Jab. "‘67 WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle. and Harness Maker, NIH duor In G. 31 B. Barn:\ld‘~. Bzmt and « Shoe ‘ Maker, Opposite J. K. Paloonhndge'n. YONGF. STREET, RICHMLND HILL. June. 1857. g.l.wy. Carriage. \Vazgon & Slciecll Richmond Hill. June lULh. 1857 MPORTER of Brim!) and American Dr Gumlx, Gocerius. “'ines. liquors, OII Paint». &c.. &c. U Richmond mu. June. 1857. J one. 1857. I RY (mops. G mum. my!" Liquors, Hurtlwuxe. A 1‘. Richmond Hill. June. R357. gJ JOHN MC DUN A LI), Chemist and l)ru«.-;_:i.<t. MPOTTER of English Drugs. Soups. Pur- ' fumes. Brushes. NC. No. 169. Yongo Street. (Opposite Shumr Sll'ocl, near Green Bu.~h 'l‘avern. Touumo. Riéhmond Hill. Juno. l8" Richmond Hill, June, IP57 Richmond Hill. June. ['8 7‘ Choice Wiucs and Liquors. Beer. Porter and various Summer Beverages. June. 1857 Rogflia. Principe. Havana, Mnnilla and other bands of Cigars and Cherools. An Omnibu- to and from Toronto. calls at this Halal. daily. Richmond Hi". June. 1857. ' Opposite the Post Ofï¬ce. Yonga Street. "N Omnibus leaves the above Hotel evary Morning. (Sundays axcepled.) at 7 o'clock. or Toronto; ramming the same evening. EALER in Groceries. Wines and Liquors. Thmnhill. C. ‘V. Choice bands of Teas. Sugars and Cofl‘ees on hand. genuine as Impgned. An 'Issortmeut of‘ Bread. Biwuil and Cakes. constantly on h-nd. Thornilill, Sept. 25. 1857. gl7~1v June, [857 “PORTER and Dealer in Gold and Silver Wilulou. hue Jewellery. Elecho-leg' l-‘gncy (sooth, Jun. &c. No. 80. Yonge Street, Tamnto. RICHMOND HILL HOTEL, Thorn Hill. June 9th. 1857. «no. 1857 uni. 1857. CHARLES DURRA N'l‘, (Lute M. "'1 'erï¬1.) MPORTER 01' Briti~h and Foreign Dry Good Willa and Spirit Mervhum. am. aux Horses and Buggies kept foi- hire GOOD \VURKMEN SENT TO ANY PART OF 'l‘Hl-‘. COUNTRY. DR. JAMES LANGS’I'AFF, Richmond Ilill. ml MU " Hilllilfl ‘JL‘JJH LERK 'I‘Ixird DIVISION COL'II'I‘ GEORGE DODI), Veterinary Surgeon. ’XTENSIVE Stabling. and obligiug Hostlers L, always in uuemlnnm. Grainvrs, Gildvrs. Glaziers, and taper Hunger» TIIORNHlLL. AILIFF Second and 'l‘hi-tl DIVING} Com-t. Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. Busiucm irtctorng .91] kinds (5f J'IiJff'd I’uints, Oils, Glass, and Pally. July 93. 1857‘ HENRY SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, Ta Lot 26. 4th (‘on.. Vuughnn. "HORSE J: FARRIEK †INN WARD & McCAUSLAND, House. Sign and Ornamental Corner of Yougo nnd Cuulre Slraets. THOMAS SEDMAN, OpposiLe [he While Swan Inn JOS EPH KELLER, A. GALLANOUGH, JOHN (‘0 [7 LTER, “luv and Clothiera G. A. BARNARI), JOHN GRIEVE, RICHMOND HILL, Yougv SL, Richnmnd llill, VICTORY HOTEL, J. W. GIBSON, J. w. MILLAR, Thorn Hill Hotel, pgp ACCOMMODATION FOR MAKER, Travellers. And Blasonic IIaIl, P. (CROSBY, AND RICHARD NICHOLLS ROBERT WISEMAN. JOHN SHIELS. Proprietor Propriemr. Proprietor. Richmond HiH‘ YONG): STREET 7g-ly g.1 -w_\- [.1 -wy g. 1 -\v_\'. ‘2.l-w_\' 1.1-wy. g lgwy' g. l .wy. gJ-wy. gJ-wy‘ gl7-IV \Vine W. . F. m W\‘ gl-Gm ' Toronm. July 10. 1357 MUWINI} AN]! EMPIRE Particular aneutioii given to the regulation of Children's Teeth. 7 ‘WO .“ilew Nnrlll of Richmond Hill, (lenlvr in Dry (:0 Hlx (hot-rrir“, \Yincs, Liquors. Hardware, Ginsu, lâ€"Imtlwnwaru, A} r‘. Alxo. Licmuod Auclimmer. Seplmnber. '33. 1857. pl‘i-l) Consullutiolls Free. and all Work Warrlnted Toronto. June. “67. l-wy. ( PPOSITE A. LAW’S, Yonge stroet. Rmh- “mud HIâ€. W U mund Hm. Lmlioa’ and Genileumns’ Boots and Shoes. made after Iho latest styles. August 6. 1857. g9-6m. August H. 1957 SURGERY. MPORTI'IR and Dunler in Dr). Goods. Gro- ceries. VVihes. Liquors, Hardware, Glass. Eavlhenwnre. 510.. &c.. &c. June, 1557. g.3-w)’. June. 1557 June J. VERNEY, Boot and Nine Maker. June. 1857, Toronto, June 152111. 1857 pnvsw FOR 00D Watches. Clocks. Jewelry. Melodeons, T Electra Ware. Silver Spoons, and Specta- cles to suit every sight. ID“ Watch Clubs in Operation. Warranted Clocks from 205. upw‘rds. 'l‘oroure. June. 1857. 1-3. VLAG. Banner and Ornamental Pgiuter. Elizabeth Street. 'l‘oroulo.â€"Over W. Grif- ï¬th’s Grocery Sloue. II? Coats of Arms. and every description of Herald Paiulillg. executed with dospalch. and at reasonable charges. June. 1857. ngy. TORONTO “CITY†MARBLE WORKS, MPORTERS and dealers in Itahan and American Marble, also manufacturers of Monuments. Cenotaphg Tomb and Grave Stones. Ornamental uuclosurea for Grave plots. 61¢. Orders through our Agents will receive prompt a‘uenliou. 66, King Street, East, Toronto, 0. W. JOHN IIARRIN(H‘()N, JR., AGENT mu Darling & Aitchison’s ‘3 COMBINED Yul. D. CARLOS YALE D‘II‘ZSSRS. J. St W. BOYD, Dealer in Paper Hangings, Decora- tions, &0- 00D Slubling and Auenlive Hosllers ' JOHN MILLS. Toronto. June 18th, 1857. No. 138 mum: s-m ‘ T. nmu QUEEN snuzn Bottled Ale Depot, M A CH [ NE S, I? 1 011-7" 0.7VI) H I L L J. K. FALCONBIRDGE, Richmond Hill, 6.3. YORK STREET, T 0 1: 0 N '1‘ o, c. w. House Decorator, Painter, ROBERT J. GRIFFITH, '20, 18.17 Cornerot‘ Yonge and (‘omre Streets. '(‘lmru hill. MORPHY BROTHERS DAVID ATKINSON, D. DAVIS. AGENT. B. DEEGIER, Agent, Richmond Hill. CLYDE HOTEL, " KING STRELT EAST, TUï¬LCNTO. No 49, King: Street, PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER D. C. & W. YALE, JOHN MURPHY, 4 Doors West of Bay StreeL Barristers, xm “’ELLING'I‘ON BI'HJMNGS, KING ST., TORONTO, TVITII OR U’ITIIO UT OFFEAY‘E TO FRIENDS ()IZ FOES, 1 SK]; ’/'(,'[1 1‘() UR WORLD EXACTLY AS IT GOES.â€"Byron. IAN .50 S &c., &c. L33 W. C. ADAMS, M. MORRISON. Agent. REID, DEJVT-HL DOC TOR, \Vu. YALE GEON. g.2-w_v. Proprietor. g. l -\\-y. g. l wy glâ€"wy glO-lf ROMAx'rie ELOPEMENT 0F Two LIMERICK LAssHs.â€"Uutlmrine Barry and Ellen Fitzgibbon. two rather good-looking girls, were brought tip Uelore Mr. Mansï¬eld, at the Liverpool Police court. on VVeilnesduy, under the tellmviiig circumstances2â€"Mr. James Barry a small farmer. from Droineololtei', county Limerick, sand that one ol the girls, (Catharine Barry) WllS his niece, :ind lived With him, and that [lie other girl was a companion ol‘ hers. Catharine haul always been of a rather roniuniie turn, delighting in udveiiinres, and often expressed a Wish to try her for- tnne in other lands. On Friday last he had to leave home, and on his re- turn, he found that his niece llilll gone away. and suhsequentlyï¬hat her friend, Ellen Fitzgihbon, was also missing. They had taken all their best clothes With them; and. to de- fray the expenses 01 their journey, his niece had broken open one 'of his box- es. and taken £40 out of it. He dis- covered that the two girls had lel‘t by the Charleville- Railway Station for Dublin, and at last he traced them to Liverpool. and gave int'ormat on to the police. The detectives were at once set to work, and their experience of such caSrs enabled them almost im- mediater tolay hands on the fair ad- vanturcrs, whom they found on board the “ White Star†clipper Chancellor, about to sail for Australia. Catharine had paid £28 for their joint passages to Melbourne, and £8 was upon them, the remainder of the £40 having been expended in reaching Liverpool and paying for lodgings, The girls had taken up “for better or for worse†with two ambitious “sons of the sod†bound for the same destination, but as they had neglected to get the agree- ment ratiï¬ed by a clergyman or other legalized authority, it was not binding, and the “ cruel uncle†insisted on their being separted from the lads of their choice. He did not wish them pun- ished according,r to law. The magisâ€" trate said it would be a pity if girls of such respectability were contaminated by the evil influence of a gaol. because they had been led by a romantic l'eel- ing to commit such an improper act as had led to their being brought before him, and he ordered them to be sent back to Drumcoloker in charge oftheir uncle. The “ Limerick lasses†thank- ed his worship and left the court. Su- perintendent Clough having promised to use his efforts to get the passage money paid to the owners of the Chan- cellor returned to Mr. Barry. Committees have been formed in diflerent towns in Germany to collect con- tributions 10 the fund for alleviating the sufferings inflicted by the rebellion in India. At Hamburg, in particular. the lcagling; com- mercial IOJses have heafled the list with handsome subscriptions. It senms hut yvslvulny, Hue woods \Vere rnbml in living gnet‘n, No Sign, no tokv'n 0F do-cny, N0 fading leaf was seen. Amung the woods no more we hear '1 he cheerl‘ul wildâ€"hirds’ gleus, But cold November’s chilly Masls Moan dismally ’mong the In: ‘s. The summer birds have sought a land Where softer Zephyrs blow, The swaetest of the summer flowers Have faded long ago. The summer breeze, among the trees, 0ft dreamin would sigh ; Now with a sharp, cold, abiverin; Found The evening Winds sweep by. The sky has lost the soft warm hue It “ears in summer tune, The radiance that might so well Beï¬t a sunnier clime. But even now the morning breaks Upon a bleaker skyâ€" Already by the autumn winds Storm clouds are hurried by. Already have the corn leavrs felt The frost-king's chilly breath, It is as if he heralded llis coming reign of death. As if lhe dreary winter lime, . lts :hadows backward cast, To sigh, in mvurnful requiemâ€"- AND RICHMOND HILL ADVERTISER. ï¬rm! 1mm]. l‘he summer days are past. HCIIDIOND "ILL, FRIDAY, ROVER iiiâ€. Ifl had a ‘call’ m prom-h n SOI'H‘In" rm gardening. [should take this ll=rmy h-xl : SID' Um soil It is mu an un- vmmn'm thing for Hm people to :Hlmil \hv- l'm-l that nothing was mmlx- in \ nin ; hut. ncvm'tl‘n-lcss. they will put in fur :m uxvcplinn or two. ‘I should ikc lo lmnw what weeds were made "url' What for? Why, to force you a.) keep lmeing and digging. in order ‘a stir the soil, and make it light and ‘But why?’ Bvr‘nnse the roots of limits must have air. and if the sur- t'nr-e of the ground wr-rc never stirred â€"ns for the most part it never Would he by lnzy people, but for the weeds that must he cut upâ€"it Would become so hard and close. in many cases, that fresh supplies of air would never get to the roots. ‘ But,’ the grumbler will say, ‘how do you get along with the fact that plants in a wild state, grow and flourâ€" ish, though tlte soil is not stirrch But the cases are by no means the same. Wild plants grow from year to year in the same spot, and there is a yearly deposit of leaves, stalks. and vegetable matter upon the surface of the ground, which keeps it light and open, so that the air can easily get to the roots. This is not at all the case in common soil, bwhere the plants are scattered [land the. surface is bare, so that it ‘bakes and becomes hard†with the rain. On this account. the good gardener is always up and stirring his soil, and on this account all the little implementsâ€"plows, hoes, cultivators, and handâ€"plows, are things not to be done without by the raiser of good ‘crops. If you have any doubts re- maining, try the experiment for your- self. the ï¬rst spell of hot dry weather. Take ï¬fty hills of corn. or a couple of beds of vegetables, and loosen up the soil about the rents very often as it becomes a little hard. Directly alongside, for the sake ofl'air play. leave as many hills or beds of the same crop. with a little or no stirring. I won‘t waste room in saying; what the result will be, but if it don‘t open your eyes to the importance ol'not putting your roots on a short allow- ance ul'air, then set me down for an unprolitableâ€" 01d Digger. IN The greatest cataract m the world is lhc Falis of Viugztl‘il. whct‘c the waters accumulated from the .great upper lakes, t'nrming :1 river lhrecâ€"quarlurs of d mile in width. are suddenly cm)â€" traded and plunged over the rocks in two columns, to the depth ol'onc hund- red and sixty feet. Virginia. It extends acmss a chasm eighty feet in widlh and two hundred and ï¬fty feet deep, at the bottom of which a creek flows. OUI’. COUNTRY'S GREATNESS. The greatvst cave in [he wm‘ld is the Mammoth Cave in Keuluuny, where one can make a voyage on lhu waves 0! a subterranean river, and catch fish ’wilhoul e) es. The largest lake in the u'm-ldis Lake Superior, four hundred and thirty miles long. The greatest natural bridge in the world is that. over Cedar Creek, in The greatest solid mass ofirou in the world is the iron mountain of Missouri. It is three hundred and ï¬fty feet high, and two miles in circuit. The greatest rivr’r in the world is the Mississippi, four thonsand one hundred miles in length. Its name is derived from an Indian word, meaning “ the Father of waters.†The largest valley inihe world is the valley of the Mississippi. it contains ï¬ve hundred thousand square miles. and is one of the most proliï¬c .regions on the globe. The greatest number of miles qf rail- road, in proportion lo its surface, of any country In the world, is in Massa- chusetts, whit-.h has over one mile to every square mile ()fits area. The largest railroad in the world is the Central Railroad of Illinois. which is seven hundred and thirty-one miles lungâ€"and cost ï¬fteen millions of do!- [31‘s. The greatest aqueduct in t'ze world is the Urolon Aqueduet in New York. It is forty and a half miles long, and cost twelve and a half million dollars. The greatc§l number qf clocks manu. factured in the world. is turned out by the small State of Connecticut. ' The [mg-est number of whale ships in the world are sent out by Nantucket and New Bedford. The greatest grain port in (he world is Chicago. ()W DIG! UK) I! OLD I)1-:I.HIâ€"â€"'l'hc riwh and splvndid! city of Delhi, the ncnIrv OI'nll this [ï¬lm-1 blc' Weakness. was l‘numloi by the Mogul Shah Jehan, in 163], on lhei west side ofthe river Junina, in thel midst of :1 fertile plain. The palace- snrronnded by a wall thirty feet high.‘ of redish stone, is built along the bnnlts‘ of the river, with gardens planted‘ with orange groves and apricot trees surrounding it. The Dewan-iâ€"khass or hallof audience, was the chief pride of the palace. and an inscription proclaimed, “ lfthere he an elysium on earth it is thisâ€"this is it!" in its pnlmy days it contained the famous throre which stood on six legs of massy gold, set with ruhios. emeralds and diamonds, while golden peacocks covered with precious stones and pearls formed its canopy. The coil- ing of this superb hall consisted of satin canopies, and the walls were hung with silken tapestries. embroider- ed with gold. Here the Great Mogul. surrounded by omras in gorgeous dreSSes. gave audience to governors and ambassadors. On these state oc- casions he was attired in white satin covered with gold embroidery, aturbau or cloth of gold surmounted with a heron. whose feet were covered with ‘ large diamonds,and a colar ofenormous pearls. The other chambers of the palace were not less magniï¬cent, and the vaults were ï¬lled with countless treasure. The houses of the rich and luxurious omras beau iï¬ed the two principal streets of the city, but. the houses of the poorer classes were mean, and thatched with straw.â€"Dick- en’s Housu old Words. ATTEMPT TO DESTROY A WHOLE FAMILV.â€"Our readers will remember that some time since we published in these columns the particulars of an at- tack upon the dwelling ofa poor color- ed man, who followed the occupation of barber in the village of Port. Stan- ley. The only mutive assigned for this outrage was a desire to prevent any negro from settling in the village. On that occasion the coloured man promised to leave the village if his life was spared. Not complying imme- diately with his promise. some mer- chants adopted a most ï¬endish method of gratifying their ignorant and ruf- ï¬anly prejudices. They procured pieces of ï¬rewood from the heap of fuel belonging to the colored man, bored holes in them, and platted a quantity of powder therein, and re- turned the sticks to the place from whence they took them. Fortunately but one of the pieces was Used, and an attempt to cause an explosion) in this instance proved a failure. Since this diabolical outrage was committed, the colored man and his family have prudently lel‘t town. No doubt this loutrage has been committed under lthe impression that it could be in- ldulged in with impunity, the local tinugistrate, Mr. Bostwiclt, having al- lowed the previous oti'ence to go un- noticed. Such conduct is really un- ‘pardonable, and we trust that the go- ‘vernment will lose no time in inquiring ‘into the conduct of Mr. Bostwick, and if these particulars he correct. at once ‘deprivc him of the commission ot the peaceâ€"London Prototype. RHMARKABM: INS’I‘ANCICS OP HERO- ISM.â€"â€"'[‘he Rev. Mr. Scudder. of India, in a letterto the “Christian Intelli- gencer, gives the following instances ofheroism. called forth by the Indian mulinies :â€"â€" “ Let Americans never be ashamed that Englishmen are their forefathers. England is a noble country. Her sons are heroes and her daughters are heroines. This rebellion has brought out deeds that deserve to be associa- ted with those valourous actions which we, with throbbing pulses, read in history. In one place a lady and her husband fled in their carriage. He stood upright. She took the reins. She lashed the horses through a band of mutineers, while he, with cool aim. shot dead one who seized the horses' heads. and another who climbed upon the carriage behind to cut him down. On they fled, till again they found themselves amoung fees, and a rope stretched across the road made fur- lhcr progress appear impossible True to herself, she dashed the horses at full speed against the rope, and us they, bearingr it down, stumbled, she, by rein and whip. raised them, while her husband’s {vealmns again freed them from those who succeeded in leIping upon lhem. He was Wound- ed. but both escaped with Mr ir livus In uunlhcr place. a young lady, the daughter ofan otï¬cer. shut seven luulinecrs befm-e they kiHcd her. A captain, pressed by hiyscpgys, with his good sword. slew hwytysix 01? them before he fell!" H '20. 18 A FEW THINGS \vmcn Evnnvnnnv ormrr T0 Kxow.â€"A quart of peas, smm in a shallow box. 15 inches wide ly 18 long, at any time of the year, tltt(l cut when about four or ï¬ve inches high, and boiled like spinach, with a little salt. makes a most delicious dish. The tops of Jerusalem artichokes, cut otl'ulmut six inches long. and boiled like other greens, makes a capital dish. which purl-altos, in some degree, of the flavor of the root. Boiled ~water vross also makes a wholesome dish. lt must not, however, be overboiled. I.) April and May late potatoes should always he peeled some ten or twelve hours, and steeped in cold spring water before they are cooked. This is a great improvement; it makes the pntztmc nearly as good as those dug.T in (lctobcr. The [Roper way to make a (-up of good tea is a matter of some illipm‘tumtt‘. The tea-pot is at once ï¬llcd up with boiling water; then the tea is put lulu the pot, and is allowed to stand ï¬ve minutes before it is used. The leaves gradually absorb the water and as gradually sink to the bottom. The n sult is, that the tea leaves are not scaldcd. as they are .when boiling watcris poured over them; and you get all the true flavor nfthe tea. In truth, mlll'l'] less is required in this way than under the old and common practice. Ixnux N.\nn‘:s.â€"â€"" Poor "or “pore,†wl.i«-h isfound to make thevtermination of so many Indian cities and settle- ments, signiï¬es town. Thus Nagpore mmms the Town of Serpentsâ€"a deï¬- Ulilinn. by the way. sufï¬ciently appro- priate when we reflect on the treach- erous character ofthc Sepoys by whom it was so recently gm‘risnned. “ Abad" and “ pamm " also signify town ; Hy- derabad being Hyder’s Town, and Se- ringnpntamâ€"â€"fl‘om Sreringa, a name of the go} Vishnu. being the town ofSre- ringa. Allahabad. from “ Allah.†God. and “ abad.†abode. mean the almde of Gad; that citv being the cap- ital of Agra. the chief school of the Brahmins, and much resorted to by pilgrian. Punjanb is the country of the Five Rivers, qnd Donb is applied to a part of a country bctween two I'IVCI'S. DESCRIPTION OF Lovn.â€"From a very old Alugaï¬nenâ€"Love is like the dCVIl. because it toi‘.iients us ; like heaven. because it “r.in the soul in bliss . like salt. because it is relishing ; like pepper, because it often sets us on ï¬re ; like sugar, because it is sweet; like a ri-pc, because it. is often the d_:;ith of a man ; like a prison. because it makes one miserable ; like wine, because it makes us happy ; like a m in. because it is here to-day and gone tinnorrow ; like a woman, heâ€" c.inse there is no getting rid ol'il; like a beacon. because it guides one to the Wished for port; like a \vill-d-the- VVlllSl), because il‘ollen leads one into a bug ; ll 9 a ï¬erce enurser, because it often runs away with one; like a little pony. because it ambles nicely with one; like the-bite of a mad dog. or like the kiss of a pretty woman, be cause they both make a man rim mad ; like a goose, because it is silly ; like a rabbit, because there is nothing like it. ln a word, it is like a ghost, be- cause it is iike cveryiiiing, and lik. nothing ' often talked about. but never , seen, touched, or understood. PRESCRIPTION x-‘on THE HoomNG (locumâ€"The prescription comislsm ofthc folluwing ingrudienls. and may be pmcurcd at any drug store for a trifle : Acid Nitric Dilut - - - 10 Drams. Tincturc Curdmnoucs - - 4 do Syrup Squills - - - â€" 4 do Simple {Syrup - - â€" - 2 do. Water - - - - - - - 1 02. Children from two to three years Old may lulu: u tua-spounl‘ul every second hour, and this quantity must be increased or diminished according to age. (lislI-icLhul sevlnï¬ Eanvn'. This is a. Very <nrl inln-lligvncu for the p or, as it will prac- rin-nlly put Ihii e‘culent: beyondytbeir reach Fontunhhvlr however, we hut-Amt! a plenti- ful harvest.†THE FAILURE OF THE POTATO]; CROP m 15.x"GL.\xD.â€"â€"'|"he Lmulou Srur ofOct. 6th says. Il-at 1hr anticq a'ion, wluch had up to that lim.- |u'evuiled «31' a plvntiful crop 0| potentan m that c'nmlry had hem suddenly Jislvulle‘l. 'l‘lny, Star Sn}: :â€"" \Vilhin the 'usf ï¬rw \Vm-k\', lmwr‘w I . lllc rat has maniâ€" fesmd itxell' in the ulnar extraordinary man- nul‘. Hundrnls. of news will not pay for lhu digging. a“ lhe pntaioes. although look- i:-_- VeJ' \vvll whwn livst luken out of the digging. :h‘ I-he lmtaioey. , although look- ve.y ‘qu \thn livst taker! out of the uul. in h'H-nlv four lmu ‘9 are unï¬t for use. m-Iumluly ï¬xis Mlddrn. manifestation of div ass: ism! cnnï¬m-rl to any particular virthul semni zvnwu'. This '5 a. Very No. '24. 10 Drnms. 4 do 4 do 2 do. 1 oz. In future no l’roicstanls are lo be appointed chief physicians or profewors in the General Hospital of Vienna. The Indian relief fund now amounts tn near £200.000. and it IS thought. this mm Will ultimau-ly be doubled or even trebled. A person who escaped from Delhi states that he saw a child mum-d Clark pinned to the wall of a room, with his hand hanging down, and a dark stream of blood trickling to the floor. Close by on the floor, dead, were the father and mother. A New Law of Mississippi, against passing any bank bills of a less denomination than $5, will go into operation on the 1st of November next. After that date it will be an indictable ofl'ence to pass smaller notes than $5 within the State ol‘ Mississippi. The Pays admits that it erred in an- nouncing the departure of Sir Colin Camp- bell for Allahabad on the 3rd of September, but it maintains that its information is cor- rect at the base, and that the gallant genero al did start for that point on the llth Sept. The yellow fever is said to be rag- ing very fatally at Jacksonville, Florida, there having been ï¬fty deaths since the lst ofOcto. herâ€"in cnnsequcnce, the streets of the town were deserted, the court had adjourned, and a day of fasting and prayer had been observ~ ed. The Emperor of Austria has decid- ed that an annual exhibition of the ï¬ne arts shall take place at Vienna, and that 10,000 florins shall be appropiated to the purchase of the most remarkable works. All foreign and national artists will be admitted to ex- hibit their works, and prizes will be distri- buted at the close of the exhibition. Chicago was on Monday morning Visited by the most destructive conflagrac tion that ever visited that cityâ€"total loss is estimated at no less than $600,000. Four persons are known to have been killed by falling walls, and fears are entertained for the safety of others who are missinv. The origin of the ï¬re is unknown. NANA, NOT NENA.â€"The leader of the insurgents at Cawnpore is Nana Dhundoo Pant, the adopted son of the Peshwa, and that he is Nana, and not Nena, we have posi- tive proof, having taken the trouble to ex- amine his seal and signature. On the seal is written in most distinct characters, Nan: Sahib, and the signature is simply Piraji Rao Raja Bhonsle.-â€"-Hmne Mail. MARTIAL LAw.â€"The city of Balti- more has been placed under martial law by the Governor of Maryland, in order to put a stop to the outrages of the Plug Uglies and other gangs of rowdies, and to secure to the citizens the exercise of the right of sufl'rage at the coming election, without the danger of having their heads broken by aslung shot, or their bodies perforated by a pistol ball. The American Company engaged in clearing the harbor of Sebastopol by raising or destroying the Russian men-of- war, sunk there during the last war, were making favourable progress at last account. A letter from Odessa, oi the 28th ull., states that on that day the company were to raise a Russian manor-war of 1'20 guns called (in tne vernacular) the “ Twelve Apostles.†The Monileur publishes a corres- pondence from Bombay, of September 15, which afï¬rms that, although there hal bl-en no fresh act of pesitive rebellion in the Rom- bay army the disposition of that force is (h. plorable, and that they were being dimmed rapidly. The Company, it is said, has or- Jercd the purchase or 17,000 camels and 9,000 elephants, thereby showing thatalong campaign is expected. A seaman of the name of Robert Lloyd, belonging to the ship “ Albionf’ now in port, accidenlly fell over the bow of the Slllp last night between the hours of 11 and 12 o’clock and was drowned. The body was recovered about twenty minutes after- wards. and every exertion used by the crew and the policeman to restore life, but unforâ€" tunately without success. The deceased was a inan of about 28 years ofdge, from Chester. England. and leama wife and hm"... IlIwm-m/ Pilot 3rd Nov. The Colonist, says ~â€"â€"Profcssor Mind and several of the members ol‘his party have returned from their explorations in the Hudson’s Bay territory. They travelled over an immense tract ofcountry, which they describe in glowing terms both as regards soil and climate. Their labors are liker to be attended with very important results. The public wil' look anxiously for an authentic .arralire of their explorations. Miscellaneous l tems. Some weeks past two cows, affect- ed with malignant carbuncles, were slaugh- tered at a village in Flanders, and the meat was sold. Persons who ate it were not in- jured, but the farmer who was-lied his hands in water tinged wilh the blood died within l8 hours, and his servant, who had done the same. is in great danger, whilst, of two other persons wflb assisted in cutting up the animal one had his arm and the other a linger am- putated to prevent gangrene.