33mins“ nirvana). m““\/ W-~w»w.wv, r . r . Ml. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, Richmond 1! ill Jluo. I857. g.l -w_\'. \J JOHN GRIEVIC, IJLRK Third DIVISION COURT. Ofï¬ce“ ' llichmond Hill. Id.“ IDE- 1' I .uVI' I Y] MPOR.TER and Dealer in Gold and Si‘vev Wald-GI. Fine Jewellery. Electra-Plate. hoods. Jun. &c. No. 80. Yougo Street. Toronto. Richmond Hill. June. [‘57 XTENSIVE Slabling. and obliging Hosllers always in attendance. Choice Wines and Liquors. Beer. Porter and mioua Summer Beverages. June. 185: Regina. Principe. Havana. Manilla and other rln‘uda of Cigars and Cheroola. JI.. 1867. JD... 1557 Richmond Hill. June. 1857 WILLIAM HARRISON, ï¬ddle and Harness Maker, J "no. 1857 An Omnihuu to and from Toronto, on": at this Hotel. daily. BALI-ZR in Groceries. Wines and Liquors. ’l‘hronhill. C. W. Choice brands 0f Teas. Sugar: and Coï¬â€˜ees on hind. genuine gs lmpgrlod. Au ‘énsortment of' Bread. Biscuit and Cakes constantly on hand. Thornhill. SepL 95. 1857. 217-1\' Opposite the Post Ofï¬ce. Yunge Street, N Omnith Imves the almve llotel every Morning. (Sundays excepu-d.) at 7 o'clock. or Toronto: ramming the same evening. Thom Hill. June 9th. 1857‘ RICHMOND HILL HOTEL, .9†kinds Qf JWiJ'r’rl Paints, Oils, Glass, and Pally. GOOD \VORKMEN SENT TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. Kï¬i Opposile J. K. Fulr‘onhridgo's, YONGE STREET. lllCHhfl-ND HILL. June. "-157. y.l.u\'. THOMAS SEDNIAN, Carriage. \Va':r;on S; Sleigh M A K E 1i, Oppnrilo the Richmond Hill. June Jana. 18.37 H Chemist and Drug gist. MI’OT'I'ER of English Drugs. Soupsx, l‘er- fumes. "rushes. &c. No. 169. Yongo Street. (Oppnaim Shuter SUN-t, m-ur Green Bush 'l‘uvern. Tuna-10. ail I RY GOODS. Gvocerieu. “'ine-n ' Liquors. Hardware. to. Richmond Hill. June. 1857. [.l-wy. (Late M. Taffy) "PORTER of British and Foreign Dry Goods, Wine and Spirit Merchant. ac“ kc. Richmond Hill. June. “657. ‘ l-wy. Horse- and Buggies kept. for hire. MPORTER of British and American Dr} Goods. G-ocories, Wines, Liquors. 01h. Pginm. Jim. «Sic. Richmond Hill. June. l8'7. gJ-wy. 1) Court. June. 1857. L‘ llichmond Hill June. [817. Veterinary Surgeon. TIICDRNHILL. UCTIONEER, Grainors, Gildors, Glazio and Paper [langch HENRY SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, July 33. 1857. "HORSE dz F‘ARIUEK" INN JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothierv “Yonga SL. Richmond Hill, Corner of Ynngo nnd Cenlre Stu-Ms, AIIJFP Second and Thiâ€"d DIVISION WARD & McCAUSLAND, House. Sign and Ornamental CHARLES DURRAN'I‘, Nut door lo G. J: B. Barnard's. A. GALLANOUG H, GEORGE DODD, Lot 26. 41h ('on.. Vnughau. R. ICIIJIO; '1) HILL JOSEPH KELLER, VICTORY HOTEL, J. W. MILLAR, G. A. BARNARI), Thorn Hill Hotel, 7091) ACCOMMODATION FOR JOHN MCDONALD, Travellers. And Illusmu'c Ila/l, Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill Boot and Shoe Maker, P. CRUSH Y, AND RICHARD NICHOLLS White Swan Inn “MM. 1857. l. GIBSON, ROBE_RT WISEMAN. JOHN SHIELS. Proprietor Proprietor. Proprietor. Nor. S'rnnm- Richmond Hill. 2. l -u‘_\‘, 7g‘ly. minty. g.|.\\y.' g. l -w_\' gJ -wy. 'J -v_V . gJ-dm le-lv g.l -w_\' g-l -w3' lg-dm l'rs! June 90. 18.37 June. 1857. Toronto. June lth. 1857. FOR 00D Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Melodeons, T Electro Ware. Silver Spoons. and Specta- cles to suit every sight. [ET Watch Clubs in Operation. War-ranted Clocks from 205. upwxrds. 'l‘oronre, June. 1857. 1-3. TORONTO “CITY†MARBLE WORKS, MflWINI} AM] REAPINI} LAG. Banner and Ornamental Painter. Elizabeth Street. Toronlu.-â€"0vor W. Grifâ€" ï¬th’s Grocery Store. June. 1857. U Coats of Arms. and every description of Herald l’ninling. exucuted with despatch. and at reasonable charges. June. 1857. g.lwv. MPORTERS and dealers in Italian and Anwrlcan Marble. also manufacturexs ol Monumems. Cellolaphs, Tomb and Grava Slunes. Ornameulal enclosures for Grave plots. .ï¬c. Orden through our Agents will receive prompt attention. MPORTER and Dealer in Dry Goods. Gro- ceries. \‘Vihos. Liquors. Hardwara. Glass. Enrlheuwnre, 3.10.. &c.. &.c. June. R57. gJ-wy. Particular aï¬enlion given to the regulation of Children's Teelh. Toronto. June, "6? SURGERY, D. DAVIS. AGENT. J. B. DEECIER, Agent, Richmond Hill Toronto. Juh' 10. 185-7 25 tf. PPOSITE A. LAW’S, Ynuge lumen [2 ch- lnoud Hull. Ludim' nml Gentlenwns' Boots and Sham. mud... after the hues! styles. Aug:st 6. I857. g9-Gm. J. VERNIJY, Boot and Mme Malina 7 “V0 .\Iil(‘\’ Nnrlh nf Hichnlnnd HI“ dealer in Dr_\' “0311‘. (Hum rim. \Yim-s Liquors. Hardware. (Has-s, Emlhenware, ‘1'. Also. Licensed Auctioneer. Sepleulber. ‘23. 1857. glï¬-l)‘ J. N. RICH), 1)HYSICIAN & SUI August 14. 18.37 66, King Street, East, Toronto, 0. W. D. CARLOS YALE Comuhalions Free. und all Work Warranted Dealer in Paper Hangings, Decora- tions, are. AGENT FOR Darlin g S; Aitcllison’s COMBINED Toronto. June lSlh. 1357 No 138 rose: STRan. um: Qumm s-rmzm MESSRS. J. & W. BOYD, _00D Stabling and Attentiye; flgvstlprs Bottled Ale Depot, JOHN lIARRlNG’l‘UN, Jn., Barristers, &c., NO. 7. “'ELLINGTON BUILDINGS. KING ST., TORONTO. M A CHINE S, R ICIIJ'IOJVD HILL. ROBERT J. GRIFFITH, House Decorator, Painter, 65. YORK STREET, TORONTO, C. \V. M. MORRISON. Agent. V0]. 1. MURPHY BROTHERS J. K. FALCONBIRI)GE, Richmond Hill» No 49, King Street, PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER DAVID ATKINSON, Comerol‘ Youge and (‘Nure Streets. ’l‘lmru hill. D. C. & W. YALE, CLYDE HOTEL, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. JOHN MURPHY, 4 Doors West of Bay Street. "7TH 012' U’ITIIOZ'T OFFEAYTE TO FRIENDS 0R FOES, I SKETCII 1'0 UR W'ORLD EXACTLY AS IT G0ES.â€"Bgr0n. &c., 'C. W. C. ADAMS, DOCTOR JOHN MILLS, “'31. YALE g.i2-wy OF Proprietor. g. l -wy, g.3 -w_\' g1 -wy. z‘lwy g.lwy. glO-If \Ve (North British Jllail) are happy to state, that, from letters received in Glasgow yesterday forenoon, dated Calcutta, August '22. Sir Colin Campbell, who arrived llnre on the 14th August, was in perfect health at Calcutta at that time, and had taken the comâ€" mand of the army. On the l7lh of that month he iSsued the following proclamation to the troops in India :-â€" BY THE COMMA‘VDER-IX CHIEF. “Her Mnjewty having been graciously pleased to appoint the Connnnnderâ€"iir(fhiel of the Forces in llullu. in the room at the late lamented (ï¬lmed, the Hon. George Anson; and Her Majesty having alco been grac'ons- ly pll-med In hunter upon III? the rank of €er- «ml in the luaï¬t lnilu-s,l now assume the command of the army in India. ‘- ]n dmng so. it aï¬brds me the highest sntislacliou In ï¬nd under my orders, troops who have so fully prm‘ml themselves, in the recent arduous operations in lhe ï¬eld, to be what. 1 have ever known British soldlers in every qua: fer ol'lhe glolmâ€"vourageous,l'mlh- I'ui. obrdieul, and endu: in“. l N D l A . SIR COLIN CAMPBELL AT CAL- OUTTA. “ I call upon the ofï¬cers and men of both European and native troops, zealoust to as- sis! in the task before us; and by the bless- ing ol‘God we shall seen again see India tranquil and prosperous. (Signed) u c. CAMPBELL, gloom. And (his fair world seems desolate, since ‘hou art in the tomb. Yet. I will not mourn so sadly. but faith shall lift her eye To the! fair Ind Iunny region. where loved ones cannot die ; There shalll meet my lost ones, around the holy throng. And hear them sweetly joining |he music of that “ GPneraI, Commander-in-Chiei. “ Calcutta, l7lh August. 1857.†Sir Colin had excited the utmost Enthus- iaim at Calculta, and the general saying was that his presence was as Good as that 0|‘10,- 000 men. U My darling boy. my beauliful. them was music in thy lone. But now. my breast is strickcn. desolate and lone ; Each vision of earth's brightness hath faded into I miss the words of foudueos that thou wert wont to speak, And thy little ulna: around me. and the kiss upon my cheek ; I miss thy tin) footstep. and thy hugh so full of glee. And my breast is sad and lonely, my only one for thee. ed xhing ; Another loved one slumbers. far o‘er the watery deap. Oh ! blame me not for mourning, what can I do but weep. Yos. our fair home was lonely and desolate before. spring. For oh ! chi†death has taken away each cherish again no more : Yet, amid our depth of slduess, there came a glelm of joy. Thy parent“ hearts to gludeu. nuw thou Fri gone my boy. When our ï¬rst one crowed the thloshold to come 0h ! rhide mn not for mourning. they have borne kindrmi clay; E'er his little feet were weary, in the sunny path he trod. They have borne him ftonl my basom. to slumber ’nenlh the sod. Ther no glory in the unbeam. uo beamy in the my love away, They have laid him down to slumber. clay wilh iu AND RICHMOND HILL ADVERTISER. THE MOTH ER'S LAMEMTAT‘ION ®rigiuul {Swirl}. song. RCIINIONI) HILL, FRIDAY, NOVEJIBER 13, 1857. Mnu. Curious things are coming 10 light re- schtlng llle war in India. For months Pre its commencement, mystical cukas anrl tlu- flowers of the sacred lotus bull] emlnlmns oi the mysterious Hindoo deity, *he " Queen of Heaven,†pissed thI‘Olla'llOllt the vnlire d- - mains or B|ll.lsll lmlin. Attmlion “us call- ed to it by scholars read in llimlun lll)’ll|f‘- log-y, but no notice was taken by the gov- eminent. le synl' ol: consul to tra el. and the strange and unaccountable imnrrection broke out. Henry Martyn (2 vnls.), edited by Vl'ilberforce, 1837, to prove this assertion. It occurs vol. ii, p. 2. Jun. 8, 1807. “.Puudit was telling me to day that there, was a prophecy in their books that the Eug- lish should remain one hundred years in lntlia, and that forty years were now elapsed of that period. (This is a mistake, should have been saidï¬ftv/ years since 1757, the year of the batxl- of Plassy.) That there should be a great change, and they should be driven out by a king’s son who should then be born. 'l‘elling this to Moonsee. he said that about the same time the Mus<u|mans expect some great events, and the spread of Islam- ism over the earth.†The Mahommetlun reusitlents have also their mysteryâ€"and a singular one if isâ€"cunnec- ted with the rebellion. A writer in an ling |i~h paper slates that ‘5 for upwards 0t ï¬fty years, the 1\'l;\hmmnetluns have bren looking forward to the year 1857 as the year in which they were to regain their (lmnininn in the ancient Mogul empire.†and cites :1 pnwlg'e from the Journals and Letters ()flhc Rflv Agricultute, even if less lucrative. would he a desirable pursuit for the wise man, be- cause of its benign influen :e on his character and happiness. But it is more remunerative than is usually supposed. It is both the most certain and the most productive olall manual occupations. Even for the lay. capitalist. it presents inducements which tcw other things can rival. One ot'the most successful farmers of this State, who had been a sur- cessful merchant in earlier life. has pnb’irly asserted that there is no business in which money can be invested, that makes a better return, if the averages often or twen y years are taken. Whatever tends to {Oster a lave for agriculture, should receive the counten- ance of statesmen, journalists, and reformers. It is with pride, therefore, that We see these annual fairs. If not degenerated into race- cnurses, they will prove silentY hut ell'icient protests against the extravagance. and rare. and idleness of towns, eloquent advocates of the calm and happy life in the country.â€" P/zilade/phia Ledger. MAHOMMEDAN PROPHECY 11F- LATING TO INDIA. The coincidence is extraordinary, to say the Ivastj and the passage being written in 1807. and publisth in 1837. cannot be ex- plained as a prophecy “ made after the event." ~unshiny atmosphere of nne nl‘llwse delicious ()ctohcr days. To tlmsv who can throw olT ~nxi¢=ty {or the future, it is a rm’clutipn of peace and comfort such M they hum hardly had sian childhood. It bu ings \ isinns of cut- tle lowing in fragrant ml’iltlous‘, of silver maples whitening in the winrl, of undulating golden wheat, of new made lmy, of sparkling brooks, nfpigeons cooing on the m'es of harm. ofswallmvs twittering and darling. nl‘ hills bathed in sunshine, of grmm vulli‘ys smiling in the di<tance, of peaceful lives. and quiet Christian death-beds. It pours m’ur the <oul the calm ofa moral Sabbath inl'xpl‘essi- bly sweet and consoling. NIASONIC CERTIFICATE.-â€"Tlle Sprcm. Mr says, the design of the Masonic certiï¬- mate to he issued by the Grand Lodge 0| Canada, commonly called the lndependenl h-antl Lodge, is highly artistic. 'l'lw engraving above the writing Contains View of Quebec and Niagara, prominent seems in ['pluer and Lower Canada respectivelywhils ll-e union of the Provinces is typiï¬ed bv two female ï¬gures will their arms inter| "JP". The Wreath is of Sliamrockfl‘histlex. Hours, and Maple leaves, to show we presume, that the Grand Lodge unites umlcr its banner lodges from various jurisdictiom. 'l'he cer- tiï¬cate reflects great credit on its designers, and ako on the engraver, Mr. Matthew: of Montreal. The State fair helrl last. weok at Powelâ€" ton. forces on a thinking mnul. lllt‘x‘e nml similnr reflections. To pass fw m the tur- moil. the care aml the Sll<pï¬ll$€ of monelnry circlv: into the quiet rurul ntmngplwre which It suggests, is like going from a «lurk vault, l'ull nfhmrible noises, out into the lmwzx of late so much neglected. will again dra'v thousands to its ranks. As the lvndcnlty of modern ciVIlization is to aggregate popula- Iion into towns. so the tvrdmmy nl' Ilwse “ cr ises" sto drive them lmrk inln the coun- try. 'md lhus rt'stnre the balance betwavn producers and consumers. Man who had considered thomwlves rich, have been In-ard to my Mum. lllc last few weeks. that they would willingly <;|Ci‘illct' a'l the luxury and glitter nl'lho town for a ‘me quiet homestead in the country, \\llt'l‘t' tln’y coul-l rm: at morning~ Without lllt‘ fear of ur- pald notes before their eyow. :nn} llt: (lnwn at night live from the terrors oliunlwnding bank- ruptry. Everything 3 \\'i~c man has said. has ils compensations. It will not he lllt‘ Iraq of the beneï¬ts which thi~ mmmy prev sure is destined to work 0 t, that agricultni'vu nf late so much neglected. will again dra'v AGRICULTURE AN D THE TIMES. ANlxelnnx'ror‘THECAWNPOREMAS- smithâ€"Many isolated incidents con- nected with this wholesale butchery of a ver_' affecting description have come to light. m“: is one :â€"Al'ter the British‘harbeen shut up in their en- trenclnnent, an English lady arrived with her childrenâ€"fugitives from Some neighbouring s‘ation. Her husband had been murdered on the road. The ponr hepless widow implored Nona Sahib for Me ; but he ordered them to be taken out on the plain and killed. On the way the children complained ol'the sun, and the mother requested that they might be taken under some trees. But even that request was de- nied her. Brought like so manyl'elons to the open plain, the mother and child- ren were tied together and deliberately shot, With the exception of the young- est. who was seen crawling orer the dead bodies, and feeling them, and ask- ing why they had t'alh-n down and gone to sleep in the sun! At last a cruel trooper came and dashed out the brains of this little one! The very recital of such horrors makes one's l)l(nnl eurdle in the veins. What a picture might a ltilt'ul artist form outof this sceneâ€"a picture which might portray to men's senses the cruelties ot' heuthenistn, and proclaim aloud the necessity for the regenerating, humanising intlnenees ot' the gospel of grace and salvation.â€" Lettel'from Dr. .DIIJf. Calculla. VI-zN'rILATmN.â€"--Penple me quite ready to acknowledge the necessity of an abundance and pure supply of air, but they rccngnizu the abstract prin- ciple fur more readily than Ihcy act upon it. In former times when buildings were far more open than at present.â€" when the broad threats of huge ï¬re- places yawned across half the side of a room, and received within their am- ple jaws, fora single ï¬re, a pile of wood sufficient to supply a stove for a week, when every window and door clattered in the its frame. and admitted the outside atmosphere in quantity amt le enough to make up for the draught ol' the chimney, and the breathings of the inmates. there was no nee Issin for entering into any sci- entiï¬c arrangements for ventilation. The very absence of science in mm- Strnction obviated its necessity. and made up for all (lelieeni-ies.â€"But at the present day, when brick and stone are eonstt'ueted into air-prool' wallsâ€" when doors ï¬t their casings. and win- dovs their frames, in perfect jointsâ€"- roofs. and ceiling, and partition. allow neither of admission noreVit for a breath of air. it is all important that the attention: ot the l)‘llllltfl‘S he called to the suhjeet of ventilation. Esm- eially should this he the 7:189. in Sv'litml houses and churches. and where large numbers of persons are congregated. goods house here ï¬ndingibusiness dull. marked down their stock to suit the times, and nd\ertised liberally that ltuyersmight know it. Mark the re- sult : the'r ï¬rst day‘s sale footed up £1150, while dozens of ï¬rms in the like business, too poor to advertise. and afraid to bait with a sprat to catch a whale. did not sell to the value of as many pence. In these times let them who have stot-ks of goods on hand, de- termine to sell them and the thing is halt" done. There is plenty of money in the country ; between bills and spe- cie from $25,000,000 to $30,000,000 ; the trouble is that it does not circulate. It must be coaxed from its hiding pla- ces. Let the dealer sacriï¬ce half his ordinary profit, and if necessary cut it all off. and advertise that he must and Will make sales, and he will ï¬nd pur- chasers in plenty. Men who have lia- bilities to meet cannot save their cre- dit by sitting idle in their shops look- ing at their well filled shelves ; present- ly they will be running about the streets trying to borrow money at three per cent. per month to postpone difï¬culties which with a judicious course or advertisingr and a sacrifice of ordinary profits, they Could have es- caped from it altogether. Sell fur Cash. and sell as low as you can. and let those interested know it, and our word; for it, you will have plenty of customers. and meet your obligations with the smallest sacriï¬ce tomâ€"ï¬lmi- (real Commercial .‘Idvel‘tiser. \Ve hen rd a mew-ham say the other day. that the times were so h‘ad he could nut at? rd to advertise ; that man was a goose. \Vhen buyers are plenty «goods sell themselves ; but when business stugnnles the man who does advertise does not only his own share but that of his r‘ompetitors who negln-et it. A large retail drv ADV IGR’I‘ISE. 3331MB, Some of the papers are lecturing women upon extravagance in dress, and advising them to retrench especially during the pre- sent ï¬nancial difï¬culty. Douhlleï¬sthere are many cases of unwarrantaule extravagance in this way, but do people ever constder that two or three glasses of brandy and half a dozen regalias indulged in daily by a man, to say nothing of I‘ve or ten dollar dinners amount to more in a year than Would be re- quired to dress a woman to the full require- ments of fashson. Much of this talk about extravagance of women is nonsense. They are almost universally careful, and many a trader wou’d to-day have been safe and sound if he had listened to the prudent coun- sel of his wife rather than the reckless prumptings ofhis_own ambition. It i< natural for mean men to endeavour to shift the resâ€" ponsibility of their folly-to other shoulders but it i~' rather too much to charge a com- mercial revuh inn upon one’s wife and daught- e'.â€"Trmm pt. In the autograph of a \Vesleyan Minister, just. issued in Canada, we notice the follow- ing calculation, which is very curious. II was communicated by a Frenchmen to an: English friend: Fall of RUBESI’IERRE in the year 179+. Repeat 1791- in single fig- ures and add the whole, and you huVe lite fall of NAPOLEON I., 1815. Repeal as lâ€!- fore, and you have the full of CHARM-15' X 1830. Repeat, and you have the {all 01' the Duke of ORLEANS, 181-2. Repent, and you have the date of the present year, l857. as that in which LOUIS NAI’OLEAN \Vlll lull. Thu: : How MANY Mums A mermt's HAND TRAVHL‘.â€"â€"Alttl0llgll a printer may be setting all day, yet in his own way he is a grunt traveller (or, at least his hand is),as We: shall prove. A good printer Will sct 8,000 ems a day, or about 24,000 letters. The distance travelled over by his hand will average about one foot per letter, going to the boxes in which they are contained, and, of course. returning, making two that every letter he sets. This would make a distance each day of 48,000 feet, or little more than nine miles ; and in the course of the year, leaving out Sundays, the member travels about 3,000 miles. THE STEI-ZPLE CHASE AT ST. HYACINTHE.-â€"'J‘lns I':I('c came off on Thursday last. [0 contest which three horses entered, viz:â€"Mr. Hogan’s “Lady Frankhn†and "Harkuway,†and Mr. Kirwin‘s “Frazer.†'l‘ne race was for a Sweepstake of 8100 each, $25 forfeit, to which was added $120, over three miles of a fair sport- ing country, open to all horses. The result of the race was soon determined. " Frazer†and " Lady Franklin†have- ing thrown their respective riders, Harkaway†came in winner, having taken about 40 leaps in fine style.â€" Quebec Chronicle. THE TEACHHR'S lltcn \'ov,\'rION.â€" If that man deserves Well of his coun- try. who, according to an ingenious statesman’s observation, makes three spires of grass grow where only two grew before. what praise does he merit who multiplies intelligence. who ex- pands the slumbcring titt'ttlti -s of tha- human soul, who calls forth into exer- cise powers catpahle of increasing the public stock, of exulting the possessor to his proper station of usefulness and importance? If that potter who has moulded the unresistingbr clay to forms of beauty and elegance hus deserved our patronage, wlmtglot'y shall be his who, faithful and (iilligcnt in his functions, has shaped the minds of men and all to virtue lâ€"Ur. Ilcnry Hunter. SALARIES 0F Tm: Burns" MINIS- TRYâ€"VVC copy from an exchange the following list oflhe English Cabin- er, with their ofï¬cers and salaries :-â€"~ Viscount Palmerston. annual salary $25,000 ; Marquis of Lunsdowne, no salary ; Sir George G. Lewis, annual salary 25 000; Sir George Grey ‘25.- 000 ; Earl of (.‘lurendon 25,000; Henry Lalmnehcre 25,000; Lord Punmure 25.000 ; Sir Charles \Veed 22,000; Lord Crnnwnrlh 10,000 ; EarlGranville 10,000; Earl of Hur- rowby 10,000; M. 'l‘. Baines 20,000; Lord Stanley, of Alllerly 10,000 ; Duke of Arg) le 12,500 ; Vernon Smith 25,000. Tan salaries rcccivud by the British Cabinet, [as suvh. for many oi'them have other :Ippoiulmcnls 3150,] $289,000 a your. PREDICTED FALL OF NAPO- LEON. 1794- I815 1830 1842 1815 1830 N0. 23. 184.2 1857 oua apostles with him. preached up the evangeli- cal doctrine: in India. and were not nuccuoful. Saint Francis Xavier undertook thé same task, Ind was compelled to abandon it. (the) nine years of bnrren labour. The Jesuits. in their turn, wish- ed to convert the Indians to Cathoiiéismihntrliko Hensihlo men. they adopted wise precaution". and disguised their object. They passed themselve's off for Bralnnins, to whom the god Kirnhnu had conï¬ded the important mission ofrrtttoring the HE! ligion of Brahma. which hid been corrupted. to its primitive purity: they lived as Brahmins and not Christians. and contented themselvesrwiflt in- troducing some Catholic rites among the stipend“- tiou: practice of the Brahmina. As soon. hon-Min. as this pious tr'ckery was nnmuked , and when the natives knew that these mlouslvï¬nhlpinp‘ wag; the missionaries of the Christian religion. they drove them awav without pity. I‘lxaiuixn AND THE RELIGION or n". IIINnnosâ€"The “ Sieclo" replies at some length to the argument: of the " Universe." relu- tivo m the introduction of the Roman Catholic ro- ligion into India. “ The expnrilnom," it says "has alxeaniy been tried. but has not seccoedm'. and the natives of India have shown the granted dislike to Calliolicism._ St. Thomas, and mimet- of the 29m “IL. suysâ€"" A steam boiler it. Hay- ward’s India Rubhor Works exploded this mom- mg. and the ï¬ve buildings conmtiluling the work- “’0le destroyed. Two hundred paople were at work in the establishment is: the time. Many of the Lri-ls jump: d out of the windows. and-some of them Nero injured. but not very aorionnly. The boiler was lhrown three hundmd feet. and in its course carried away the side of a house when tho family were ax breukfasl. Two of tho' workmen were severely injured. but it in hoped no! family. The loss is $50,000. which is insured in New York. The came of the explosion was the look of wtller in the boiler.†Railway for the week ending Octobor 92h! lul yaar realized a sum of $72,403. whih for the c0r~ responding week of the prom-m year the returns were but 347.793. 3 diï¬'erence of nearly $24,000. At Paisley,th Rev. Professor Burns of Toronto. wna entertained at a public Mira on the occasion of his nturning to Canada. Iho Ind 01' his adoption. after having paid a visit of a few menths to Scotland The place of meeting (Iho Exchange Rooms) was crowded. Much indignation has been caused in Irvlnud by a prm'lnmatinn issued by the Lord Clmnceilor calling upon all magistrates and other public ofï¬cers in Ireland to disown their comme- tiou with the Orange Seciety or submit todinmiunl from their situations. The Ribbonmeu of Ball'th regard this a: a triumph. The London Prototype says that at Hufl'nmn's lnvorn. Dot-cheater. I {armor of the name of Bury was killed. on Tuesday Int. H. was leading his horses out of tho nimble with their haliers on. only. when they became restiu Ind ran away. dragging and immpling upon him. and inflicting such serious injuries as to came his doath The Niagara .Mail says that the shack of an earthquake was very sensibly fell in Ningara and surrounding country at a quarter put lhrce. p. m. on Friday the 23rd inst. The jar was very perceptible everywhere. and a heavy rumbling in the earth. which teamed tocomo from (he Enstward. Earthquakes have been felt in many quaneru oflhe glube during the past few montlm. rocru‘rxs.â€"The Esperanco of Athena. states. tint near tho village of Arnooutli. not far from Plumm- lia, a tomb has just been discovered. which has been ascertained to be that at Hippocrates. the great physician. an inspection clearly enunciating the fact. In the tomb a gold ring was found, re- presenting a serpentâ€"the symbol of medical art in antiquityâ€"as well as n sruall gold chain eltuchod to a thin piece’of gold. having the appearance of a bend for the head. There we: also hing with these articles a bronze bust. sup, osed to be that of Hippocrates himself. These objects. as wall as the stone which hours the inscription. were deliv- ered up to Hoursin Pasha. Gave-nor of Thermally. who at once forwarded them to Constantinople. In New Orleans, last week, a'ï¬Ã©rco tom-cat and bull-dog were pitted against etch other for a wager of .325. The brutal and dis- gusting spectacle was witnessed by a large crowd ofspectators. and bats were made on the result. some as high “2825". After a bloody contest. in which the cat was torn almost to pieces. and the dog's eyes scratched away, the former was declar- ed the victor. The dog was put out of his misery by a pistol shot, and the cut soon aftorwards died, A summary of the failures and auto pensions in the United States. since the In of August, in given ill the Philadelphia Bulletin. as follows :â€"-Who|e number. 952. of which 488 wore in New York. 85 in Pennsylvania. 120 in Mun- chusetts. 50 in Ohio. 7 in Kentucky. 3 in Indiana. 6 in Maryland. 513 in Michigan. IS in Minnow", '13 in New Jersey. 5 in Rhode Island. ‘24 in Wil- rousin, and 58 in other statusâ€"with total liabilitie- estimated at ninety million: 0! dollars. instant, says :â€"" Governor Floyd. Secretary of \Var. left for Washington yesterday. by me 8 o’clock A. M, train. I! seems he has not ï¬nished New Yolk at an early day to complete the object he had in view in \ilting them. The nature of the business upon which he was called to Wuh- ington so suddenly has not transpired, but it in In- derstood that important public businosn has to be transacted of a nature that requires a full Cabinet Council. What can be in the wind 7" A Goon TIME TO nunâ€"Happy is the men who has the means at his disposal now wherewith to make purchases. He can beneï¬t himself by getting great bargains and the public by setting his money in motion through purchases to the cream! of his means_of all things he needs or fancies. It is folly to borrow money at present rates and almost. if not quite. a sin to lend it for the purposes of speculation. outside the ordinary channels of business. But the man who. instead of hoarding. spends. wisely and liberally now. will most efl'ectuelly help to bring commercial matters round to a healthy condition and s sounder basis. Every one who thus puts a dollerin circulation is to that extent a national benefactor. Seventeen person are now conï¬ne¢ ’or debt in the jnil of London. C. w. nis tour of inspection of the several fortiï¬cations guarding this harbor. and proposed to ninth to Miscellaneous Items. The travel on Ihe Great Western A dcspnlch from Providence, R. L, The New York Herald of the 28th DISCOVERY OF THE TOMB 0F HIP.