lmrunt of moon modn‘iO'l paper. I31" creditors threatened me w tu inipiiso mom. and my tem- perament is such that Icou'd iioi in: in guut a Week. nitiiuu cnt nv! my throat. [n-lt-i' ltic‘e ciit nins aiicrs. I cons it at Vtitli my friends. and they ndtiaerl m: I Cullld n- t explc'. any lcniont‘y from my credit: r-. under the- s’ato of feeling that than oiiszeii in tiie comn u . t\'. and unit Ihad better put my~cli in 11 losi ion to control my prop- rty. and be enabled by so dui‘ g to pay my debts. l l'oilotvrd llIH (ItiVIt‘l‘. \1 li cl‘i. by the way. came from sonic of tho host "er in :ho pun/nice. and have bven stoudl engaged in iii-ranging my CIIAIRLIï¬S [thtsz RicrmztoND HILL, OPENING A MAGNIFICENT ASSOR'I‘MEN’I‘ NOTICE. N 711 VALUABLE PROPERTY 9 l [N THE ’l i a * ROBERT SIVER, 'Boot and Shoo Maker, , DJOINING the \Vesleyan Methodist Cba~ A pel. Yongo Street. Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Gontlemens’. Ladies' and Childrens' Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. Flourishing Village \/ BUTToiiVILLIc,‘ | l is THE l Towndrip of MARIâ€"£11901, IS NOW†-_4 afl'airs and pming my debts. I have not ruc- cot'dod as well and as tint H! I had buried in do. owing to the fact that this aliiiir has iuim-d ll)_\'i w FOR SALE. 4,3 ()NSH'I‘ING rf 'l'h co Villago Lore, tt it‘i l .Winmnï¬ Goons, and made to order on the Shortest Notice. Richmond Hill. June 12th. 1857. g.1w.y. . . . t credit. and prupo ty “ill only still t: r tit-c w w lltlll C I I g V V ‘ I. V t 1' v , hm minim“ lhphh .0 "we [0 “ml mm†Hay. ~ni‘..il.|ti lint (llll'_1~. Huh '1 ti ni.h ’V-At. (if .iii . . ‘ . . > ., __ :it'rr: (ll Li'tltli :ittnclit‘d to our h. (Inc la n strin'l . I evvcr} debt lowo iii the no Illâ€"1111.11" li-t ..|oiie (_ u 8 mm)“ {or a “In†mum. Tue “rm II, u. not onlt my own tit-tits. l1|ll the largo :iinm-iti ut' , U "‘-', ‘_ ‘ 4 I - ' 'v I _ I . rig / ) . 1 6' T ) V_ V V 7 on» d bts'i'or who 1 This ',; a,17“.)23““5?..ï¬j‘,‘,",†1,,"*,‘,‘,’:‘,';'." 1'; 1;: I M I’ 01; 1 MI) I; II? E F1; 0111 HIV GLAND. HOLLAND LANDING. has kept me l'voni t‘niind -. in ev (It'll' o f \Vl’i‘cll lt "_†' "' "' ‘f‘, ‘ ‘ _ l ‘ _ , , iteigiihott'litintl . Illi.‘ thiid is a Lingo Ilonst‘. ~ . ; . . . 23:0 :hpagl‘milllngflil :‘llnlllor11;‘l‘lifidl;::t§£':;"glnl \titli XIll thn ruduirindminns fo- a 'I‘nVirii. With n R I C N D I I4 L a O 'l‘ - 2 29 IiEbSubscriberl begs to inform t‘helIm . n o ' u r ‘, g .p v . - , , l v . ' - creditors in. Canada. Would they let inc I‘BturlI' "“""' l"'|â€"'~’ “"H “l “"1â€- -"‘l"’v L'O'J‘l' -““"“ _i_7___ 7 ‘ A_ w _ i I o, Inn“ of tle abOVe named ll age ind face that absu-d prosecution. l have beenii Cmmtln. twice since ;\ugvi~t: and M [he true it don't. know what my liii iness. was. thO) conclude l want 1101! lo- the purposi- lilo out-hut dings. comisiing ol' (ll’iVIIILY-hnllsf‘, Inrgi- shed, u'oirl-sht-d. giniiart and stable. to- gelhor wuh sonn- c'mit'e Fruit 'rlt‘t-t“, ronip-isuig ‘ plums. pours. Clll'rr'ttlh', and the black trinitâ€" t'liuriy. BU l‘ l‘(),\'Vl LLI'I FALCON lS RECEI BRIDGEW" VING llIS AN TLES, "LADIES M and surrounding Country. and the Public gen- erally. that he has leased the above Hotel. formerly kept by 'I‘HonAs Mu. which he has ï¬tted tip and furnished for the accommodation of - ., -r r i .- ,~ , . - . his Customers. and he trusts by constant attention “Mil-'21"! " ' ‘5""‘° "‘°""l‘ ""d l"l"1~""Â¥~' 3‘ "W." i v . " “my†0†u whim.†- Uh} . l‘LQLIVED. a \31 icty of the Newest Patterns in Black and Grey C10â€! .0 their wants to secure a liberal patronage. they strengthen their Opilll’ill t‘roin ilie t'urt lll‘tl l "‘8 “l ,‘¥I"""â€â€˜,lt 0" 'i'el [WI' (’d‘y,’:"‘s(';l';,‘ OIIO'U‘I‘I'II; R q “ Q '1 lllbt'l, V ecuna and Plush. Liquors of the best brands at the Bar. and every . ' .. ‘1 ' H . itilt lf‘fe Is IIII8< Ii : la la - - :11! t- ' a ‘ I > won" over I" u yucm' “Hume†o ‘20" o I n 0 With it Gri‘tand Saw Mill. Stow. witli Mach inin~' 1 Also†an Excel“ nt A‘sor'ment or 1“? tho 'orc-tsinit. Further. tltm‘ do me the h- nor to of ditl'emiit kinds. ns’ Scotch Lambs \Vool, \Vorsted and Flannel Drawers. attention paid to Guests. ' e vs ‘ v - S ' ' - : ‘ ‘ THOS. LUKES state that lsxchangorl s large flllililllll nt' Cnurtlit AN 1.\l.\ltn\blu ST O( K ! 0 kg m†a‘nsfzcgszwtrzn osl’lscarIFIf bluegvl' :e‘amldf?“°y Flag?“ SthS'. “[00!†Holland Landing. Propriot'or. Bunk hills for gold tVItli Moss's. B"0\Vn and K801} Terms eucy. app‘_\' to tho Proprietor on tho 5 (‘ ‘. 1 . h ‘. , . . nt qiia i "as. kcm- e an ancy mu ers. "we agoâ€- 8 L 10 i 57. l4-3m brokers. of this t-ity. whvch hills liml it very earthy preiiii~c~n or by lrcttt-r. pi.~t-piiid to Utittoiivillo. D I R E C T M T H E M A N U F A C R E I me," of caloured lamhc wool and woolen yams, &c“ which will be sold at a slight 8P ' 8 g small, " like as if they it til ‘won dug "in" They I't)\‘.‘(‘~flltlll “Ill ho "IVPII on the lst f Apiil. or if â€"Al,§0â€"-â€" advance on cost 1201?, II, t â€"â€"_'â€"“’ I cei-tuinlv had been very wt't. Huud eth "f the needed. the l~t uI'Junuurv. ._ . . . . ) , . _. , , Kl . _ ’ S ' a , BRITISH 6:, AMERICAN ~ ‘ - r . ‘ Fiie Hundred Pans Ladies . t‘Il‘VS .and Chml ans . lionts. « mes &. Rubbers _ ' host men in (anadrt know that the amount of Law vpule “qhgpnmme. m i i G. A. BARNARD.S Richmond HI" mutiny exchanged by me u as :i \'t“\' Flllnll ‘7 R E A D Y ’ , amount of lllotlot' for me to lint’o. and w‘ieuovt‘r it becomes necessary for me to rh'iW that tho identical money exchanged by me. and ret‘oriad to in the Toronto papers. was not thi- inwiiey or any part of it. stolen or taken from tho sate in the Parliament Buildings. l shall do it: and further- “more. provetliatl iecuived it in the regular course A of business fioni persons indebted to ins. In conclusion. I would say. owing to the at- tacks of man who know nothing of me 1107 cared to know, who‘moraly wished a sensation in some cases to screen themselves. in others to sell news- papers. I am a ruined manâ€"character. property. all gone: if enough of the latter remain to pay my debts. I shall be thankful. I may have erred in leaving Canada to avoid imprisonment for debt, my friends may have erred who advised me to do so; yet God knows. I have always used my fel- low men wellâ€"h: v3 committed iiu Crime. and have tried. and shall try as long as I remain here. to be itti honornb'e man. Trusting to your well known fairness to pub- lish this. I remain yours. ~ 'A. A. McGAl-‘FEY. Burma. Nov. 3; 11-157. A te‘egraphic despntch from Buffalo states that McGaï¬'oy has been discharged from custody. the 'i'dge holding the arrest illegal under the Ash- ttiton nastyâ€"Globe lltli. TORONTO ’MARKETS. Tuesday. Nov. 10th. WHEAT._â€"“'as in good supply today say OtllVflnbfltll. 2000 bu hole, which went offlit-at.i'y at from-'3‘ 4d. to 55. 6d. per bushel. There is very l ttle competition in the market. FLobk.â€"Dull sale at about foriiier qur- tations. RAItI.ItY.â€"Nominal; no move at all in i'. OATs.â€".\lot so plentiful, consequently sliel. , ~ .jarkets littleliigbcrhsay 1s 7d a Is 8d poi IIAY.-.â€";Tolerahle supply. but inferior quality ;.goinu-Lrom $10 to $17‘pe‘r ton. Burr ~Slau-rlitorcd farmers’ in good . Blown. \Villiarn WILLlAM nlOttRlSON. gin-1f Ruttonvillc. Oct. ‘28. 1857. Straycd. CA 31E into the preiiii-os of the Subscriber. Ileil'cr. 'I‘lio ownvr is ivqniwtod tn pzoyo pr-ipet- ty. pay cliaiges. untl Inko her away-- ‘ \Vll.1.l;\i\1 SANDERSON. Lot No.14. 51rd Concession Markham. Nov. 2. 1857. g32-2 LETTERS 1N . Richmond Hill '1’. 0. ON Ist NOVEMBER, 1857. Ayltvard. Eliza Miss Bernard. H. Atkinson. G. C. Bell. William Bone. Thomas BI‘8\50n. W. Chappcjl. John L. Conley. N , » , Doughty. Uriah Ever. Iiydia Miss Fishburn. J. Rev. Gibbs. Thomas Gibson. James IVaiâ€"ren Gamble. A. W. [2] Hughes. Robert Hood. William Hall. Henry Hunt. Silas Jacklin. Robinson Kelley. William Kerswall, John L'twrence, Geo. Rev. [5] Lindsay. Miss [2] Langstde John LeoCe. Henry Munro. Saniqu D. Matias. W.Iliain Murray J all" Matth we. John Melii'yre. Nril M Klimt)“. Juli“ Conner. Mrs. Conley. Patrick Dee Gicr. B. Fola, Michael Gormau. John Gilniour James. Hart. John Harris. J. Hewitt, Robert Jitnmerson. James Kerswell. Charlee Kelsall. Abraham Love. Richard [‘2] Langstafl‘. James Lamb. Richard Moore. Mrs. Ma-sh. Francis Murphy. llono‘a Miss Muldoou, S Miss. McKinnor. Pinter McKonzxe, B. Mrs. ziliI-nt In» let of July lll‘l, n 'I‘wo-yczrr old. GROCERIES. Sm, Richmond l1iil.(lct. 30, l837. MADE CLOTHING! A FIRST RATE The above Goods will be sold :it the lowest possible tales. ASSORTMENT I For portion/mac Mr: B 1715 5'3 1 2m EGS to announce that he has on hand a Trade, consisting of The latest Fashions will always be found piefctent‘e to those who deceive the public ’tichiiiond Hill, Oct. 30,1857. i , ï¬niN COULTER: ‘MERCHAN T TAILOR, RICHMOND Fancy Scotch Twccds, Doc Skins, Real Fur Beaver, for Overcoatsl All Shades of Colours. â€"ALSOâ€" Brown and Grey Petersliams, Fancy Vestings, Kc , &c y The whole of which have been carefully selected by himself. practical experience he is enabled to assure the public of the quality of each article, capacity as a Practical 'I‘nilor, to secure the patronageof all who want good work in kind, and vaunt as of their own manufacture. ‘IIII_.L 1 good nSSOI‘lIllt‘nt of materials for the VI'inter And from his long and at his establishmcnt, and he relies on his with ready-made Slop le/c, of the lowest Tombâ€"CASH. ‘ JOIIN COULTER. g‘ll-tf Ladies' Cloaks & Mnntles, ’ Ladic‘s7 \Vool Jackcts, Hosiery. Gloves. 6L Ribbons, CHARLES'DURRANTB -â€"-NEW ARRIVAL OI“â€" WINT ER _]_)_I-:.Y GOODS Ladics' Dress Goods, indies’ Silk dc Wool Scarfs, Blankets (SI, Flanncls. Children’s \Vool Goods of every description. A good Assortment of Ladies’ Furs to arrive. flLllTlllllli Tl] SHIUHE llllllll TIMES! Cl A. BARNARD has now on hand the largest. host, and t heapest assmtment of T. DIEN AND BOYS’ Ready-marl? Winter Clothing. North of Toronto. in every Haring purchased the material, and had them math) expresmy thoroughly recommend them as D U R i B i. E, And for CHEAPNESS THEY CAN nor BE sriiiptssnn. attention to this class of trade, he would earnestly solicit an of giving entire satisfaction. C L O T H l N G Male to order, in every style, from almost every material. at the MOST ECONOMICAL PRICES, at variety of style and fabric. for his own trade, he can Having devoted a particular inspection, being confident G. A. BARNARD’S, Richmond Hill. g19â€"tf Richmond Hill. Oct. 15,1857. NEWVLFALLCGCODS! â€"ON THIS â€" “ CHEAP SYSTEM 1†0 Short Life to the Old Systemâ€"Long Credit, .‘0.’ Long Life to the New Syste;n-'â€"SIIOI>.T CREDIT, Success to the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. G. A BARNARD. Richmond Hill. will conduct bltsinoss‘ solely on CASH OR SHORT CR IZDI'I‘. Six months will be given on all new Accounts, payable proinpuy on Is, October & ls! April in each year. G. A BARNARD is now receiving a large and well selected stock of JEWELLEEY STORE. .MALL PROFITS 8L QUICK RETURNS HE undersigned working on the above principle feels conï¬dent that he can se goods 30 Per Cent Cheaper Than any house in town. Call and see $3 50 Clocks. $10 Silver Watches, $8 Gold Albar Chains. CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES At 114 Yonge St..2doors south of the Globe Hotel. T oronto. T. C. RICHARDS. IL? Every description of Goods in the trade made or repaired on the Shortest Notice. Toronto. May 26. 1857. g4-ly. ONE HUNDRED OORDS OI" PINE WOOD!! FORSALE. For terms apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER. Thornhill. Thornliill. August 11, 1857. JAMES HALL,‘ Boot and Shoe Maker, RICHMOND HILL. . gIO-tf _â€" VVOULD respectfully intimate to his Friends and the Public, that he has constantly on hand a large and varied assortment of Ladies’ and Gontlemens’ Boots dc Shoes of every description! Of the best quality and workmanship. and almos exclusively of Home Manufacture. Also. a Largo stock of Ready-Made Clothing ! Comprising Coats. Vests. Pants. Hats and Caps 61m. 614-... of every size and description; also of excellent quality and manufacture. all of which he . McGlonrv. Jo n - l g p e l . r f . . ‘ . , . Y. ' Will sell its low as any house in Upper CanadaI supply,but quality Inferior; fore quarters “Newlyâ€: wlwam : Newton Jams _ C. D. rcspectxlu ly t 0 lens an tispection 0 his Stuck which Will be Dry Goods, _ _ Groceries, Winesdz Liquors, IR?“ EASIER" J ,v 23 85 setting at $31 to $4, liiud quarters $5 to r r ‘ P ‘ \‘1 ‘ found to be large and well assorted. 7 Ladies’ 5L Childrens' Boots dz Sliocs, » Hardware, ic man I . u) ,I 7. 7g-tt $5al .. Pitlups, ctar . one. I r Crockery, Paints, 0:18. L d , I I, AlLotlier articles of domestic use very §°:"’°n‘; Phil?!“ qomme‘ï¬em I,an Richmond Hill. Oct. 30. 1857. g21-tf Drugs & Medicines, 62.0,, &c_, am, on on Doe]: Vaults“ wantâ€), g“l‘l‘liefl we last two days“ No S::.,:r~?;;.,r ex '. guru... Hutu. 'w 5’5"" ‘7“ “ r“ ’â€" w. n n m I 8 mm P _ ,. _ G-. _ , _ ‘ltem‘ion i“ Prices Obselvlhle‘â€"Colanzst Slllllh- 1110"?“ Shilwvjnn‘h“ 1V 0 C E . sly-ltd]an :ddicufwlfisclithee‘dh'e‘ig 05thï¬ggvld’132ni. aciidgilublliibss.tllfaif‘eigr igfdlbbfbri'zimlliilhggd: BROS" nMARRIED. 'oolrott. Mix? Walker, “'illiam [3]. Walker. John “'ilhon. Richard M. 'I'EICFY. iNCORFBRAHON m?PREMIUMém ï¬ning his business to shorter time. he is assured of the neces‘sity of a garoral adaptation to the new principle. which must supersede the Long Credit and Long Png‘iz S’ I h . ’ _ gstrm. in general use in this tummy; and cunvniccd that a discerning ptiblic wtll avail themselves of the NEW Sven-:11, whereby PORTERS of Wines. Spirits and British Beers. in Wood and Bottle. 1M . on the 6m inst" by the Rev Dr_ Taylor. ram] anmflqpr _ â€"â€"OI“-â€" - '4 ~51: they can eflbct asaviug from 15 to ‘20 per cent on the average on Goods they usually require. a? v‘m'nr 'S'HEEtdevrvetsergfflft: Oï¬ce. King - - 7 ’ h . ' . ‘ . . A . . . _ . . . at the residence of the bride‘s father. Mr. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" [-1 D ~ ~ FD‘fgoAASBLESfoTgaS‘EII:efï¬efï¬g‘flz Illigttoxznlqlllnglen. his prlces Will be concuo- Jane. 1857. g.1-wy. James Thomson, to Mary Ann Stitt,’daughâ€" l 0 T I C E a â€" I ' I ter othunns Stitt. Esq.. all of Toronto. OAS}: UP- G REEABLY to a Resolution pass- w Eg-H Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abatement! To Medical Practitioner's. . GOOD OPPORTUNITY new offers itself ______ L. ,, ed at a Public biccting of the In- RiChmm‘d Hm' June 30‘ 1857' _ _ _ 34‘“ to a Medical Man of standing and experi- LOST ! habitants of Richmond Hill. held at ABLIQHMENT Murkham Economu‘ P‘W'Mrr ti" fwbld- House and Prpnises. both pleasant and a: t . t . “ ' ._ v- c ., , â€"â€" convenient can be ha on reasonable terms. N SA-rivitmv. Nov. 7th. a double cased , 1.1. Acoonots (Inc istOctobei. not aid h\' i the (401311 llOUSe, on the ZStliOctoer. I ‘ ‘ ' ' â€"“ . -' . - - SILVER WATCH. with gauid. either on ; 14m November, will be put in Sull.P1>ltflll: 1857, application will be made to the 0â€â€œ Dom South '7 we GAZLT†Oï¬ce' R E T I R I N c F R o M B U s I N E s 3 6,3251†“"1†l°"°"’°"Pa‘d' mm mm“ m the 4th Concession of Markham or the 4th Con- sm-clh. adhere w my pew system or Shm.l cred“ i Gavel-“ï¬r Gonpra] “rpqnqdq in qm'nrcp Y . . . . _ cession of V1 hitcl‘urr'h. between Victoria Square and pm",Pl paynmm' . ' - H H I t t I llllaln ll. RIErch’ I - . . > Richmond Hill. June 15th. 1857. g.2-wy. and Mr. C. Smith’s. horse i'nri.ior_ Maker: Wu. G, A, BARNARD, ance . with the .Hct to flinend I/ie ‘ . THE Subscriber, in returning his Sincere thanks t1 the inhabitants of Markham and , . m. Iï¬titidon. pnrplior 7836.J puffy? iirlrlmr‘: Richmond Hill. Nov. 5. 18.37. g‘ZQ Jllummpul 1.;ws of Upper femuda Hz- PM’WHZIHZ [fairness IlIamifacIuwr, .icinily, ,0, ,he “be,†pmronage bestowed on mm Ming 1i... 1..., Twenmthme yea... he Sprmg Importations. “owl osm'w (H anw'mr‘ .' y "I ‘ I ’ â€"’â€"â€"’_ M latin IO [/18 IICOI‘ oration 0 Villugrs ‘ ESI’ECTFUI I Y announces to the Public Ins b ' b amass at VICTORIA QQUARE would bPu l ~vi: i q t fh-i [ ‘ b â€" |h.d. ‘ M. J “lummbh. rewarded. ' ‘ ‘ .g P _ ~ - 1 ‘ ' 4 . ' I ‘ :V . yen in u. . p _ L ,. .,, ea . o . a 9 <1 ie is a out Mli’icioisia 85:: Son‘s. Ir57?’ [123-5% IMPORTANT CREDIT SALE 1 to incorporate the Village of Itich- P K $9213â€??? he ll"V'“t‘f‘“l{F" W’s“ “ii tIPt'lllllng the Bldesllllll’l business and moving to the \\ eat, and that he has tet his LYMAN, BROTHERS 5‘ CO" ‘1 . t . or mond Hill. in the County of York. un- mumâ€, Shah 153311;:,,,â€2§§cegf§,§‘ premises to . _ No- 4. 31- anrence Building’. CU Ail-th !! (’U A ‘1 EKD ! l l R E A L E S T A T E I dcr the name of the Village Of Hicll- ‘ feels conï¬dent that he can give entire satislaction VVOULD resP°9tfnlly in“?an to “WI? mï¬ld' h h P b “n ' mend Hi“ bounded 8. follows ._[‘“,m ‘iu all branches of his business. ‘I X Ji. , and “‘9 P“bhc 1h“ “‘9†- LL thoaow owls asupvrior utter. can a ‘ ' ‘ ' V . I , ' supplied bycalling at the Phoenix Carriage P E R S ONA L PR OPE R Ty_ , Lot number Forty-three to Fill} -two, as: All Work \Varranted. Vt ho w.†from the ï¬rst of November next, carry on the banners on the same approved SPRING IMPOR FATIONS Factory. Mullth V'l'fliflv C- w- I (both lllClllSH e) on each Slclc Oi Ytilige . h “a†A dlltged stock 0; Hat-tire. 1&C. altvays'tpln $.5th as hwttofore. mg know forward, and consist of a we“ “sorted 11.? Please to give an early call. 1112 Uiidemgned has been instructed by Mr. 1 Street. and extending to the second V“ ' ‘3". m“ 9 ‘0 °' W a“ 5 °w°s" Poss' ‘5 n g . .- ~ C - ,, _ , . 5‘†°f HENRY R WALES THUS “Mimic†by VUBUC AUCâ€"I.IUN'1;0nccgqinn 0r me T6wnshi S (“Mark ieinnuaiatmgprrces. Ihe tubsctiber has much pleasure in. re omuiendni,_ Mr. MACKEthE to the former PURE DRUGS, DYE_STUFFS . H . , . .- P Richmond Hill. Oct 15. 1857. ng-ly patrons of this hstablislinicnt and the ptil ltc gt‘nt'l‘ttll)’. as a young man of steady, pllllt"\lal. GHEMICALS BRUSHES ’ P'opn'“f‘ (In. .Moml’ny. IN?!†16, 1 80791113") and Vaughan _ 7â€' fl ’ " ‘ ‘ business habits; he feels the more conï¬dent in doing so having had him in his empli . me I QPICES ’ PERFU “BIPY NW-T'h- 1357- 323'8‘ On Lot No. 48. Vaughan side Yongo Street. the b1. TEEFY. l ~l during the his twelve months, during which time he was perfectly batlzliell uitb lii.~ E VCY’SOAPS VARVIéHE: ’ V , following FARM STOCK and isirLizquN'rs. ocmber 23m. 1857, J. MORRISON, workmanship, A} , i , 1 bv Straytjd Steer ! \Vithout Resort-8. as the Proprietor is going to __ . ' ‘ I _ PA [‘EN [‘ MEDICINED, PAINTS, leave this part of the Country. ' Home, Sign and ornamental I Irusting he may meet With the same couiironnnrc and suppmt, formerly bestowed OI SURGICAL ]NS’J‘RULVLEN'I‘S7 OILS, AME into the Subscribers enclosure. in June 1 Span Hnisas. matched. 8 years old. V ’ 1 ' this establishment, he would beg to subscribe hiinsnlfl DRUGGIS-Tbe GLASS“,-ARE, &c., C last. a STRAY STEEH. Tho owner is re- Iliown Mute. aged “’0 ACRES OF LAND Ai‘D FRAME , I Y . I '1, 1 . . . , I ‘ ‘ - . - l 1.“ Iii 01“ 001 3' “PUNK all of which the offer to the node at the lowest named to Prove proper.“ pay charges and take “0,... “0.3... 4 yams 01d. HOUSE. situated on Centre Stieet. Ll“ , It;l v 1,1,4 ,p a _ J i‘tawav. - - Grey Mute. aged. For Parllculars aPP‘)’ to l W†W M “ \VIII G "mike; 128% , M I H m t - f ' JAMES CLIFFORD. Mitch Cows. in calf. G. DOLMAGE. VlCTomA SQUARE Oct. 12 .957. . . 0... not: ahso ca 6 at cation 0 - Lot No. 28. 2nd Con.. Markham. Yearling Heifers. Richmond llill. } Proprietor G _ . G1. . . i i _ Dealers and hamlets to t_ e ' Nov. 11.1857. 393-?! Hui t rs. Qi'ears old- 0°" 3"- 1857- E21“ mmâ€, 5 or! anâ€, _ White Lead and Colors in 011 and Patty STRAYEI) SHEEP. * .‘IME into the promises of the Subscriber. Lot No. 30. 4th Concession. Markham. about the 15th of September. Fire Ewes. The owner is re. quos‘ed to prove property. pay damages and take them away. , . , WILLIAM PADGE-T. Victoria Square. Nov. 10. 1857. g23-3t 80] CH-AS'. POLLOCK, [80 \\ ' MPORTER of British, French German and American, Fancy and Staple Dry King Street East. Steers. matched. ‘2 years old. Hull. 2 years o'd. Lumber Wagguus, Bu v. I’aigEBob-Sleighs, Market Sleigh. new, Sells of Harness. I’lotiglis. Ribbiiig Ploughs. Fatiuin Mill. Straw Cutter. Son of Harrows. Store Hogs. Grind Stone. “'heelbarrow. 2 Cooking Stoves. 6 Tons of Hay. t. mumuaawAuâ€"Isiâ€"amâ€"mrcwï¬twh‘h‘ NOTICE. I \VILL not hold myself responsible for any accident that may occur from the removing of Sand from the Side Line, be- tween Lots 20 and 21. near the 2nd Con- cession, in the Township of Vaughan. P. PATTERSON, Overseer of Division No. 12. October 26, 1857. gQI-lm SMELSER 8L BOWMAN, and Paper Hanger. l RICHMOND HILL. ' CARRIAGES, BCGGIES AND WAGGONS, PAINTED AND TRIMMED. Richmond Hill. Sept 4. 1857. gl3~3m SHINGLES. To Builders Farmers and Others! HINGLES. (Jr A summon QUALITY. BLACKSMITHING. VICTORIAâ€"stun R115. THE Subscriber would beg lt-at'c imam to the inhabitants of .‘larkliatn ant ‘Vicinity, that he has leased the plt'mlSPS at present Oct-Upicd by Mr. “"31. G. Ll tos‘Totx‘ L Victoria Square; and that the business hitherto t-ari'iul or by Mk. I’IINGSTt)N will i'i-on - ilhe 1st of Narcniber, be carried on by the Undvrsigin-d, who will at all times endcavor t. merit a Continuance ol the pationage so liberally extt-ndcd to his pl‘t‘dcceasut‘.' The Subscriber will at all times be prepared to execute all kinds of GENE RAL BLACKSMITII \VORK, prepared by them. and for which they solicit a ‘ rial in comparison with otherkindsin the market. feeling confident that the result will n0t be to their disadvantage, either as regards quality or price. Foronto. June 96. 1857. g5-3in RUMOHR’S PATENT ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MILL. r[‘IIE undersigned having purchased R. Losson’s Patent Mill. is now prepaiod to manufacture any quantity of them. at his factory. Markham Village; and any person infringing on the above l’atent originally invented by Richard Loseon, will be prosecuted according to law. ads No. 80. City Buildin . . - r - ‘ r ‘- M H RU‘VIOIIR c. .' ~ ' A d ‘ u. f m tel a, to that- wnh the a can now be had in any quantity, tiom One to V _ ‘ . . i . Q’P ""1155538'22m'" C‘m°d|'5:T?l‘°m°v 0- W- S;8,:0q,;-HEJ,.:\.°gag-(t;lLsnd. ï¬ne;me on, Llcensed Auctioneers I a Thousand Bunches, at Mr. Joan LANG~TAFT'.~ 0n the most reasonable terms, and on the shortest notice. Soliciting a continuance ol Augusls. 1851/ glU-Bm- 0" ' ' ' €22.“ Slum. wi'l be'sold in Starks of about TWO Tons FOR THE ’I‘OWNSHIPS 0F Shhgle Mallufflumyr Yonge Streelv “93" Tlmm- the public patronage, he would beg to subscribe himself, F1 . 1 Fl . 1 r F- - 1 x it“ ‘ ' , each. Also. a Nuiserv of Young Fruit Trees. . bill. ' le 18 . He . Active Force 1 ~. various kinds. ' Blarkham &Wh1tchurch No hand-made Shingles can equal these made Your obedient seiv .nt, HE Oflico‘ts and Non-Commissioned Ofï¬cers of No. 9 Troop. York Volunteer Cavalry. will meet at Mr. SIZE'S TAVERN. Unicnville. on SATURDAY. the Nth inst, at 4. EFL. to take into consideration the proposed Militia Festival. to be bold in Tomato on the 96th of this month. the proceeds to be applied in aid of Widows and Or- phans of Soldiers who have died in Canada. '1 here wdl also be sold on the same day. .5 Acres of Splendid Land, being competed of part of Lot No. 48. lst Con.. Vaughan. There are on the premises a Barn 36 feet by ~10. together with a cuiiifurtable Fiatiic Dn‘e‘ling House. with two Walls of “utter.â€" Also. one Young Orchard. composed of about Seventy Trees. all bearing. This property is only a Quint-tor of a Mile dis taut from the centre of Richmond Ilill. and will be positively sold on the day of Sale. so that :rl. perm-us wi~hiutz to scours a comfortable home ought to avail themselves of this opportunity. TERMS :â€"l“or the personal property. nl‘ <uins of $10 and under. Cash : over that ainnnn Twelve Muiiths’ (Smut. by furnishing approve. Joint Notes. 11:!“ Terms of the Land will be made knowu oi the dty of Sale. [KT Sale to commence at TEN. an. £1] Rastoasccs :-â€"Honry Smelser, Laskay. King. Thos. Bowman. Almira. Markham. October 15. 1857. g19-1 THE WHITE SWAN Inn, and Livery Stables, Yourâ€: Srttrzs'r. OSEPH GABY begs to inform the public that he has commenced to run a Stage from tho uliove Hotel to the O. S. dc H. R R. Station. (Richninnd Hill) twice a day; and will convey passengers to any part of the country. night or day. in ten minutes notice. JOSEPH GABY. Proprietor. m )1 bi: Richmond Hill, Oct. 15. 1857. BLANK FORMS. E13.“ purchaser. by Steam. loriieatriess and durability. Specimens of his Shingles may be seen at the " Gazette" Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, and at Mr. Rufus Skin~ iter’s. Grocer. Yong:I Street. Toronto. 'I'bornbill. Sept. 11). 1857. PRIVAT_E__SALE1! LflA‘D .HJV'D WJITER ./'lIILL ! Near Richmond Hill. HIS FA R31 contains about Fiftt' Acres, with a House. Garden. and small Clearance. and is well tinihered. The “'ater Mill. including Three good Dtvcl'ing Homes; with Gardens. Bun about Fifteen Acres of Land. if required by the The premises are at prr-senl used as an Agricultural Implement and l’ile Factory. All the above property Will be sold OJ easy terms for Cosh or Yearly Payments. and is worthy the attention ofthe Mechanic and Former. g14Atf JOHN )[cKENZIE VICTORIA SQUARE, Oct. 12, 1857. g19-I 0:? Markham Econmnt'st phase copy till forbid. M W'ILLIAM HODGE, Scim, COPPER. BMSS’, TIN, flJV‘D may PLflTE WORKER, AND FURNlSHING IRONMONGER. " ‘ ROM “2 R. tit “'m. King's V‘Vholesnle Hons-e. Snow Hill, I seven years Copper Fountain and Tea Kev iis thanks for past favour. to the inhabitants wforin them he bu constantly on hand. or Cash as cheap as possible. Also. all kinds of Japan Ware. Copper Fountaim. Tea Kettlo's and Brass Pans made to order. London. England: and tit-oily le maker. to .‘lnqnes'on 6: row llrtmilton. Rottier of Richmond Hill and surrounding country; and bags to almost over} aiticle iii the above line. which- ho will sell W E Sâ€"T E R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY or TORONTO. INCORPORATED FY ACT OF PARLIAIINT. CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. BOARD OF DIRECT 0118. J. C. Giuwtt. Pres. ] Tnos.Hawom-Is. V. Pros. Win. Henderson, Rica Lewis. James Leash. George Michio. Hugh M "or. J. 1’. Robina. \Valter Macfarla no. Robt. Stanton. 8‘ I? Read 011109, Church Street. Toronto Tins COMPAKY Insure: all descriptions of Buildings. Manufactoriaa. Mills. ï¬r. and Goth and Furniture. in the same. again-u loss or futo- ago by ï¬re. on liberal toruis. Loves promptly LARGE SUPPLY of Magistrates’ Blanks. ~ 11? Old Cop r. Brass. Pewter and Lead!» hi k ' ï¬lled. NORMAN THOS McLEOD‘ ,OHN HARRINGTON. ‘ “woulng m the laws! forms. for “'0 a! For particulars apyBiioDUNCUMB' 1’e up or ta on in exchange for GD'KII, i s A. LA “2 I Cw: Commanding. Richmond mu, 1 Adm"... his Oï¬iw. by the duzen or hundred. Richmond Hm. Parlour and Cooking Sin't’t’s on hand. i Rpsidenm, General Arm. 3. 5. 1357. i 2294" but 5. 1857. 't 392.2i‘ “ Gn‘zottn" (Wire. All! ‘27. 1857. September 10. 1857. 114'“. Richmond Hill. August 19. 1857. i l glliam Richmond Hill. August 13.1857. pith 1v