0 the Best Systemâ€"THRIVE CASH Parlourand Codking Stoves on hand Rit-hmond um. August, 19. 4357.- ' V A. BARNARD has now on Richmond Hill, Oct. 15,‘ 18.37. Richmond Hill, June 30, 1857‘ \"ICTURIA SQUARE, Oct. 12, 1857. VICTORIA SQL’ARE, Oct. 12, “357. 13491153 MANTLES? l'_' GEE “"ILLLL‘I HODGE, Scum,‘ COPPER, BRJISS, TIA‘, flA'D IROVV‘ PLJ'IE WORKER, AND FURNlSHlNG IRONMONGER. Crockery, EMTHINE Til SUIT THE HARD TIMES! NEW FALL GOODS! RETIRING FROM BUSINESS (is, Groceries, Ladics’ 5L Childrcns’ B0015 5L Shoes, N E R AL B LACKSMIT H \V’OR Ii, G. A BARNARD is now receiving a large and we†selected stock of BLACKSMITHING. Drugs &, Medicines, (if? Markham Economist plt’nse copy Ii†forbid BIEN AND BOYS’ VI CTOR] A SQUA R E. Markham Economist please copy till forbid hand the largest, beat, and (Ineapest assomnent of at â€"ON TH E~â€" G. A. BARNARD'S, Richmond Hill. G. A. BARNARD’S; Richmond Hill. aints, Your oblicetl sc-rvant. D Wm G [IINGSTON Ken‘o’l and Brass Pans made [to order. ken in oxchanga for Go-xds, JOHN MCKENZIE l‘ H. London. England: and null}- Vlnqnexlon & Co.I Hamilton. Returm nm surrounding coumrypnm‘l bégs lb ‘9 1n the above hue. winch he will sell \Vincs 6L Liquors, Hard ware, Solicitin MOST ECONOMICAI a continuance oi Oils, gll-Jm g19-tf gIQ-I g4-tf Tm: COMPANY Insurosr all descriptions of Buildings, Mannfnctorios. Mills. 514: . and Good. and Furniture, m the Hume. against luua or I‘ll“- nge by ï¬le, on liberal terms. Losses promple Afllled. ‘ R'uidenra. Richnn md Hill. Augmt l3 A choice selection of Goutlomens'. Ladiu' ll!" Cbildrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly ooh-lid. and made to order on the Shouts! Notice. Richmond Hill. June 12th. 1857. puny. V HE Subscriber begs to inform the In- habitants of the above-named Village and surrounding Country. and the Public gou- orally. that he has leased the above Hotel. formerly kept by 'I‘Hotns Mu. which he In: ï¬tted up and furnished for the accommodation of his Customers. and he trusts by constant million to their wants to secure a liberal patronage.‘ BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. C. Gnmon. Proe. } Tum. HAWORTE. V. Pr". Wm. Henderson, Rice Lewis. James Lannk, Gcorge Mickie. Hugh M "or, J. P. Robmm, Walter Macfarlane, Kohl. Stanton. See. L 4’. DJOINING the “’esleynn Methodist Ch.- pel. Yongo Street. Richmond Hill. BRITISH & AMERICAN JEWELLEEY STORE. SMALL PROFITS 8a QUICK RETURNS ‘V'OULD respectfully intimate to hil ’ Friends and the Public,lhat he has constantly on hand a large and varied assortment of Ludxes’ and Gendemens’ goods- 30 Per Cent Cheaper Than any house in town. Call and see 33 50 C'UC'KS. $10 Silver Watches, $8 Gold Albor Chains. CALL AND JUDGE FOR. YOURSELVES At H4 Yonge SL,2doors south of the Globb Hole]. Toronto. Boots & Shoes of every description! of the best quality and workmanship. nnd nImOI axclusively of Home Manufacture. Also. a largo flock of Ready-Made Clothing ! Comprising Coats. Vests. Pants. Hallâ€" and Cup. &c., &c., of even' size and description; alto of excellent quality and nunufacture. all of which he will sell as low as any house in Upper Cumin. l'or CASH. CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. For terms apply to Mr Thornhill. Thornhill. August 11, 1857. Richmond Hill. July 23, 1857. \‘V F. S 'l‘ E R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. T. C. RICHARDS. [1? Every description of Good- iu 1h. trad. made or repaired on the Shortest. Notice. Beers, in Wood and Bonk. [IT VAUL1's.â€"-Ulldol’ the 61055 Oflico. Kin“ Street West Toronto. IMPORTERS of Wines. Spirits 1nd British J nne. 1857‘ JAMES HALL, Boot and Shoe Maker, RICHMOND HILL. \ VOULD respectfully intimate tn ‘ Friends and the Public. that he ‘ GOOD OPPORTUNITY new offer. itself to a Medical Man of standing and experi- enee. House and Premises, both pleasant and convenient. can be had on reasonable terms. FHE Illldol’rignf‘d having purchased R. Losson'l l’atcnt Mill, is now prepared to mnnufncturo Mh‘ quantity of them. at his fluory. Markham 3121:1110; and any person inï¬inging on the above alent onigiually invented by Richuld Losson. win He prosecuted according to law. PINE W00 1):! FORSALE. Richmond Hill. June 15m. 1857. we now forward. and consist of'u well snorted .stock of all of which lheyofl'cr to the trade at the lowed market rates. Apply. if by letter post paid. to the Edilrirflof tho Gazette. PURE DRUGS, DYE-,STUFFS, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SPICES, I’ERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, \‘ARNISHES, PATENT MEDICINES, - PAINTS, ROLLING SCREEN L. B. & C0,. would also call the Itlontion 0‘ ')ea|ers and Painters to the Spring lmportations. LYMAN, BROTHERS a; C0., White Lead and 001013 in Oil and Putty Aucnkl 6. I837 w iURGlCAL INSTRUMENTS, OILS; DRUUGISTS’ GLASSVVARE, &c., l'orouto. June 26. 1857. Irepared by them. and for which thov soiicil n rial in comparison will] other kindsin the market. ’eeliug cnnï¬denl limit the re~ult will not be to Ihoir iuadvamage. either as regards quality or price. LUKES’ HOTEL, HOLLAND LANDING. Toronto, May 26. 1857. ‘IIE undersigned working on the abovo h » principle feels conï¬dent that he can 80 ONE HUNDRED CORDS 0F ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe. Maker, ISCORFORATZD FY .\CI' 0? PAKIJAIKII London Dock Vaults. GRAND, BROS, RUMOHR’S PATENT No. 4. St. Lawrence Buildings. OULD respecxfully intimate to their friend! and llxe public that. their SPRlNG IMPORTATION S Head Ofï¬ce, Church Street. Toronto. Medical Practitioners. M. H. HUMOUR. FAN A. LAW. . THOS. COOPER, \‘NING MILL. General A I“ n‘ 1.: . g. 1 my. g 1 0-611]. 3.1 -wy. g.2- wy. g5-3m glO-I! g‘ï¬v-l y