cxander†while in b'rdlam. One night when [mans employed about It by moonlight, a «had passing along, con-red part of the when, so as to make it almost dark, when Lee exclaimed‘ “ Arise, Jupiter, and mull~ llu' label. ‘ Put down by Johnnie D-â€"~.’ A clergyman of'a country vil- hgr dewired his clerk to givu notice- lllul tum-e would he no service in the afternoon, ail“: was going to Iï¬clfalc with an anetlm- c x-r-gyman. 'l'lw clerk, as soon as the spr- --ice was ended. called out. ' I am desier M give nolice that [here will be no service Ilus afternoon. as Mr. L is goingr (ifs/1- (ng will! anmher clergyman.†t-mceâ€"the doling mother of a waggish lad “having bottled a lot of preserves, lablctl than: “ Put up by Mrs. Dâ€".’ (her name.) .mhnnie her promissing bonhaviug di~c0ver e I the ‘ gondies.’ soon ate up the contents of the bottle. and then wrote on the bottom of llu' label. ‘ Put down hv Johnnie D--.’ Hue moon !†No'soomar had he spokenï¬hau tho) cloud instantly covered the face of the moon, rendering it quite dark ; Lee exclaim- ing in great dagusf, “ Ye rm‘ious gods ; u‘n mufed ‘c on." A canny Scot, from Tweedsido, h‘u‘ing found his way to Canada “'esl, c.ill- ed on a townsman in Guelph, one day ; it be- m‘; within a few minutes of dinner Kim? he was asked to slay and have some dinner, but sms h» ‘ Na, na. thank ya. I must gang on, for I‘m [eu’d the land will be ’a sell’d.’ Here is an ancient deï¬nition of a lrog: Ye l'rogge is an amphybyous ani- mal with foure l'eete. a Imyked bmhiie, and \mytheout «War a mile. He hath a hname Voice, and lovyelh much to me it on yo sum- mer nights. He is remarkable for graceful ‘xymnuug with rapidmwgand for taking verrie Iu'ge leaps 0n ye lands. The hoop maniais manifestly on the incnease. Messrs. Douglass 8v. Sherâ€" wood, of New York, who are the loading manufacture-rs for the continent, aver than their sales of these fashionable appendages last month amounted to twanty thousand dol- lars more than the same month of the year preceding. you say ?’ said an iraacihle old boarder to the landlady. an he was trying to carve what was ostensibly a chicken; ‘ yes'm ; and were I to give my opininn on the fowl, I should say it was old enough tn hai'e scrdkhed up the seeds of original sin when they ware ï¬rst planted.’ An Irish soldier who was boasting of his great courage, was asked why he ran away in battle. ‘ Faith’ said Pat, ‘ me hear! is bowld an a lionâ€"so it is; hull happen to have a pair of cmvardly legs, which always rmns away wid me body Whin I’d be aflerlighling the inimy, bad luck to thin).‘ ‘Tough, madamâ€"tough, did ‘ Did' you ever consider Mr. Smith insane l' asked a lawyer of a witness in a erimlnal case. ‘ Yes sir,[ dill." ‘ Up- On what gronmlsdid you ba<e that cnnclu- sion l’ ‘ Why, I lent him a silk umbrella and ï¬ne dollars in money, and he returned them both.’ pander that contracts on your approach to water, so that on the moment you come '0 a puddle it lift: you over and leaves you on the other side. of saving this small beer from depredation 1’ said a gentleman to his butler. ‘ By placing a cask ofstrong beer by the side of it.’ ‘ Snigglethrifts’ will you have some of the butter 1’ ‘ Thank you, madam; I belong to the Temperance souicty, and cant take anything strong.’ It was once said ofa canal in Ponnecticut, that the ï¬rst dwideml paid to the stockholders was from the proceeds of the hay cut down on the tow path. that ‘ people run great risks in eating crabs at. this season of the year.’ Nobody thinks ofthe risks the crabs run. ‘ My wife,’ said a critic, ‘ Is the most even-tempered person in the world -she’s always mad.’ Our tempers are like an opera- glass, which makes the obJect small nr great, according to the end you look through. An indirect way of getting a glass of water at a boarding house, is to call for a third cup of tea. sun 1 hery’, as the widow said when she swapt herself Oh for a widower. What kind of sweatmeats did they have in the ark? Preservedpairs. Lee wrote his tragedy of “ Al- A lady neighbor and acquain- ‘ What will be the best method A Yankec has invented a sus- Hero Wit in bright eï¬â€˜ulgonce glows, With Wisdom joined, lhrongh rhyme and prose. And both units thou charmfl in one. To form the sage and huln’rous pun. The ‘Vashington Star says 1? Because it is the centre of light. ‘ An even eXChange is no rob- Why is the letter G like the @3131: 5mm 33001:. f Hvrr Drieslmch lhe lion tamer has of 9 7- l 'lnte years, burn a steady harddvorkmg tar Hlk'l‘ in l’otosi, \‘Vis. >0in lime since Herr I mid a visit [.0 his old com :aniuns Ihe ham 1 I ‘ | 9 9 Ileopartls, and Ilgers, at Uuhuque, where the lmcnugerie containing them was stoplin ,. l'he ineeting is drscribrd as having been ali- §ecting. The lioness, Wlllt‘ll was a particular «write, caught 9gb! of him, and her eyes glemned with pleasure, while her tail wag ged a glad recognition. On his (zoningr u;- to her, she appeared frantic with ioy, and when he sgoke to her and presmted his fat 9 [I the cage, she kissed him, and placed h r paw in his, hand with an air of an intenre aï¬'uction. lmleed, while. he was in her prer srnce, she (lid not kno v how to control her- sell-,bllt wnulrl lick his hands while he at- tempted to pat her, roll ovur, reach out her paws to him. and then press her nose betww n the bars as though she would like to haw had a closer presence. 'lhe other animals were equally utï¬tctionate. A RFMARKABLE CASE or AFFLICTION. â€"'l‘|mre is in the town of bhelby, Orleans county, <ays th Medina Tribune, :1 more uisu'nsing case of disease and suï¬'ering than we Sltpp0<etl rxisted on earth. Henry l’ossan. a mm tony-live yrars of age, has been con- ï¬ned to his bed, and helpless, since he was It ueteenâ€"lwI nn-six jeul‘h. His disuue is rawunmtism, and most terrible has (In: poor man suliered with its torturing and deform- ing navtnges. liis knee joints are dixlocalcd and shockinily duplac. (1. His teel are d awn round In one side, and Ihv toes twisted to ahl conceivabm shapes. In act the ter- riblr d sense 1:15 1: Merl; left a limb, a joint. or a n ember of tin: holly undefnrmed. And adllt‘d to uh this. lhe poor man has been ren- (it'rld perlcmly b in] by the wine diwasu. l'le li 3 ill on h 5 back, his arms folded ncr0<s his I) edst, and i~ unly burer able to wave his ï¬n ;cl's. “in pain is aevere and almost con- :lan‘. In 1834-, I was much surprised by a son of my old and respected t'riend Captain Bowen, who had served in the campaign under the Duke of York, in Holland, where he was wounded, walking into my house near Stoney Creek, with a knapsack on his back; he was then 18. He told me he had come out to try his luck as a farmer in Can- ada. I suggested the Grand River or the North Shore of Lake Erie. He continued his march, and eventually ï¬xed on the Township of Rainham. There he worked hard for two years or more, in the bush. On his father’s death he was called home. and his mother “ished him to take orders ; he having previously received a (‘las ical ed- ucation. Shortly afterwards his uncle, who was a captain in the East India Company's naval Iervice, died, and left a large fortune to his nephew, John Bowen, he being hi~ heir at law. The Rev. John Bowen tbt-n went out as a missionary to Jerusalem to convert the Jews. On his return from his mission he visited Constantinopleâ€"the chapâ€" l in to the embassy being absent, he. at the request of the British Ambassador. took upon himself his duties. Sventually returning to “alas, the place of his birth, he began to lecture on the Holy Land and the state 01 the .llrWS in Palestine. He was shortly :Il'lervrards made a rector, and on taking [mssesston of his living, he found an old man witha large family, doing the duty ol'curate. The new rector being a practical Christian. continued the old man in the curacy, and assigned him all lhi: emoluments-â€"tluring life. This is the Dr. Bowen a‘luded to in yom paper of the 1‘21h October, as the new of Sierra Leone. Cdl. W. Havelock. well known in the Peninsular and Oriental campaigns as one of the most dashing cavalry ofï¬cers in the service, fell at the head ol‘thc 14th Light Dragoons, in one of the bloody engagement of the Sutlej â€" The present representative and sub- ject of our notice after paxsing through along and distinguished npprenticeshil I to arms in the great conflicts of North Western India, especially in the cam- paigns of Sir C. Napier ; holds at present the post of adjutant general ot the Bengal Presidency, a rank likelv to be changed, if Providence reserve for him the completion of this great worlx which he has so energetically begun ‘for the highest the service can afford. There are not wanting persons who re- member the residence and early life of: this hero, of the courage and daring‘ which foreshadowed the man in the boy, and we may earnestly hope that it will yet be our pleasure to record in his career ofretribntivc valor, exploits and honors which vsill alike reflect distinctions in the soldier and do honor to the town which claims his birth.â€" Sunderland Herald. A CANADIAN FARMER MADE AN EPISCOPAL Eamonâ€"A correspondent o. the Hamilton Banner writes as follows :â€" GENERAL HAVELOCK.â€"â€"It may mt be generally known that this gallant oflicer, whose name has become one of the most familiar to British ears among the most splendid instances ol courage and devotion which are no“ signalizingjour arms in the East. is a na- tive of the banks of the Wear, and a member ofa Sunderland family. Hi: father, Wm. Havelock, Esq, was a well known ship owner and coal-ï¬tter. residing at Ford Hall, the present residence of W. Hay, Esq.. where the famin since so distinguished as soldiers, were born. Another brother, “ Palmam qui meruit feral." h: N.B.â€"Pnl)li>hers of newkpnpers giving insertion lo lhis ndverlismenl for 2 months. will be allowed their bills upon purchasing ï¬ve times their amount. of our manufuclnre. Editors will confer a favor by directing attention to lhe announce- meul. 'l‘. J. G. 51, Co. The followinglist of a few ofthe principal m'ti. dos mquirrd by printers. will give an idaa of the great advantages of the Canada 'I‘ype Foundr) -â€" It is therefore hoped that the Printers of Cann- da will show their appreciation of the advantages it holds out. by hem-wing upnn it a fair share of [hair patronage. in return for which the propiiulm's pledge themselves to leave no means untried to give ample satisi'aciiou. Printers! mark the reduclinn ill the price of typv since this Foundry was opened ; and baar in mind that a greater reduction depends upon vour- selves. Uur mono isâ€"suppl)‘ 1||v trade will; type of such quantities and at Mlch plires as will pre- vem the uecoasil)‘ of patronising I'ureign manu- fuclurers. The prices at which these and other types ara sold at the Canada Type Foundry. will he lound at least 30 per cent. less than they could be pur- chased previous to its establishment. IL?" All other Book Fonts in propor-lion. LEADSâ€"6 lo Flea and thicker, )5 per lb. Pica. 153d; 0' to Pica ls 6d. A ltd removing all l)i-Pases of the Eye and Ear generallv. begs most respectfully to inform these afflicted in these delicate organs. ihal he has for- warded lo the office ol‘lhis paper a few dozen copies of the 4th edition of his Treatise on Dismiss (1/. (h 1 Eye and Ear, published I is day. which will be presented to applicants, HF. Proprietors of this Establishment thtO inform the Pnin ers of Canada. that they have now manufactured and read). for delivery. a large quantity of Small l’ica. Long l’rzmer, llullrgeowe and llrevier, ul' Scotch farm, which they will gua- rantee cannot be rurpuswd h_\ any Foundry upon this continent for durability and aupearance. 'l‘hev have also on hand a choice assomnent of various kinda of The Author feels fully assured that everyunprc- jwlt'cml rem/er of this work will be convinced that Diseases 01 the lite or Eat in may stage short uf complete disorganization. cm: and may In: [ï¬rst] : and it must appear evident to ever) romiderate perwn that the principal runse 45/y'uilure to obtain relief III these tunes throughout the country, is the rt-sult of imprnj‘er treatment. and a wantoftxt-‘I-zk- tunn- SKILL, and CuMl’h‘l'ENl v on the putt ot'thuse protessing or attempting to cure sut h diseases. INIVERSALLY known thrrnghnut Canndn and the United States for his skill and success In ' This wo:k contains nearly 2000 pages of read- ing matter. in which will be found reported alarge number ol'tnont important and sum-asst“! opera- ions on the Eye. and more than (Int- Hundred in- cresliug Cases of e\ery descuiption. Illustrated with numerous Cuts : nd Hales. Also. will be seen, Letters and Refvrences l'rlm highly respec~ table parties from all pan-Ls of Canada and the United Slates.â€"nl| of which will be found Well worthy the Careful perusal ol'lhe nfllictetl. OCULST & AURIST. OPERATOR ON THE EYE AND EAR Restoring Lost. Sight ard "caring! Ten Thousand (‘ories are now rmdyfurdistrilmtinn This \‘Vork will al"o be forwarded to individuals free qfc/mrge) sending their fldli eas, Pun-PAID. lu the Author at Toronto. Canada Type Foundry. Sattaras. Drab Kerseys, Robe Dresses. Challis Dresses. Sh Tornhlo. June. 1857. REMOVED 1‘0 ST. Tunier S12, IN DEBERA'I BUILD†.s. MONTREAL. REMEDY F037 BAVLDNESS, And for Invigorating and Beautifying the flux, Montreal. May 18m. I857 'I‘onumo, June 81h, 18.37 Dr. CADVVELL, AZOR’S TURKISH BALM. Pruner Small Pica- Nonpaviol - Mil-inn - Brevier- Buurgeoise RY GOODS nd Millinery. Clothing and Genllnmen's Outï¬tting Emporium IL'I THE GREAT TURKISH Ornamenta l Ty pc Sold by R. H. Hall Silks, FREE OF CHARGE. Lac-e Gonds, Two Fancy Tweeds, Moire Antiquel THOR. J. GI‘RNIV & (Y OF TORONTO. oire Antique. Shawk. Fancy doeskinsl IS. Head Dresses, Venexinn Cloths, ya, Straw Goods. Bath Curde, Flounced Dresses. Muslin dresses, B" Shepherd Plaid, 510-. &c.. King Street East, Toronto. SI. 'l'herew Sll" Ribbons, ICIEJEIEJD Twoeds. HM 8d 7d 6d per lb. 3d .. 1d Poplin-fl glï¬â€"ly The pï¬ce for a Mower. $191). 00: com lewd as a Reaper. $140.00. An aura. knife “'21! be $5 . ()U vxlra. All our Machine! are warranted to be we)! built and of we best lnalerial. Thornhi“. Yongo Street, June 2411!. 1857 (. UR MACHINE is substatilia"v built 01 Wrought Iron. entirer free from Me draught can be elevated to an} honghl. from a Mower f0 1; Reaper by a smew ill front. and cuts wilhoul clogging. in Grass. Wham. Unls or Burlev. with- out chhnga of knife or gearing. and works easv for the horses. ' For Wells one hundred feet. deep and lens, and warrant them for three years. All orders to be aunressvd to the undersigned. arming depth of “ell. at Newmarket. JOSIAH JAMES J; Co. Nom‘n GwlluanRvâ€"Messrs. D. \Villonghhy, John Presser. 'l‘hmnas Williams. Jus. Ruse. Stephen Munn. W. Mann. J. Wllllnlll. G. Travms. Gmummâ€"Messrs. C. T. Corbut. Jas. Elves. John Fairborn. YuNul“. Shunc’râ€"Tllesvs. Chane! Thompson. George Bond. James l‘ennick. John Montgom- my, C. Sheppard. Rmcuâ€"Vlessm John 'l‘runx. Jame! Tmux. Amos Bunker. Jumps Doble. anmnmzâ€"Mnssrs. G. Hutchinson. Jos. Chap man. N. Earls. Scanâ€"Messrs. C. Collins. Thomas Burnhnm, W. Moor. S. Burcllard. P:SSAâ€":\lehsl's. James Armson. Daniel Will- oughln‘. 'I‘rmunuleâ€"Revd. F. Ratligun. Jesse Milk, Councillor. Messrs T. LVlclmud, James Hurlr er. lsunc Stone. M. Beard. Jessa Roe. Geo \‘Valls, .l. Bell. W. Parker. J. \‘Velch. W. Hig~ day, J.ll. Courtney. Sampson Steel, Alexander Aualin. AmdAâ€"‘Hpsws. P. Keough, 1'. Shaw. P. Mc- Calm. .l. W. Vanlal'e. lsm‘nl.â€"â€"Ma~srs. Samuel Cain. T. “hay S'IKI-Zrn‘sVllJJlâ€"Mr. Wm. G. Harris. E‘ruulcuxuâ€"Mr. W. Wallace. Councillor. We hag further to announne thnt we have made several ilnprovenmnls in our l’ulnps this Spring, by the addition of \VROUGHT IRON HANDLES AND EXTRA PATENT VALVES. All PUMPS manufuctu-ed by us are warranted for one year. We also manufacture [0 order. Thirlllyâ€"These Pumps are so simple. that al- most any man mm repair them, and by means or the nnLon the rod, the Bucket is secured in such a manner that it cannot get lease; and as 1hr joints are all ï¬tted true. and tight. there ls ‘IO jar- ring in the working of the pumps. Firstlyâ€"The Water is much beller, as there i~ not quarter as much wood in the weil. and all free from sap. In order to do away with such heavy timber as is nle in the common wood pump. they add a mm: ent number of iron hfllldS' [his makes the pump ~~lron,t_{erand so much lighler. that two men 0‘ u take one out of n well sixty feel deep, in ï¬tteen minutes. Lastlyâ€"'l'hese Pumps are noafly turned and pniulud. making it an ornament as well as a must uselul article. Below wiIl be found a few of [he Immineds of references we might give from the various 'l‘ovuwhips in which the pumps have been introduced. Wo. the Undersignod. havingin use the Pumps mauul‘nclureu by J. Jnues A'L Cu.. can chem-lull} recommend them as the 11031. l'umps we have had in use :â€" “’Hl'rrmmCHâ€"John Nach. M.D., James Hark. enI M‘D†Messrs. D- aid b'ulherland. Ju>. (Jawlhra, M. W. BOgan, 1‘. Nixon, Ruben Brodie. KINGâ€"Messrs. John Rogers. Eli Lloyd, C. Sle- vuns, William White. J. Hilboru. VVHS'r GWILIJMHURYâ€"Messrs. Simon Fraser. \V. Wallace. Juhn McKonky. Hiram Loum. U. I’alnmr. E,\<'I‘ GwnLLIMRURVâ€"Messrs. Judah Donn. John V. V/llsuu. John H. Wilson. Jacob Lllndy. Reuben Lundy. John Nichols. John Pm-dy. Brooks Howard. John l’egg.L‘a|vin Waddle. 1). Terry. l’lcmzmncâ€"Messrs. Jurdon Post. John Madill. N. Weodruï¬l ' HE Suhscribvrs have pleasure in inform ing the Inhabitants of \Vllilt-hurch and surrounding Townships, thm they are manufac- turing the best lumps now made in Canada, Secondlyâ€"13v the use of llm Patent ("z/linden which is turned perfs-clly smooth and true on [he inside. the box wears |onger and works easier than in the ordinary bored pumps. These l'nmps are murh better than the ordinary Wood Pump. fur the follou ing reasons : Bram.I Cloths. Satinels. ï¬lou'cr and [{cnpcr. Newmnrkel. June 2. l857 PATENT IRON LIFTING PUMPS! PATENT PU}! PS ! Dzu'lin g; & Aitcllison “s COMBINED Patented by John Denis. Parasok, CHIC! (El-LURGE DARLING ROII'J‘. AI'I‘CHISON . Burege dresses, Snlins, Hosian'. Gluvan, Bonnets Doukina Mnntillnn 1-“. Composed b_\' Grufulia. Dudswonh and Friedarich. and that they are now prepared to attend to all calls from any part. of lha Country. HE Undersignvd bags have 10 inform the Public that he holds himsall‘ in rendinms at his Old Eflnblishmenl. which has hven con- Iinuad for the last Six Years, in [his City (No. we, Yonga Street. and directly opposim lhv " Brillannuia Huuse." Toronto.) to Ronm‘att. clean (171(1quir “3’ All Order:- left at the Post Ofï¬ce. Victor]: Square. or at R. Wiseman’s, Masonic Hull, Richmond Hill, will b0 anonde m. 7 HE Members of the Victoria Square Sax-Horn Band [under the tuition of R. “’isemanJ beg to inl'~.-m the Pnhiic that. they have recently received some of the most Viclori- Squaw. June IOIh. 1Râ€, The terms of ndverti~iné are the same as {m Journals at tho smallest circulation. All adverâ€" tisements receive it gratuitous insertion: in the 'l'ri-VVeekly edition, which renders the advertising circulation equnl, if not superior. to that. of an) other newspaper whatsoever. In a proper and salisfnclory manner. by eredicling l’ninls. Oil. Tar. & e. ¢§~c., and restoring (‘olors to their original appearance. so an to give Gentle~ men's wrnring apparel. lhe full appearance of new. Money Letters, if registered, will be considered a! the IlSk of the Publlshers Subscriptions may be commenced at any period of the )ear. All post-masters acting as Agents. will be al- lowed 3 commission on cash remittances. IT BRIVES BULL CARE From 31 yea .' experience in the business nnd prompt anemia" Io all orders with which he "my be favored. combined will! an enrnefl desire to please his cuslmners, he hopes to merit a share of public palmnn a. 2 “’1 L LIA M RICIIA RDQON. The arrangmnenm for the supply of late News are such as cannot be surpassed in Canada. The daily Colonist is a large double sheet of 48 col- umus, and is the Largest dull)†Journal published on the Amaricnn Continam. It will. therefore, be enabled to give betler Parliamentary Reports and more New>, than any other Jnurnal. 52. King Street East. Toronto. The Colonist Eslnhlishment having been re- built. and the whole h\l.~’ill?&< placed upon a basis of lhe most complete and substantial kind. the Proprietors feel every conï¬dence in asking for the the conlinued and increased support of all who desire to support an Independent. Conservative Jourlml. T H 1‘) Indian llm-b Doctor! The daily Coloniq is delivered in Toronto. at 7'd. per waek. and the Bridnh Colonist a1 6d. per fontnighlâ€"payable to the Newx-vurriels. Dnih (‘olonht £1 10 0 BritiL-h Colonm 0 12 6 Weekly Colmrst 0 7 6 " Clubs of ï¬ve 1 5 (I Pavable at least 3 months in advance. vsleh aled lndmn Herb Dnc'nr. l“. 'I‘I‘MMLHIV. who. after Lrnversing the Umtvd Stulus and Canada. has correluded to make Toronto. (I. W his home tor the future. where he will administer to his patients th0<e only true and safe Medicine.~ from Nature’s Garden. which hm: for its author the great and all-w' -e Physician above. The following disenws ran he mired by I) . T in the mom obstinate state of their existence. vizzâ€"diwasas of the Lungs. “Purl. Liver and “non : also. dyspepsia. (lrnpsy a! d all disen~e~ ol' the Blood. such us >l:rolula. l'lvysipelux. San» Rheum. Fever Sores. and all (Ihronic Complaint» of years standing. l’. S.â€"le Dnclor will also give parlioulnr al- lenliou to all diseases peculiar to Funnies am: Children. OPPOSITE ST. LAW'RENCE “ALL 33’ Consultation Free. Toronto. June, 1857. 1-! IIKE or Hâ€: rl'Tum: Husnxsn on w Hz. Call. comult him. and judga for yourself. how truly he can tell yom Further particulars senl GRATIS to un_\' Nunw or Addre 3‘, All Letters. Communiralious. and Interviews strictly Private and Conï¬dential. In order to claim allenzion. the Postage 01 all Letters must be preâ€"paid. and have Postage Stamps em-lo ~l for the answer. Hours of Consultation]. from 910 11. a m.. nud from ‘2 to 8. fun, at the Corner of NeIson and Dulchos Strem, Toronto. Toronto. June. 1857. 14f. Examihnllon. (Ilairvoynnt cousullalions, and ad vice giw n daily. Sundays exceplt‘d. Magneto- EchIrit‘ily amlliml to lho rnre of dams». lli an inlaHiblc rure for woaknoss. delwility. lndi~cn - hulls of _\uuth, and all nervum colnlllfllllL‘. Clair- \'0}nllco ennlsles us to see more clrsmzly 1hr cans: of all our sufferings and inï¬rmnies. ll enablea u~ to see mo 9 clearlj' the cause of all our suffering and inï¬rmiues. It enables us to recommend than means that will offer! a vermin and perl’erl cure, when all other rerun-dies have failed : it alx-o see-x Ihe most innot'enl safe. and certain means to h:- employnd. All who are in trouble. all who haw been unfortunate, decvivrd and {ï¬lled will), al whose fond hopes have been crushed and hlaslml. all whose minds and health are slllfering and de- clining. go to the never failing for advice and guidnm-e. All lahoring under melancholy thoughts and depravion of spirits. dislrass and anguish of mind. from whatevrr cause. all laboring nmler had and dslicate henith. go to him for relief and comfort. All Ladies who have sufl'eu d under tho- 6 vomplnints and diwnses im‘iIlenI to frumles. consult him With the greatest conï¬dence. Previous to mnrringo. all in llhlicnlr health >houlrl rnihull him All who h Ve had had luck. all who have tried their hes-t to get on in the world and cannot. go to him for advice huwtn im- prove llll ir cirrumslnl-ces. l'a:em.- uhould get his opinion wha'. indu or p ofeesiun i~ beâ€"t q-nlcu- Inted to ensure their rhildlen's success in Iil'e. In love aï¬'uivs, the principles ul‘ the :IthP swellin- guide you to happy mavriuge. and Llonwslic teli- I'll“. He shows the Ad rials. w. RAPHAEL. Bex 568 I" ()j/ireâ€"ZVO. 111, King St, East GENTLE.“ ICN! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. Popular fllesic Q)" I/ze Day! CLAIHVOYANT A‘D PHRENOI.OG IST‘ Toronto, June 51h. 18.37 The l)ail_l/ (,‘olonisf, BRITISH COLONIST, All Descriptions of Clolhing, GOOD NEWS FOR ALL! And Net/1.19)}: lï¬c Wee/c. PH RE NOLOGICAL To Ad vortisers. A‘V A Y ! Triâ€" MGM/y IVcry/c/ y. 'l‘ E I! I“ S. THOMPSON & Co" J; of l‘rulh and Ron» son. and be prulilrd h_it, The time hns Home! that all who will can as- cape the iron grasp ol Marcuryandollmrhuncâ€" ful poisnns, by calling without delay m see the well-Innan and jll~ll £1 10 0 per annnln 012 6 “ ISTEN to the Publishers. g.) . l-xf. l-tf. voice Edited by Nathan Richardson, author nl‘ the Modern Srhoul I‘orthe Piano Furle. which recent- ly tonk the ï¬rst I’rize Medal. and is so highly re- commended by 1 halberg. Dreyschock. Jewell, Dr. Mzr on. “’In. Mason. and others. us haing >uperiot‘ to all other other Instruction Books published. The Musirinn's Guide will he randy lhk monlh The engrnving< of soma of the mast imporlnul plates is the cause of iIs delnv. It is a large quurlu of56 pages. containing many hemiliml engravings. and u descripliw- index to the ideas of over 600 different compasers of music. It iw an invaluable book You teachers of music. amateurs. and all play- ors and singers. Dosirous of making a rapid inlroduclion of [his work. we are induced to GIVE .\\VAY the ï¬rm I‘dlllun MON 1-) THOUSAND COl’ll-ZS lo people inlormled in muric. and we will ram-PAY 1m: res-nun. N. B.â€"0n'y one cony will he syn: to Ihe same address. The wouk will be $9"! in the same order lllul llm nddrmses are receh'ed. [[7 You will certainly gota copy FREE of all I'IXPEAM‘LS. by sending your name and address. wilhoul delay. to Mukical Pub ishers. Boston. To Pomonaâ€"Russell & Ruchmdwn will send you Two dullau’ worth of their Int»! Mrsicul Publications and the Nl-leicitilt's Gait/n, postage paid. if you will gnvvthe nllove advertisement (in- cluding this ofTer). one insertion in _\(ur pap- r. May. 1857. gl-lv. half. Sears: >.Mfw Family†Receipt-Boo]; SEARS’ FIETRIRLWBRKS. Sew-.5" A'mv Pictorial Family Instr: c'or ur Digest 1y†(ism-ml Knowledgeâ€"(tumprism}; a complete circle or useful and entertaining infor- mation : designed l'orfamilies. Schools,mnd libra- ries. 900 pages octavo, l’rice two dollars and a half. ’I'Qe >Ili‘slory of_ Palostinrâ€"ï¬'qm _the Dick’s ('oprplete‘ lI/bl'lgsfeleyfen volsâ€" U? Orders for any of the above Works received at this Ofï¬ce. Seurs' Pictorial Sunday-Boakâ€"design- ed for the use of familiar. bible-clauses, and Sunday-school teachers: principallyil‘uslrmiva of the manners and customs e! enslarn nationsmnd Explanatory 01' many portions ol‘ the scriptures. 600 pp. 5V0 Se:me Bible Bipgifaplry,‘qr the Lives Term of .Now Yorkâ€"this engraving is 8001's~ .Vt’w and Compll'tc "islnry qr Smrs’ Pictorial Family flnmmlâ€"com- prising withm moll' u colnplvlo library of useful and enlarlaining knowlcdge. “’ilh nver two bundled Engravings, shinny illnslruliva. repre- senting m-lual Sceuury. costumes. monulean &c. 368 pp. 8w. uutl Chumctors qf 1/1; I‘l’:1LlTl;Illl Parsonage: rc- cardui in the Sucrcd lVritings-Praclicaliy adap- ted to the instrumion 0! youth and private fami- lies ; containing thirty dissertations on the Evi- dnnces of divine revelation: : I‘rom‘l‘inipson’s key to the binie. With nuinelousillustralions. 500 pages uclmo. Sears’ "’onrlwrs of the worldâ€"Second Seriesâ€"m 'l'wo Punkâ€"Part I.Wonders 01‘ Na- ture. conwining u deacnplion of the woes of men manners and customs of variuus nations, boasts. birds. plants. 51c. Part II. Wonders of Art: or descriptions of inventions. cities. ruins, curiosi- ties. 510. With 400 i|lustralions 540 .pp Bvo. Ne“ Edi Hans J ust Published Smrs' liffarmnfion for the Prop/eâ€" Sam-3' Pictorial History of [he Revolu- tionâ€"a book for uvery 1'2“me in the union 1 ll cumains an account of the early histor) of the country, the culmination oflhe U. blues a chm- nologicul Index. &c. Several hundred Engrav- lugs. Smrs’ Picrurm/ Dnsrripfmn qf Gl'l’fll S'r'urx' .Yew Pictorial History Qf China .S'r-m's~ Treasurny Know/mfg? "ml Cy- cluptuliu .y' Srinnce unit xiiâ€"containing a gram amount ol'iutrr my and useful mfornmlionâ€" aslronunl}, xravc in 'he Hul§~ Imnd. Disr‘nvvr) anIm-rira. earl; sollkameul‘, ol' the ronnlry. biographiek ol' eminenl mrn. im-idenu of Na- vel. disc-ovarian in wit-um. kc. V‘V'uh numer- ous Engravings. 5†pp. 8vo. Smrs' Su’nrs (1an Sl'r-Ic/Ies of Conti- Thrilling Inrillï¬nls qf the "'urs of [hr Smrs' .Yru' Pictorial Descmpfion (ft/Ir A Gift of one Thousand Capies. containing the mast valuiable .ceipia for the va- rious branches ol‘Cookery. rlcsen'mg. 31c. BcLs each. printed on a mammoth sheet. 47 by [9 inchsï¬md ought to be very saleable. Pnce 50 cents. Pmriarchal age It; the present lune. Hy Juflh K1110. editor of the London Victoria] Bible, etc. in ‘lrwo. 1506 pp. Bvo. l’rice four dollars and a compuaiu-g within itself a complete Iih‘rary ol u~efu| and enlanaining knuwlrdge. This work complises the ï¬nest sonies of l'lmhelishmenls ever oï¬'ered to the public. 600 pages ucmvo. the Bible --frnm [he crrmioI-I of the would I?) (ï¬e full establishnwm of Chriinnnily. wilh copioua Notes. farming nu illmlrnlml conmmulary of the sacred text. 700 page: octavo. United Stalesâ€"conlnimng an accu‘um 0| m'e- top- ography. seulmnenl. history. revolutionary and other imam-fling 0V.. ‘8. statistics, prugmsa in Aglicnhme. Iz‘nlml'nmums’ and 5wpvinnon. J‘u‘. ;\'r‘,.. 0! each state in the union. Illuclrmed with two hunder Engravings o" the principal citiei plan-ex. buildings, scenery. (nH'imilies, seals 01' “11 states. &c., Jnc. ()0!) pages m: an). Britain and laelunliâ€"lugrlh‘er with Ham-es ol'llu- pruu-Ipal plat es. nnmml (:uriosilies. 61's.. in the Kingdom and lhu Brili~h islands. Wilh several hundred handmnm l-Ingrnvings, illnurntive of St-anes of pirm-esque beauty, chun'hom~ cos- tumes. Jun, in these colebrmed countries. 550 pages uclavo. uml Imliuâ€"cmnprising a (lescril-nluï¬l of lhusr cuumries and [heir inhabitants: ulnhrnciug thr hislurlcalevonls. guver mum. religion. "duca- lion. language. Iilcrall re. arm. manufactures. productions, commerrr. and manners and ( toms ol the people. from the earned period of authentic revord lollle [Irmeul lilna, Illustrated with Iwo hundred Eugmviugs, 600 pages large oclnvo. urnliul Europeâ€"eInln'at-ing desmiiniomp 0: France. l'wrlngnl. Slur-in. Italy, Sicily. Switzer- land. Belgium, Holland. «0. : lOL'f-llIN' \ llll views and notices of the principal ohjm-is of in- terest in Paris. Rouun. Lisbon. Madrid. Barce- lona. l'isa. Leghorn. Home. Naples. Ilercnlane- um. Pompeii. Pmaluni. l’alenuu. .\ aha. Vn-mce. Milan Gu-nevn. Fumes. llrns>els 'l'yrol. Ant- wc-rp. llmu-x'daln. Amslerdam, \Valerllm. «VI . éic. Can-fully compiled l'vom the host and latent sourccs. Numerous Engravings, 550 pp 5V0. JuEe 12m, 1857 l v itod Stu osâ€"cmnprï¬ng the mo“ Hrikil g and mmurkahir event: of Ihe ue1olation. the French war. the Tlipolilmn war. the Indian wan. lhl second war with (ix-em Britain. and the Mexican war. VHIh three hundred Engravings. 500 page; ocmvo. I'SQELL 8:. RICHARDSON ban in press a work entitled THE MUSICIJN‘S GUIDE; RUSSELL & RICHARDSON. ‘IVBSCRIBERS who do not give u-xprs‘u: L Notice to the conlmry, are consider“! as wishing to continue their sub~criplion.x/ If Subscribers order the discontinuance 0| tlwir papers. 1hr publisher may ('nnlinue (0 send the In lill all arrearagen are paid. lfsuhscrilwrs neglect Or reluee to take their papers from the 0mm [0 which thv are directed.tlwy are respomthe till they have sutlled lllell‘ Bills. and ordered their phpem tq be (li<conlinned. 1f subscribers remove to other placv- wilhnnt informing the publisher. and the pa per is sent to flu: former direction, they an luv-Id responsible. viz 'l‘hovo Periodicals nLly reprPs‘Nlt IlH‘ “mm 3'“! political pnmes m’UreM BrilaiIIâ€"Whig. Tor} hid Radicalâ€"lull polilit-s form only one fomnre of thoir clinrncmr. As ()rgnne of the mo»! profound wri‘en on Sciam‘s, Lilarmnre. Morality. and Religion. they Flfllld unrivalled In the world ofletlers. being rallsidered indispennahla to Ihe scholnr and ll», p ol‘esflonal mnn. while to lht' inlr-l igum radar of every class they l'nrnidl n more rorret‘l .nd \ui - l'ncwry record of the current liu-rnlurs ol' \li throughout the world. tlmn can be poSsibly obi-m. od I'lom any other #1 mos. British Periodicals ! I AND THE FARMER'S GUIDE! Great leurlion in HM price 0/ M Latter Publication. HOOKS. PAKCY BILLS. BUSINESS CARY“. LANG] Ail, SHALL POSTEDâ€). CIRCULARS. LAW FOHMK. [H.I; HEADS, BARK CHECKS, DRAWS. AID done in the best style. at moderate rues. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is sutimly and of the latest patterns. A large varieuâ€" o1 Fancy Type and “orders. for Cards. Cum. &,c.. kept always on hand. ( RDERS for am‘ of the lmdermon‘ï¬oned du- criplion ol' PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" Merchants and others who advertise liberall)" in the GAZETTE will have their Cards inaenedi I lhe Business Directory. 1). l. mun“: (‘oHnrno at . 'Tovontn, Jun. 9, ISL? ‘3 Book and Job Pi-inting ES TAB LISIIMENT. The rocvipl of Adumra 9%er fmm “‘Q B 7'5"! pnlyhsham ci'vhnddilionfll vulur l0 thus-Hit 9': .u. i'mwmurh as llu-v can now he plat-ed in the it u of subrcr'nhen bouz as soon a. the origimd p.1- limm. All advertisements published for a lens period than one month. must be paid f0: in advance. Allletters addressed to the Publisher most h post paid. No paper discontinued until all nrrearagea are paid : and parties refusing papers without paying up. will be held accountable for the subscription. Printing MACHINES and ENGINES 5.- '0m (I I0 order. Hr! qonlily of NE‘S INK M 0n. Shim-j v" 11* “.1. If? Advertisements without wriuen dirocliou inserted till forbid. and charged arcnrdingly. All lrnnailory advertisements. from strangers or irregular customers. must. be paid for when handed in for insertion. And despmched lo Sulmvrilwni by the wirliest .Illl. or ollwr conveyance. wlwn so desired. The Yonx lexas' Gn'urrn'l: will alwnyu he found to contain the latest and most important I'on-ign and Provincial News and Markets. and uh. greatest care will be taken to render il nccoplulblo lo the man of business. and a ralnnblo Family Newspaper. TERMS.â€"â€"()ne Dollar and a lmlf per Immm. ll AIH'AIK‘I. If not paid within three momlm. 1'0 dollar. ; and if not paid within lwolvo ruth two dollars and a half will he chnrgml. Six lines and under. ï¬rst insertion . . . . 1:" Each nnhseqnenl insertion. . . . . . . . . 'l'en Iiurs and under. ï¬rst insertinn. . Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . Above ten lines. ï¬rst in.. per lino. . l-luch sllbsgqnenv. insertion. per line A liberal discount will be made to purliel adv"- lising by the year. 'mx nml MUN'I REAL: and Ihal I... a. pm.- .«I '0 supply out!an for now ("Tu-ts. in addition Io Him in operation. at the diorlï¬sl nozir‘e EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, nnd nll otherâ€"description of l;l=:lel‘iall. in km van largely inrn-amd this Srnsnm h} smud- fmm NI‘.\V YORK. PHILADELPHIA. HUS- And ovary other kind of LETTER- PRESS PRINTING ! Law Respecting Newspapers. S(‘()TT& 0'» York. continue to p.“- 1, lish the following lending utiliSh l’uiudicnhl L. SCOTT 8L COMPANY’S RE:'R|NT OF THE '1‘ II E fork JRihingzv ($33M Thu Edinburgh Rev-few (Whip) The Norm Bl‘ilihll liq-view (he. .5: Tho London Quartz-11y (Connorvdvy) Tb. "estmimlor Review (‘or|l.) Blnckwood’s Edinburgh Mug-ï¬ne (Tory) ’UI': SI‘BSCRIHICH M-g‘ to mflbrm llyo 'l‘rmle. that his Ntm-k of Bringing Presses. Type. 1h, w. R. ROBERTSON; Parafï¬n; William 'l‘rudgcon. Old Typo hub“ is culmngo/ar so: Rules 01’ Ad\fll'|l.~|ll2: TO I' R I 7‘: 'l‘ l} RH. EA KLY COPIES. I! Pl'BLHHFD is entirely new a variety 'of new I'd“. Circularu, Ila «1. Id