Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 13 Nov 1857, p. 2

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M. O. Roma-rs. Per W. S. Hoar-tars, The Herald remarks : “ The nbnvu Vented; we think, refutes the idea "ml the Cmifnrnia documents are ahnw snspic on.’ It is the use that is being “ads of those documean that induces “ Sinâ€"We have em Yned the list ofpnsscngers, and the name of Thus. Walters and Hugh Allie us do no! ap- pear men-m Townshxh.~â€"'rha t-nse oFannscrd has been again brought before the pub- li: in mnller of the California dun. ments. A permn connected with lhe Weiland Herald. in answer to an in- quiry who-thew Thomas Waiters and Hugh Aikin: were passengers by the S’cr nfthe Wis! on (hat (rip, received the following letter. U. S. Mail Steamship (‘n .. New York, Oct: 17. 1857. anm‘n Ix'rnnucnxcr. FROM 15mm. ’ wâ€"Tlie Post's Paris onrl‘u5pnndcnl says the‘lnsl intelligence from India tin-re‘ is more glomny lhan that pnbhshed in] file English journals. A high aulhnri-‘y ty says that our enemies assert the,‘ rebels lobe under European durectionsJ and thatslralegicul op'crminns have; been commenced Io prcvcnl lhc umon‘ of N e Bl‘nlish forca. A French r'mx respondent, writing {rum (ink-nun. August 22nd. says the British army in India may anticipate two _\'mllԤ fighI-‘ ing. The same autlm in' den-Inn‘s: news to have reachvd (Snl mm from all pans of India assuming that Ihe . , ; ! nauve troops cannot be dcpcndcd upon. ( Tm: INDIAN STAFF.â€"-'I‘he Following is the general stafl‘lbi' India, as due]- ded on :-â€"-Bengal: Commamlcr-in- Chief'. General Sir Colin Campbell, G. C. B -sChicf of the 51.1le Maj-if General Mansfield ; Lieutenant Gene- rals. Ashhurnham and Beresl‘m'd; Major Generals. Windham, (Joimii, Havelock, Michel (with ll‘OOpS from Cape). Dupuia (Royal Artillery), a Major General of Cavalry, and Strau beuzec or Garrett from China, the other to remain; Cnlnuul VVCIher'lll and Hon Pakenham, depuly adjmam and quartermaster geaerals.â€"M:id- ms: Lieutenant General, Sir Palm-l; Grant. Major General ()l‘algie.â€"an- bay :Lieulenant General. Somersvl ; Major General Sir Hugh Rose. Tm; MONEY [humanâ€"'th spare between the tnillslnnes is narrowing daily. The pressure has broken down many ot‘the great houses, but the griml- ins: of the poor is only just beginning. It begins to be show” by the record (if the Inwer courts and the books of thc Almslmllse Cummissioncrs. On Satin-- day night last 218 persons were ac- Cmnmodated with lndgings at the 2‘2 different Station-houses of that cityâ€":1 numth almost unprecedented for tins aeasnn of the year. It 13:1 stinging suggestion of what the winter Wlll shuw us. Most uf the aClU‘ll distress thatthu revolution h is entailed has been felt in high busin :ss circles, f‘r with nthersit is principally in antioipn- tion yet. Yesterday pztssers through all the tllrnuglifures noticuil how un- usually often the thin hand wus thrust out forcharity, and huw lu-rtiiiucimis- ly .the wrett-hud ones sm-k by aiiv who seemed for a mom -m, by their hesitation. to promise n- i :l'. I he sud- den apparition ot‘ winterâ€"for there were spits of snow yesterday and a raw north-east wmtl blowing all day â€" helped to deupcn the gloom that still shrouds the mercantile community.â€" N. Y. Tunes. . “One of the features of the day that is quite noticeable is a men’s day prayer-meeting held in the lecture .room of the Old North Dutch Church, “ from 12 o’cloek to 1 o’clock. The meeting is begun at 12 o’clock pze- ci,Sely. and closes exactly on the hunr. The room is full and crowded, and the t interest a penis to increase from day today. toriginated with the new u efl'ort to meet the religious destitn- H tion of' the lower part of the city. and s. begun with a modest meeting held 8 once in the week. But the attendance ft and the benefit seemed to demand the .: more frequent observance of the privi- V lege‘ and nowit has become a daily if service. And the probability is that " the meeting will be adjourned to the ‘ church. Any one comes in or goes out when he pleases. it is the rule of the place to leave at any moment. All sects are here-the formal and stately Churcltman and the impulsive (I -Methodist. who cannot suppress his “I groans and his amen. though he evi-Idl dently tries, and wishes he had the it broad haven ot‘his own church. that [a he might ‘express his feelingsâ€"the m sober, substantial, stammering Dutclt- w man.and the ardent t'ongregationalist d: with all Yankee restlessness sitting}: upon his faceâ€"the Baptist and Presâ€" } d byterian, joining in the same chorus and bowing at the same altar. 'l‘hell’l movement wasa hold one for Nt-wf Yorkâ€"so near the gates of matntnon, and so near that altar of Pluto at;. which so many in our midst do not fall to bow down and worship. Not one i F‘ woman is in the meeting, and the sing- .‘ [h ins: from two hundred male Vvoiccs IS lte really majestic. in A FEATURE or THE HARD ’l‘lmas IN New YORKâ€"The New York cor- respondent of the Boston Journal thus describes a feature in the former city which originatéd during the stress or the late panic : MW. er‘WWW- " - V "" - M'vvvv ,vv “'ith them it must obvioudy be most imA proper and unbecoming in any man to seek to extvnd Christian civilizminn at an. The Emperor uf Deihi, descendant of usurperfi and robbers as he is, must have a good right to [real as a deathLdn-Iserving crime. our least attempt In slander his mist burhnmm: ofcus- tmm. The very Thug it entifled to com p!ain nf'nur proselylixin: Officioufinz-xs, How in :i n ~iste‘nf, how almlrd. hmv :mliâ€"co-moro‘i Inn. to intrrieru with (hr congcien inns convic- tions of Mahmnnwdun and Hrahmin as we have done.â€"â€"teebly and ineflecmuily, it is Humâ€"but still enough to stamp us with bigotry and tyrnnm'! To u; “the hare always Contentled, with- (iut shrinking. tor the recognlion of a. religi- ous hazis, lor our entire legixlation, it is not a little gratilyingâ€"nnd rather ummiug withal â€"â€"to see the marvellous change Wlllt'll Indian atrocities lnve wrong-ht aiming“ so many. whose political creed, il'sincerelv carried out. wnnlrl forbid the least inrerl'erenve on the part all the Legislature wilh “ the rights ol conscience.” \Vith such men, common cundour would requiie them to grant to the zealous Brahmin, full liberty to tear his flesh with hooke, to wear plugs of wood through his tn11§nles,totltrmv himwll‘under the Wheels )fa mnnster triumphul car,â€"tn do as he pleased, in fact. and to do it with all the im- posing ceremonial and go:~genus blnzmiry. which would mark it asst national institution. Such ware the (hoories of liberal politi- clans and phi'omnhws. But <nch [hwy are no! now. The London Times. nnv-P the foremosl 0" the H'ueral school, now holds the foaning L n :naz‘e :â€" ‘ If there is one circumstance (‘nnnocled with the prpsent lamentable troubles In India. more ezpecially nodcuable, it is the fuct,that Europe and Americaâ€"Roman Catholic and Evangelicalâ€"Manarchist and Republicanâ€" enthummt and utilitarianâ€"«we might add, even the aivowed infidelâ€"are alike unani- mous in declaring the necessity torcud upon Eng! End, by the Sepoy rebellion, nt’herenl'ter unigxl possesfions, Is to advance the :tandard at the cross dver a great pa“t 0| the habit- able globe; that, failing this, she will fall as other empires have fallen. nc-ver to ruse again ; but that it‘she continues to move onward will) a right wrnse of religion, dnty, and bends a“ her enm‘givs to the accomplishment of the one glarious end, to spread the [NIth of Re- velation, and to govern with the Scriptures as her sole code ot'juellce and morality, then indeed will she flourish, and spread her h nnches and hvâ€"r roots far and \\‘ide,hke her ow” mighty forest oaks. pnlicy will be pursued in future to Ihat which ha< eventuatell so «leplorably. Evpry mai. brings us still incl-racing evidence of the awalwning same ofrespnnaibility amongst the religious public. And who can say how beneficially these thing< may operate upon the condition of Graat Briiuin itself, or how fa? the national awakening to its neglect of India, may lead to a rerognih'nn nl'the scarce- ly less urgent claim: of powfiy and crime as home ! gnwrning India, no-I iipnn timid principles of wipe lienuy, but upon CHRISI‘IAN rules 01‘ right and wrong. lureâ€"some hutel‘ul €Xh|hili00 of popular fmaticifim and priestly cruelty and obscenity. British air! New thk journalists.- agree in this, lhaf._11:llglalld has nvglected her great misxion; that tlw tenure on which she holds the dominion 0}"le waves. anal ot hcr Col " 'l‘her'a um be no doubt that the object for which we ought to consider ourselves [0 hold lndm i~ the future (Thrslian 1y and civil-zalion of the lwofie. It will be said this is aiunng high. and so it i-. but unnl Itis proved lhal this resul‘ is impos- \ihlc we must aim It It; as a Chridjan nufiou we have uo other alternativei" l'hix is surely emphatic Pnnngll, but it is not a whit stronger than the declarations of nther liberal writers in the London and New Yo"k pr-st. And we trust mvl bnlieve. that the same at. the. British people at large re- (pelfl to the call, and that a very different No longer are we to hmr 0fBI‘in1fi'00ps bring compelled to lux'n out to do duty {1.3 a gulud of honour to Some Juggernaut festival â€"snme horrible scene of infaiuated self-tor- agniiht the English and declaring that his day wuuld soon come. Hin day has rome, and iearl'uliy‘ has he avenged on innorent peo- ple the injustice of which he Wus made a victim by a company who have ever regard- eil their own pecuniary advantage in preferâ€" ence to the rights of the people whom they have ruled in the responsibilities they were called upon by providence to undertake. Few men possess greater talent for intrigue than Nenn Sahib, and no doubt Can be en~ tei‘lainud that he has been the maving spirit in a conipiracy that imperiiled our empire in the East. and ruder shaken the military prestige of the British nation. The Walsail Guardian says 2â€"“ It is not generally known, and, we believe, ha> nevei buiore been slated in the public pa- pers. that Nena bahib, on the death of the prince who had adopted him as: his son. cami- to England to endeavor to obtain redness tor the injustice (lone him by the Angl â€"lndi:in gm’en'nmrnt in retaining in their own hand~ the property leit him by his lather. ()n Jl" riving in England he resided in (Iambiidg'e square, with some friends ofhis adopted talli- er, and look ample measures to ohmin legal redress for the gross violation of right com- mitted by the East lndia Company’s ser- vants. He soon'discovered, howwur, that in the House at‘ Commons, before whom lu- intended to bring iiifi caw, there were sov- enty persons forming a majority on all Indian questions. pledged to support the East lnd... Company, and that any attempt to recover his property or to obtain justice would be intellectual. In a frame ul mind that may easily be imagined he went to Constantin- ople, and had an interview with Omar l’aiha. seeking to obtain assistance from him in a design he then entertained to subVert Bril- ish authority in India. The reply was not famrable, the Turkish and British govern- mvnts at: that time (early in the Russian war) being in strict ainity, and Nona Sahib‘ departvd l'or Calcutta. vowingr vengeance us to publishth above. This letter will give color to an opinion lhat has been momcd that the affidavits were got up to procure the prisoner’s reâ€" lease on bail. RELIGIUU S GOVE RN MENT IN INDIA. NENA SAHIB IN ENGLAND. last mail, that the potatoftliéease had all at once assnmed a virulent form “in every part of the United Kingdom.” and that in b‘ran e and other parts of the continent, its destruc- tiveness had caused the most serious appre- hensions. The Mark Lime Express ~11 good authority on questions of this kind â€" anticipates a very considerable demand for foreign hreadstufi's, in consequence of the general failure ol‘the potatoe. ~ The destruc. iivenoss oi. the desease is declared to Le ‘- equal to the. worst period oi its prevalance,” which was in 18-1-6, the year previous to the Irish famine. In France, the alarm created by it has induced the Government to pro- hibit the export of grain until Sept. 1858. As from 2% to three millions of acres ofthis root are cultivated in France. its failure is a national calamity. It forms there. as in Ireland,the chiel fond of the pea‘antry; and though the wheat crop is t' is your above an average, it is evident that none can he spaied for export to England. Although the wheat crop in Great Br tain is admitted to he a full average, it is calculated that fire millions of quarters will be required trom abroad. Of this quantity, America is expected to supply at least a million and aâ€" hall'. or twelve millions of bushels. Taking; a period of six years, the average exports ol~ wheat and flour from America to Great Britain, amounted to 1346,61] quarters puz- year, the year 1856 being the largest and reaching to 2,30%.‘293 quarters. The short stock of last year. and the derangement of our :‘retary afliiii‘s, will prevent the expor- tation of so large a quantity this year from \merica, eveu ifthe crop upon the whole ~hould prove to be more abundant last year. l‘he conclusion of the Express. is that prices. will not in view of the facts stated, lower in |Curope. and we think the same {acts warrant the conclusion that prices will improve here. as soon as the disturbance in monetary ali- l‘airs has become a little more settled. The nigh prices: of last year need not he. lovked i'or. eren should the foreign demand be much larger than above stated, for it is alleged that the United States alone could furnish the. whole amount that England will require to import. This may be doubted, but the “ hard times” will no doubt lessen the homi- consuinption very materially.â€"â€"Glabe ofOct. Slsz. Bulére {Le insurrection, ofiicered altogelhelr by home appointments number 500,000 men. Of these one tenth, oven to the GOVErnor Generals guard are involved in m» present insurreclion. The naval force of the Com. pany was found quite equal to the transport of troOps‘ to Persia, though we do not know The Companv‘s charter for trading to Tn- dia dates from the age of monopolies, the reign of Elizabeth. II was granted in the year 1600. Its present nominal capital is £fi.000 000 sterling. but the stock has averâ€" aged 275 per cent, thin trebling the admit- ted amonnt. There are eighteen directors at the Indian House, twelve chosen by the proprietors. and six by the Crown. Each of the latter must have resided ten years in India. The stipened of each director is £500; but the patronage as may well be conceived is enormous. It is no less than lhl'. disiiosal of the wealth and destinies of Nations, numbering together a population equal to Germany. Russia in Europej‘rance and the British Islands» Between judgm, residents and other huh officials, the Com- pany disposes of 800 great-places; its army para~ites thus taking out their pay. - But it is the power which they hold, and which they are SO likely to prostitute to “ the low ends ot" selfish ambition. or of personal resent- ment,” that makes their nomination a‘arming‘. |n country districts they exerciSe the most sovereign and arhitary authority, and in some places the magistrates live upon the fees and fines extracted from the unlucky defendants who may be prosecuted before him. If in any case We could vote for the elective prin- ciple being introduced in .1 matter affecting; the Judiciary, it, would be in this. A man who can command the majmity of votes in a county or district, must be somewhat rr- 5 ectable, and possessed both of education and means. At present the qualification ix simply real estate to the amount of three hundred pounds, which few of our old coun- try l‘armers however ignorant or uneducated. do not possess. The Government have in- troduced an educational test for candidates for employment in the civil service; can thr‘y not set their wit: to work and frame some programme for the examination of as- pirants to the high and important office of Justice of the Peace ’lâ€"Montreal Pilot. THE POTATOE ROT IN EUROP.L OUR, CUUN'l‘lLY MAG Sl‘RA’I‘L‘S. WHO ARE THE EAST INDIA COMPANY? It appears {rpm file English papers by the The Hon. J. A. McDonalL‘s bill for the regulation of municipal institutions in Upprr Canada ha< just been printed. The bill evinced much labor and ability on the part of the Hon. Attorney General. 1' provideN that Mayors olt'ities are to be chosen by the electors at the annual election to beheld on the first Monday in January. The quali- fication of a Mayor is to he the same as that of an Alderman in citieu, and Council- lors in towns, the qualification 0|~ the latter remainingr as at present. The nomination of candidates {or the t\‘layoralty shall take place at the City or Town Hall, on the last Monday but one in December, at ten o’clock in the forcnoon. The. City or Town (Ileik is to preside. If only one candidate is pro- POS‘Ed. the Clerk or Chairman shall declare ~~nuh candidate duly elected Mayor. The Mayor elect is to take otfice on the Fiat (lay of the meeting of Council, and shall afterwards a-lminister the necessary oaths to the other members of the Council. In case. ofthe votes being equal For two or more candidates for Mayor, the memhera of the Council are to elect the Mayor frrun one 0! the candidates. Seats in the Council are to be vacated by memhers becoming insolvent. or being on the limits for delut. The head Ola Council. and members thereof, may PP- *ign at anytime. All meetings of Council are to be open except special meetings, which may it? close or open, at the discretion ol‘ the mcmhem. number IS'lO form a quorum. every city, town, &c., is to transmit a year- lr return of ratepayers to the Receiver Gen- .eral ol' the. Province. All returns are to l):- laid before, Parliament hr the Provincial Secretary.â€"â€"The Chamberlain: of cities and 'l‘reaiurer: of towns are to make yearly re- turns to the Provincial Board of, Audit. Full provisions ts made for the protectioni ofthe public health, licensing of innw. vic-. tunlliu; houses, Ste. Councils may limit and A majority of the whole.‘ The clerk M" K ti n w u jll l 1t: We regret that we were prevented from attending the celrbration. on the filth of November, at Brown‘s Corners, Markham. (Our ahsenre living ttnavoidahlv. the mem- bers of that Lodge will please «nus-e us.) We are glad to learn that a goodly numher were present, and were not disappointed in the preparations that were made for their reception. The Orange Brass Band un~ der the tuition of Mr. M. Scott, having tuned their instruments to the timcs, were prepared to discharge the duties assigned them. Al out one o‘elork P. M. a procession rms formed in front of the Orange Hall, marshalled by J. B. DeeGier and marched through the vil- Inge of Butt-mville as far as the residence of Major John Button. Three chm-rs being given for her l\’|ajesty the Queen, and three for Major lohn Button. the procession re- turned to toe leshyterian Church, where the Rev. S. J. Hitl lieotor of Marlth m preached a very appropriate and feeling ser- mon. The procession again formed a Id pro- ceeded to the hall, where a rich repist aw::i'- ed them, Col. Bi idgrord presiding, sugport- ed on his right by John Duggan, Esq, To- ronto, on his left by “'illiam Button, Equ Markham. The usual toasts Were drank and very ahly responded to by the several guests that were prt-sent. Upon the whole the altair passt-d ofl admirath Well, and We are crt‘ditnhly informed that good orJ r was observed throughout. he whole day, nothing itavtng Orcurred to mar the the feeling of any. each apparently alive to the cause in which they were engaged, ex- tending the hand of friendship to eech other with renewed determination never to allow popery or its followers to wrest from their grasp the cause they had esyoused. It is gratifying upon orrasions of this sort. to see so many influential and respectable individ- uals identifird with this organization. The time has come when the Orangemen of Ca. nada “'est can plant their standard in almost every village,and submit their principles con- fidently to the investigation of candid minds, knowing that the enlightened will not judge harshly oftbem until they find whatthey bev lieve to be it good reason to do so. It is true some of our M. P. P.’s, members of the Orange Association have gone so far at the late Session of Parliament as to vote for a Papist Bill. hut by doing so they have greatly lowered themselves in the estimation of nl‘. true Orangeinen. The Beaverton Pitt/act a short time ago justly held up to contempt and ridicule the c 'nduct at" two M. P. P35 both Oranngr‘n. who had voted for a papist Bill, he said: u some of our worst Panies are pro- fessors of the Protestant religion. We say our ward enemies. became tbpy nppose us for dcfflnfnns the Protestant re- rvgulate Public [Innivs a: they set) fil. One or more Coroners to be appointed for ear}. city and town â€"â€" Ingaâ€"sol] ('hrum'cle. Strayed S‘wep, Slrziypd SN-‘m‘. \Vatch Lost. Cultvrs fnr Sall‘. RICHMOND HILL, NOV. 13.18.37 $395k iiéhingfi’ (mastic. its exact extent. 'l‘hcir clerical and medi- cal palnonage is; also extensive. CELEBRA’I‘TON A'l‘ BROWN 3 CORNERS. THE HUN. JOHN A. McDON- ALD‘S MUAI :IPAL BILL. New Advertisements thxs Week. We are glad to perceive. that the New Market Era has virtually given up the contest thr the County Town. and Richmond Hill may now he said t: be the only competitor for that honor. Newmal‘ket. indeed, never had a chance ofheing selected l'nrstJeh a purpose. Some ()fllre seekers in that ancient Village. may have fancied. ltke the monsc in the cheese. that, it was the only place in the County, or at least, the only place of importance. and that. thereft'n'e. it should he the County Town. We helluve. smne ot the ambitions denizus of tln place had worked themselves up to the be- lief, thut the) were to be the future Judges and Sheriff's ot‘tho newly Form~ ed County. I‘he uspil‘unts for offices. were as numerous as files about a were as numerous as flies about :1 horse's head in August. We feel how cruel it is to disappoint their long cherâ€" ished hopes. and tumble all their castles in the air to the ground. But, stern dnt'cs, however painful, must be per- formed. Our u'nject is, irresiicctive of all mere sectional or personal con- sideiations. to point out the heat suited locality fur the County Town, which. we feel assured, must soon be Select- ed. If our Newmarliet friends perstst in setting their hearts on the offices, they must come to Richmond Hill for them. The change will be every way for their advantage. Let us have the County Town. and they may have the situations. This is a compromise we trust they will duly appreciate; and now, let them divest thcmsi2lvcs‘ if they can, of all local jczilousies, and unite with us in agitating for the separ- ation alluded to, and fixing the me- tropolis of the County here, where it ought to he. The Newmnrket Em. speaks of us, as his quaudom friends. His meaning is, by no means, clear to us. What have we done to forfeit his friendship, if we ever had it. or have we done anything for which we ought to be visited with such a penaltyi " We pause for a reply.” In the meantime. we hope. he will not deprive us of his valued friendship. Our cotemporary thinks we are " quite astray" in our remarks about Newmarket. He is not satisfied with our admission of its antiquity. He wishes us to understand, that it is not the most backward village in Canada But he admits that the naughty street. which gave Richmond Hill an exist- ence. has been sucking at the vitals of Newmarket for years; and that be- fore the Railroad was built, Newmarâ€" ket had nothing to depend upon but a local tra'le. Pray, what else has it still. Are not Yonge Street and the Railroad, in point of fact, now united in sucking its Vitals away? And is it not hurrying fast to the fate of Martin‘ Chuzzlewitt's village, on the banks of‘l the Mississippi 7 | ligion from the outstretched hands of Po- pery. Roman Cathoilcs are quite Welcome to give us oppositionâ€"it is in their creed so to do; and by so doing they are notingr con- >cientious|y. But when men oppose us who have comciences and hearts even telling them thnt Popery is an evil thing, and there- fore, they should not tolerate it in any. measure, or give it their influence; ’tis their we feel cnllcd upon to make kn0wn to that world what We think of such characters. i “ The man, or body of men, who will gov hand in hnnd with Popery. may he sure that we will le.ii‘les~ly condemn them for suith conduut. Lirt Foiiery have liberty enouéh to plnnt itfi own standard; but for heaven's ~nke. and fur the sake ol'our Protestant forc- l'nthere. may it never be said by future generations that Protestants of Upper Cann- da in the l9th century, (la-liberately helped the Pope of Home to sway hisinlluence over the hearts and minds of Canadian Protes- tnnta 'l'hat there are Protestant men too closely allied with the Church of Home. is It lhct that has never yet been denied; there- I‘ore, we call "‘10" all who value the truth of the Bible to Open their eyes and look around them, nnil. as with the voice of one man, loudly condemn such conduct ; and we piedict that our Orange lenders and our in- tluential Protestant members of Pirliament Will have sense enough to know that it they hetrny their brethren much longer‘ their doom i (us far as a gOUd ilutl honorable name ii con- Cerned) is certain ; and il'eertain. their only . cliaHCe ol‘gaining success in I'uture life will be for them to renounce the Protestant Faith and cling to tne idolatry and supersti- tion of the Holy Mother Church. Away» Willi such men! Bid them hide their faces: and never more appear before enlightened and honorable Protestants." This is sufficient to put. Ornngnmen on their guard at the next elvction.and we hope that Prom-stunts generally will be more cautious than formvrly and endeavour to select surh men as in their Opinion will discharge thvlr duties honestly and not allow any reprvsen- ta'ive to tamper with an ins‘titutmn dv-‘erv- iug ofa better fate than to he maf‘e -suhser vient to the privatv (ends of any individual THE COUNTY TOR‘N AGAIN AND THE NEW HARRIS l‘ "ERA." The Era says, that the pollulation of his village has doubled during the last tour years. lfso, the people must be as thick in the houses as Muynooth students, “three in a bed,” for there has been barely enough ofhouses built it it within the time specified to re- place those which have rotted and tumbled down. “ The soil is cultiva- ted to the edge of the mill pond.” And our cotemprwnt‘y might have added, they have pretty good pusturage in most of the streets, with a prospect of yearly growing better. We have already disposed of our eotemporary‘s denial of the statement about the doctors and quacks. He should not {"el ashamed of them as most ofthem advertise in his own sheet. His last impression is now before us. and we find it to contain advertisements from six physicians. within a circle of three miles of Newmat'ket, besides three dental surgeons, all of whom have practice in that distinguished vil- lage, where the doctors are so expert at curing the ague. Our cotemporary will hardly dispute the evidence ofhis own journal. Some of the doctors al- though having extensive practice in Newmarket, wisely prefer residing in more healthy localities, away from its malaria, for the sake of their fami- lies. But apart from all such considera- tions. the course we point out to our Newmnrket friends, of uniling with us to gel the City and Comin separa- ted for judicial purposes as soon as pos sibln, and~suiiuhle County buildings put up in Richmond Hill, is clearlv the Course which wouH be for lhe advan- tage of the Counly generallyiocludin’g even the town lim: ofBrock and Geor- giana, which the Newmarket Era appears to have so much at heart. Let our unzmimonsury then be“Separuti0nI separation ! l" and ourcfi'urls must soon be crowned ivilh success. ' 0:? A public mic-ling ol'lhe inhabitants of Richmond H ll will be lwld in the Court llousdmn \Vednesday evening, ll)». 18H) inst” " for the purpose of dvlermxuingVillage, “hen incolpmale‘d. will to the East or West [filing of; of York, for electoral purpmes.” (11'? On Wedne‘duy last an invesiigalion into the origin of the late fire in 'l‘hm'nhill. was held by Coroner Bu'idgford (in accord- ance with, the Act QOIh‘ \’ic., chap. 36) al' :hiel‘s Hotel. A number of wilne>ses' WM"? exam nsui, and after a patient rnq'liry,. luring which Mr. McDuus’aH evmceq every} mxirty to further the pmcredings, thr‘ jury :lunidv. d that the conflngration \\ m the act of? .MH an incendiary. 3 K? “W: are [equated to slale that the ' \lnlilia Foslinl. whlch Was to have taken I “lace on 1‘ e 26th inst, is posllmnvd in con- sequvnce of the proclamation for the Day of Fast and Hu:ni|ia?i0n. until Thu‘sdxv, the 5rd day of Debemher Hensâ€"Colonist. More than a twelvemonth ago, we noticed Mr. Duggan‘s candidateship in the following terms :â€" VVe understand that during the last week, John Duggan, Esq., has been waited upon by several of the most influential electors of this Riding, to allow himself to he put in nomination for the representation oflhe con- stituency in Parliament, whenever a general clec'ion shall take place. We suppose that many of the people of the Riding feel that they are not. now represented in accordance with their political views, and therefore they have determined to take an early opportunity of provid'ng themselves with a candzdate who is likely to carry out their principles fairly and honestly. The fl‘lm'ldzam Economist hau for sew-r- nl \Vevks past becn iutlulging in a serirs of ufl‘ensiw Pt'l‘Sontll observations rpspecting thev gentlemen \vlime names are nwntimwd as Linndidales on the Uonsurvntive side at poli- tics. While, we hold that the Press should enjoy the utmost liberty in uintlers affecting the tranchise. we can see no advanlage, but a serious evil, in the practice of a COUI‘SP li- Cense, and the use of low scurrility, which is inju ions both to the press itsrlf, and to the mo als of the community; Differing widely {mm the Ewnnm'isz in political Opinions, we ahould yet be glad to see it prosper in pro- pmtion to its (-‘xrerior respectability. But we put it to the editor, whether any prudent head ofa fitmin would be likely to alipmre of his children stutlving such literature as that journal too frequently presents'l One of the candidatesjhrllr. John Duggan, is particularly singled out for attack. The only argument however, which the editor has to urge against him is. that the county: has been taxed through city influence, for? which he holds all citizens of Toronto re-i Sponsible. Now it so happens, that Mr. 3 Dnggan, in company with his brother the' Kremder, is a very largeâ€"perhaps one of] the largest landholders in the Riding; and' is, of course, as much interested in the re- duction ofcounty taxation as any other county rateâ€"payer. Should Mr. Dv'ggan be the faV'mred can- didate of the majority oflhe Conservativé electors, he will, no doubt, be fully able to lulfil (hr. duties of their represvntalive satis- factorily. heng enterprising. induutrious. talâ€" ented, and well experienced in public busi- “955. ELECT-ION MATTERS Rpm [he Dmy Colohisc, :1 led. will he .31 l achvd [filing of xhe County lermming Whrllwl‘ the ] Money matters are said to be rapid- :ly improving in New Yor_k. The news from iEngland is not considered so adverse as‘ was 'exppcted‘ We have. yet to hear hqw the 'suspensions and failures of the United States fbanks will be regarded in Europe. ,V. r I “WWWPVQ the tmvmhip of Markham, to IPcnver p 559‘- sinn nf M 19111 of lhe 9|]: cnncesxion of the lnwnship of Vaughan‘. of Ihé- glvbe of the rectory of Mmklmm. and is 200 acr Which l'm‘ms- .pan in the tn‘wmhip es in extent..- 1 (‘nunsel for the plaintifl‘, Mr. Vankuugh- net ;the defcudunl’s counsel was Mr. Ecciys, Q. C. ' V (:le headed “ Bank Robbery." in [which Mr, Kevby and myself were‘ denounced u robbers. gamblers. swindkwrs. &c. I um not a gun!“ r. l haw: pln}ed calds (as I huve soon mhera wt“: are now denouncing me do)‘ but with so Iiulo skill. ‘h-tl have noarly always 10st. 1 mvor won a dollar of Mr. Cun3ming.- That swindler m\ pafl and future c9nduct~wfl pro". Letters patent, dated the 21.51 til-January. 183b, \VeN‘ put in. proving that lhc land in question was a portion of the entluwumnt of the rectory; and the letters from lhc Lord Bishop presenting like pluiiilifllo the rectory, were nine submilletl. A pos>ession of hventv yvars i-i'asnrged as a bar to the aclion; but 1h.- ilef‘enduM flui- ed in proving the lille which he 39! up, and '1‘ he jury {mind for lhe piainlifi. EMBEZZLRMENT. MOSPS R. Cumminur was brouohr (I this i . . 5 a. . morning to N‘l‘l’lve the swim“. m nu. ( m. . ,».v.-. I can. certainly. show where l was. every minn e of the night. of the alleged rohhory of the extra bank. aher (ha theatre commencod in [he evening until half-past nix o’clock the follnwing morning. 1 left Canada because 1 wa.~ involiod â€"â€"om-d morn money on my own account t could then payâ€"and was endorse! on a vary [up LETTER FROM MR. McGAFFEY. To the Editor of the Globe. ‘ Sumâ€"In justice to my friends in Canada and elsewhere. [feel I an no longer rem-in lilqnl under the many emu-ks made on me by the pre" and olhers on your side of the Lakes. An lho public well know. in August lent. l was arrested for " borrowing of Mr. Cumming £1,000, knowin same to have been embezzled.” Icerlninl’v di not know anything of the kindt I borrowed .lho money for a business purpose. mod it in a busi- ness manner. and was prepared to pay the some hke a business man when due. A portion of the press of Toronto came cm the morning after my arvest (before they had seen the werrum or could possibly know for what I nus arrested). will! Infi- Action of vjc‘cllm‘nf, bn'qyght by 111» Mr. Hill. Rector of 1hr second pmsguu 911. up. replied. that although a jury had cou- vicle-d him on the charge. yvl he felt in hi4 own ht-nrt that he was not guilty 6f defraud! ing ‘hl' bank. The parties to whom he had lent the money were prepared to pay it ha 1“ to the hank. ‘ He had been in the empfoy of two hanLhtg institltliOns for a pet'ind‘of- Mur- Sm..- -“ I am tee-to -tal-iy surprisml" at'the " note” you placad at the end of u chm- municntion from “ A Subscriber oF- Dollars to the Richmond Hill’ ’Br‘ass Band." '1 he stylv and tone of the document 'might huve been suflicient to cause you to réflect before insuiting the comlnou'sense of 'ybur rendels. However, a< you arv‘ (iesirou: of “ informa- tion on tht‘ subject,” I consider it my duty to gratify your ruriosity. At 'a meeting held some four years ago that “ hnhnoxiom creetur,” “ Pax,” was accused of swallowing ’em. The instruments are now, I am ru- joiced to say. in the care of Messrs. Ed- ward Sheppard and VViHinm Warren. ' Yours, The Montreal Commercial fldvcrtis- m, speaking of the present assizes in Mon- treal, says :â€"“ It is seldom in a generilion that as many murdorers escape punishment as have after proofof guil'. avoided the meed of their crimes at this session.” Nearly a” the Irfsh railways sl- by the latvst relurm an increase 0|.tra‘f l rnmpared With 1856; in EngYand the m‘o‘vv- IllPul is in the opposite direction. The earnings of the Great VVostom Railway for the WWII mding‘ 16Ih October, were $53,382, being $24134 less than the reoripls of the corresponding week of last yea: . The amount of flour sent forward from Bufialn Ihus far this season, as romp pared vsi:h last seasn|1,lhlls slmrl 933 14-0 barrels CORIRIUNICATION ’e wish to he distinctly understood that we will not liold ourselves responsible lot the opinions of our Correspondents. Also, 311 Communications addressed to this office for PublicmnonE ,must be accompanied by the real, name al'lhe Writer. nl- though it need not in every case be inserted. {\‘untcncz-d In five years in Nov, '7, 1857. THE BRASS the Editor of the York Ridings’ Gazeltol THE 1 0119310 Abb‘léifip' {ILL 'vs. McKm-Nox BAND ROBBERY. Hm Pvuitvntihfl' VULCAN, AGAIN.

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